HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-30, Page 7R1 TWO YEARS SUFFERING Brought, on by ;a Severe Straiu— How a Duro Was Fowl. Mr. Joseph Stepbens, Rosemount, Ont„ is one of the great host who continually sound the praises of Dr. Williams` Pink Tills, end he has much reason to do so'as they brought 'hixai from, sufferi; pg to health, after he had spent much money and two years of time ex- perimenting with other treatments. Mr. Stephens tells his experience as follows: "In the month of Janu- ary, 1908, while working in a log- ging camp at Creston, 113,0., I got. my back. injured, I suffered a great deal of pain and was almost Helpless, I tried plasters, think- ing they would help me, but they were of no Ilse. 1 took several me- dicines, equally without benefit. Then I was advised to try electri- cal treatment and did so for a time, but without getting any permanent relief, and it began to look as though I was going to be perman- ently" erippled. Then I was advised to undergo treatment with a speci- alist at Spokane, Wash, After ex anining 'me he said I was in a very bad shape and that the trouble was likely to result in Bright's disease. However, be told me that he felt. sure he could cure Inc, At. a heavy e zpense 1 was under his treatment for three months, but did not get the least honefit. I was (almost in despair; work ' was plentiful and wages good, but I eould uot work, as T was quite unable to bend, 1 was in this eondition- for about two years, when my brother, 'who was with me all the tune, came across one of Dr. Williams' pamphlets` axed read of the great work Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were doing. He urged me to try them, but I thought it would be useless t spend more .money after all the other treatment had failed. He insisted, however, and got a dozen boxes of the Pills and I began to tae thein. Before I had used lotlf a dozen boxes I felt relief, and I ctitinued taking the Pills until evei;y' 7crtige! of the pain was gone, and I could raise xny hands above my head and then bend until I could touch my tool with my fingers, something; I' had not been able to do for over two years. My cure was a great surprise to my comrades, and you nirty be sure I told them what brought it about. I am now as. well and strong as any man in the country and I owe it all to Dr. Hams' Pink Pills." Sold by all mcclicine dealers or by mail at tiO cents a box or six: boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Hams' Medicine ' Co,, Brockville, Ont.. It's difficult for a man to practice economy and be popular at the same time. Landlord—You owe me now for -four months' rent, and the first three months you paid so promptly. Tenant—Yes, I know; 1 shouldn't have done. it, "So you want me to raise your salary 1" said the stern employer. "Can yoa give me but two good reasons even why I should do so?" "Yes, sir," answered the meek em- tyloyee sadly. "Twins!" "How did you get that fine spring overcoat:." "I had .a sure tip on a horse race." "I never knew one of those sure tips to pan out." "Neither did I, so I didn't play it. Fut the money into an overcoat in- stead.' Warm :Baths Citai. OMR Soap grid tpplg. cailions' Cf,Cer`rl Clara Oylit- itlient Although „Cutlenra Soair kpd'Otnimolt are 'bold b`:,drn^ bts.nnd,. deaiere eveiy�'vherc, s.Ylberdi y c, '4 "W151e oY ouch, ccith X82 -page) c'el et on th!!' case Anil tkeutment of tto eicln wfii bo bent, poet„rree on ilapq tie• tt)' euttennecepst@Dsil,04;ep, U.5 J. GEN 'HODS PRINCE. The big Empire fancy dress ball supper which was arranged to take place at the Savoy Hotel, London; on the 23rd of May, in aid of the; Middlesex Hospital, was under the immediate patronage of Prinee Al- exander of Teck. Prince Alexander is the third sen: of the late Duke of Teck, and has taken up the philanthropicr work with which his lamented, brother was . so closely associated. Re is deeply' interested in the welfaretof- the Middlesex, Hospital, and is ever ready to assist in charitable under- takings. Prince Alexander 'served 'in the 7th Hussar"s :and saw war service Prince' Alexander, pf in Matabeleland and South Africa. On both occasions he was mention- ed in despatches and was rewarded with the D.S.O. for gallantry dis- played during the South African campaign. In 1904 he married the Princess of Albany, and the royal eouplo reside at Henry III. 'Tower, Windsor Castle, Though only thirty-eight, - Prince Alexander has orowded a deal sato his life. Ile is a captain of the Roy- al Horse Guards, and a Knight of Justice of St. John of Jerusalem, and his amiable disposition has made him a great favorite. WOULD NOT BE WITHOEJT BABY'S OWN TABLBTS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets she Would not be with- out them. They are the only medi- cine for little ones guaranteed by a Governrnent analyst to be free from those opiates and other ham- ful drugs found in so-called "sooth- ing" mixtures. Concerning them Mrs. J. C. Wood, Underwood, Ont., says "" I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the last four years and would not be without them, as I have found them beneficial every time I have given them to my little ones," " The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers -or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' ll1edicine Co., Beoekville, Ont. WORLD'S BIG -GEST STONES. Syrialil Temple Has ' ©nc? Seventy Feet Long. Probably the largest stones ever used in any building are seen in the western wall of the great temple of Baalbek, in ,:Syria, and the problem is still unsolved as to the methods used in. conveying them from the quarries and of placing then in position. The quarries from which these blocks were undoubtedly cut. can be seen 'about half a mile to the south-west of the temple. The three stones lie horizontally, and feria part.of'the outer wall of the building. They are not on 'the low- est port of the masonry, brat are twenty-three feet above the • first' row of stones. Each stone is over sixty feet long. thirteen feet high, andten feet., thick. , The most won- derful block of all still \lies -in the quarries; 'for something must have occurred to stop the, work of sepa- rating it completely from the rock, and the great stone 'hzs lain there. for centuries. aWeiting o0mpletion, This stone is seventy" feet long, four teen feet high, and thirteen feet wide. The three sides and part ,of the fouith have been beautifully chiselled, arid are smooth and even. OPERATION WAS EVER NEEDED HERE 111:1 1USL MRS.. GOODINE USED DODD'S IUIDNEY PILLS. Doctor said she would have to undergo 'operation, but Dodd's e.•Kidney Pills curets her. Central Xingsclear, Fork. Co., N. B., May 20 (Special).,—"The doc- tor said 1 Would have to undergo an operation," So said Mrs. J. V. Goodine, of this place. But she smiled as she made the remark, for all need of the dreaded operation had vanished. Mrs. Goodine used Dodd's Kidney Pills and is a well woman. Given in brief and in' her own words, Mrs, Goodine's experi- enee is as follows "I was very miserable with Kid- ney Disease and unable to do my own work, The doctor said 1 would have to undergo an operation. Af- ter using three boxes of Dodd's Kidney fills I was all better and able to do my work, This state- nlent is true, as you can easily prove by enquiring mount- my neighbors." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys ; eured kidneys strain all the poisons and other eauses of disease rotit of the blood. Thus Dodds. kidney Pills are a natural euro for all Kidney diseases and all ills eaused by diseased kidneys, POINTED PARAGRAPHS, And the louder a xray talks the lass it amounts to. How narrow minded ;:nest peeplo tiro who argue with us 1 Some people lie beeansethey are too polite to tell the truth. It's surprising how many gr ttnees nost worthless men have. You call sometimes do a friend as favor by refusing to give him a1. oesn't take ft very elover was man to make a man. make a fool cif himself. And maiiy a -woman has lost a good friend by leading him to the matrimonial altar, When the average man has a chance to say a. good word for his neighbor he is apt to go lanae, It's an easy thing for .a, married. man to understand why, as u Haelle- lor, he didn't understand women We have no hesitation in saying that Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is without doubt the best medicine ever introduced for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera and all summer complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a positive cure. Mothers should never be without a bottle when their children are teething. VIC India produces twelve million tons of coal per annum. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. A BAD SIGN. Percy—I have reason to think Illy Wife has ceased to love me." - Harold ---"le it possible 1" Perey—"Yes, she hasn't jumped on me for nearly a week." Hard and soft corns both yield to Holloway's Corn Cure, which is entirely safe to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. • ANS e"ER WAS EASY, Gibbs—` 1You sap you were wrong in quarrelling with'your wife; then. why don't you go home and admit it , admission Dibbs-` ,The price' b s too high "Ilow, eine 03 flowers are there „in.' the ,World f" "Really ;L' have iF:oidea:,�' Some day ;I'll get: ,hold of; Ii,+y. wife's sp ing bat and; Out)tl'' all 'y> h a4 1 lP? MUST BE GENUINE. Mother --I think we'd better send for the doctor. Johnny complains of pains in his head, Father -It's nothing, serious. He has had them before. Mother—Yes, but never on a holi- day. Keep, Minard's Liniment in the house. HIS LIBRARY. "What a splendid library you have ?" t . "Yes, indeed,'" he said, proudly. "The collection of a lifetime, I presume." • "Exactly." "Have you read everything in it?" "Well, hardly, I don't expect ever to read all the books I have.'-' "You don't 1" "No. You see, the books I read I;keep upstairs in my den. These books • are all volumes that Some clever` agent has succeeded incon- vincing me'that I ought to- read." ll'~oS'1 PRIMITIVE 'RICE, Embus Have Little More Intelli- genre than. Apes. A people without any form of reli- gion, without superstition, devoid of any thotrght of the future state, bas been, found in the interior for- ests of Sumatra, according to Dr. 4Yilhelm Valez, the geologist of the Irho .Vniverislandsity, of Breslau, who has made' extensivee journeys through There he found the tubus, as he named them, who are scarcely to be distinguished from the small man- like ape, of the Indo-Mayalan coon - tries" Tlie are wanderers through y ugh the forests seeking food, They have no property. They .are not hunters, but .simply' collectors, They seek merelyotheresufidiblegeientrowths nuts,to fruitskeepthanemd alive. The Kobus wage very little war- fare upon the small amount of ani- mal life in their silent and som=bre land. The only notion he could get from them of a difference between a live and a dead person was ,seat ,seta dead do Dot breathe, He infers that they are immea- alirably inferior to the palcotithio yuan of Europe, ho fashioned tools and hunted big game with his flint - tipped. arrow and knife, The words they know ore almost es few as the ideas they try to express--Seiontifie Axiieriean, A Sixii_p e d Cheap Mediei.—' A sinlpi'e, chaneap tend efleetive anenedi- ine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effeetive a regulator of the digestive system as Par'melee's Vegetable fills, They are simple, they are cheap, they Ban be got anywhere, and their benefieiel action will prove their re- commendation. They are the medi- iine of the poor man ant.. these wvho wish to eseapo doctors' bills will do well in giving them e, trial. VALUATION, "Politeness cost nothing," said the ready-made philosopher, "Yes,' replied Mr. Growrieher, "If it had a market value there would be more of it" Minard's Liniment Go., Limited. Gents, --1 .rave uind your /litterd's Linl• Yount in ni ' ,anally and also in my stables for sears and consider it the best teeth. eine obtainable. Yours truly; ALFRED It001 kV, Proprietor Itoxton Pond Rotel and Livery. Stables. VERY MUCH ALIKE. "Did you ever get a kiss by tele, phone1" "No, what's it like7" "It's like dreaming about some- thing to eat when you go to bed hungry." When Your Eyes .Need Care Try btnrincEye 'remedy. NoStnarting—reels Eine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Il1ns- trattea Book in each Package. Murine is eotnpotinlool by our Oculists—not a "Patent Med- 10110 ed kine"—but used In successful Physicinns' Prac- tice for many pears.Now dedicated to the Pub- lic'and'sold by Druggists at in and 60c per Bottle. lyitirtno Eye Sato In. Aseptic Tubes, 5,c and 605. i luri[te Eye Remedy Co.,- Chicago IN GOOD TRAINING. "Nothing, serious the matter with your father's lungs, is there Jerry ?" "I should say not. He's been coughing for 37 years, and he can cough louder than ever." A Ready Weapon Against Pain. —There is nothing equal to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil when well rubbed in.. It penetrates the tissues and pain disappears before it. There is no known preparation that will reach the spot quicker than this magic Oil. In consequence it ranks first among liniments now offered to the public and is accorded first place among all its competitors. Of the 237,722 non-commissioned officers and men irj the British Army, 167,281 belong to the Church of, England. MInard's LinImont Lumberman's Friend. ONE REASON. He (sneeringly) --Many women. prefer their dogs to their hus- bands." She (bitterly),—"Why shouldn't they? The dogs growl only occa- sionally." Worms sap the strength and un- dermine the vitality of children, Strengthen then. 'by using Mother Graves'-. Worm ,nExterxninatorto drive out the'parasites. parasites. HOW A BEAR FISHES. A bear is about the lastanimal you would credit with being: able to fish, butfish he does. and in it he displays an amount of patience and skill that is amazing. He will, lie quite still upon an overhanging log, or bank with paw uplifted'and eyes attentively scanning the `water. Salmon and trout.: are 'his chief de- iight, . aril'should one conic near 22_ enough to the surf sec he is snapped out ,on the` bank ustlx'• .flip'.a-ncb a 1 tweet and,:vanishe ruin's big i. nla�Y, a 97J� Think this over! Is there any beverage -1h t Costs `<3t Jess per ca. tha SPOH PA COLT DISIrEIVIPEFI Can ilebandied Tory oat fly, Thesiekarecared„andallotbery in sane stable, no roamer born 'extosed,'' l o froze baying 'me d5sease,byueinkitiPrOiN'SJ.iQrril3LlS.t i'Efr j:ltE,, Oiveouthetonicyeorin1ued. Aids anthoboodandexpels germs of Ali fcrrmsofdistoautter, Best remedy ever keown for maresin,io:ti. fQe rind 8t a bottle; Kt atatttl1 dozen.oX IdraggisFsantt hasaens dealers. Vitt,sboas tow to poultice throats,.. 4ittrfrtesvokietgieeseyerr#lttng• 3.targeatseltlu burse 7enredl to exia.Cne- 60 yeat.rs, Iyit;.trizhtFin.rs... Watn4i'`a44,s DIlVAllxlers. • DtcAi,, co,, ctaemtate 0,nd xiagterlol0gIsts, OoeNen, inn,, U. S. A. *ID ILLEND kl lits. itlOTON 00, of Oanada, Ltd, CO rcAzre av5Kun TottotSTO Maypole N$ GL.AN 6iOME DYE. Gives rich, even colors, free horn streaks eodabsolut- ely last, Does not staanhands or kettles 24 eolots, will give say shade. Colons 10c, black 15; at your dealer's or : post - paid with booklet "How to . Dye” horn F. t. BENEBICT & CO. Non lel RTS. EDUCATION; THEOLOGY, MEDICII`lE. SCIENCE, Including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session ,.1t6-"="4. .17 Arts course map he taken by correspondence, lints ,:Meets desir- ing to graduate must; attend one session: Short Course for Teachers and'en- eral students July seth to 31st. For oakadars write the Rot;ietraar 0, Y. CROWN Knighton, Ont. , W, AA Toronto. rsora, Ninety' Colborne Street, Iona 'mons xl€ai>; ens w1LIr buy beautiful handred acres in Northumberland Court:, including Stock and Irnpiernents. he o as in the shock 4 horses. IP eerys, etc, This is a enap, and an be had ern easy terms. Possession at mice, {'t DOD PALMS 1N ITI ti't,Olx 7r Halton, Peel, York+. Du ttinberl:tnd, Prince Bey urd c{�arntie reas;twttale prices, iwil,i all, earth Llll;i TA, sAsv. Ten3s Manitoba lands in Aare Cass, 'AN :ND eorss1all Tibilrz PSr*, i ALI.: siz;s. 1 Tela: A` 2l in avn b'vt,it Belt,. 11A W$° 1, Toront9, t [I A ES 'i'1 P11W1 CQitiaT7 Coil, clay loam: 8 `acres, ,stoker; lrrielc house: good outbuildings; eeltgnl on farm; rural mail delivery; The Western Real Estate, Landon. .FcALI. iT 4 to i�lxEitli;Y PLANTS--EA1tLY P n+is orad Williams. .+*reat crop ,sear uropaeated Order at too. $2,5o 5:Ct. $3,t'll 3:0, Is, b. i. Ben enti: I', O,, Ont. AGENTS WANTED,, llsWAT AGENTS, TEIsEGFiAPUUE11S! Rncl elerim lei great demand tbrouwh• �ntaXMO and North Went. Six mambo tnrllfyv Tali. Da— and - Bail courses.. tan r secured, Free nook i8 explaiut. neon Sebool Telr'rrapiat', Toronto, MAt lb fELP WANTED. AILWAY AGk,NT5, TF.LEG1'�A1'iillRS ilu and Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and Ncrtlt West, Six montse,, will quality you, Day and ?,arts courses. Positions secured. hool'Free T Telegraphy, Toronto, D„minion MtSCEt.t.ANE0US.. 1VE 'FOXES WANTED—YOUNG Ole 4 old, Wan. Pearson. Guelph, Ont. AY and FAItM liOALE$, Wllaon'* i;cnto Worts, 4 Esplanade. Toronto. `i /,ICER, TUMORS, MINTS, eta. In ternel: and external, cured >Rithoul nsin lay our home treatment. Write us Dr. Reitman au lfe dtca .. before on late,1 beta t Limited, C o nwoat , n . ' 11:0 i i G lt{ 1 Ont. S hL>; Q GUARANTEED. Willson** r4[\1 RSI -41`1 C KINCSTO3 0 n e ONTAR19 G Seale Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. Cow -Comfort is positively guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle. �t WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO Maclaren imperial Cheese Co., Limited, W00DSTOCK, ONTARIO ( FEATHER DYEING Cleaningand Curling and Kid Glares cleaned, Tose can be sent by post, to par oz. The.ket place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL. The Hct3rt of*. Plano is the Action. 'insist en tho •OTTO ;L8]IGEL„ Piano Action x,ems. "X 2lit.'a CREOSOTE Protect -- Preserve— Beautify Samples and Hooklets on Application JAMES LANGMUI R & GG., Limited 13"744 Bathurst': Street; TORONTO GREAT SCHEME. Knicker—So Jones has a, great in- vention Bocker—Yes; an umbrella handle that retains.. the finger prints. Away With Depression and Mel- ancholy.—These two evils are the accompaniment of a disordered sto- mach and torpid Iiver and mean wretched-ness -to all whom they visit. The surest and speediest way to combat them is with Parinelee's Vegetable. Pills, which will restore the healthful action of the stomach and bring relief. They have proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give re- lief to the suffering who arc wise enough to use them. Five men's strength is equivalent to that of one average horse. Ask for. Minard's and takeno other. A USEFUL FOWL. "Why don't you get rid of that hen?You say she never lays." ' "But she is an incessant cackler, and that keepssthe other hens at a high ?nark," "What' will you women do with the vote whenyou get it?" asked the man sarcastically. "Well;" re plied the bright woman, !'we'll try not to be too busy to'go to the polis' 'to use it.' Tread '"softly,- Step safeitj. CAT�`;PAW"RUi BkRt SO E:S' Embody the, patented'featui'es o �., f.Cats.�Paw i1,�e'Is ..._ .�.�.._.. ;esu TWO CRUISES- -ON =— VICTORIA LUISE (16.serronsi From New York Nov. 12, 1913 Front San Francisco Feb.27,1913 Wilt visit Madeira, Sprain, !talc, Egypt. India, Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Java, Philippines, Chinn, Japan, Sandwich Islandn,'with Overland AmertcsaTout. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 117 Hays in India TOURS ]4 Days in Japan Duration 110 Days Each and ()inul:tdins ail nee. @ {8 ep lea ry Gapes; ;e• aboard and adore. "Ask anpone who has read. the' Crane, Write for „Booklet. HAMBURG - A RERICAN LINE 41.45 BROADWAY, N. Y. or Ocean Steamshiii Agency, Si "louse St.. Toronto, Canada- For a le g Nothing can equal the deli ciously dainty, appetizing and nutritious "ICING OSCAR" Sardines. Caughtin the cold, deep waters of`Norway, and packed in the world's biggest factory, they are an hbsoiut.ely safe food. Alone, or in combination, they will be found a welcome addi- tion to the lunch "basket.' Try this for Sancludel,es: With "KING G OSCAIR' Sardines mix one teaspoonful of vinegar, pepper and salt to'; taste, small piece of green anion and a pinch of chop- ped Darnley. lay between iwo,rounds of thin buttered.bread or toast, with lettuce; leaves. FROty VOIJR CROCER ASK , FOR "KING OSCAR" BRAND SARDINES Trade supplied by at JOHN W. :BICKLE ;'tz GlIEEXI C4 'Hamilton, Oanada, t; to