HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-27, Page 2KING SAFE INVE TIENTS
There Is No Absolutely Safe Investment Except
Relatively Careful Distribution to Place Investor
Where Even a Foreign Invasion Cannot Ruin
articles contribated "invettor-
a74 for the eel° iittrisose of gnbling pros-
Deetive investors. easra 1.; possible, orsa
then from losing money through
placing it In "wild -oat" enterprises. The
=Pater:al and rellebis cheracter of thit
information may be eelied inpon. The
writer oS -these Articles and tile pnlellaber
• tbis Patter beye no Interest* to serve
its conneetion with this, Matter otissa thaD
those ot the reader-
Is there any investment absolatel7itb
our. rish?
To answer thiS question, One Mngt UMMT
eaartlY whet Its meant by risk.
I think it i gee to say that feta the
Man Wbe may want to realize on his le -
vestments in U, hurry there Is no aheo,
lately eafe Investment.'Suppose, st the
Preena timehe bought British consols -
• gilt edged'Investment n there ever was
• Their price- is the lOWeet it Izas over
been- Taoe1 bowevea. iaPala' 5.33 per
oent--br Ito MeatIS exceesive-for the
beer enly 21,4 per terra en P
Table- FernerlY. V.'ett. they have oarrled
• hielum rate Vete tieve sled et a price
approximately as low, taking yield into
consideration.. lint, Suppose a men berritht
these etWttlitiel mad Great Britain was in -
Volved in a war -with GerManaa Why -
there noteld be a therte drOP stt +Mee, and
if he wanted to. or had te, Fell the In-
esester would experience A Ve'Pere 'Wee.
Or summits, he bought Cit,v of Identeee
Bemis. A GerOlcte fleet retRnt 81-1I Up ti
it Lae. and all the combined of -
forts of the Niobe and Rainbow would not
prevent e boiribeennitelit oatreel and
a consequent drop in Montreal bonds.
Xsuu tnvester never safe? you, efIY,
Ile no means of avoiding such a eetati•
Of ceuree be bas. and the =Calle more-
over are fat tie own lta.nds.
ThoSe who have reed this column duriag
the Past ...year will nemetnner the oft -re.
Paseten aeatuttatiela against keeping all
ore etTe'S in *be same basket, lest the
tf--,Altiot be 41'kqq,11,1"(1, 0114 all the eggs,
brelten. The wise feereer Avoids esiele
lose by. pultitt's Ills eggs in different
cr:11es, e-qsh er• in a cerenertmeilt 1ST its
eelf, ea that Otto Milaltt be broken. hut the'
reit eseape. Now. that is exaelly what
Ilse wiser inveetor does. Be buys a emell
teteetent Metptire,e1 neekee le 3104 bin,
dt-s vent. figget the 4•11V3143 (very',
TetP0e fo be irr,ro of an vaOrra of a
ho-ptile fleet un the St. Lawrence River, be
hueRoute f'di*v .of Toronto, ilobAntrires,
Ielrling 41,4 per rent, Tint P,A Temente
' "Tr
If Ton uro eatte1 in earance and
eintrteous in your manner, yoit will be
weiromed In every bouio In roar locality..
when yori are showing stzu1es Ot OUT au-
perior toilet geetle. boueebeld necessities,
;ton relianle remedies!. The setiPfection
witieb our geode give, plueee tho uSere
wrier AA obligation to you. which wins
for you the satin* respeet, esteem. and in-
timate friendship giren the priest. physi-
teen, or pastor, and you will make more
money from :your spare time than you
dream oF, besides a best, of friends,
This Is yonr oppertnnity for a. pleasant,
profithble and permanent husinees.
drees, The Home Supply Co., Dept 20, Mer.
• liuilding, Toronto Out,
$645.000,000 FOR A. NAVY.
Russian Parliament Passes Rill
Providing for Big Expenditure.
A despateh from St. Petersburg
says: The Duma on Thursday pass-
ed the Navy Bill which involves an
expenditure of $645,000,000 in. the
next five years. This would place
Russia second to Great Britain in
naval expen.diture.
legYm ;it Seine fUtnre tinie, be Affected bY
jwtgueli au induatrial crisis Me hondon,
England. is 3,1017 threatened ny, he buys; the
bonds of Victoria. B.C., and so be apreadit
his risk, He buys Winnipeg bonds, whiqh
is the r.entre, et the grain trade. and theme
of Yoaktha- the centre of a farming ells-
-trier., Then be shifts back tO Ontario
cities and towns. and so he spreads his
risk over a multitude of different and di-
vergent interests, Perhaps. to effaet bis
bond e baYs a few mortgages, and to
illeTeg,Fre big income he takes on gOine
dastrtal bends. But the wiee ineestor is
careful to distribete his Investments no
only oVer a reanaSer of difIerent eeenel-
tiee, but geograpnicallY over wide
stretch of territorY, acteicling the heavy
bonds of one chief/. Then, no Matter whet
bans. he cannot kse everYthiug...
A few eare ago the towu of Campbell -
ton, N. B... was completely rived out by
Ore. An Investor whose whole fertune was
tied up in the debentures of -Viet town
might 7.m.Ye ben relued Lead not the Pro-
bstai of New Brunswick
Pomo to its aid eed Kgereetevtl the in,
re3OrS egMast loss, lint if he bad had
smly 'tenth. or A twentieth. or his held.
ings in the debentsres of that place he
wouldUfrt have needed to be very uneasy.
Although napleant. the loss would not
have been criPpling.
Perhaps another ;min bed some of the
Bloc:k Lake Asbestos ConsPanv bonds. as
about 25a Ca.nadian investors 'had. If be
d beett WIPO b3 lose weula Pot ba.ve
been severe enough tet 114Yee,eaueed hint
the Ism of Mere than .11terst on
fl bie ievesteeents.
But, you ties,y, have oele e few Gage,
eedloee. etiti 1teebet isitreed that
vuuea. Ir these 1aY5 of hundred
bonds no Une :teed Make that ex -
True. municipalitiee do nat. ;se a
Ssue finch &Mali denentinations, but
bee' can he pure based In very small
amounts, But. in the eaee of most luttni-
eipalities. sueb a catastrophe as overtook
CauMbellton is so verY remote as to b.-,
negligible -a chance of one in tine hue,
dred at the very least, And almost all
Industrial compealea Of any eerentnt Wee
delmeenree alaa now -I -dant, although
UnfettzurarelY few plIeservree compan,
les liginws. (Irmo uo g$ Yet,Tht OUT all a.re
coming: to it.
44YOUO who trou•
nurywith the Invest,
Inent barker, arrange a
his Invest:110MR SO afs al
him from apprehension of any
loss or a large part of his ray
Buying Bonds on the
Instalment Plan
You may becomo boucl-
bolder under our Period,
kat Payment Plan in
precisely the same man-
rter that you become a
savings bank depositor—
by putting aside money
tts you can spare it.
ihnler this Platt you DIV'
purchase from us the
Bond or Bonds that most
strongly appeal to you as
an investment suited to
your purposes, by mak-,
ing a small initia/ pap,
meat and paying tlie
remainder in monthly
instalments to suit your
Ia thee manuer you become
a bondholder at once without
having te, save the face value
O f the Bonds you want to
putclaase—and yell receive
the ietereat ten the Bonds
while paying for thew.
We should be glad to aulenit
a list of leading Canadian
Investment securities which
Yield frem 5% tct °Ten z170,
which, reee be phased ea
Ode Periodical Pant Telma>
.roaorrro moreroada.
oTrAvg,A tONDON.41.M.
nade, the Empire, and the
In General Before Your
Tho Over output in Ontario Con -
tea to grow.
Bill has sent $1,040 to the
Guelph Y.M.O.A.
Several kegs of beer wtre 'seized
n canteens at the Goderich militia
Mr, L. G. Coleman has been made
superintendent of the Ottawa Divi -
elate of the G.T.R.
An outbreak of rabies has ea-
eurred in Gederich township, one
young man being badly bitten.
Oliver Buckingham, twelve years
a age, was instantly killed in a
warehouse. elevator at Brendan..
Joseph Fortin, aged eleven, was
killed by an auto in Ottawa. Ho
jumped off an toe -wagon an front of
Inlaocl revenue returns indicate
that the consumption o hquor and
tobaeco in Canada is rapidly in-
Mrs. Charles Ewart took a fatal
choking spell on a B. of Q. train
while going home to Tweed from
Premier Gouin of Quebec, has
been named Grand Officer of the
Order of Leopold IL by the King of
Mr. justice Greenshields award-
ed $3,000 damages to Mrs. Morin,
daughter of the late Father Charles
Chiniquy, in her libel action against
Joseph Begin, editor of La, Croix.
Frederick Seybold, found guilty
of beating Margaret Burney to
death with a, curtain pole, while in
a drunken fight, got off with a Sit
months' sentenee in the Montreal
The Canadian Pacific, Grand
Trunk, Canadian Northern and
Ships to Tahe a a Bela
ther Observations.
A despatch from London, Eng-
land, seys : The plan of Pref. Wants
L. Moore, Chief of the United
States Weather Bureau, for the es-
tablislunent of an international
North Atlantie weather service, has
been agreed to by the committee of
the Redio Telegraph Cengrese, to
which it was referred. This insuree
its adoption by the Congrese. Ac-
cording to the plan as outlined by
Prof. Moore, a meridian line will be
established through the North At-
lantic. All ships on either side of
the line must take a daily weather
observation, which will be sent by
wireless telegraphy to other vessels,
and this relayed to the American or
European and stations. From
these reports weather charts will be
constructed and forwarded to the
shipping at sea,.
New Head of the Works Department—City Pays
Big Salaries—Simcoe's New Member—
An Interesting Move.
ts only a few sbort years since there
artIteared in the Toronto City Solicitor's ()f-
loe at the City Hall a new office boy. Bo
Was eo round and well fed that he wee
letunediately nieknauted the 'fat boy from
Pickwick." When it was found that his
first name was Roland it was immedi-
ately cut down to "Roly," and Rely it re-
tnains to this day.
The boy's mother was a widow, and had
been caretaker of the old city hall for
many years. She was very proud of her
sou,. and when it came time for him to
be -In to do something for himself she had
no trouble in getting him a position in
one of the offices at the Hall, which she
looked alter.
To -day that boy is known officially as
Mr. R. C. Harris, head of tbe Works De-
partment of the City of Toronto. andthe
salary he is to draw is $8,000 a year. He
has never Iteld any position outside of
the municipal administration of the city.
Be has never run for office. He has just
attended to the business that lay at -his
hand in his civic service job, and he has
got on. Each year has seen a new admin-
istration, installed, but the good-natured
fat boy. and the man lie developed into,
quarrelled with none of them. At the
same time he had initiative to formulate
plans and the force to carry them into
effect. He was some years getting to be
a chief clerk, but from that point his
progress has been rapid. The control of
one department after another has been
put under his control until now no has
the management of the chief spending of-
fiCC8 of Toronto, which spends more money
in a year than does the Government of
Mr. Ha.rris' example demonstrates ,that
e successful eareer is Possible in muni-
cipal service. And he is not the enly
'1.`oronto official getting a good 6e1ary.
The City Treasurer, Mr. It. T.'Coady, who
. is shortly -Se sail for Englaed to sell more
- City of Toronto bonds, gets $8,000 a year.
-Tne salary of the Mayor is now $7,500; until
last .yeitr it was. $5,000. Tjie-Aeseasment
Commisaioner gent $5,500. The Medien1
Health -Officer gete $5,000.- The City Soli-
citor eet s $4,500. So does the City Archi-
tect. 'The City Clerk and the Chief of else
_Fire Brigade, each receive 84,000. Police
• Magistrate Dentsee's salary is 55,008 a
year. But the Itie.hest priced man in tee
Mty's employ is the Oily -Counsel, Mr. H.
L. Drayton, Kele a comparatively youpg
man, who gets. $10,000 a year as City Coun-
cil, arid draws another 54,000 as the Pro.
incial Goyernment's representative on
be Toronto Hydro -Electric Coin mission,
making -$14,0e0 a year in all. This figure,
no doubt, expiates, in part, why he de-
chnod the Chairmanship cif the Dominion
ailway Board, whieb, according to re.
was offered to hire.
Some lOcal interot halyten
by the an•eezeeetnent thatthe ewe:Ines' !ex
the Damn. at House in EL.Ntli
eaused by the elevation of Mr. Haughton
Lennox -to the berm)), has been filled by
Mr. W. A. Boys. It is recalled that he
was for many years ono .of the Jostling
athletes of Canada, being an expert, hockey -
player and holding for several seasons the
tennis championship of Ontario. Mr. Boys
is still young -he is only 43 -but he has
given rip tennis and hockey. He has now
taken to golf and curling and politics.
As soon as the new wing of the Parlia-
ment Buildings is completed there will be
a more than usually interesting moving.
The Education Department, which for half
a century has occupied, quarters in the
Normal School building, occupying an en-
tire block between Gould, Gerrard, Church
and Victoria streets, will at last make ita
headquarters with the other departments.
of the Government in Queen's Park. This
will. no doubt, be -some' convenience to
the Minister and the staff, who have been
obliged to make a half-hour's journey
every time they wished to consult the
Premier or the other departments; but it
is safe to say that the old Normal echool
buildine will be left, with many regrets.
The ehief educational associations of the
Province cluster around the building. The
Minister's quarters there have long been
famous for their spaciousness and ele-
gance, and it is doubtful if the depart-
ment will find as much comfort in their
now quarters as they are Waving in the
The final disposition of the museum and
art gallery, which has long been one of
the show_ -Places of Toronto, has not yet
been finally decided. It May remain
where it is, or it may be divided between
the Art Museum, that now finds a beau-
tiful horno in the late Goldwin Smith's'
old residence, the Grange, and ehe Pro.
viticial University Meseunt. in Queen's
Canada,s own holiday, year after year,
pas'ses. in Toronto Without thee slightest
•celebrationeofathe .day as a real national
holiday. As many people as ran get out "
of -town, and whett the day falls on a
Monday, tte this year, the ,number is un-
usually large. Those who relaxant amuse
theMselves as ,hest ;they, oan. /t 43, safe
t� saY that evety eanob. rowboat. bow-
ling • green,tennicourt; or picnicking
site within ,reeeh of the city is fully oc-
cupied all day. For the owners of the
amusement franchises the day is one of
the aineest harvests of the year. A .11ne
day will take from15,000 'to -10e00 people
to the afternoon ball game alone. Even
lacrosse, svhich •melting desperate ef-
forts' lo get off the down grade to popular•
fivsor, may get as high as 10,000 speeta.
tors. -
•i•P for a real ratiepal celebration
`there is nothing., • No one wants, the
sereseeexele.sm of the A»orion Fourth.
het re seer people regret that F`,01110 effOrtf
41.v)rfid net, he me de to' r;ialto thedav in
slapedeeseseemel city in a way that would
he dietinCtively Canadian.
Great Northern railweers have on
order, to he delivered before Octo-
ber 1, an aggregate, of over 18,000
box cars, 200 locomotives, 1,000 re-
frigerator ears, and 1,400 coal.
Manufacturera of railway rolling
stook in Canada and the United
States cant guarantee to RR other
large orders title yeae_
I The dock etrike at Seuthimptou
has ended.
The Prince of Wales attained his
majority on Sunday, being thell
eighteen year of age.
During the removal of the plas-
ter ceiling and oak panelling of the
Jecoheari z•oona in the females Rein-
deer Inn at Banbury, workmen dis••
eovered a double fliet lock- horse
Pistol, inlaid with gold, inscribed:
"Presented to Diek Turpin at the
White Bear Inn, Drury Lane, Feb.
17, 1725."
Hugh Sergeant, an. aviator ap-
prentice, was killed al Hamstead,
N.Y. He came from New Zeala.ed
and was wealthy.
Ever Notice
A Field of
Indian Corn
in the glory of its growing?
The best part of selected
pearly white Indian Corn
is used in making
This food is carefully
• cooked—in a factory that
is clean and spotless—not
a hand touching it at any
stage of the making.
Post Toasties with cream
and a sprinkle of sugar are
an ideal dish. Serve
sometimes with fresh
• strawberries added.
“The lemory Lingers
Sold by Grocers.
• Slade by
adian Postsen Cereal Cm. Ltd.
Windsor. Ontario Canada.
The six great powers agreed to
the teems of the loan af $300,0001000
to the Chinese Republie.
Ship's Steward at Montreal Did
Good Work.
A despateh from Motrea says,
What would heve proven a triple
drowning wee prevented ell Wer-l-
n,esclay by the pluck of Albert. V.
Marsh, a steward of the Allan liner
Vietoriae. While walking along by
the, river front at Dominion Park,
he, with eeveral others, noticed
that a small motor lannela had eap-
sized some distance from the shore,
and ewe mee were hanging on to
her. A Ulan ran to the water,
jumped in, and started swimming
wet to them, but before be got half
• he vollapsed and began to eink.
seeing this, went down to
ter anti swam out to him,
treeing him back. Taking to the
ter again, Marsh went to the cap-
ed boat, took OneOf the Mellen'
aud brought him to shore. By Vitt-
= the other arum had become ex-
hausted and dropped off the boat.
so Mareh again went to his assis-
tance, and brought Itim ashore.
Marsh has already received three
medals from the Royal Humane
Soeiety of England. He has now
eyed a total et nine lives in one
way or another.
If it were generally known that
there is no trouble to rid a. house,
barn or any building of rats and
mice by the use of Gillett's Lye, it
is doubtful if the article could be
made as fast as it would be used
for this purpose alone. The pro-
cess connected with using it is
very simple, tho plan being to
sprinkle a little of the article in
and around the holes made by these
pests in floors, partitions, etc. In
addition to this it is well to use a
thin piece of board about a foot
square, or even smaller, and make
a complete circle of the lye on the
board about a quarter of an inch
deep, and inside of the circle place
some meat or cheese. In endeav-
oring to get at the bait the feet of
the rats and mie,e will be butned,
and the whole colony, whether
large or small, will immediately
disappear from the premises.
The plan is worth trying, but the
good kind—Gillett's Lye—should be
procured. Refuse the many cheap
imitations and substitutes.
Two French Birdmen Illeet in
Flight and Both Are Killed.
A despatch from Douai, France,
says: Captain Dubois and Lieut.
Albert Peignan, both officers in the
French army, and trained airmen,
met tragic dea,tb,s on .Wednesday
morning When the biplanes they
were piloting round the military
flying grounds oollided with terrific
force in midair. The officers, who
Were close friends, were unable to
perceive each other while flying
through the early morning have.
. —
What Mr. Chamberlin, Expects, G.
T. P. to Raul This Year.
A de,spateletfrom Montreal says:
Mr. E. J. Chamberlin, President of
the Grand Trunk Pacific and Grand
Trunk Railways, nazede an estimate
on Wednesday of the amount of
grain the Grand Trunk Pacific
would probably haul out of the
prairie country this year. Against
18,000;000 bushels brought ,out last
year, 'he believed that the figure
this year would be nearer 30,000,-
Lord Sontees to Have a Big Koine
• Erected.
A despatch from Cobourg says:
Martin JCX & Co., "COrltraCtOrS, of
this town, have sent' a large force
Cif Men and part of their plant ;to
Pickering, where the firm will erect
a large residence, for .Lord Somers,
who recently purchased a fruit farm
Vessel Runs Amuck at Thorold and Three
Children Drowned
A despatch from St. Catharines
says: Three young lives were lost
and thousands of dollars' worth of
datnag,e delta at Look 22 on the new
Welland Cauel on. Thursday after-
noen, when the Government survey
steamer La Caneditanne crethed
into the head gates of the lock,
which were carried away. In the
onrush of water from the level
above the steamer was thrown back
against the rear gates, eznashing
and pulling them out with her, thus
giving the water in the entire level
above free seope to rush through to
the short level below. The mighty
rush of water carried the vessel
back with it more than a hundred
yards, landing it on the easterly
bank of the ea -nal, where the _rough,
stiff bottom severely punctured the
hull, causing the expensive vessel
to settle to the bottom of the canal,
At the time of the ateklent five
young lads from Merritton were
playing near the west steir of lock
21. With hardly a momeet's warn-
ing the water front lock 22 level was
mrled down upon them, carrying
three of the boys as it wotdd so
many weeds over the embankment
and into the waters of the waste
weir, fifteen feet below, The Un-
fortunate lads who lost their lives
were Willie ,Taeke, aged five years;
Willie Wallaee, sometimes ealled
Tiffany, about the same ago, end
Leonard Bretheriek, aged four.
Dave Bolick, a few years older, was
rescued by Rugh Maguire of the
Government Survey staff, who was
with his gang working on the Wel-
land ship canal route in that Niche.
ity. George Bretherick, an elder
brother ef one of the lads drowned,
managed to save himself by running
towards end gaining eholter in the
leelthouee of lock 21, Water from
the upper leek tore away the bank
along the waste weir and did dam-
age to the roadway along the side
of the canal and surroundieg the
country as far as loek 18. The
Grand Truek tunnel near lock 17
was flooded and ontirely filled up,
This alone will cost the Goverze
meet thousands of dollars.
Prices et Cattle, Crain, Cheese and anti
Produce at Home and Abroad.
Toronto, June. a -Flour -Winter wbeat,
90 per cent, xaatenta, 54,20 to 54,25, at setts
board, and .4.25 to 54,30 for home con-
sumption. Manitoba itours-First
55.70; second pa -tenth, 55.20. and etiong
bakers', 55, on track, Toronto.
'Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, e1.13,
Bay ports; No. 2 at 51,10, end No. 3 at
$1,07, Bay ports. Feed Nvbeat is quoted at
67 1.2e, Bay ports,
Ontario Wheat -No, 2 sv.hito, rea and
:nixed, 51.06, outside.
Peas -No. 2 shipping peas, 51.25, out-
Oats -Car lots of No. 2 Ontario, 48 to
491-2o, and No. 3 lie 47e, outside. No. 2
Ontario. 51 to 51 1-2o. on track. Toronto.
No. 1 extra W. 0. feed. 491-20, Bay ports,
and No. 1 at 48 1-2e, Bay ports.
Barley -Prices nominal.
Corn -No. 3 American yellow. 78 to 78 1-2e.
on -track, Ray ports, and at 82 1-2c, To-
Rye-Pricos nominal.
Buoksvheat-$1. outside.
Bran -Manitoba bran, 522, in bags, To-
ronto freight. Shorts, 525.
Beans -Small lots of hand-pieked, 53 per
bushel; primes, 52.65. to 52.75,
Honey-Feetracted, In tins, 11 to 120 per
lb. Combs, $2.50 to 52.75 per dozen.
Baled hay -No. 1, 518.00, on track, Toron-
to. No. 2 at 515 to 516, and mixed at 511
to 513.
Baled Straw -510 to 511.50, on track, To-
ronto. •
Potatoes -Car lots of Ontarios, in bags,
quoted at 51.50, and Delawates at 51.70.
Poultry -Wholesale prices of choice
dressed poultry: -Chickens, 15 to 17c per
Ib.; fowl, 11 to 12e; turkeys, 15 to 16o. Live
poultry. about 2c lower than the above.
Butter -Dairy, choice, 22 'th 23c; bakers',
inferior, 19 to Me; creamery, 25 to 26elfor
rolls, and 24 to 25c for solids.
Eggs -Case lots, 21 to 23e per dozen.
Cheese -New cheese, 14 to 14 J. -2e per lb.
Bacon -Long clear, 14 to 14 1-2c per lb.,
in case lots. Pork -Short cut, 524 to 525;
doe mess, 521. Hams -Medium to light,
18 to 18 1-20; heavy, 16 1-2 to 17c; rolls, 13
to 131-20; breakfast bacon, 181-2e; backs,
20 to 210.
Lard -Tierces, 14c; • tubs, 14 1-2c; pails,
14 1-2c.
., •
Montreal,' June 25.-Oate- 7- Canadian
Western, No. 2, 511-2 to 52e; do., No. 3,
491-2 to 50o; extra, No. 1 feed; 50 1-2."to 51e.
Barley-Manitoba*feed; 641.2 to 65es malt-
ing, 51:06 th $1.07.* Buckwheat -No. 2, 51.-
05 th 51.10. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat
patents, firsts, 55.80; do., seconds, 55.30;
strong bakers'. $5.10: "Winfer patents,
choice, 55,25 to $5.35; straight rollers, 54.-
8a to 54.90; do., in bags, $2.30 to 52.40. ieieaaeu.
'Rolled oats -Hermits. 55.05; bag of 40 lbs..
52.40, Milifeed--13ran, 522: shorts, 526 to
527; middlings. 525 to 530; inouillie, 530
to 534, 2, per ton, car lots, 520
to 521, Cheese -Finest wesiern9, 133.0 to
33 1-2e; do., caeterns. 13 to 13 1-4e, Entter-
ohotoest ereamery, 24 1-2 to 21 3.40; aceinuls.
24 to 24 1.4c. Eggs --Selected, 25 to 26; No.
2 stork, 15 to 16e, Potatoes -Per bag. cer
late, $1.55 to 51,60.
Minneapolis, Juno 25..What -3.111Y. 51.-
10; September. 51 03 1-4; December, 51.033-4
to 51,037-8; No. 1 hard. 51.1214; No. t
Northern, 51.12: No. 2 Northern. 51,101-2.
Corn -No, 3 yellow. 72 to 73e. Oats -No.
3 white. 49 to 19 1-2c. Ryo-No. 2, 751-20,
I:Iran-420 to 520.50. Flour-Firat patents,
55.40 to 55.65; second patents, 55.10 to 55.35:
first cleave 53,80 to 54.05; scaond clears,
52.70 to 53,
Buffalo, Tune 25.-SprIng wheat -No.
Northern, carloads store, 51,101-8: Winter
nominal.. (torn -No. 3 yellow. 773-4o; No.
4 yellow, 75 1-2c; No. 5 cern, 751-2 to 76 1-2ei
No. 4 corn. 74 to 74 1-2c, all on track,
through billed. Oats -No. 2 whit" 57c.
Montreal, June 2,5, -Top prices on steert
realized for the best was $8.25, while good
lots sold ,at 57.75 to 59,00. and the lower
grades from that down to 56.50 Por Cwt.
Choice lots of cows at 57.25 to 5740, ;reset
at 56.75 to 57.00, and the commoner ones
down as low as $4.50 per cwt. Bulls sold
at 57.25, with lower grades down to 54.50
Per cwt. Old sheep sold at 85.00 to 56.00,
and Spring lambs at 53.00 to 55.00 each,
while calves brought from 53.00 to 510.00
each, as to size and quality, Sales of
selected lots of hogs vere made at 59.00
to $9 25, and mixed lots at 58.50 Ter cwt,
weighed off 'cars.
Toronto, Tune 25.-Catt3e-Extra choice
heavy steers, far export, 58 15 to 58.40;
good to choice butcher loads, 57.80 to 58.-
30; corqmon, 55 to 56; canners, 53: tholes
butcher cows, 55.50 to 57; bulls, 55 to 56.-
60; common cows, 53.50 to 54.50. Stockers -
Steady demand at $5.2.5 to 56 for good qua-
lity; extra choice heavy feeders, $6.25 te
56.50. Calves -Good veal: $4 to 58; bobs,
51.50 th e2.50. Sheep -Light ewes, 55 to
$5.50; heavy, 54 to $4.50; buelcs, $3 to 54;
sprine lambs, Sic to lie per pound. Hogs -
Market eteady at $8.25 to $8.30 f.o.b., 58.-
60 to 58.65 fed and watered, and. 88.85
weighed off ears.
,744 -
Chancellor of Exehequer Victim 01
a Demonstration.
A despatch from London says: A
savage attack on David Lloyd
George, Chancellor of the Exche-
que,r, was made on Wednesday by a,
small band of Suffragettes outside
of Caxton Hall m.the -Westminster
district, bub beyond knocking off the =
Chancellor's silk hat, the women
did no damage. A nuanloer of de-
tectives, who were following the
Minister, seized and held the mili-
tant Suffragettes while Mr. Lloyd
George jumped into a taxi -cab and
drove off. The women were then'
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