HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-20, Page 5DENTAL
Dr. G. F`, ROIULSTON, L.D.S., ,D,D.S•.
Member of the R.C,D.S. o£ Ontario .and,
Honor Graduate od Toronto Un`ivers,lty,
Office—Over Dickson & Carling's law
office.. Closed- Wednesday a ternoone,
DR, A. R, KIK AN, L,D.S> D.D.S,,
Honor Graduate a!' Toronto Un:.versity
'set i extracted without pain, or any
bad, effects, Office over Gladaran
Stardwxy's Office, DLaan Street, Exeter.:
So1.:citora, Notaries, Conveyancers, Co.nn
miattton rs. .Solicibora for the Nelsons
Bank. etc. `
)5Raney to Loan at lowest rates of :ntereet
Office--Main-St,, Exeter
I, R. Carling, B.A. L. H, Dickson
SiONtTlY TO Loam
We have a 1aage amount of private
funds to loan on farm,and ti=llage prop-
erCiea at low rates of interest.
Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter,
Agent Cortfederat:,on L re Assurance
Cot -meetly, also Fare :Insurance in lead -
lag Canadian and British Compazriee,
Main -St., Exeter,
WM. ANDERSON, i lac:teed Auctioneer
for Herat, County. Terms reas3ot,able.
Date cart be made at the Advo,ute,,
Exeter, or ElenrY k3i1t►er'a oittee, CTed-:
,Iarty Bueiness Colleges close for va-
oat'alli during tete Ounanter.
ia�sLlJ L ,"1WR s•, �,ro►� f
Kir "
Toronto. Ont:, does not. NOW le an
excellent Vane to commence a cotrree
Write for catalogue,
lectric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores everynerve, dn the body
to its proper tension; reatorea
vim sad vitality. Premature decay and ail sexual
weakness averted at oace. rhoipleessol trill
make roe a new matt. Pries 38 * box or two tar
35. Mailed to any address. Tato 800bell Drug
Co.. 5t• Ga,tharines.Ous.
Inter AIM slsogldknow
at to SPoaderfttt.
mei Whirling Spray
As c yosr druggist: for
U. It hs =meet supply
ass MARVEL, accept Ro
other bat pena -tamp for Wes-
tratet book --sealed, It ghee full
particulars sad directions invaluable
to ladles,WINDSOltS VPPLX CO..Wtndeor.On t
General Assents for Canada.
this splendid
range places you
under no obliga-
tion to buy. . We
guarantee the
",Pandora" just as
people because we
know its perfec-
tions' just as
It is well known to experienc-
e salesmen that the largest and
beu• ttot:nese in fruit trees is doe
during the summer months. The
first on the ground secures
the cream ot the trade, therefore.
We want a good reliable man for
this district, because the demand
for trill trees never was so good
Good pay, Outfit tree. Whole or
Part Time agreement, and you re-
;present a firm of thirty-fivo years'
experiences with over six hundred
acres of land under cultivation.
Toronto, Ont.
PA kCi FI eC
Manitoba, ' Saskatchewan, Alberta
Spedal Traim leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL. 2, 11, 30 NAY 14, 21 JUNE 11, 25
JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17
Second, three 'tickets from Ontario station to r kdpal
Northwest points •t
whtnipeg ■ad retain $34.002 Eimont.n end return
542.00."end to other points is propo,uos. Tickets
cocotte return within 60 cs iron ie* date,
th h to Edntoaton vu Saist000} eta toWiaaipea
vis ata Use ea 41‘11,441:11.Coro
r 1tat sequipped ato rasathrees a�spot. be
Fatly rapplicatloriglmast be made.
ASIS `row ! rates end tuu latotrn�ado5.'ti4 f<T
Apply to await C.P.R.,At gentor
M. G. MURPHY. Dat.. Pae. {•,sh`., 1 oreab".
Sold by T. Ha
:ins & SOA
in a Round Hole
You may be„niright," but if
you are in the,w'rong position
you are Rhea square peg ht a
round hots:. You want a po-
sition whereyou fit.
This paper is read by Intel=
ligent, business'`men,' find.4
Want '
nt Acl. lrlo
columns will reactl,tticrn:
Dr. de Van's Female Fills.
A reliable French regulator; never fails. Those
pills are eaceedhagly powerful is regulating the
itchapmaton.Dr female system.
d a
IS abox. orthree recite. Malted to any address,
The llorbeli Drug Co„ 8t. Catharines, Ont.
Lite, Fire, Accident and Plate Glaris
Insurance, Collecting accounts, and con-
ducting auction aales. — Exeter, Ont.
His batting average is
high because he chews
®Pee -Ghee
There's a lingering fresh-
ness about O-Pee-Chee
Gum that soothes the
nerves and •keeps
them cool and 'steady
even in the heat
of the garlic . to ,.
Gum. Co.' Lade,
London Ontario
ruff Germs
Th s is a free country. It's " your
r ht, .y..our, privilege to use any hair
to n'.L • you desire.
But why con.ti'.nue touse a hair, tonic
that :doesn't do what "it should do-�k 11
hie gleans' and 'barOsh `all dandruff aid
ha'i e troubles?
Ie `you ha•ve dandruff 1 Y aur hair le
getting " tori and falling .out,,:: IL yo.°u
scalp itche..4 and "you? ,l it istx't •bright'
and lustrous b ar,•ri.�zntnnd this 'fact ; that
Ananaaa iia °guarantee l' lay' 'W. 5."C,916." to
PARISIAN SAGE, now sold all ' over
�give th,e>i niit of 'aatlaLactlaan it'used for
any of the a'lso+ve har7: oracaiP troubles,
or money back.
PARISIAN SAGE is the moat de-
1'ghti ul and refreshing hair dressing
nien, fo:-
women, and c3u',ldren.i, is pa ad r-
t:eularl in `demand by refined women
viae`, _deeare tis 'tvncrea.se their', beauty;'by
acctui,eing an: abundance of ,tascinattng
I o
fol t lie and lustre.
A :.large 'bottle of" .PARISIAN SAGE
Costs but 50 cents. at {t S. ddOL.ffl'S
and druggrats ,everywhere.: T e gtri
-s'th, the. Auhnsrn hafts 'he on every car -?1
ton and bottle.
Ti'rm death occurred On ,June lith, o1
the earlier settlez s on the 24th eon:
ScGillivray, ,ihaiS a rottl.e ;south or Green
way; ift title petrson Of Joseph Foster,
The decease .'wals: born,' in Cumberland-
.ahsire, England, and vrit.h his parents
,,lir. and, Mrs. Joseph. glister, :came to
Canada lei ],848 at,,ths a,Sfe oti8 years
They settled beside mud, Creek : on the
7th Con. or TffG,bllivray. The deceased
and his eider,brothor. Willfaml gook up
the. bush Lot XII .$,flriee con. 24, to
which ho and, his.. w'lro, Susannah Ken-
nedy moved atter ttte!r mattriaae 43
years ago. 3.10 had earned a. eompet-
envy to keep hainselfa but just whenhe
was able to relieve himself of the
worry and strailn or a strenuous life,
death intervenra and calla hfrn ,away
tronr 'w i''d of ei n,
It wasethis only la4elyeu£LIihyaicgiaaa sa'al
tele case one p4 cbe cancer of the bowels
of a. 3na1!ignatnt typo with, . a' )hope of
recovery. He is'survived, by tia widow
CO= -eons, Soseplu, of Bayi eid,
Gd, of Moray, and. Jon at horno and
Rev, James of Orwell, and six daughters"
Mrs. Austin Hayter, Stephen, Mrs, J.
Daley and Mrs. Edward ?Mason of Me-
Gillivray, Otte. John, Gull, Grand, Bend
Airs; W. A. Thomps,»n, Wpt6pel . u+trd
Niles Mabel at hitch.-, Elis. brother,, James
of A1eGlli xray: Thonx3da of Minna
sots ais7 survive,and
The leis ilea. O'Brie;t o< whose death,
brier annatron was reads last week, was
57 years o age. Sia had °suffered
from an internal griawth for about six
weeks. Her rtialdon natnee was Emmal-
line Cann, Born; Perth, or Toronto she
came to thio district with her pareira
amt ma.,.,r` ''t -ed Mr, Wm O'Brien, a;noq
which time they have resided on the
3rd con. Pt Hay,-Roeide3 the husband
sho .ie ettr+.ived by crno son Bert en the
homestead, and one dataghteo. Mrs. Jae,
Northcott, }r, A adeter and two bro-
thera also eurvire, Mrs. Jae,. O'-
Brien of Kay, Samuels Cann ot TEsborne
and a ,brother in Bart Elm,. The tuner
a1 to Exeter cemetery: on Friday was
largely attended.
Chas. Chapman, wire and ettildron o
apenr a few day with friends in
town,—Jolalt .tcQueers who was la$d up
for two months with blood poison:n-
and pleurisy was tit torso for the(
first tint Waive fats recoveits.— Silas
Annie Wren who I ae completed her
eouree or ono year at the McDonald,
Instituto Guelina, has been here 'for
about a week visitIng'c relatives.—Thu un
loo Sunday School, p°.cn.e of the Eng-
lish, Church, Presabay^tdan and ;Afetho-
dist Churches of }lemal! wllI be hold
U ^ �, t. .1 .stead. °IA°
Landon `,
Lat nolo Ji. 0 r
tos y
9th.—Johns 'D. Stewart who harts fen)
confined oa ,hVia bed to r couple or
weeks, front an attack of hemorrhage
of the brainotis steadily :lmpr,oving, ands
goad !tops of final rec0veriy are en
Mr. Alvin Surerus has palasod dn, the
Plrat year's Tiniversity exaaninatlons.—
Mra. Motntaw at;Beaton. is visiting her
parents, Mr, and, grill. J. F. Rlickbell,
—Mr. Orville Eines or Clartesh olin Al-
berta, is: upending a short h,ai!dya with
Ws parents, 3tr.,a nd, bfr`a. A. G. Elutes,
--Masa' Mary Warm daughter ot Mrs.
Henry Wu'rm was married In Chicago,
to Mr. Jaaabs, a resident of that 'city,.
—Mrs. John Hartman of the 14th Co.,n
died bo Juno •19..th atter a short ii1nesa,
rrern brain ]Lever. She was about 32
years of age and lea.vos tia mourn ler
loss a family of four sons. T1a,o fun-
eral took place on. Saturday.—A z"'ood
game of baeebail was played ,hero on
Friday last between Minton and Zur-
ich, when the latter won, •7-4.
The anniversa'ry,.of our church takes
place hent 'Sunday, Rev. Blatchford to
take the morning sorvi+; e at 10.30, and
Rev. Kaine thio-. evening service at 7.00
The fanners around here, are through
with the corn and root seeding., The
dry weather has been, rather against the
spring crops, and the warp wtorni has
'stripped, some places completely bare;
Some farmers :are ;Mooing their mangles
Road work is bating done the,s week
around ,here.—A ,numiber.,frlona; here: went
to Zion on Sunday; to hear Rev. H. J.
Fair, a former and kdghly _.esteemed
pastor. -What nu,ght have proven a ser-
ious accident happenetetlast week, when
a team, driven by John Morley on a
roller, ran away, .while moiling his root
land. Luckily Mr Mr1ey ,was net hurt
and very )slight,dapnagel, was, done. -Mrs.
B.• •j3uttler, who has beets here flog the
past , north. nursling her ai•ater, , left
Tuesday . for cher htoni'3 alt Ingetttaell.-
Rev: Mr- Fair v (siftedl some oidfrlende
around here ion Mon,aty* ' '
: Cut flowers will last weliJ if a .piece
of saltpeter bo added to - the water in
whlieh they stand.
-We echo the wjoreils of an exchange-
"•'Doti't have the: norvq td,. send items
to this ,office annouhc.jctl;, dsings got up.
for priofiit' unless `"you want 'to pay for.
th. We sell our Espace' and, papers for
a hiving. If advertising is• worth, doing
it :s .worth. pea -41-1g, for.
The 'meanest man on; the `face of "this
earth .is the she whla buys on credit
from, ,his local merchants. for goods -he
sees and ;crit1c`zes, and sends cash to
the mail order hious'es for goods he
;doesn't see until he takes thein: out
of, 'the lexpread office. Sueli a man ;s a
poor excuse and, the patriotism, for his
town and merchants who 'trust him Is
equal only to' his nerve.
When you net. a. !sprinter ell _ ybu 'ran-
gers it is sometimes pfis,siblo to, 'get .at
it by pres,ed•tag'-tile paintiof a needle uta.a
der it, and unless ,you have draft file,.
ge es, or a pa11i of tweezers you, may not
be able to pull 'out even thea,. 'A neap'
pen nib Is a gje lrlopsuhstf,tute for, tweezers,,
Lay the ibJib over' the splinter so . • 'as
to -: hide it. Then ,press down hard
enough to : lsoperate the nf.bs. ;IT you
,now let the pelt. d'owi± level with the
pptlnter and allow' the nibs to close
again °they ' wall tate hold, and you:
ban draw the 'spltinter out. l emembeia,
lint- anymetal thli�hIs that 's'to'be a `
t ss', a -P^
plied. to a vinunw'suaht•aa. a needle, pear
knife or pen, 'shlyui'd, be passed -rightly
through a flame first( „ori as to (Bain
feat it. A g,a9, Jot far ani tdho`Wiih'iija ...
A. large number trent, the village at-
tended the C,O.C,F. excurstto; ,ti ,Port
Stanley on Fzjlliiaty. Everulane had a
ntost •enlayable,;times, Wi ,let at Port. The
music was furnished;, by the , Exetetr
Band.-Mrs,Ii, J✓ rytcIiernan of. Wan -deer
is visiting atm' ':azt}athron,Mrs. Geo. ,Carter
of true vilIargo,--Mrs, K. McKenzie or
Ciandeboye,,'whbtwos rushed, to Victoria'
hospltai, London, where she underweart
an operatl?n for appendicitis, is improv-."�
#lag n rely,—A large crowd team{ bete and
vicinity ovitnessed the volunteers as they'
marched, throtr 'h the village. about - 'a
o'clock Monday afternoon —Tho Ladles'
Aid held a very successtul meeting at
tile Methodist ,'ot ureh here Sunday even,
ipg last,—The WQzneri a Institute held
their regular rneetin' at the home sot.
Mars: R, Grundy en Tuesday., A large
iunzber or nze_nber'3 were present and
were greatly pleased with; the long pzo
gra.nmma that had'hem prepared. After
the nieetiaag a dainty tea was served
by atlas Grundy,
D, N. 'McKenzie, of Godereti Possess-
e$ an interesting heirloom in the shape
of an old-fashioned epiquing wheel.
It„ was :trade in 1760 at I;Qcneigh, Scot-
Land. by Roderick MacRae, and was in
use there tor a number ;of ,years. in
the year 1800 It was, brou,hht to, Cape,
Bretdn by Jahr. McKenzie, ,who Chad it
in use for ,aver forty "years. The wheel
vans brought td,' Ontario' by Isabella *hats.
Rae, gratniadeiug ,ter of Jetta'McKenzie
and it came b'ntol „paste'ir'o;r of D. N.,
sfeKenzle alter lilts°aunt's` dea,thz in 1908.' boy .ria 14rt't get that Idea he cant
score In the Varna of life, through the
errors lot hie oppatients,. To 'win he
rnuet be able to zratke to nit, •
KIPQk7N-Mr. A W, Johnston, son 01
Mr. W, JI, Jolinstien, teacher, , itt the
recent exanalttat on at Torontouniver
elty tied; with, :fir. Strachan of 'Brueaele
for tho Fulton Scholarship itt Mathef,
an'itics alai P,hystce.
Word has, been received of tete Ap-
pointment ;o£ 31vsst Mary E. Johnston,
Kipper, now a teacher near Weyburn,
Sask„ as an examiner to read answer''
papers in tete Education Department ex-
atsrinaV,one tier teachers' eertLtleates,
her duties -to bilgti► July 15111 ;n Regina.
Thal is surely quite an honor for so
young a teach er.
ST• MARTS. --Tito Daneini°ott board of
railway coatnsiusa:hziere will be in St.
Maris ori Friday, June 20, tb adjust)
ail nutters O£ 'street croadinge across
the C. P. i1a to the river, and rather
mattera relating td the closwittg or a,
portsoll, of James atroet by the G.T.B,
and aero complaints against caber rail-
BRLICEF IELD: ,--Thomas Carr, stet
with a very set -our accident at ° Utey
mill when ho 1t`ad, the end of the third
finger of ids r:°ght; hand, bar ei so that
it required several atitchee to bring .to-
gother. Mr. Carr is rather unfortunate}
as it wars only U10 spring, that the
sante kind of alt accident happened to
TO W1! Women—r will mend arae with
full instructions, my home treatment
which 'positively mares Leucorrhoea, Ul-
ceration, Displacements, Fallitug ot: the
womb, Painfull or Irregular Periods,.
Uterine. and Ovarian Tomos or growths
also Hot- Flushes', Norvousnoss, Mel-
ancholy, Paine In the Head, Back or
Bowels, and Bladder troubles, where
caused by weakness peculiar to our sex
You can continue treatment at .home
at a coat of on,Iy,,kabout 12 cen,tn a week
My book, "Wcanan,'s Own Medical Ad-
viser," also sent free on request..
Write to -day. Address, Mrs. hf.Summers
Box, H. 840 Windsor, Ont.
Sheathing Paper
—a high-grade paper, odorless,
tasteless, free from tar,
waterproof, exceptionally strong