HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-4, Page 513r. G. F. RCYULSTOP, L.D,S„ S _ DIINTIST ktember :of. the R.C.D.S., of Ontario and tionor Graduate of Toronto UntversitY. 001=0—Over Dickson & Carling'a law office., Closed Wednesday afternoons, Dit, A. P. ICIfiai/IA:J,. Honor Grade«3te o Toronto UniversAy " DENTIST Teeth extractedwithout pain, or any bad effects. Office over G1adman Stan'bury's. Office, Ian Street,Exeter,, LEGAL DICKSON & C 1.RLING, BARFRISTE13S, Solicitors. Notaries. Conveyancers, Coln muLatoners. Sollcit!ors for the Molsone ;Rank, etc,. money toI.roan at lowest rates of interest Offices—Iaain-St., ,Exeter %. 11<!Gaa•iluz. D=4< L li, Dick ssn MONEY' TO LOAN We have a lame amount of private Bids to loan on .tam and village prop- erc';es at low rags of 'tntefeat. GLADN do S'PAIURY Barr=stcrs. Solicitors, Exeter., J. SENIOR :etnt Confederation We Assurance :any". also Fr'e Insurance :in lead: Canadian and. British Con.tpaniea, Exeter- 51jCee1 slap be race. or ITeo at liber' need Atllctiottltter 7aa reasonable;, e Advocate. 4iNice, Creta-: Toronto. excellent tttr. does not. NOW ;a an fine to commence a course; wr7te for cataiogae, le~ctric Restorer for Men t rw orae av nerve ' ftSphiQll4/i K7 ta,the laad# ...,--,.........,ta its proper tWiest ; restores lien 4,144 Y1tAIRT., 1'raaaatime decay and all sexual weakest* *tertian at ergs, 7 o.pleataea x411} maks yon new elan, Price SS'a bot., or two for biailedtoanyaddress, lbS800boUArof ,. Se.Cs tuerirlew,Ont. otbar but -avail a trzte4i book --sealed, 1t gtYee ilial pputtcatare and direction Invaluable to fedi ae.IviNDSOft8CU,.Wlntleer, On General A.irenta for Canada. DO IT NO SUNSHINE• FURNACE by , , HICNBAL>. hifzaa 'Fiesslao RorfthrQn, of Toronto la l once.-- SYdll Fuitpn, a1 T rQnto tthe twat of hla parents .!`a'r a few dare,' ;,blas Tunes, n1,:1i:""lor tett, for her boors an W'oo'adstock', last week. --mo Misses WIllkien of Clinton, are tiara guests of their aunt 'fire. Tilos. Parimet',-Dr. Day Fd 1fcIla°ughto ¢ held W$te pf Argylel. .ch., were guests at the diekaaa, -, teal! C}YIo HoJ 1a ;July 1:Qtil, also great Unitrn Sul;day School Excur x tead Springha,ank,— Hili lay, Ilitii24ner lettfor her., hone fat ala la att wcelg',--Joyce McLean lett on, qday tl State:t' where he intender perf&ot dtiillaelf ft wirole a "te14 burdock 3fc lncfeo,n Sr.. or l otn City, "fdai la, ,a tt t4 ;;nest: or his eo : kiss :e a peCulIar props alt}on, Of •tn tae t' rite. yet absolute bliss to twt7, Tine small boy gotlel it for noth:anit, the y0W1g snarl 1'411 La ° steal It, and the old etMtn !tats, to buy it. The baby's tight, tit shuns' man's privileges, the. hyprfp te`e mask, fro trio young, girl, faith: tet ank,airricd woman, hope i to an old tsnaid. charitY. well known to exporlenc- the' stall i3dliell that the, largest 4,;1d lsl•t'r tbtnesits in fruit terns le done' dwing the etuluner months. The Asan fret on the ground secures the cream of the, trade, therefore. SECURE YOUR AGENCY NOW We want a good reliable man for this district because the demand for fru:t trees never was so good Good pay, Outfit free. Whole or Part Terre agreement, and you re - resent a firm 'of thirty-five years' exper ences with. over six hundred acres of laud under-cult«vaton, Write. PELHAM NURSERY C17i. Toronto, Ont. CANADIAN !IOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS' TO Manitoba, -Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave•Toronto 2.00 pan. on APRIL 2, 16, 3a MAY 14; 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17 Second elms tickets from Ontario stations to prindial Northwest poinu at LOW € ROUND-TRIP .RATES vrinipet"i retnm 014.001 Edmonton and return 6'12 and r mowFh pn 6Q 441,1 -6 - :Ye fr on. nt date.ked TOURIST SLEEPIiN SviOAS throe... j to ten vL Saitatoon, �'- to Winnipeg that �tRw k a c ' q wi wen r1 a � to t4'� ..1'islq� . y� isnot. Early sp`,1J� �alien 'tail# alai a ASK Po , R N �Mi E K- � B PM LS3 ediil ' . r�tei'"_ q R .ming and. hall ikbania Apply, to seared .C.P.R. Arent or KC: MURPHY. Diu. Pius. Aat:r Toronto.' ONLY tl1RECT;LINE NO, GUNGE 'OF CARS Semi -ready Suits at 115 sad $20 LOOK for the pike—sad Mees—semi la t! o l,octilk-alifaf$ the amt, Lik row Clothier and s nd fat x71* * k hind ample 8ts'51&g', Oiriei Naris at *10. Send dtrcctte- emt-roail, Li}a1}oQ kiootres1, for hook Matft-ie` _ "S1rt'' it son cannot tet It to Wit. _! id-rtablg thigiutiro, T. X,. Slaygarth, iS. Dundas St,, xondon. Dr, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly 'powerful in regulating tilt► generative portion of the female sue eat. Reran cheap imitations, Dr. do Van's aro sold at 15 a sloe. or three for 310. Mailed to any; address. TEs• ticobell Drug Co., St. Catharinee, Ont. T. B. CARLING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting. accounts, and con-. ,ducting auction sales. — Exeter, Ont. Say a GOOD Word mar It is wise to say a good woed for yourself or your businees, whether your stock in trade be march- andl ser O tabor, shoe ' Want Ads. are the most direct line of communication to the best buyers. rp ,." b H tlAur,, • ovisework Drudgery Houseworkis e : the . drudgery for weak woman:. She' br is onher feet ae hou dusts and. samba or 91 day,attetidrng to the many details of. the h her temple oof pain,, her back ach- ing, , temples' throbbing, nerves 'quivering under the etre • ' • feelings. Sometimes -rest ing 'shot, Pal*,ire nervesr do bed is not ;refreshing, pecausa'the'poor tired da,' nor. permit of refreshing sleep.- The real need of by Dr:' Pierce's Favorite'Prescri Weak,`iternd others testi satisfied it � piiaa,.and as.>ylrs. Briggs and others testify; .Strong:and Sick Aoi'e7' Wen. This `•,,�aessrrpt®n;, remaves,the,cause'° ' nqudz'stheees,,heals •uilamrnatron•and ulceration. it ai:enerves,gtscoura¢es te appetite a7d:induces res • Dr. Pierce is perfectly.'willing to let everyone knowh his Favorite Prescription'°' contain'' a completelist of at gredients :pard' om not let any druist on -the bottle-wra est ' D-gg • 'persuade: you that his unknown composition is `.`jut'as.good!' in order that he .Wiry make a bigger profit:: • MOs. 13..A2115BxiooS of.52D NlWashin ton St. Del Ohio .writes:.-'" d St.;Delphos, Tiavtng talion" your I+Iz�vozito L'a'oscriptlon, • ' for " a• "bad case of intestinal' disease and consti atibn woman's • ills, for; which' -I was ;almost ;unablo p'o do' any thing,.I think I am which' saying�,,dist:there are 'nore%e es in 'the world' lute Dr.' Pferc 'si x,,. , as 1'a,vo'rito'Pre erE 't s . p, tori, a>kid ,P,urifyin$ i.ott4n Tablets I am' how enjoging the beni"of� ealtIi, and ths,nk pr Pierce for, his wonderful iuediciile�3a 1 haYO do tme,a Wor,`eIdiof good." MOS, Datum i . Arco°s p,iioeeefat ' retregulate liver and bowels, 1e { '..4e,'„regulate 3t GODERI • 3--A div'del)d o z per I "Fra ?SNS -Ertl VANS. cent. r,a than p f to ered,fiors of the# Hip Mooting With His Cenfederatb Soher and 'the Result, Tradition fish ittilat atter young Robley D. Ls"vins went to Aainapolia he wasn't, long In nizpwtng his' mettle. The story; of b%a br t assertion of his personality rums after this fashion When he left for the Naval academy hie Mother gave hitai a framed copy of the Lord's] dyer and instructed bisn to hang it over ilia bed. He complied, notwithstanding the fact that the rules of the academy forbade the pIse1pg of decorations In the rooms. An Inspec- tor remoistrateci With bile ,and ordered him to remove the prayer, l;lvans swore that he would smash' the face of the first man wbo touched it- The In- spector referred the act of insuboriii• nation to the commandant, who took it up with tile secretary of the navy. Evans wrote home about the episode. It got into the papers, An indignation meeting wag held in his borne town and a protest made to the president. In the end a special dispensation Weir granted. allowipg the cadet to keep his "rleeeration." Being a Vlrgtnian.. young Evans wits urged by his mother to throw in ills, last with the south when "the civil w sr caipne. This be deciineti to de. so it ren out that he and his brother fought on opposite skies, during the -civil war QI} Qlta oee8STQn Robley 2''«va11s elltt.'1'I'13 a cel aUrea In Wltshlttgtaer P1141 served bIs brother eating, elrohenge of slaalwes between tt tvas quite enough," said Evans ofti'r ward, "Not a world was aspo:an by either of M. fife paid his WH and sant-• tii;v lett the pi:ls'e, knowing' vt'ry well that I Would revert 1114 prc'st'ru'e I;t tilt city- 1 ordered more oy,:lis'is Mita Wanted and took plenty of time to Nttt them. U. had come ltt•rt,K,s the Pon, wits In a'skizr. 1 witsafire, and hod tla•al it to an ofd sycamore tree, near th., spot where we used to ',wits!, 1 whose e4 to give hips .n brotiaerl' t,'ha1nrt' rt, get back to. Virginia soil. He gatined his boat and e,sc l lt'.i,-though :a soldier fired at him In the darkness. Ott tea e. ing the reatnttrant 1 asset an °Meer ut the provost guard and intorltli't} hills that there was a Confederate soldier In Washington. "'How do you 14nover he asked. "'That' t replied. "id none of you lsusMess.' "I was arrested and taken to this provost marshal, who, on: hearing tiny story, let me go. Chicago Record Herald. Why 1831 Was Chetan. In 23131 a so called propbeey of Moth r Sblptan'a was in every one's mouth: The world then to an end shall comp In eighteen hundred and eighty -ono. A traveling tailor dealed inspiration this prognostic, nor" es now appears. was It remarkable for accuracy. But he went further. He demonstrated to the dust of the road why that exact date was chosen. Not only was it cabalistic, a multiple of nine, •etc., but It was the only date available to Moth- er Shipton which in .rabic numerate wag the same backward, forward and upside down.Eleven hundred and eleven was past, and not till 1881 would the coincidence recur. The next Moth- er Shipton will select SOOS, which b not tomorrow or neat day.—London Saturday Review. Translation. Schubert's well known "Lied des ge- fangenen , Jagers" is a setting of Her- der's German translation of Scott's lyric, "My hawk is tired of perch and hood," the second line of which- My idle greyhound igathes Ida food— runs in the German as follows: Melo rnussiger Windham seln Futter ver- sehmaht In by far.- the largest collection of Schubert's songs published with Eng- lish words this line appears with the following English test: My musical woodhorn Its flutter hath stilled. Which could only have been perpe- trated by some one to whom English and German were equally unknown.— London nknown.London National Review. Easy to Keep Afloat.' If every person knew that it Is im- possibleto sink if one beeps his arms under water and moves his lege as if he .were going upstairs and that one may keep this motion up for hours be- fore fatigue ends it there would . be few casualties. Such Is the fact. , Ex- cept where cramp renders motion im- possible the man who gets ab invol untary ducking has small chance of drowning. He can generally keep afloat until'rescuers ti a a Th appear. The PP peo- ple who. drown are those who frantical- ly wave their arms out of 'water • and lose their self possession. Mathematioal: Snakes. Gazing at a collection of serpents at the zoo, the rural visitor observed, "My gracious, those snaires .must mul- tiply 'rapidly?' ultiply'rapidlyf" With a twinkle in his eye y" iii@ keeper' replied, "Some kinds do, .but, tri e' ar- Pc,� P , ocular ones are 'ad "- `� dere.--�ut�g@ s Li- brary. The Proper Caper. Ascum-Tell , me which is proper,: Doty L ly,l.e 'Works, at Goderich. The faliluie fol?,'owe4 the deaitk of Freder!ck Doty. MITCHELL—A, quiet bpi pretty wend- ;:: was ce1ebraied at• .rhe iton2„e' of lei and' Ira 'mien S ill1'atgtOr4on, June 2th, when the : d'aughers Florence wag naia.-rried to It J lln."4 P, McGuire, of Teroanto, A INQI-1s 11 T e wedding took: place Juno 27th, at l; ilk° nolatz, of Ial:�se Ethel eldest deux :tor+ of A., H. Musgrove, T. Fp, and W. J. Oiler., one of: Wing, hang's leadt tg merchants, The wedding Was are F= t: e eweIiep? seen In; 3 7Ing lana for 'some tim , and, toot playa rt tb A home io f the bride, in tthe presence nuin'ber of re:at:yes and !:tatltnnte BLANSII,kRD—:Oa.vid McKay, a fa,r- er on the 3Titohett Bead; met with a pain faI accident Thursday while fixing a hay fork track .is 1.11s 111744)1, T,ht, ladder he was yoga slipped ars dime fel. to, the barn Hoar. attitt`b tr ap Crttss-bea it ill his flea„ cent nttota,lot.4,7 gievera1 fractured ribs and, "ba- wa„5 severeltc trajured on the head, t# TQHELL--Peter Campbell, Itt it -is- -year died e°t. hiLs homestead iu, 4go1 ;oat soba 2S. U, tel t,wa Years ago 1 was *to td d ocoa'a,3de"r'abla work about t 4>_. rf$rrn, He 'aero*' was sick e, tiny cel .Ills Wet a;vzi,l ho tock a AaraiYilc 'straits a wet* a rix of 1"0 ahton. 'Qat r eldest; chug t Salcolrlt S. Altera :co of Brueef eld.l * wetititli took these aluevale, fro. John, IiZ� when Nettle, ma the brie Landon, orm-. KIPPEN.—At• two o'clock on Wedlle day a -blue woddkirg or. ;iniad, TatQre4t was seletilt4sed a(t' the }throe of biros 13412,, ICippen, wren her daughter, Mary Aliee Cmperor. was unite in marriew,e wlttn Rev. John B4ella,rl, on, B: k:`,, pas - or of St, Andrew''Presbyterian, church; IliTQN--•A very pretty event topki acs on June « tl X - h neon/ att tl Q ideslce of *r, "and M .- Ti: atnadl hen tlttalr eldest daughter. axes aild. 'Mr Art3tar Lawson, sweets rs 4ty bends, or matrimony. Tha n olergynnatza, was Rag., T: We,s etnrel. The 'or de was dreeaed fit w2ttto awles emhroides offs ley a a I'ezi'y tat tl e Ua,w ^t with. tilts area mer bait Clair Fiats, near thrill; l t'tltin. The Bothnia. ea W4 Duns, a deck iilandt of Par wan drowned. a oll:d+ Ili Ste: Qts June Ralph III, Oat. FOR the rareh as. an accompanymg beverage, serve use. en, you are v o oro Your friends will know that. ;e ti: the purest, most that can be pr :c o -r ay, LA ATT, P3 4g OPeeChee art G p . of the b is made from. trees that gro MITCHELI --On Junta «t2ttt, a mare,- Ke narr -lila took "Place ,,at tlae, atoltto o>: Mr. turd. Irda« T. Dell, when,thedr tlaatghter, Mabel united in nlarrtatik to Mr. Herbert ode, of Toronto., The ceremonrl performed by Elder W. H. Gray; of the Latter Day Saints and only near' xeitttiv0s were present. III13I3ERT sin important social event teak„placo at the horns of Mr. and Mrs James Scott.. Jr., Hlibbert, ,on Jude 2l1 \viten thctir daughter, Mies 13osa!o was Joined it wedlock, to Bev. 11. G. Me. Kay. The officiating clergyman, was Itev D. Bitch e, pastor of the Cromarty Chur- ch. and the nu mbar off zfueats preachii wero eighty. CLINTON—John Taylor passed. away at tiro hoainitat hero Sunday nlllorning at the ago of i4 yea s .and; 9 months A week er no pgc fila had been badly hurt near 13rucet1ald while driving the Bayfleid staco, as 'rel hal been thrown out and the wheiels nalssed over nils Ck1,4at. ,11.:}3,„E,B4Tcat) 0 1 T aH ROOFING k will not warp, rot, crack, blister, crumble or rust. ' Strongly fire -resisting. Ru-ber-ofd roofs laid 21 years ago are still sound and weather tight. If you want a roof to last, investigate Ru-ber-oid, 3; Permanent Colors— - Red, Brown, Green - and natural Slate.- 75 Sole Canadian -Mfrs. UHESTANDAEDPAPIfl CO. etCasailaTithsalkd.Nentreat. The Dashwood Planing Mills Co., Limited. DASH WOOD Home. ...., Study Thousands' rot anbious youriff people are ;bohng instructed in their, Horne _Study Dept. You may finish at College it you desire:: Pay whenever you wish. •' Thirty Years' Experience; Largest train.- eran Canaria. Enter any day Positions :guaranteed. If you wish. to. "save board and. learn, white you, esirn, write.for 'partf- culars. 110 V ACATION 'Cicnteri, Bus ., dtnese college 0E0. SPOTTON ' B. P. WA,: resident Princlpitl Would. you say "`It Is D0881ble.tor'two on ': 1 _ �0 a week or • o a� i. n 10 aSDI° Gil axe Weeklte y?,? ' ,, "it Vk'ise-OB'ell, I'd saycit is pr. .. r possible fo_r twoto live -on 1Oa week taming�• USIieSSweakly,„—Catiolie Standard and Times. Very. Mean.;' Uo t believe that, every' man should do something to , advanceq, scientific knowledge; , WhetI die C lial1leave my brain to entenc' ' ' e- 'tin thing. --Judge;-- — 0 Your orders in our, fide : will be attended to quickly and ,satisfac- torily. We are here to raletisethe public needing anything ' in our line, and we''aslr ,a trial fromy ou Orders left by phone or .other- wise at THE ADVOGATL+' OFF- ICE, "PHONE 25, will -receive prompt attention. ' • eec gum his sap is boiled down d refined until its pur- is assured. Then packed in cakes, hermetically shipped to our big sanitary London, where (by modern processes) it is made into O-Pee-Chee Gum and flavored in the making to carefully sealed and factory in suit all tastesa There's a lingering f eshness abort G- Pee-Chee you're sure to like. It is fax smoother than ordinary 15 gum and lasts longer. O-Pee-Chee is the one per, feet gum --"It's merits the tongue can telt" Sold by all dealers who sell the best gum. VI- 4ya� S 1 yJ' 1n1 '.V t 7 Ll"4 t`Ax...,i i� ** j {. r ,r'EE " ct1.:1. BACELWX.37 SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements spade by patients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cures Rte` No Names or Teetimonials CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEAiSE. Patient No. 1647.4. "mo spots are all gone from mylegs and arms and I feel s0o d nowI am ver fateful t ' Y g 'O O 3 tt and shalt never forgot the favor your medicines have done for me. You can "0 my, name in recommending it to any sufferer. I am going to get mar- ried soon. Thanking you onto more, SAYS TWO MONT'IIS CURED Hffi. Patient' No. 16765. Age 23. Single. Indulged In immoral hafts 4 years. De- posit in urine and drains at night. Varicose Veins on both "sides, pains>in. back, weak sexually. Re' writes: -"I received your totter of recent date and In reply Z ane pleased to say that after -taking two months' treatment I would consider myselfcompletely cured.. as I have seen no signs of them coming back ,(one :year). THE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. Patient No. 15023. "I have not- had a regular FmI5eionI don't know when and ant feeling fine.., Tha world seems altogether different to me -and I thank God for directing me to you. You have boon an honest doctor With me." used without written t consent • VARICOSE VEINS cram). Case No. -16888. -:Symptoms when he startedtreatment:—Age rte 21 single, !n- od in in- dulged Immoral ha 1 b isever I Y s a years. Varicose 9e Valns on .both sides—pimples' on thea e f c etc. After two months' treatment he writes as follows:—"your welcome letter to hand and am very glad to say that I' think myself cured. My Varicose Veins have completely dis- appeared far quite a :while and It seems a cure. I work harder' and feel less tired. I have no desire for that habit whatever and, if r stay like this, which I' have every reason to believe I will. Thanking you -for your kind. attention " otic: GAINED 14 leoUNDS IN ONE MONTH. Patient No: 13512. ;This patient; (aged 53) had a chronic case of Nervous De- ility- and Sexual Weakness -and was run down in vigor and vitality. ::.After -one :' month's";t.reatment. he' reports as fol lows:—"I am feeling very well. I have gained 14 pounds in one month, so'that,- 5 will have to congratulate you. ' Later( report:—"I am .beginning to -feel morn like a man; -I fecig my -condition ;:is:; getting better every'reek .",;ills last re, port:—"Dear Doctors—As I -fool this ie:' the last month's treatment' that I wilt . have to get; I thought ,at,one tints $; would never be cured but I; put con- fidence in you from :the start and you ,havo cured ane." - CURES GUARANTEED OR' NO PAY We trent, Lund cure: VARICOSE VEINS.' NERVOUS :; DEBiIFrY, ,BLOOD AND UIRINARY COMPLAINTS, INTS,' KIDNEY AND . BLADDER DISEASES' and all Diaeaae- DeeUliar to 'mea. ,��CONSULTATiON FREE. 'BOOKS FREE: if unable to' eel: write for a; u *lief" Home Treatment.. 'estaot[' All 1®tit®ra from Canada megst k,e atldreseeel t . _NOTICEa oar d eta; ad an Correspondence 1%apartr:,ent oa foliocv's - Dies; %Ehll'dEf3Y & t,...si vFl?Y. VVIivDS[aR, dN'fi or. Mich +ta tat