HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-7-4, Page 2•
Details of the Generous Plu.m-Danger of Being
Carried Away by Good Fortune of Others -
How to Speculate if You are Bound to Take
a Chance -Avoid Marginal Speculations and
Buy Outright.
The 4rtlet” tfliited by' "Ieveetor"
*re foe Ilte sole pp pose of guiding pros- I
eet,ive inveetere,aad, 11 possible. of see -
bele them from loslog meineY thraug13
41Partial rre e elleraeter of Hee eeling' It le "Wild -ear enterprieee
and tabl
. The
//formation may _ reboil
writer of theme erttelee aid tbe publisner
of thta pltper 'laveflQinteeeste to sereti
IP clIMAqCtiaa "W;th thi* matter other glee
'twee of the reader,
en top10
beezi„ -What.
Panto.- ,:',;‘,1,w that th1
enewt red And 'Hi
thereto tannewitat rFFR
61*1"U1aLtOr0 ar0 asking
everybody they meet jut.,i1t Iiita
1 et
order 02 things will 'Oleg
.. it
Anew gotanallY wth
ia mo apita
of 914,0g,080 bas been formed to kpow
se the Brazilian TraMwayer CompaelYe
S,411}P, simitar name, This companY t
letee over the inheres or the Javieire
Tremwey Bight and Power Compaoy,. giv
lug ez,chango Ito stock OM ratio of
four shares of Brazilian preferepee shares
toshares or timpolon for eachve
Me share% The preferred tharea will bear
divideeda at the re* of six per mut•.
awl the direetors state that, ProbahlY
per mot. will he vohe id eu t*outman
stock. That neill mean that Rio aharit-
'holders wall mow out With, ikiiv fiubt3trop,
%lel profit. For ezample. tbe new 13refer,
ewe ehares should sell at around 10 or
let, 'Pim common sharer) should also sell
around. par. for although not so high claSa
4 eeeurlty the preference, the common
SX0i" has a great. eitance take advant-
age of the fixtore earnings of the compatm
whieb (*await fail to be great. So %be
W' ef ten shares of wtil„get, Stook
womb at /oast -that is eight shares
or preferred. -worth 10,l, or 8524. and tdg
.51,;teres connuon, Varal. 1.83,o1 soo.
Poled of dends the present hold
len share?. gets s50 A year, In tatters
will got• 396, and of 0eur,e more alit»
dividends ore iurreased.
be VaI0.01' Sae Paulo the iharel,rolit,
era. of course. get a larger proportionate
slice of Ow new rorapany, For melt share
of Sao Paulo a shaand a lutif 44 the
view preferred aud an equal amount of
common r' to lie gtven. Titms. the holder
,of ten shares of Sae Paulo will, come out
as toitows, flooring on lite 'probable 'mar-
ket prfees eited above:
15 Shares, preferred..$1,54
15 Sharer, remou
end Se
hoe bee
tetelre alU
014 all
is, no quos.0014hat.io brier0t. the very good, fortnne of
T, , is the situatiou. and there
shareholders. llarcirturiately, there is
ono great drawback. Maaspeople who
knew little or nothing abolet local _and
g nertil financial es:iaw
t:dns euluP ioto
'Me gtOeit raarleet the vain hope of mmak-
*il4r "killing." And in 90 per
gent of the cases they worn.
Now. he no quarrel Ill.:al PeoPie wit
invest in stvhs, Investing shares may
le dOn0 egiSely s0 aS to melte a I,idy profit,
nd at the same time tales no moro thou
_n ordinaro busioess risk, but those who
st invest An titiS talAW0O. laVetit, They do
t $peoulate, No man who buys on Mar -
eon be eaid to invest; be speculates.
beel Often enceulation 4not another
roar gatabliog.
rYttraler, aktladrallft8e4r etheSelleralrY1Cloetnkt:'
siden et the question. deolde
rot:warty is in g\-ioil shape,
3110wing regular luereasea
Of Yeere and A gOOd rind
g t for its Prodotit-it may
g elect gilt. or ploughs, M1 vou-
4tU1, patina eerviee iinatt-
OUld he eetteidered aloug almost
U few veriatiorie
itt at various times in, this col -
deciding that the vompapy'ri
right the -nest step is to de-
ier or not the rOtallattrii aliarea
discouoteil fhis future
e marlret is eancerned, If the
ming about 61.2 or 7 per
ntarhet value, and earnings
stirs' inerease dividends
,it is good buy. Pay for it
put it away until your iudg.
s been lustiged. Then. if you
tako Profit sell. At all events
will show a very handsome
terst 'your investment.
ge hand. a rew years ago a
x id st theae Peitits about SAO
t it• at 155 and put no a
en the bard times of
Paulo went down to
ur points at margin
J14 him for more.
Points, the
3 in desperatiott
Wit sold at 81.
wins had oleo,
and paid foe
r year/ at -
Z4. and
tni if d,
so two Men bad the same
.' They were both right, but ems took
e mow way of obtaining his oral. Ile
t it a Chance and tho market wont
ngt*nst him. It lie had beUght outtinht
11 wouldn't bavo made UR %ouch as mim-
2. hut he would- have made US mime
1 got 10 per cent. divideoda--6 56 per
• on his lovestment-durilig the four
r But be was a speculator ad lest.
T is a very obvious moral.
flr .158 uiralent of 304 tor bis stock in tho
nre ent COUtpany, while his dividends will
lie slap iyear instead of 3100, AEI they are
s't present,
Chairman Dominion Railway Board --Poverty in
the City -Housing the Poor -Echoes
of Bygone Days.
Hon, V'. J. Hanna. Provinvial Secretary, f
18 again in the ihne light in councetton
with the Cliattruanahip ot the Domiuion
Railway Board. It is eurious to note b..oer
any positions Mr. BAna's natio AAA
been atsociated with during the past live
vearti. iler a long time there was a ru-
mor reeurring abeet once a erionth that
he 8'4Irs goitig into Dominion politice. Then
September, 1911, enme and passed, and it
was Mr. Coehrene who won. In connec-
t ion with tltis ineident there is an inter-
e sting story, that Mr. Hanna eould have
been the eatupaign organizer for Ontario
lust as he wee iu 1903, 111111 probably sub-
tequeutly a Dominion Cabinet Minister,
but. that he gueseed wrong as to the pro-
bable result. But that may be Just a
Yarn. Then, there have been pereistent
rumors that Mr. Foy would resign and
that Mr. lia•nna worth/ be the next Attor-i
ney-Getteral. And it has beets generally
underrtood that as inatters stood he was
the logivel sueeeeeor o Sir ;lames Whit-
ney. Al ono time he was offered the po-
sition of C-orporetion Counsel of Toronto
at n lett salary, n po,itiop which after-
wardwent to Mr. Drayton, and in Hoe
cone -retitle it, was intereeting to see the
other day an interview with Mr. Drayton.
in whieh he told of having declined the
Railway Board Chairmanship. But mean-
time, Mr. Hanna hes stayed on year after
year as Provinelai Secretary.
Mr. Ilanee'e heartiness and good humor
are infeetioes. Ile loves children.One
day a group of little waifs were waiting
at the Parliament buildings to see some
official. Mr. Hauna Corralled them, took
them into his luxurione private office, te
whith xni11iona1rs sontethnes impatiently
wait admittance, and had a half-hour's
rood play with them.
As to his mental capacity, it ie doubt-
ful if hie preseet position has revealed his
real worth to the public. continueue
linking up of his name with some new
Positiee hag no doubt reflected a popular
notion flint he wee too big, a taan for the
vositimi of Provincial Secretary.
In the midst of bounding prosperity, and
of inereatling luxery for the classes there
21 probah3y rnare neut.° poverty in To-
le Tonto tintr: f`vcfr before. This IS Tnerely
the history Of large eitieseverywhere, but
it is th
te those who hoped that
we in Canada might avoid some or the
evils which lieve erown up in the old
A -Fresh Air Funm
Fund." oolleeting. oney
2.give, pieniee ehiltiven "-who would
not otherwise, he able to have a single
lialf-cley's outing on the beatet 00 in the
oountrv during the S1111131101', 5 00000809
that last summee. it wes neeesrary 1.0 dc,-
commodete nee less than 8000 roronto
Thr teatirnany of .00100 291 4149
and eba ties is to tee same 44012, Frein •
-which. it may be dednedil that there Ittre
aiewei.ds of 2010.families in the city whole
eonditioU le one approaching. if not al-
ready arrived at, abjece. poverty.
There is no ittel of work for both men
and women .eho v1f11 work. 'rho -,1o111)1
in Iiir-Ht Nigeti 15 a result of sheer shift-
leesitess and vice, ebiefly drunlenneas. We
are..develor,,ing our propor firm of I'uriern-
PloYablf,s," the harne aq old-world cities.
Despite immigretien lawe, whieb are 0)191 -
posed 21>eeelette all snob, trie,y BoxriedimeE
Iret 01 But, the Reddest, fact is thet meny
"of them are Caeadien born and bred. The
lure of the city attra ctn the (11,1eq as well
11 1110 gnbL
NEW FAD 0003903931t0:'
_ In imuneetion with obarit.shie we,rk. tee
ledeet fad 1,, ef111Prne7 tor tlIP
yoos- t110 "11'.11.111111[1. prOblertl'.21. is 0511004.
a!ps '124" It 1.00 dr tor, 80111
'1,f117 -fri) an enierpria.e' alto -
got eorernenenble. In .ad hour -
trite es rre nn 1;08 ACh 443
waye it isdoubtful it theY have accom-
plished the end they have been aimed at.
Instead of abolishing shims they have
simply shifted their location.
Now a company of public-spirited citi-
zees has been organized to lay out a few
acres of moderate -priced Toronto laud in
email homes of model design and cen-
etruetion for poor people. It is to be
hoped they will aehieve then. purpoee.
Certain/y there is need of some relief
for overcrowding. Within the last few
daye almost indiseribable conditions havo
been diecovered in several sections of the
city. In one house of ten rooms ten fam-
ilies were found to be living. In ,another
house of moderate eve 77 lodgers were
found. And, of eouree, overcrowding la
nearly always aceompanied by eocial
vices; for example. in one small house etre
woman was found living with twenty
men. In nearly all these and similar cases
the men are foreigners, who left condi-
tions in EuroPe Probably woree than those
whieli thew are now.
The beautiful old grounds of Govern-
ment Reuse at the corner of Simeon and
Xing etreete are no more, and the last
vestige of the house itself will soon have
dieappeared. A building -wrecker paid
32,300 for the privilege ef tearing the
place down. The grounds have been
plonghed 110 and levelled: a beautiful ra.-
Tine, where a ereek rippled in the old days
before all Toronto's creeks were turned
into etewers, has disappeared. The beatt-
Niel old elms have been turned 10.10 cord-
wood, and the whole senile varies not at
all from that which may be seen any-
where that a railway is putting- in new
sidings. The building dated only from
1874: before that its site was a favorite
Picnicking ground 'out in the country,"
foe the eity of that date lay to the east.
When it was constreceed the adjoining
streets, Day. Sirneoe and Wellington, be-
came the fashionable district, just as
Chorle.y Park, five miles a.way, is now
. .
Nearby wag the residence of Sir Marti-,
mer Clark, one of elm finest of its day,
which now, alsoemakes way for the 0. P.
R. freight, yards. Fr the la.St twenty
years Sir Mortimer refused to follow the
erceeesion to the ontekirts, but braved the
smoke and noise of shunting trains and
factories. The residence of William Caw-
thra, lauded proprietor, the richest To-
rentonian of his day, and founder of the
Oatethra estate. who during the Crimean
War used to take his deposits -ie ilver-
50 bank 10 a wheelbarrow, has been
turned into a bank. ft stands at the
northeie t roriler of Ray and King
Tee late Colewin Smith's -''Oratige" hart
been 1101104 into an Art Gallery., The
lionAe built in 1822 by Sir William Camp-
bell, then Chief .Just3ceat the ,eorner of -
Frederick and Difge, .911010r.j48part of
• ,
NEIG-111.10111 S."
If yon e kenteel` in aTT p ear itis ee and,
cotirteous iir your ,,iiiiiiin 0 r, 3.'011 will be
•eicornetl 1I1 .every 110810, a11 yo1J7...1otniiitY,
wilpn you exe 91108211g sarn1)1e's-ot Our ' a -n -
peri,,,, „ 2101 at geoeF bonselioid iieeessit1es,
end reliii1)1' rem ,:ai,,,,. Tile' sa1,18faetioix
-le ‘1- .• .4. de ' 1. • ... the , •.
tinder an obligation to you, wheel wins
,, . , , .
ler you_ 21t41 911011)'yes-peer., esteem, -, e,
tlreate 1 rienripblp .givon 111)1) p11888,; ,pbyel,
lii 0. er pastor, and you' will male. more
money 'front veer entre teem 31)1511 yeti
' (11'0,%.11'1411.,'11,e-eic10.1.1" a -110/41: or friend,.
: `i fas°. 'a Your opeortretity for. a plea Nal' il i,
profiti143, n nd tier eletie 0 t , "oil sin esa. Acl.
....cirsit/kgyrs le 311)100 902111le di(Jo,, Dept e0, Men, ng, "I'eje.into, 0 t ' .. ...
, , , .
Pres of Bath Crain, Cheese hnd Ct er
Produce et Home and Alaread.
Toronto, July 2. -Flour -Winter 'wheat,
90 per eent. patente. 34.20 to '34.25, at see -
board, and at e4,23 to 34 59 for home on
ennui -don, Maititoba ileurs-Dirst patents,
95,701t pateets„ 35.20, ana etrontU
belters", e5. on traelt„ Toronto.
Alneitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern, 81--
151-2,, Bay ports; No. at 91.10 1-2, and
NO. 3 at 9/.071-2, Bay 1;orts. Feed wheat
is quoted at 63 to 650 Bay porte,
Ontario 1.'heat-No:2 white, red and
Mixed $1.06, 00tsi4e,
shipping peoe, 31.25, 0115'
Oete-etlar Iota of No. g Ontario. 42 60
43 1-20. and NO. 3. at 47e„ outside, No. 2
Ontario, 51. to 51 1-2c, on track, Toronto.
No. 1 extre W. C. feed, 49c,„ Bay ports; and
No. e at 43e. Bay Ports-
Earley-Prieee nominal.
Coril-N0, 3 American relieve 76c on
trac2, Bay porte, and at 82e, Toronto,
Bye -Prices nominal,
Buckwheat -Price e nominal.
Bran -Manitoba bran $22, b
onto teeight. S2,orts;$25.
COVisyritY 111101N-TeE.
Ban, -Small iota a and-10kell .$3 zlor
bushel; printee, $2,65 to 92.73.
goller-EXtrected, in ties. 11. to 12e eter
ib- Comb% 32.50 to, $2.75 per dozen,
Baled- Bay -No. 2 at 319, On track,. To -
roto. No. g at e16 10917; on& peteed
at 911 to 312 -
Baled $traw-210. 10 $11, on traelb, To.
Peteteee--Car fete Of Ontario% la hap
91.50, mid Below:tree at 31.70,
Poultry-Witelesale •priors 'of thoiee
dressed poultry«-Ohicitene, 15 to 17o net
- fowl 11 to re,- tarheys 15 10 1.5e
Live peinitrr. abene ge lower thee Hee
Butter ---D . eholee, 22 to 23e; halter
ferior, 19 to 20; creamery, 25 to 20c, tor
roU,, and 24 to 110 for eolith%
Aga --22 to 23o Per dozen-
Oltee5e--NelY elleeee, 14 -to 141-2e per P.
liacete-Boug clear. 14 to 141.2o per lb.,
in ease lots. Pork -Short cut. 324 to 321;
do,. mess, 320.50 to $21. Ilams-4.1edieni
10 171•2 to 18e: heirrY, 161-2 to 1.7r;rolls. te 111-2ei breakfast, bacon, 131.2c;
baths. 23 to 21c.
rd 133-4('; tab$:r
I, ,Inly Cattmlisit West
3, 311,-2 no; Vanadion West
0, 3, 41 to 4431.2er entre. No. 1. feed,
3004 * 61% Barley, Mau. feed, 641-2 to
350 ailing 31,05 to 31.01,, littchwitea4
31,05 lo 3440. Flour, Nan.. Soria
patent% lints. 35,11: seconds, 31.23;
stroug bakers", 35,10; Winter patents.
35,40 10 31.50e straight rollers. 24.-
95 to 3510; straight 'milers. lamp $2,40 to
32.46. 11060e4 oats, barrels, 35,1)3; hags, 90
lbee, V.40, Bran. 822.00. shorts, 81.3.
Middlings, 828,00 50330-00, Uoutine, 350-02.
to 334,00. Ba, NO, 2,„ net, ton, ear lots,
31900 to 323.00. Cheese, finest Western%
127-8 to 131-10; finest, eastern% 011-4 he
121-2e. Butter.. ellieleest creamery. 241.2 to
250: setsnuia, 24 to 241-4e. Egg% aeleeted,
25 to 26o; No, Steck, 15 to 16e, Potatoes,
Per hag. gar 10tft, $1.62 to 31.60.
Minneapolis, „littly 2.--W1leet-3017,
096-8 to 31.0934; September. 31,04541; lho
niter. 31.051.8: No. 1 hard. 31.121-3; N.
Northern, 35113.5; No. 2 Northern, 31,-
. No. 3 Yellow (WA, 72 to 73n. No. 3
1111* eate„ 49 to 49 kat, NO. 2 ere. 73 to
t4e. Bran. 320 10 320.50. Flour-401ret, pat-
ents. 35,40 to 35.656 slimmed patents, 35.10
to 35,35: first (dears,. $3.80 to $4,051 second
010985. 32.70 to 3300.
Buffalo, July- Wheat -Net i
Northern, earloads store, 31.181-4; Win-
er. uo Offerings. Cora -Strong. Oats -
No. 2 white. 671-4e; No, 3 white, 561-4or
No, 4 white, 551-40.
Uontreal. :NV 2,-A, few top 1)11111150'1)11111150'steers mid :It 38 to38.25, while the lower
grades sold at, front $4.00 to 3150 Per cwt.
Inferior butebers' cattle ranged from 32 -
50 to 33.50, while the better grades sold
at, front 34.50 to 35.50 per owt, The too
Price realize1 for the best, hulls offered
was 35.50, and the eommon sold from that
down to $3.50 per owl, Shoop declined 500
to 31.00 per ewt., on account of the In.
creased aupply, and sales were. noade At
84,00 to 34.50 per owt. The demand for
lambs wait anocl at 38.00 per cwt., and
calves sold at from 3300 to $8.00 each, as
to, size and quality. Hog prices declined
15 to 250 per cwt.. with sales of setected
lots at 38.85 to 89.00, and mixed lots at
$8.50 per cwt., weighed off ears.
Canada, the Empire end the Werld
Ift General Before Your
The fire loss at Chicoutimi. Que.,
11 now placed at, $1,250,000.
A Norwegian lumber vessel is on
the rocks of the Labrador coast.
Peter Bine, 4. surveyor, was
drowned while 3114111ming in Forma, -
pine Lake.
The garment manufacturers iD
Moot -real refnsed the strikers' re-
quest for a eonierenee.
W. H. Walsh, famed ets a detec-
tive in the early Yukon days, is dead
at Vancouver, aged 47.
It is believed that. Major G. H
Baker. i2, or Brome, will be ap-
peinte:d Solicitor -General of Can-
The 1.3h Royal Reghtient, Ha,mil-
n, is planning to celebrate its
mi..eentennial in September.
The Mackenzie interests are said
have acquired control of the Do -
inion Power 6.7, T2e1De1.8i5S1011 COM -
Any,. Ranailton.
Owing to the dockers' strike a
Atlant.fe liner retnrned to Mop:
real w:th the same eargo she earned
from this side.
John C'ummings, 11241.tene99d 30
hang at Montreal for wife wird
.1145 been ,granted a stay of exec
tion until October.
113.Y \MIMS WAS drOWIted P.11
he freighter Botbpia sank whea iti
eollided with the steamer Currie ito
St. Clair River,
Ce11.91,13 returns show the urban
Population 4-)f Canada is increasing
ueli faster than the al.
• suffragettes were arreste
precincts iaf the Britis
of Commons, after smashin
There were .disorderly scenes
tins British Reuse of Commons wit
a Socialist member made an atta
on Premier Asquith.
The picture known AS "R-effle
brandt's rather," purclu‘sed as a
copy, but declared to be the origi-
rd, has been ,sokl for Si 12,300.
Civil Service Commission's An-
A despathh from Ottawa, says:
Consternation ,;has been, created in
the civil service her by the action
of the Civil Service Commission,
which has ruled that pending a, de-
nite regulafion of the Cabinet, to
which the matter has been referred,
no official of 65 years or up-
wards shall be eligible for promo-
tion. In tale meantime the promo-
tion of nearly a dozen capable men
has been held up and rnany others
who have reached the age limit, are
on the anxious seat. The statutes"
of 1870 contain a, minute laying
down an age limit of 60 years, but
this Nis been a dead letter for
years. Commissioner Shortt, how-
ever, says the present action of the
Commission is not based on this, but
on the practice in Great Britain and
the United States. The Commission
has wide discretionary powers in a
matter of this kind. Officials
throughout the country are affected.
Pasthur Doctors ',111iiali They May
H e Fo•ttud Solution.
'A despatch. front Tarts „says -,•, he
.1Ciat1n, sayt that the phyrsiCianSj, ot
the Pasteur, Institute at -Tunis, claim.
Lo have achieveda success with -thc'
new prophylactie• method' of treat-
ing Asiatic cholera. Briefly, it qon-
,sists of injection of the comma bacil-
..li-found-in,„the.intestiTtes bf•cholera
pa.tients. It is said that the blood
thereby becoMCS eXtremoly rich and
renders people immune from the
contagion. Three •pliysicians,Ni
reolle; Goner and Conseil, experi-
rnefilied• thelnscives, and, also
sw*ltowed the ba • D
in reporting the matter to the Ata,d-
emY of , Sciences, said that' even if
the, efficacy of tile '6xPeriments were
not P4Ovf.d, -the.v were, interesting
10.1 des•erved „to be.followed 0P.
Edward Skae ef Detroi
f Canada, was killed in
Detroit pollee believe they have
the LWO men who held up the Royal
Bank in Vanconver in January.
One had nearly $4,000 itt Canadian
A. German airship with twelve
passengers made a nine -hours' flight
over the, North Sea.
Col. Jose Runierez, formerly di-
rector-general of telegraphs and
telephones, Nicaragua, was assassi-
British troops were despatched
from Bong liong to guard the fron-
tier. The city of Canton is in a fer-
The Optophone Is the Invention of
Fournier D'Albc.
A despatch from London says: A
blind man stood in the middle of a
large room at the Optical Confer
ence Exhibition in London on 'Wed-
nesday and told, without using the
sense of touch, how many windows
were in -the room, and how many
persons were ,between himself and
the wall. He did it by "hearing,"
light and shade. The medium of the
seeming miracle was the optophone,
a wonderful invention of Mr. Four-
nier D'Albe, the well-known scien-
tist and Celtic scholar. The opto-
phone, makes light and darkness
audible. The invention is based on
the metal selenium's well-known
property of being affected by light.
Mr. Fournier D'Albe contrives to
make the effect of light on the pas-
sage of electric currents through
selenium appreciable in a telephone
receiver, and clock work mechanism
can be adjusted so that darkness
is audible and bright light, silent,
or vice versa. The appa,ratus is
contained in an oblong box about 26
inches long and eight inches deep.
cloudburst Destroys a 'Mexican
Tilt Buie PACKA6Z
G ILL E,TT CO. LTD. EWGIttp[011PAlifili
Arranged by Department of ligrioniture
and Fruit Growers' Assooiation
A despatch from Toront says ;
Tho Department of Agrieulture and
Ile Ontario VrIlit Growers' Assoeia-
tion arranged to conduct all
orebard competitiOrt n tih Province
thItS year, Por the purpose tit
Province has been {thrilled into sr'
distrieta, in each. of which prizes
ill be given, ranging front $15 to
75, according to the acreage. The
districts are
Wo. 1, Eastern Ontario, 111
izsg Lennox, Addington, Fr
Renfrew, Leeds, Lanark,
Carleton, Dundas, Russell
8torrnonti. °tenger% and Prescott,
2, Lake Ontario. comprising
Peel, York, Ontario, Our- lpples,
Northumberland, TflStiftg299
and Prince Edward,
No. 3, Niagara, cemprising Lin-
coln and Wentworth.
No, 41 Lake Erie, comprising JS.
sex, Kent, Elgin, Norfolk,
ma;od. Weiland, Brant, Oxford,
No. 5, Lake guron and Georgian
Bay, eomprising Lambton, 'Huron,
Bruce, Grey, SiMeoe.
No, 6, Centre Ootario, c
g Victoria, Peterboro, Dufferin,
Waterloo'Wellington, Perth.
T4 Distriet No, 3 all the fruits
4uo4 grapes will he included in tbe
Ipetition, but in othor districts
t te competition will be limited to
itittistiiijCapture Made in Algon-
quin Park,
A. despatch from Claim vs:
remarkable Oct has USt 410121(2> to
light in the capture of a specimen
of landlocked salmon tn Aigonqunt
Park. The fish was sent to Ottawa
o be examined by Prof. Prince,
)onntnon Commissioner of Fisher-
ies, as many sportsmen at ilte park
ntended that it was not a sal-
on hut a hybrid speeimen. Prof,
rinee pronounces the fish a true
Sabi= and one of the finest, be has
seen. Its weight was nearly two
pounds. The discovery is an im-
portant ono for sportsmen in the
sixTBEN »BAD OF P1'460].
IX. S. Authorities Take 'Charge of
Situation in Porto Pim
A despatch from San Juan, Porto
Rico, says: American medical offi-
cers will take charge of the situa-
tion here in an endeavor to stamp
out speedily the bubonic plagud.
Sixteen deaths have occurred from
bubonic in Porto Rico. Certificaths
of health are ONV made compul-
sory for persons leaving San Juan,
on account of protests received
from residents of interior towns.
%RGO 0N LIVE s'rtw.
Guelph Sheep Importer's Trip to
Scotland May Be Fruitless.
A despatch from Guelph says:
Mr. George Whitelaw has ree`eive.It
rd that the Canadian Govern -
Tent has put an embargo on the
Importation of live stock frolIt the
old lands, on aeeount, of the out-
break of the foot-and-mouth disease
there. This will mean that the trip
of his brother, who is at present in
Scotland after Leicester sheep, will
he fruitless, unless Ile had the sheep
on the water at the Wile Ullal the
embargo was placed on.
Twenty-three Officers ;Ind "Me a
Were Injured.
A despatch from Toulon, Prance,
says: During the praetme aboard
the French armored cruiser Jules
Michela on Wednesday off liyeres
Islands a premature explosion of a
sixteen centimetre gun occurred.
Three officers and twenty seaniell
Were injured. One of the latter
died in the hospital, and four others
are in a. critical gondition. The
charge was fired as it was being
pushed into the gun.
A Klespate.li frons LOS Angeles,
Cq,lifornia, says: The city of \Gu-
anajuato, Mexico, was destroyed
and sel‘,•ereal hundred lives lost as
the result 'of a flood following a
cloudburst a few days ago., Des- ,
patches received Irom the Mexican
capital on Thursday give out de-
tails. The water rose SO quickly
that hundreds of poens living along
the river were oyerwhelnie.d. Few
liottses in the lower part of the city
were loft intact, and the „Tit; din del
Cantador, OT singing garde,asaid
to have been one of the most
in the world, was 02181081,4.
''avia0:11:getithae \:b:::).19F,t°0gfet.f.111)..eev L•11:1 nt °hi):
foot, of Mount San
tlian pliv e• -ear s teat ,
1 I
A. Blue Book Gives Some Added Infornia
tion Covering Population.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Some additional details respecting
the census are set forth in a blue
book just issued.
The largest gain in the period of
forty years was made by Montreal,
being 355,480; the second largest by
Toronto, being 317,538; the third
largest by Winnipeg, being 135,794.
Vancouver's growth was 100,401 in
less than 30 years.
Males totalled 3.821,067, and fe-
males 3,383771.
Males, single, numbered 2,369,-
160, and females, single-, 1,911,514.
Males, married, were 1,331,564,
and females, married, 1,251,182.
Widowers totalled 89,121, and
widows 179,598. ,
Divoreces-uunib r 1,530.
Comparing the four first classes
by percentages of population in 1871.
and 1911, Males *increased during
the 40 years by 2,056,756, and fe-
males by 1,662,321; single males by
1,185,373 and singlc females by
842,138'; married males by 788,597
and married females by 708,843;
•widowed males by 51,631 and wi-
dowed females by 99,703.
-The number of occupied dwell-
ings in the sub -districts of the Do-
minion in 1911, was 1,4.1,913, and
the number of families, 1,488,1.358,
elcomparedl,70 714v7fan
i t hijile8,; 89i i9d\01716.1lings
The average number of- persons
per dwellingjn 1911 was' ;5.096, and
Per family. 42841, compared with
averages of 5.220 per dwelling and
5.016 per family in 1901.
11J'The First.Morig,,a,ge Bonds of Price Bros, & CeetParly,"at their present price,
par 6 per cent inte.rest. The'eciteity they offer is lirst mortgage onti,000 square
miles of pulp and timber lands scattered throughout 1.14e Province of Quebec.
The timber is insured. with 'Lloyds of England against loss fro 11111re. Th e earn.
irigs at present ;Ire sufficient to liay bond interesttwiee over,' and v, -hen the nail
now: in course of ,corisCruction is in operation, earnings will bo' enormously
increased. These bonds can be quicidy converted into cash, as there is a ready
market for them.,
FrOrn standpoints of interest return an security, these bonds constitute an investment of excep-
tionally iligt1 order. There value,,is ,every reason to believe these bonds Will considerably increase in
We will be glad to Beed you lifeftuit further deScribin- these bond,.
v s (Lb- u .R1 T 1--E S
',11; CC)RPORAT1ON Li mi E
1.0e41)01, )'