HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-20, Page 8EXETER "A70 'IUI ITE THUREI1 ..Y• JUNE 801 1813 ITER MARKETS ()RANGED EACH 'WEDNESDAY Waeaa; ;,.......,..,.., 143: 103 Barley ....,........ '65 . a-'` 10 Buckwheat . ,, '4K1 90: Payr ,,, • ..,. . 1 00�1 15. Potatoes, per brag 1 50 1 0' Bay, pet ,oat,.,.. ,,. . 14 00 155 00 Flour, per cwt:, family 15 Flour, 1 x:c grade per ew 1 00 165 ,,,,,,,,. 20 20 „,._;.....,,. 19 19 Lave hogs per cwt.— .. 8 16 aborts per ton... , , , ,,.. 28 00 Basal per ton, . , 25 00 Sugar Bret meal.....,... 2$ 00 MILLI 'ERY—TF.E BALANCE OF OUR MILLINERY WILE, BE SOLD AT HALF k'iiiCE, 13E SURE TO VISIT OUR SIIOiti ROOMS.—STEW:ART'S. HOUSE FOR SALE ' On V. 1i*=art Street, Exeter, Any person de- siring a new cream separato:r will do well to call at the Exeter Bargain Store and see the Pr. r: This is one of the best and eas.'iest Sut1n'l.^^,. separators on.. the zlar'itet. Come Wzi and let es talzc It over with you. W. M. EL.ATCCHFORD, Exeter: LADIES' REPP CQATS 52 I NCUI,S LONG, VERY STYLISH, AND NICEL"X' TRINf:,lEl , A SPLENDID l :t<NGE TO CRQOSE FROM.--STEWART'S, Hear t:.e Iiat.pe a at the Gardeat Party Rectory Law,*, Trly:tt Menwr:al Church„, Fr day f vE a:ng, Jul E+ and 10 cents, LEATHER SANDALS FOR BOYS .t � GIRLS, COOL AND CQ. iFO1fTARI,.E aria' HOT WEATHER, : hc. to 71LOO .\T STEW ART'S. STR:AWPEIfBIES.--Get your . straw- berries a^- b„aries fres". from tile field. A orders a • left at ;, W. Taylor's ,haute tiyctoa:a, street, will be pro.'nptly and eat.sfac, tor",ly Get your orders :n early, NEW HANGING LAMPS, R AD Nt"x LAMPS ,AND HALL LAMPS, A BIG SHIPMENT TO I-IAND, DIRECT PROM: VIE: FACTORI S.—STEWA cl'T°S, Parties having Saskatoon propel would do well to comPlUn"scatea with 1Ja$ 908, Saskatoon, Sask. Wet would be glad to ,give tsou a price on same, . r 1£ you wish t,o ditsPose at Property, will bo, ,;Sad to sell :t #or you, If you contemplate buying a borne :n Lond3n ft weal pay you to ,call 'on VA J. 'Ranson, real .estate agent, 28434 Dundas street. We have a large list et propertiies is all Pi'n'ts tai the city. We Invite correspaandeiCe, MIDDY BLOUSES FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN, TRI I.1ED WITH ICED, BLUE JND TAN CCOLL RS, $1,25, ;;1,50 AT STE\VART'S. Hear the Harpers at the Garden Party Bectory Lawn, Triv:'tt Memorial Church, Friday evening, Juno 28, ,Achn.eas.on as and 10 cents. 7 VACATION NOTICE. —Dr. Reulston desires to 'announce that his denial ,o£- t+Ice wall be closed. ir,om July 15th., to August 15th. I•IICh S' FORECASTS FOR JUNE. — .A Reactionary 'Storm Period falErIg' on Vie 22nd, 23rd and 24th, ,w4111 most ltikely take up and, prolong the ten- dency to afternoon andevening thun- der showers, coining over from the preceding ;period. Whsle an excess . t rain will not reach, generally over the country 1laymaikers and. others should figure on frequent showers. A Barometer would sava.y,ou endless : worry and great loss. A regular storm period is tin. progress the last flour days? in June, central on the 28th. Look for falling barometer, growing cloudiness, and ar eas of rain, wind, and thunder on the 28th, 29th 'and, 30th. The Mon is toll and at its extreme southern point :n the heavens on 'the 29th. At these sol- stice full Mdons there Is greater prob- ability of volcanic outbreaks and viol ent seismic d&sturbances. A seismic per- iod covers the 26th to 3u1y 4th, central Jun a 2921. Careful readers of the world's telegraphic news w:_li see that general volcanic unrest w;:ll prevail from, abou,; the Middle, to the end of June with frequent earthquake shocks 'in wide ectremes of the globe. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Company's SCR9NT�N C096 The best hard coal rained. Burns to a white ash. W. H. LE ETT, COALMAN LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Tits Entrance: exa,minat ons oelnmeheed in the +rebores pare yeste0f4y., M sa Gladys Bitesett. trues kzei gradua tion esaatlinatilns im, music, at London this week. A couple of foreigners, and, a dancing bear made their way through Exeter Atl Saturday, ' Mr, Chas. Birney, G.T.R. seet;onman has been off duty for several days ow- ing to Maces, :Many a glirl makes a, mistake of nla'rryil14 out of a 3lappy honie into a boarding /valise. T'A Thattnes; Rocad, Public School IX-c- m/fit lc- w ;11 he ,held; Ca 'Jae. Cottle's grove on June 2Sta. The annual meeting of. the; Farmers T - stitute takes place on Friday at 1.30 P.m. at 1Ienaa11, T:ae last few weeks, has shown a re. markable irnprovement :n crap cotld:i- tion ill this, neighborhood:. 1`"e Exefer Volunteers, tta the number of 'thirty, "lett far Gode?;ieh Mopaday aar dar 'the contniarai tof Papa. lleanaan. A baby yens beoausd setaa:eating w,cr-: ries It, but a college mouth; yells he- cause e-caus. the hasn't any better ear eek The Exeter Bard played at the Stray: b pry Vesttval of the Fraser Presby rapists eitUrcli, DiddUlldl, last nt:y,ht. Roy. Peter .Nichol of, Siitmoo Rev. Sltarp'',s work int C.avcn Presbyterian church, six. Sharp lr in on a holiday in Ottawa:. Coor Win. Rivers, who has leen "suite ill of 14einey thoUble, 'as slow On a fair way to rettaveraa but da still eon. fined to his bed, ala°» FrA Wells Is nursing a soak i:ad hos dNys, the result of blood polazan:'ng caused by troA removal of a wart. by caustic burning't Quite a 'number of Exeter paple at. tended the Seaforth Races last week, It o g beela suggested, frequently of tate it,,at Exeter set In the ettreiufi; .neat yea,'r More railway's far Huron, °Nanta Kara 'a IP the great AAA the maids oaf' taagt p=`;r81e, sad all idnda at aeliemee are iaeila for,ttltd a ;help '.,a efeur„aag roads. Tarry Iruke massed, k"»e hank exaaaztila- stoaa ;eat week fn good style and was imnacdtately placed w,th t.lio Dahl; ot", Commerce stere, OOMmenrittg his dutas l"onday. ilSas May ,Westaand, sister of haat :afellIe Westland, of WA'viomitiag, was rnar- rled on Tuesday ixf last week to Mr, Lesiic Travis of Calgary. They will re- sr.dc :ta Ca1gat. • 'We were in erJvi last week whett;,;"xe stated that Dr. A.' R. lataasran was tin peasant= of Ms brother's auto for a wile, The Dr has purchased the car Trona Ms brother. t Mr. A. H. :Musgrove, :M.P.?,, and Mrs. Musgrove, Winghar, announce, the en- gagement of their daughter Ethel to Mr. al liiam 3. Greer, W;'ngham• The mar- riage vain tato place on June 27th, The eeeond,and, 'third degree teams et e Oddfellowa' of Exeter Lodge went to Zurich Tuesday •evening, and put sever- al candidates through the tat? degrecsj after whldeh' they were treated, to a lunch. Lebgnon ,F}orest Lodge, No. 133, -a. V. aia A. M., will attend .divine nervke d1 `the Triv'tt 'Ara -rattle', Church on Sun- day next, when Woe. Bra. Rev.. D. W. Collins wail preach, a, special serdapn.. Cultivate kindness' of; heart , think well of your fellow -men; look with! Charity upon al;ortcoatk'inge iii their lives. Do a good turn for then as opportunity offers, •and, finally, dpn't -forget .the kind word at the right time,. London 'Free SPresa,—The Exeter ]land which was wrath the Chosen Friends ._x- cursion took advantage of the opportun- Itty to gip overt to Hotel Cecil sand eeror nade Mr. Taos. Oke, the proprietor, a former Exeter resident and barkl player. The e'eoursion to Port Stanley on Fri- day last was not as well attended as was expected, 'probably due- to the fact 07 the cool weia,Yh t The day pNovesd to be an ddci lrine'at the lake, however, and all who went thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Norman, the eldest son of Mr. John Norry, left horse Tuesday morning and at the time of gjatIng to:press his where, abouts is a mystery. He was :supposed to be at school Tueis!da-y but dad not go. Diligent�se rc ia h as beendA at every likely place but hue pa_ents can find no trace whatever of him. Four gypsy women visited St. Marys one 'day last week and,dad' a profitable', trade in tselidng'' lace from door . to door. Tbeilace wase said to beLhandmade and was offered ve ;y eheeply. A nu.n1- ber of ladies fatacied; they saw a real bargain and purchhased amounts vary, - Ing from five and ten, dollars up to forty dollars worth. The lacer turned out to be very infer;:ion stufkf and machine nande. Getptiginto the Horne Women buy more, thart two-thirds tile' rrneroha'n-" sdise sold iia retail stores ''and every" woman reads '. the Classified Want Ads. Our paper. &goes ,irate the' hc•rnes ``and ";the Want,, 'Ade. -wiii reach the Spenders. tai Mrs, A. klastings -spent a couple of days in London this, week „ Mr4.IJ Clarke] and son Gale have returned from a visit tial 1+1ar don License Inspector 'i'prranee of Clinton was- in town an official duty Tuesday. iarill, Snell and. Gordan Sat,adera have retur:tied from Chatham Business: C:ol- t lege. Misr. an, & rs. Wali. Dlgna a and. child Of Lucan spent Sunday with relativesi hare, Mr. J. C. Digztall and eon Gerald of Parklallt were vi'sltors with Mr. 'I, M. Do} le aver Sutlday, 'tire. Londeshury of Hamilton and M s IngletaF of Braaatfprd akQ vlq t_ng tier sister :qrs. Jas. Dignan. Mazy Campbell, whose i'oon in the school has been closed for the ,examen- ations, left, Tuesday toll .her home -in God:rich. Mies Lena Glanville 1eay4s to -morrow .(Friday) 'tor Va.neouver, where she in- tends making ,her future home with her father, pair. H, 3. GIanitidlle, Airs. McQueen. wakes ktas, been here with her dagghter, Mfrs,: TadeGiilfeeddy for several weeks, .,lett 'Wednesday for St. T1otvate. Mrs, McGillicuddy =omen - :fed, her as'tar, as t Xt fart, Mr. and 'Alis. fEd. Spa'elcn;an and daughter, 'leftists (Gertsudet,lwhile on their way' to Zurich ib atttencd the Soutiieoit- lisaar,7e weddin , OCPPPeci off here and app;tt a cattalo dad':e wt,th" the tertnerte 113. .1 Me, and, tfi^r. doh:,kSpaeknaan. Miss Stella, Gregory returha blame this we* from Cbathar, wherei s£iteh lass lava re-engaged in the Collegiate, Institute at an increase an, salarai et $50, thus malt- ing lt $1000. We aro it receipt of Na nit little bctolcleL called, tale "Annual Atnlouncerneiat of the Commercial De- pa,rtrnent of Chatbank collegiate Institute t912-13" w113ch vet an Interesting ac- count sof thi•a department; in the work of of w aiclt :Miss Gregory, is engaged. The Jaynes Street Lea'Sue, enjoyed, a pleasant ice prea7iT.: social on Tuesday evening'. Bear the Harpers ail the Gardena Party aectery Lawn, Tr nat limo/nal Church, Friday evening. luno 2S, adtraeol,ota 1 i and 10 Gents. -MARCHED TO CA,MP.—Thee, 26th; Regi- ment of Middlesex after de•tratning at Lucan Croatians:, on, afternoon marched through Exeter an Tuesday morning to the number of about 250, on their way to' the Goderich camp. The townspeople were out in; large number to witness the sj ld:ersi pn the march.. The "boys" were eorniorttably dressed in Khakd un tform withstraw hats, and the weather was -such( that the march was :no ;iaardsht:p.. There were eight companies, the four Indian, companies in the lead, andseveral transport wagons bringing up the rear. The. band played a Lively air as they marlclhed along, and the regiment ,seemed, tot enjoy' the march to the camp giiounds.' ''AIREWELL.—On Sunday evening last. a large congregation attended the Jams Street church, when Rev. ' R.1 Hobbs' ;ave, hlia farewell talk, closing a three years' pastorate. In the course of the ,sermon he took, occawio a to again; state his poscttlOn ton, the tobacco habit, and stated that the action of the late conferences showed that other,' minist- ers were fast falling titnto 1 lie ton, this question. Although r:naproving faet--15,1r. Robby isnot .yet.able •to 'take upt•active work,' and he,,agad his ,fart ly` will {fake„ a lengthy holiday Tri Musklpka,• leav-Ing, ,this week. Rev 'Mr Yelland w tl have pastoral -charge tot the chutch until Rev. Mr. McAllister arrives -dor;ng the .first week ,in July. W. W. Tarman tspeaatt Friday in London Lawry Watson agent Sunday; to Inger- soll. Ctrs, W, tSart to ;wag do London a day last .week. ,Mrs. Passmore Of Toronto is visiting, 'her slater, Mrs. Gladnlan, Messrs. Earl 'Southc;ott and” Stanley Fisher are holidaying. at Dundas, Mr. and :dais. Geo. S;outhcott of Cal iforusa are here thiis week visiting rel- Dr. and alaas, Ilaliltsola of Detroit are. hobidaying in t,awn• with' relatives and friends. Mr. Lyons Hyward of London •was the guest o: Mr, ;J. Christie over Sunday. Mr -a, Leake tof Battrn, Mafia, iu 1110- guest of :her sisters, Masi T. Ache - son and Mrs. Billi g'e:. Mrs, 0..B. McKay, said, Miss Fletcher of Detrpit spent Saturday with the tornier'i btbtiier, Mr. W. W„ Taman Mr. and Mrs.. ;I: T;. ap'B'rfien of Haat, Elton attended the fu'n'eral of. ;the late Aire. Wm Oaarten of Tray Tawneh:p;on Friday.. Mr. and, Mra, James Atk uson azo -spending two off` three woks with their daughter, Mrs. Shoebattoni, Sts London,' Township. Mr. W, P. Sampson, vain is 1/=sitar' at hie home n Qlandeb;syo', was in: town, Tuesday ahak=ng hands with iatany of 11 a, +aid friends. Mr. Harry Paraella alt Loaid,otk visit- ed, Mrs. P,araone here paver alaiday. He aecompan ed ttto Exeter volunteers to Goderleh :aionda'y. Hon. Taos. Taylor, a member o£ the lellrlde eabinot of Pr.„ti.-slt,; Columbia, and Mre, Taylor, were .,$' est8 of Rev, and >Ira, Colltlts on Saturalay last. 'fir. Chester Sta'nla)ee tite Oanadlart West, On'recelvifa 'word of the "serious. illness et his father early fast week, lett immediately tor haze,, arriving Sat- urday night, told late( to see ale father alive, but la Cala to attend the funeral. which was held on Sunday: Furniture And Undertaking PHONE 20 You will always s find this store with up-to-date furniture and with a desire to please every one. 14- ROWE Undertaker and License Embalmer EXETER. ONTARIO Some Snaps For Quick Sale AT The Exeter Bargain Store Ladies w ia° and Satin Underskirts Night Dresses, House .Drosses, Wrap pers, Hose, Groves etc. These axe travellers samples and are marked away down for a quick clea7_ancc`, 6 dozen summer parasols to go at 79 cents each: New tine top shirts 50c. tp $1.25 each. Ties, Soxs, Underwear at big reductions. 6 doxen of fancy' vests your choice for $1,00.00 Wo nave a i\tee lot of men's suits, this season's make bought so we can save you 4 tor 5 dollars a suit. We - are also leaders in shoes. 13. W. F. BEAVERS 1 door north of Post Office s the time for And The Groom and ®thee will find it to their advantage to get their presents at MarcVa�d's and there is no doubt about it. A, MARCHAND'S Exeter in the place to buy the s the place for Prescnis Notice To Contracto r s Well- Drilling Tools We are dealers and manufacturers of WELL -DRILLING APPARATUS for STEAM or (GASOLINE DRIVE. Our apparatus has been thoroughly tested and found satisfactory in every respect. General castings, piping, tubing, etc., ou hand. Cement Silo forms manufactured. Particulars on application to J. Murray &San EXETER ONTARIO TILE HOD.SEI30LD FLOUR asu't always the '";lower" of the house- hold, It'a the rule the w,arld ever. THERE ARE "FLOWERS" and "FLOURS", „BUT NO FLOUR, EQUALS), O.UR,S.. It's straight gohde we're giving you. There's plenty "lnferLers" but no "au - parlors". Our flour rakes lil;iit !Teats and llglat hearts. It's' wrong to gnm,blo —buy flour here. It's aurc, A gct3d supply of FEED on hand. WHEAT WANTED. E .RVAY BROS., EXETER. JONES & MAY PHONE NO, 32 y Big June Clothing Sale DURING THE ,BALANCE OF JUNE WE ARE GOINca T"O OFFER corm SPECIAL BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. THIS IS A GENUINE "BAR- GAIN SALE" AND WILL PAY YOU TO TAS; ADVANTAGE OF tIT; SOME OF THE NIFTIEST STUFF ON,THE ri'AR;KET,, IS', FERE FOR FOR 'YOU TO CHOOSE F,ROt,f. J Finds our store well stocked with wedding gifts in Watersets, Fancy Hand -painted Ohina, Fancy Salad bowls and cake .plates, Sugar and Cream 'sets, Celery trays, Tea- pots, Cheese dishes, etc. etc. - Our prices make it a waste of time to buy elsewhere. Come 1 Look around. We want to show you our merchandise. Saturday Specials—Large assortment of Cups and Saucers at 10c. a pair ITS A SAVING TO TRADE AT P O L' S BAZAAR Big Variety Store Our List i3lf Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggies Carload of Dominion Buggies, Oliver Corn Cultivators with Bean Harvester Attachments John Deere Corn Cultivators J John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream Separators Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills with pumps, piping and water basins installed in barns Baker Wind Mills Fleury Plows ' Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plows Machine Oil and. Cream Separator' Oil Full line of McCormick Tillage and Harvesting Machines—Binders Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, • Spreaders Chatham, .Woodstock and Jackson, Wagons Drills Disc Barrows Gasoline Engines BinderrTwine AmericanClover Blancher— can be attached to any mower, and is -a ,very. convenient and clever clover saver. The man on the mower operates it. Repairs of all kinds Repairing promptly attended to SNELL & SNELL $16 AND $18 SUITS, FOR $ L2. Tihas rs a splendid buy 'of the ,smartest styles and best cloths ,that tare put into! suits. (Tailored just as good, as any tailor can' make them. All the ne`ly spring colors and styles. Be sure and see therL $7 LAND „$,S, BOYS' DLoom.h kt SUITS:" FOE. $6 Alt asizes to choose' frons in the gdod weaning clothes, Mee colors and patterns suitable for boys. Bring aloin ' our boys and, buy them a geed, school or Sunday suit fora tbe. prices of an ordinary one. They wills :fit anyt prey. ,017E PANTS FOR MEN OR BOYS. 200 pairs of this, .springs new pattens and clothe. Every pair btdt at job piaces;a(tid viii be;siold'at Bargato prices-. -Remember 'our '`June Sale of Odd' Pants' will sjoon clear then out.. iPx, ces, •75c., 31, 31.50, 2.0,0, 2.50, 3.0,0: IaI'Ey1E T AGENT$ Millinery ---June Milliner. 'Now its thb Ulnae flop idiliiaaeiiy .Bargatna, Soma New Styles are being added .every dap*, far{ the Summer ^G;irl, Duritng the. balalrice of, June we wall sell aur entire ,shock of trimmed and' un'tr mmed tats, and ready-,' to -weans at greatly reduced pricds. We :want ta`cIeatC out all Our aail- linery by July 1st. This :1s your . chance for a cheap hat... Hot We other ' Wants FOR LADIES. AND GIRLS Dress Goods Fan:`y Parasols Cotton Voiles Gloves & Hosiery' Prints &(ginghams Whi.tewear FOR .MEN Shirts and, Collars Tees and Lounge Collarg Straw .and,• Panama; Hats EXETER Headquarters' for the celebrated W.E. Sanford Clothing.' ti Y •