HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-27, Page 4Beware ofOintments for Catarrh wiNDOWS IN NIANIL.A. 1 TITE CAIVADIAN BANK extter Abuotate, 1)ashwood, that Contam Mercury, Sanders Ze Creech, ProPo, Jolla sohtz)eder,was rashedt to, vietor$0, " ontlon, on Saturday-. even4ng , To.-CRsDAy_ juxv, as a xesult of haying, burst a, blood res. • tk el. Mr SChnoeder, 'was !on his wayf inome, When a:b1,otid vessel! in brie ,.head 'Suddenly burst. Ho lost considerable of blood b.efore the could,g'et the wound tkled, up and as s*n13:4, possiible went to, the hospital. He fis at present. (Wing nicely a.rid ft,:ils expected, be antis to cents nomo •a few davs.,k A rink of iThtetez• bowlers gave Dashwood men a -friendly gams on the local green last Friday, resulting fa . The !people or, the United States should ba able to take a PrpPer measurement or Roosevelt now, His overwhelming contid.ence hr.ir.t,selt must aiso have ceived !i',•qod And now it ',nil, he the Deers2crat=c Nat- eenventten that will eecupY front pages of the howspaparo. Al- ttexliVa there are man:6e' candidates "sto-,1..„ the visators b115 a tew etil2t$, „up. oranda a Our auto. bus took, largo 1034 te ellarietN of receiving a -4.0nroi, 1,,,o,/re.aat!ozi. the Ringling c!",rcus Lordon Friday. lqr. Owen of Jiix"idion, agent for Raw- Ro°8-',10t got just vr.itaz every 'Abut_ dea Bawden, real estate dealers of ter -in" should After a iintn-, Exeter and Londpin was in tewn on ontedrennonnan for rteub, ht./shwa...* Monday, i'tea)1/°zI41,, and failing to beat Quite nwnber of our People took "Taft now thre.vens tt3srunt the tlis Crediton excers:an. to Goderieh Mon. PaTtlY, Whm a man goes to that, ex._ day and report having a gPed Ville. tretae it siMpty shows thig the dele- •gares did Tleht to turn bita down, e althOugh liais a large. following. Roosevelt ntwabe's did look like flour-flustmr" frtom this stdo tbe One - Crediton Monday Nv4s ChCc golittalr tew1). NEWS OR THE, WERK Things were quiet duriing the day.. Mra. Ifetrey Wind an drantilly and Mrs Word. has been, received tbs.t Rev. Geo. Perr,y of Det.Vt, art., visit/AM W. Sperling sod, family are comittg their parents ;le tewM for a few weeks. 1041:13e on .furitaagh fro the, Chinese fdis- Zee Annual Ontidnsn'a Day FestiVal In'eld and Sala J1 -Me 25th from was OAVOn .f,P the Bvskigelleal church on Sh411,1014a. ,.!Zs eXPected that they wIll Snnnay everting, large nantbez weal airelYe 411 St, Manfa Stseut 4110110f in attend -4;M The altar int the Chanel'," later. benundleully 'tliteorated with; fiewers,t ' palms and drapery t'on the ovessien, Aij petil4.043 beinne eircelated in tne enjoyed the prIngmen wtqcti. watswell Anteresto of S. 8. Cooper pf Clinten, rendered and a tmat to hear, Receipts wimp was sentenced bY the Ceturny,Jqdge amounted tn„,,38. recently at the $eesleas theoPeace Ifoltqmattn of the lienthWelstere The. petitlen *eta 43rth that tine etndence College, tiaplerville, and. MiEsts Pearl 4tresenteel tho treat did rteri, Jusli'cy Holtzmann Pr the Dealeoneas T•Tespital, t11.0 '1104'gt. Q.t. the ,htuF. and,' funther, ChicagO, are 1Veme vi,siting their tr4t ;e4iniOt.b.Ais, been, severely pan* eats, jtfr. tend. '„sfrt„so 3. H, Hollzmann. te.ed, alreedY bY the! taking, away or 1110 Mr, and Mlle, Gee Baltic.> of Detroit, incenses of tine l*ten„ and ,nther ways, Won, returned, to thek city on SaturdaY. *----•Santael Brown /las received, bier Ito The hero of inadyerr4th. caearge 0.14. It Ad•s a- large rioorref car, lo:g Wnite, died Monday at 44 home in ennugh ror wallet, family and. a dandy Citelses, Eno% He we rlr through the Ii-, maehfne. tan Mutfuy nt 185T. I. the 'Afghoo Mr, Heaton the Eurtich schnol pre - War in 1879-83 no won the Vieterai sided oYed" the ientrance examinatinno 'PCQESS, it was. la titflei war thnn wben oun scitloni during the latter( ,'sr* of„, ido prat tialtot throttell exhaatet%,)n last Week, Piclvadile.`,4d 41010 vireo tho opposing zrie mue„el 1.4;otkoie,411„„ myrtle Snivel -41 dent). ge eingle-ltended noa4,,Lawson and Pearl Heist were stra'gbt up tai tionntannlets Lot. the Afgban ;den 'an Tuesday try,ing their musical er- cannon at Kaitrion.ar and captured one larnittalnotta cnnneetion with the con - with itn's own barnia, dere:tiled Lady* servaoory 'music suanr4tt, thZ, H2O,r \ler for 110 days. Ira 8, irowaspna last Sunday in. To onto with fine:aim. Tne tour onnnts youths, wino Pica-Oedl Mr, d -y Hanley and '14130^ guAty two ennetirs aglx to a charne of r,r of nlattletta Onto are to NI bangtany a, Snefortnn were let ge on end Mrs, Wm. Lewis, auspeaded sona.Nace by Fils fiennor Jude Mr Ben Winikernwetter of Nap:eTvn!p, Deyls at Gnelniele. 'Tbrough the fitotru-1111.„ vis:ted Mr, and Mrs. Augu.st Hell In-Intel:1y Sieraf ReYrolds work. has ion Sundann lo;on securednin town lor tnrre of ttiont.' Last Saturday the Methodist chureli wilgu tho 1.'oLtrtb, 04 the retlueg' tzeg SundaY tinned)] picn:ekeel at Grand Rend mentor, well reanane etastad,•* ungl A good. crowd wail hs attendance and all money norwarded to pay V•45 t.ranWay• hid a very enjoyable time, fare hen*. Ft= lnqufries made by WO ara pleistettnO sea Fred 'Vounn at Crown Attlorn"sy Seagen, learncel the store Ant -taunt not strong that the °Miles' they cOnanittett at Sea- enougn to do mucb*business, Ina friends forth was tins'Cirsti tinito theY 014, Xelle are Indoed to Icrow 139..tuaking wrorlin r 'd , -Titn Sunday Sthool exeurslon whielt AL,LEGED OultOLATI • • was run to Goder4ch on Menden, andel COMMITTED AT CLINTON' nas turned out a decided succees. Ov- Clinton, JaN, 25.—The young main er 280 people frIntn, here and places up who it !is eminent -et; :node an entrynnto Ina Ilnek went to; see the s".ghte the several stores zieres .on Friday Inght last county town. The day was Ideal.plenty and wags captured by Provincial Con- nf, nooninin the tra:n and everything pas- stabln WIttiteslcies of Henaall on Satur- sed of withOut a bitch. The train ain day •night 'while trying, to change small rived and all yonAt to the Harbor pnanc aierfor bnls, was epramitted fat grounds 'where Innen was bad. Soon trial last evennteg „before Magistrate An- thereafter the excurslonists went down 4rews. The evidence was overwhelm:sign the break -neck steps-, erossed the tem. ly against •L” prlsener, ha 'having ire portary bridge and climbed tho 'Steep h1,9 possoss)3n, sUell , artleles as opera battle -to the top of ..Annill's property. glasses, onstage stamps, etc., whien W. To see sOrno of our stlff-Jointed people D Fair & Con ltandie, and no whose climb nbat,bank was a funny st.gitt but store tive, burglar entered, The pollee of, they got up. Our people were 10 Lined ,Goderlen Lillie% the prisoner, is the mare to see the dlffeennt entripa.nies assemble they want far a burglary at Godennin and mareln headed by dnorferent bands. week ago. Quite a number of' acquaintances were seen in the nard, Inenninent, and., inony ,FHASELdiuRST felt p"otad ‘solder fr'end. Atter Mr. Will'am Ei,-nstne.n 'tett f or Einow, a pi •,asant timentell the. 'camp the crowd 'Sask., on fnuesday neorainno vilsit his crosszd the liver again and went to the sons and daxqnters therp.—Mr. aud ',Aznicuitural Grounds, where our base Miss Ragan of Canstance anent the week ball boys waxed, a nnod gamin of ball end, ;Frit.) O'Br,N-i and family. — e.t.a the Coder:eh team, ...ritinIng •011t U1'313 M:11:3 Alien 'lir- cr'amarTY and. mtss -,.vith =ore Of 9-7. Unfortunately the Anni, Wren 'not GuelPh are v:sittors at Godarich pncher was M., in the eye by \v"”`s--e'Vr- Driver has lea"°°. the bail:glancing off the bat when.,strik. the Leach rarrn roe a term er years.— tal.z., Otherw:se nthe game passed oft Sunday next tthe'tRPV. J. El J. Allyard -ipledly. It •was soon 8 o'clock vc`11. p="ea4.-71 •tarewell sermon' \V° when the speclial train pulled' out ten regre: very mann Its It-ay:rig us. But home. Thits the first time an excurs- wo extend a Itspirty welcome tto our on has heen undertakenoby the Sunday Rev' 1-1'•°ks` °`: Cr'ediOn• School for fa. distant ponit, and we feel —There is aiso serv:c6 in the Presbyten- nnn aot Eia.q,Ea,o;t, clan church here, the Rev. Shelton of Eg- 4..Siumb.r from here attended the Mas- mondVilie havOnlg chaing-e lot' the ser- °ale •service. in the Trnvitt Memorial wices. Church, Exeter, on Sunday. SAINTSI3GRY , Last Friday was cholla day and a Mrs. Jobri ErDwnlee NV-a:Voila is le,72., number ;from, here went. to Lendori 'visaing friends around nhere.-oLeverne t°' enlpYltae '8111311t8''' Alexander and esiStean Eva, of 'Wanstead are 40.e guests of. frilends • htt'1S.--Mri and Mrs. 'Jos. Alloinsion, of ,Whealey are visilting Foe tanner's parents, Mr. linen shower, on the occa,s;on of her and, Mrs. .Tasno Grarflield approaching niarziage. An address was Needham oi BrAosti5'n is the 'guest of read by .„Mrs. Her,b, Zilber, atter wIlich her parents, Pilch.,"Alotig.: Kiss Della Brown presented her with tris.—.—Mr and. Mrs. Alex. MCE,Conald spent a few days ,of last \week ,in Lon- don., where they attended, the ,inairniage, of Miss Anne MotVnald, tne.,,feir,rnerN sister.—Mr. Pranc:is Darvip had a, horse badly cut about ,Ibe hind ong by,ka, w",re fence an Tuesday. It wial be Spine time before ona horse vont be nof rnylce to the. owne.r.--mr. PMn. D:Clcirts has _rale - ed his barn and placed a founiclatjan under it. ,011 Friday evendiltg^ a number of y,eting Ita.dies anet :a1t the home of ML1a,d.Olivia Holtzmann and presented her with a WHA.LEN earns, beautiful p"ecee .of linen. The ev- ening was then very pleasantly 'spent by all., 4 FARQ1uHAR 1 • 'Cottle ,n -f Usborne has pur- cha.sed Mr. R. D. Rey'snfoonn near; Rus - Mr. and Afr,..3. Jos Vance of . Erinon, -spent the past, few days WI:silting in. tills Arrrong ,Cr<13-1s...tt who N•lted yi.clay.—Mr. and Mrs. ',Arthur Campbell tidy ware the SoliDwintg,—Mr. ad ;1`,11-18.. spent last ' Saturda-y and Sunday with . Chas. Holppar of Exeter, Mri arTid Mr irliends •Strlitfard.—Mr. Fred Ror- ,Arthur Gunniting, of Inonktpnr, "Mr. and land Is ,spending'11,is vaca..tionf under the Mns.,I-larvey Sutherny of Lyndon, Ern- parental' roof.—Mr. Henry and W.ss An - est Hobbs and si,stsr, Malg,ge, ot Dev, nie l'assM are are vi,8 inz riends at .1l8 es, Mr. aria Mrs. Buseell Sk-inner and. Sault Ste Marie, Ont.—Mys, John Ain. bier inothor, 'Mrs. lind,gnon of Btnv1te, Sr., and daucrliltel , Ma -is., Charles ,pf S. Marlys.-- Harris halve enga.,2,-"ed a cottage at • • ilqrs. Vlrm. Gunning, who has been. 'very Grand Bend; far- a nie.--Mrs. Sa/.13r nee .,;. 111 ef late, !iis 8LP:rne-what improved tills 'Jennie '''-A_r1n-li8t)TpilL';', V:& -ted 'on, Thames week.—The farmers anound here have Road last " week.—Mr. S. Lamport Vis - started cutting the.:r cloverhay and it' e, --d h's father at Denfield '',Saturday and is a splendid crop this year.,—The an- Sunda:y.-7Quite an _nteresting game oi ,(nivereagy, Serv°.ices held here on • Sun- b„3, s 313a was played 0ti Saturday ever.- . ••-day were largely attended at both sexy- 'b,tween the Boundary- arid PlUgtown .E4,tc.n1>rd „, preached ta ,he onnys, resulting ',in favor, nt ;rile. Bound- cipne,,or,rne sermon 3.r'SH9 to 6:" The rat tu-n, mateld; s in be sal dentno•01 Eec vt pad a th. p ro 0 Fr'dy BLitt, whit a, „pa star „hene,',.., A --gain?, le, eXp tad 1.!etwee,!,"1'...;1,1-•ie Ta/ the ,aff,eonionn "1agle anti the, „S',.!ticAi'10.4.01141iOrr,-1eiod.'-'-'-‘-kr. • • .nd.ed tO tha am p, prernises co,,nStru.c,,,:lAn.of a MeNa.ughten was 6 gueetnentrnon't verand7.,...In and ,-.,steps in frontnnt ,Pvnt" -S" &a mercury will surely destroy the sense ofsme and Trarislucenotf SohnielitrAyreattiasse.ed In plans Perhaps in no other country but the Philippines are eenehas used as -,a sub- stitute forivindow glass. These shells are flat nearly round, and average four Judaea in dienieter. The edgeS are trim. med off so as to leave panes about ttirtleeiatreewstrihesspclsfd. ueore'weenedthese are set iilar The Shells are, of course. tranelueent rather than transparent, and the result is a soft, opalescent light, very agree- able in a country where the glare of tnhaesgkire yas;vowueldbuesea indtolerable. ordi- ryTo obtain the maximum window openings the Sashes are niade to slide horizontally On Wide sills of hard -weed in a manner eimilar to that adopted by the Japanese, By this means openings as wide as twelve feet are obtained. To realize tbe splendid resources of the Philippines, says a writer in the Century, one has only to see the hard- wood floorings in the public IOUildings and the residenceS of the better Class. These Consist of large slabs a Mahog- any, or, to use the fecal names. to lave, narra, tindalo and mete. these be- ing of 'various cetera and graining. Frequently the pieces, occasionally as Much as forty incites in width and for- ty feet In length, are laid alternate -1Y dark and light allades Polished by the houeehold inuebaehos (house bo,rs) till tlgrd eene:itikeettrorO n„ bey produce aumnetr .rr • DODGE EI THE " FIQUNDSMAN. completely derange the whole aYatem when entering it threugh the runcous surface& Such articles should never be used exCept on prescriptions trom repuia. ble physicians, as the damage theYydll do islen-fold te the good you ean poseiblY deiire trout them- Ilall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by. F. J. coteney & Con Toledo, oo contains no inercorY, 4ati IS taken batereallY. acting directly on the blood and mucous surrace.s of the system, In buying hall's catarrh Cone be sure you non tho genuine, It istaken inter- nallYaed MadenVroledo, OhM. by F. J. CHENEY &CO. 'Testianntials free - Sold by all DruggiSts. Price 75e, per bottle. 'ake Hall's Family Pills for constipation, CENTRALIA Sale Register—On Thursday, July 4— Houso, and it and houseneld effee,te, the property i WIlibert Luker, jr,, Cep. 0..raliao. Sale at one o'clock. The Ladles' Aid of, the Centralia Meth- odist Cnurch purpas6 bolding a first- elaeo nonnertoon theneeening of July1st. Mr, Owen A. Smiley, tne celebrated en- tertainer opronto, end Mrs. McGuire' of Sea.forth'vrill aseist in the program. Hear what Torprito Saturday Night says 7, --”Mr. Owen A. Smiley, with tis reel -tat -foes. Poems, stories and musical monologues, either selected or written by himself, provided the very ingredi- eats necessary to majlte 'a perfect even- ing. iha was undoubted," Messrs joint Dempsey and R. Quinton had an unpleasant exPerienen Friday last weelc. While dr:v:11g" their florae be, canto frightened Qt 3.0 ?Mt?, and tanning etirplYn ua lload bre)to a ettatt, and after runnier. OCalloe 111stil:1'rue* C1311440 with a tree. Mr, Quinton iemPIA When (he abaft broke but Mr. Dempsey keg 518 pLnee until the yl sitrueIt tbe tree, when he was *thrown WO and anstalned two broken rlha. Ottlto a large number took in the eX. eUreden te"Gode 'ttkel).•(ol 24,fendny and re- port having a. geed A411e.—QuIte a iarge ittentloor tOolt a delve ,,t0 the. Boat ell Sundann—Mr. Jelin Willson vented in Daybed and "Godericte 00 Sunday aral Monday.; --Mr. Fraadt ColwIll and 5, Art - drew left TuosttaY on a; trip to nne West—Mr. Jan Mitchell is emending this week With fr1lontlis. aArkena, and Thesifordn-fr. ,GeiorgP StanleY PAn OCeupled 'the PUlIca \Yr late ,Mettle• dist church on $unday eiveniCW and preached a, very 'sCeePtable serniono- $peelal arrangements are bang made for the, let lot .Ittly, and 4 firstecinSH 0;1413 fts aosttrnd,--nPs. ,k1clwortn, and wife left; er. Sunday for their homo (0 Water,. likft EMe,91 'Wtlacqt Spent SundaY' with relatives near A.7is3. Craig; IAtttle Moe Jean Spencer or St:Thomas Is the guest of Ire; %emit ?Tr's, W. IL nilllo, TILLMVILLE M• and Mrs. Steadman and frullitY returned horn last Tnurtsclson after spending a couple weeks ninth Zito Soop.elmon's father at eetrolea.—The HunterfornMes Lela the'r annual pienic on sday 51 Oir. Gel?. ,Hunner's bush/. weat,ler 'wail ideal and allergia crowd gatltnred ta enjoy themselves — Mr, and Mr's: Tyncial Seaferth, vis- ited itIrnand Mrs. Jas. .,Earl tor acouplo of. days last week.—Tho trustees have nomPleted the fence artound the grayco yard and parsonage, and ho.ve,putv new natea at the church, whichadds greatly to tho appeadance 9f. the prop- erty. Eltraville can now, boast of ono of the finest 1country ohurches fr Westerh Ontarlo.—A large crpwd or young people took Lin the cnrcu.s at London on Fridsy. last and report a nonod thno.—Mrs.I-len- ry Cr:mitt-ea left 1711, Tuesday morning for Harwell, Sask. Mrs, Coultice bas been in poor ,health for a long tnne and,,she has gone we tO 1353 11 a ,ellange climate wnli 'do her any good. --,Bruce Cooper wears n broad entitle now—its girl.—Jutes al -td, Mies Knott of Woodham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. :John Simpann.—Mn John l',intens in putnng np a' large silo this week.— Tbo masons have completed Charles Joints' house. and it :48 now ready. for the. carpenterp.—The Elimv!Ile "Never - ,sweats" are practicing for a game et hall on the is of "July. They are nn - deckled who 11 challenge, London or De- troit. SODOM Tine marrian:e IlOk place !ill Stephen on 7une 19t5, bit Miss Nellie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pred Green, to Mr. Edward Hughes 'of St.: Thomas. At Tour o'clloc:Ir the bride entered, the parlor on the arrn of her talthlett to the strains of the, wedding March plafyed by Mr. Silas Staniake. The bnole was gowned 10 navy blue. triimmed vr:th Irish crochet lace, .and carried whtlte roses. Miss Annie Gre,en, slisten of the br:de, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Jae .Edwards was. graamsman. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. V G. Powell under an arch of curtains, et7S'SS and ferns„ the presence of about one hundred and thirty guests. After the ceremony a dainty vvedct1ng supper was served on the la:vin. Many beautiful gifts were re- - ceived. The young couple wili reskle in Si. Thanias. LUMLEY. A new Illne telephiphie has been put up at the heajj di the ldne The neW subscribers are as tolipws,—Frank Rycktnian, J. L. linitehell, John Pepper, John Tra.quha Ir, Goa. Dalrample, Enoch Parkeo.—Mrs. John Glenn returned from London Saturday. --Mass Maggie Hobkirk, a anusic pupil of. Miss Grace flortnn,is thns week wil:1,ine,„ first exanlina ten. We wish, her sue- . cass,—Mis's Ellen Ford insi the guest ,ot her !sister, Mrs. 13oltion..—Ma. Geo. Glenn spent • Sunday witn friends near Clinton. —The MiesSes Saddler of Staffa were visitors at Mrs. W. Ld. Inertslaike's Wed- nesday afteriadon.—The Boundary base,: team defe,ated the Plugitowri, team on"Sat' u.rday eventing the latter's ground, ISa 'score be:ing 9:6. The ,return mer.tch wilt be played at •'Tharnes Road picnic to-nrn-row (FrfitlaY).—Mrs. MeNfordie 'of Londbn Is here! ont. a, v15".1 to l'er daugh- ter, Mrs. W. W. Glenn. , • 'BRUSSELS-•;Miiss Eva .MaY". Cooper ni Brt18'9e1S : 01116d. sierd, unexpcetedly or Sa:Lupixy • afternelan at the ,homje. et ;, her 'hret56riaa4aw, Sir. 11. J. •:,,ar".sh2,11:;• w1!..n.gilaira., • Deceased .../aSty.13oyearn.',n14,- -end w1,1fa a.tiotr. .a.,"`Year"a!).";. noldOnnIninnenine'rciipinY4!. her e'etreer and ;i•L*1-kOry..iti:'.17;t7u.0e)..B,ip.he.' is' oU-1:cad by three '; bt,oit'netgs "•'•••••••"., Ti. Tired PolieerrIan ClonenlY G. wrotor Qt of a Hole., A pollee sergemat was gulag the rounds when he witty 3 lmliceman, whom we'll eall MullaneY, go into tto uudertakers shop where there Is gen erally a pinoehle game In the book rooa Be kuew there Pfti,44 120 bank Way olit for MUllanny, so 'rounds" planted binaself by the door anti wait. After a time be sent in word by on or the mon %milting in the shop that hi* itineW MUUMISS Was in there and that he hod better some bank en MO Inn'ause the longer be walled the \Verse the tnomplaint against bini would read There was matirh conlialtdien in 0* Inuit room, and as there were 11 nuni ber or vellins being, loaded into a wan on olltside they put ,Ninlintley in a cot, OD and loaded him on the wagon, Then they drove itim down the street maple of Welts, and Mullaney Mind) ed out, lie strolled Welt up to where the sergeant was doggedly watehine the door mid saluted rouuds: Pleasant ,eveniug, Isn't ire. be said. And the sergeant stared for n moment and then, stamped away too mad to epeult.--New York An Ce.anoolast, "All over Europe my wife made ene- mies by boldly doubting cherished tra ditions," said the traveler, "but her skepticism respecting Alfred the Great embroiled her in the most serious did'. culty. An old 'gentleman who sat with thin, blue fingers spread above the feeble blaze from which my -wife, red nosed and shivering, endeavored to extract a little warmth, expatiated on the cake hurtling episode. Said my wife abruptly: *Don't tell me that old yarn again, please. don't believe a word of it.' "'Why not?' be demanded. "'Because,' said she, *there never was a tire in England hot enough to burn takes.' "Her retort did ,for the old gentle- man what the Ore had failed to do— lt mede him hof—but, even so. he never forgave ber."---New York PresS, Queer Looking Worms. New Zealand, Australia, the Samoan and the Solomon islands. as well as portions of the Hawaiian group. are the homes of various species of WPM:3 ,with thick, heavy bodies and with a well defined neck connecting the body vith a head that is a startling remind - i• of that of the monkey. In the Sand- -,vich Islands they are called "me-ta-lu- kJ." which means "creeper with a child's heaci." An old New Zealand.leg- end says that at one time they were "Lf inunense proportions and threatened toe extinction of all human life on the islands Principles of Action. There are five good principles of ac- tion to be adopted --to benefit others without being lavish, to encourage La- bor without being harsh. to add to your resources without being covetous, to be dignified without being super- chions and to Inspire awe without be- ing austere. --Confucius. Just the Other Way. adet'stend you nave just done 'En. ,ope ",Then .yott misundersta,nbl."' O'Fint-tin't you just returned -from COMMERCEOF SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., 1.1-13,; DCL President Ar.nxmga I4IRD. Jon-ri Aim* General ManageAssistant, General Martstser CAPITAL, $15,004,000 REST, $12,500,000', TOURISTSPED TRAVELLERS The Canadian Bank of Commerce, by reason of Os large number of branches in every Province of Canada, with direct representation in IT -tendon, Eng., New York, San Francisco; Seattle, Portland, Or,, Mexico and St. John's Nfld., with Agents and Correspondents in every part of the vvorld, is able to offer unsurpassed Secilides to the travelling public, enabling them to obtain money in the simplest way at any point on their journey the world over. The Travellers' Cheques and Letters of Credit issued by this Bank overcome the annoying dill -It -tildes of obtaining funds abroad, especially in places where identification is difficult. Cheques and Drafts on all the countries of the world, drawn in 'sterling, francs, marks, lire, kronen, etc., can be cashed or purchased ut reasonatla rates, as EXETER BRANCH—G. in WAUGH. M.anager. Branch also at Greeting's. he Mol ons Bank latcorporated 1855 Reeorel of progress for Five Years -1906-1911 Capital - p,0001000 14,009.000 Reserve - $3,000,000 4,600,000 Deposits °*23,677,730 35,0421811 Loans and Investments ,27,4,57,090 38;854,801 " Total Assets - $33,09°,192 48,237,284 froa83Branehea in oitnevIA. and Agents and tSovreavniideut*in ill the rrinoipsd Oitiea be Wod 0111111X1Ralt. IntifMRSIS5TRANI54011110. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT atat Branabea. Tntereet allowedat bigboat current rste, EXETER 13/1AP40/1 akt Breter for tine Dominion Government, Dtaisseli1 Chavtazza, Solicitor*, ZT,T), RIPADON Bfamutgcr, GODERICII—A cow an dee term .QZ Mr, Isaac Salkeld,'Payield need, is belief - ed tno have died of ralates, tho result dog -bite. The ,sarnet suspic4on Is enter.. rained 1:n a, eaeo on, the tarn n ilaf James Ha'rrisoft, Tbte pr.ovio.elaJ autittorlties aro Investegatiing, Lovely Hair forWomen PARISIAN' SAGE PUT LIFE AND LUS 'Man INTO DULL FADED HAIR IT IS GUA.PANTEIED If you haven't enjoyed the marvelous berootnt derived from using delightful, trerneshing PARISIAN SAGES, the mod- ern etair (6*i-over, boantiter and dart. &tiff remedy, you nave rniseed a real tk-es.t. Every woman should use PA.P.ISL1.N SAGE, not only to banish dandruft and other bat' troubles' but to prevent fall. hair, baIdneas, graYnests, and fad- ed ha!r, PARISIAN SAGE ,puto life and luster :into any person's tato and best tor all it LaIntuvranteed. ,to do as advothised roy We S. COLE or rnoneY back. ' Get a bottle to -day rna.dam, it only cost half a dollar and is sold by W. S. COLE, and druggists evcrYwhere in America. Can. a as oubleTraN Line, 4-r-..-a-aamommusemommi Dominion Day SINGLE FARE 'for Round Trip be- tween all ataltlion!S zitrt Canada. . Good going June 28, 29, $0, July 1st, 1912 Return limit July 3. Mberinum rate 25c I-10MESEEKERS EXCuRSION June 25, July 9 and 23, SceverY second Tuesday thereafter, until Sept. 1715, via Sarnia (or Chicako. Winnipeg & return. $34,00; Edruontort and return $42.000Tickets god 60 days SPec;•ial traifl.wjli leave Toronto 10.30 p.m. ion abtove date;s%rrying, through, coaelles 'and Pal — „Steepipg Cars No ehangeCierii.' * ' Write for illusCrated 3. J. KNIGHT Agent Exeter. CLANTON—Mr. John Hartle', principal, Or Clinton Model Saltool, has nesinnect irla portinfloti to acnept the principalabin VatIltleekql;.11 BC -Kauai, recently eetablilethed by tbe Provineial Gavernment. FARM FOR SALE That choice -farm of 1.08 acres on the 2011 and 3rd concesaiono or UsbOrne, behla olvo and. 3. half miles front Exeter Ort the premlsea in a largo brick heave with slate roof, and, frame barna and stabling. W3.I1 o sold. separately or together to trait Purchaser. 15 acres Itt fall wheat, 40 acres fall plowing done, balance in gersee. Apply to THOS. VISHER. Exeter'. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT, ONTARIO'S REST I3USINES,SpOLLEGE Our coursos are up -to -data and pract- eca.l. Wo have a largo staff a epxorienc ed 'instructors, a,nd our grad,ustes get the tngh grade positions. We do more far our -students than does any other Is1ra- 1,1a.r school. We have three departments COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND, and TELEGRAPHY. You cAne lit to your - sell: to know what we are doing. Get our free catalogue at once. D A. il,ScLACHLAN, Principal. Fresh Groceries We are now well establish- ed in business and we believe on the best of authority (nam- ely that of a daily increasing business) that we are meeting a long felt want, and giving the best of satisfaction. Remember our motto,— "Fresh Groceries all tne time," All kinds of produce taken ua exchange JAS. GOULD Just Like Finding It If you found -a silver dollar lying in the street would you "Yes,"hut I didn't do; I was done."— hesitate long before Picking it up? We think not. If y-ou Houston Post. All Abe "schoolteetchers at Lugano' have goue on strike owing to a differ- ence- with the ed twational, 'authorities. splendid, loyalty the little. plittils are standing by thZe teacheraand urg- ing them not to give way,—London Punrie. • - ' The Nernrat Trend, "I know, of one ,place which should es a paradise for real estate men, the '.trourn:r'rents, show stIc .„-NN-bereels'tiyit 5111e nore American. Humility, a rare' thing •atiaOng' the , eereed is rarer still with the ;gnu- Undertaking Furniture Rugs, had any opportunity- to save a clean silver dollar pur-- chasincr a piece of Furniture for any room would you take advatatake of it? We think That's just what we are Offering. With any piece of furn- iture sold at this store we will save you at least a clean' sii- , ver dollar. We carry a very large stock and fine assortmeritWe are not crowded for room; having a floor space of over5000 feet arfd nnrpd1irfl11 ,r.,. -. 51 1