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Exeter Advocate, 1912-6-6, Page 1
WEDDING ,ANNOUNCEMENTS; AND WEDDING INVITATIONS Ta intended Jule brides,' who have not already ordered t.ho.r invitations and announcements £rero the Advocate, we Would like., to say, that we, have an ;ex -- cellent assortment:'ot wedding ,stationery n cabinets, etc., printed to your liking at a very reasonable cost.. ' 1' NTX-FIFTH YEAR EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE Local Items MORE ,AUTOS, -Reeve Keenan last week purchased Mr. J.,, A. Stewart's auto and "C B. Snell purchased art 'E.M.F:" from Morlock Eros. of Crediton...,, 'Mr. Snell ;has 'taken a sub -agency or the `E M.F.' SEND IN EARL?..- Correspondents. vett confer a favor by, being certaineach week to`have their' items of news mailed early enough to reach us ,31 ^ tinte tfOr the m's'sue'of the paper, so they, may not net be _held over, rote[ the following` week We have sOstne, of the best correspond- ents that _a paper could, wish for, but we 'Want a few more in other points. Paper and envelopes will be supplied on application. COURT OF REVISION OF TUE VILLAGE OF l3? P> lt,- Noticeiia Hereby given that a Court oZ Revia:tan for the A,sses(srnent Roll OC rho •v aia.ge ot Exeter will hold its first Meettag for the present year in the Town. Hail, Exeter, on Friday, June 7, 1912, a+ 7 o'eliecle pini. T. B, CARLING. Clerk Exeter, May 15, 1912, Excursion to Port Stanley Rey. Sharp.wcll conduct union services Er, Kinsman was in Sarnia this week. next Sunday -no. the FresbYteriatrl church Garvey Acheson returned to Londa!, tin el -parch elh at rliiSlnit In Drama Streeb- rda after a v;slit at. his tronne [iiia yesterday, 4: 'here. Macy of the business rill of town have again agreed tot close their bust nese planes Thursday afternoons dui :_ng July and Auguet. See notice in;,an- other column, Hurrah. for Port Stanley, rut FrLday, June 14th. Woodhara Council, No, 1,'7 C. Q. C, F., tea .made arrangements for 'Ikea ea;otiraOri along' the I,. H. '$. from Clinton and .points south, to Part Stan- ley on' Friday, June 14th, at very rees;onable, rates. Caron to return asext it=y koz partculaza eee b: hills sod dodgers,, There.,:is no better :place than Port Stanley to vapenel,'tho day. Mies 3iartha [Carling, daughter:of Mr. d M T.D. C` rlili'gt of Exeter, and `,'tie are sora,- to' ttepott ,that a tonne +bei o= Mr. rid. M. W. H. Dearritig's family are ,ill.. Tito Isaak Walton Fish?ng Club will take their annual tripl, tci Grand. Pend on Friday, June 14the an Mrs. rt. w w,Ui 8".)-11biz ii t,q t«'r:?rk that it graduate- nurse or Kew, York. hosp.tail, has been appointed nurse at Barnard College, New York at a salary of $90 a month.' The baseball boys drove to Centralia. on Thursday evertingand played a nine. innings game_ They report the result 11-11. At the elid, of the tb4rd, innings the score stood, 644 rxt favor of Cen- tea.1 . But the visitors rallied. in the latter halt a,titd, f marry e, erred up, Rev. Kennedy of ?ruse. Craig occupied the James Street pulpit. Su day la>,st Next Sunday Mr. Fuseau, May will targe charge of the rn'arn!eg een'lce, and the Epworth League will cenduet the even - 'n4 service. It Rev., Mr. Hobbs keeps as well as: he is at present M Wilk. preaeh li:e farewell, tser'nlotte the fol - 'Owing Sunday. DIBP iN T,I3 i WEST, --air, 4-404)1 T. De1npS4:Y or :Neepaw;a., 3iailr,, fornierlyj of Usbprne toti nehtp, Bled, at his licene a;t1 Thursday, May 3.0,th, a the great ale of 97 years, lips later Mr. L'tenap- ey was a 'liatae of Ireland, having been :thorn [.alt AntrUnh is the, ,year'4815, Ile cane to. Canada,ipi 1844 and settled 1t Usbo'rne, ;an tilts 4th concession, where he TernaL'ned until about thirty years ago, when he ntaved, to the West, 'Dempsey res,+cii & near Ncepaw� .4tri wai adnYattedly the oldest Fee -Masten fir t11e> ',world, he hav'an„ , glowed they q - derr Ireland 'whey[ twenty years of age, 'thus lie was 7"7T yeaxa a mason: On coni tis'' calnada deceased dafiliated sv:Alt the masonic badge here, and all over Canada; and 'western. Stgte9 Iter V4i, a r ;ins figure in masonic circles Half Holiday in July and August, We, the unders".gned.anerchanta of Ex- eter, agree 'to close our places of bus;, nese at I-IAI.F-PAST TWELVE on THURSDAY AFTERNOONS dur..tng ti c months of JULY and AUGUST. J. A. Stewart S, . aiart.^.n ,& Son H. Spaekknaan" y,, 3. Deer Jos: Davits. , ,W1 J. Ileitmron NV,. J. Carlita r frs, Teo A. J. Ford l3. W. F., Beaver! Wm.. Rivers . 3, Grigg , P. 1 ayne ,F'. Boyle, W.. T,'atn : R. B. Willis Jot. es: iSy go.,7. t blaze. seet:,oT wo are tap have a rainy season, thnen six Menthe winter. Mr. °aueVairs. ; Cr. B, ,Snell [lett yestera day for Fontac Mich.,. where they will visit'with Dr, and 3frs. Fes )son,. Mt', Jortr ?4I?tichell, who had, audio, -entry recovered rr'ont Ms recent illness as .to b3 able, iso be Out at -td; around, has again been attacked, by than old enemy and as a result ie has been compelled to take It 's beth again. The London •5dvert$.'ser of Tuesday; says oT an Erete } Old, Dey.,-Fred Shad, dock, of 604 Central avenue, suetaina ed a.,pa:nful injury' to -bis foot the oth- er night when, ire ]e<tvirg his veraatd.'tll he jumped'upon a, garden rake that had Wen lett on ant iszerh.. The. tee penetrat ed It's feat and protruded from the= up-, pas a:de. He was, attended by a,. phy= etc inn, and w:]l b4 la,td up for a ceesid- abie time. STRAYBD HORSE There strayed onto the prenY.tsea of re unders'tgised, on, May '26, a bronco r9re, gray '%1 color. Owner can have. grim+ by paying expenses. THOS. HUNKi1 Con. 8, ' Usbernet EST El) COLTS r Four yearling oalts, on about aiay 33,, irQni IKlgnndike. One cream colored, one black pacer, ;and ,twd bays,(atrc bob -tall - ed). Suitable reward on 'notifying the owner of their whe 'abc.ute-•George Be- fore, Thedtord, Ont. CARLING'S PHONE 18 The Dollar Saving Prices- Just come to us if you want to save dollars, for a bargain is a bargain with us. Here below is a sample of them. Another of those spec- ial sales of DRESS GOODS .Regular $1 25'for $ 1.05, 1.00 for 80c. as 75c. for. 60c. at 50c. for 40e. • In nearly all shades Wall Paper sale is still in force. We will save you 30 per cent on all papers, On Foulards and Repps a discount of 10 per cent. is:' given. CAPS CAPS All caps tei be clear- ed out' at bargain prices Regular 75e. for 5oe,- Regular 50e for 38c. Just' a few left at the prices. We have about 4 doz. of Men's Fine Thread Balbbrigg an Underwear a . Regular 40cpiece g' that we are clearing oiit' at 29c. a piece. A special line of Hair Ribbons, 3 1-2 inches wide at 10c. a yard. We have in the neighborhood of 1.50 cans of paint Regular 65e. to clear at 45c. a can. Hi p hest rices paid for all kinds of Produce, �' RUN OVER AND .ICII.,LED Word has b;ela rete+:ivied 'here by friends „of [lac Had accident that betel Dalton. Elliott Anderson, 'sun of Dr. D. A. and Sias. :4ndtersonr, of sV,anin,`.prg, formerly cit Exeter, wino was run over :and fatally 'injured by a. street car+ in tbet city on Saturday, May %Stn. The boy 'was r dire. a bicycle and endeavored to corm 'n front or the t'ar wh:eh struck iz+tn, acrd passing oxer his lett arm, eruala;lg` it to a pulp, He was-talten,to t114 hospital where he succumbed a;t Sunday ntorn',ltz.. The father, w was riding In art auto3noblte at the ace -dent was powerleias rende:r any axe:stance. The ace:den Happened under especially sad etre nl^ ,tames. It tad be& the ;Mention ot Dr.1 Andereon and hits little seta to .dlae the residence or A. B, klooper, than little' tellow's unele, shortly Wore 6 o'clock Mr. Ilaoper rode alp to Dr. Auden Hon's apartments on a b;cycle with, uie :attention of seibg to 2Oel Slnteoe: street wtr the doctor and, Dalton. The three. were about to enter, Dr. Anderson's aut, =bile when Mile Dalton saw h uncle's b;cyele standing at the ' I'll r:de y*our wheel, uncle," father attreed with a eurtle, and. the little fellow promptly mounted[ the wheel saying as he did, with .1 little laugh ' Int get there beforeeyou, Sather."' These were the laat words,,the boy was ,hea"rd. to utter.. Dr. Andel -terra and hes family are well-known here and Dalton who was the only ,son and the pride of the leanly. was a bright youth. He was, a silver andgold, nedalist in oratory. [912, I'I,ANTS FOR SALE-Geran.wns, roa- n, Ferns, Ageratum, Labelle., Asterrt. elargoniuzn, Stecks, Iaivia, u'lvex Lear' racena, Coleus, Gernrart Ivy, Double, and S: glo Petuna, Balsams, Vine., ani- 11 It rAde of plants for i anging bee- kets. In vegetables, planter we ?fav Early and. Late Cabbage, .Caul flow ,, Span eth On.o rs, Celexy, Peppers, :s;z kinds of` tomatoes, LOUIS DAY, Ga el'- ener and Florist, Exeter. as wood'!i FIRST DRAFT * The feleovr.ing are a nuns ger of the Celebration, 4hanges 'arcade ;by they first drat ,o€ the steeeri.ing coma tttee .qt London Confer Great national events are very proper- ly kept ;n mind by public consent. Oun Yankee cousin celebrates his Fourth of July waiti bon -tires, fire-cracke e, ora Cons', and a general big time in, remem- brance of a,tta;atn,; independence as a ,people ; Canadans celebrate July let as an event it our InSt{ory, whore., the.then iscattered provircee of this our, fair country unted lilts' ane great Porto eon. But British eubjeete everywhemt aro always found itayal :ta cornmemorat- :ally thn event of the ,birthday or thein Zing or Queen a3' the .case may be in re. ht royal cill.aPea T40 patrnot.c and good citizens , of DashwQad took 'up the matter ref ce. ebratin;g the birthday of King George V. Qfit eriday last, A'Ad, this th4. PAP -g- m -4 o ug -,ural attempt at celebrating: In the town's �]1i tory .v'ill.: P ork, record, as belga most euceatseful and an oecas7alr 10r11g' ter W remembered by t7lca tturdreds who were a attendatiee, Tlas weather'man-watt certainly fairer - able re eiren an teec442e;t1, e.4 after al avast contiaiueus shotti for two ureas, t:ae ern shone put t», 4reat sple. dei', and be' for the rae:arn' thjzi wet. tri^al. T.a, heavy 4'411of the day 1r1'ev otts, 3OWever, rna4e the t1'aek a littte :rtn plaeos and ot;herk a little, b WEDDED. -A. very, pretty, 'wedding was solemnized et thet;t rak of ?,fr. and. Irire. J. V. Taylor, 'Easter,[ oh: Tuesday, iwiaen thea daughtelr sAriaude evhs. united In mar tango to Mr. 3. C. ,1Ventwbrth, Agnew, baarrester at .]aa4v, of lPinnilieg. Bev. R. Whiting of London offlci'ated. The bride whet Was 16iiben aWay by, her Sather, look- ed e1 ornrl.bg in a gown or enibroide ed tnaqut+sette over ivory satin, trimmed wale white Iriah;;lace. Sha wore the (non- vent:onal veil'caug,htt up with lily of the valley and, ,pearla, and carried 0 shower bouquet tot brezral roses, and lily Vbf,the valley, her only `ornaments bean) a neck- lace set 'with pearls, atnd, aunythi'sts, the gift of the 'gee oat. The,, bridesmaid, Miss May Foster of Winnipeg, wore a dainty gown ot miser., over, pale, blue satin with, touches of pearl trinuninge, and a black picture hat with willow piuniesyandpink rosebuds, and carried, a bouquet of pink roses. The bride's niece, Isabel Mo. Tavlish of Shakespeare made a, dainty little flower girl, dresser" in whitelSwiss embroidery and rpioke bonnet, and carried a basket of punk rases agtd. lilies of the valley. The grobn ?vas attended by Mr. Ernest Taylor, blether or the bride. Miss Pearl Leavett played the wedding ,march, Mr. CoIirn Mckenzie, St. ,Thomas, sang Because" durring the .signing of the register. The rcr'om's gift to the bridesmaid was a gold band bracelet; to the best Thain' and, Mr. ;McKenzie gold innonphratn 'tie pins ; 'to the flower :girl asignet ring and, to Mss Leavett a pearl sapphire hat pin. Relatives and friends ,'were present from, St. Thomas, London, Wein tieg, 1CL'.nton and Shakes- peare. After a dainty wedding luncheon the happy couple 'left per Ottawa, fro rontia, Niagara. Falls andotaher, eastern paints. The bride's travelling suit was navy-blue serge, "with black haft. , Mr. and Mrs. ,Agnelvr vdiYl be, at hoarse tto theiir friends en Winnipeg after 'Sept- ember *alt. MAS ence,- Lond'an, Hyatt Avenue, J. E. Millyar of Ilensall Dorchester, E. A Fear of Blyth. Mitchell, 3. W. •E g4 - Blyth, Geo,. Jewett, Wee, C. C. 4.ousetrc, Exeter,, Tamps-st.,'W, O. H. rfe41 Parkhill, fl'. 3. Uren Ilensell, Robert Hicks of Creditoat, Crediton, Selby Je.ters:on.. 9'lsa Cragg, J.. Musser: Lucan 'I`, T.:George, Waodi*un,, W. H. McTairsh.. kion, R. C. Burkett. i7xarw;:clr, Harvey Kennedy of Craw, Arkona, Jahn Rail. irooke, Byron Snell or K rkton. Sarnia, Mane st., W. J_.-kehtoon. IS"ert� e ttx tJ. iii. Peavey csf L gonion. Ward.,av:lie, W Godes n o« ParkbWtk. Gleneoe, l'+ l,tard, Hobbs o€. Exeter« $taa11.eye W, IL Vnlace eA€ til oerlInk r et : TUESDAY 'ti',, S`O:IECL S DAY The Sanger Cireua arrived here eariyF Tuzsday 413,01-1111)-g,nn p teh d their tents no, tb or Stattpxl Sit. Two perfor xr aneea r g,:te t and. bath .were well attend - there 11Q2.1);,,; a large liurrther .et people from the nountey eurraut diri3. 'Much sae. acrasaitsr work wa,.s excellent, Ilse br' ° e. {a1!' fine. The • Troupe. 1a� �ne<.. . Thar conznl.ttee in charge. had :lett moth- <L eeet'z salters wcerq g°,opd. The ciowns aa undone to ntiake the event, a most were tunny '.n spots, The feature er t1«[lar:. and eoromendable one, The vitt the whgte allow wa+s than dancing 4-4 a dressed ,1t. holiday attire, leindeonn bay ' h"arse. The band music Long streamers ,or bunt:og 1'n vaned' was rani* h apprec',a.ted. The ana.'nagernent werePW,w oa l a a & sae [taw a . ; [r,4-< Ll 5 tM � carate acrd at va1•icti t'qt, Al Y. stretohvd across La street, a14d flal 6, a tale Ls"11 feature, acrd everytthhhi> a 11unt'aafi, etc., were to t!3 Aet'aa. Iter, 'tea t rife 41n�G'N°' was oietalr :e.1 every . re- -and everywhere, thus clentonstrat Courtoeue treatment 'was ex loyalty tai: the citizens In a :marl- eel to all the Patxtaanaa. ould hay:: •dtane credit to d aliueh, larger place The opening event was the Calithutnp- :ala procession, .headed by the Exeter h of alis. Ibcvr Tlae deatkt oL and, w.: cin atfcrded: aiaucin 1.amerrltlle»t 3furY 'Evans, oav of the date Joh Or bath Old and2 young. Dew, at h e, Lot a1, concession I Qlhaw':na were ttlu prizes awar1ed,-- =tai ITalaelrt T uraday, 4faS So h, l st, ' Doctor Opera.taig." afeeere. I..lunie 'was i e re ket an:va;t; a entire I e11ercnan, at.:Ile r and, iloffm an: ': n4-, coy cis alnd acquaistt- Th.} Johnsien Falx 1y," Meagre.. Nad- er and We111; 3rd, ' Da4neers'' Messrs. Schroeder, liusser, wawa and Dclehert, 'I'kto baseball nnatch :n too morning between tiro Central a and Dasw hoa<i [earns WAS a good exhibition or ball, 1Gault:ns 1n a. victory ner Centralia by a scare of 441. T:1e atteruaa Sane between the Cecil:- ton and Fullerton teams resulted. ne n rather easy victory tor Crediton. It P, ,.. seetnle":t azt xst that,,Credltan'wtautd have the,'r hands full, but after the sceond Mirage the game went easy for Credi- ton, the result being a ecore ,ot 18-5, za Livor of Creditors. The half -nate root race waaR 'kennly run, the fleet prize going to 'A1°m. Rl,rus- ser, 2nd' to W. . Thiornas and the tlyd to E:. Oestre iclserr Tine 2.19. EXETER BOY DIES IN THE WEST Word was recee ed, here Sunday that Melville Dearing was dead]., in the, West. The telegram, was sent by the mounted Police and 'simply stated, that the -"young man 'was dead, and asked wldt was to be done wi'thi' the body. No particul- ars were irece'.ved. The young man was the son of. Mr. .Abe Dearing, until re- cently of ;Exeter, buil nOwl of Grand Bend He was well-known in` Exeter, and con- ducted the bawling alley for several months. About two years ago he went to London and a 'few weeks since went West, residing : near Elbow, Sask. Word , has been -sent to ' orward - the body TO. Exeter for interment, and prob- ably no, particulars wi11 be received un- til the arrival o1" the biddy, which ,will'. not be until the' endeof the week. The Barents have the syanpa;thy of all in their (sudden ber•eavement. Later-Wordhas ghee been received. that Mr; Dearing :wa#1., atr'uok by light-•. n:ms on S,art,rrday,;laatt agid!'.n etentivl ,and,that the bay 's h a very bad stats ofdecomposed-ion, so' touch, eo that u anp;e teaid t, RNE PIONEER PASSES. ist " rendere dot almost tlnppssible to ship R. •As aa, consequence interaneslt Will, likely take place atr Etho`W. Leat. ler can e, tt9t gent of nnlun ly of fr't2 assess at the deemsaed. Mrs. Dew had not enjoyed very good, health, for up- wards o1 sx montslls, being at surkr er from. heart trouble, but her case did, not 0,1313WItQa. ser;Aus aspcet until ibo Fr:day dight previous to .her' demise, when oho was taken, down, and, gradually sinking passed away ,about 1.;30 o'clock on the nor, ',nit above stated, at thee age of 73 years anal1o' rnonthe. The de- ceased was whole-aouled, andt true, pos- as'r eer t that tend pos- se -wen ^ those chs a t is 1c s t , b ter make the world, better, and whale her death.' was not wholly 'unexpected. , tt leaves an aneffacablo void among those who knew arid;, eriteeined her for heralov- abte qual ties. airs .Dew was born In Wales !n .the -year 1838, but came to Canada with leer parents when; only three years of ago, egret settling In this locality, consequently oho Was o dis- trict settlers Z the a.monS the pioneer s wito endured the hardships and In- eonvenieneea incident to pioncer lire. She was wedded te.her .late husband in tho sixties, and to the union eight child- ren were born, seven of whom. survive,-- Dav:d of Hensel', Frank and Clyde of N. Devote, Charles, Evan and Daniel dt home; Mrs. Phil: Ryckman,ofMooseja.w, and Mrs. Frank Golder of 3liddleniIi Mrs. Dew was a member of the Eng- lish church, and was admired for net consistent Clhristian:,character. The.fun- eral took place to the Exeter cemetery on. Sunday, 'June 2nd, at 2 o'clock and was largely attended. The horse races as usual paiovea to bo deeply litoreating, the prizes being awarded as -follows,-- GREEN RACE -}S, MILE. Sleepy Joe, W. Scluyaeder Pat LW:' R. Pollock m Baty 'Tarentu'r, Klunip Best t'.hne 1.20. 2.5x7 CLASS Roadmaater T. Mh urdoc M ntnie Bass' Frank'Reider Jack Hunter. mtaper ". Son !Best tkne 1.10X, A chapter of ac cIeptel happened, during the afternoon but luckily none were at- tended with serious results. Prrebably the mast nieteworthy was that happee. ing' during the- third,. heat of the '3.30 race. On the east Bade of the track there was a very' eoft spot and when Jack Hunter, the "horse( [owned by E.51- ber & Son af Zurich ,'truck it he ,[nada a complete somersault, the cart gaing with him and the driver `was thrown nn the air and a considerable distance forward. Stranze to say neither : the driver' nor horse was hurl, and there was nothc'1ig broken,. Miss Sehr'deder, while,standing on the track was knocked drown by one of the tato horses and the wheel off the sulky passed over her, but fortunately with 1st ,,2nd .3rd 1st 2nd grd no bad reautfis. • A team (that wa:a being', used for:har- rowing On the track, becain.a frightened and shying against the barbed, wire fence got mixed up therewith. A young Man, accompanied by a lady friend, while 'driving around ;the track baPPenedr tai 7,lose one or , the lines and as a result the horse was drawn Into the fence, upsetting the occupants but as In the other case all escaped. uninjured. Two other horses got mixed up in the fence to' whech they were ,tied and white .threatening' serious results • both, escaped injury.' The concert Lin the evening proved `_a e fitting wind -tip to the day's entertain:-? trent, Mr,- Spencer of Tipr,onto, Pully maintained his .iormer'reputatiaoil as an l:mtertaIner. t The total proceeds aanountedto about $3:10.00 -sports $260 and concert $.50 The Exeter Band furnished music throughout the day and, their many choice select_jnrs were: highly pleasing to all. t SAl'IDitS 3G CREEd FIRE AT PARKHILL Parkhill .Juane Ord. -A seri'o'us fire_oc- curred here this renting about 3.30 when the• flour ra2l eof the Parkhill,Mill ,:ng Company " ;was burned tto the rraund. The loss'-w`�l be about $15 ,-i 00,0," with' insurance ot $7,000. The firemen worked' hard, playing three' ,sirrearite on "true; blaze, but labk of the waren jand',capped tn. The bunt - it g of ,flues° inifl •wall bahe'a [great Loss, to the • town and surrounding country, as It was t e e best tni n this section I well dilkely be rebuilt. The, origin of the fire' is "unknoWli, , 44, Z,1 143CGILLIV1tAY CODNt:1L Council' met June l'at. 'All members present. Prev'bus minutes read and:ap- proved. A large nutnber of accounts were 'orderted pat.(d• . Nickles -Rosser -That the tender et R Hutchinson fpr the building of a con- crete oncrete .bridge on Con. 20, opposite Lot 7, at $5.50, per cubic yard, and the tender. of D. Witherspr'oan fort they building of a concrete arc! ton Con. 14, opposite Lot 1e. ; roe 'the 'sun of $109.00 be accepted and that J. Rgbhis(o`n, ba appointed in- spector ton said firidge and arch.-Car'd The councl' adjourned to meet on June 24th: at71o'cltock. Court tof Revision. net as, per notice. W. T. *Diens was appaintted. chairman. By resolut on the asseesrtneht of John McGregor was reduced $500, that of John Grieve .reduced $3507. and that ,of Fred,l3arr.:Soni $150. The court adjourn- ed to meet h11 Jluho 24th, at 4 o'clock. J. D. DRUMMOND, Clerk. BIRTHS NlbiockIn McGillivray, May ,2,3, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. NIblock, a, son. Jones -Iii 'Moray, May 28tht, to Mr. and. Mrs. 3. W. Jones, a daughter. pecker -In Hay, May 26th,; to Mr. and Mrs. Jolie Decker, jr., a,so11. ' Klapp -Iii Hay, May 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .Kropp; a son. Sparli'ng, In Anderson, May 24, to Ivrri .and Mrs.'Percy Snarling, a '8011. Hazelwood -At Whalen, May 22,, to 'Mr. and Mrs. John D Ha.zelw'aod, a son: _Harbourn-In Staffs, on, May, 27th, to Mrs. alnd' Mrs. Jas Iiarbourn, a daugh- ter.. MARRIAGES- ' .Ag'neve--` ajyl'di At, the home of the bride's parents, Exeter, Judie 4 , 'Jr C. Went'w'orth Agnew, ,of ,Winnipeg, to Miss ,Maude, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 7onrfi rayl or of Esetert,, O'Ma are -Cairn li-A.0 bit. Carmel, June 4 John Joseph O'1111ara of Lucan to Mss iC theriuie Mary Carroll. G©ger=-Pfile-At the •borne o3 theIerides. parents .rMr:' and Mrs. Ben jan i Prile Lot. 10, Com. 14, H,ay, en June:; 5, Mr:: Roland Geigel, to Miss Melissa, B. Painters We just wantlto suggest. n a modest way, that if, whet. the New Suit Problem be- gins to weighheavily on your ., mind, you will find your war directly to this, Home of good Clothes," you'll have the pro- blem solved, by finding here - Just the sort of clothes ou'll take pleasure in wearing tr wear a.clyA tt�we e Clothing: our Gheapor Suits will dress you neatly and:, well, with stylish, well tailor- ed good looking garments. Cur Better Suits will dress you with suit ele- gance and luxury to thelimit of suit elegance. In either class you'll be a well dressed. man. May - We Show You ?� Men's Furnishings A FEW OF THE LINES ARE AS- 'FOLLOW, - "COMBINATION UNDERCLOT.HING.. TWO-PIECE UNDERCLOTHING. SOCKS .ANp IIO,SEI IN SILKS,. CASHMERE AND LISLE. WINDSOR OVERALLS IN BLUE,. KHAKI, BLACK, ETC. NEGLIGE SHIRTS. LOW COOL COLLARS. ! SOFT COLORED COLLARS. SOFT FELT HATS. DEATHS ' Dew -At Hu.rondole, May. 30, Mary; Ann Evans widow of thct bats: John Dew. -red 73 'years and, 10 months. STRAW MATS. • PANAMA HAT;S. RAIN COATS. LIGHT SUITS. Tailors We Are We understand tailoring and we know that we are do- ing when we measure you. The "Taman" Made to.Measure Clothing is ;all that can be desired ` in clothing. The rices range from 18 up to $28. Tailor and Fur shier•---Exe A: