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Exeter Advocate, 1912-6-27, Page 8
r fr EXETER AIM -MATE, THURSEAY, JUKE SZ 1 , ZETER IARKETS*, tAflANtx ,D $AOH WEDNR DAY Wheat •.,.... ,....; 1 05 ' 1 05 Barge ........... 65 70 I'3ttckwhtea.t 90 90 50 Peas., 1 00 1 112/ Potatoes, per brag 1 50 1 60 Bay. prrr,,oa.,,.....,,., 1400 1590 Flour. prr cw$., far ily" 2 17.5 Elour,1.4 v grade- per ow 1 00 166 20 19.. Lire Hums,: par cwt. shorts par Brart per tort ,.,. Sugar Beet meal,,,,,,,. 19 fro 25 00 22 00 2060 MILLINERT—THE BALANCE QF OUR MU4 INERY'WILL BE SOLD AT HALT? PRICE. 13E SURE TO VISIT OUR S£ -LOW ROOMS.—STEWART'S, HORSE FOR SALE On W ilfa'n Street, Exeter, Any person de- s.rng a new cream separatorwill do well to call at the Exeter Bargain Store and ec: the Presn'.rer' This is One of the best and eas;aest running separators on the market. Come to and let us talk 'tover v 'tui you. W. M. BLATQIIFORD, Exeter, 4IMIE,a I1EZPP COATS. -52 INCHES LONG, VERY STYLISH, AND NICELY TRIM:MlE1 . :1. SPLENDID RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM.—STEWART'S, Hear tho Uaxpers at; the Garden Party Rectory Lawn,,Trtvitt lviennor'.ai Church, I''.r day evening, Arno 28. Admission 15,. and 10 cents, LEATHER SANDALS FOR BOYS' GIRLS, COOL' AND COIFO11,TA13LE HOT WEA'rIIE1t 73c, t(x, $ L,Q0 STEW ART'S. STRAWBERRIES, --Get your straw- berries fres"; front -tine Veld. Ali orders left at .1, W. Tfiylor's _house, Victoria; street. w;il he pro,mptlyannd eatisfae- t4rlly fill, d. (Get yaur orders :a early,: NEW HANGING LAMPS, READING LAMPS :;D HALL LAMPS. A. F3IG SHIPMENT TO HAND, DIRECT FROM THE 'FACTORIL'S—STEWART'S. Parties. .having Saskatoon probity d ci woul$a well to, communicate with tier 966, Saakaloon, Sask. We would be glad to givo. }You a. price on eanr,c, or it you wish tro slgspoae, of property, wilt Siad to ,coli it for you. you contemplate buying a home la London it 'will pass you to ,call 'on W. J. Fanson, real estate agent, 28'13 Dundas street. We have a large liet of p?opert;ies in all parts at alio city, We invite corrostIondence. "MIDDY BLOUSES FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN, TRDIM1ED WITH RED,. BLUE AND TAN cCOLLARS, ;1,50 'AT STEWART'S. VACATION NOTICE. —Dr. .Rouleton desires to announce tha,tl Iris dental .of- fice will be closed fz'pyn July .15th to August 15th ?,SUS TO CENTRALIA I will run 'a bus to Centralia, Sptorts on July tat. FIrst bus leaves the Ceantrai Hotel at 0.30, Aita'rncian trips at 2 and 2.30., ---G. CRASVLEY. itlr, Jas. Creech brought a rather rare Specimen of a ,snaflse into our office yesterday, it berig a young milk snake about 10 inches i<atzg, wlsleh was cap - twee in 'front of I rc Creseclx,'s prennr tires, Mr. :Creech tizunks the rest of rthe family et snakes. are styli in that local- ity, as the one captured was rather young tb be far away; from the pest. HICKS' FORECASTS FOR JULY. ;A reactionary sttonim' Denied ,centers on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. The 1a$ stages +of a regular storm period, stazng the dosing days of June, will barely have subsided before the barometer wUl agse n 611, the temperature rias, cloudiness en- sue and showers wi11 pasie eastwardly. across the crauatry. These condittong will be prol=onged, cu1m'_nat9n;g in exces- sively .hizh tempeijature, wr,th thunder storms in many sections, oat the 6th on which date the n lobn crosses the celestial equator. A beef change to cooler, with nnodeiate rJse of the baro- meter, will folliow these disturbances. Delaware, Laokawaanna and Wester. Coal Company's SCRA�T00 COIL The best hard coal ruined. Burns to a white ash. >, H. l,EVETT, COALMAN Uo ar Doubters Ori+; CIU.( d Wwnt' Ado, orris r,ea133iif6 w"', d$ tbkers. Ora ahem. • IewthON' , �7tS,Yoaa, onmrgy they wvngl •Cl,:6 1,534-, ,triany t6mcs 4 they osror. 'cost3t F brttoiring;'. to,. iroaar door arha appir(�;r iii-oi s _ whetora 9t b6 o'AYat`6.14,,,,,,,„.„,,r0, �ntt tiarfp.'.n.6,--.1. btu: tsorrowbr`oidrttagrplur aeah, g .bta. A rn'dx4 lf:446 :.:: saki ii, Cit. - .,:. wound ee'to ti - �t :Aa ftp, LOCAL DOINGS. MIr, JOIin13 Wood shipped a ear cattle to qkrr011to FrgdrlYr Two trains loaded with volunteers Masa tlireough here For Godes ich on ,S>txl�day. eaers, Japes Gould aid J. G. Stan- bury are .. rectj ng vera ntda'h,s: n _front of their residences. elan people autoed. from Exeter and points r4oVtb;^to Goderch, Sunday to see the nYiiitar;' ca+nxp.. Councillor Rivers, w4 are pleased to state, is improvtnng-and expects to be able to attend 'to SziR busatesa shortly; Hear the Harpers at the Garden Party Rester} Lawn, Trivlt.t Me;innorral, Church, Friday evening, June 28. Admission 15 and 10 cents, Quite a number front; th s district took 1;1 the Exeurs:en't Goder,:ch on Monday under t"ne auspices of the Evangel eaL Sunday Scholl, Crediton, A 'number o invitations have been,, re. e veil hexa to attend I;l e. I incardtne Old Bays' and Old Girls' .e -union ;zt that town fronn,'July'15tih. io 200.1, :vara. Ann id the first to report new potatoes, she having had sufficient for a rural on June 20th. They, were" grown in her own garde= atnd were , o£ fair size, Tine Angler's Assooiatrpn of Ailsa Craig Stave .received 'several ernipments ot pickerel fry, azn>lau,rnttang to ,OO,QOQ, watch hate been plaeed 5n their new home In the Aux Sa•uble. Mr. John Kerslake of Loudon Boa,,A south has purchased Mr, T. l'ustie'r House on afa(tnt St., oPPoslte ,the itoss, Taylor faeto'ry, for a price, we under stand, In the ridiehbolchood of. $2900. Rev. Powell preached, In, the Meth od:st church, Miitehell, an Sunday last. Mr.. Powell's pulpit }Jere ways, t heti In the morning by Mr„Goo. Tufts of Woodham and in 'the evcnan by lir. Wh,tIock of tisborne. Mr. Nelson 11(11, Iort of Mr. •apd Mrs; Jas. nu), 'who tau 4',vtl w:•th, the Dale Furniture OP., 'Meronts, as book-keeper z:as rcceiv rl the appointment tr a pos- f )ort with the Bank of Con n erce at' ;sfontreal. Tne Ladles' td of Man Street Methodist Church will b,•ald a straw- berry Festival an the Church Lawn on. •Thur,aday Evening, July 4th. The band will furnish music. A goad programme will be given. Admission and .15 cents, A,ll are invt'.:ted. 2t Mir. Geo. H,,Windsor, of Luean, form- erly of MfoG•illivray, has nn>loved w;,th his family Into the Nouse recently vacated by Mr, Herb. Fond on Mall street. We. welcome Mr. W,izn4star and family to our midst as .resttdents. The South Huron Liberals 'net ' en Brucefleld en Tuesday la\at and elected the following officers, --Pres., Ii,Sm"tlt' ot Hay ; `Sec., J.G. Stanbury of Exeter; Treas., John, Murdock of Stanley ; Vice- P.residents, Dr. Sellery, M. Murdie and R. G. Seldon. A fornxer Exeter boy, Mr. Herman 'Ilea Irian of Toronto, sant of Mra:nd 'ALre'.4 George 1i Hean of Toronto, was nnairried on June 1'2,tihi tin Isabel), Stev- enson, daughter`, of Mrn.,aad Mlxs.,Johnl S: McCutcheon at Regina. Ferman ;and hie bride wall 'have the best wishes ot ,his many old friends here;' madramoomo It you have a dog', and ,if dour dog has /leas beyond; a reasonable amount do not unties yourself and dog all up w tin flea powders and lather , .dope, Take your vacuum, carpet cleaner if you have one, to your d,ag-oth'ei !ee, tatte the dog t}Vo the cleaner and ga over' him; w 1the uc ' enthe c e 1 wn;tlh e turn d, et leaver'• If fuss ,hair tId mitt tion longi a i4 curly the fleas will be irelnove ,, Oa the bad' oL the vacuum cleaner, muchi to their surprae and much to the .clog's relief. Mrs. Richard Dayds, ouzg,iaf our oldest) and most highly esteemed residents, cel- ebrated another rivilesibne OI\ Monday last, it beihn;g'her` 86th b1irthday. The ocy casion was marked by'. the presence at her home of her chtildren, zrand-children,. and other relagves. Mrs Davis was born in Dev!anshfre, England, in the year 1812, and,wast among the early pioneer •,settlersr of thus; d1istri'et. A:nwsg> pleasing feature of the ;event was that Mrs. Davtis 1,s eat joyin„(''tlis . best of health, and is tib posses .Ron;_ of all 'her faculties. 1vTrs. Davis wfil have the, best w4shes of her mal?' .friends Tier many happy returns of the day, and that she rawly be apar!d; -to celelbra}te' many more isuhhs even;t,s. The railway commess1i0n has issued. a circular to the rat1w'eaiys throughout' Canada, calling' attention' t•e the fact that section 274 of the Raclway act is not ae'Ihzg' lilvekulp to by, some of the locomotive engineers. The section pro- vides that 'when a train is approaching a highway erossirzg at; rail 'level, the engine 'shall be .sautnded at least S0 rods before reaching such crossing, and. that the'bell shall be rung continuously. from the time ref the Sounding of the whistle 'until'thee engine has crossed the bf hway. Tres <aect6on does not apply to crossings :,tin c1itiea!:and towns 'where runic@pal by-1ativs are in force,sprohab tong the sounds:{ng at whistles, or ring - dna. of bells, -Severe penalties are laid dawn irar:violat$ron of, th,:is rule and coir pentoe ale Diable for damages sustain- ed by reason iof neglect to observe it, Ontario has well, been natnad, . "The Garden of Canada.”, ` It ' oontainis some of the loveliest izutit farLms ' the worldFrust that in England• that writ only grow under glaeea,p61 Wwtith, the. tenderest care is -produced ,En the •znest layi.sn ' abundance, notably peaches, grap_a, n,!eloris'a;nd tomatoes. Last year h ter 338,.x.58 acre rat orchards, she' produced' 75 per cent.4,af a1I 'the frubt grown in Cance, they value of ,the,same being three, nnrllion pounds. Although nur limas as lane as England' and, the thickest populated province of Canada, Ontario conta1ns only ttwca the,Yumber of pceaple'. ,tat there are In;Glaegow. She htie an., area df.,140 . of Ilttans of #crea atvd on1Y :toirs-tiVIrdof_these has yfe been urvc)e .: There :'are stall 116 "t,'litan °acres .belonging' t+o 'her Crown, a;144on- teinbrg. every, form of, agteculturab,a'jand aria numeral wealthy knout, bo zn,anondy awa(.i�tit 'blz,l ,at vont, t$o(yneitl it �t,o faun; ,vista bouttett{tvs ;hat Mrs. hlrs.: Paper na vasiti'ng` 1 London,. Mr. Al.'Can-r:m left ;Tuesdaty on a trip West, Mr. Olarene'e fieywc4ad is ;Zonis from Cta,rhacnr, Idrs. Waugh left Thursday to visit n Toraixto for a few days„ Mn.e' Beebe of Rzldgek?wn is rv'_szting her mother,, Mrs. T. Paler. ;.idrs, R. 11,.Co11l of Toronto is the guest: of Mrs. J, A, :Ste,warti, Mrs, Qhas, Dale o` Ttoledois visiting hersisters at. the Centrax Motel. Mr. Owen of Llmdon, wars iter this week with' Messrs. eawden & i3acwden,. i'se• Polly F1sftzer left FOXlay far New York, veito e she will visit jlar a t'in's. Mr. Cotter pf Clevelagxdi is in town vie W,nJ Mrs. Cotter a the hjalnne of ix T. Gregory. Mr. Arthur Stapleton +of ,14inghamn'ra spending a few daYSIarr town this week with. fr,iiends. Mrs. Geo. Ma1ntIO and 'Miss Mary A. Tom spent Mldanday in Goderkih', 'the guests of Mrs. 3. E:' TVIA , Mr, Tilos. Harvey asndttwtan children left Tuesday Manning of a vizaat to relatives in Barwell, Man., andi other pasabts. Mr, and 31rs Johnt`Pedler and Mr.tand Mrs, Thos. trCestle of town left Monday on a pleasure trip tty/ the coast. They will be absent aevera4 ,ween, airs. Flank Iloyloi ,returned, , tit?nda� from a vii t,t rix 13rp1 tford, 0, nd Berlin 'iii', 110145y Cund'y 3b%!$` moved tb toria street, friant .Huron street, Mrs. Samuel Rowe wads tw;a daughter, left Man,day ftor 'Saskatoon, where,tlney wilt •upend, several weeks wi 4n! ;Mr, Rowe, w11Ca has been there for some. "Diss Rose ,tamping Graf Detroit I`s 'M Har- rison. 1 f it a is 1n;5 iter© at the noznxCa A ,s teoi . She, in c. nnpany with Dr. 0414 Mrs. .Iia¢ isan, t -s now rusticating at Gtland Bend. Rev. D. W. Colinas was to Stratford Tuesday night `attending the installation Etervfces of a�t`1xt elabetexg: ot the two ;,i'asonic Lodges of that place, following which 'wars a banquet.. M?1ss Lois Blraey of 'Windsor ,is moil- daying at her hion'ket here. Mire, G. L. Wa'tzz^(n! is .visiting relay; ttives and friends f11f Toronto, :Nil., Bennett of Toronto is visiting his daughter, Kira, 3. t1; Stewaby Mrs. .(Rev.) lax 'IY Collin I visited with ihe0 parentsat rktrzt suet'. Sunday, Mira. P. Pollard Af Windson rs v+;siting her parents,'3Tr.'apd, Mrs, *.t".i HawitCitsa, Miss Katie Collins of Toronto iting with friends: in town.;. for a, few Weeks, M Ies Yitna FFtsher of Hasnilt}in is spending a few weeks w;itlu *rte ads izn, and around Exeter. Mr. Bert .X.uxton of the Bank of. Com- merce, Montreal, is tvieltin " his parents, 'Mir. and airs. Fred / baton, Mrs. TUO'er and, daughter, Miss T,ill.e, are a4a i11 settled In rhea horn, after a . proltan`: `ed rsojour l In; the West. 5i1ias ? art'hz Cari%ng, nureo of. New York, arrived here T,inttt}sdeY txa vis``t her parents', Ur. a 4Mrs. T. B. Carling. Ct as, 'Mason and daughter and Mr and, Mrs, Hszrry Stoddart. of Forest vis- ited at U e.hon s, pt Mrs, G. Sanders on Sunday. lairs. 1F'nlafk Sweet spent a. couple oc weeks in Forest, returning leonto Satur., day. Mr, Sweet 'returned with( her and: spent Sutxday^litre. :sirs, Joseph, Bawd,en of North 'Battle - Ford, Saelt, after spending a row days with relatives ° hero, l ftt l~'n[daiy, to ,r,•onnr plete ,her r a4t ttz' London. Miss Laura Jeckell, Landon !'load North, and her `s?astera; Marta, P. 1--lipwq.or Tora5to, 'left Atoniday fora few weeks'. outing at Vanctouver, f3.Cz , \piss Banvdena who has been: on an e=tded trap` arou !,d tire word returned to Exeter Thursday might, re porting' a rot anjoyable outing. t `n ' h, b a F t Mc h., .1 1 (Webster 4't' 1 it , o ant e t ,t . visiting with £ricnds ;and relatives here ;air. Webster is an;, old„ Exeter boy, but left these parts a`bout 52 yeaz;s .ago, 3o141 notes zn nnxy ciiaMes in, the old town and, scenes of his heyinood days, An Advance in Furniture In Quality, Variety and Beauty— but NOT in prices, is the movement now being executed an our store. Phone 20a Residence next to the store. R. 0. ROCW Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER ONTARIO Seasonable Goods For but Prices The Exeter Bargain Store E1MBR01DERIES—A new lot just opened; worth: one-third nxbre than we arse welting, SUMMER PARASOLS -A Itsw,..leftl at 79 cents each:. TURKISH BATH TOWELS -12 1-2 ct•a. and, 22 1-2 cents: LADIES' BLACK COTTON,IHOSE--1.0c.a pair. MEN'S, NIGHTSHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, TOP SHIRTS, TIES, SUITS, ETC. HATS of all.ltin'ds at hall prtcs. JUST RECEIVED a shiipb ent of watermelon Stripe overalls. SHOES OUR SPECIALTY. t3. t3. .;ap. EFIV E S 1 door north of Post Office ® e1 .S eta f Fa al 0 l a � cC For the balance of June. Elegant wedding Presents. Forget not the place PO L- a BAZAAR Big Variety Store Our List of Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggies Carload of Dominion Buggies Olivet Corn Cultivators with Bean Harvester Attachments John Deere Gorr Cultivators. } John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes aiid Pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval 'Cream Separators Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills with ptarnps, piping and water basins installed in barns Baker Wind Mills Fleury Plows Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plows Machixie Oil and Cream'Se�narator Oil Full line`of McCormick Tillage and, Harvesting Machines --Binders, Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, Spreaders Chatham, Woodstock and; Jackson Wagons, Drills Disc Harrows Gasoline Engines Binder •Mime American Clover Buneber— ca be attached to any mower. . and, is a very convenient and clever clover saver." The man on the avower operates it. Repairs of all kinds Repairing promptly attended to June Moutli s thetjnie Tllc Bri�c And The Groom and other - will find it ` to • their advantage to get their presents at Marcliauti's iE pia and there is no doubtabout it. A. MARCHAND'S Exeter in the lace buy the P � to bu for. Notice To Contract� r s ill - Drilling Tools We are dealers and manufacturers of WELL -DRILLING APPARATUS for STEAM or GASOLINE DRIVE. Our .apparatus has been thoroughly tested and found satisfactory in every, respect. General castings, piping, tubing, etc., on hand. Cement Silo forme manufactured. Particulars on application to J. Murray & Son EXETER ONTARIO THE BOIbSEHOl.I� FLQi3 lel "t always the "flower"' of the house- hold. It's the rule they world over. THERE AIIR "FLOWERS" and "FLOURS", BUT NO FLOUR, EQUALS; (Mtg. It's straight goads we're gIvfnG you. There's plenty "Interiora" but no °eu pertors". Our slaur makes lii;ht broil and light hearts. It's, wrong to gamble -buy flour here. It's sura, .4 Soon supply of FEED on hand. WHEAT WANTED. IIAIt4'EY BROS., EXETER, JONES & MAY Big June Clothing Sale DURING ,THE ;BALANCE OF JUNE WE ARE GOING] To OFFER son SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING, THIS IS A GENUINE ';BAR- GAIN SALE" AND WILL PAY YOU TO T,AIC ApVAN [ GE OF tlTr SOME OF THE NIFTIEST STUFF ON_TE1E 3-e.AR.KEgISF HERE FOR FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM $16 ANtI $18 SUITS FOR $22 Tide is a splendid buy of the ,smartest t e styles s and best cloths that tare put into suits. rTailareel just as gooad,'as any tailor can make them. All the new spring collars and .styles. Be sure and see them. $7 AND $B BOYS' BL00M R SUITS, F;Oitt'$6' An sizes to chiaose tronrs in the gear]: wearing ciot_his,, nice color®: and pattterns suitable for boys. ' Bring along your, boys and, buy then! a 'g'ofod" school or Sunday suit for. the `price ref an ord;inarp one. They will fit any kay. ODP,: PANTS FOR MEN :' OR BOYS. 20e; pairs of this .springs new patterns' and clothe. Every, pair; bo't at jai, prtices;arpd wi11 be spld at Bargain price's. •Reanennber our June Sale of Odd Peijrt ' will soon clear therm out. Prices, 75e.,' $1, 2.00, 2.50, 3.0,0. Milliner - -June IVIilliriery Now is the time ftor Milli ien±y Bargaiins. Soma New Styles are heinQ added everydaly fon the Summer Girl, Duran{' the balance of, June we w 11 'seli our .entire ,stock of trirauiied' and untri,M,med; ,hats; and ready - to -wears at greatly reduced pries. We,wa!ijt to c1e[aht.out.all Our '111i11-', finery by July 1st. This is your chance for a cheap hta.t. Hot We ather Wants FOR LADIES ?SND GIRLS l 0f1 MION: Dress Goods. Fancy Parasols Shirts and,•,Collars Cottoai:; Voiles Gloves & Hosiery Tores •an ct, tL2i,ge Gnollaral Print's` & Gitr•Iarns Whitewear `t(raw . and, Pana¢na Rabe Headquarters for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing