HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-4, Page 3NF STRF�GTf ,FO g�
Itching: Backs and Tired Limbs
Need Not be Endured
Aching backs, tired limbs attacks.
of faintness, headaches and back-
aehes, need not be a partof WO -
maxi's life_ There are times when
her blood needs special attention,
and these times are , indicated by
one or more of the above symptoms,.
It is at such tunes that Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills `are worth their
weight in gold to women, . for they
actually make' the rich, red health -
giving blood which makes` weak,
tired, 'clesporadent= A. women,active..
and strong, and feeling equal to all
their'house'hold duties. Such a suf-
ferer was Mrs. William Sullivan,
Main River, N. B., who says : "I am
writing to acknowledge the, great
good I received through Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pine.: After ray baby
was born last summer I was so run
- n that life was really a a-ide
I had to drag myself about to do
my housework, and every moment
-vas one of trial. If I went upstairs
1 would be breathless and tired
out, and zny heart would palpitate
violently, and I would have a feel-
ing as though I was smothering. My
appetite was poor, and my baby was
st-ffering from my weakness. I was
advised to ''try Dr.. Wiliims' Pink
Pills and got six boxes, and before
they were all quite used I was like
rl different woman. My appetite re-
turned; I regained ley strength,
and the work about the house no
longer, liptber^ed me. As the result
of my experience I would strongly
urge all weak women and nursing
mothers to use Dr: \i'illiartrs" fink
There is no woman, no matter
what her station in life, who will
not enjoy better health if she occa-
sionally fortifies her blood through
the use of Dr, Williams' )?ink Pills.
The Pills are weld by all medicine
dealer's or may be had by mail at
50 eents a bogy or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr.: Williams` Medi -
Co, Brockville, Ont.
Whaler's Daughter Will A.ceoiltpany
Hutt oft Expedition.
M. Frederic Harrison, the fans-
amons leader, of the Positivists, friend
of Ruskin and Carlyle,• was eighty
years of age last October, and he
ame.in from au eight -mile walk at
tea -time with springy step and alert
bearing, It was his ordinary daily
exercise, and not at all in the na-
ture of a birthday celebration.
Mr. Harrison, is spending; the ev-
ening of his days near B,awkhurst,
in I£cnt, where he delights in his
garden and grounds, which he has
made very beautiful, He rose on
his birthday at 7.30, breakfasted at
5,30, and was engaged from 9.20 till
luncheon -time with the , morning
When the pioneers of women's
freedom stnrtod out to win sex
equality they did not reckon whale
huntillg,alnong the pursuits suitable
for fentrnilre aspirants to indepen- 1
dente. Thatis why Miss Hjordis
Jugebrigtson, of Christiania, Nor-
way, is ahead of the feminist game.
She was born by the sea and her
father has been a whale hunter
since 1560. His record of capture
runs close on 15,000 whales and his
name is known among hunting men.
from the North Cape to Portuguese
South .Africa,
In the latter section of the earth
his son has been domiciled for three
years. Now Miss Jugebrigtsen is
going with her father on a whaling
expedition in that region as a regu-
lar member of the hunting party,
She has passed her apprentice-
ship, for several times she has ac-
companied the boats and has be -
name an expert shot. Up to now
she has merely assisted the men, but
her skill has now matured so that
she herself will fire the deadly har-
poon. against the monsters of the
deep. She is only 20 years old, and
despite her daring pursuits, she re-
mains a tender-hearted and gentle)
Why Should I Use
Cuticura Soap?
"There is nothing the matter
with my skin, and I thought
Cuticura Soap was only for skin
troubles." True, it is for skin
troubles, but its great mission is
to prevent; skin troubles. For
more than a generation its deli.
tate emollient and prophylactic
-, properties have rendered it the
standard; for this purpose, while
its extreme purity and refreshing
fragrance give to it allthe advan-
tages of the best, of toilet soaps.
g p
It is also invaluable in keeping
the 'hands soft and white;; the hair
live and glossy, and the scalp
free from dandruff and irritation.
While its first cost is a few cents
more than that of ' ordinary toilet
soaps, it is prepared with such care
and of such materials, that it wears
toa wafer, often outlasting several
cakes of other soap, and making,
its use, in practice, most econom-
ical,:: ' Cuticura Soap is sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere,
but the truth of these claims may
be demonstrated without cost by
pending to 'Cuticura," Dept. 721,'
Boston, 13. S. A., for a liberal sam-
ple cake, together with a thirty-two
book'- en the.skin hair.
?'rederic Barr -tam
newspapers, hie correspondence,
aud his new bet*,
Memoirs!' His mornings work in-
cluded the writing of twelve letters,
Arriving home at five o'clock after
hi walk, he anent half an hour in,
showing visitors round his garden.
Then there was a little rest before
dinner. At eleven it was bedtime,
An unbroken sleep of eight hours
every ' night and an interest in every
waking hour, that is Mr. Harri-
son's happy lot- at eighty.
He is engaged on another work,
"Among My Books." He writes
aab(atat 1,500 words a day.
About'What Ii,er Ifitsbana Would
A Mich, woman tried Postum be-
cause coffee disagreed with her and
her husband. Tea is just as harm-
ful as coffee because it contains caf-
feine ---the same drug found in cof-
fee. She writes:
"My husband was sick for three
years with catarrh of the bladder,
and. palpitation ; of the heart, caus-
ed by coffee. Was unable to work
at all and in bed part of the time.
"I had stomach trouble, was weak
and fretful so I could not attend to
my housework -both of us using
coffee all the time and not realiz-
ing it was harmful.
"One morning the grocer's wife
said she believed coffee was the
cause of our trouble and advised
'Postum. I took it home rather du-
bious what my husband would say-
he was fond of coffee.
"But I took coffee right off the
table and we haven't used a cup of
it since. You should have seen the
change in us, and now my husband
never complains of heart palpita-
tion any more. My stomach trou-
ble went away in two weeks after I
began Postum. i>Iy children love it
and it does then' good, which can't
be said of coffee.
"A lady visited its who was usu-
ally half sick. I told her I'd make
her a cup of Postum. She said it
was tasteless stuff, but she watched
me make it, boiling it thoroughly
for 15 minutes, and when done she
said it was splendid. Long boiling
brings out the flavor and food qua-
lity." Name given by Canadian
Postum Co., Windsor, Ont:
Look in pkgs. for the famous lit-
tle book, ,"The Road to Wellville."
Ever read the above letter? A now ono
appears from time to time. They aro
genulno, true, and full of human interest.
No symptoms :that indicate any
of the ailments of childhood should
be _allowed to pass without prompt
attention.; ,The little ailment may
soon become a serious i as and per-
haps a little life passes out. If
Baby's Own Tablets are kept intim
house minor troubles can be
prornptly cured; and serious ones
averted. The Tablets are guaran-
teed absolutely ' safe and cant be
given to the newborn babe as well
as the growing child. Mrs, Arthur
Drapeau,'Mont Cannel, Que., says:
"1 cart give Baby's Own Tablets"to!
my little one without fear, well
.knowing the beneficial results: that
will follow their use." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
In common with peasants, princes
often suffer the annoyance caused
by having something in the eye; In-
deed, there is no section of the com-
manity that escapes the irritation.
Sometimes:, it is true, a person may
not he aware that there is actually
anything in the eye but when there
are -the slightest indications of such
a thing it is always well to make an
examination. The most frequent
site of the foreign body;; according
to a wellown -kndoctor, is•on the
cornea, but it may lodge; in the con-
junctiva, which lines the inner„sur-
face of the lids, or may lie beneath
the upper lid. The latter _situation
is frequently forgotten, and the
person examining the eye may make
a most thorough search of the cor-
nea, etc., ;,but omit to turn up the
upper lid. '' To delay having the eye
attended to is dangerous, and a
small, apparently inoffensive,' for-
eign body is often the staD,rting-point
of some grave ocular trouble.
The largest railway station in the
world, so' far as acreage goes, is the,
Southern ;Railway Station, Vienna,
which comers elose upon 100 acres.
The Husband Is Frequently a Very
Deed Mau.
The woman who nags -usually
takes for her subject such trivial
matters. It needs so little to upset
her, and ,tet her tongue wagging,
Woe betide herhousehold during a
spell of wet, dirty weather! She is
constantly on the alert for those
offenders who disregard doormats,
A scratch on any of the household.
furniture will iake'her fretful for
a day, and an accident with the
gravy on the clean tablecloth will
rankle in her mind for a week,
.tnnoyances come to the nagger
which ne other woman has to bear—
er so .,she thinks, She looks for
trouble so trouble comes to her.
Sheis always nagging at someone
for sins of omission or commission.
By some • ,strange freak of Fate, it
often happens that men who de-
serve good wives get those which
come under another heading, and
the seounda'els and the undeserving
males get the model women. The
husbandof the stagger is frequently
a very good, fellow, who makes a
model husband—or would, if his
wife would let him, Can it, be his
fault if his wile degenerates into ai
There are some women who make
better wives under: the rule of a'
martinet that they would natter the
regime of the -pan who puts up with
anything for the sake of pewee. The
fear of their task -master keeps
them front ,sli€1i11'; into tbo grooves
which end in domestic misery. If a
woman is inclined to nag, she should
marry the man who is autocratic.
So many women stunt themselves,
and allow the weaker points of
their characters • to predominate,
when they have "settled down for
life. They are apt to magnify their
domestic worries --of which they al-
ways have a goodly share -until
these shut out 'the wider interests
of the outer world.
When once domestic matters fill
the whole horizonof a certain type
of woman, she is liable to degener-
ate into one who is careful and
troubled about the little things, and
to become eventually a nagger. She
may be a good housekeeper, but she
makes a worrying wife.
If the man the nagger has mar-
ried should happen to be. careless
over manners and appearance, she
has a. continual subject for nag-
agging. If he should sit at table in a
negligent manner he must look out
for storms, or a stony, disgusted
"Do take your elbows off the ta-
ble, John ! How can I hope for the
children to have even an apology for
manners if you persist in setting
such a bad example f"
"I wish you. could `manage to eat
your food in a more Christian -like
manner, John!"
"Really, I do think it hard that
you cannot eat your breakfast in my
company without a newspaper stuck
before you !"
These and ruiany other plaints
poor John hears daily.
The children of a nagging mother
have very little happiness in their
Childhood, andrarelycarry -happy
memories of home life with them
when they fare forth into the world.
The miximum depth of the Atlan-
tic is ever five miles and of. the Pa-
eific just under six miles. The
greatest abysses are all found to
be not far from the land.
Nowy's the time to be a -doing,
If there's work that must be done,
While the earth itself is wooing
Favors from the shining sun.
Not to -morrow; you, may never
Hear the belle of morrow chime,.
But for every brave endeavor
?how's- the time!
Now's the time to be :a -moving,•
If in life you've any aizn;
If you're anxious to be proving
.What in merit is your claim,
Dant—ab, don't to -day postpone it x'
Is not idleness acrime 7
If you have not overthrowu it,
Noyr,'s the time!
Say not even. "I will do it
Without failure by-and-by."
That's a time with no date to it—
In the shadows let it lie!
Seize the present! It is flying
B,ver from poll. as you climb.
Now, if you are bent on trying—
Now's the time!
Norway's coast line, which mea-
sures 1,700 miles in a straight line,
becomes 12,000 miles if followed
round the fjords.. In these are over
150,000 islands.'
In New SouthWales,, Australia,
any person taking part in a strike
is liable to a penalty'of £11000, or
to be imprisoned for two months.
Dr., Nome's
Indian Moot Pill�
are made according to a formula in
use nearly a century ago among the
Indians, and learned from them, by
Dr. Morse, Though repeated at-
tempts have been made, by physi.
clans and chemists, it has been found
itlnpossible to improve the formula or
the pill's. . Dr. Morse's Indian Root
Pills area household remedy through-
out the world for, Constipation and
all lZidne
r andLiverf:They.
act promp'trott�es. tly and effectively, and • 40
cleft/116e t e SYS
Not long ago Lord Kinnaird, who
is always actively interested in re-
ligious work, paid a surprise visit
to a mission school in the eat end
of London and told a class of boys
the story of Samson, In conclud-
ing his narrative his Lordship ad
ded, "He was strong, became weak,
and thou regained his strength,
enabling himto destroy his enemies.
Now, boys, if 1 had an enemy, what
would you advise me to do?" A
little boy after, meditating en the
secret of that great giant's strength
shot up his hand and exclaimed,
"Get a bottle of 'air -restorer."
A Boon for the Bilious, -Tho liver
is a very sensativc organ and easily
deranged, Whcu this oceurs there-
is undue secretion of bile and the
acrid flows into the stomach and
sours it, It is a most distressing
ailment, and many are prone to it.
In this eonditton a man finds the
best remedy in Parmelee's Vege-
table Pills, which are warranted to'.
speedily correct the disorder. There
is no better medicine in the entire
list of pill preparations,
Paris, as all the world knows,
leads in fashions and it is estinat-
ed tbat in France 940,000 women
and 75,000 men earn their living by
supplying the latest modes.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Carpet In Cows,
True religion
newel speaks of
what it bas done or is doing, neither
has it any pornps or vanities, but
does its work silently an•cl without
hope of reward, at least in this life.
Warts are disfigurements that dial
appear when treated with Hollo-
way's Corn Cure, ""
A mere good impulse that does
not result in good works is rather
worse than useless, for if not car-
ried out in deed it has a reaction
instead of an action as its outcome.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
"Money, you know, is man's
worst enemy," `eI suppose that's
why some.folk like him for the ene-
mies he has made,"
Nearly all infants are more or less
subject to diarrhoea and such com-
plaints while teething and as this
period of their lives is the most cri-
tical mothers should not be with-
out a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's
Dysentery Cordial. This medicine
is a specific for such complaints
and is highly spoken of by those
who have used it. The proprietors
claim it will cure any case of chol-
era or summer complaint.
e" am surpr sed tel hear Oat
Dx,bhleigh has beaker sic wu,' said.
Still:13s. "He used to have a splen
ti.tl ttC )Stott+•'.J "
"Yes," said Wigg;e+h trfc, "but
he began amending it."
For Asthma and Catarrh. It is
one of the chief recommendations of
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil that it
can be usedinternally with as much
success as'it:;can' outwardly; Suf-
ferers from asth�.-ia and catarrh will
find that the Oil when used accord-
ing to :directions will give immedi-
ate relief. Many sufferers from
these' ailments have found relief in
the Oil. and have sent testimonials.
Heck If I ever •marry I'll rule
the roost or know why_" ' Peek--
"You'll know why' all right."
Mineral's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
The prisoner was charged with so
trivial an'offense that the judge
told him that if he ; would plead
guilty he would let him.off with a,
"Before we plead guilty,'' re-
plied the man's lawyer, "we'd -like
to know what the fine will be.''
"Isn't it rather ; unusual- to at-
tempt to bargain with the court err
asked the: judge.
"Perhaps it is, V0111' honor," re
plied the lawyer, "but in this case
it is important. You see,' the pris-
oner has only twelve dollars, and
as Inv .'fee is ten dollars, we can't
afford to plead guilty if you intend
to .fine him more than two dollars." ED.
The Optimist—After all, marriage
If yoremarry the right
woman, there is nothing like it.
The Pessimist --And if you marry
the wrong \venian,_ there is nothing
like ib
An Always Ready Pill..—To prose
" regular tear f l habit medicine "ne isorf little
3. W. DAWSON, Utnety Ctpiborne Street,
bus' beautiful ;lauudre4 acres In.
Northumberland County, Including- Stock
leen implements. There In in the stock
4 horses. 10 cones, , te. This is a soap, and,
can be had en easy terms. Possession sitonce,
et001) FARMS IN I,ir4C-013N, WELLAND
1:.f Balton, Peel, bark, Durham, North.,
timberland, Prince Deward counties at
Bei r+tlaiaasle+;s.
concern, b zls themajority great of I+a2
t37�sAsk,�TCII.uw�� AND
men are not of regular habit. Tie 3rauitobu laaatla in large ar smile
worry and dares of business prevent binaks,
it, and out of the irregularity of life! i P"'T0` Palatset
me d -o n(r indigestion, . i lie' I *tet",
co s y l psialiver t �•
SI�'S5, I:.': TEC
and kidney troubles as a potest,; 13P."'"Nf$n t, Tor
fWS IN 7 oS,z it (' ti,'N`r - .`
S, tone 77ihtttCt2 sere$ m n'1
1 :temp orchard frtrne lean;
ank barn, Price i• :„let T1aot•:l;tad
red Fonar,'. Win eTchnnrc for
rtu, The western Real Detatc,
Tho run-down system demands- a
corrective and there is none better
than Parmelee's Vegetable Pilus,
They are simple in their cornposi- ; "wo
tion and can be taken by the anost '�° , Zorn,
delicately constituted.
Father (to his son whom he has
reproved for lying)••• -i. never told a
lie when I was small,
Hans—Well, how oldwere yon,
father, when you began?
21inard's Lin nicni Co„ Limited,
Dear Slrs, This fall 1 got thrown on
Ionce and hurt tn5' chest very' bad, so 1
could not. work and it hunt me fo
breathe. I tried all kinds of "Liniments
and they did me aro good.
Ono bottle of MINAItD'S Ll•:.yI51EldT,
waraned on 11anneln and applied on U37
breast, cured :me completer.
0. 11. COSSAB0031,.
RosswaY, Digby Co N. S.
He—Hurry, dear, or we shall be
too late for church,
.She ---We can't be too late when
I'm wearing this old dress and bat,
Tr'y tt urine Eye Remedy
ogmnritn4t-i?cut4D?Ss,u httet7ctei1,y.
Try it for r ed, w+. oak, Watery t;4e4 Lindromuuleied. RyoUd4,.Illindre,tea stook
In each 1'aearr„ e. 'yl ilaiah, ie -tiara•
e 8 fiauttded bv <Atc-0 t4A1+,-.nt44 antent
Dtettlrtno*• but utacd an Atccesltfu l r'ir7•el-
,,,/' 03504' Credito tete ,pony ' earn. AN•
CiJ G� dedicated to the retina rand aoId by
,�+� Iarugglsi+tit Zo-Bee per crottle.. Merlonr3, ,are Eye Salvo in Aeetale Tnhee, ase -5O ,
+�. Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicano
Most of the world's, peppermint
is grown on peppermint farms in
Michigan. Over 300,000 pounds of
peppermint oil, worth $5 a pound,
is produced annually from the moist
and black soil of south-western
This is Imperial year at the Cana-
dian National Exhibition and H.R.
II. the Duke of Connaught will
perform the opening ceremonies on
Monday, August 26th.
Manitoba's area under; wheat is
reported at 3,400,000 acres, while
Saskatchewan's has increased from
6,250,000 to 7,813,500 acres, and Al-
berta's from 750,000 to 937,500
Thousands of mothers can testify
to the virtue of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator, because they
know from experience how useful it
(nsNTS, trnrai
A :ted (.:larks In great deur tnd 01'0u[01,.
out Ontario awl North Wet4. Fix Months
will qualify }•ou, Day and Mall. ea=ten +s,
Positions ,;ecured. Free l3ook iS 'metates,
Dominion 'school Telegraphy, Tarawa.
AI' :'ut Tl AIi',t SCALDS. wwTilFi?n,a
ealtt S} arks, 9 1 splanade, Taranto,
t AN'C*k P, T'G]If,IItS, LQ21'S, eto, Xtf,
terztal. and external. rlured exit Mott
in by our home treatment- ite as
'before too 'late. Dr, Bellman ,3ledlt`at .
Limited, Collinewaal, Out.
TON 014 St•'z#iaE RII.AlltNTSit,I?. 1C'i,l tin's
. , to.
Scale 'li' ar]ts, 9 Lsplanuak(^, Toroato,
I, 1-. it Si> dD TOi9t r•,A 1I A\'3I
get re I.' inftarmatioa. 33, l:0ll>
93 Argyle titrival', 'Ioaon,o.
Attuabies offers two years' training;
complete course in 3ln,sage; Post Gratin.
ate C,our5e in, Bellevue and Allied itospt-
tnls, NOV' York. Applications willhe re•
coved by Mise Creme, Lady Superinten.
dent, 130 Dann Are.. Toronto.
Nlti1TE CaE�'
Canadian Rranoht PurlfiOo Co„ 1Urh1 cburg, Ont'.'
Your Overcoats
and faded Suits would look bettor dyed. . If no
agent of oars iu your town, write direct to
Mentteal, Bax .55. (mild Medalist.
Eirltish Arncracan _ Dyeing; Co.,
Sm -it.Za,31.M21-Sg
•— Preserve— Beautify
and Booklets on Application
LANtMUIR & GO,, Limited
Barnum. Street TORONTO
be the fineet area.
gi tion of Water-
aterproof Collar,
ever r,adr, A,k.
.,, }�,........... _ . ...: to ,cc ,rd buy
. A11
Mrs. A. "Your husband always
dresses so quietly." Mrs. B.—"He
does not. You ought to hear him
when . he loses a collar-stud l"
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Two dear 'friends were conversing
—"Take my advice, old chap," said
one of them, "and get married"
"No,' thanks. I have a horror of
perpetual slavery.'' "Ah., but if
you could find a wife like mine, so
gentle, so affectionate, so devoted."
"Then I'll wait till she's a widow!"
She—"Just look at the trouble
money can get you into." He-
"Yes, but look at the trouble it
can get you out of."
1.SSI31'] a"r- 1.
THE ARLINL'TON 00. oa o er.
of Coracle, Ltd. etorc, or durst
for 25e.
58 'rndxtn AVEmos
Is guarantood to keep flies oil your Cattle
Dilute with 4 gallons of water.
Write for a gallon now to
Sole Mfrs. -The Saplio Manufacturing Co.,
Limited, Montreal.
"',� 1 r .ar
The very thing for a refresh-
ing lunch iii hot weather.
Cet .Thaean From Your ernes
Trado supplied by John w.
,Lady in' shoe store—"These shoes'
pinch terribly. Ilaren't you any
thin; larger?"
Salesman—"You asked me foty;
ltu'nlber twos, Madam. `I can' 'i'givar",
you n11nlbe throes or number fotlr8,�%�
o'rL "
atey "The idea ! I want some,
thing large-•ritimber;'�w;os.