HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-11, Page 8F,. - EXETER ADVOC.ATE, THUREU T JULY 11r 11 ER MARKETS. O13.A.^NGh•D EA,QH WEDNESDAY 1 05 1."'05 OE- -70 ucktvhe r . 90' 90 Mats. , ,. 50 ,50 Pew ....<.,..,,..e.,... 1 00 1 15 Potatoes, per bag .,,.;. 1 20 1x60 Hag, per tion.,•., ,,,,... 1400..10'00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per ow 1. 8 106 .Gutter,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,. 20 3 Eggs,,..:, .,.,,,,,.., 19 19 Livehog . percwt".,,, •. 7'40. Shorts per 2200 Br= per rou, 2200 Sugar Beet meal..., „,., , . 2600 Wheat , Barley GRIP LOST -0n a email "and g4I?. er )4.,_ '-;g ba'D.Y p,rtlielos F;rider " iPt y .,4ave• at Hay P. 0, or Pow ell's B3,.zaar_ r " MILLINERY—THE BALANCE OF OUR MILL/NEAT DE SOLD AT [I;SI'F PRICE, BE SIRE TO VISIT OUR. SHOW BOOMS.—STE.WAET'S.. HOUSE FOR SALE ' I;1 W'tl"..'.-: '3 Street, Exeter„ Any pe` son d-. creams separator wZIl do welt to dsa>C at the teeter DargaM Stare and see c' -e ;P='ern:sr! This 14 one t the beat .a rd ti ae!e, st are.i « separators en t*c xaritet. Como in and lit as talk It; over 'With you. W. +FS. BLATCHF'CRD, Exeter. A II1G II-A','ZGE 4l^'" OWING SHIRTS FOR '1lE l IN 'WHITE, FANCY STRIPES AND COLORS, SPECIA1. AT 1.00. STEW AR"T', ; WANTED—A. .r"ellablcbusinejY fr ^ ItA ',epreeeni Tte Waste n On ax Per,); ; tri, t>d?la for the r, ht wvi i.,.°gtort. Nurstrymea, . ' , COt+a-a1N.;TION I NlfEll 1 1 AND WOMEN IN L"lrI MESH W DA VES,—STE A. T Pardee ,..;' ,4 leas ot*d,e'kt would aka •yell to eeannualeat4t' 60S, Saskatoon. Soak, We w clad to gave yv.,u 1 pries a:t. It yeah ;z d:',SPOgie ,?t Avll b glad to sell it for 70‘1, EPP GQATS IN S'.IZLES, NE,A,TL ' 1W'EL zup . MADE 1414110 'it),'",7•,.EW ART'S, LOCAL DOINGS. Look in and not otlte: Look ferward aPti nQt backward, Look ;In and n otout, and lend a hand to boa -at your tow,z Ir you dg not 111c'81 it get out, ?ltr, Jes. Davie lost' his driver tact week. . tins. FalanTd Wria3=#, s very U1 at ±zee daolzlt;; A number from hero: eq,40e,d, to, the Bend on Sunday; Councillor R r er:s Is again confined, to his home through ;illness. Making excuses takes t dire; that 3s better spent in "nicking good." There is: hope foz" the young graduate e realizes how i ttlee he knows, Blyth are the ab- .c v, points for Me Qrange+nest o • Meyers ,Went AMY and Thos, I •e_. each sold f torsos lay Voitailre last week at .$300,00 eakb,, It e uste.114. the= 41,141 •who deepi'f Na' ve to try WO' 'tr,.eia the hardest rel .'arak,3 a tdSot o* M).rnsae t - foz dl's Reward's school reRar•t pub- ish d last week ttae'; lie of Dorothy Ealtsw,will was onr!t ed, Sha, Paa$dad with 77 per ceM[. Fred Weill la su toot the, moult et horses ltd, wag el 1itrIl I d$f arl.autt1., tat .12owlidag on the ,g4Vons. ti a sd sacra1 en re. ra. ,of the. Exeter ,ho•v- lora a tact rise)* hay?, the hest green its Wes tet'a1 ()Marie, Asaita does orae aYltrptttxy ge out w thontAnde of so el teaet)et's wklc fele wu Xfaoaths" must a ,u the ranks Vis. ti - uittnaploycdl•, at 'ourhuednces r:vel says ;mealy ¢ aladiut you; 't is a comidttaaenu-- a• ¢ l edlxa beget than f •arc . s you rot e mould not ,ahµse ypu- Loney I-Ieywaod, Miss Carrie, Kn." rt is visiting in II- derton Miss ilfarga+et 114na. .. td 1'ngr /tem, i+lr. and Mr;s.. A,. F. Andre); week it+ li•;e t;a)z. Hp,rry' C.+tr•k'ng of Brantford, s ,hpl- _day :ng at Hems, Izs, W, G- B sset!r tett Saturday on a trip to Wester Canada, Mrs.E. A, Follick: attendedthe fullez- al of am aunt irk ToA;o=rt_a last week; :'dr. Snelgrove of St, Thomas visited at the he me of 'Mrs. Thos. GregprY over Sunday,. Russell May' has commenced, his pro- ba:+ic n ads 3uneon pastor of _the '13ery e Niethodlet church. lir'," Joan W. Taylor wan in Shake- speare duri=ng the week owing to her daughter's illness. Miss Stella Gregory atsl0 1 H• .shit Q. chilies left Tuesdaytrio oa.'; ag to spend several weeks an Bra'<npta.+> aad, Torr. n Cert wbea too trig h IQnWTig to 514, Giloer't Pow 1)40',P1415 dTaa Sat- zw, tt, ,dl turf •lg suddenly last 'teas apg1 *glans ' of the e eo7t ikerab]b : damaged. Itdk Prov i^,chat adult place OS e Low!- . 4, on¢?-.lr^, S. J. IaartF .¢31 e ,,,e -ter the boliday- spent last a:ata.._ ;,iso Stepacker of I.,Ondof ;dam relatives ;In and around, Exeter, t ,e guest. et Mrs. Darrel SOhr, eller, tstep- then, Ins. Percyem-4 1e e Porgy gluten, • vIelte I, ()vet', Smid.xy with her sla- ter, Mtn L1z4e, P,cfi"akktellte "a 'whe ie ire cd very lQw a;?e, oralth,F A1r, Luther T. Crig crud _f43,11,NY Moto i as ed ewer fro Teleoa O't,io,- last week itM arGlv3sltin '?•1r ,. ill's rapUer, Taos. Gregory: fel!,a, few da-ys.; ,y u'. S. T. Bibles engin. C,?.R , and nrA€td, WTn. Maddock, iireman C.P.B., Qf TorQntaa aro visiting with,t tt for.. an_'s grandmother, Mrs, Jahn Sanders,. S tephen, 7, ^y y yy,,a b,.e, iP a,R i'S"se ".3t ,M, af ia Fi. h .. it:7 fo r laa„+t iTitY, ='$ end lairs Jam De&actt±a and, ot'tlh?r 0:4'$ ln. tewla ta£verll WeQlt>sa TOtur, ed tQ, ler ho."r la) "acscouvea , B, 04, ett TAUrad AY tae fir. aidWil,4/3 As n leave b£eC) vt,tlu wits. firer uBAclet ata Aunt tits. and ;Atre, Frank Tr,leilner, Stephen, re turned to their IteMr£, tta .Toldt p, Ola;tS, accompanied lay Mies Julta TrlOhnet; Whet w l R3pend * ate:ntilt !flu, ;th,k t e",tY. lata. lain, prop InW:e carrarspoxaclenve, rail oat, BATHING t ZTS FOR BOYS 3 N^iION'T FAIT; TO BC ONE 'OBE GOING Ol"T TOUR HOLIDAYS. FT ,file, to $1,7$0.—SiEi l'AR4 S. -tACATION NOTIOE, •—Dr, Rau]stcn ,-'sires to 'announce that iris dental .est Ica wilt be closed felon% July 13th, to x uet 15tiz. R SPBEBRY FESTIVAL—A rasp- berry festival w:31 ba itetd do connec- tion w:th the Presbyter:An Church, an Yr, G]arist:e's Lawn, On Thursday, July 15t1:. Tea served #roux 6 to ti o'clotlt, Band :in rwitrr.da,ice, Adm'.s- slair 2t e. and, 15c. MONEY LOST -0n Jurtc L0th be- tween Jett. Flelter',s, -Osborne, and Ar, thus. Sa der,g', £meter, ,a snifill purse' a 'il 1:d somec8 3-a1 , tom, a tLr da]] isaa]" change. Finder w::11 ba suitably rewarded by leav xig sane) at tills office. f of t] eve made :9 to us bowev£r al re are not llv:33;5 up a.zrirk, TSI.' slaoulda't UV. . C a P rascy last week favored ua wltb two Wee xtpe'tott ztaea grtown has own gardsn., Mr,, Wary has'. of foe. best g,arl'd,3aas d/a town and invariOlo leads in the pr rdiuctlon early tomatoes, ital ,hav,irfg. had tela o: a Qv £r tea days nS'p. is lerzrracd at military headquarters t; atlev, rskl officera Had 'been called upoaa to rest as tl*e:r+ commies, ons tor vi - ens of tizd& orders t'capccU. as the use at liquor en "t'.elr mess. Ono ottl- cer, who became intosio,ited at camp,' was summarily seat tensa and requested to retire. Xes, 3t ions been hot. And these:410 a1 e t a paint of noted a a31d:rec0 Ing the Etat 'aa t.h"ott Siolni 411e, 034 to 'the'9tli wore We Ifetiest days,recertt ed la 0)atarlo 3aT 100. yeaara. It stray be so, arid they o_.ugr'V to know, 'but wo deal, 13":I7.6,fo ;st' l.a' atI hot as those tour or five clay laLgt Yca3". xS React or.ary :5tor Berlod is central on tic. 14th 15th and 1Gth. The on coming Venus perod blends with, that oi: '.liercury at tibia p`r4.3•03.. ,Tbe mo:•r es p.lso zit p r.gee and :e'.' an thz- 14th.. Very warm weather ,low, barometer and bluster:n_, nerac'n;g storm clouds: will result ac t:,19 t-C:n. The hyg1J,t;nnetcy1 1011 a,d•ca,e u.-n)istakablY v. -tether much d ra~n w:11 fail during t:3•'sn storms. A tow dayspa tial relief from summer 'teat zvhll come , w:tv r:sang baro;neterr after the eastward passage of :hese storms. The 13Th is the central day1 of a +seisms period extending from the? 11th.'to the 17th. . Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Company's 11111111111 COR1 The best hard coal rained. Burns ton white ash. W. H. LEVETT, - COALMAN Dollar Doublers Our C2a+sellise1 Plant Ado. ars real dollar -doublers, In shoe e'ther arca nervous allergy they esll( servo yOU many :tins** thslr a,'r,afi coot by .bringing. to your door esha•t you rsqulre, „whsthsr it be eh.ri©nt ,help, ct;d,esiras,bla borrower for :surplus cash a pe- itl6x,+or a d5, 9es€ic. • A guest convincing anIrma- atirompre proof would be to try +a rw.,,,'''-., • a riot.., }F Our Ontario Legislature ,]las =and ,- ed F.( J a trilaw r oral aw.• true c .c e an a t.rl atg g' p• shows, and now no „children under t:t-. teen years are a]]owcd to attend them unless accconrpanieci ,by an adult. The p -nasty for infractions of this clause is not less than $50 nor more than! 200.90 with $25.00 ion each day the o"'fence Is 'repeated, The 3ames Street pulpit was Occupied by the new pastor for the f rst time on : Sunday. Rev. 'McAllister preached saterest xag and instructive emons to e*aragregatton,s that were large cons'der- f:rg the heat. Mr, affil Mrs. 'Meal]:Ste;, arrived Thursday evening and are now comfortably settled in the parrsonage. There is no plant known to matn,thatJ gives such a quantity of :food ,to the acre are the banana. It yields 1.4 times more by weight than the popato and 133 tames more than wheat. Another peculiar-.-eature about the banana fire that no in -sect w:a1' attack it; and an- other Is that It is absolutely immune to the diseases That fruits are sub- ject to. The current issue :'of, the Ontario Gaz- ette' contains an act -passed, three years ago, under whdch the supreme court of: adjudicature becomes the supreme court of Ontardo. Tine present court of ap- peal of hive judges, the divisional court for hearing appeals, and; the four divis- dons of the htb courts, ail disappear, The new court will ba compo,sed_ of two` diviistons, appellate' and high court Notwithstanang the eatrcme wet wear titer, in the ,sprihnlg, followed, ;by the very warm and dry weattlt , there; are reports of _ solve `vea'ly:, tall hay and grain. inn this vicinity.. We were shown a stalk of we teat last week grown on the farm of Mr. G, Pe iha,le, Stephen, that meaterured, '5 f feet, 11 ,Inches, and 'a, stalk of hay grown' by Mr. Samuel San- ders, .Huron . Street tram, me.a,eured '`4 feet, 10 inches. Exeter, -- Ontario {a4P'4p '*1i%lr i vleitina relatives ip, town,, Mr, Fred Mallett visited at Grand. Bend, on Sunday. Miss Sarah Sweetis, v;leiting in Lois-'. don for a few weeks. 'Liss Ley Handford is home from Toronto for the holidays. Clifford E. t,3icAvoy of Iloronto :s hot idaraig at his nouns here._ mr•s, gurlihy ofiCh;rxtontie visiting with, her son, Mr. Worland Murphy , Mrs. Wes. Balfour of liitchell zs rs;ting at Mr. TAGS: Kerniek's= Miss Martha Carling returned to. New York Hospital to resume her duties, Misses Ethel Sweet and Merril Gould milliners, ape `home for, the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans of London visaed relatives ;zero Sunday. Mrs. G. Anderson and :lex' matcher i)ave retuned from, a viuft in Fingal. l Mrs. Linder of Toledo 's ip Exeter a)ortli ay/Ingle tl1Q Illness of her grand mother„ ra. Herbert Harry Bawden of Ridgetown is visit- ing +rata grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos.. Bowden, - Mise Eva Carling of St. Luke's Hos- pital, New York, is holidaying at her home here. Mr. J. A. Sanders Woodstock is xtislitur his parents far a fear days: Pr?or 4,0 Iea ^t Xyl Lh ',v t, Mrs. (Dr) Ramsay and IdI gr Ran lite#a aro vrolilag at the lfanac of 1dir,. Simon Campbell, Mr, and Mrs, James Wanless and daughters of Duluth, Minn, aro visiting at Via'. L. 11atd , .: Th. atzd 1< ta. NWIWA4ady wild 1Tri and Mrs. 'WY.. J,i Inlet .n visited the, dog tosta old 'haa).e near' Watford Suarday, ,[t:, and ltts,t Percy Verity S' Mr, end Geo. SoUtiwatt and ?a ed Ott and Iaride silent .l'olada<y even - INA., TA, , CO4itn,a4'a, r: and Mre r It;chalydsola, who have as visiting the latterr's parents. Mr„ zd Mrs. S, Smith, I,andan_Road, South aI turned to their hQ,'r #n Tonto kir- I day, • i s Advance in furniture Tea Quality, Variety and Beauty^- but NOT in privet?, is the movement now being executed to our store. Phone 20a Residence next to the etore, no N. Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO The :•Shedden correspondent of The Ad- vertiser says Io5 sin, Exeter toy,—"Pries to his ,departure f oi" hrof horns in Exeter,' A. G. Heywood, 1ltas been junior pastor in the Method`at church hertz;,' was ,h,n gue,at of, the Young Men's Bible Claes at` the hcimi 'dr Ur. J. 11,=Balinartj S3u ni`;,the even5ng Mr. Heywood was presented wdth.; a handsome volume of Roderick McKay aped and address, ,ex p ese nS' general regret at b s depa:rt•lre was tread by Leonard Moccre. The continued; Ruin weather.has spurr- ed, on ;tther. farmerrst to haL{vest their , hay crop; and they hatvt been in, the folds early and late. According to reports ,the, 9;ay jai a splend56 crop. The we, spell early 41 ax-)nomlore growing,,,,, xa, h later 'thanusual, wihtd, ,w fin the warm dry `weajthen of .the past "'couple of weeks it "has nna.wurnct lutnder " the nine, savorabie, conddt:ions- Considerable ,haY' tuft Test, week. and, most ot,'the tyr.nnr'rs. air!e *stow busy stotZ.ng it, it Summer Hosiery Fancy ]ace tan hose all sizes, ,Exegular 25c for 15c. - Plain :black cotton hose 10c. Men's chose 9 Paths, for 2iic. Ladies silk gloves Regular 5')c,' or 35c. Just op£ired a nc.w lot of epi brasier:es. :lien's Summer underwear. ligular 50c, for $Sc. 2. upto , II 10a. _ua.til t7 _ kinds 5c,, All and Just *a d'•cw pieces of, our Ni.:le wear left at 1-43 Fancy parasols at 79c. Men's furnashf:nge, quite, overalls etc. Shoes our, ape -deity., a:zes, d1Vt' the rcgu]a' 13. F. 13EAVERs The Exeter Bargain Store 1 door north of Post Office LEMONADE .ti WITHOUT LEMONS MADE Its A MINUTE, ,Yea ITIS: PPRITY ;LF - MON POWDER, PURE WHOLESOME, CPEAP, 35c. MAKES TWO GALLONS. GET IT ATL- POIATELL'S BAZAAR Big Variety Store LL - Our List of Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggies Carload of Dominion Buggies Oliver Corn Cultivators witfi Bean Harvester Attachments John Deere Corn Cultivators John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream Separators Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills 1 J -with pumps, piping and water basins installed ha barns Baker Wind Mills FleuryPlows Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plows Machine Oil and Cream Separator Oil Full line of McCormick Tillage and Harvesting Machines -Binders, Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes,' Spreaders Chatham, Woodstock and Jackson Wagon Drills Disc, Harrows Gasoline. Engines Binder Twine ; American Clover-Bunches—can be attached to any mower. and is a very convenient and clever clover saver. The .nian on the, mower operates it. 'Repa-irsof all ;kinds, ' Repairing promptly attended .to Th!sMoulh t°: e T eBri e And The Groom and others will find it to their advantage to got their presents at. MorchnE18 IS the Pia and there is no: doubt about it. A. MARCHAND'S - Exeter in the placeJto buy the for Notice To Contractors Well - Drilling Tools We are dealers and. manufacturers of WELL -DRILLING APPARATUS for STEAM or GASOLINE DRIVE, Our apparatus has been thoroughly ested and found satisfactory i every tQct, General castings, piping, tubing, etc., on hand, Cement Silo forms manufactured, Particulars on application to J. Murray 86 Son EXETER ONTARIO THE HousEII£2LTt pL0i11l ^.a't ways thio '"flower'" fitf the heuse- bold. It's the rule the world over. THERE AllE1 "FLOWERS" and "FLOORS", BUT NO,FL0W1 EQUALS; OURS. It's arra Blit goods were giv.:ng you There's plenty "Inferiors" but no nan- verdgra". Our flour snakes light urensl. and light hearts. It's wrong to gamble —buy flour here, It's sure. "A good supply or FEED en band. WHEAT WANTED, H.AItVDY 13ROS., EXETER SHELL & SNELL IMPLEiMENT AGENTS , — EXETER JONES & MAY Mid Summer Clearing Sale THIS WARM ?1TONTH WE 'AR}) 00.MG, T4 OLEARs OUT ALL OUR SUMMER GOODS AT A IMG REDUCTION. SEE TB,Li SN:t='a, WE ARE OFFERING. v a 'WHITE WAISTS MIDDY BLOUSES, White tyynrined with Palo Blue giving %sp€cial prices on every Navy ea -Cadet Blue long or engirt waist In the store. isleeyes for 75c. and, $1a From $1. each and up. We are WHITE W AER All Ladies `Vhtewear to be sold cheap, Nice Skirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, etc; MILLINER ' A few Suanmer fists left af- ter the Season is over, yaw' c,loice for less' than half `lir4rc+, SUMMER DRESSES' Only a few left, in 'Colored or Whilte. Each Is a bargain wait-, ing for you. . FANCY PARASOLS, All to go. We must sell every, one. to good 1tdind-to•,buy for this . hat wealthcr. Gents Furnishings MENS SLIMMER SUITSI A. real good selections of nice light grey, two "piece suits . ae` Sale .prices.. OUTING SHIRT,S, For the z -,,warm 'weather you will , want 'sense for your , vaca- Inion. A13^ colors with Lounge coiltirs antf, double cuffs. STRAW, SATS , Some real good ones for 'S0; cents each, Better; ones for 75c, and '$1.' Have; one., l UNDERWAER, , In Combinatc.on or tw.o pieces French." paibrlggan. Open Meslir Wool o, Unni,on at; ,all prices alset: a lot of ka?ncy, Sox. rONES & MA Headquarters for the celebrated W, E. Sanford Clothing