HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-6, Page 8EXETER .ABITUGATEs THURSDAY, JUNE
BF 1a12
ca.&' Ge•J 4AOH WEDNE`.
tt4,ct , •,• 1 03 q 03.
Bark v ,.. ,,. is 70
Buck ,via ,65 70
Potatoes. per bag , 1 at1. ' 1 60
ay, per >u•,•, 1400 515 00
Flour, pet •twt., family
Dieu', .,rade per c'sv
Liveho p . per oWt• ,...
Shorts per ton,
Bran per rozs . ,.,.,...
Sugar Beet, aneal,.,.,„,,,,.
2l '21
$28 00
25 00
2fn. 00
On iG":I1=am Street, Exeter;
Any” see? de-
eel ing oew cream separator will dp
wel'- to pail at the Exeter )3ar•sain Store
and see tee Premier: This tai one of the
best mid easiest r entlin,g sepa„"atinre
the market. Colne iia and let us talk
it aver with you.
W. :S i. BLATCRFOR 7, fleeter.
t.ira,exa Coats and pasters for
men and Worrier** 4145.t. the
thing to says; your new 'clothes
at $a.5,0 to'*5.QO.--Stawart's.
tlQl Salnidr3 neght It takes' three bites
'snr a lady to ;eat a chit€elate, book On
14losnda}' aa.oriihvr silo can hold elx cloth"
in tier rnp4th at once,
aw and Panama Hats it?
stypes txt poises that
your pocket,.. Stew-.
pip,ice is hereby given that the Annual
Salt l � -�
� t the kgete, ;;,..t weIQ Co;
tie Ql ba » e'd ,in the Town Hall, Butte;
on 'nsord4 ' Jute 1,C ,i, at 2 a"eloele P.
ann, for the, tteneact;°an of ges:eral btn9:-
flees, T. 13. Carling, Secretary,
Ldie B
a sI act Cotton Hose:'
ides 8 tO 10. Fast Black and
fashioned. Special for
eek. 2 pain for 25c.
•ItQckS1,IRez~ a t;+aru Ivo ,lz tna.
o,o00,000, acccordr7
T;o d;ssolutioto u
'npaal3, is Is said,
$aOU,000,Q00 to the value o3
Ito c l It*raga toa}a holdings in the pat3t
yr r x e 'la r is 160,000,000 a
0140 R 141:ant,
About 20 I. +os Suits - all.
sixes, Regular $1 6.50 to 11).00
All this Season's Styles, to
this week at $12,75 --
The Independent Order of FaToeters
oat Qaurt Exeter 122 wilt attend tit elite
worship in 'the Trivitt iNiemarial Church
on Sunday Juno 16tle at la o'clock'?.
Id. Foresters aro requested to meet at,
the longe molt, at 10,20 sharp.
MAID WANTED—Apply to Mre.'CG'.G.
Waugh, Exeter.
LOST --A pearl breoch, on Sunday, May
113th,- :between the Power .House and
Janes Street church, Reward to Cri-
der who will confer a favor by return-
ing same to Dr. Rouleton.
�csJa<.MRr,Ar aL'3c wry aS,,w..At
Sr. es,.leb' Heywood had a valuable cow
die on Friday last,
A rnan may prase a .woman'€ ,pie,
bet brat - no; shits he will eat it.
EIe s a Peter frOod who will not
stand by you.'unt`l your last dollar iq
No see r;ls, tol kr` !z15 it's up to ,hint
to be as „oodt as he this Wks others ought
to be.
:4 large nuer of. Exeter, people at-
tended the eereTbiebratf itr Dashwood on
Toe coultel sits in Court of Revielpn
Friday 'night. There are very few
'lsp° ls, fer,
WWe are pleased toj see }fr. k3 P'oli`sh
Agan able to take, hie inorniana; walk to
the post office
The Ki4otrs 13ir•thday June rata, was
;toe .Qbserved,as a Pt??l`.k: holiday h1°
ter, except the banks,
Mr. N. D. Hurdoni d•4 not -forget lairs
usetrt salute of twetnty one ,guile ;,;2• the
early Mornierg of then Is.,:tiR's. Dirtladay.
:Wire. Mary Sanders, William Street,
ass b e^e, quite In for several days. ,but
we are pleased tol note that she ?$" k
coy er _,.a
Tine ¥ethod;sr ala:.aisteru are, ties 'week
attend°s1g the secs enc of Ole 'London
Confeeeeee wheth is nererin?. ^,l St'
an s a so;•ry dam• for a young Wean
v no ranrnot Ree, any Qppmr twgt:es where
`s,. but who, only sees chalices some-
wiee'e else,
ba;id 7gdvea pleasing, ctpen-air eon;.
nt< Fr;day even f°J, and on Moll-
s to Peed -metal; to furn.'sh music
hs bi .celebrat;oh.
3}14 wou1d
u.r _
y seal 111 en
nee a little w7i.lte' of egg, An en
fastened thus cannot spew
Stout tearing, eveln', If It is etearnr
the Pxe eat t aznne there e is no lesitr-
rte excuse rot' attel strong' healthy Haan
'tee out or work. Ernnlrloyere or .labor
"sing broadcast for lteTp, and
beUex ww tee than have ever
rq 048' pact 4f
To i,ntended;June brides, wires have not.
already ordered their invitations and
anneunccmcnts from the.AD41OcATe, We
would like rtu say, t1. at ,we ,havq;an" ex-
cellent .assortment of stationers
Lin cabinets, etc., printed to_y' ur liking
at. a •very reasonable! cost.
A reactionary storm, period falls on the
1lth, 32th and 13th, precisely at the
erases of electric and magnetic excite-
ment. On the 11th the north magnetic
pole of the Bas1t3 inttal tes fts,]east angle
to the Sun's equator, thereby intensify-
og the electric and magnetic forces
throughout the earth and '_ts at<inos
'pee. Hence ,many phenomena of ih:s
character w11 mark this period. After-
noon rains and thunder steelas will be
frequent and v;.olent, continuing for days
partly obliterating the interval betweenn
-the storm per:lads. New Moon the 15th
well keep up the teirrperature, depress
the barometer .anti help` to prolong the
threatening conditions. The 12th to the
18th _e a ,sei!smic and volcanic period,
central on the 15th. ,,,
Dela wa9re, Lackawanna
and, Western Coma
scasmTo� coag
The best hard ' coal .mined .
Burns to a whiteash.
W a LE ETT',:;...
Getting into the Home
Women buy more ,than :
two-thirds the merchan-
erchan dise solci`'ih retail -stores
and eve !iYwarn an ,e"teads
thcClaa1'it Ads.
C9t spaperge s^'I othe
d es and h1R1=iNant
will r t 4a°aa .:
t,3an wars .:nada In the
flatIt4 ( thel T'Iore<tde,
Joseph Cobbled;e of,
Calgary, foyrnerly of Ezet .err, is to
is rnaonth,, W e , have sin
eel ttsat her s.stor, ;suss Vera,'wlll
Ise ra'arr d at the eatrne time,
The 11:ddleeex ,Light Infantry with
I eadquarters at Strathroy, will rnareh
from Landon to Goddrielh att. foot, start-
ing June 17. The dista,Yni e ie 00 ;miles
and. as the reanent will carry practi-
cally all its tztares and ,prcavlsions, it
wilt take 5 days.
Mrs. MeTayishoof Shakespeare, wino
has been ;visiting :with her parents, lir.
and :Afro. Jolua W. Tayler, and who has
been threatened wittr'ant attack of appen-
d,eitis, has lieuriy recover•ee/ aid the
nurse, :Woo l3arter, returned; tn, her home
in. London Tuesday. ,
.A: strange clergyman :preaching ln,ln
country church ou a. recepzat ,Sunday.',,
noticing the choir eseatrs were unoccupied.
when the tmya o' beginning the service
arrvcd, rose and remarked t --I see all
the singers are absent this mor'nLng,.
Let the congregation rise and using
'Praise God from Whom all Blessings
Mr. Sam.'.J. Latta, editor of the Gov-
an, Sask., Prairie News is, againt
the Liberal candidate in Last Mount-
ain, for the coming, elections in Sask-
atchewan. "Sam" is .a native of Huron
County and was formerly a teacher'.
In Stephen 'and 1''h Zuoich ales for a
number of years clerk of Hay Townah£p
He was defeated, els tra 1908 election.
fr. W.,11 Beseett visited Wa:skada re-
cently and has now accepted, arranger
menta evnereby he is entering, the firm
of Lawrence Bros„ General, Merchants
ar that town. He expects .to move as
Soon as possible, and reels that his
business prospects aregond in that
thriving little burgh.--Cttystal ` City
Courier. I
' The sale of Lkiuote of -,any kindis pro-
lkbted in military camps, and it '_,s said
that during this season's can p a•strict
watch, will be kept for any "private
supplies" being brought into the lines.
Canteens were abolished lase year, and
although It is 'stated that drunkenness
:;n camps adjacent, to cities increased,
they will not be permitted this year.
It would be well iE those operating
and speeditng automobiles would re-
member theirspeed is limited cby •iavr
If they remembered this when passing
through town .t might be satisfactory,
The .speed irrnib en towns is'15 mites
an hour, which Is going some. It is
better to take precautions before an ac-
cident ,occurs:
Mr. Wan, Cornish, London, Road, South
on Saturday bought the, John Salter
property 4n the 43a{ane, rop..d., Mr. • and
Mrs. Salter ,also hail;' a sale of their
household effects -and,.left Tuesday for
Toronto When they will reside. ,They
have ;the best wishes' of their many
friends in Exec ter. Mr. Wim. Satter of
Toronto and Alf. Salter of London
were upon Saturday, faor the sale.
The Assistant Receiver General, • To-
ronto, announces that - drilled; niarhred
or bent coons are only worth 75 aper,
cent: of thein' ,face value, Don't accept
them in, payment (of bills or in making
change.' If you 'get, them don'tput them
on your church collectrbn plate. Coins
worn ,; smooth. in circulation are worth
Lull 'value. trohnr,nidn one and two dol-
lar bills If mutilated, : and ;still nave
three-fifths remaining, are _accepted at
full value. If two-fifths . remain one -
,half fate value w:11 be. paid.
The sole object of, advertising is to
draw custom and it ,was designed for
na other purpose, ,ed when the ;dull sear
son comes. along and ,fihere•is ho trade
t' • is the level. headed ,mlarcliant „Who
schemes to put In a better advertisement
than ever to scoopt Cal ail the trade while
hr s neighbors .are making mortgages to'
'pay • the' electric light bill. The mer-
chest whor waits until his storals. full
a:. custonlars before hie th,nka h ran
afford to advertteeLfi'i „ true
best reaulte yV `
you w,:1t fail
sett: thetic s hat .Y0
n �iis� ri IC�t' 7
� aarrs�
rla!t 1n5 r9
atlas S 'ra?z Sveeet wasiz , London
Musts A4nnie'Seldoni o. Ingersoll is vis-
.t1ng relatives here.
lie es a. siiecedAilul farmer who is
able to raise a mortgage.
Miles 4tt?el, ti3rrestr lig of Lucknow• vis-..
;ted ,her parents ther0 this week.
'-'dr. ,Snits •P;owell was:, in Sarnia Sun-
day to see,Aire. Powell who is W.
Sirs, Speed and little) Woo binges of
podia speed the holidays: with Mrs.
Mess. Clara Davis has accepted a po
t!bn itn Ingersoll` apd left for that
place on Monday.
Mr, and `hen's. E, totL'r C left }ester'e
day to visit their 4:ugintele a$ West
Lorne, .t_ss Fpllick le - t the same
morning .to visit, Oil London.
Dr. Seliei-y of 1- ens -,11• was. -fere Friday
with his new auto. Ira; Seilery, and her
mother, Mrs. Wm. 'Silo_ r calve down with
hfin and visited, Mrs, T, ICernick.
Mrs. Ea J. Spackman and ser dau
getter, Mts. ."Fohnspn and little soil,
'efurray of ronto are spending a few
days with '_ter. and. Airs; xohzi Spaek-
n 'Ir. W. D. Clarke holidayed in London
Mani s week,
Mr. Walter Wiemer of London was ial
town over Sunday.
I.Irs, D. Jol+.lia left, Friday morning to
rivet her daughter in Soria a.,
Mise Delight Hobbs is visiting .her
s'•ster, Mrs. Smell, in Eaelex,, .
ylr. Harry Statham, wife and child.
of Acton are vesitingt relatives here.
:airs, Wm. Da,v.rs and tiers, :Art Bel-
back of London Y`zsitedi here this week:
litre, Taft of ,gpent a Sew .days
of this week with her ,brother, ;Mr. C
I.+Irs, W. Weetaway alnd eh:1d of Align-.
res �
t l re t ue _ it Mrs,
he t And ;err
4, J. Ford,
Mrs. Ed. Jones left Saturday tori.
London whaore .sire f:Yii`eg,9' Making her
future home,
Mrs. Cottee~ and e_hilde of Cleveland are
here v1s tieg, the reamer's lopther, Mrs.
T. Gregor+,
Mx. Wan. Dew of Wales, N.D., was
here attenndiag the funeral of Mrs. John
Dew on `Sunday.
?airs, Chas, Gilbert of Taiba.tville vis-
ited .her sister, AL's• John Spackniete,
over the holiday.
Mr, Kerns of the I3a3 k o$ Corotheree
was in Torlanto Con the week end, and
Stanley- Fisher was in Dundas.
Messrs, I,. R. Carling', Tom Carling,.
W, H. Levett and 4. `Q Bob=ei' autoed
to I ndon 4NIonda'y with+ S. Cr. Bowden,
Vitra. Geo, Crawley atteaadedi the funeral
or incl^ aunt, Mrs., iIansford, at Strathro *
ozr Friday, she having cried rather rand-
3Ir, ,F *1 i,Spacknsata is visiting' in Ott-
arra, We understand that Marl will re-
aurne h°3 old poaltian :in "the Molsonsi
Bank in, Otis:welt , t
Mr. and AIrs,. James nerfib a of
3�,.._lrS'sgi3le, former residents of Exeter,
flaw just. x taaxiled, tt`o l u. sojourn at
ti cs'. winter home in, California.
Mrs. Jarnes Singular, who Is residing;
here ,veth Airs. Wen. Bagshaw, passed
:ger 03,st birthday ' on May ,2 th, and
kindly indly remembered, by her rriends,
v: hcq sent her.twenty-four birthday postal
fdr, and Mts..; J,Ct'1de-a and dauZb,
er, Miss,Glalys,.op' LOndere, were guests
of tri ,and' ivlrs, 7\ Mr, II vkahaty -F'rw-
day: last, 4r:?avine,ntpteredl.up, Mss Byres
Hawksirpw acceellpaln;led thenn on thein
return a•;d w1 Welt for, a rev, days,
tilt, and airs, Ifawles;nafrr are now sa-
jour n'aas at Grafl1 Berd.
sirs, Snnale returned las #: week, iron)'
a several weeks' via tt with, reketixe$ Mid
r:r.tids at "far3ette Nidi Oxford, ;Bich.,
While � r she
In,.lo ntnitltP' est the, i'o riser -.place �. _
spilt a. X'e'w da'ya at the home, of lrr.
'tilos. Duneford, a xormer and x`ell-
known reeTdeiti of Hay, TPvc,ap rip, whP a
tew weeks ago ways appointed to the
r Co
rt:aPons:tile positlota a I�iglh,'way nn-
tns.ss(ouer• for t'.n,$ 'tow!n of Marlette.
That tie duties ot, tiro ortice 'wlil be
well and fail-4f1411Y looked .atter soee
;Uncut saying, arid, tbei c tize3aa of %IaT-
may cel1Rratulata themselves on se-
e•cur visa 13;401 a trustworthy and faithful
,r /las arrived
Extra, good feed
Exeter, Ontari
Willie Birley ,returaaed Saturday from
CrataaHere bas beerr atte
the bust<nese college. Re has accepted a
position with: l,iessre. Harvey 13ros. to
stake charge et the .Qtf,_ce dutlee,
Furniture And
You will always find this
store with up-to-date furniture
and with a desire to please
every one.
$. H. RocuE
Undertaker and License
The Exeter Bargain
Is filled right up with ' goods at slaughter prices.
Any piece of dress goods in the store at half price.
Silks, Lace Curtains, Embroideries Ribons, Laces, Rate and Gaps, Ten.
dozen Men's fancy vests all of these at half price.
Hosery, Sox, Underwear, Gloves at Bargain prices.
Boots and Shoes all at reduced prices.
A stock of Men's ready made suits just received this week.
The- Exeter Bargain.,,. Store
1 door north of Post Office
Big Variety Store
Toothpaste and brush at 25 centls.
Talcum Powder at 20c cents.
Dolls and perfume at 15 cents.
Beaut_ettil china for, weddings and B,Irt'hday gifts.
Picture post cards to clear at . 10 ''cents a dozen.
Watch our windows, and .come often to see us.
Our List of Farmin: Supplies
g PP es
Carload of Brockville Buggies
Carload of Dominion Buggies
Oliver Corn Cultivators.
with Bean Harvester Attachments
John Deere Corn Cultivators _ j a
John•Deere Single and Double Riding Plows
Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys
B. T. Litter Carrier's
De Laval Cream Separators =•
Blue Bell Cream Separators
Toronto Wind Mills
with pumps piping and water
Baker Wind Mills P, p ' p p basins in�tahed in barns
Fleury Plows '
Success Manure Spreaders
Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plows
Machine Oil and Cream Separator Oil';
Full lite of McCormick"Tillage and Harvesting Machines—Binders,' Mowers
Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, Spreaders
hatham, Woodstock and Jackson Wagons `
:Drills .
�2•DIsc Harrows
t a5oline.Engines
Binder Twine
Atrerican Clover Buncher—can be attached to art mower, and .i
convenient,tatnd8clever- clover -:saver ` L£ - " s a Very
Repairs of all lcrttis o-Frr`'I
Repairing pronaptlq attentded
mower operates it;
Ygu wilt bo surprised and delighted to see the
great variety
and excellence of our stock of
`arose,; :maim
les ware, Silverware,
It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for
you. We ask you only to visit our store and see for yourselves.
A. Wiarchand, Eieter
Jeweler 46 Optician
Notice To
Well Drilling
lPe aro dealers and manufacturers
Our apparatus has been thoroughly
tested. and found satisfactory in every
General caatinge, piping, tubing,
etc., on hand.
Cement Silo forms manufactured.
Particulars on application to
J. Murray & Son
t'tto Popinlar verdict. It's fame Ilke
the sturdiness of a. well rooted and
grounded tarn ,e enduring.
.s distinctive to that special brand
sold hone, Don't chance some other, but
f.nsist on our trade heart. To be safe.
buy Lae.
It you want feed wo can suPPIY you,
wo 'have Bran, Shorts, Oat, feed wIl'at
and .several other reede,
NO 32
We are right into Su:lnmer. It is going to be warm.
Get ready. We have all kinds of goods to keep you kool
In all shades—either plain or
fancy. They are real good for
this summer wear. '
Some entirely new designs` and
colors are shown here. One of
the goo dth2ngs tor this year's
In white colored or- fancy a
nice coal i3reea for a, very small
A big variety, ore • the -daintiest.
--walsts we have ever, -shown. Fancy
or Talitor effects aro,, good;, We
have them all. .
For the June Brides
All the deiipatel shades ofDress
Goods are hire for you in the
finest of fabrics. See them be-
fore you buy.
All kinds to chjoose from- short
three-quarter or Yong,- gloves
Sitlk 'or Lisle. Ala;o Fancy :;Iiot
wry in Silk, Lisle' or Cotton
Fitt for any bride. Beautiful dis-
play of Fancy Nffktgowns, Skirts'
Corset Covers, Princess Slips and
Drawers. 1'
No :tw(o'shifts, All different. 'You
must see them td know how nicd
they are. P Ices 25c to $3.50.
B1 g =sell m. ` of all 'oar summer
ata ' Novr: s tY tier o
-+e tl sup
zur sumnier hat.
Straw and Panama Miter,
Sh,.rte, ' Collars, 'and' Ties
Htrsc, tinderwe r, Suspenders
Suite and Su!itings.'
guar tcrs or the celebrated E n.forc : Cloth
w- Aa