HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-13, Page 5I VARICOSE VEINS CURED Siiir NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Horne for Weeks. "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought ou Varicose Veins. When I -worked hard the achingwould become severe and I was often laid up for a week at a' tme. My Cantly physician told me an operation was my only hope -but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was sty money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day any boss asked the why I was off work so much and I told him my condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Ta NEA Itiaraoo TtaEATZiEsrr. My progress was somewhat slow and during the first month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However I continued treatment for 'three months longer and was rewarded with a complete euro. I could only earn $1n. a week in a machine shop before treatment, now I am earning $81 and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS 1 BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent ,and most serious diseases. They sap the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely eradicated from the system will cause serious'eemplieations. Boseare of Mercury. It ray suppress the symptoms -our NEW MBTIIOD cures all blood diseases. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN. -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally,hysicaily and vitally you are not the man you used to he or should be. Willyouheed the danger signals? • PEpy� e Are you a victim?" grave you lost hope? Are you intending, to marry? Has I N17iR your blood been diseasrd? ITave you any, we i-nesc? Our NEwv IE2noo Tirnbssssv will dare you. What it has dobe for others it w.;l do for you, Conaaltation Free. No matter who has treated you, write foran honest opinion Free of Charge;, Reeks Free -"Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (illustrated) on Diseases of .Alen. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No nssnes on' Loxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential, Question list and Cost of Treatment FREEFOR HOME' TREATMENT. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St >= Detroit Mich. All letters from Canada must be addrested? NOTICE to our Canadian Correspondence Departs morimilimmeas m.ent in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to•`, see us personallycall, at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat nu patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and nd I&aboratery` for =lt"-anadlan business only.,, - all letters as follows;.: °CRs I EDT & � ,, d4ar, Ont. \ Write for our privateaddress.y V Dr. ( F. ROULSTQN, Intl:S„ DENTIST Member AP the R.0.D.S. of Ontario and Honor Graduate ,of Toronto University. Office -Over DiCks n & C ±Ii 's law office.Closed Wednesday afternoons, , ii31. A. R. KIN&viAlli, Honor Graduate of Toronto University DEINT•IST Teeth extracted without pain, or any effects. Ott:ce over Gladman & Stan'y's Off;ce, Marin Street, Exeter. DICKSON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, Soltc2tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Con:. eraiseioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bark. etc. Money to Loan et lowest rates of interest Oit:nee-Main-St., Exeter R. Carling, B.A. L. H, Dickson MONEY TO LOAN We #have a la:IVO a>raount of pr;.vate titers to loan; on farm and village prop. ert,es at lour rates of interest. GLA,OMAN & STANBURY Rare;stern. Solicitors, Ea'eter. J. SEN Olt Agent Coatederati+on: I4te As.sttrar c Company, also F ,Insurance ;a head- ily; Canadian and ;British Cernpanies. Ma n -St., Exeter. 1.,10ENSED AUCTIONEER W. ANDER nsed Auettt3Eleei for liuro;. County, Terms reasoriable, Daiea can be made at the Advo ate,. Porcher. or Henry tuber's Otrice, Cred. ttot?, T. 11. C ,RI,ING Life, Fire, Accident and Plate Glass Insurance, Collecting a.ecounts, and con. ducting auction sales, Exeter, Crit. 4ial;y B.tts:nese Colleges, cc...... ._ lose for 11-; ea tlt)n dttr:'tty the summer. ;onto. Ont,, does not. NOW °s excellent trine to c4nl,nene8 a t:4lree Wt to ;[or catalogue, Electric Restorer for Men Ph ostliionol restores every nerve fa the body . _..., ;. to its proper tension; restores 'm and vitality, Prematare decay and attsexuai weakness averted at once. xhospbwono2 will make vou a ae5r• man. Price 23a bor.. or two for tope., Mailed tiara ar nod,trQ The aaa U �r rte 4111011,41111g111 interested sad .bond know aeot the wonderroi rival WhiNtna Spray Douche. Ask our druggist for it. if bs cannot supply the MARVEL. accept nO other, . but send; start for hies. trste1, book -sealed. It gives frill; particulars and. directions Invaluable to lmdiaa,'WINDSOIl9UrpaArCO..Wlna General Agents for a;annda.. r. 0a CRO1xARTY--,Itr. and erra. Jaynes Scott, et Crolek'lrty; 5;nnOt2RCq the elte,$,' meet of their only laughter, Elizabeth Cuthill, to Rev. Robert George ,Mclsy 'NI', A.: of: Thamoer»rd. The marriage Will tae place the latter part of June. w a r' Walley' E Ro a• Li e t oo then l P � lz died recently front, a. complication of dis- eases caused, forst from the balloting of a bllood vessel. He leaves a wtfe te chdid He had been tna 'ed wo years, Mrs. 'lioo1eY's maiden nam e was 31iss 'Rider. -Mr, ^Edward Maharr a farther .about 35 year:, of, age, ,residing with.. his e:"'_trtee ort the 12,oinah. Line, two miles went or Whalen was fund lay this sister , n an tt i„conscious condition in l Cs barn, Ue d,!ed shortly a34ex1wardl It was thought at first ',shat tie bad fallen front a scaffold,: but no bruises were found and death was, pro'noti teed due to 'heart failure, A' bit other and a. sister survive., Drs"de Van's Female Pills A4sIlable,Freitob rsigulatorrneverSails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gegeratlye portion of the female system. Refuse alt OOP irptca tions. Mtn de Yaa a aro sold at 1 shalt, or three tor 910. Mailed to any address, Th• Noobe7l* Wing Co., at. lrathatrboes Ont. DO A, NOW It -e 'well known to experienc- et salesmen that the latT;,est. ..std, belt- tet nes. infruittrees is dope during the summer months. Ttie gran first on the ground secures ,the create of the trade, therefore,, SEOI,TRE YOUR AGENCY NOW lit* want a t;'orad relto.blo Man ret titss district because the demand for frust trove never was so good G44d pay, Outfit :tree, Whole ar Part T:an• ngreetttent, and you .r7 present a firm of thirty-five years' experiences with over six hundred c:rtfa of land under cult.vatten. NURS1:RY GO.. Toronto, Ont. CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS ExcuasiONS To Malaita, Saas (aatehew , Mbuta Spers+i Train. lam ToNsto 2,00 p.n. en APRIL 2,11, 30 NAY 14, 21 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 5, 91 AUG. 5, 20 SEPT. S. 11 Setaad chis tides NO Oaruio ria$wu io ptiwtapal Northwest pianism LOW ROUND -TRP RATES Wiwip t aid nitro 334,00; Faeatoa a adt342.uv eau to ethertoat* la ops: in. s ries dais. TOURIST SLEEPtool to (slurs within 60 dotNGCA11 $ throe h to.Fodaaostonvia Sirtabsorio taN ioalPre and oryrt► t arse lila fort* saen. t$. ria Esrly application mus tay,► rollilO creasiatto rain sad M.iu. 1UHY, ONLY DIRECT LIKE FREE TO YOU --MY SISTER RIR TO YOU AMO /EVERY etsTIIR RUFFIR. IMO FROM WOMZkti AfLMEMTf. • 1 are a women. 1 know woman a suftet i its; 1 have found tho euro, E will mail free of exty charge, my hems treat. meet with full inalruotiions to any sufferer from tvomon'8 ailments. I want to tall esti women about this cure- you, m. y reader. for yourself, year daughter your mother, or you;. sister. .I want to toll you daughter, to curd yourself at home without the help of a doctor. Men cannot understand wow, en's sutforings. What vin women know from oa. rtcnce. weknowbottorthan any doctor, 3 know i► tiny home treatment is a safe and sure euro for Le ticorrhcart or WhitishdI discharge, Ulec rsRi o D Is. ptaeensentorPalling oftheWomb,Profuse, Scanty orPaint sal Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or iiroWtbs, alsopatns in thebead, backend bowels. bearingdowufeelings,nervousness. creepinglecI. Ing up the spine, melancholy, desire to cry, bot fiaghee, weariness. kidnsy and bladder troubles where caused by weakness peculiar to our ser. y � $ � x r , c 1 rantto send you a complete l0 daya7treatment Yr'entirely free to prove to. you that you can cure ponrselt at home. easily.euickly: anf&surely. Remember. that it will cost you nothioito give the treatment acomplete trial; and if you should jviahto continne, itwill cost you oulyabout 12 centa a week, or less than two mato a day. It tviltnot Interfere with your work or occupation. .lust send me your namenndaddress. Wilma how you suffer, if you wish, and iwill send you tho treatment for yyourease;entirelygfree. in pllainwrappppeer,b returnmaiL Iwillodsoeendyoufree ofcosi ,mybook-.•WOMAN'SOWNMEDiCALADVlSER witho lanatorrillustrationsshow ing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure.thomselves at home. Everywoman should have it and learn to think for herself. ,Thenwhenthedoctoreays-"Youmuethaveanopera- tion;' youcandeeidoforyourself. 'Tbousandaof women have cured themselves With myhome remedy. It cures at1, old or young. To Mothers of Daughters. 1 will explain a simple home. treatment which speedily and effectually cures; Leneorrhtea, Greet Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation in Young Ladies. Plumpness and health always result from its use. Wherever you live, 1 can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know and will gladly ten' any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all women's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your add tees, and the free ten days' treatment Is yours, also the book. Write to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address MRS:, M. SUMMERS, Box 840 H VbiNDSOR, ONT. • • Mother, please .give us some O--' Pee -thee Ginn Mothers! Give your lit- . tle ones lots of ®-Pee- Ghee gum. -."l hey'll like 1 its delicious flavor, and -it's good' for :them too -far better than.eandy and sweets. 4 Pee -C1 ee : Guzn.. aids. digestion, keeps th e teeth in good condition P, . and leaves a delightful a' feeling: of purity and freshness i i the mouth, C.)Pee-thee Gum Co., Ltd LONDON. CANADA SUNSHINE FURNACE Sold by ' , Hawkins & Son ST, MARY d. -A btcAw^ coupling ,alt ;y et4# of slight abraa4on "tat tits forehead and shin ca ' � fL, lat'ass se „caused a on tate T1Atktnrrta, a. raw days„ ages Blood pfxlsening set a'dbd resulted In 7t,.1s death on Frday. woQDI'aM i on May 28 avery!prettywedding Was solernfl zed at the t471 -r0 of. 'the, br_de's' iparents, 1t Sr. and f72rls.; Gear.;ta F 'M r-, phy, '4 ebdtlata. when thein^ daugtt,ter,'J Katie, was united �t ma ra,a e 'to bTx: T H. Douba for Omtemne lOntn : Bev C, 'Fletcher ' of the Iiirkton Presiiyteriad ehttrcit otinclated. After con gratuiat:,ons, Alt reltatred Rc the, ii' -hilt` g r olx r where the -Wedding luzicheon was datntiY sere- ed"by thesister* tto bride. !the many neatly and 1'.ands rte. presents showed t-ne esteem in which the brig* asl held., The groo`n's g?'t was, a gold, watch and c-ha2n, : CLINTON-Aq,uiet zr_arrisge was cele- brated at the benne of, lir- nand Charles, Hey'lat' on Fxida'Y, at, 6 o'cleeJc' 'viten Miss Enlgly Hall,, of Toronto, be- cararK the bride, of VSs, Reward Porte-, Tne happy couple expect t,a reside in Toronto. E'F7N12ALL, Rlra, Jas, 13onthtlan,ls visiting Iter.lrar rntti !n Wateriatrr--) ra., Bartlett, trate aaterly }ileal LQ1t. Titgatalpticlz. to ;at the flotlls or her mother, hero. 'uerl4usIj 11t R. Reek or. Loudon Is EsPelul,tr, GW!' d;a e. bite, tetteat. Qt Ws, ,tw.,'v dle* side Al, Fatkbg n and bride loft ter ti : wt?st last week, They Will reatlaitt iti ere sornetlrrl's visiting rclaUrrea.-Wnsai I tit anti o't Fa.°rt;rrave, bide., lett,l bonus last 'week, alftervlsitnn., with Il. 13ryedate sold other rclatfves1 3a thio sec-' tion, -Our station burneddow.ttl,laat weelt. -see rtecesWrt in another column. Leat wok 3ohrn Stewart, while a.t work :n lade baht, had an attack qt henxarrhage on the brain, which, alttyough :t con, finaxi halt to bin bed, was that at r:rst considered -sotto -us. d. couple or daytf a, o, 1.1awever, be became unconscious and lean rent`utned ao, 'and :t ;a tear, ed that :blit lLttlq hopes of Tecovery can ba enterta+tned.--x.aat Sunday the Tlear- ed:sts and Preabyteraarts sof Milan 11 woralrlped together. In the morniaeg the eel'viec was held in. Carnet Church and do tho eventnt T.int tho bfettrodlut. Church. Rev. D. Me L. preached on. boll. occasions. A young larly trionl Scotland who earns out tea tits country to Jio marriled, ar. rived acre Thursday evening, and 1e! thea' trunk, tcontainf.Zg her wedding Pout- fit out-fit and -several, valuable prosentu, in tbo, utatlolt ever nss'hh, 'w'as greatly, hors:- tied, to rind thn.tj they( had been destroyed by the tire.-afrs. Barnett of Chatham who has been aTtegbi.ktig with' her :mother, dra. rTThormason, for .a few daya, has been attacked by a toward illness which causes ber relatives ntuch ausleky.- Fred. McDoueell, vallo has had charge or (the central Ball and, rural, te1opholtei bffloo Dnr the p'wet ,four years, has re- signed and luetbenenl ora hero moving the outfit ':71t'a George Scott's: sroceiiy. r.. SBAFORTH-.James L, Iiitoran, bar -1 rieter of .this tovnir and Miss ylolet Carn eron at Victoria, 'f,C,, were ri armed In,' the church` of the Iola* Rosary in Torr ont9a.June 5, They Alit reside _n Ood- ericlt. . MITCHELL -'sir. Norman E ore, G. T R., agent at 'Brantford. and sot,, of mfr, e station J Dare, (� ., G. T. s x n J. H. f h, B t Church, 3TC, kit lzas, b en a resident; of ` `r -o Windy Oily, rr tiere, was unttod 16 ntatr:nittoy ire Wat- and has a good position kerton at ;arm o'clock Wednesday, to Tisa N. A. Schue ler. iS J LETT-MT, and gra. iFI ki. Balt of Fairview Farm, Mullett, a.ttrt,aunca. the tntgage,ment a.". their daughter, Bella Beatrice, to Mr. W. 5, Reginald Holmes of Ctihtnn. The snarl-loge-vri3 take place at their resilience on. June the .19th. MITCHELL, -Nr. 'Thomas P. King,. yourgent on of gr. al,nd, Mrs. M.. King of this town, was married, on Jisne, drill, to Mlse Frances A. Leech, The. lnaa `^age took place ';n St, Ansie t .s MARYS-One of the rtuast highly � s taected, atxd `hest Witre,,n, rile and a Pioneer 'a1 rite: district lin the pe fnOIr et Mr. Wen, Flesher Sanderson. passed or'; Ttt*r dslY' A 5rraltd. `-L Man, aid, at the . e cif' 7 6 '-ears seiient, liottttis alai feOrteen days. 3tt, Se,:rite=., Rota held an zay important portanat peal*tenet dttr.. atilt lilts rEs:deuce illi Bt nahard, ae cowl - tor. rr Cit* a td climbed, the, ladder tie in..) deli of .the. Ceutuy of Perth.. SF1 RTH.- Mr aitd airs,, M. Will' tarns, Seatorth, Qnt,, announce the en, ,ai;ement or their dau;hte'`,fay ua ':fr., Joh:t Dorsey', of Dulutn, tiler,. , The irttrra;o w111 take place the latter Part of putt . 'tll`t 'Hh' J --on Tuesday, at 1:? Flu nyyZt7', rl very pretty •Marriage took place at .the home ot and, lsrs, J. H. Dore, at the G. T.,•It, stattyan,'when their charming daughter. Miss Maud Dore was Irtarr vd to M&', HaIry R9t1ert5of, G,., T F.. re ducti r, Who Tuns out. of Stratford., LINTON--Til,'1 towit was a ant alalstI ed eatxly Tuesday dl1'ortk Ta by the loutl cls tan of lire fire ttlln# tttd test tat- vaatlgat o t .3 s .f'aysnct t alt ue I4 t tiro„ efout4 and of We. astut 1luntes. The build' sem. the .lira had gotten dtxvay' before the brigade It "Arai almost completely oecupled r3„ torla.. stree tag being too 5111341 luppcaiol ,tad jdestroyed, . The build t>cl+onS'ed, Thos. Tfaxshatl and there was a small lnsuraneo on: It, ZURICH. Mass Idella F'fwho r of Berlin is ruts- 3ttnfi hot parents, 1,1;r. and firs: Oswald > isher. Mf as .Cerra, Sternbach return- ed from Detrolit to upend ;the .surntner st the hone bit tiler..mother, Mrs." J. Ct Kalbtlelsch Mr. .Albert Schnell of the West Is visiting with h.Ls• father, 3Tr4 John H. Schnell. Mrs. Henry Grab had the misfortune Ion Tuesday meriting or breaking her leg by1 fa.iltng aga Inst the stove in' her,k&tchen. Tho break '_'s a, sop- Ions ea -ions one near, the) hip joint. She Is over seventy years of ske., Edward,Ducharmb of the Bronson Line, son, of Peter Du -1 charms and, Maas Florence{ Foster; dough ter of 3,oseph,, Foster, were marred an' St. Boniface church Luesda.y of last week by Father Stroedea. ,The young couple took a 'wed,ding trip to Detroit. There is a prospect hof having'. a branch of the Jacktson iVtanufacturint; Company of Clinton started, lil to'writ.-Rev. C. X. Koepke, the newly appointed; nitse:onasy to Regina, Sask., by 'this Evangelical church,.:preached' ,here Sunday morning and at 14th coir.. in the afternoon. IN M MOREAN In memory "of John Cultningham, son Of Mr. and, Mrs. B;., Cunniinghant, who diied-on Mary 8,tjty, 191,2,: aged 14 years 5 months. and ,24 dat'ys.' ., Jesus has Tailed,'iaur John away, No nla're dei +thils riia?'ke •srmful world to stay. He has • gone ,tla dwell in mansions above, Where . all ;is blessedness slid 'love. He was indeed a nweeti precious if1ower More 'fit- tto blotinnEth Edens ;bower, Thio father had plucked tniiic" w:tlil his hand. To bloom and ;gro,wl, in a faire, land.. Truly you'll nits. deist prattle and, song But, father• and inlother,'?twtili Not be lallw I _leel very reure that John .will filll, you `lath, enter the pearly gate. Just think how his eyes 'will sparkle waltih lee, hen with vision he arils see That papa and .mamma walk hand in: hand And will surely nlc ton that Hcavetilyi land. Dc,iar falter and znotheil do not repine Your irttle Jewel pa 13leave 'cloth 'shine And strip-kena !Fn rtwee hes harp ot. Iw p p gold S3is; 1-ovin Savtihur ,hn ;doe _• behold. And Ch the fitiejnds that loved ':hire .so r Gad bless tihean, ono :and ail, And stay tt s ever ready be When Christ iii" them- shall ,ca11 GRANTONcon&tegat.atl ir'a smilled \vednoaday avenin to lite Anzllcan Char h, tlt.e occasion "beMg the induction alt lila new rector, Rev:' W. J. Eccleston. EvenIng prayer was said by Rev, G, W. 'ttacey, of Klrkbon Rev, Archdeacon Richardson orfic!ated at the Induction sergeand preached a epental sertrrint Ee.1r,O11,TH-W*rd Was received hero. tin Thursday or the death ecu Detroit of Msa Charlotte Shaw', daughter of the late Wnu Shave, of Seattorth, The ennins-;Aero brought to Seaforth tor ;interment ':n Mottland Bank cemetery. CLINTON-.A. very pretty 'wedding was iaolensntzed at the home Of ;lir. and 'Mrs.' Charles Beyler, on Thursday even- ins at 0 ;o'cIlarlc, *When I.Itss Emily ITnll, of T;oorohto, became the wife or Mr, Howard 'Porter. The ceremony was pdrfortned by Rev. T. Wesley ICosens it the presence Oct the',tnmed11ate relat- fives. ti-BER•0 7RKfL uwasn. NfA,BTeRs0. 01" 11 ROOFING yak T. I . Ray t .ears Y Seam -ready Suits To ssiclaT Doter iF THERE is ao Se5.'s-ieady wore In • 9etr Ms,9 you may have 2 S¢mi-tcadr suit made to your ;pedal eider horn p* terns, $end for Xlne's Own" sere0 win. at $20, with stria book sad ice- measuring :foray. Gnaraateed,. Soli at the same price ereryw!hrre ig fisisadt' Have ti ve roe otos ,e style boots, 51i3 . ileo fat you et toad - ready wawa. wa. rte, 182 I?undaa St . Lon Once you taste ,' ' tf 'you will never he satisfied with any other. You'1' fund that the sparkling, delicate Mover of unequalled. costs no more than the ordin. ary brands. Order today, from your dealer or ;direct from the brewery. r ®'HN LABATT, LIMIT,E111) LONDON, CANADA. +i NATURE'S ESSENCE e. Extracted From Forest Plants, Nature's laws are perfect, but disease follows if these laws are not obeyed. Go straight to nature for the euro, to the forest; there are mysteries here thot we eat fathom for you. Take the bark of the wild -cherry tree, the root of mandrakes efaille, Oregon grope root, queen's root, bloodroot and golden seal, ma:.o a scien• tifio, non-alcoholic extract of them with just the right proportions and you have Doctor Pierce's Golden 11Hediicaill Discovery. It took Dr. Pierce, with the .assistance of two learned chemists, eight years of hard work experimenting to make .this pure glyceric extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency and without the use of a particle of alcohol. .lust the .sort of remedy you need to maim rich, red blood, and cure that lasit de and feeling of nerve exhaustion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery hearsthe stamp of Pvortc APPROVAL and has sold more largely in the past forty years than any other, blood purifier and: stomach tonin. "some time ago I got out of health -my stomach seemed to b. the seat of the trouble," writes Mn. Ezttt WzMaissts. of PeS utile, Kans. 1 commenced to doctor with all the doctors at Moateas wtil as with.. other specialists on stomach and digestive organs. None ..erred to do any good -in fact. most of the medicines did me harm. I' oelly, .I wrote to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. who replied, stating that I had liver com- plaint with indigestion and constipation. and advised Dr. 'Pierces golden Medical Discovery and •Ptr..grtnt Pellets, The 'Discovery' and 'Pellets.' have 'put me onnny feet again' - seemed to be just what I needed. I could not have recovered without them.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasene'Pellets are for divot • ills. is strongly fire -resisting - rated first-class by Fire Insurance Com- panies. It will not Ignite: from sparks or burning brands, and has saved many a building. Made in 3 Permanent Colors -Rad, Brown, Green -and in natural Slate. Soli Canadian Mfrs. 78 THESTANDARDPAINTCO. ,I Caaaia. Linhlted. Montrea 1. The Dashwood Planing Mills Co., Limited. DA8HWOOD Home Study Thousands of alnbitious ,young people are being instructed • in their I--iome Study Dept. You may finish at ,College if yoti desire Pay whenever you Wish. Thirty Years' •Esperaence. Largest train-. ers n Canada. Enter any day Pos:htirons guaranteed. 'If you wish tai save board and learn while you'- earn, write for part culare. ' . NO- VACATION Cintori Bus8Ktess College GEO. SPOTTON - B. F. WARD • ..President - Principel Bus, Dray and Teaming • Business Your order's in our line will be attended to quickly and -satisfac- torily. S'Ve are here to please tile`'. public needing anything in oar 1l.ne, and we ask a trial from you., Orders s Ieft' by pal 'one or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE', PHONE ; 25, will ,,receive prbanpt aittention, e' G. , rec, E: WLLLLAMS. Esq.