HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-6-6, Page 5DENT'AL
r, G. F. RO!ITLSTON,' L.D:S., D.D.S.
Member of the R,C.D.S. of Ontario and
Honor "Graduate" of Toronto University:.
Corti Over Dickson `& CarIing's ° law
office. Closed'Wednesday afternoons.'`
Dut, A. R. KINSMAN, L.D,S•, D.D.S.,
honor^Graduate or Toronto University,
''�?"` DENTIST
Teeth extracted without pain, or any
bad effects.' OWce' over Gladman &
Stanbury s Off:�ce, Maim Street, Exeter.
Notaries, Co v r Cots,
SasliCltt�ra, h t s, n eyance s,
mission ers. Solicitors_ for tare Moisons
Bark. etc. ..
atones' td Loan at lowest rates of intereet
Offices --Ste :In -St,, Exeter
I, R,'Caxlieg, B.A,.. L. H. Dickson
u rlvate
We v aa-" amount of
:have a large mo t P
funds to loan on farad and village prop-
erties at low rates of interest..
l3arresters, Solicitors, - Ereter.
'gent Confederation Leto Assurance
Co'npany, also Ease Insurance +n lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Masa-St., Exeter,
t4.-4NDER$ON, Licensed Auctioneer
Heron Umtata. Terms reasottable.
Dates can be made at the Advo„ate,
Exeter. or Henry bliltter!e Office, Cred-
Mr, -John Greasen pi's suffering tom
a severe attack ;of blood' po-�soning. One,`
day last 'reek w,lv_1e sawing; Weed he
sustained an'tcntjuxy td hes ha�id which
developed Into blood po1soning' which
has one khr'ottgh hlaf. system, and. ha
has been very 1,o`vr Hee, ree'overy hes
been doubtful for several days.
Lite, Fire. Accident and Plate Glees
Insurance, Collecting accounts• and con-
deetine aurtton sales. -�- Exeter, Ont.
Stymy Bua:ateea Colfegea close tar va-
cation during the stammer,
l°oronto, Ont„ daQa not, NOW .a ao
4 rcelient. Cane to Commence a course
Wrote for catalogue,
Electric Restorer for Men
tohasPhonpjrestvres-everynerve.in the body
.._.,....,........,to its proper tension ; rextores
+aini aid
:ably; Premature decay and all sexual
torted et once, thosphopol will
a new man. Price $3 a box. or two for
lied to any address. 'The, SeobeIl,Drag
Caasharines. Ont.
ve woman
le interned and Aboald know
about the wondorfhl
Marvel Whirling Spray
Ant Tone drogsist; for
U. If be cannot Papply
Wo 4IARV1L, accept no
other bot send atomp for Illus-
trated book—aeslod. IIt gives Sti11
perUculare and directions ,Ianalaable
to ladies, •Ifl"DSORSUPFL1 CO„ Wln
General Agents for Canada.
To. farmers
^ ELECTRIC ' B. 0412, as a standard
bred trott?ng. stallion of tine pedigree
and reeord, -w aI leave his own stable
at Clandeboye Monday and :.goes to
Denfield and Ildertort; Tuesday to Barr
and Lucan ; Wednesday to Jos. .Arai
etagea and Centralia; Thursday Tome,.
E. SIMPSO ', Prop.; R. STWZON, Man,
LORD ' SHARP, 11413, a pure bred
nlpRrted Clydesdale, wail -known as a
vv stable,
h� own s a
o --� tt '1 leave i
at cl..,e er, will s ,
Uebor:iie, Lot 14, Con. 8, on Monday' aid
go to W;rn. Rowcl:tle's and Centralia;
Tuesday t o Nelson, Baker's.and 'Morgati
Dickaon's; Wednesday to Pat Boyle',s'
and Clandeboye ; Thursday to John Me-
Laughlin's and T, Morley'�s Friday to
bfeivlile Sidianer'a and home; Saturday
to John Allison's and home. George
Coward, Proprietor and Manager:
TFIOMAS CARL'YL.E, No, 13,8'49, 13,
11d, ea a pure bred Imported Clydee-
slate- stalleort, a noted 4911 aR the markt
Them.aa, 'w°:tth an excellent pedigree and
a cine record as a .foal getter, He will
stand for mares this season at his own
stable. CerttraM'n.,— 'O Ii. EASKERe
VILLE, Prop, avd Manager.
Dr. de Van's Female Fills
Areliable French regulator, never fails. These
Pills , aro exceedingly powerful la regulating the
generative portion of the female system= Refuse
ll cheap imitations, Dr. do Tends are said at,
5a box, or Three for $14. Mailed to any address.
The Sooboll Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont.
It Ms well known to expertenc-
er sale$nten that the largest „'id
bbl, l ur ;;Rae In fruit trees Ss done
dur,n�; the summer months. Tho
mats first on the ground secures
the cream of the trade, therefore.
SVD want a faood reliable man for
the district because the demand
far Trull treea never was 80 keel
Good pay, Outfit free. 'Whole .or
Part Tillie agreement, and you re.
preeent a firm of thirty-five years'
exper„elices with. over six hundred
acres of land under cultivation.
Toronto, Ont.
Father, ilother, Sister, Brother
All Should Use Parisian Sage,
PARISIAN SAGE ' a a family hair
ton:c .and dressing that will iso, muc.'n
geed In every Nome.
The man who uses PARISIAN SAGE
la only occasionally wild nsever grow
bald. Baldness 1 s
by Mc!Clary's to
save fuel—to cut.out
dust, fuss' and bother
and to heat your house
evenly and comfortably
in the coldest weather. We
guarantee the ”"Sunshine
Furnace : to save enough to
pay for itself quicker
than any other
furnace you can
btit, y.
�iiilSSrILS—Thy otP.cera .of the• "East Boron Liberals .elected recently 'are --1
President, Alex, Mc$.,aughlin, Ford -Ariel -1;
1st v;ee-president, WSn, Elston, Wing-
hazn ?hd rice -ores„ John GtUeapie,
''w,htechur"ch; see'y-tras. , M. "> lack,..
brussels r auditor, W. M;, Sinclair, Br}J.;i-
^eels .
Sold by T. " Hawkins Son.
winch Means that the hair becomes foil
or fife and lustre, and grows radiant
and beaub sul.
Thousands are wastiing time, losing
tial- andth rlxi.ld because they are
using superficial tonics. While they
may clean the aralp and make ;t Seed
rerrcahed, they do not get to the
root p'f Ulm Mair wiie!e the real de-
stroyer of hair, thc,pernicisau`s dandrurf
so harmless that it can
.1ausod by dandruff It :s Pleasant to use and
germs Wheels dig" down means; life to the hair.
Into the :rots of the for all hoer trouble; it
hoer, devour its nourish- Try PARISIAN SAGE
silent and cause the root ,tnu1r plies.
germs, thrives a n d
to dee and the lac
to fall and than out.
PARISIAN is a scientific, 'hair re-
medy that not only"1¢lla dandruff germs
but gives the hair root just the sante
nourishment that Mature gives it.
PARISIAN SAGE fi;irst kilts' the germs,_
then nourishes $he weakened hair root
and causes a ,growth of healthy hair,
This same nourishment (PARISIAN
SAGE) causes the ha�:rr to grow vigorous
be used by every member of the tang
il}- from the oldest h7 'the little tot ,
Get a 50 cent bottle tb--day, and :f
you are not sa.tlefied that it is just
as good as claimed, Your money Track
at W. S. •,COLE and druggists every-
where. •
Gyri watt Auburn hair on every car-.
ton and'ibottlle -
Chew in
.11 wonder ifDaddy
has any O - Pee -Chee
Gum in his pocket?"
That's what mamma and'the little ones say
every night when Daddy gets home from work.
And Daddy never disappoints them. He
knows that O-Pee-Chee: Gum. is good for
them, and no matter how busy he
is, `he always finds
time to get a pack-
age of 0 -Pee, 'r
Chee before
going home.
,f $
The gentleman on the tortoise
represents the gran who "does not
advertise—the one who tries to do
business as it was done in the days
of the tallow candle or the oil lamp,
Are you in`the glare of the elec-
tric light—in the automobile of
Modern Methods?
Our Want Ads. are high voltage
batteries, whether you want light
or power --business publicity or
ompetent help
c r Wouott ,a e, #Gar rve*Mt
Cltas.: Grasaok, .medical student, is
o for o " .-3 i s Carrie
. hie it LSiayg f s
Macarthut• has returned after Depending
Dome months in Toronto.—Margaret
Drysdale le.t do visit her brother, Ralph
Dubic, Sask.—Rev. Mr. Hibbert ofi
Gorrie preached in the Methodist church
Sunda)*, *Ode on his way to confer',
ea.—Mrs. T. Kelly, and son let last
we * to jolty nom husband at F,dlanone
ton, Alta. She ,wa''s-accompansed by her
brother, Haxeld Stoneman, who will
join .tats father at Saskatoon.—The an
nuat 'Union Sunday School exeura:on
from Hetisall„goes tot London. this year,
endit„ Springbank as ftp objective point,
on Tuesday, Julo 9-,-i
belonging to George Ricker was sta*td-,
egg in the blacksmith shop of l rowfn'.
;,e.' Ciark, it paling backort the .rope
which caught under its jaw in, such _a
way as to throw its ;,head up, break-
its neck, causing instant death. The
amental was valued. at $20O,—On Mat
28th, at 3 o'clock, a happy event took
place at the home of Oho bride, Lora
don Road, HensaLl. wren Mrs. Jair.ed
:sic4rthur was united in, marriage with
Mr, Fo1l'ba.irp, who for sortie years bas.
resided In Rize: West,Bev., E. 3leL Smith
gi4rforaiied the'cexeotony An, the presence
or a row members of the fatties, 42
the centraothig parties. The bappsi
couple vrerte tendered, a reeept'•on at the
home of the groom's, sister Mrs, James.
A, Eell, London Road.
Edward MMaharr, a farmer about
years lot age, residing wit:h„ tis•,sfs-
oe the Romans tine, two miles watt
ot Whalen, was Pound by his s'uter
.n an unconscious conditlorO in his barn,
Dr, Lang' o: Granton was immedia-tely
sun,nloned, but Mr, ale -hare was dead
before he er'r'ed. Mr. Maharr watt be'
contoaratively good health, and was pre-
' to go to Lucan, It was thought
at .:i^st that he had fallen ffeen the
scaffold, but, doe doeter,teund p) bruises
and pronounced death duet to heart fail-
ure. Deceased leaves one brother and
onesister.--Patrick Toohey of the Rom-
an line dled,,econtly, trona; a complication
ot diseases, caused fl,rat by 'the bur-
atieg of a. blood vessel, Ile leaves - a
wife and one child. Bo; bad been marri-
ed two years. Mrs. Tooboy's nta;den
name was Si1ss hider. --Tina heavy and
continnuous rains have apelled a large
percentage of syr t $ grain' On 'rho low
ground. Soma ,people ;bhve •sawn et over
aurum.—Mr. Sean. Hooper, who had his
build:mot completely destroyed by light-
adti two years ago, h,as now erected
one) of the fattest lasts On Western
Ontora.e. It is 3.02 feet long,,. rid 40
feet wide, andis" equipped, with. iron Stan
eltions for ties, a silo 14x45, a splen=
d' -d: hog pen, and a six horsepower gas-?
Qt:ne engine.
Rev. C. C. J Maiass attended the ,e'tn` .
nual Synod of :the Lutherate. church at
New Hamburg fast week,—Oirs. Hardy
Weber visited sfrieads U Berlins and :St.
Jacoby last week,—The: trustees haver
started laying +slde;vlalk. Mr', Louis'
Weber es foreman and finisher, 'The
wont in *done'by! day labor.—It' is „re-.
ported that Mra. Nicholson of Blake,
build -
lalto hotel
z t n moving �
.ng 'to Zurich, and eonarert t Izito a.
boarding. ,house,—Word was received
last week, anr+ouncitng theedeath of Mrs.
Joseph Smart, at Cresswell, Mich., The
deceased was formerly a reaideat of
hss Township 'and was, highly respect-
ed by all her acquaintances, Mrs. Wm.
O'Brien, her daughter, ,lett; to attend the
funeral.—Mrs. Jacob Ho -weld is vexys
poorly at present. She wart operated on
by Dr; Gunn of Cltpi,” And, while
tate operation was suceesatully perp
formed, her v,, ality list's() impaired that
her recovery `Js doubttui.—Mr, Gideen
Koehler had tilehav misfortune of In8
his leg broken, on, Saturday, while assts
tine' Mr.Wera Caltars in doing tome, 1'e-
para on his traction engine. The acct-
dent was,ca.ue0d;,byt oriel of the large coy
''heels ' 1a lleng over, and catching' Kele
tier 'before he had, a: °cibanco to get out
of ate way --Mr• Conrad Scernon met
tToa late for last week.)
. Mr. Frank Squires and slaters at,
tended tar re -opening of the 1111L.nrille.
church on (Sunday.—Mr .and, Mrs. Chas.
Duffield of KSrltton spent part of this
week visiting friends around here—Mr.
Newton MIlison retttxn:ed( to has home at
Windsor after spending a. week with hie
parents and friends around here.—Un-
der the medical attendance( of Drs. Lang
of _Greaten and Stevenson of London,
and the. careful nursing' ot Miss Tda
Hobbs, graduate of the(St. Joseph Hos-
pital, Mrs. "J, Writ is improving nice-
ly, ;and `'t le expected, will be up around
very soon.—The124th holidayfwas enjoy.
ed by our yearn%f people! tb thea limit. hies
srs. Hector and Clarence :Walsall took
'-tit the picnic at( Devizes' In, Looden,Town
sh9p. Othera wand to( W oodhasnl and sev-
eral, took •".n: the Sestivai at Saintsbury,
—The electr!eal ,.storage last week did lit-
tle damage around here, -air- Dennis
Heenan had has house struck and slight -
l),' damaged ; also Mr. Geo. Haskett nad
a torso struck and Ss not expected to
get better.
It ',was the first vaudeville terror.
mance the: old• colored lady had ever
seen, and she, was particularly excited
over tihe marvellous feat's, of the •nag-
'_cian. But'wetenahe covered a newspaper
w:th 'a heavy flannel cloth, and read
the print through it, she grew a tittle
nervous. ` He then duoibled the cloth
again :read the letters accurately.
This was more -than she could stand,
and rising In her seat, she ,said;
"I'mgohi' "home. This aint, no place
for a lady ilh a els calico, dress."
Bidddlp'h h •Ii Hodgins, reeve of Bid-
duleh, whoa has been confined to his
hojne for the past three months wall_
rheuan,atism, ia,able to be around again
with -the help ofa a cane.
ST. MARYS—T.he voting on the $42,-
000 _public school by-law to build
a: now' Central School, building took place
Saturday, and was defeated the third
time • by, the property lownero by a ens-
jer!ty of ten.
CLINTON—Tinge Ontario -street parson:
are was the . scene of a happy event
on May 23rd, When, Mils -s' Delle Hazel
innch, dablghter of. Mr. and ;Mr(s. Jas.
Fonch" was upited in maereitae;e tato Mr.
John F. D:xon ".
be acoidead oil Wednesday even-,
the Zudeh, rood. I3:e wasedri'deg,
iq0-r-bt Mr. Wurn.'s, levet( itorsea • and
leandiug another he had bought, when
Mr. pecher's dog ran;, Out. Sermon was
dragged out 'of t,tect,r.g and landed on
his head: The horses got ahrray from the
buggy,--diess Alvada. Weeeloa ol! Lon,.;
doh: arrived tore on, i edonieda•Y for a.
visit' with her parents.—J, J. ,Meaner:
P, hag returned from a threeweeks
tr..p to western Canada. Mrs. Gumbel
ton,, of- ,Detralt, is' viddtlza;; her parents
Mr, apdoMrs, .1aOLgin tape to., o: the
Sauble, Leae.-.sine Marriage of Mies F.
Laporte to Mr. Louder Beneteau ; ot
Canrad l; liver, win take plane place on
June 11t.
Spanking does not cure ch 1 -en or bed
wetting. ,There is a constitu'^ 'nal cause
for this trouble, afro, M. Surenars. Box
W. 940, Windsor, Oat., will -,'cad free Oa
her ecce
Tut ^- am
ter s s
anymoll s
with. full Lost uotlo••'.• S'n d rao.
ruedey but 'salts her to-d3Y 'lf yqur
children tz'ouble you frit this way. Don't
t T„ansG the child, the chance; are it
cant heir it, This treatmenr also s<?,krea
adults and, aged people triu.'tted, with
urine dtWticaltIea by day o_ ':eat.,
PARf3fiILL-7L^hp "actuante IlOuse site
here has been )seIclLto `the Na,tioiiai Trust
Cdlnpany, tilt is'tnderstood, for $2,300
inns is' 'tor "125 feet of ;the ,property.
Been interest attaches iol the sale, be-
cause et Is believed the deal has'to do
with_ trio building here ata substation
o; the "electric line from. SOlattord for
Grand Bend, bein(J undertalcen by the'
Canadian Northern Railway. '
LtICAN-H. A. McEwen; for r:ve.
yeare was manager of the Marcliants
Bank a isre, has been alloyehl .td Mane
Areal ' and lett On 'I', eesde 'Mr. Lewis
of the, -Lancaster branch n his sue.
,cesacrr lir McF3wren's-departure'„< is re-•
re cel`.-byttl>e.alit4ei_.vilLa.,e net Drily:
m a business way,..'but ,socially and
othea?wise Hite genial '; and atfable''
manner won Ihim a hst of -friends,
w'ho presentedIran ion Friday evonang
w_th a farewell address accompanied by
by a clubbag and an umbrella,
Semi -ready Suits
To Sntdal order
TF THERE is no Seml•readr sena la
yoer town you may barea$erz;l-read'
suit made to your !paid brdtt' Inuityat-
terns, surd for lone'! Pira” 40400
20113 at $.9, with style book and stlf-
meaatrioc forms. Guaranteed. Solent
the same erica everywhere in Caoada•
liava.'you teen the style boot."Mal"
One for you at Soni -ready Limited,
e Sssi.rrubg andante.
T. I.. Haygarth, 182 Dundas St.,1,ondon.
r,xwoe r3wwec neme3CR&a
is made in soft, hand- f
some shades of Red,
Brown and Green, as
well as natural slate
color, These colors are
an integral part of the
exposed surface, not
painted on. Cannot fade
out or wash off, Let
us show you samples.'
Sole Canadian Mfrs -
of Canada.Lhnited,Slontreal. actin rw84DPIA
The Dashwood Planing Mills
Co., Limited.
Home Study
Thousands ,of arnb_lt'ous young
people are being instructed in '
thein Home Study Dept. You maY
Vanish at College if you desire
Pay whenever you wish. Thirty
Years' 'Experuence. Largest train-
era ' os ',Canada. Enter any day
Pas ''Alf ons gitsranteed. If you
west). to ,save board and learn
while you earn, write for parti-
Clnton' Busk/Seas College
Presideatt ;. Priltolpa'
cur, Dray and
ea ming 13usiness
Your orders in our line will be
attended to quickly and satisfac-
torily.a; . We are 'here to please tbe'
public needing' anything . in our ,
l and we ,ask ii trial from you.
Orders , left phone or other-
-ICE; < PHONE ' 25, will ::Teceive.-
.protnl?t attention.
T. . ;Creech
OUR capacity for mental effort is
limited by your physical condition.
a physically, Keep in good txtira p y y: and you'll
never be troubled with "Brain Fag."
Stout as a perfect tonic --
mildly stimulating, nourishing and sustaining.
It will keep your physical being in tune and
give the proper balance of body and mind.
Thetis the nature of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription—the one remedy for
women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native
medicinal forest roots. Dr. Pierce tells itsevery ingredient on the bottle -wrap-
per. Prominent physicians and some of the best medical authorities endorse these
ingredients as being the very hest known remedies for ailments and weaknesses
peculiar to women.`
This is what Mss. Gr'a'm E. COFFEY, of Longstreet,
Ky., says : RI feel It my duty to write and tell you what
your medicines have done for me. 1 was a great sufferer
for six years from a trouble peculiar to women, but 1 am
thankful to say, after taking four bottles of your 'Favorite
Prescription' I am not bothered with that dreadful disease
any more. I feel like a new woman. When I first wrote
you for advice I only weighed 115 pounds—now I weigh 135.
'1 thank you very much for your kindness. You have
been as a father to me in advising me what to do, so may
God bless you in every effort you put forth for:good.
'1 hope this testimonial will be the means of some poor
Mos.COFFEY'. suffering woman seeking heaith."
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition, ,answers hosts
of delicate questions about which every woman, single or msrrried ought to know.
OUR NEW METROD TREATMENT Will cure you and make a man of
you. Under itsanfluence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all
pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves become strong as steel, so that
nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bricht, the
face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and mental
systems are invigorated, all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system:
You feel yourself 'amen and know marriage cannot be a failure' Don't let quacks
and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars.
Peter E. Summers relates his experience:
"I was troubled with Nervous Debility
for many year. I lay it to indiscretion
and eircesses in youth. I became very
despondent and didn't care whether I
worked or not: I imagined everybody
who looked at me guessed, my. secret.
Imaginative dreams at night weakened
me—my back ached, had pains in the
back of my head hands and feet were
cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite,
Singers were shaky,eyes' blurred, hair
loose, memory aaoor, etc. Numbness in
the angers set to and the doctor told me
he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of
medicines and tried many first-class
ph5 siciansewore an electric belt for three
months, but .received .Iittle benefit. I
BEFORE' TREATMENT was induced t0 consult Drs. Kenuedy S'L' AFTER TREATMENT
Kennedy, though Thad lost all faith m
doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New 11Israoo TaEATwEar and ft
saved my life. The improvement was like magte—I could Leel the vigor going through : -
the nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have sent them many patients
and continue to do so.
peculiai to Mon.
CONSULTATION FRET. BOOKS FREE. If 'unable to call write for a Question
Blank for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave. and'Graswold St., Detroit, 'ticha
All letters from Canada must be addressed.
to our Canadian Correspondence Depart-
Oanagatassrstasonses snent Vin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to
"see us personally: call at otar Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat
nopaatrients in our 1Windsor ' offices which are for Correspondence and
Laboratory fors Canadiild business only. ` Address all letters as follotv8 t
DRS. ItENNEDY ik, NNEDY, Windsor, Ont.
Itlta.ox on.Detvoto4dcfrese . :•: