HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-20, Page 6TOIONTO CORRESPONDENC
The Deadly Automobile --Congestion of Population
—Premier on a Wheel—The June Brides
Eight automobile accidenta oa the
streets of Torcinto since the first of the
seasonresulting in the deaths of eight
children, -reveal the serious proportion to
which the tradle problem has suddenly
grown. The truth of the matter is. the
peophi on the streets havct not yet rea-
lized that Torouto leas become a big
city. They are not taking any more pre,
cautions than when it. was half the size,
and the traffic was less than half as
heavy. The children play on the pave,
meats, or dasb suddenly from one side-
walk to the other reg,ardiess of the fact
that everY thato they do so they take
their lives in their hands.
It is not the inerease in automobiles
alone that has caused the new cOnditf.OnS.
Every type of vehicular traffic, has in.
ereaSed -enormously. Dewit town, and
even on many outlying streets, there is
now serious trao congestion, It is now
no nncommon sight te see eight or ten
lorries, autonu,ibiles and deliverY wag -
seas lined up waiting to got across a
street intersection. .At dozens of busy
corners traffic policemen have now been
installed. These officers have nothing to
do hut stand at the center of the inter-
section and by uPlifted hand or beacon-
ing gesture say whether the four streams
of traffiektug to get Past, the inter*
section may no or stand still. This is
one of the outward waYs in which the
ritli is beginning to show a sitailaritY to
New 'Teich or London.
Yet traffio regulations aro waoftillY
inadequate to meet the cliftrigieg condi,
tioeS, 'Rite POlice CounnisSientera Win), have
eharge of *be 1nater seem too Supine to•
make and enforce proPer regniatbeilts and,
Irattle continues to move with air irrogn-
laritY that foreshadows nzauY fatalities
-Hon, and, no doubt, irk hie quiet solitary
rides he has opportunity to -m,ake many
mental comments on human nature„ as
seen cau Toronto streets.
That Dr, A. 0, McRaY, who, a little over
a year ago, resigned the OhaneellorshiP
of McMaster 'University to enter the eitY'a
enaPloy as Principal of the Technical Migh
Sehool. lies made good is evidenced by
the stroug sitpuort accorded his name for
the new position of Director 01 Educe -
tion in Toronto,
The ex -Chancellor is. of eourseone of
the most prominent educationis:s in the
Province. Many of tho text boehs in
mathematics in use in the schools bear
his name, but his mental activities are
by tip tneans conned to this subject.
Ile has always been a great student in A
variety of departments; in fact so eleSe
Ibas been his attention to books that re-
ceuttY he was obliged to take a long
trip abroad to recuperate in health. But
he has, in addition, shown a eauacitY
for administration that is standing him
In good stead in the eitY's service,
in Ileamsviiie in 1861. he is another
Ontario bet' whe has made abandantlY
good in the city. Ill's educational ex-
Perieuce was derived in Port libtMe, liPper
Canada College and, • Jamieson Avenue
Collegiate, Toronto. 'lie was appointed
Chancellor oeMaster in 1985, end seemed
to haYe diseovered his life worl there.
but the great practical PrOhleniS of edll.
ration in the elementary schools Of the
citY attracted him. Ts sttInrY aP Pr -in,
6pal. ot "Om ToebnWttl, Soltool was S5,000
a year. The new, position or Direetor or
Education will doubtless oarrY a consid-
erably highie‘ salary„,„ The duties will be
many and heavy. because it is not at an
certain that U,'orenten stem of educa-
tion is as thorough and efficient as it
might be.
afternetin This month of June the
ni il Station is one of the most inter-
esting places in town, ,- Incipient honey-
mooners are the explanation. Sozine days
there. are as many as a dozen bridal par-
ties on the platform at the same brae,
nianS, Or them leaving by the same train.
They aro alwaYs very gay and very hap-
RY And evert the station officials, 'harden.
ed and gray irt tbe service. step a little
-More lightiv and are 4 Tittle less brasiftne
-Apartment, houses springing up all over
theeitY are another evidence of ingreaf.
ing C011ge9iii011 of population. "The city
of beines''__ !tiny not much longer deserve
the title. The "back garden." even a little
one, which nest Toronto heusehoIders
have in the past demanded, is becoming'
harder and harder to secure. A leading
arclutect the other day declared that
be 'would not again advise even well -to.
do clients to attempt to get garden plots
In Toronto. Re wouhi simply tell them
to get enough grenud to build the /tense
on, and what little bit of space was left
be would have, covered with pavement,
This would mehe tor cleanliness at least,
lint a lawnleSs City et paved courtsarde
15 not pleasant to contemplate,
SIM 413,14$ ON WHEEL,
A familiar ilgtire tb steeets ine
ram' June evenint
gs is Sir
the Premier or Ontario. fl1 Is not a
costly ettuiPage with prancing steeds and
footman an*1 coachman, nor a luxurious
niolor car, nor is lialp numbered among
the pedestrians. Ire travels on a bicycle
of dolibtfel ,age. Re is always noncom:4-
1i:ivied. And he is never wereed for
breaking the speed limit. bis pace never
en -ceding six, or seven miles an hour.
While nearly everyone else has deserted
the bicycle aS a pleasure giver, Sir James
remains truo to his friend of bygone
days, a trait whieh, it is saki, he carries
into his treatment of Pco,Ple, as well. And
every evening, if possible. he talies a se
dets spin around the well -paved residen-
tial streets. If the weather is cool
enough and he can get owav from his
office be takes his ride before dinner.
Most people pass him without, recogni-
the indnence. The dingy station.
its eunaberseme trundling baggage
u Ula$46 a not ineffective setting
Ler the summery wedding gowns of the
attendants, and fiftee* . minutes around
five o'clock, spent In the vicinity any nf-
lerucon is enioyed by the niviSt unroman•
tie. Rice and old boots have long staco
been barred. but the platforms are al.
MOS4', cflanstantly -covered with confetti.
After 23 years oontinuous work as
teacher or biology in the UniveraltY of
Toronto. Prof. Ramsay Wright has de.
livered his last lecture. and has retired
to carry out private researeh. /lo is not
yet an old mail. being only 60, and has
Mans" years of usefulness ahead of him
yet, While Prof. Ramsay Wright's value
as not been associated with any great
liseoverirs in the field of biology to which
has devoted his life lie was regarded
s an efdciont instructor. Ms gentleman.
ly. presenee and rich full vowels will be
missed in university
Health Crusade Saves 28,000 Lives
Each Year.
A despatch from London says:
In the, past six years the death rate
itt Londo-n. has fallen by 19 per
cent, according to statistics printed
on Thursday, The mortality from
tuberculosis has increased from 26
to 33 per centand infantile mortal-
ity has increased 30 per cent. Ty-
phus, however, has been completely
banished, smallpox bas been prac-
tically exterminated and the mor-
tality from typhoid fever is declin-
ing. It is eornputed that the health
crusade, in the last 20 years has re-
sulted in saving the lives of 28,000
Londoners each year.
Irish SitiVragettes Adopting
A despatch from Dublin says: A
ampaign of window -smashing was
opened on Thursday by the Irish
Suffragettes who came into vigorous
conflict with the authorities. 'After
the, women had made an energetic
attack on most of the public build-
ings, eight of them, who were
armed with bags of stones, were
arrested. The women, before the
police eame on the scene, 4sid set
siege to and succeeded in shatter-
ing 42 windows of the Customs
House, the post -office, the land
commission office and the police and
military barracks.
Municipal Debentures May Sometimes Show
a Substantial Advance
Securities of Towns Contiguous to Large Cities
Usually Show Good Profit When Finally Ab-
sorbed by Larger Neighbor Several In-
stances of Where this has Happened.
The articles contributed. by "Investor'
ore for the sole purpose of guiding pros.
vective investors, and, if possible, of sus.
trig them from losing money through
placing it in "wild -cat- enterprises. Tbq
Impartial and reliable character of ths
information ma; be relied upon. The
writer of theae articles and the publisher
of this paper have no interests to servo
In 'connection with_ this matter other than
those et the reader.
In speaking of municipal bonds in this
column some months ago it was remarked
that they stood a very small chance of
appreciating in value. There have been
cases, however, where a very fair amount
of profit Ime been made by advances in
price, so this rule is not invariable. Six
or seven years ago Port William 4 1-2 per
cent,. thirty-year bonds sold at a price to
yield 5 per cent, or about 921-4. At the
present time these same aatats on a 5
per cent basis r,,auld sell at about 93. But
iu the past five years Port William has
grown in population and importanee, With
the result that these debentures now sell
at a price to yrelci 41-2 per cont.; that. is
par. So, as 'happen'ed '50 the ""ce se of an
estate 3 know of, there is a nice prolit,of
7 'points in these bonds't after inaking dne
allowance for that proportion of the `adt
va,nee in price, when goes to Melte up
lbe "yield" of 5 per cent. "
Por the benefit of those .vho have iibt;
followed ibis colrtmn closely, ftSS yield of,
a 'bOTICI 1.5 ffgured 'somewhat as follows:
A five-year bond bearing interest at five
per cecit, will yield 6 per rent at 95.73.
That is, a man buying such n bond of a
81,000 par yaluo for i?,,957.38 would -receive
5 per cent. on his money, l'iow the, tiv,
°rage :man would figure 'this "waYl ' '1
payed 9957.30 for this bond and' get' 150,
a -year income. Now 950 on $017.30 1,3 in.
tereat at the rate of' 5.22 per' tent. " But
„ the maii Who thus figured mond be wrong.
He. gets not only his 5 per eent„,
the end of five Years his b.01,1 CIS" 3 3,3
learned at 100. ife nilipe s pref.) in !
time of 4:27 points' or,
bond. Divide this by five and he gets an
addition to hi's- income at -`the cord oi nN
Yearn equal. 50• $2.61 a year, so that to
get -the return he should divide the price
of his bond, 9957.30 .-intb 950 ..-plus 98.54,
which shows the _rate to be 6.11- per cent.
The slight difference shown. is due -to the
fact that the,actual figuring 'is done -with
due allowance made for compound inter-
est on the 98.54, which ' the investor
doesn't get until the bond is paid.
So, after,,niaking due allowanc,e for the
amount coming.. to the investor at the
present time osccount .of "yield," his
profit, if he .sold.'"'n'ow, instea.d of w
ing for maturity; would be 7 points, or
970 on each 91,000 bond. •
l3nt, buying bonds in "thiswa.,y„ is a Dy-
ne -means -certain -method of Inakinga, pro.
fit. What many far-sighted inves*s do
now -a -days is to buy the bonds or dome,
sueh municipality. as. East Toronto or
St. Louis du Mile End. A few years ago
Eaet Toronto debentures could be bought
to yield as much as 5 per rent., hut since
it has been absorbed by thd city of To.
ronto thebonds liave, advanced,, and -as
they are now direcV 'obligations of the
City of Toronto, they are sellint,' on the
same bases as city of Toronto bonds, The -
village of,St. Louisclu, Mile Bed had a
similar experienee itititli"the city of Mont-
real. Investo'rs ""iv -he took advantage of
the 'obvious, fact that „East Toronto, West
Toronto, Parkdale, etc., would eventually
56 absorbed by, the city haVe made quite
a Satisfactory pr,ollt on theirliOldings, Or
at 'least, are in a position ,to sell at 'a
„profit,eliould they wish to dispose of their,
bends. - • the 13e,a,th Claims on the Order.
towns -in like position'. r'elativ° •k; severll f t ".1 0. 0 1
There are a t the present rhh6: several This is al[5,0 the largest return, in
other Canedian rates. One that. most re pe(i- n_eres , n _ re er
f5'01 ->ie know about is 'Itiorth Toronto." x • -,c1 the large t p
High Court Canadian Order
of Foresters,
Tho thirty-third annual Conven-
tion of the Canadian Order of For-
eStells was called to order by the
High Chief Ranger, Mr. 3. A Stew-
art, of Perth, Ont., a 'ow days agQ't,
in the, City of Hamilton, Ont., over
500 delegates being present.
The Annual Reports of the High
Court, Officers were :sabmitted by
the following J. A. Stewart,
High Chief Ranger; Mr, Alf. P, van
Someren, High Secretary; Mr,
Robert Elliott High Treasurer;
Dr. U. M, Stanley, Chairman of the
Medical Board; UeSSrs. W. L. Rob-
erts and J. II. Hoag, High Audi-
tors, and Mr, W, G. Strong, Super-
intendent. of Organization.
Other officers present besides
those Past referred to above, aro:
Mr. 5. A. A. Brodeur, Montreal,
Que., High Vice-Ohief Ranger;
-Messrs. W. M. Couper, Montreal,
Que.. N. j„ Stevenson, Toronto; R.
T. Que.;
Toistowel; Ont. • A, R.,
London, Ont.; F. H. David-
son, 1,1,Tinnipeg, Mau.; Diet. If.
(Thief R. Members of the Exeoutive
Committee of High Court: Mr, Wil-
liam Walker, Montreal, Que., High
Registrar; Bev. W. j. BI110-
Tata, Out,, 1:05h Chaplain; Mr, D.
INTCKinnen, Mant,
District Bigh Seeretary for Marne
toba; 1.41111111 Lee, Ilaurilt011, 011taq
E. Ct., Solicitor, and Mr. J. B.
O'Regan, tebee, Que., Chief
Agent for Province of Quebec, ship given the priest, physician,
Many matters of interest to the pastor, and you will make more
membership generally were dealt money from your spare time than
with in tbilSe various reports, and you dream of, besides a host of
they cover a great deal ef detail, friends,
all of which indieate marked and Araurfee west, of Toronto, says:
steady progress in the affeairs of "The Dxst day 1 showed your mu,
this National Fraternal Insuranea ples / made three dollars. I have
nue from this source of $111,472.2.6.
A feature of general interest to
the insuring public, indicating as it
does the eareful selection of risks,
is the death rate of this Order. For
the year 1911 it was 9.95 per then -
:sand, and in this regard the Order
shows, for their experience of
nearly thirty-three years, the 'Very
low average death rate of 5.24 per
thousand of -their membership.
The above facts will indicate that
the Canadian Order of Foresters,
during the time of Canada's pros-
perity, bas been obtaining their full
share of material progress, It is
gratifYing to note that in this So-
ciety, which has never attempted to
enlarge its scope of operations out-
side the Donunion, such splendid
and encouraging results have been
attained from the eonduct of its
husiness, and at no time in its 'his-
tory would. it appear to have been
in as strong-, a position as it is to-
Pricsa or cattle, Grain, cheese and Other
Produce at Rome and abroad.
Toronto. JuMnelE1A8.3,-)--$1:21cUL-F-SWi50 gts5z. at sea
19_14.1;ts.tpiocrei.nt,MPa:17to4ht: 0,904 III:is-First _Patents,
BaMerza‘PiotrttZ ‘livilo,ea2t-allo.
911.09,N()arntelheNno', 591.1a2t.
S1-03, BaY Porta. Peed wheat, als2c. BaY
ce.hr: second patents, 95.20, and strong
bakers'. 95. on track, Toronto,
5buolrek and $4.15 to 94.25 for home con -
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, red an
Miiied„ 8/.05, outside,
Peas -No. 2 SbilaPing pees, on
Oats ---Car lots of, No. 2 Ontario, 48 to
490.. and No, 5 at 470, outside. Ivo, 2 On,
tart°. 51 to 52e. on track, Toronto. No.
„1, extra W._ C. feed. 50a. Bay ports and
ii\o„ 1 at 49c, Bay port
ar ey---Prices uom-rtal.
Corn -NO, 3 American YelloW. 78 to 79e.
00 track,.Eity ports, and at 93e, Toronto.
Rye -Prices nominal.
Ruckwheat-51. otatside-
sran-Mauitobn bran, 923. in bags, To-
ronto freight, „Shorts. $25 to 926,
IfYon are genteel in appearance Beans -Small lots f to
andwi1becourteouslA'e'teelekt'n.' yionuerv:rheorTle".jun 17116obrl'14-rxtrri'l'eas411:5in---5 50:thild7rkte:' 53 per
your locality, when you „aro show- 53'TII;(193t$; 5112050-_17'/515..5217605to81;§1119"d, °ozne112):raPeo r.
ig,eoels, honsehold necessities, end t1141414't*t $14' ''' s : ::: a:clot:It:X:9
ing saMPle5 of our superior toilet: l,'°r°4t°'; No,
users under an ehii ati 351 ?P
* ' "a l'ell'w - agIll'
Wilieh wins tn. g ("I to you, rpultry-wl, 1 1
r you the same r dress d °'es4"e Prirea of eh i
speck, esteem, and iutiroAee, , "e- m . ; PoulfrYi-Chichens 15 t ti °'4
t /von& Lco ?Vault 0 124 tarioy, ill 0 per
eliable remedies. The satis,faetti n 7.147teeas-74.--$11 t°,0,$3e1,40., 7 tr-a°7.' To
which our goods gi' ° "I° le)"
plaga. Ito N, 93 6.5 „ ,.41,Strees in Is
50 Ito,
Y. ahont 9c I
ower than, the
Butter-DalrY, Choice, 22 'to 24c: bakers',
inferior, 19 to 20o: creamery, 86 to 27e
Stir rale and 250 for solids.
Rggs-Case lots. 21 to 22* per dozen.
Cheeso--Now elieese. 141-4 to 145-40 per
Association, The. officers of this since made as high as ten, and haeze
Order have been able from year to
year to indicate .meclusively, by
their reports, satisfaetory progress
it -Certain ebrZetions, but those of
1911 indicate progress in every de-
partment. of this Order's opera-
tions. The Canadian Order of For-
esters coufine their business entire -
con -Lon.,
five dollars daily for theY Id case Igts''.1'(>1r-rS. higrttcicuirt4 1.-4•924 per lb -
year. retir goods perfect $a,t- li:"Ureac9; 926, ijaala-radtad 50 iloht8.4;
iSfaetioll, talld I receive r t ist,z01:2o ea•vr, 161,2 to 17e ri341$ Is* g
dOrs in every horae,„ ePea or- 24,1„ realifaat
This is your opportunity for a' rair detalnd W41:3:"' a179: t'4'
iereeti, 1,40: tubs, 141-40;
hard*The mar' is eh nged Ith
pleasant, profitable and porman- l'°"4.P. 4."4
eat business, Address, The Efeluo M°N"11.4t.
IZ," te. the Dominion of Canada, and SuPPlY C.o.* Dept 9.0r Merrill Build- le,lar...OZIr ii,,f„,, 2.7..u,50 t. iiitatsicau.e.
• ; .„. .„ o„
if ,one may judge by the results ing, Toronto, Ont, tlesatr.eletytleLeur.extte,er3.N64o.1.21 ticoeiltis„..? 01-02,,toan6a:74.,
attained, the policy adopted in this -,-----„..-*„..........
regard, at the inception of the Or- Goto IN FAR ,s0Ralmas,r. in. $1.06 to $1.07, Ficur--Manitoba
Spring wheat patents, first& 55,691 do-,
minds, 95.30; do., strong bakers', $538;
dee, in 1879, wetild appear tO 110,Y0 Winter patentS,, choice. 55.25 to $5.35;
boon .4 Vise ono from a, prudential, Geongield survey Ras Thirty per. straight rollers, $4.61 to $4,90: do,, in hag,
as well as a patriotic, point of view. .,.• ,a. , • -,.. — • $2,30 to $2.40. Rolled cats--Parrels. $5.05;
- ties vtieNalig vP moms. sip., bags. 90 lbs.. 52,40. Bran, $22. Shorts,
To deal with a few of the, points se6 to $27, Middlings. 520 to $18. Mouillie,
brought out by the reports of the despatch from Ottawa says: 530 to 934. Ifey-Net. 2, per ten, ear lots,
q19,50 to 520, Cheese-Pinest westerns.
varioue officers, first might be men- News that gold has been found in 1*eee to 137,80; ao pront, 4.,t401.10,.. 33 34
tioned the fac.t that diiring 1911 the N'Ortil-WeSt TOrlitOriCS$ at the to 131.8e. nnteYr---elioeeest, creamery,
913‘33 new Illeathers were initiated head of the Liard River above, Fort 241.2 t° 23'4 Egluc-SeleotO. 25 to 260; No.
into the Order, a, larger number
than has, been admitted in any pre.
vious year of the Order's experi-
ence. The net increase in the menx-
bership for the year under review
was 5,022, being 903 in excess of the
previous year's net additions to the
Order. The total membership a,t
the end of 1911 was 83,120.
In respect to the Insurance Fund,
495 Death Cla,ims were paid during
the year, amounting to $500,570.68.
When, it is considee•ed That in 1910
three more Death Claims were paid,
amounting to a slightly larger gross
total than that paid in 1911, such
a, favorable showing reflects credit-
ably on the physical selection
made of business taken by the Or-
der. After paying this SUM of over
half a million for Death Claims out
of the Insurance Fund the Order
was able to add the very substan-
tial sum of $330,754.64 to its Insur-
ance Fund on hand, being a larger
addition to this Fund than that
made in any previous year. The
total amount standing at the Credit
of this Fund on the ist of June,
1912, was $3,740,359.97.
In respect to the Sick and Funer-
al Benefit Branch, this department,
id,.%0, has 'shown satisfact)ory pro-
gress. There was a net increase in
„membership in this department for
the year of 4,120,- showing a. total
membership on the 31st of Decem-
ber,- 1911, enrolled in this depart-
ment of 53,448. The net, amount
added to the funds of this depart-
ment, after -paying 6,638 claims,
amounting to $161,485.95, was $38,-
460.23; the position of this fund on
the let day of June 1912, showing a
credit balance of ii251,769.36. In-
terest, earned by this Department
on its funds in 1911 amounted to
It Will he seen from this
fact that interest earned is becom-
ing an important factor in this de-
partment of the Order's work.
The General Fund of the Order is
also in a good „position, and on the
ist of June, 1R12*,, showed a credit
balance en hand of $24,127.28! The
funds of the Order aye all invested
in the best securitieis procurable,
being alnaost entirely in Municipal.
'and„,Sehool Debentures of the Do-
minion of Ca,rrada. The average
Liard, has been received at the Geo-
logical Survey here, but nothing of-
ficial has yet been ascertained re-
garding the authenticity of the re- 121-8; Se to, Ile i..9 .3.-ei. e, p
ports. "Tho reports," declared 0574' 5°P, InInarr'd*51";3)'5.7:1111' er' :.t$1...
141A0No. 2 lgorthern, o.c.12,5•Ti.mollo..
51.111-8; No. 3 yellow.
Prof. R. W, Brock, director of the Ir':411.4
pect,ors who have come dew) f
survey, "simply come from pros- ,570r:n, 71 to 72. IL°. 3 white oats, 511-2 to
SZO 5, oFnld. patents,
Patents, 95.50 to 95.-
1 rom . 0.7 gou e, 8 to 831.2*; bran, „919.50 to
the country, and state that they 75; ec
--a elenrs, 5390 th $413,15;5if.2eCloond clears, 92.05
to $5.45; first
have found.gold, There has beon to 93,10. *
stated that thirty parties fr I,
nisn No. 4 corn. 77°1:4 t eglIsl* 7.8 3.41 t*4.) "3461
no rush to the -----tt, and xxvleoatass.-. soptroirnoff, ,,.,,,,"!11..e2:1;t, Ale i
official is lmown." Mr. Brock
em t,,,e through billed. Oaats firma: al- an trnak.
Geological Survey had already gone
out to different parts of the coun- lylerfoopIntr,e,xadl4;
be sent out within the next few to $B. fair at $7.25 to $7.50, *and goagoal $7.74,
Jattl18123.1alseas5r choice steers
try for survey work: Ten more will
stet) 3 to 171-2c. Potatoes, per bag.
car lots, 51,50 to 91.65,
Minneapolis, Juno 18.---Wheut-july, $1. -
should not be until something more Foirrt:cf3,81;,oar.niNat yellow. 610: No, 4 sror.
grades at 96.50 to $7 per 100 pounds.
weeks. Choice at 5725 to $7,50, good at 95.75 to
97 and common all the way from 94.50 to
, 96 per 100 lbs. Bulls were firm at 97.50 to
EXTERMINATION OF RATS AND 97,75 for eboice and lower grades sold
MICE. from that down to $4.50 per 100 lbs. Sales
of old sheep were made at 55 to $5.50,
1.--- spring lambs at 95 to 96 and calves at $3
If it were generally known that th 55 each. Sales of selected hogs ere
*51 cars $8.75 to $9 per 100 lbs., weighed
there is no trouble to rid a, house ff
barn or any building of rats and Toronto. June 18. -Cattle -Extra choice
mice by the use of Gillett's Lye, it 1610eag 587tr. s,a for bood tauller and export, v._
is deubtful if the article could be eller loads, 97 to
ic butcher cows, 57 to
made as fast as it would be used
gi°the 96.20; e m 0
for this purpose alone. The pro- $3.50 to 94.50. Stockers -$5°.25 luton 86 for
cess connected with using it is ,,e';.021 quality; extra choice bea,vy feeders,
sprinkle a, little of the article in eweg' ns,$6.5501..50 Clark39-2-.?0°.°1/41 Xeealp. ti.g.120°
94.75 to 95.50: heavy, 94 to- 9s.autt
very simple,' the plan being to 98: bo
and around the holes made by these bpauckli) $3.10 94: spring -lambs, 90 to 110
payatistieine thflootrhsis pitaritistwioenlsl, teetcu. s In tor$8.60; fed°,:nacillgerted and 88.85 weighed
o 98.20 f.o.b.; 90,55
thin piece of board about a foot
e a off cars. *
square, or even smaller, and make FOUR TRAINMEN KILLED.
a complete circle of. the lye on the .........._ ,
board about a, quarter of an inch Light Engine and Freight Come
deep, „and inside of the circle place Together.
some meat or cheese. In endeav-
A despatch from Fort Williatn
to get at bait the feet of
says: Four trainmen are reported
the rats and mice will be burned,
fatally injured in a bead -on collision
and' the whole colony, whether of two freights on. the Canadian
large or small, will immediately
Pacific Railway a,t Nipegen, fifty
disappear from the premises.
miles east of here, at '7 o'clock on
yhel,lan is worth trying, but the Friday morning. Late at night a
good kind—Gillett's Lye—should be report came over the .wires saying
procured. Refuse the many cheap that the wreck resulted from a
imitations and substitutes.
head -on collision between a lig,ht
engine and a, freight. The name's
• IMMIGR,A.TION FROM•STATES. of the dead are givea- as follows:
A. Ross, engineer of light engine;
Over Twenty-one Thousand Arriv- — Burke, fireman of westbound
,. . Ids in May. • . .
freight; Alex. McQuarg, engineer
of "westbound. freight; — Allen,
A despateh from Ottawa says: brakeman. The injured : D. Dee -
rate of interest .realized from th-e An analysis of the figures of imini-
Investrnentsin-191] Was 4.62 per gration from the United- States into,
cent., a rate, whiele taking into Con- Canada for iaat:montb. shows that
sideration the gilt -edge nature of about thirty' -eight out of the forty
the investments, is a very advan- eight. States of She Union contribut-
tageOtts'one, and it, is interestingjp ed to the swelling tide of Atherican
Rote thatinterest earned on the citizens pouring int,o the Dominion.
surance Funds of the Ors.le'r for pf the 21,494 arrivals from across
the year 191.1.,,, amounted to 5149,- the border 'during May over 13,000
705 60 and naad 09 9 per e,ent of took p homesteads e hil h d • d
of the others prtrchased land Out-
right. Each arrival brought an av-
erage of over 51,000, either in cash
or effects, the aggregate wealth ac-
vilieh those who read Toronto papers
0 of Death Claims that it was
5 0
roust trealw-e will be soon absorbed. As it uag- - - tually represented being eStimated
matter of' SO intleh is this a fore- able to pay from this ,source in -
at, over twenty -live million dollars.
g°fle mhel.”41°11 thal the villtte come. The important bearin,, this
Toronto, d'eben tures are at the present
Iv represented. North Dakota sent
ter 1,1111t1 ttie Eagt `rorotqo debentures. bs' Order rnav be illustrated h the -
The border States ,were most arge,
time selling et ,rete ,yery Slightly ,bet- revenue, has ,on. the stability of the • • •
lan a f „er 5' 366 T.tew settlers to Caoacia,
a'() fact that ten years ago the amount
(.1 b• n1 a cies, how ever, , there i 3 still , . e s
t sota 257, South Dakota79.
.,ruou turn, for hp investor realized it'on't int re t c . 56,„, yvLieni itgan
wants si)titeldiiitg not onlY s,',fe, but illerit'S was *3%282'34' 'hawing' an sill
„ 1(015* and an 'eve:client prospecie . .
nO aporet;leting 1n value.
c ill tele- 'Washington 44, and Now York 31.
..... • ,,
(,,,,,Vtft/tal I 1111(11 ;40,,,aVOS...
Istn. ee
ainsmanV ";
onsPihnidlir •
h ‘1,1
iaalial Nit
Two -" • v in 'Receive
he ighthood.
espatch from London eays-
Tbo King's birthday lionore wore
issued on Thursday night, Rod -
nerd Palen Roblin, Premier of
Manitoba, and Richard MeBride,
Premier of British Colutubia, are
made Knight Commanders of the
Order of St. Miehael and St,
George, and Hon. Joseph Dubuc,
Winnipeg, a, Knight Bachelor, John
MeDougald, of the Department of
Oustems, and Prof. Jaltle-5 Mevilio
Maeoun, of the Department of
Mines, Ottawa, are appointed Com-
panions of the Order of St. Michael
and St, George, and William Henry
Walker, of the, Department of Ex-
ternal Affairs, Ottawa. is made a
member of the Imperial Service Or-
der. The Enol of Carrick, Field
Marshal Sir Wm. Gustavus Nichol-
son, Sir Francis Alliston Charming,
who was born in the United States,
and Sir Thos. Borthwick are creat-
ed Barons of tho United Kingdom.
Lord Carrick's Earldom is Irish,
and the English Peerage gives him
a seat in the House of Lords.
Large Amount *Written Off for
'A dc,spatch from Toronto says:
The- returns from the T. Z1/4r, N. 0.
Railway for t,ho month of March, as
reported to the Provincial Treas-
urer, show that while there was an
increa.se, 56,562 in the gross reve-
nue of the road, there was a de-
crease of 524,857 in the net revenue.
This is accounted for in the main-
tenance of way, equipment, and -a,
transpoitation charges, from the
fact -that considerable sums have
been. written off for depreciation of -
equippictil: The net revenue for
the 'inenthoava,s 535,1'43, compared
with $60,000 for the same month
last year, and the gross revenue was
$149,359, compared with $113,297 a
year ago. The net revenue for the
past five months up "to May 1 was
$227,824, compared with $232,081
for the same period'a year ago.
Chamber of Deputies Meets ,Scar-,
city with Special
A despatch from Paris says:
Chamber of Deputies on Tlinusday
pasSed admitting wheat free
on condition that an ,equivaAent
weight of flour is exported frorn
France by the importer within three
,rnontl-is,- or an equivalent weight al
biscuits within • four months. The
high price of Wheat, and its scarcity,
lia,ve been causing -Considerable ap-
preheoSion in France, and it is be-
lieved that this action wilri,ernpOr- "
rily relieve the market. "
of Price Bros. and, Company Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment. They
offer the strong security, of first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and
timber lands -which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the
Company at present approximate twice the bond interest. The new pulp mill in
course of construction will'double this earning power. Purchased at their present
price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The best posted investors in
Canada and fl.glaiici have purchased these bonds. Owing to the security and
increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will unquestion-
ably increase in value.
If you have money to invest Write as for complete information.