Exeter Advocate, 1912-6-13, Page 7NDI E TION RIGHTLY CURED CBS Toning Up the Stomach to -i to the Work Nature Intends It Should. Ineligeatiaat should not be neglect- ed. for aa, moment, for by depriving 'kfche body el its proper nourishment through the food, the trouble grows ' steadily worse. Neither should stimulating medicines, which ruin the already weak stomach by making it work beyond its, strength, be used; nor pre-digested foods, which do not e=xcite a flow of the digestive fluids, and by disuse cause the stomach to grow weaker. No- where is the tonic treatment by Dr. Williams' e ink Pills more Clearly. useful. The principle of thistreat hent is to enable the stomach to do its own work by building up the Wed and giving -tone to the nerves. 'Men these are+ once restores to their normal health and indigestion disappears and the cure is perms- neer. Here it an experience with thin trentmelat. Mr. John Brenen- eta l Calgary, Alta,, s4-tys : "For years I was an almost constant suf- ferer from indigestion, and natur- ally because there was reach eutri-' taoieu feed which T could aaot cat owe ing to the pain and discomfort which followed, I was; becoming morn rule own, I tries) many medi- cines, mc h-cianes, hoot uerne of them helped me until I began; the use of Dr, Wil-: lianns' Pink Pills. ,after taking a feaahn 'nu ..T ^moo m„nT3 l;s,'i;t'k?T' n,r(l TO MARRY CLA.UD.E GRA A:4 WHITE. Mr, Claude Graham -White will be married quietly on 'June 27 at the little parish Church of Wid- ford, Essex, England, to Miss Doro- thy Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Leroy Taylor, of New York. The wedding will he the culmination of an ocean romance. The aviator met his. SKIN SUFFEREES Do you realize that to go through life tortured and disfigured by itching, burn- ing, scaly and crusted ec- zemas, or other skin and scalp humors is unneces- sary? For more than a gen oration, warm baths with replied, long as I norve him.". The policeman immediately in- formed the. authorities, and as a re - cult. Schiren was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. He had been in prison iwG• weeks, when he made the warders drunk, and: so man - egad to escape.. The Chaiaruinn--t oSupposing you were ,sonic back to Russia, would youreturn to your parental" The lad replied that he would not return, but would oonmit suicide. He was allowed to remain in Bri- tain. ay the Czar be ill so WHY HE LIKED CetE>'SS. "You play chess a great deal?" "Yes," replied the profound stu- dent. "Chess is a. great game." �"But does it rest the mind?" "Of course; that's the. beauty of it. You. can take a nice nap while you are waiting for your opponent to figure out his next move." I?E �n the Growth of Corn there's a period when the kernels are plumped out with a vegetable milk, most nutri- tious. As the corn ripens the "milk" hardens, and finally becomes almost flinty. OSt TO5�a... 'es are made from this hard part of choice selected corn. It` is carefully cooked; treat- ed with sugar and salt; rolled into thin bits; then toasted to an appetizing brown —without a hand touching the food. It has been said that Post Toasties are the most 'deli- ciously flavoured particles of cereal food yet produced. One can render an opinion upon trial. "The rlemory Lingers' Sold by Grocers. atade by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario,' Canada. Iftiss Dole Taylor. bride -tact -be lust December in arhid� Atlantic aboard the Qlympio. Miss Taylor bas taken many flights at Hendon, Bnglanad, with her faaeme, who, the day before the wedding: wz]1 Sly to Ryland, to give an e;shi- bitten in aid, of a local ohality, • NO MORE CASTOR,, OZ 1lffrs. EUso Bussell, Granum, Alta., ease a "I have used .Baby's. Own Taabiets in place of easter oil and now it is no more oil. I eoulL not do without the Tablets; they are wonderful. Whenever baby 14 feverish I give him the Tablets, and the fever, soon clisnppeanr. I al- ways keep theme in the house and recommend them tc, may .friends." Baby's Own Tablets do not gripe. They are easy to take and absolute- ly safe. They are sold by medicine el„ ere or by mail at 25 cents a. box from Tho Dr. Williaeee' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GOING UP. rTheaackers buybeef on the hoof'. p And the rest of us buy beef on the roof. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared: from drugs known to the, 'profession as thor- oughly reliable for the cure of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, griping pains and summer corn - fuTaints. It,has been used success- lly by medical practitioners for a rttunber of years with gratifying re- sults. If suffering from any sum- mer complaint it is just the medi- cine that will cure yon. Try a bottle.. It sells for 25 cents. Since 1900 the picr e of bacon has increased bynearly forty per cent. Keep Minard's Liniment to the hulls& LOFTS TO LET. Instances of the Stupidity of Na. tives of Africa. The natives of Central Africa are described by the late. Sir Henry M. Stanley in his "`Autobiography" as being incredibly stupid. He tells, for example, of one native who, with another man, was sent in canoe across a river;to fetch a tom- ans pany of men to cp. After wait- ing an hour, Stanley went to the river, where he found the two pad- dling each in an opposite direction, and blaming the other for his stu- pidity. They were in a passion of excitement, and quite unable to hear the advice of the men, across the river, who were bawling'direc- tions to them how to manage their canoe. Another stupid fellow was gen- erally saved, from punishment be- cause hit mistakes were so absurd. One day we were floating down the Congo.Near camping -time, as he happened tobe bowman, I bade him stand by, and when I called out, seize the grass on the bank to stop the boat. ' In a little while we came to a fit place, and I cried, "Hold hard, Kirango !" "Please God, master," he re- plied, and forthwith sprang ' on shore and seized the grass with both hands, while"we, of course, were rapidly swept on down -stream. The boat's crew roared at; the ri- diculous sight. Nevertheless, ' his stupidity cost the tired men a hard pull up -river, : for not every place was available for a camp. And gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment have proved successful in the: most distressing cases, of infants, children and adults, when all else had failed. Althoughc tttegra, 4opp And ointartent are sold, by drixigiste part dealers everywhere. a Heenan 3arpie Rn each, whiz 32 -Paco booklet os. treat:aena, of 6100 and tui;, will 10e pont, post-thea,onapply« '.ion to "C5tiourn,rr )Dept. QS, goeton. THRILLING RACING DRAMA. Aet L Pive men break a horse. Act II. They enter the horse in race. Act, III.—The horse breaks five L-13 Unll.S IOI$ .PRI S0NERS. Electric Lights, Boobs and Della its Case of rickatess. A retreat rather than a prison is the new institution which has been raised at Evreux, on the road from Paris to Trouville, It is ovoid id form, much in appearance to that of a large castle, and is surrounded by a wall over 30 feet in height, It is situated on. high ground over- looking the town, and to say the least prisoners should haw) a very comfortable time., Each has his own cell with ham- mock bed, washing utensils and a table for books. The cells are light- ed by electricity and heated by radiators, The authorities have not forgotten the spiritual needs of their hostages. The consideration of the Ministry of Justice for the welfare of the prisoners is seen by an electric bell at the head of each hammock, so that the detained,; if be be taken suddenly ill, can communicate with his guard,—London, Globe. A Pill that Proves ite Value. --- Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmelee",e Vegetable Pills, hecause they serve to main- tain the healthful action of the stomach and the liver, irregulari- ties in which are most distressing, Dyspeptics are well acquainted with' them and value- thele a,t their pro- per worth. They have afforded re- lief when other preparations : ave failed, and dove effected cures in ailments of long standing where other zmed"cines were found unavail- ing, A Aura forhounaatisna.: A pair,- ful and ppersistest foxrri of rhau a� tit= is caused ley rrnapurities� the blood, the result of defectavo de- tion of the liver and kidneys The blood becomes tainted by the intro- duction of uric Add, whitcla: causes much pain in the tissues and in the einte. I'ariueleo's Vegetable Pills are known to have effected lua u, remarkable cures, and their use aa. strongly reee m eedecl, A. trial of thele will convince =tyeno of their value.' NEVER IVIND 1. AT PA BAYS. Teacher—Willie, give three proofs, that the world a actually is round. Willie—The book nays so, you say so, and rue, rays so. When Tour Eyes Need Care TrybturtueBytirteute y, No Smarting—Feels rine--,Acte Quickly. Try it for Bed, Weak. Watery Eyes and Gtranulatted Eyelids. illus- trated Book in each 'Patekage, Morisse is compounded by our ()enlists: -sot a "'i'Atent 3te4- icincc-»but used In successful rays tcians'Prsc- Ue for mashy ears, Now dedicated to the Pub - no aind sold byggists at5to and WO.VOT3lnt 1s. Murine Bye salve In .Aseptic Tubus, 50 and Marina Eye Remedy Co.owChicago Gruen --"That fellow who plays the cornet is ill." Jones --"Do you think he will recover?" Green _ tI'ni afraid not. The doctor 'who is attending lives not door. To have the -children sound and healthy is the first care of a ano- ther. They cannot be healthy' if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, "I have a -terrible cold," he com- plained. "My head feels all stop- ped up." "Have you tried avacu- um cleaner?"- she queried, sweetly. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Minister's Wife - "Wake up l There are burglars in the house, John." Minister—"Well, what of it I Let them find out their mistake themselves." Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn out by the roots. Try it and prove it. "Exceeding the limit?" cried` Dawson. "Why, Judge, your roads around here are so rotten a man couldn't go faster than ten miles an hour without endangering his life." "That's the p'int," said the Justice of the Peace. "You was exeeedin' the limit o' safety and we find ye guilty of attempted suicide. Ten dollars, if you please. Every person has four characters —the one he shows, the one he thinks he bus, the one others think he has, and the one he actually has.. eS field-marshal in, the _'British! Army is equivalent to an admiral of the fleet in the Royal Navy. Ell. 7. f BA1 PY MAN. Birks---"Where does Perkins get so much, money to blow? Ho isn't wealthy, is be 1" Jinks --"No, but his wife makes her town hats." ltTalARD'S 1;IN liOSN.` is rho only =pet ae sed or aat my a ono Wo keep for bale. ill the people us* it Plena nd only Brasher—" I say, Subbubs, natio Yon a. foot -rule aver therein Sub- bubs--"Yes, one my wife made. It is n `Use the doormat before miter- ing.' " Naybor._»Oh, that won't do 1 That's a two -foot rule 1" Minard's t,Inimpnt used by Phys1cIans, BARS, Gabe—Bow did Jones get behind the bars Steve --Spent too much time in front of them. For Sprains and Bruises.—There is nothing better for sprains and centusions than Dr. Thomas' Eclec- uric Oil. It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the ache out of a bruise and prevent they flesh from diseoloring. It seems a as if there was magic in it, so speed- ily does the injury disappear under treatment. JUST HIS LUCK. Howell—Why don't you run for office 7 Powell—If" I did I would have to walk back. Ask for Minard's and take no other. A CAREFUL STATEMENT. "Only a couple of months ago you said you'd share your last dol- lar with me," said Jones, who was': unsuccessfully attempting to nego- tiate a loan. "I know "I did old man," replied the one who was doing the dodge act; "but I' haven't got Clown to spy last dollar ?" Yom'' RUBBER HEE Tread softly - Step safely. Plea nl su uccrspaji e CAT'S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Paw Heels. no PAT AT SEA. Pat was strolling along the quay- side as a big ship was about to sail. "Sure." , said Pat to the captain, "could you find me a job ?" "Just the roan I want," said the Captain, and so Pat joined the ship for the first time in his life. It was a fine' night and 'they were in raid -ocean. The captain all at once noticed a man: fall overboard and shouted to Pat: "Throw a buoy overboard."' Pat seized a bright-eyed youngster standing by and threw ',him into: the sea. "I did not mean that boy I meant a cork: buoy. "Sure, said Pat, "how .do, I know whether he comes from Cork or Tipperary Dancing was originally a. zno of. ISSNli 24—'12 expressing ;religious feeling. ..• as proved' a great users [convenience to all I tll!C ectiore msmaris 'fl'. s year we are 54...az The New Perfection Broiler The New Perfection Touter The New Perfection Griddle each, designed specially for vie en the Itiew Perfeclian Stove. WAh thaw $2ppG t ea evil clog 14w Potnotaoat 5lasIa dear awl awe. thn Now ih7'iceaaaa u Ina s,, enmplet ad c of a ata aa.. w kr coal resee. Cert+3a4r is t Fong ckrr.� .asod a.Y p+aosda tea the Naw Pal'ccone aU the yezrso0md. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, 1 VSjusrsipe , Montreal, St. .*Tea s, Haalifax tarn. Qbeen Cie! Division, Toronto 1tlax islu Kpaln.;.leq .494C•i is.. A!" +raslup�rt son p drop slur m wrist okka. coo M*eo rkl, L 20,1 lrttraat, Roo Cook - Beek sl elven tsaa C aexoax was 5 coach to " t , cast. THE A111IHOTDIa 50. of Canada,. Ltd. as coaxes AV[NJC TORONTO t1W. ENGE COLLARS. Ackno,w.le edro .0 she„at.eC4C1M glum ai wetct-• proof Collars eve male. Ask to let. sal '.!my ns. atm: All *torte or dkcat for 23.i. RTS, 7 he ,Arts tottrse may be taken by correspondence, bat students desir- ing to graduate must attend ono session. Short Coarse for Teachers and gen- eral students July roth to .asst. For calendars write the Registrar G. Y.CU0WN Kingston, Ont. 20 EDUCATION, THEOLOGY. MEDICINE. SCIENCE, including £tfii3iI3£EIl;Il1(� Arts Summer Session July3 to Aug. 11 NIV GSTO s m .SIT �. W, DAWSON, Ninety ,Colborne Toronto. treat,; f 011T THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL ,a buy beautiful b,undred sores. in 1 orthureberland County. Including Stock and Implements, There is in t)te stock 4 horses. IQ now, eta Tbis is a Allan, and can lot: had on easy ierma. PosSeseion at once,. OOD FARMS IN LINCOLN, WELLAND, l `x Dalton. Pool. York. Derham. North- umberland, Prince Edward counties at reasonable prices. A LI3ERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND Manitoba lands in 'large or small l Mucks. 111•11011111.1•1141..11.11111111101 ONO YOUR MONEY BACK if you are not satisfied that Cow -Comfort KEEPS FLIES OFF CATTLE $2.00 per Galion Dilute with Four Gallons of Water. Write for interesting Pamphlet to Mittel—siren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited, WOODSTOCIK, ONTARIO Solo Manufacturers THE SAPHO MANUFACTURING 00., Limited. MONTREAL.. Mother -"Why, Bobby, you are very late from Sunday -school; did you come directly from', the church ?" Bobby (with conscious rectitude)—"No, ma; the teacher told us that' cleanliness was next to :godliness, so after the Sunday school was out some of the boys went in swimming. a Tokio, the capital of Japan, pos- sesses no fewer than eight hundred public baths. Everybody mow admits ' Zasn-nti4s hest for these.'„ Let, itt give YOU ease and core., Deers) is arsd Slopes everywhaoa 5• • 11rTIT FA11.11S-Axil, SIZES. IN TILE • Nice•ara Fruit Belt. H. W. DA""reON, Toronto. e ACRES-Tt1.T OUTSIDE THE CITY CI et London. 1ltnfts; Soil splendid clay loam; brick house trove); Young orchard; poultry house Will exeha^¢e for city rranerty or inrlu'r farm. The western Real Estate, London, Ont. MALE. HELP WANTED. AILWAY AGENTS. TELECaRAPIfERi3 t, and Clerks in ,great -demand through, out: Ontario and North. West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Mail courses. Potations acertreri„ Free Book 19 e.:tniaina: Dominion School Telecrnnlay.. Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS: T Tr E FOXES rYANTED XOiiNQ as ▪ .i old. Wm. Pearson, Guelph, Ont T.TAT AND FARM SCALES. Wilson's Seale works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. in ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. ▪ a ternal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Eellman Medical Co.. Limited, Cnllinewnnd. Out P. TON SCALE GUARANTEED, , Wilson's 0) Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. P ROEATIONBRS TO TARE THREE Years' course in training, at ultman Hospital, Canton, Ohio. Address,, Supt. DYEING 1 CLEANING i Fen_thn salty best, send your work to the "BRITISH; AMENCAN CYEIi U CO.," Look tor agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec. The Soul of a Piano tithe Action. Insist on the "OTTO RIGEL's Piano Action MT sat, CREOSOTE z, Protect— Preserve--- 13:-.0 utiffy Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES l.AN aMU R Ed CO., - Inti had ISTV, Eathurs- trn'r, ?T -ITT() 0 14 THE 0 R TWO CRUISES -ON THE-- VICTORIA HE_VICTORIA LUIS an,o0 Tans) ._ Frans New York Nov. 12, 1912 From San Francisco Feb.27,1913 Will visit Iladcirn, Spain Italy, Eerpt, India, Ceylon, Straits Settlercent, , Philippines, Chinn, Japan,.. 5s.. v,ich., 11.1.ods, with OvItlend Anu:r`.aan Tons. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL ` 1? Day in indict TOURS t 14 Days in hems Duration 110 Days Kack inelndino" al? net '1U°'up, Toll tx Penaro ,hrr,d and solxoza. 7tnn} ne u>5. Jias' mode Mc " Wriin for f�ooi?ei. ldBI.JRG - AVS` RICAN Lll'NE 4145 ;3R3ADWAY,, N. Y et Ocean Stearnship:Agency, F3.°arouse 51.,''Toranto,'Canads.•-