HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-13, Page 8TER MARKETS&.
Wheat ,.., ,... 103 I 03
Barley , . ,,, , , 65 70
•Ruckwhtrrst �. , 90 90.
:[fats, ,., ,. 50 5.0
Peas •••••,...,....... 1. 0 115
Potatoes. per bars ) 50 1 00
Hay Fdx ,ant3... . 14 (hi 15 Q0
',Flour, pea, cwt., fancily 2 7A
:Flour;14, ev grade per ow 1,60 > 05
Butter: ,. ,.,. '21 $0
Live hop-. per cwt ' 8 10
shorts p,-rton...00.
Brkul p,ir teal , ,r. , 25 00:
sugar Bt meal......,., 23 CO
on ar issnn Street. Exeter,
Any person de-
e'.ring a. new cream separator will do
welt to Biel at the Exeter Bargain Store
and se,' e s Premier: This is one of the
best and saeiest running separtsto,son
the Maras -t. Come en and tet us talk
it over with you.
W. M. I3LATQHFORD, Exeter:
Linen,Coats and Dusters for
men and Women. Just the
thing to save
you new clotheshes
at $3.50 to $5.09.—Stewart's.
The Independent Order of P greeters
rat Curt F_eter 148' will aitend aerate
ever s ip '. n the Trivia Me/Antal Church
rasa Suendny .euro 16th; at 11 o'clock P,
ill korFts ers :a.rc requested to meet at
the lodge
room n at 10.30 sharp,
G. E, ANDERSON 11,3,.
Straw and P!.na,Mto, faits in
Many Styled at princes that
WW wait your pocket. -Stew•
MAID WANTED—Apply to firs, W. G,
Waugh, •Exeter,
Ladies Slack Cotton Hose
Sixes. S tO 10. Fast Black and
full fashioned. Special for
this week. 2 pair for 25c. .
ST11:13VBERRA.E a -*-Gee your strew,
bcrrle'a txes`e frons the meld, All erde:e
telt at I. W. Ts,;rlor'a house. Vwc^tora
street, will be promptly and satnslate-
tor.lY filled. Get your orders in earls'.
About 20 Ladies Suits-- all
sizes. Regular $16.50 to 19.00
AU this Season's Styles to
Cheer this week at SI2,75 —
If you contemplate buying a 'home ;ix
Leati^5n it well pegs, you to :call 'on W4
3. Fannon, real estate agent, .284tj"
Dundas ,street, We helve a lame list of
propert4es fan all Rartet Of the city. 1Ve
Invite corresl4ar,dence,
An exchange sayer; i -lave You .'icard
your neighbor going around with the
complaint that his Pananrt, hat :s too
' %mall fo•1';ee head thea spring. if Buell
is the case, you ntly be sure that .t
'w•as a :amens Panenu. 1;f ho denies
the charge, and 'each that leis Panama
Tits as well asp quer, then he has been
deceived, for leis alleged Panama s
only a tine straw. Pagnama, .hats have L
habitof shrinking. 11 etoredaway over
the winter, and et :is .necessary to have
them stretched out before the wrill fit
the wearer's head again. One eitizeni
Vowed that someone had etolen NS,
!eat. When he put it away last fall
it was size 7,1-8 and this spring it
nntaeured only G 7-8.
A regular storm polled; les central on the
10th, embracing new' moon we the 15thl
A very loror reaching of the barometer,
any where troth the1 16th ria the 21st,
must ba taken as, .a danger signal.
A -s long as the bar)smeter remains nor -
anal, don't fess Sar tornadoes, even jr
the heavens are ablaze. with lightning
and resounding with peals, of thunder.
These sal stice etlerms are erratic it1
their movement ---coming from unusual
c'iirectrons, turning backward from the
east atter having passed your locality,
and drench•inL you Irene unlooked for
quarters 'with violent -squalls of wind
and rain. T,iris is caused by contused
and unstable atmospheric currents and
conditions, aro"sing tram thea feet that
the earth is at, ;her turning ao st:ce•pos-
- ition, where -she b gens her nnlovement
toward the autumnal equinox, and the
sun begins to retrace its course seuth-
'ward in the heavens.
Delaware; Lackawanna
and Western Coal
The best hard coal mined .
Burns to a white ash.
..illi ,�= • '-.. J. :
Getting into the Hcme,
Women buy more than
two-thirds the merchan-
dise sold in retail stores
and every woman reads
the Classified Want Ads.
Occr,paper goes' into the
barrios and 111,C, Want
kilts. will ' r'each lir'" '{
J,iy'.'4n,a to sr
a$r`°railevae 6cii4e4Pe- te"etic
at a smart world •this ,would be
i1 ail tine pupils were ,students,
Manny a. moa wouldlarva a bigger bank
balance if -he had lower friends,
ThUse are, the nvbratti e. Ton should,
get up early to tales :.a eonstgutional.,
A person villp has, eCeeenallshed a
Bale can aualee,.ottlere verb uncomfor•t
e Probably tore is nothing more ex-
pensive than „the things we get for
When you are.despiese4 to be Waste
',earl} every, one well take advantage
of you.
An unhappy `r retch who, has been
eaw.Rt preaches an eloquent serneen for
Maks a I st of.' ths things?jou should
do and to chances are , you u1i11 not
do two-fleirels of them.
Gold can ba beatenf 43 thin that t
would take 282,000 gold leaves to
peoduc: the thickness soli a single netn,.
Mr. Claude IC, Eluett? of $solider, form-
erly of Crereeell, has been awarded
Permanent, First -Glass Fubtic $e ie
. ac sa; Cert._g?cate,
Lap: year . sen ba half getze.
and we have reason , tp, :ear that the
young. ladies of Ezeter are not trims
up to atelr lar v.'le ae, that Is lodging
.ronin the small taunnber of weddings res.
ported'eto far.
Ne tarneer needs so cas r'y, e monkey
rvrenela these days to make the pocket
of • his overalls bulge out. We roll of
�e,as will do that, The Government ;s
now atinnt ln, gold five, tete and twenty
stellar sleeve se* as to reduce tate erre
nerd eapetnse of 'etarage for the fax'--
,.a .
nnrr'a pro Tn0 cattoin nnUls Which
siav been kept. busy fria,ktns' strong pees
este for overalls well be glad et a little
e ^esptte.
ad s
vert e 1
,s n ant May net lav
s able as
"np rate wen}dere in a dale' ori a week.
S ed :sown in th,e ,apr',,nn,;,, Oast; not nus,
;urs for several mal the. The advertiser
'ally ani know lta*w much gaol hie ad,
tieing hfm. Buyers% go to WM. as a
rule, 'e ay nna« r to „F as tea ,the ad. They
rn,r-y !t not therds cut ad. bed anything
do with their selling to him. But they
saw ;lots Imam As the paper wee]., after
'week and It suggested their clestn~'I,
den uancainseicuely perhaps to therm.
..t lot of cleaning and tldyyng up „i Sas
bean one during tizo past week. but,
ii;iere is yet seine that shpuld be at..
tended to at once. There are threaq
re sone for cleaning up thee back yard
just as aeon n1a: 3t cap be done. alto
Airst f aesthetic, it .will 'help to
to convert the aans.ghtly :into bertataul
Tao second is saner ry ; some of the
garbage which has accumulated during
the winter le d.'scaee breeding',. The
third ill nloneta'ry veg,;,tables' tar grass
can be grown Ong ts'he ground whe*
now ;rests that which le uneghtly and
There are evelita occuring in p every
canimunity vrhfbh 11 ?reported= In a. local
paper, would, create a. commotion little
dreamed of. What to report and what
hot to report often perplexes an ed{tor.
Ie is often julstly accused of cowarr
dice and favoeitiern, when} all, the time
ho is 143;31010 teward,s;' the good repute. -
tion of the toera where his lot( Ss east.
The local editor lrognt necessity almost
constantly fdn,ds tarsen between two
fires, and whichever way he tut is-
hne Is .sure to, be unjustly treated.
%s ono pt the pleasures of thb news-
paper business.
3sir, g• 11i, DOYle putcha.sed. a "Re =l'!
auto On Delft last wee-.
efr. S G 3a edeei . rolls heated Mr. R.
N. Rowe's house on,. Huron street,
Mr, and firs. J, E, Atj¢iison raved
their houeeb ld effects to ' Citntvn, this
Mr; Wni. Ruhsell and fann?ly are now
comt'ortably settled in• tlie4a'' home en
Gidley street,
Several of .the Odelfellpws of . Esefer
ctroxe tp Rensall Tuesday to take the
Rebecca, Degree -
Tao baseball boy: hake had the dee-
-toed at the sehe of put in ,excellent{,'
,shape for play.
Tina. atinual Gaulden Partypeet the Triv-
stt Memorial church ',Willi, be held eon the
rectory lawn Friday evening, June 23,
Miss Gladys PearMg and. Mr. Peeve.
ton Dee.e 4ag, Stephen, basset reepvere i
from thea:• recent' attack 'of- measles,
whets* Master;Cecel sa still quite Al of
Chnietopher Sharott, an emigrant
grope Ixanrdon, Ei 1-Ia^i 1, arrived here ;tic's
day to the Canadan Opveriunent Eni-
pio"Pan-nt agent, C, - Sanders, ,andwas
at once assigned, to a; poet;on :with
qtr, Jas. At11tnsona of , ddaipb,
£r. Rueaell May occupied, the 'Jannea.
Street pulpit S t rda mora ia> `, and PTeaacil
, r t .nd
ret s err a
ee s sa 1 , i1,Ilo
ante. ng, , u,e
J. 31 SoutRcott took ciaav' td .tile
evening service, We8 Nina Ptxlrng and
^Yiex Pd nrurnds saan�;, pleasiaa' solos,
Rtr. W 1I. t earinC' of Stephen bl°oug"at
a very lame ten eeg bit the Adea-
cate Tuesday, It e teore l 4tX-x7, and
wf.fited over ki seances ---equal to three'
god sled eggs. The ;rent that laid :t
etch lives 'te . no tate owner ,:tnfenrsl&s
ua, On breaking'tl??e Target egg It ye.
found to cortalin all prdnarry egg wirer
a perfect 'ellen on.
:t anc-eting of the Executive Canun,ttee
or the ' t -Ugrian n�sac
atrosnll -wane 1,414 ti , the i1Jde1 settee),
Clutton, torn Saturdt°y' taut Or tine, 'pure
pae0 of arnaltlug arratngelnnert$0 for the
anext Institute rsteetinZ to be held : c
Ooderieb sin October. The tallowbig antenna
bars were present. 7fifiaa I; E. Shapnntatt
president, Gederfeh,,; (ties B. (Cierra»
Exeter; Q. S Howard. Make: II t3 P.
town, hlelnsall and W, H Jon
FEED I -IE , '
A car has arrived
Extra good feed
DIED Word wase received here on
,iohday let the death- in .Woodstock; Ep-
ileptic Hospital, of George Flintolf)
aged, 21 years'. ,Decealsed was afillct-
ed with epileptic .Lits; and was taken to
the hospital three years ago, after a
residence en. Exeter of about a, year.
The end cane gradually but surely and
he Slept away. The funeral took place
to Clinton cemetery on Wednesday. De-
ceased is` survived byt his mother, Mrs.
George Etheringkon of Osborne, three
.sisters and three brothers, Mrs. '3. C.
Snell, of Osborne, Mrs. Sohn,, Newcombe
of Stratford, Mrs. Jahn Welsh 'of Al-
berta, Fred of Goderien Frank of Strat-
ford and Glenn whine his mother.
MARRIED, --A quiet wedding took
place at the horn see 'Mr. and, Mrs. T.H.
'McCallum, Exeter,. on Saturday morn-
ing last 'at 8 o'clrock, wdnen, their daugh-
ter, Miss Edna E., became 'the bride
of Mr. Edwin Kingsbury of Toronto..
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Poweil in the presence o1 the immed-
iate relatives and a few; friends. After
two weeks at theiesut-nmer borne of 'Met
McCalluan at Grand Bend the young cou-
ple wti11 reside at Toronto. The many
friends well :wean thein, every success,
Among the guests from a distance were
Mrs. Isyingebury of Toronto, 34 and,
Mrs. Mae. R. MgCalluni of Toronto,.
Mr. P. Hart oe T'ol on to, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. `Villss and, Mi1ss Elsie McCallum
of London.
a prolonged illness/ of several mouth's
duration Mr, Thomas Essery passed
away on Sunday last,t at tare' age et 7-4
years, 10 Months and 12 d2ys. The de-.
ceased was attacked with; la grippe a
little over six months a`;lo and other
connplicat:lohs' iset6'Jng in he was com-
pelled to ,take ha -i3; bed and -with the excep
tion of short enterdal:a was confined to.
tt ttfl ,death released 'him of h1 -s Suffer-
ings. Mr. F3sseiy was bog, near Cen-
tral,ia on the faxen on wh`_ch he lived
nearly all encs lefe 'About tour , yea1'is
ago hee retired frlean; the farm and camel
to Live weth, els drug}iter, Mrs. A. Hass
tings, who, durathg hies( harm and tedious
.Ilness, eared `or hUlri inn St, assiduous-
ly till the end came. In the year 1861
Mr. Eseery marnied' Susan Hogg, and
to the happy uneen s eh ldren were
born, five ,of whom 'surv^vo-George of
Centralia ; Austen of Palsner:st ne Airs,
tiL steles -of Ex -ter,: and Janne:
Oke on {t he :h ozrtestead near'' Centrallia,,'
Mrs. Descry predeceased her husband,
about ;fifteen years. Mr. Eesery wall a
Member of this Methodist church los 'ov-
er 55' years and was, noted for has chrts-
tSan c6aracter, and sterling, :qualities,
a td the exan7,'pl Of lug c2nsistent da;_lyy
life grid the anvra ryd;01 h a many'k nilly
,,ilQ.et-lts of
!a ���ihia'tber�ttr�r' �'t�ianeral
r',...v..,, ,w #
Mr. ,W. D .Clarke wa's in Londot,over
'drs. Egan left FrAay right to visit
at Schenectady, N,' Y. ,
ir. W. T. Acheson and, Soli, Beverley
were in- LoridtIA 31onday.
T;ev. Collins ;lis; €2nl,Idarrdon this week'
attending the $ynod nnneetrreng,
Young :Creech left Monday for Lis-
towel fro work with; a telephone gang'.'
Mrs. Miter el Sa,skatieon .s the guest
of her Mettler, ;wins. Gregohiy,,
Thorndon Fear of Blyth is Vieeiting.
his -sister, MTs,. We,s. Howe si.
Mr, John MclatYre o1' Hevisall, was
in town over Sunday vale friends.
t.lrs. Pedier, of Aile;a, Crai#; spent part
of the weep at ax. Zahn Pedlel's,
Mr. St n, Verity, wife and. eon ,of
Brantford were here in their auto over
J.fr. Percy '(T- W4 n Du#ton this
weep rneasu. na ;tuber for4 ati tS�oThng
w d. Co npalny`i,
Masers. James. SPA?* aid. Bari Brick
woad of Ingersoll autoed ;Here Sunday
to 'Spend, tt`ne clay
Mr. atnd Ars% Donald _McZny s lett last
Week. on an eX;tel ded yell, through the
western Prom€Hees and. States,
Messrs, S. Martin orad; 3. G. J'otre s at-
tended several eesstorns see the London
Methodist Conference in St. Thontes.
Dr, Hater XinsInall of Sarnia visit--
ed lrn }i lett ahs .actio
with hls bxatite w, i?r+., cit. :'R. far a. while:
£r, 3. A, $tera,art; 0€nd; feellgy autoad
tO: T.oronto Wednesday, Rev. Sharp se-
cannpatlied. t.henn to ' orenio, oaf hes way
to QttJ.Vfa..
Mr. end sirs. Geta, N... A-Ade/le .n and
daughter, 3,fea, l waatn, Pent part of
the week ip DetreCt Mrs, Ande,elaan'p'
rin.'atilear,,' re. E1. e. vneited in Londona
Airy am): I2.,,4DcoveAtika1 and; dau h -
(or, Mies Getnen«ieye, et Men Inno3Ro, W18.,
le rteWting the fanner's Mather andlis-
ter, ?lira, Chas. Tenet Sind 'toric. W. 1[D.
Furniture And
You will always find this
store with up-to•date furniture
and with a desire to please
every one.
R. Vii. RoWE
Undertaker and License
Some Snaps For
Quick Sale
The Exeter Bargain Store
Ladles white and Satan, Underakirte Night Dresses, House Dresses, Wrap
pers, Hose, Glbves' etc,
These are travellers samples and are marked away down tor a quick
eleae ancC.
6 dozen summer parasols to go at 79 cents eacht
New Sino top shirts 50c. tp $1.25 cath.
Ties, Soxe, Underwear at big reductions.
6 dozen of fancy vests your choice for $1,b0.00
We , nave a :nice lot, of men's suits,this season's make bought so we can.
you 4 or 5 dollare a suit.
are also leaders in ehkaes.
g. CU. F. 13EPIAtEliS
1 door north of Post Office
Finds our store well smocked with wedding
gifts' in Watersets, Fancy Hand -painted
China FancySalad
NE bowls and caketotes
Sugar and Cream sets, Celery trays Tea-'
pots, Cheese dishes, etc. etc.
Our prices make it a waste of time to buy elsewhere. Come 1
Look around. We want to show you our merchandise.
Saturday Specials—Large assortment of Cups and Saucers at
10c.: a pair
Big Variety Store
Our List of Farming Supplies
Carload of Brockville Buggies
Carload of :Dominion Buggies _
Oliver Corn Cultivators
with Bean Harvester Attachments
John Deere Corn Cultivators ,)
John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows
Hay Forks' and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys
B. T. Litter Carriers ` '
De Laval Cream' Separators
Blue Bell Cream Separators
Toronto Wind Mills ;
with pumps, piping and water basins installed in barns
Baker Wind Mills ,
Fleury Plows
Success Manure Spreaders ; Points for Fleury and Cocksliutt'Plows _
Machine Oil and Cream Separator Oil
' Full line of McCormick Tillage and Harvesting- Machines Binders, Mowers
Rakes,. Loaders, ,Side Rakes, Spreaders
Chatham, Woodstock; and Jackson Wagons
Drills '
Disc Harrows
Gasoline Engines
Binder Twine
American Clover Buncher—can be attaehedto�-any mower and is A very
convenient =and clever clover saver eiknttn, on the mower Operates it.
Repairs of all kinds
Repairing promptly attend
And. The Groom -
and others will
find it to their
advantage to get
their presents at
is the time
is the place fo
and there is no
doubt pa//bout ��iiTt.� are�ss
Exeter in the
place to buy the
Notice To
Well - Drilling
We are dealers and manufacturer
Our apparatus bas been thorough;
tested end found satisfactory in ever
General castings, piping, tulip
to., on hand.
Oemeut Silo forms manufactured.
Particulars an application to
1. Murray & S
We are right into Summer.` It is going, to be warm.
Get ready. We have all kinds of goods to keep you kool
In all shades—e'-ther plain or
fancy. They are .real good for
thissummer wear.
Some entirely new designs' and
colors are shown here. One of
the goo 'dthi ngs for this year's
wear. .
In white colored or fancy --
nice cool dress for a; very small'
A big variety„ of the. `daintiest
waists we hove ever. shown. Fancy
or Tai4loh ,effects are good. We
have them all.
For the June Brides
Ale the delecato shades of Dress
Goods are Mere for you .in the
finest of fabrics. See -them be;'
fore you buy.
All kinds' to choose from-- short
three-quarter or Irong gloves a
Silk or Lisle. Also Fancy Hos;
1ery; in Silk, Lisleo1 Cotton., '
Fie for any bride. Beautiful dis
,play of Fancy Nightgo'wna, Skirts
Corset Covers, Princess Slips and
Drawers. 1
No two alike. All different.. You
must see them tel knew how n'ca
they are, Preces 25c to .` 3,50.
Bee achirias of all our .summer
Hata. New Ss ttncn- time #s. buy
your au¢nmcr
Straw and Panora Hdts,,
Slexts, ` ; Callas, and Ties
Hose, Underwear, ' Suspenders;
Suits and Suiting:. -
e celebrated'W. E. Sanford Clo