HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-27, Page 3SEVERE. NEURALGIA 'Cured Through thease of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills There is an'excelient reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured the most severe cases of neuralgia, Sciatica and other complaints in the group known as disorders of the nerves. This group also includes' St.Vitus dance, partial paralysis and the common state of extreme nervousness and excitability, Each of these complaints exists because there is something the matter :with the nervous system. If the nerves have tone and are strong and heal- thy you will not have any of these complaints. The reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure nervous disorders is, that they restore weak, run down nerves to their proper state of tone. They act both directly upon the blood sup- ply and the nerves, The highest medical authorities have noted that nervous troubles generally attack people wile are bloodless and that the nerves are toned when the blood is renewed. It is thus seen that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure nervi- ous disorders by curing the cause' of the trouble. The following is an instance. Miss Annie Jones, Len, don, Ont., says: ----"For over a year I was an intense sufferer from neu- ralgia, which located in lazy face nine. head, The pain at times was so intense that I could scarcely keep from screaming, and nothing I was doing for the trouble seemed to help ane. As time went on my whole nervous system; -was affected. At last when I felt that my case was almost hopeless I was advised to try Dr. Williams'Pink Pills. The result of this treatment was that I am now enjoying such comfort as I had not known for years, and only those who have suffered from neu- ralgic: pains eau realize what a blessing the Pills have been to me," If you are suffering from any'. blood or nervous disorder begin to cure yourself to -day with Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which you can get from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 esints a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DIDN'T WANT TO ARGUE. Saon—It's a fine morning, San- dy. (Sandy grunts,) Saxon—I said it was a fine morning, Sandy: Sandy Vorra weal, verra, wool,: I dinna want tae argue, As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. Nearly 100,000 women in New York City consume no fewer, than 35,000,000 cigarettes a year. Koop Minard's liniment ie. the house. ,HIS BOOK. "Now here is a book," exclaim- ed the seedy man as he dashed into the banker's private office. "Don't want any books," grunted the banker. "But this one you can't help being interested in." "Haven't time to read books, and—" "But I am sure you will take this book," persisted the seedy man. "Look here, sir, do you intend to leave this room, or must I-" "Don't need to call the porter ; I'll go. This is your book, though." "My book?" "Yes; your pocketbook. I found it in the hall." " Then he van- ished. Eczema Always Y o. Burning and Itching Used. Box of Cuticura Ointment and It ; Completely Disappeared. /have suffered Froin ecselna for two years. The trouble began on one aria where there appealed a redspot of about a five -cent size, and it always widened, all the time itching and ,burning. ;The first days, I didn't care, but seeing' that, it gained in size, I tried: — Ointment and --,. Ointment, but both without success.. It was always burning and Itching. _ Ravingeeen in the newspaper the advertisement of the Cuticura Remediee,• I tried a little, and seeing' that it improved. I bought a box of the Cuticura .Ointment. After having used` olio box, my eczema conn. pletely disappeared. The Cuticura Ointment-- should be kept in every home." (Signed) lt. Oatiguy, lldarievibe, Que. Jan. 14, 1911. A Generation of Success Por more than a generation Cuticura Soap and Cuticura, Ointment have afforded the ipecdiest;and most ocononiletd treatment for. Itching, burning, scaly and bleeding skin rand Scab) humors, of ; young and sift, A single set ,ia, often ` sufficient ° Sold by ddate and dealere e0ergwbere. For et liberal sample ori Cutieurs (Soap; rind Qthtt¢ten1. boat -fres with a2q book on skin Otuptton8, Bette to A'oster. Drug ,'• Chem. OorP:, sole phare-,' IlQlutwbus Ave.. ' i$ou, v. d. A, , NEW DISCOVERY IN AVIATION French Military Believe They Can Prevent Many Accidents. What promises to be a scientific discovery of the highest importance in aviation is now being ievestiga't-'i ed by the French military authori- ties. It will be remembered that tient;,: Seville lost his life while dy- ing at Pan a few weeks ago. Exam- ination of the wrecked machine, droved that the wing of Seville's monoplane broke downward in- stead of upward, showing that the pressure of air came from above in- stead ` of from underneath, as has been hitherto supposed was the case in fatal accidents. Experi- ments have now corroborated the theory that a downward dip monoplane throws a greatly in- creased air pressure upon the sur- face of the wing. Heretofore the main strength of the wire stays has been devoted to preventing the wing buelrling frons- pressure on the un- der surface, while no astayn have! been thought necessary to counter- act pressure from above. The om- eial commission believes zany acci- dents have been due to insufficient protections from air pressure on the upper surface of the wings, and this is now being remedied in all French army aeroplanes. Elti GLANB WARRING ON FLIES. Campaign Started Now In Hope of Preventing Plague. War, determined and grim, is be- ing waged in England against the house fly. This is the time of year, it is said,: that war, if it is to be successful at all, may prevent a plague in the autumn, Tho house fly, it has been urged. lay "experts," carries mote disease':. from house to house than any other living thing in existence. The fly, they say, serves no useful purpose whatever ; it is a pest, andnothing more, Its breeding powers are enormous. The flyto-day may yield millions by the autumn, and so everybody is asked to help in its extermination, In schools the pupils are being taught all about the dangers of the fly and 'how to kill it, and house- holders are warned by the sanitary authorities that no labor expended upon its extermination will be thrown away. DOCTOR'S SUUFT. Nov Gets Along Without It. A physician says: "Until last call I used to eat meat for my break- fast and suffered with indigestion until the meat had passed from the stomach, "Last fall I bran the use of Grape -Nuts for breakfast and very soon found I could do withoat meat, for my body got all the nour- ishment necessary from the Grape - Nuts and since then I have not had any indigestion and am feeling bet- ter and have increased in weight. "Since finding the benefit I de- rived from Grape -Nuts I have pre- scribed the food for all my patients suffering from indigestion or over- feeding and also for those recover- ing from disease where I want a food easy to take and certain to digest and which will not overtax the stomach. "I always find the results I look for when I prescribe Grape -Nuts. For ethical reasons please omit my name." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. The reason for the wonderful amount of nutriment, and the easy digestion of Grape -Nuts is not hard to find. In the first place, the starchy part of the wheat and barley goes through various processes of cook- ing, to perfectly change the starch into dextrose or grape -sugar, in which state it is ready' to be easily absorbed by the blood. The parts in the wheat and _bar- ley which Nature can make use of for rebuilding brain and nerve cen- tres are retained, in this remark- able food, and thus the human body is supplied with the powerful strength producers, so ° easily no- ticed after one has >yaten Grape - Nuts each day for a week or 10 days. . "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs, Ever road tho above Iettert A new ono appear' from time to time. They are genuine, true,; and full, of human interest. BANKS REPLACE SALOONS. We are abolishing, public houses but we are increasing banks. A writer has put a question as to the. number of banks between the Eus- ton`' Road and St. klbans,'-and on. the south side between the Elephant and Croydon. Half a century ago there was not one. It was the Lon- don and Westminster that first set up a bank for the small man. And now, you can. hardly pass" a street corner without the appeal " of the bank. The changeof the street. corner site is suggestive of other changes.—London . Chronicle. "You must take exercise," said the physician, "and, by all means, worry less. Play golf." "Doctor," replied , the patient, ' ' °you mean, well, but a man who plays anykind of a golf game can't help worrying." Minard's Liniment t.t5mberman'e Friend. N EXCELLENT REMEDY FOR LITTLE ONES Mrs. ,John C. Lepage, Rimouski, Que., writes :—"Your Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for little ones and I Always keep them in the house," Thousands of other mothers say the same thing. The Tablets always do good—they can - net possibly do harm. They are the only medicine for children sold un- der the absolute guarantee of a,gov- ernment analyst to contain no opi- ates or harmful drugs. They sweet- on the stomach; regulate the bow- els; ow-els;; break up eolds; expel worms; cure indigestion and promote healthful sleep. The Tablets are sOM by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- .taxes' Me�clicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, THE CIVILIZING RAILWAY, In Senegal and Southern Nigeria, and the other French and English colonies of West Africa that lie be- tween them, there are now 11 rail- ways either running or building. Nearly all lead into the hinterland from sonde port on the Boast, In every instancethe introduction. of the railway has not only increased the trade of he colony, but has ex- ereised a beneficial effeet upon the West African ¢la.tives. Those who formerly were often engaged in in- tertribal warfare have become peaceful ` traders or farmers,' land many of the natives are filling sub- ordinate - positions upon the various lines, The railways have aeeom- plished the complete pacification of colonies that were once warlike and quarrelsome. Pills of Attested Value. Forme- lee'e Vegetable Pills are the reevit ef careful study of the properties of certain roots and; herbs, and the ac- tion of such as sedatives and laxa- tives on the digestive apparatus. The success the eempotinders shave met with attests the value of their work, These pills have been reeog- nized for many years as the best eleansern of the system that Can be got. Their excellences was rceog- nize*d from the first and they grow more popular daily. r,. ORIGIN OF CHIIMNEYS. Earliest Mention of Their Existcnec Made in 1347. In the excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum uo discovery appears to have been made of anything ap- proaching the nature of the modern chimney. The earliest mention of the chim- ney seems to be in an ancient Vene- tian inscription over n doorway, where it is written that in 1347 cer- tain chimneys in that location were demolished by earthquakes. It by conjecture only that we aro able to say that the chimney was known in ancient Italy. Seneca, who lived during the first century of our era, invented a species of tube which ho affixed to the length of the wall, and it seems to have run through floors. Through this the heat passed from subterranean ovens called "hypo - causes," of which remains were found in buried cellars of houses built on the Bay of Naples, But in this there is no evidence of any chimney in the modern sense or even of any kind of stove. Before the invention of the chimney fires were made in excavations or pits opened beneath the floor of habita- tions in about the centre of the room, as the Eskimos do to -day. The hearth of the ancient Romans was in the porch, but the fires light- ed there were not designed to make houses habitable, seemingly, but were merely an indication of hospi- tality to friends. The houses, which occasion called for heat, were fur- nished with firing,pan and bellows,, earried from room to room by. slaves. This was in more or less constant operation day and night in very cold weather'. In the early centuries of the middle ages there seems to have been an attempt made to perfect the very elemen- tary fashion of house-warming. Before the "seventeenth century there is no direct evidence available that a satisfactory method had been found to evacuate gases' liberated by combustion;-Harper's Weekly. "M y dear," said Mrs. Henpeck, "I'm positive that our George is thinking seriously of matrimony." "Well, We11, I only hope so," returnedturned Henpeck with unusual spirit. " "I wouldn't -want any. boy of ,mine to be so unfortunate as to regard it as a joke._" 'ED. 7. 1881131 9f; 12 A GREAT WAR SHIP. Britain's Fastest, Largest and Costliest Named The I4ona Great 'Britain's largest, fastest and costliest armored war ship has just been placed in oamanissiou, The rnonater battle cruiser axes been naxned the Lion, Tier length is 060 feet, her displacement 26,350 tons, her speed, designed for twenty- eight knots, is likely to reach thirtytwo knots. ,Iter turbines are. of 70,000 horse power. As for her cost it reaches the enormous sum of $10,000,000. For such a sum twenty years ago could have been built a first-class battleship, four 'good-sized eruis'ers and a dozen torpedo craft. For such today could be built some n,00Q aeroplanes, any one of which could with ilnpunity drop bombs upon the Lion and put her out of action, ZAM-BVK AND OUTDOOR LIFE. Every tennis or ball player, every swimmer, every canoeist, everyman or woman who loves outdoor life and exercise, should keep a boar of Zam-Buk handy. Zam-Buk 'es a. purely herbal pre- paration, which, as soon as applied to cuts, bruises, burns, sprains, blisters, etc., sets up highly" bene- ficial operations. First, its antisep- tic properties render the wetted free from all clanger from blood poisoning, Next, its soothing pro- perties relieve and ease the pain. Barbed wire scratches, insect stings, akin diseases, such as eeze ma, heat rashes,: ringworm, babies' heat sores, ehefed places, sore feet are all quiekiy cured by Zane Buis, All druggists and stores. Use Zara -Bek Soap also; 25c, per tablet. THE DREAD OF OBSCURITY. "Do you think it possible to love your enemies?" "Not exactly," replied Miss Cayenne, "Yet many* of us ought to feel rather grateful to our ene- mics as the only people who take a real interest in us." They Cleanse While They Cure.. The vegetable cornpounds of which Parmelee'e Vegetable. Pills ars composed, mainly dandelion and mandrako, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious mat- ter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the best remedy for indigestion. available to -day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this as- sertion and do snore to convince the ailing than anything that can be written of these pills • INDEPENDENT. Chief Clerk (to office boy)—Why on earth don't you laugh when the boss tells a joke? Office Boy—I don't have to; I quit on Saturday. I was cured of Bronchitis and Mama by IIINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A, LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by TtIN�tRD'S LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN' MAD1;R, It was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINAPD'S LINIMENT. J05KUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. IN OUR VILLAGE. Stranger (in Lonelyville)—What's all the excitement? Native—Rube Perkins jest put $35 in the savings bank! , When Your Eyes Need Gare Try Murine Eye Reme y. No Smarting—Feels Fine -Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus- trated rat o a Package. Murine is Book in each h 'P n g compounded by our Oculists -not a 'Patent hied- icine"-but used in successful Physicians' free- tico for many years. Now -dedicated to tho Pub- lic and sold ny Drugglsts at 25o and 60o perBottle. Murine Eye naive In Aseptic Tubes, 25o and 5to. Murine Eye Remedy Co.,' Chicago Lots of people stir up strife by preaching harmony. Ask for Minard's and cake no other. HE KNEW. "Can you tell me, my boy," said the prim teacher, "why the race is not always to the swift?" "Yes'm," said the little boy, promptly, "it's because sometimes their tires bust." Chilblains. and C Frost Bites a For F St B'e S —Chilblains come from undue exposure to slush ' and cold and frost -bite from the icy 'winds of winter In the treatment of either there is no better preparation than Dr. Thomas' Ec- leetric 011, as it counteracts the in fla,nmation and relieves the pain. The action of the oil is inseantane- cus and its application is extremely simple. GETTING BACK. "What is a counter -irritant?" asked Mrs. Smithers. "A counter -irritant," replied Smithers, "is a woman who makes the shopman pull down everything from the shelves for two hours and. then buysa penny -worth of hair- pins.'' In area the United State exceeds 3,000,000°square miles: International PoultryFood' Pravonits. Ohotertt 0,41C1 Graven the LIttte Ohlek$ Ailttie chick la just 1Aco a little baby --its health depend* on its food. Improper feeding spans * h5 waYfor disease. Chicken Cholera. Roup,Apoplexy, red byfeedang INTERNATIONAL, FQULTRX FOD. P' Y,caa be prevented and cured If chickens bad -w Cholera until some of combs ere turning blade, After tieing afew fend, of +' International ('oaks;' Food;" I never Iost another fowi, and Cholera has left Any prcouSea,-,j,' . DAKISUCTrn (HT. IOW ehicdena a <la ye feed of "Iatereational." It keeps, 020139 weffi..,,fattaas up the breiters,-.nta'xaahno lay sal the year ronn4-.krreps the cocks-ago/ova-44d insures raising the l ata chicks. If you want to nuke money out. of your fowls, feed "Iatornatiorai Poultry Food,"" and $1.00, a box. At dealers everywhere.. at Write for free copy of oar ,tlbe.ei stock no* t4 greatest; book ever written for faraterz. r , INTERNATIONAL STOCK FC13l COMPANY LTsttktad TofmNro When buying your Piano insist on lhavir gin is OTTO IIIGEL: Piano Act iOr% .a.`e4 f Mai 2E ORIllOsoTsi PeeteotT,.-, Preeeerve--.8eaut.ify Samples and :Eoekl'.eatst ort .applace4tioia JAMES LAN MUIR & CEI., Uni ti d 1.874l Plethora Street Tonnee'o ff, 1JM1f.. "DAV Toronto, ><0 e erne eat, iGItT TItQT33AND DOLLARS WILI buy .beautiful- hundred Lacres is Northuraberrsnd County, including Rtock Anil Implements. There is in the r, 4 horses. 10 cows, etc, This Es a snap, an can be had op; easy terms. Possession $id once, IIOOA FARM 6 10 LINCOLN. WE LAN S Belton. Peel, York. Dorh41n, Nori timberland. Prince Edward counties sortable prices, bl sASKA kIEiV N .. iha lauds is large ori A a,F..mINT THE ARLiNRTOA CO. 0 Canada, Ltd. 85 (aa;La AYLNUF TO ROSTO tntheVaaatersa. tiaa aWater. s el Cullers ale. Ask Ao to ata. se/ ley 50 edur. Ali feta or <lim t far Ocie, MALE HELP WANTED. II+S 'a GENTS, eereeoItr1 enna8 Pito in great demand, through. Ontario and North West. Rix months It fy you. Day and list.. ronraet. Nal In sPeered, Free Book iS eoteins. Dom to Sebonl Telegraphy. Tnronno, COW COMFORT is guaranteed to keop Flies off your Cattle 5100 :PER GALLON Dilute with 4 gallons of water. Write fora gallon now to THE MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE CO.. LTD., WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO. Sole Mfrs. -The Sapho Manufacturing Co,, Limited, Montreal. AND ALSO. Now also doth the charming bride Complete her splendid trousseau; While father hustles, to provide The coin, that she may dousseau. No person should go from home without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial i¢1 their possession•, as change of waiter, cooking, climate, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint, and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy at hand, which oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a wide- spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints. Great Britain's present National Debt exceeds $3,620,000,000. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians Practically the "whole of the tea grown in India is disposed of by auction in Calcutta. No one need Pndure the agonv of corns with Hallo -welds Corn Care at hand to remove them. IMPOSSIBLE. "I would rather be happy than rich:" he declared. "Oh, yes, so would I," sbe re- plied "but one might as well try to behappy without being rich as to be an angel without having to die." MISCELLANEOUS. f AND FARM SCALES, Wilson's *rale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. 1 ANGER. TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. Ing ternat and external, cured tsithottt rain by our homy treatment. Write os before too late. Dr. Belknap Medical Co.. Limlfnrl, ('oIlinewood. Ont, a 9. 'ON SCALE GUARANTEED. ; w•ilaort's Seale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. 11,OfhTIONEfs TO TAKE TIIREI3, years' course in training at Aultxnau. Itosi'hal, Canton, Ohio, Address, Supt. Men Su its FRENOIYOr--HKR ED Best Work in Canada. Gold Medalist BRITISH AME;IGAN DYEING GO. P 0. SOX, 233, MONTRrAL School teachers Wit have s, splendid position to Mier in each Town in On- tario, to bright, active mon, to EARN $500 DURING VAC.A'1.'ION, by spending a part of their time each week. Apply at ones for partieutars. MANAGER, 33 W. ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO TWO CRUISES —ON TELE— VICTORIA LUISE 1:15,500 Tone) Frans Hew York Nor. 12, 1912 Fran San FranciscoFeb.27,19i3 Will .Beit Madeira. Spain. halt, Eerst. India. Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Jany Philippines, China, Japan. San/rids Islands. With. Overland AmericnnToon INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL j 17 Days in meas TOURS t 14 DaysinJapem Duration 110 Days Each �50 ,ad ,ududine pp•U Bee. ap aboard and athers. "444 'anr'na who Jr., ,,,ode Use Wrtle far Mackie!. HAMBURG -AMERICAN LINE 41.45 EROADWAY, N.Y. or Ocean Steamship Agency, 63 Ventre St., Toronto, Canada, 'KING OSCAR' 8 INES retwore Tread softly Step.saifeig. CATS PAS . BER SSI! .E Embody like Patented featiweS of cats.Pa'N� fleets.. taCS; WIaOLESOME NOURISHING APPETIZING For an added tasty touch to luncheon., picnic, or garden party , nothing can excel these fine flavored, carefully packed, delicious little: fish "KING OSCAR" SARDINES. Pat up in Sanitary packages. Grt Them From Your Crate. Trade supplied by John W. Blcklo'.5 3ronning, Ilaniton,