HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-18, Page 3NOTES AND COMMENTS
A significant point of view is that
of the, head of a great English firm,
Mr. Seeholim Rowntree, -who has
written to the leeden Daily Mail
-criticising the churches for not
arousing the classea to a keener
sense a the inequalities of fortune
which are "so utterly pposed to
the great prineipIe of brotherhood.
Had they Played their part in mak-
ing us vitally conscious," writes
Mr; Rowntree, "that all our (zipper,
tunities and talents and possessions
lelhould be regarded, as a trust, to be
utilized not for our own ends but
for the benefit of the community,
we should never have heard of la
leer enrest. It is because we have
forgotten our trust that labor rises
and says to us: 'If neither love. nor
instice can induce you to share the
good things a the world with your
co-workere on fair terxu3 we who
bave suffered for generattona must
deniand oar share by force.'
must reg.ogniro that
done to the work
riace an the
rich, No doubt, as the de
higher wage and betto
ns ot work heeentea more, in -
the entpleying classes wUl
inprQe their methods of orgard
d in many i4dUstrien grog
can hO i114130 in the'
arit of the workcra without material-
ly lessening the earninen of capital
But this will net solve the prob-
lem,. The poverty at one end of
-the eeeial scale will net be removed
except by enereaehing heavily upon
tie greet riches' at the, other end, I
think during the next few years wo
reel labor organized more
fectivey than ever before, eueness-
demanding a much larger
ol the wealth annually pro -
business man
ees very mueli lartber than most
1 hie world, But the hurler -
recent year in Great
ritT must be illuminating to
ne any ol tho proportied classes. The
organieation et labor is becoming
inoro inclusive, more militant, and
mere effective each year, while the
resuro of econornie necessity sup-
plie over inceeasieg propulsion
upon the English 11143SOS. The in-
ereaso of the cost of living relative
to wage increase is substantially
greater, and is felt even by the
classes above the wage career
es:lately, Meanwhile political and
social philosophy is modifying the
thought of the edueated elaeses. The
movement toward large social read-
justments based en the economic r
volution of the last, eentu ry is grow-
ing in depth and power, and per-
haps the most important question
in the world of European civiliza-
tion is whether these readjustments
can be brought about without revo-
lution. If this be possible any-
where, it should be in England,
Then flew one of the seraphim un-
to me, haring coal in his
band, whieh be had taken with the
tongs •from off the &tare—Isaiah
vi, 6,
These words are taken frees ehe
description of a thrilling experi.
ence that Isaiah, the seer of Israel,
lash in the House of God. He had
gone there seeking God, in respense
to an inapulse that, some time or
other, stirs every mind. He had a
neversto-be-forgotten experience —
inapin, uplifting, In a vieien of
the Eternal One received there the
evidene eoneeru of the Lord a Glory
for the seer himself filled the life
of Isaiah with ennver end strength
for the sestet hia days, though they
were` often fraught with hardship
and desnaln.
The picture in inspiring and ap-
propriate for us, because it is: taro -
Indio of the grIlinS of the Rove
God teeday—it foreshadows what
tbo wore's*, of the Ohureb of Chriet
to mean te men, when God
teblish it in the earth,
the experieuee of the see
n that plaee of worship, God was
t ere Ard the place was Ailed with
perletion ef glory. Revorene
evereece of
Authority Was these—the unques-
tioned authority of perfect 0004
nese. Helinese Was theree-the di-
vine Perity and Righteousness.
Love and rOMPassion were there-'
prfeet and supreme, beautif,vin
wed transforming all, aore---Fe
givenees was there, divineet of aU
virtnes. .1 a 11 felt most keenly hi
nasa ,and that of th
e world. "Wee is me,'
, "for I am of unclean lips,
It in the midst of a pee
pie of unclean lips?' Then in re-
pentance Was naado opportunity for
forgiveness, There flew one of the
raphina unto him with the live
coal from off the altar, saying, "tee
this bath touched -dee' lips and thine
iniquity is taken away, and thy sin
is purged." And he was a new man,
forgiven and perged.
These are the blessings held forth
to 'nee most fully in the Gospel 01
the Lord Jeaue Christ. We, are as-
sured that God may be found, un-
queetienably, i Ilia Word, the
Bible. This Word, -rairdstered to
meet the greatest, the first need of
men, is held, forth to every seeking
life. And more—that He can he
found ise assured by the fact, in ad-
dition to man eetileing God)! 1145 bilV3
come into the World
He sent His $1n that the Son, tee-
ing lifted up, might draw all men
unto Hinn This is the strongest,
greatest message ever told to mon-
jt nnomiees onenese with God in
His eternal perfeetions and perfec
life, Many Qom testify to hanin
this experienee in the Renee of God,
aetual and real, se did the seer
Isaiah ef old,
Again, nee the benefits this pericnce gives, In, finding Geti, the
Truth. "Ye shall knew the Tretli,'
says Christ, "and the Truth will set
you free," We find geocineee, with
precieue bleesinge, purity and
ghteousnesa with their reepleti-
dent beauty, love as broad and deep
as the sea, and forgiveness: sweet-
st ef all blessings, purifying and
ennobling life, These are the fun-
damental blessings—the ones that
traneforin manhood and waive
heed, that create eltaraeter
end us out into life and its tasks
tted te de and to triumph. We the
ails more then meat and driuk—
• gain God's kingdom.
Ismaltle experience in the Houses)
God may be the cc/meson experience
ef reankind, It is possible for ua
fl to realize the blessings of the
life nad kingdom at the Eternal
One,—Rev. F. J. Baum.
HOW to Deal With Weeds Which
Contaminate Clover Seed Crops.
In tile preduction of alfalfa seed
the weed i to be especially watched
are ragweed, rilagrass bladder cam -
pion, trefoil and sweet clover. Usu-
ally it is only the perennial weeds
which contaminate the seed if the
killed -out and thin places of field
are taken care of with a scythe.
In alsike, the docks are sonae-
times common. They should be
pulled when in blossom after the
ground has been softened with a
rain, or they may be picked out
when cutting the seed and burned.
The campions, especially night flow-
ering catclatly or sticky cockle,
"t -when in blossom shoot up above the
.alsike and if not ton' thick may be
either 'pulled or the tops cut off
with a sickle. It would be neces-
sary to_ hand -pull wild inustaed-
from aleike and spud out any ox -eye
daisy. Trefoil is hard to deal with
in alsike. •
In red clever- most of the wild
;mustard diseppears with the first
cutting. The rest must be hand -
pulled. Docks should be cut or
pullectif they appear after the crop
:Is removed for hay and any other
perennials must be dealt with in a
eSiaailar way. Ilibgrass and caespion
seeds are altogether too common
In red clover seed, as are also those
ef ragweed and faxtail. Sweet
clover is becoming quite prevalent
and is most easily removed from the
first crop by pulling or Spudding
offer a ram.
ashion Hints
A word on the subject of fashions
hairdressing cannot came amiss
when the ecaserths fashions are con-
sidered. And certainly the vista,
opening before us is a pleasing one,
Lor there is a charming simplicity
characterizing the new modes whieh
eennot fail to appeal to artistic and
cultured taste.
Indeed, this ejenplicity is the key-
note of the new modes in hairdress-
ing, elaboration being avoided in
every way, and it is "more enatter
with less art," or rather, the art
which disguises art, that is con-
spicuous, that has been the case csi
recent years. In Paris this feeling
is carried alnaost to an extreme, and
some coiffures are seen in which the
hair is plainly tucked up on the
neck in a manner almost unpleas-
antly reminiscent of the eerly Vic-
torian net.
Leaving such exaggerations on
one side, however, there can be no-
thing but prates for the gracious
swathing of the head with plain un-
twisted coils. "
Hats are immense, and there does
not seem any prospect for the pre-
sent of their growing smaller. They
are veritable cart wheels, and ac-
tually much larger than the wheel
of a perambulator. Much of their
effect depends upon the angle at
which they are pinned upon the
It is not always easy to succeed
with this angle, and a hat bought
in a shop is, consequently, occasion -
3,11y a very bad disappointment.
There ought to be laws of latitude
and longitude whereby the purchas-
er might learn exactly the angle
which the brim should bear to the
line of the eyes.
_Those who dislike large hats have
the alternative, and a very agree-
able one, ef the rather large tur-
ban, with the trimming massed on
the top, or one straight feather
standing up et the left side. An-
other alternative equally agreeable
is that of the 'plateau," which can
be arranged before the looking glass
in as many curves as may suit the
The colored sash and girdle is
coming back, this pretty fashion
which has been lost for the past
few years in the vogue for Empire
and one-piece effects, will be vsel-
corned by many. There is, no doubt, -
that a t,ouch of color ei; the waist
line adds greetly to the becoming--
Petenville Geol. London on a nese' of the white frock, . while the
daily avera,ge contains a thousand' sinart effect ,en a gown ef chiffon
prisonera. " or,lingerie is &mate. be questioned jy
hacks of blue, rose, ecru,
red, lavender as well as
lack are mest13r seen, in ,KIMO cas-
es the crushed girdle ends in
crossover finisb at the left aide;
other styles show a narrower gih-
lc with military sash ends, that as
One short end tommg under the
'rale ancl falling over the top. The
ilitary girdle is quite the newest
thing, the ends finished with em-
broidery, fringe or Earley ornaments
are smart, while, the latest modes
show the use of printed chiffon in
East Indian colorings.
White pique is being revived. It
is seen in coats, suits and dresses.
A rouleau effect of a very simple
nature en the skirt is the latest
note in these plain frocks. It is
shown on one made of white pique
which has a waistband of povenche-
blae silk, a piece let in on the neck
of the same; also pipings on the
A. broad band of black velvet rib-
bon on which blue buttons are
mounted, appears on the blouse,
and is brought down to front the
The fulness necessary for walking
is secured by the arrangement of
the slight draping of the side panels
of the skirt into the back panel. The
front panel is, of course absolute-
ly plain. The effect is of a double
skirt at the side, and the arrange-
ment, while it requires to be man-
aged by a master hand, has an as-
sured popularity before it in the
plain summer freeks.
Pine were first manufactured by
machinery in England in 1824.
Australia is the largest island in
the world; its area is nearly three-
fourths that of Europe.
Was ieknamed "Bean BrumMel
on ount of Ifin Loud Dress
lag and Foppishness.
eau Brumanel was the niekname
give4 to George Bryan Brummel,
a man who 'was !moue izi hia day
as the arbiter of fashion and for re-
presenting the perfection of taste in
the matter of drese. No ancedetes
f bis 'very early yearn are known
except hat be creed because his
juvenile stomach was not infinitely
distended so that he cold eet more
E his aunt's delielous tarts,
Bra/Ai:eel fir et came to notice at
Eton, as a cetndent, twelve. years
old, where he wan called Buck
Bruramel, There he distinguished
himself, not at erieleet playing,
or finWeing, but as the introducer of
a gad filiekle for the white steelt,
IV never being flogged, and by ins
ability at tasting cheese,. Then
Brummel went to Oriel College,
where he made hie merit by a stud-
ied, indifferenee todiseipline„.a dis-
ibe of study, arid an aversion to
tRel forke, long before silver ones
re common at the tcdale,s of the
iddle classes to which his parents
yi:0 became one of the, eampetiters
for a prize to be given tor the best
Poems Be failed, and in disgust
he left college at the age of eeven-
teen, having been there leas than a,
year, However, if he had little
learning, he had learned two things„
hew to gain eelebrated friends, and
how to ent any of his acquaintances
who eeased to be of any benefit to
By the detb of his father Beau
neernel r ved whioh ho
1st r and when that, was
he ted en what he eb-
b , borrowing and
begging. Ua ebtained a coventry
the Tenth Hussars of which
George, PrinceEeent, sfterwar4s
George IV., was oolo 1—a revs
meat of fops, tbe most expensive,
best -dressed and worst-moreled in
the British army,
A walk Brummel chanced to take
en the terrace of Windsor was a
lucky eircumstanee for him. The
prince -colonel observed him, asked
who that exceedingly well-dressed
person was, aud the Beau was in-
troduced. An acquaintenee was
followed by an intimacy which later
the coxcomb developed into un-
bounded ilepudence.
By this etep his repntation was
Made, which he kept up for some
years. He bad an immense fund of
good, but not witty sayiuga. His
friends pronounced him a charming
compa,nion, he entered the highest
eircles of England and his rise in
his regiment was rapid. In three
years he was at the head of the
troop, to the disgust of the alder
In 1798 Brummel sold his com-
mission, His reason for it was ne-
ver thoroughly explained, but the
unsettled state of Europe at that
tittle rendered it highly probable
that his regiment might be sent in-
to active service and he preferred a
drawing -room to a battlefield.
He then commenced the profes-
sion of a beau, and became known
as the Prince of Beaux, while his
patron was called the beau of
princes. At this time he was per-
fect in point .of figure, with an in-
telligent but not a handsome fee.
He had light brown hair, a nose
somewhat Roman'and a beautifully
shaped hand. Dress at that time
became very untidy. Many of the
leading men of the day affected
supreme contempt for all outward
adornments and the mode of a gen-
tleman's dress had come to be as
slovenly as possible.
Brueinnel, who had been conspic-
uous from boyhood for the neatness
of his attire, now determined to be
the best -dressed man in London.
He took care to display to the best
advantage his fine figure in a per-
fectly -fitting frock coat. But his
chief forte lay in hie cravat which
Fat Ch Idren, ave to bevery good now,: f
/neatarm aiid cannot ehrash you for about a mouth.
Na broken
before his time was a piece of limp
cambric toosely fastened aroued the
throat. Ite tole care to have it
slightly starched. Staridiog before
his glass with ehirt collar erect and
ef a prodigious height, he generally
aPPlied the avat to the throat.
fit it measured a feet in width.
Then bending deem artistically
with slow and regular movemente
the oaar, followed by his chin,
and twelve inehes were rechieed to
four and the tying of the knot fol-
lowed. Be 'lever tried the same
cioth but once, and if he failf4, off
it came, was thrown azide and arts
other tried,
Ile may be exmated for being vale,
for he VAr -Qattored by kin,gs Tor
their representatives, the pinee
even spending hours in the morning
in the Beau's recess watching the
progress of his toilet. A duchess
thought it necessary to warn her
daughter to he eareful of her be-
havior when the celebrated Beau
Bruipmel waa present, aid a credi-
tor was satisfied With A how from a,
elubhouee windene and a word from
hien would Tula a tailor. He eaeri-
fiend his mannere to his appearance
for he would not remove his bat in
the street, after it had been placed
in a' oorrerOt Position, to bow to a
Itean Erummel had a famous col
lectiori of enufthoxes and Was Cele-
brated for the care he teak in ()pen-
ing 'the lid of the box with the
thurob of the band that carried it
ad deliceteln taking A pineh with
the fingers of the other. Eie WAS)
ir short, a well-dreeeed enob, but he
was flattered nud invited every-
wbere to nail a degree that he
thought himself a, groat man.
He hosed that he had but to
beckon to the Dukes of Argyle and
Jersey and they would come, and
be held all but the peerage in die -
(lain, It seerne Estrange that a men
f his disposition should be toler-
ated at a club, i ay of the many
anecdotes told about him are true.
The houses of the British nobility
he regarded as inns to be visited by
him with valet and portmanteau,
with or without invitation, and to
be spoken of afterwards as "a house
to spend one night in."
Ile boasted el the prinee; "I
made him what he is and *an un-
make hien," just the sort et saying
to irritate
Brummel dined with the prince,
and, carrying his impudence a little
toe far, he requested the regent to
ring the bell, He did so, and when
the servant elute he ordered "Mr
Drummers carriage." It may have
been the remark made some time
before about the Beau having made
the regent, er it may have been the
sarcasm an the prime's corpulency,
but, at any rate, the bell was rung,
and it sounded the knell of Brum-
mel, who, however, had a little re-
The prince prided himself an his
figure, and Oa he grew broad with
years and good living, resorted to
stays to preserve it,. The Beau,
meeting him in company with an-
other gentleman, inquired very
coolly, but loud enough for the
prince to bear: "Who is your fat
friend'?" The eoolness, presump-
tion and impertinence of the ques-
tion, perhaps the very best thing
the Beau ever said, cut the prince,
but gave him the nickname of Dan-
dy Killer.
For a while Brurrunel patronized
the regent's brother, the Duke of
York, but he soon got deeper and
deeper in debt. He struggled along,
and often, with some success, to
keep his place among the dandies
and wits. Creditors became trouble-
some, he received the nickname of
George the Less in contradistinction
of the prince, who was called
George the Great, and he came to
the conclusion that it would be bet-
ter to cross the channel.
For the remainder of his life the
Beau lived in. France, part of the
tune in a government consulship
position, and the remainder of the
time supported by his former
friends. He finally sustained a
paralytic shock, from which he ne-
ver reeovered. His creditors closed
around him and he was cast into
prison. He showed signs of imbe-
cility; all care of his person went,
and from carelessness and disease
his habits became so loathsome that
an attendant could hardly be found
for him. ;Admission was at last ob-
tained for him into the asylum of
the Bon Sauveur, Caen, where he
died on March 30, 1840.
France's fastest train is the one
running from Paris to Busignva
distance of 112 miles in112 minutes
Aseents of passenger -carrying
balloons were first made in Eng-
land in 1784.
Many a woman Lets her neighbors'
affairs worry her more than her
eYes, Corcrelia, a romantic man
may be all to the good: as, a, love
maker, lyat he isn't in it with the
pl'lloartterr.-of-fact Man as a family ,sup-
By,Partaking of coeOa, an -ext
rom a South American plant
hat name, men Cark endure let
abor without feed for, a,,perio
ix or seven days
JULY 21.
Lesson III.—The growth of U.,
kingdom.—Matt. 4. 2642, Matt.
13. 33. Golden text, Meta O. 10.
MARK, 4. 26-32.
VPT,Sn 26. And he said—Not nese•
essarily on the same occasion on
which the words recorded ie tho
verses preceding were spoken.
Mark has gathered together, rather,
several of the utterances of jeeue
beerier on the same general theme,
even as has Matthew in the thir-
teenth chapter of his Gospel.
So is the kingelOm--The parable
which those words introduee is re-
corded, only by Mark, In teaching
it sepplements the parable of the
wheat and, the tares, which we shall
study in oar riert
As if a man should cast seed Up-
on the earth—Deliberately sow hie
seed with the full expectation that
the groWth and harvest would 14-
iuw in due season,
„ Sleep and rise night and day
—Go ubout his daily affairs with no
colleen" regarding the outcome of
Isis sowing venture—live norreally„
observing the natural routine of
toil and recreation.
Spring up ard grow --Of its ovvrk
accord, without the assistance of
men, who doesnot- ao nracle as know
the secret processes at its germina-
tie* and development.
28, Beareth—Or, yieldeth.
Of hereelf—The &oil itself furnish-
es the mestere and nourishment
needed for the 'growth of the seed.
The teaching of the parable hinges
on the thought of this verse, „
Blade. „ ear. grain
—The stages of growth aro specific,
as the processes of natme are or -
The nerreal method by
which the kingdom of heaven ie to
be established =one; men is that
of gradeel development,, both in
the individual life and in society
at large,
234. When the fruit is ripe—Liter-
ally, -when the fruit allowetli,
Putteth forth the sickle—Literal-
ly. sendeth fertile -makes all the ar-
rangements for gathering in the
30.11ew shall we liken the king-
dom /--There are till other aspects
of the Kingdom which Jesus sets
forth in this and subeequent par-
31. A. grain of muetarel seed—In,
all probability the seed of the cent -
men mustard plant is meant, which
in warmer climates grows to a
height of twelve or more feet.
Less than all the seeds—That is,
smaller tlaan any other seed famil-
iar to those to whom Jesus was
speaking, not literally- the smallest
seed upon the earth.
32. Greater than all the herbs—
Those known to the Sews and com-
mon in their fieldand gat -clans.
Birds . . . lodge under the shit -
doe, thereof—Finding rest and shel-
ter, as well s as food, among the
MATTHEW 13. 33.
Another parable—Added here
because of its similarity in thought
to the parable of the mustard seed.
Like unto leaven—Or, yeast.
Three measures—The word in
Greek denotes the Hebrew seah, a
measure containing nearly a peck
and a half.
Till it was all leavened --Made
Eght by fermentation.
People oft -en suffer from weak,
undeveloped lungs without suspect-
ing it. True, small, feeble lungs
are usually associated with a small,
narrow, or 6:oaken chest, but not
invariably. By means of the misuse
of physical culture it is possible to
develop large chest muscles, thus
acquiring a big chest Measurement,
while the lungs remain small and
ill -nourished.
Again, lung mischief is often so
slow and insidious in its approach
that the trouble is not discovered
until it is firmly established. Here
however, is a simple test which will
tell you whether your lungs are
healthy or not
- Take as deep a breath as you ca
and then, in a slow but distine
Aroicre count 1 rem one onwards as
far as you can without taking
more breath. The number of sec-
onds you can continue counting i
a pretty reliable index to the stabe
of your lungs, so you should hai
someone to time you.
If your lungs are sound and it
mally developed your range wi
between twenty and thirty-five,
onds, there is no need to be abiril
;in rtije (dip aobli Ye xysolit'leli.. sehl, to ase
i•ainede, by regular deep brtia,
n parc an ge ess
ten e.donds however, pditit
leeS iniselle
ief, ann
should apt delay in haville
a medi