HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-11, Page 7WEAK, TIRED PEOPLE Are Usually the Victims of Pale, Watery Blood. Anaemia is the medical term for poor or watery blood, It may arise from a variety of causes, such as lack of exercise, hard study, impro- perly ventilated rooms er work- shops, imperfect assimilation of food, etc. The chief symptoms are extreme pallor of the face, lips and gums; rapid breathing and palpita- tion of the heart after slight exer- tion; headaches, dizziness, some- times- fainting spells and a tendency to hysterics, swelling of the feet and limbs, a feeling of constant tiredness and a distaste for food. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are a cer- tain eure for anaemia, because they r-ake new, rich blood, which stimu- lates and strengthens every organ andevery part of the body. The following is one among thousands of cases of this serious trouble eared by the use a Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Mss Georgina, Raymond-. St. Jerome, Que., •says: "About year ago nay health began to give out. I suffered from headaches, heart palpitation, dizziness, and appeared to be threatened with a genoral breakdown, I was at this time employed in the family of a. doctor, who, seeing my condition, gave me meelieine, I took this faithfully for some time, but with no benefit, and I grew much dis- couraged, Then a friend advised *lac to •try Dr, Williams' Fink Pills, saying that she had found a cure through thein in similar conditions. I took her advice, got a supply of the pills and took them regularly for sonao time. Gradually i y I be - „came strong, and in the course of a month or so• I was again enjoying the, best of .health, and have not ing bad the least return of the old symptoms, I ,can heartily re- commend Dr.'Williams' Pink Pills to all weak. girls.” Scald by all medicine dealers at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 tar sent• by avail, post paid, by The Dr, Williams' M'e'dicine Co. SE.'t ISLAND 1YSTERY. A kleittLe Spot in the Wastes of the Great Pacific. The Marta, a motor auxiliary yacht just launched at Whitstable, England, is to carry an expedition ' to the South Seas to investigate the origin of the gigantic prehistoric re- mains on Easter Island, This is- land, the most easterly of. the Poly- nesian group, is a lonely dot of land, 45 miles in area, 2,000 miles from the South American coat. Facing the sea on the island .are enormous platforms made of 'un- eelnented stones,. ewe of which itieig,ll :RAT fans, Some of the sea walls are 30 foot high and 200 feet long. On the land side aro broad terraces, also of stone, bearing pedestals on which formerly ,stood huge figures carved in lava, Most of these images have been thrown down, but there are 5555 of them on the island, One of them is 65 feet high, with a nose eleven feet long. The figures all extend from head to hips, with receding fore heads, broad noses, thin lips and powerful chins. There is no metal an the island, and the only tool found was a pre- historic chisel, with which it would seem impossible to execute such colossal works. Moreover, the is- land with its scanty water supply could not ;have supported enough people to drag the figures from the quarry where they were made to the platforms. Some of the statues weigh 250 tons. There is every evidence that some great calamity overtook the island Terrible Itching Gota Litt Sleep Mr. T, Williams, Winnipeg. Until Cuticura Remedies Cured Hila Those who have suffered long and hope- lessly from torturing skin' eruptions will read with interest this letter from Mr. T. Williams, 116 Pacific Ave., Winnipeg (dated Jan. 14, 1911): The Cuticura Remedies certainly did work finely, and I am thankful that there is such a remedy, and that I tried it. About three months ago a terrible itching com- menced on my body. I could not understand it. It gradually, grew worse and covered a largei�rportion of my body. There was also a slight`. eruption of the akin, sort of a rash. 1 suffered greatly with the itching `and at might time I had little sleep. I tried one or $wo remedies which did no good, and then 1 tried Cuticura' Soap, Ointment and Re- solvent. In about ten days I was completely cured.", For more than a generation the Cuticura Remedies have afforded the speediest and'. most economical treatment for itching, burn- ing, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp hu- mors, of young and old. _;Sold by druggists and dealers everywit re. For a liberal sample f Of Cuticura Soap and. Ointment, with 32=p.' . I book on the care of the skin end treatment of , its affections, send a postal to the Potter Drug 4t Chem, ..Coip.,'sole props., 51 Colum- bus Ave., Boston, U. IS. A. t6u and its inhabitants, for most of the figures are unfinished, some of them, never even having been removed' from the quarry. A popular theory is that Easter Island is the sole re- mains of a oontinent , which was overwhelmed by the sea after a great seismic disturbance, The de- signs of the stonework bear out this theory, for they are strikingly like some of the ancient Peruvian ruins. The Mana expedition, led by W. Sc oresby`Routledge and accompan,, led by geologists and other scien- tists from the British Museum, will make excavations in aneffort to solve the mystery. -- -eses MACN.AMARA'S STORY. Mr. T. J. Macnamara, the Cana- diazi who is Parliamentary secre- tary to the British Admiralty, spent his early manhood as a teacher in the board schools, and as a result. he is possessed of a budget of hum- orous stories anent the difficulties that are met with when endeavoring to develop youthful minds. One relates to a young and en- thusiastic teacher who was trying ost to convey his idea of las class. Said the teaeher : "Now, supposing a man was work- ing on a river, and suddenly fell into the water. His wife, hearing his screams, and knowing fun well his peril, rushed immediately to the bank. Why did she rush to the bank ?" There was a dramatic pause. Then a small voice piped _ out: "Please, sir-ta draw his insurance 'money." ,2 GOOD :NIGHT'S SLEEP. No Medicine so Ilenefieial to Brain and Nerves. ISlI gavmke nights t makes it hard to keep awake and do things in day time. To take "tonics and stimu- lants" under such ciroumstanoes is like setting the house an fire to see if you can put it out. The right kind of food promotes refreshing sleep at night and a wide awake individual during the day. A lady changed from her old way of eating, to Grape -Nuts, and says: "For about three years I .had been a great sufferer from indiges- tion, After trying several kinds of medicine, the doctor would ask me to drop off potatoes, then meat, and so on, but in a few days that crav- ing, gnawing would start up, and I would vomit everything I ate and drank. "When I started on Grape -Nuts, vomiting stopped, and the bloated feeling which was so distressing dis- appeared entirely. "My confer was very much both- ered with diarrhoea before com mencing the Grape -Nuts, because her stomach was so weak she could not digest her food. Since using Grape -Nuts food she is well, and says she don't think she could do without it. "It is a. great brain restorer and nerve' builder, for I can sleep as sound and undisturbed 'after a sup- per of "Grape -Nuts as in the old days when I could not realize what they meant by a "bad stomach." There is no medicine so beneficial to nerves and brain as a good night's sleep, such as you can en- joy after eating Grape -Nuts." Name given by Canadian Posture Co., Windsor, Ont. Look in pkgs. for the famous lit- tle book, "The Road to Wellville." Ever road the above tatter? A new one They from time to time. aro •genulne, true, and full of 'human interest MADE HIS OWN COFFIN. Ernest. Feldkirch, a Gottingen carpenter eighty-six years of age, has cheerfully looked death in the face for twenty-six' years. His first illness, which carie when he was sixty, suggested to him that, hay- ing no relatives, he should provide forhis burial himself, and as soon as he recovered he set to work and made himself a coffin, which ho placed conveniently beside his bed. After a number of years it began, to decay, and he was obliged to make another. The second is now in the same condition as the first,' and his friends are urging 'Feld- kirch to discard it for a third. Tho old man, who is halo and happy as ever, declares he will make ono more, and if he finds it decaying he williv'e' the business -up -has a had � job.` against such ills as,Cholerm Mori n/. Diarrhoea,, Cholera Iufantuna and Summer .Complaint -- a protector in 'which you. can safety plact ,implicit mnfdeuee -is i I11 ase. and soc, bottles, at your Druggist's. National Olvg and Maraca! Ci .. si Curls. Leaflet zl2. CA1 T UR ED ELEPILA NT. 1 Carried Wild Animal )�tinntl .ant. in an Antwuobile. A Swiss residing at Siantar, in the Island of Sumatra, has written home an account of the capture and transportation of a young wild ele- phant in a motor ear by a resident of the town, The elephant, which was well roped, was driven ta'the nearest path in the forest, and: with great difficulty the motor ear ar rived at the spot, a kind of platform replacing the body. The elephant sees induced to mount the platform and wasstrongly secured to it, The trip to Siantar started, but difiieulties at once arose, because the elephant, whose: trunk was free, used his proboscis to oxamine in turn the chauffeur, the seats in front, the machinery. and f? l 11y the guiding wheel, his last manoeu- vre nearly upsetting the car, which was brought to a stop, as the jour- ney was becoming dangerous, The elephant's trunk was then strapped to his body, and the ear arrived at Siantar without further incident. This is probably the first time that wild elephant has had a ride on motor ear, NEW GOVERN €EN'I' I3d IMING ldagnifeeitt Struefure for Exhibits at Canadian National. The new Government building at the Canadian National Exhibition is being rushed to completion and will be readv for the year's Fair. It will cost $160,000, of which the Do- minion Government pays $100,000, the Ontario Government $25,000 and the City of Toronto the balance. It will bo used for Provincial, Do- minion and Educational Exhibits. UNMARRIED GIRLS IN CAGES. Custom Followed by Some Natives of New Britain. The Rev. George Brown, D.D., who has passed many years of his life in the South Sea Islands endea- voring to stamp out polygamy and cannibalism among the natives, says in some parts of New Britain the natives have a custom of placing young women in strict seclusion be- fore marriage by imprisoning them in cages for several years until they reach a marriageable age. Dr. Brown, says the London Globe, de- scribes how on one occasion he in- spected a number of these human cages. "The cage was quite clean," he said, "and contained nothing but a few short lengths of bamboo for holding water. There was only, room for a girl to sit or lie down in a crouched position: on the bamboo platform, and when the doors are shut it must be'nearly or quite dark inside. Tiley are never allowed to come out, except once a day to bathe in a dish or wooden howl placed close to each cage. They are placed in the cages when quite young, and must remain there un- til th 'ir marriage. JACK'S WAY. It is a fortunate boy who has an older brother to give him the bene- fit of his longer experience. "Don't sleep with your mouth open in that wav," said Jack to his younger bro- ther. as the daylight began to peer into their bedchamber. "You should breathe through your, nose." "Yes, but I don't knowwhen my mouth is. open. What' do you do when you wake up and find, your ' mouth open?" . "What do I do?" answer- ed Jack, derisively. "Why, I get up and shut it, of course." Hats were first made in the year 1404. Education under the' London County .Ccuncil represents a, gross expenditure of six million pounds.' a,.att to;lvn�iwp7, SS A GREAT WATERWAY $29,000,000 in Tolls Paid to the Suez Canal Last Tear. The Suez Canal took in nearly $29,000,000 in tolls in the last year. This was an increase of $843,056 over 1910. The number of vessels that passed Suez in 1911 was 4,969, representing a net tonnage of 18,- 324,794, an increase of 436 vessels. There were less than 1,200 toilrists, The royal yacht conveying King George and Queen Mafy to their Indian Coronation went through, Suez -in twelve anda half hours, and came back through in twelv-e hours. The traffic of Suez- has .so grown that the tolls have been low- ered by ten per cent., and still the profits grow. There will be a fur- ther ten per cent. toll reduction on January 1st, 1913. Suez ta'affie suffered from the plague in,Manchuria, but it gained in other directions, notably in the Japan, India, Dutch East and. Oceanic trade, SUMMER SHIN TROUBLES. Surbihrn, blistering, ani. irrita- tion are • the commanest form of summer skin troubles, and Zam Buk ends these very quickly. R works in two ways, T1s *eon as ap- plied, its antiseptic powers get to. work and kill all the poison in n. wound, a sting, or a sore. `,this gen- erally er ds the smarting and the pain. Then Zam-Bali: begins the healing 'process, and fresh healthy tissue is built; up, For sore, bliss tered feet, sore bands, heat rashes, baby's heat spots, sore pla-ees due to perspiration, etc., you can't equal Zam-Buk, Druggists and stores everywhere sell Zam-Buk, 50c, box, Use Zam-Buk Soap also, '25e, per tablet. All 'stores, or Zan}- Buk (.4,, Toronto, - HE, FOUND IT. t`Eereka" exclaimed lair. Gree who, with a. lighted match in h hand. was down in the cella` hun'_. ing for a leak in the gas pipe. A. moment later Mrs, Green sad- ly remarked: "That's just our luck. Now we'll have to pay out more money to get the roof fixed," Corns cripple the feet and make walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Holloway's Corn Cure is within reach of all. Little Elsie (after being punished) —"I think papa is dreadful. Was he the only man you could get,. in amnia 7" Minurd's Liniment Cures caress In cows, "What are you going to name the baby?" "We thought of calling her `Scandal' 1" `But why 1" "We can't hush her up!" Mothers can easily know when, their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of -remedies—Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. GRANDMA KNEW. "Grandmother, which of my par- ents do I resemble?" "Both, child. You have your mother's remarkable capacity for spending money, and your father's genius for not making any." A Medical Need Supplied.—'hien a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered through the stomach to find action in the bow- els, then there is available a purga- tive and a cleanser of great effec- tiveness. Parnlelee's Vegetable Pills are of this character and are the best of all pills. During the years, that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. 1 The modern girl is never satis- fied until she gets a hat too large for her head and shoes too small for her feet. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. To spare the religious suscep- tibles of the Egyptian peasantry, the 3 per cent. interest paid by sav- ings banks is described as a reward to the depositor for saving his money. Time. Has Tested It.—Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has been on the market upwards of thirty years'and in that time it has proved a blessing to thousands. It is an high favor throughout Canada and its excel:- lence has carried its fame beyond the seas: ' It has no equal- in the whole list of liniments,' If it were double the price it would be a cheap hnlment. In Iceland bread is mnde by beat- ing to powder:dried codfish. Mlnard's Liniment Cures diphtheria. A CURE. "George A. Birmingham" (the pen -name of a well-known Irish. clergyman) has iur.,t published an- other book dealing with Irish life. Some off. his Irish stories n..re eapi- t al. For instance he tells of an Irish veterinary surgeon who sent in his bill in the fnlln wl.l; berms- "To cur nay z'%>ur honour's mule till it died -10s.'' Cider. was,_,niade iii. Tinglai cl so long ago as the thirteenth ,century. STOP ., HIS 'WITH C.OQPg''S FLY KNOCKER' 'spays to keep your stock et'ca of Mea -contented cer, a titvo 3i more milk: horsey work barderend o?t lose feed- Costs leas titan 34 cent ahead `day. L'ee Caaper•* FPr Kosts/r and save money. ytouse-,. esonornfcal,-mnsient-aa,e, f„se t, (fznpertaet) boa-. cq1*nous tlengieei4D et ss. Seeoiai eircnier.rree-„teas what ot6her* 5a7 sboe,t 0oofier'e, 6ny deter or 5'diA COOi'ER a NEPHEWS' - - TORONTO EXPECTED TOO MUCH. Cust neer (sarcastically)— "I've managed to cut this steak, but I'm bothered if x can chew it." Waiter —"Yes sir, We guarantee our knives, but our responsibility does not extend to our customers' teeth," Pills for Nervous Troubles,- The stereaoh is the Centre of the nervous system, and when the stomach sus- pends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves. If allowed to persist, ner- vous debility. a, dangerous ailment, may ensue, The first consideration is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no readier remedy for this than Parmolee's Vegetable Pills. Thousands can. attest the virtue of these palls in using nervous disorders. HE CGLINTED SHEEP. II, and how did your mother night? DW else follow my szd ice and begin counting sheep 4 "Yes, she counted eighteen those sand." "And then fell asleep?" "No ; then it was time to get up lifinnrd'a T,inirnent Co„ Limited. 4len.te. -I cared a vaivable bunting flag of mango with 11INr IgD'$ LT.zali>>N'•P itfter several veterinarees lend treated ltim without; doing him any permanent good. Yours, ate.. w.ILFpIo oaoNE. Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Brum - mondville, Aug. S.. '14. HE DESERVES I.T. Proud Ma—"There isn't another person in the city can play like Al- fonso," Uncle Gustavo --"Is there -another person who would want to?" When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy, No Smarting—reels Flue—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Wear, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids'. Illus. tinted Book in each Package. murine le compounded by our Oculists -not a "Patent Med- icine"- but used in successful Physicians' Prac- tice nd sold by years. ists at::Se and 6dto 0o per Bottle. Murine Bye t,alvo 12, Aseptic Tubes, 2ec and Ne. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago THE DIFFERENCE. Gibbs—"Ever notice that when a elan is engaged to a girl he is mad if he can't always be alone with her?" Dibbs—"Yes, and I've also noticed that after they are married he's madder if he has to be." No one need fear cholera or any summer complaint if they have a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial ready for use. It cor- rects all looseness of the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural action. This is a medicine adapted for the young and old, rich and poor, and is rapidly becoming the most popular medicine for cholera, dysentery, etc., in the mar- ket. Magistrate (discharging prisoner) --"Now, I advise you to keep away from bad company." Prisoner (feel- ingly)—"Thank you, sire You won't see me here again l" iw4lnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ' PREVENTATIVE OF ROT. Instead of treating wood to pre- serve it from rot, an inventor of Budapest arrives at the same result by, a reversal of this operation, for he treats the earth to surround the posts in such a manner as to des- troy all germs ancI insect life. This process serves as a substitute where it is difficult to secure the treated, lumber. It is called "peristeriliza-. tion." H. W. DAWSOIN, Ninety G4iborrne ±oronte. SA,. n Tse laiF.y beautiful hundred, '� th zAborl d County, including 4 horses. lii� ete, . GRT est*: THOU ND OL B8 TIL. acres is. or n an ing Stock and Implements. There is in the stEoca arses, cows, a e.' is is a snap. and can, be a on easy terms, Possession a0 once: t OOD F•1831S IN 7;i1'SCOLN, WEJiI,AND, 1,36 Dalton. Peel, Tort`, Pttrimm, North. nmberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable priers, inBEnTA. SASKATCHEWAN AND. Manitoba, lands in large or small 1.41 /MIT PARAM$—ALL SIZES. IN TDB h.iagara. Fruit Belt. 4l. 45f. unwsol,F, Toronto. "ANTED', IL AT MIE.'i`f`S, 7st',RAP''F&iwii$ clerlin ire i teat dentont through, out Ontario and, North iveat Sitz itiontlsa 1 I natality you. Day toad bail ....Ode% til. sitions secured, Free I3ntnk 3tl e?tletiaas, ominion Sebool Telegratabr;, Tttroaato. b liat"Et LArilEOB FARM SI a S, Wilson*a Worito 9 Nsi<llatlado Toronto, 7l . TI%•',atORS 'I;rV'M111. oto,_ .T nal and ezternat, onregl se thogt s ay our same ireatmetrtM Write tis a tow late, Dr. Bellsnan ¥eats,►l oo,. ed, Collfngwrootl. Ont. ,(. TON SC.aI,E CtB3RA:ti1'kll£ l► Scale Works, 4 E,splaanadt A GMkRS1 SEND voi'kb NAME get, Valuable information, argYle Street, Toronto. ARPET !WEIN .Iloit, r d C#*shut. This Is K, zp.er;al,r u;tb O• Amearicats, Oyolnj Gsa' tlt.alut a ler posit and wr ase sum to tatt*tl,; acct 411.1a4 Addroaa lfox 2333, Montreal The HeartGfaaPlan al:st!. Action. aneSeton the. ea TTO HIGEF.d Piano Action Protoct Prencrvo--.-. l3oettatlfy Sample, and i3ool:Ietn on ItppIleattoa JAMES LANCMIJU & GO., Limited 1574 Battbnist, Stroet 7';3RONTO THE ARLINGTON CO. of Canada, Ltd. ea FTA5CR AVeNiut TenONT0 conNGE ARS Aal,, .,1dtedto be the lint et rias, trap of Weir: - proof Caitlin, evctmale. Ask to Mea* and bay as caths`, All ,eaten or aireot far Z.:. w .00.11001,00.1.10111.1 • .COW COMFORT to guaranteed to keep Files off your Cattle S -•OO PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write fora gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO., LTD., WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO. Solo `lira.—The S,apho Manufacturing Co., Limited, Montreal. Ki e: r Sardines Norway's Finest Sardines attheir very blest A toothsome dainty for Salad or Sandwich at Picnic, Luncheon or Garden Party From your Grocer get"Kinn Oscar" Brand Sardines Trado supplied by John W. Bickle ti it -tainting, liamilt'in. Tread softln - Step safelag.;;, ,ATS PAW RUBBER S Erabedtl the patented features oaf Cat's Paw Heels. —Os TNF VICTORIA LU SE (16,500 Toner From New York Nov. 12, 1912 From San FranciscoFeb.27,1913 Wdl vi,it Madeira, Spain, Italy, Psypt. India,Ceylon, Straits. Settlements, Java, Philippines, Chine, `;Japan, -Sanhwieis Islands, vitt, Overland American Tom, INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 17 'Data ire 1.,1its TOURS 14 Days in Japan Duration 110 Days Each $650 and (incilding all nec- bN vp *wary mspen�ae a6oard and ashore. `'An'k anyone who has made'ing Cruhe:'° 1Vn'te for `.Bcckiei. HAP, 2IIU G - ArtIERICAN , LINE`' 1 S si oAnwAv. 10. Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, ' 63 Vonge St., 'Taranto, Canada 5