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Exeter Advocate, 1912-7-11, Page 5
•:i ao niU Dee G F. 'ItQULSTON, L.D.S., ,D.D.O. DENTIST' Member of the R.C.-D.S. of Ontario and E3oriar Graduate at 'Toronto 'niverstty.. otfiese-Oyes' Diokeo?d & Carting's lava attire. Closed anndnesday afternoons!. r)neetA,: R. KINSMAN, Bones' Gradteene of Toronto Unerereifty DENTIST ..,a Teeth extras ted without pain, ar any bad ePPeens. Ofirce ave a Gdadman & atran7rue-y'( Ortete, Main Street, Exeter_ LEG.IE. DxcsoN & CABLING, BA41;1e i5, 40l!cttors, Notaries. Conveyancers, q,om miaeionere. Solicitors, for the ¥olsont3 Dank. etc* Money Vetoers at lowest .nes of tint rest Qfeeers-afainrSta, Ph'et S. R. Carling, B.A. In, H. Diclksen ION r TO LOAN We have a taxge en'ament of private funds to lean on Sarni, and 'tillage Prop* ernes at leer rates of trite:mat. GLAD3tA.N & SP4,l1BURY Parri$tern, Soncitors, Exeter. J. SENIOR Aseatt Cori¢edtt .'L?S$ Asattrance! Oozy eanx, w`ine Fire Insurance in lean - Ma' Canada -an e,nd Britls:'t OoFrat$atafee. Ma -e -St;, Exeter- AUCTIONEER. xeter- li'Ri' D AUCTIONE 1 E' W L ANDERSON, ',aniseed auctioneer Ior Ilurnn County. ?erate reaw:melte. Daatee can be made at the Advocate. Exeter. or henry I ltber'e Oface, Oren - Rani ?vzatay xiaa tatters elual est Cellegea close for me the eurtunar. 1 oltto, Ont., does; not. ftOW ;s an excellent tante to commence zt Course. Wto for catalogue. Electric Restorer tax Men phosphortar rmetrxnerve tethebody ,tw itsroper Minton; restores Neuf sad vitality; Preotxttare.dec*yaa>i.all sexual ; aceakueis averted at ogee. X'rA*4PUP oa will ante you a clow mare Price is it box: or two for Co..&t.�Gtd►th rtaeasaOni ShaSooltiat> Aarr+Q eery soman astern ted aall atonal kaaty About the wonderful Marital Whirling spray Douohe ask your druggist tot' It, If be cannot 4nplty gibe iiieRYEG accept np otbsr, but seise ?stamp for ilbxa.. ,rated book -nested. It gives tell particulars and directions tavalaabto LP ladle,} livillinSORSunraycce. i'sn Geuernt Agouti! Lor Canada. or. Ont 0 IT NII)W 1t .8 wen known to experleitc- er' salesitten that tine, largest end la, te" tanagens In Irian trees is done, during the ritarmer months. The xttalt first on the ground seouree ttac' cream of the trade, therefore. SECURE YOUR. AGENCY NOW We want a good reliable ?twat for tins district because the demand for !ruin trees never vias so ,good. Good pay, Outfit free. Whole or Part Tinto agreement, and you re- Preseat a firm of thirty -nye years' exper:eeces with over site hundred acres ot land under cultivation. write. PELHAM NURSERY Co. Toronto, Ont. 'A SQUARE PE, in a ,:Round 'Hole You may be alright, . but if you are.in'the wrong position you are like a squere;peg girt a round hole. You'want a po- sition where you fit. This paper is read by inteE= ligent' business men, and a Want Ad. in our classified ,columns will reach them:` : i.swtaa rm a. M�a r.ow.. Best call and find out the reasons why we soprompt- ly hack McClary's guarantee with our own.l,etusexplain. to you why the "Sunshine- is called 'The IMiONET NARY Modem,Hants That Raise Tons of Metal at a Time. LIFT BILLETS HOT 0I1 COLD. A. $Mals Otte of Thee 6Rensters With !evisibiar. Mapio, Fingers Will Do the, Wor of Half a Hundred Men -The Magnet In Medicine .and In Surgery.. Thom wt o have watched a toy mag net lift up pins and needles and mer e veli not a title at the 11%9 /a power that causes the bite of meta, to Jump might well be excused for standing aghast at the sight of a ulQdern nutlet magnet picking up severad taus of iron fend steel from the scrap heap and i:"011r veying It with ease and rapidity to Understudy ttte melting furnace beyond. fD f h e So great has been the coualzaeretal de velopment of the magnet that it earl rxs Iitt give and a half tons. 'hese akant *Jun, magnets used In iron ants steel nein can pick up hot as well as cold billets. and a single one of this character wiss nisplaee hair a hundred worknlen A further trnprovearleatnay be rail- ed d in the combination of simil Cr 't:Nn sad magnet; The shall crana•keer is n hugs pear shaped ball of trots lust aatikl ed by a chain to at ;:eaos sated saes.: ropes. This stclttl a ra...f;er is dropped SOD with great force on ei-rule metal te, lea• broken up for rereeltirue 1t breaks tile Sold by T. Ifawkins engin metal into conveniently ttt„iil paeu t,;; - . +C ?+Rlrllit and is ilfted ta,u and down its' the setas';. Fire,; ,(accident and at Otago net until the ,'rap iw reilia.•seil toprop fw'. Celleetkta eceountzt, ease con- er sine,, 'Theo the 3Fat'i;:Dbie liai„;eer;i of out ie;.at eaten.. -• Exeter. Ont. the Manuel. gather up tn.- small pieces s and carry them to this ,Melting lunette. sON3!DER the name I It means perfection, e h e best that On be made --- Chewing Gum Satisfaction. The Gum Tree flourishes in Cet,tral America that's where we get the raw product—from selected plantations --where it is carefully packed and ship- ped direct to us. Then it is cleaned and refin- ed and made by modern processes in our big sun -lit faclarp and flavored to suif different tastes. O-Pee-Chee is the purest and best gum made -- It is good. for you. It keeps the mouth and throat moist, fresh a n d clean -- Perfumes the breath and aids digestion. State your flavor when you buy O-Pee-Chee—It is s o1 d by all dealers who sell t he best gum. OPeeChee Gum Co. Limited tendon Canada 16 A BLOOD . JC NE WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Recently it has :been definitly proven by experiments on animals that alcohol lowers the gectnicidel power Of the body' mad that alcohol paralyzes`tbe white cor- pusenes of the blood and renders the„„ m unable to take up and"de:stray disease germs.' Disease germs cause the death of over one-half of the human race. A; blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which is `.a pure`glyceric ex- tract of roots, such as Bloodroot, Queen's root, Golden Seal root Mandrake and Stone ` root, has been 'extensively sold by druggists for the past forty years es Ds. Pierce, Golden Medical Discovery. The refreshing influence of this extract is like Natures, influence -the blood is bathed in the tonic which, gives life'to the blood- the vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased ectivity consumes;, the tissue rubbish' which has accumulated during the. winter. Dr. R. Y: Pierce, the' founder of the Invalids' ,Hotel and x .. ,Surgical c - large nstibite, and a physician \. fZ - ractice,' was the first to make up an ALTSnnelvs EXTRACT' of roots, without>a particle of alcohol or narcotic. "It is with the greatest of pleasure, , that I write to let=9rnr"imoW„of the benefit I' received. from the, use of your medici#i'es ttpd;self✓, . . , M` ,, suf. ,went at home, ,writes Mas. Wm. H of 1;adyemitbt;,1��C`r ;+ I v fered;£or three years^from a running- semi Consulted ft5 5&to'rs but - they failed to mend or give relief. Finally I was told I Was in e.insuanp- tion and wouid'have""to. consult . a specialist concerning my ear.,that the dead bone meat' be cut mit before the wound would heal. • A kind friend advised,�n, e to tgrite;to'ylrw,Plerce..,which 1 did. and after seven months' „, ec f tlae,tkviitment•thesore'ss, healed.and i enioy batter health than a eve id t'.dreseedthe woundswith Dr. Pierce's.An-Beating salvo and took a Goldereldedieal' Discovery. and Pleasant Pellets for AT troubles. ""1 shunt. always recommend your medicines" Ins. Uryes, Dr. •. Pierce's Pleasant i'elaets regulate Paver and bowels. The entire operate -ea t:; rif'l'e, mashed in one tiuudredtla or the time formeer- required by umnia"aa relent More reveutly r,rv;aar;i:s have beets eumtvYed. to the asiiiting indst;atr4 tit pick out small particles ot metal that frequently ,et tato dour and cause ee Mask= through friction, Whenthey comm in cent/let with the bin„ rollers Not a particle of metal rasa, escape the powerful magnets suspended over tittw Chute through which the grata passe In ruining end naetellorgleitl work the uittgat>'t gins a itten`ome ate indi aerie hie labor saving agent Ttae No neck separation of ores has saved thealaralnede of riotittrs to raining companies, When. the reeks are erusbed and pulverized powerful emanate gather up the In itiaitest ialal parts of metal ;released from their taeds nand convey thew to the smelting fermate Quantities of ore w ata than be savetr from old tailing !tat were fastened" vendee:red pure waste. ,Recently commercial magnets were employed for the novel purpose of ruts• lug sunken treaslsres; A big cargo of nails was lost in twenty fatliaatus oP water, and the loss seemed irreparable until some enterprising genius raised them easItty and: cheaply by means of. a .magnet. suspended from it derrick by steel cables. In the most improved commercial magnets hollow steel castings are used, in which magnetized rolls are paced. The 'latter are built up of alternate layers of copper and asbestos and in- sulated from the cast steel frames by thick sheets of mica. A magnet of flats construction is proof against beat and cold and free from the danger of short circuiting. There Is nothing com- bustible used in its manufacture, and. It can gather up a ton of hot scraps of steel with comparative ease. But the invisible fingers of the mag- net can pick up the most delicate splinter of steel no larger than a sew- ing needle as easily as it lifts a huge iron or steel beam weighing a ton or two. The small magnets have there- fore found as great a field of useful- ness as the bin ones. In all trades they aro employed for handling pieces of metal too small for fingers to pick tip easily. In a medical way they are used suc- cessfully for extracting iron or steel cinders from the eye and also for drawing out of the body needles and pieces of metal that have found lodg- ment there. A dressmaker who had inadvertently swallowed a dozen nee - dies was operated upon in this way with entire success. For several days she was, placed under a powerful mag- net until every needle had been drawn from her body. In a therapeutic way magnets have proved of value in destroying ulcerous and cancerous growths, and even blood diseases of some kinds have yielded to their curative effects. A man with the point of a dagger broken off in his body bad it removed by a magnet. Another patient had been suffering from a painful nicer on the chin for many years without finding relief. He was finally cured by treat- nient with a magnet, which drew from his chin a lot of steel -Slings that had caused all the trouble: The filings bad found lodgment in a cut in his face one day when working before a turn- ing lathe. ° No immediate trouble had ll the m h or otteff followed, and t e an had f e g the incident until the magnet drew them out and gave the,ulcer a chance to deal. -George' E. Walsh in Chicago t2ecord-Herall A `Pertinent question. There are great men who cannot' spell, and small people who object to them. "Spell, 'cat,'” said, the teacher to the boy at the tail end of the class. "K -a -t." replied Mile . boy. "Silly." 're- plied re -plied the teacher "Can't yoti,.spell cat' ""C6*e11" repI1ed , the sense the boy, tvbat doos`k-a-t spells" ---London CtiMnicIC.= _ „x Idtenese .is 'only the refuge • tlf 'Weak mesas and the holiday of'foola,-Chee- [erten!. HISINIVALls eae- M es I+lorence Reynolds, who has urn °uchiito €tt Kenos, is hones for the euinmer vacation. -Miss Margaret Mc -g Ta}Sgart, oi;Cl titoia lea the guest of :Tenet sn sing,..- xis Dolly lagan spent ' u;z day and 3foziday wft tier stater in De. troit-Alex Murdock who has conducted; 1700t and shoe lausi.ness here for :it - teen, i -teen, years, han dt:sposed of hie -stock to Bible Rennie atn41,. stock tanking .^a new la progrese. We, „understand that Mr, Murdock intends taking a `trip to. the West although he leafs cno not.erl of locating; there. -Joe. Case, wile and daughters of 'Toronto are Smelting W. fair and oth=er relatives =Sirs,, W., Mc - 'Lean has returned, atter spending t ee' months la Fla„txiite% Blyth a,ra.d, Seafareti. -The Council„ has de 'dee, tto paretuaee five car lonxi;a_ryof stone .t St. MarYis to be placed ea Kinn .Street. --1 Miss Bucttaltae, trained nurse, is Bonne from the West vis ling her parents, Mr. 414 airs: 4.. I3uc1'anan.-142.1 White of the Chicago Dental Colles'®, who lies passed ale second year exa ns with liouors, ie here welling rrierds,-Miss Maggie Bucti a.nan, ^x.A e tin tr4r'1anZ as 'a rut se; a t To; onto, ,s spending her holidays with her ,parents„ efr.'`and hirs, A, Bach.. nap , -James Jex..nston , wife and chi!" tta stat left on Tuesda,.r tnPrr.ir. , for k4'4,4-,. dent. Man., where the w,41. in future re, side. -Rey, 3 E. cif cd, wife este. ch tdren lett last weele tor I.oadora. Rev' ?menet, ' s, veifes and I,LWe. girl 1".4x0 «irrived attd "a»"'o,bAily gong' uettted ill: t e Pereten 4+-^^�Ttla olvtA tfl, i ilk 'dlt'ie oa Derr SGntheielt. all, Met :loge; ` for tt.e fleet almeta aeveral Deere* leant.' eek ar.d'held a teaen:va'n' tmat?lyreUDIOtlt :ran who Wan'S tiflueh .girt ,tend, rid sleep relied trent en bed, theritlg the night. t,•;" lar dal seat ate ake ,areas thorelleiaiy and las hand, waa:dert + explet'atien It eneountere l tl.o meant sat some titan trudine sprang a and, a ottsedy int c'o*'ae ker Pest. .ell, gait ata: laat." he man, allured ae x e passed away ftft nate a, heavy Bleep. Fali2si FOR, SALE That a"ItQ,ee feria of lee ac oa the Baa aid. ,S eonceetse ne o. tleher%ee. ,seeing one arad. a.half nines from l zetQlt tit #tte premia is a, large b.tcic Rousts ,vztta slates roeT, end ,ratite naves/ aasd ;#able '- `,gnat gee wig aepar3tel5" er together to salt pta;cltueer, 14 acres. In tail �vl;eat, iq acres #sit lrlowitan don©, tattiaace in graxte. ADpi1' to THOS. F1SttER, Exeter, Sethi: -ready Suits at tis ut4 $Q 00K ter ate piles -'nut neat -scuta! ,7.Y .fa il;s 1e i rt—a1w3r3 dat tine, ass icer Mahler and aced for aria book act sample of "Klcg's owe" Sete atS:Q• lead dtnctmSeraleca4r.' Oaken sioaucil, rvr book masks "sirs" it Toa cinaot cot it In fawn. ,07,,4-rrabi Cda111, gactlt, s9a Dundas et.,>:vuaoa, Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. 'These pints are exe:eedingly powerful In regulating the en-nerativ a porttoa of the female system, Reiusa n11 cheap imitations. Dr. de Tassel are sold at IS a box, or three for SM. btailed to any address. Me pcobalt Drag Co., 8t. CDthsranes. Oat. ST. TUOMAS. ONT. tinsurpassetl for residential education. The "Ideal' College -home" in which to neuro a training for your Wen work. Thorough courses in music. Painting, oratory, high School, Business College rind Domestic Science. Large campus; inspiring environ- ment. Begdent nurse Insures health of students. Rates moderate. Every earl needs an Alain training. Handsome pro- spectus sent on:hpplication to Principal. 42 Sovereign TRADE MARK REG. Sheathing Felt contains no oil or tar. Is clean, odorless, waterproof, germ and vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draft -proof, easy to heat, and comfortable in any weather. Come in andonee it. 76 Sole Canadian Manufacturers THE STANDARD PAINT CO. of Canada, Malted. Montreal ' The Dashwood Planing Mals Co., Limited. - DASH WOOD Home Study Thousands et ambitious young, people are Abe -rig instructed int the'i i Horne ,Study lapt.. You ,nay ,tache at "College if you desire Pay whenever you wish. Thirty Years' Experience. Largest train- ers tin Canada. Enter any day PO Eej,tiOns guaranteed. It you wish to save board and learn while you earn, wrote t'or Parti - pillars. • NO VACATION Cistton Buadmess College ik O. SPOTTON 13. . WARD t"s1Er i7 � 1� s m i 1 Pre idojnt • . Pri c to BUSIinSS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON,, Students assisted to positions. College ip session from.; Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Eater any time.,: `. J. W. Westervelt . J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal Chartered Accountant ie Vice -Principal Can The Studebaker, Planders "20" fe 412 of kine ,east ;materia.1s t»dney can baiy, 444 at every vital po;'nd' 1441L etas s desZcn, of the highest peeved ' ear*. Et ^s 1:*sw i3': prices because we build, so vac:spy, but 'in, essential, i:t,?is.api„ood, an automobile ,aa ran be bungfin,, The Dante “Studebaker" tells the reh,eor. b-. ;Wee. 'For 6n year 'Studeb,'4rers ova #9ld to far't,rr ar-d teWns: ,a... the bast vets ivies fat .the world, and the sattoe bore. S;udeba is sk..i, and warn-€- araansitip go .i;oza. every Stttdeb*e s?-., i and wasp ;;a ,^: a raeyaISwta dabae rut_pEyoot9uIXkrBtusl kak 45,r, 40ly e r - Canudia Car for Canad sttndebakee Flanders, "213" Touring gat; $IOQQ With Telt, W1a4hi!"i and, Speedoeneeter, $.111Q Send for our etitaiogue, It will ereet you. r The Studebaker Corporation ofa a a, Ltd,. W,s.LKh;RVILLA; ALBERT MORLOCIE, Cr* diww ; BSNELL, Exeter Local Dea 1 Tao 4 i Sarah pCoot W,Qkitel ttaat�,irl<es'. trill. The d.eacea health for the +vee aahlta to be we Were traa;rrl.a„a to kik; a her lata homestead as last rt tdlr 1611. ah alit IW tis. Attcam iii h-; ac OUR capacity for mental effort is limited by your physical condition. Keep in good trim physically, and you'll never be troubled with:"Brain Fag." s Stout is a perfect tonic. mildly stimulating, nourishing and sustaining. It will keep your physical being in tune and give the proper balance of body and mind. JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA. -47 NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLLAGED MEN, the victimaot early indiscretions and later ez. cesses, who are failures In life -yon are the ones we: can restore to manhood and revive thesparkof energy and vitality. Don't give up in despair because you have treated with other doctors, used electric belts and tried various drug store. nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes and has made successful men of those who were "down and out" We prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual' case accordirg to the symptoms and comp lications—we base no •patent medicines. Thus is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can- not fail, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable esses ac- cepted, We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURABLE -CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY �^ Are you a victim? Have you lost tai; i�9 fl hope? Are you intending to marry? lias your blood been diseased2 nave you any weakness? 9 ONew Method Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free °of Charge. Books Free - "Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. N.O NAM S USED WITI-IOUT wan -TEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or easel.'' op Everythinti Question e:at and Cast of Treatment 'FREE FOR ROME KEtih i Y'. .._. la C.or. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., ` Detroit, MicEDY&IaliNEDh. NOTICEAll letters frena Canada must be addressed- ': to our. Canadian Correspondence e po ce Ll iaatt resent in.'Windsor, Cut. If you desire to _ see: us personal call at Itledical,Io tit:i to in' Detroit aswe see personally lY ... � � e and treat`,:. em patients in our - Windsor offices which are for, Correspondence' ala'; Laboratory for .Canadian business; only,.' iAddress all letters as ;follows, DRS. KENNEDY &'KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont., Write for car private ,ala ma.