HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-30, Page 6CaN�DIAN CROP ACREAGE Heavy Percentage o'ntmeAllilled Wheat ----Late ecr ase in Yield, es?ateht frons Qttawa, says: ettn of the Census and° Sta Ofl ee makes the following <ar on the crops and live stock' a,nada, The area sown to.Yin- y� wheat lost. fall WAS ,reported a$, 1,t9'7,900 acres, of which 'c'O7,2OC1 fere s were in Ontario,' and �300,TQO acres in Albertan Freda reports fiat co r, esporidents at the end of April, ids it is estimated that about 31.50 per cent. of this area has been winter killed, the proportion being 23.72 per ent, in Ontario, and 34,50 per ceztt. in. Alberta. This represents tota1 deduction from the area,, aster it of ;a. baht 345,90d acres 229 QGQ fares i Ontario f e t?cre' in �,itCl 1t1r4:�� ,SiCt•e$ 1n therta), The average condition:, inter wheat Q i April 30. 1,xtiRs of a ststandard(7'X,.,L2 4 per cent. inpCl tario and 76.80'per cent. in .,. From these figures it is ertat the y-ield, por acre',; t 101„ 4 likely solsper acre, or Alun the averag e year's, 111-. fct„ Ato ItNIS per acre, valet, ti of nverag conditions t :ion ;i. Px an, da 1t rv est, Provinces t;pritl� Atari, Std had +)i1ly" begntn tere, most of the t;rotnci 1 tender" stnw.w. vers little Id been made b} the 3111 ,Qilebee, the ;mount delle representing not about 3 or 4 per steel tbuut 15 dear cent. of a total seeding was completed, but this applies chiefly to the western and sol;tthern parts of the Province, In tho North-West T'ra'inees the wet condition of the ground, cou- pled 1lditli volti weather and the small amount of fall plowing cont- pletedlast year, has caused seeding operations to be somewhat back. ward. In ani ba 0 a - I �Ia tp 5 ,1�, ti Sasi,atehe wan ;1;51, and in Allterta 61.26 per cents, of the seeding of spring wheat wars epnipleted by the end of April, ond sof .total seeding done the per centage proportions were Manitoba S6.63 Sasientetteiyan nn "0 and Al- berta 51,50. Nearly 14 per cent, of the hay Anel -clover meadows have been win - killed, and their aret•age egazdl tit)t is represented by 74,C3 for all _Canada, the figures for Quebec tae'- g Qty, for Ontario SO.46, for Mani-, Ala 13".48, for?askat4'hewafi Alberta 0L Q, and .f for ;British mails 3f, 7:".. re'por't on )ak shows a :l Qll., ,leen,' s ,+tlard. MAKIN3 SAFE INVESTiliENTSTIORONTO. CORRESI O D C � A THE DANGERS - OF "E,ona DISTANCE SPECULATION" TOO OFTEN OVERLOOKED, Recent Sudden: Rise in Canadian Markets a Trap for the Unvrary--,Profits on Long Reid Speculatiens Eaten Up by Interest. The atrtieiee contributed by "•lnveetor" aro for the sole purpose of gelding pros pectiva investors. and, it Passible, _of sa* inn them from losing money throug3 placing it in, "wild -eat" enterprises, The 3mpartiul and rell,eble character of tb> information may be retied upon, The writer of theme articles and the publisisrr of this psp4r have no interests. to Fera in connection with this matter allay 'OAP, those of the reader. (By "Investor.") Those Those who have watched the steady rise to the Canadian stock markets during the ➢ past three months have doubtless felt elated if they owned some advancing stock or disappointed if they were inter- ested merely as spectators. Let these lat- tor, console themselves with the homely axiom that "Everything which goes ur Mita coli e down.' Tbis phrase is true of the stock market as of everything else F..verything which. goee. up without a aura foundation and strong superrncture can- not remain,: atone the general, level for loicg, Last wec;a the movements of sex: arse industrial stocks were noted. Now many of these have advanced without 0 semblance of foundation or superstrae- tura. They have been carried up in th, whirlwind of general prosperity aqd sizar- $et scowl 3*, which at pthseut is whirling throughout Canada, A lull and they droll hock Sea where they ettottld be, rt bow about these who eeeltew to meet of the stock market and buy and steady, hut eminently re, bonds? As bonds dent go etp best they have but a little die - fait at: worst, So long as the s _ K nd t behind bo .and re son c a ai b Y• k ) ditiCt'etiRn, { 311 ail aR inveaCor iafertunes, Like Black Lake bendbolder need !lava no the future of Ilia ttrlai e regtitttr payment-of''Ilia inter- n eollilnn, sines its ittceattteo, en laid on the advantag,i- a. eland bends over eettri•ilpocy, Stn➢" of stocks, TO deal alt tope of sueeeee ono must )n the spot. Tho folly of apeeulation Tait obvious utet,y to conteinplato It. WOD outside of enlevoOthat by reeansthe of cat 'polys in this daily Press and oliel coiltimttnicatioa Trott their they eau aueceoefully purchase -pee ;Igoe stoc]sii, - Take a fovertiilt /4134341. ,Sto that at pre- sent, On the Aar Clue: is beiux written one could, have bought Sao Paulo ;tit req ceelock and by nope nt ltrolit; Yet wee but SIX ase touch with order this worgi: t tort tlo for udlcit the pereenta# 1l belay'; 20, REPORTS FROM Tei t EitTyifdtl CENTRES: 01 itfitIER1CA, emcee 4f cattle' gain:, 'racket at Hemp ay 1'ttiU1- WIllte r wheel, at *Wee emopate Toro Northern MI n3 xvltcat is quoted wheat -No. 3 rltite, rill+d, 51.05 to 81.06, °Mettle, ries, o. 3 tlhlppttig peas. $125, palati Oast t'at' iota of No. 2 Qntario, 4i1 48 t•2e. and NO $ tet 47e Outside, ''i4• tiutarle, 5fi to Ole, on trach, Toronto. 1 extra, W'. ;1,'. Leet,, 49e, Day portal. au Aro. t at 46', limy porta. Barlt z<rko t It t agntinn d I. y eta t l Corn -No. 3 et America low u d a Sle, Bay ports, and at Sic, an 1ruek To ronee i „re-Prieee nomioai, Uueltwheat^-70 to 78e, outfiide.. Bron -Manitoba bran, 5:5. in bags, To• rent° freight. l+hort9. 827. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples- Tite utarkrt int dull and feature lees. Beaus--Smnll lots of band -picked' $2;70 to 8175 per bntihelr primes, $2.60 to i�2.65. Bondy --Extracted in tins. 11 lo 12e per lb. Combs, $2.50 to $3 75 per doeen. Baled ,lay -19o, 2, 818 10 819 a ton, C10 ver, :nixed, 814 to $15.50, on track, Baled straw -811 to 411;50, on track, Teo ronto. Potatoes -Cat lots of Ontarins, in bags. $1.75 to $1.80, null Delawares at $1.85 to U0. Out.of store, '$1.96 to $2• Imported potatoes. 81,60, in car lots, and 51;80, out - of -store. Poul ry--AVholeaale prices of choice poultry -o(Mel:ens, 16 to 17c per Ib.; fowl, 11 to 12ot docket. 12 to 14r; turkeys, 20 to 21c. Live poultry, about 2c lower than the .above. field it uta tett veAfteeri the :myope not et who sena ita'e 1944 volute 'withitr A, taw niinut€e Of pule ]till Order was filled, The vroY bond may be slow. but one earl Peitz and riot op11Tt his daily paper ]tet trepidation for fear of a break in ells nveatment that Will metre then wipe out hie 1'eor"a ti. acme. And an it goe$, The specidetor in real state 'hasn't the excitement of tho vtoele ambler. bttt hie 1Qssee MAY tie no leas sere and far reaching. OIany reaucre remember the time cvions tete dull es of 1889.1892 commenced, 'The caner real, eetatse .found things cltanse with prielnee auddenfeee. From having ileo aRerini absurdly bleb prices for Lin land lie .totrnd-••if Its wanted to self -that be lied to osier it to the buyers, Ti ids he 'would get were usually below Mu lee, and worse than all, these Otero be - me lower and lower until finally he� found it practically :itnposeible to Fell wl hout oevrye loss. Manyx met who a bought spelreal tha ta boom hoveoonlyFecentlysfound antoppor- 'Melte' to get out without loss. when the, twetity4#1v4 yearly inter'&t on their mone3t is added. For, it is a *point too malty people overlook that the longer they hold nn ,unproductive property the less their Chance of making :t rein profit; for their money even in a savings bank lit, 3 per cent., compound fntercat, double-, itecit about every eighteen yore. The result is that n Tuan who purcliasee western land now apd has to 'wait live years for his roflt, must sell for vie (east ore and a bait timea its value to make fifteen per cent. on his money if we dednet interest at 6 per cent. on the sum involved. The man with bonds or sound invest- ment stocks on tete other hand has some- thing which is returning him an assured income. which he can readily sell and which -far more important in some in. atances-does not take time front his Or- dinary businessto watch. INVESTING )LON,EY. BITTER. BOGS, CHEESE. Butter -Dairy. choice, 24 to 25e; bakers:. inferior. 20 to 21e; ereemerv, 27 to Die for rolls, and 25 to 26t• for solids. ]sgg-;•-,Sew-laid, 22 to 2,'r per dozen, in case Iots. Cheese -New cheese. 14 to 14 1-2c per ]b. ROG PRODUCTS. Bacon -Long clear, 14 to 141-4c per lb., iu ease lots. Pork. short eut. 623 to 824; do , Spens, $20 to 421. gams -Medium to light, 18 to 181.2c; hcawy, 16 to 161-20 rolls, 121.2c to 13c; breakfast bacon, 1? to 18c: backs. 19 to 20c. Lard -Tierces, 14c; tubs, 14 1-4c; :pails, 14 1-2e. MONTREAL MAIIXETS. Montreal, May 28. -Corn -American No. 2 yellow, 86c. Oats-Canedia,n Western. No. 2, 55 to 551-2c; do, Canadian West- ern. No. 3, 5i to 511.2c,: do., extra No. 1 feed. 511-2 to 52c. Barley -Man.. feed, 65 to 66o; do., malting. ,51,06 to 6107. Buck- wheat -No. 2, 74 to 75c. Flour -Man. Spring wheat paents. firsts $5.80; do., seconds. 65.30; do., strong bakers, 65.10; do.. Winter patents. choice. 6,5.25 to. $5.- 35; do straight rollers 64.80; do.. straight rollers bawl. $225 to 62.35. Pollee' orta Barrels, $5.35; do., bags, 90 'ha, 02.55, f A ,cdespatch from Pekin says : $27-00; While President Yuan 51xiI�ai, �vu )29.00; mouillie,S�O.Oa to 34.00 7fa•y-No. RX f1 `fxfll€ A'1y. 1 X. OF DEtihLARlii, 'ears old. Ile has two 80215. who is QUEEN ALEXANDRINE OF DENMARK, who is a sister of the 'German Crown Prince. CHINESE PREMIER SPOT. Crank Empties Revolver While OM - Bran -$23.00; 1R 'bran $2.i 00 shorts m ddl l' 1, SCJ' • 1 s 2, per ton, car Iola, $19.50 to $20,00- Cheese dining With members of the Cabi- net, of r,. finest Eastern s, 131-2 to 135•8u; Butter -2 C�overr_ors provinces. - and es Vest..rns, 13 3-4 to Ls 7-8o; do., Among the securities whichare attract- ing ,attention, these days none is regarded more .highly by the careful investor than the six per cent. first mortgage bonds of The Spanish .River Pulp & Paper Mills, Limited. Exclusive of the value of the concession, which gives the Company the right to cut pulp wood on an area of 6,000 square miles, the assets of the Company includ- ing the Pulp and Paper Mills at Espa- nola.` Ontario, are estimated at six times the bond issue. During its first year of operation, the Company showed profits' of 5309.263.19 from wood and pulp mill operations alone. The bond interest and other charges were S106,62.7.54, leaving net profits of $202,635.65 for the year. 'It is believed that the earnings with the paper mill now ,,in . operation should be well over . $400,000 for the ensuing year. As tho Bonds are a first mortgage on all the Company's property, it is plain to neo why they are in such demand. At the present price of 981-2 they yield 61.8 per cent. per annum. Interest is payable the lot of July and the 1st of January- Tho bonds are in $500 denominations, and with the high interest yield. combined with ab- solute safety of principal, make an ideal investment. • The Dominion'' BondCompany, Limited, Toronto, will furnish complete' informa• tion on request. Choicest creamery. 27 to 271 -se; .lo sec- leading Chinese officials on Fria, d ends, 25 3-4 to 261-2c. Eggs -Fresh, 23 to,- 231-2c, do., NO. 2 stock j 8 to 19c Potatoes ,hung Ping Lin a disgruntled -Per bag, car lots, $1.70 to 51.75. office seeker, bribed the. attaches _-and -entered the hall flourishing a LIVE STOCK MARKETS. revolver. He fired several shots Montreal, hiay 28. - Ton aunlity steers i oint blank at Tang._, tan Yip. the sold at $8;•.good at $7.50 -Co $7-75, and ;he p 51 Sower grades from that down to as to remie.i•;__ whom he blamed for his $6.50 per cert. Butchers' cobs at from failure to get theP olitical promo - S4 t, 5,575, and the bulls offered brought • from $4.50 t0-. ,6.25 tlOn lie .l].��Cl..SO11 h $ t 5hr sought. His alai was per ctiti O. cep at from was $3 to $6 each, and Spring lambs at from bac, andall the shots went, wild. 54 to 56 each, whsle c• Ives sold freely et from 53 to $8 each. Selected' lots at $9,- 75 per cwt, weighed off cars. TTNITED STATES' MARKETS. Minneapolis, May '.28. -Wheat -May, $1.- 141.8;' July, 61153-9; September, $101; No• 1 hard, $1;365-8; No. 1 Northern, $4,157.8 to $1.161-8; No. 2 Nor'hern, 51137-8"to St. - 14 1-8. No. 3 wheat, 51.12 to, $1.121-4.: No., 3 ye11r_w corn, 76 to,,77c. No.: 3 white oats, 50 to 52c. No, 2 rye, 861-2o. Pran, $20,50 to $24: Flour --First patents, $5.50 to $5.- 75; second :patents, 55.30 to 5545; first clears, $3.50 to $4.15; second clears, $2.80 to 43.10. Buffalo, May 28. --Spring wheat -Nn. 1 Northern, car loads, store, 51,231-t; Win- ter, No. 2 red, 51..19;' No. 3 red, 51.17; No. 2 white,. $1:18. - Corn-rilo, 3 yellow, 83c No. 4 yellow, 801.2e No. 3 corn, 801-4 to 621-4c; No. 4 corn. 791-4 to 79 3-4c, all or/ Crank, ,,.through billed. . Qats-No. 2 white, 551-2; ri No. 3, white, 58; Nn. 4 white, 57. Earley -- lilting, 51.16 to $1.28. A license Deduct'ca on msig n p,b started in Y,onclon, ant. After his ammunition was exhaust- ed Chang was overpowered by the attendants .ancl taken to jail, DEVELOPMENT OF FEMINISM.. Farm Financed ' - 700-�➢ c�rllanccll and Work- ed by li1' onoes. A despatch from London sans : A seven hundred acre farm in Sussex on the Surrey border, controlled, financed and Worked: exclusivelyy, by women,' is the latest develobment. of feminism.S;ymp athizers with the scheme have sub;s,cribecl 550,000. The farm is to have cattle sheep, pigs and'..poultry and man, iistitu-< tions run by women 'have, promised will to patronize ,it With orders fdr milk and dairy produnts, CANADIAN FRUIT WINS. Cold Medals Were Awarded Can - ad and. Australia. A despatch from London says: At the International' Flower Show on Thursday Canada and Australia, were asvarcled blue ;ribbons in the form of large gold medals fgt the best collection of fruit. The King expressed great satisfaction at the aclinirabla arrangements of the ex-; hibits. 1NTER£ST1NC COSS1P rROM THE QUEEN CITY.., Coed Story From Ottawa -Princess Pa- tricia -Royal Family's Visit-f-lonors for Sir- William Mackenzie. (Wo have arranged for regular Weekly Letter about Toronto and Ontario of, fair's, Thee letters have proved of the utmost interest toour readers. They are from the pen of one of Canada's' foremoet journalists, a utas, who lias re, ported some of the world's greatest hap- penings, and now occupies a leading,po- sition on one of the Ontario dailies:}.. Toronto is dlspo ed to smile at' the pre- tensions of Ottawa society: Consequently it has enjoyed the story, which has been circulating for some months. to the effect that the Duke of Connaught was obliged to, etles' d 5t from his visits to he Ottawa Golf Club because the citizens of Ottawa, members of the club, were so anxious to do the right thing that they always rose towish. thein ir visifeeton,^, evethe ry time his, itoyal' gess entered a, room. Kis Royal Highness' elub had been merely to enjoy himself and mix on temps of equality with the other members. " But when he found this was impossible be had torecreationab,andon this, particular form of But, perbape, some: Toronto people hove been putting their- foot in it, too, during the two weeks° visit of their Royal IUtgli-. 0eso. though clot alwasethroughan ex-. cess, of fccntatity. It is related -pkat at 000 of the balls one of the guestswas hurrying to get into tate ball -room, and finding a broad back blocking the door- wny. tapped the owner of the ssaid, hroad back on tree shoulder and asked hint to G*tt Oly ettted. aside, The fussy truest was: horror.striekers to Lind that it was the Duke of Conn:n:01 lie hod thus ad, dressed, The orchestra made a ,break,, too, when tbey played "011. You Iteatiti- ful .Doll on the approach -of the Princess Patriola. Not that the Princess is not an n usa JIy 66 et! is i young lady, but t, e eo l r m i piniCgt, it nt4nded as SY;tB Soniewhat familiarly expressed,. THE PRINCESS' BI.1IUTY. Tido question of the Princess.' bgsenty ,tae been n favorite topic of diseur,Pica nine Tarentoniens bare had an :oppor- tunity of looking at Iter feet) to face, On the whole it may bo aatd Abe Ilse comeup to the advance pothole, if one may.so. speak of a Friueees, though most observers, humanlike, have admired her with the mental ro9erwation that one or me iagint1R ,g000rd #poofkytbeever ncthegaRoyalaaees beauty.excelled Iters is the typteul Bnotien type of ,beauty, mild atnd sweet and looking in tnitaation,; ger features aro ,tlTlely moulded and re- gular with the exception of the elooelr hones,. lshielt are noticeably ,Sigh, Despite her good loaka. k1Qwever, press pbot:egraphcrs 1eotifa #hat the Princess is what is known .in that ,arofeselon Ata "eataera,-albv." Its other words. she takes pains to dodge or duel: her head every tune ate sees a, camera. At some of the outdoor fuuctione she attended there ,!;ore all sorts or ' snap•shottera." But very irw of them got a really good picture of her Boyal Highness, who without appear- ing to be conseloue of Vie 'pre;euce of the rantera-nnen, proved to be an adopt at keeping her :feed out of range. BNTki1FrD LIFE Or THE TOWN, This visit of the 'Royal Familyhas been is nannyToronto retbxpau octethe, a o,patch t autqueterumevent to ne lasn. o first visit was a State affair,. and ail the fnitetlnne were. eccordnngla, formai- This time there has been much more infer. malfty. Witht, just enough 01 the trap - Inge of State, spelt as the tearlet uni eormed outriders, 'which often heralded the appronelt of the RoYnl vieitore, and never failed to bring throngs of epecta• tore: to tickle the fancy of the multitude, Their' Royal Righnessee made an earnest effort to enter into the real social life of the town. To this end they went about freely, accepted to many i v tnvi n s and two themselves entertained a great deal Nearly every day a score or two represeu tetivo ottizene, judges, lawyers, clergy- men, phyateinns, newspaper editors and captains 01 industry were invited to lunch- eon or dinner, ns other engagements par witted. In this way they carne in ecu- inet with a groat many people in a moro or less intimate manner, and doubtless learned a great deal of the various opin- ions and points of view of Canadians, Torontonlans, on their part, were delight- ed with. Stele frank and unaffected man nors of tho Royal hosts and their staff. There was an entire absence of "side" and npparently a genuine pleasure in making now acquaintances. HONORS 'FOIA SIR WIL'LT.I. Sir, William Mackenzie, who placed Itis residence, Beuveuuto: ovcrloohine the city front the heights at the north, at the disposal of his 'loyal Highness, prom- ises to be shortly ono- of the richest men In. the world. if bis .many railway and other schemes develop as expected. It is rumored, too, that there aro high Im- perial honors in store for him, that his present knighthood will soon be supplant- ed by more important titles, but to this there can, of course, be no 'present eon- ilrmation. There is a story that Sir William se- cured the palatial Benvenuto from its former owner for a consideration of 1,000 shares of Toronto Street Railway stook, According to report, this stock cost rho President of the company. about 810 a share. so that for the equivalent of $i0,- 000 he got a- property that is now worth probably 8150,000 or $200,000. This is but as example of the Mackenzie luck -or foresight. Many people suppose that Sir 'William was the Duke of Connaught's host at Benvenuto during the Royal visit. This. is hardly correct. The residence was simply turned over to His Royal Hieh- ness, who brought his own servants, some twenty in number, while Sir Wilhiam and his family found quarters elsewhere. GALA DAY FOR THE CHILDREN- Enipire day has come to be a great ovcnt for the `school children of the city. On that day tbey marched, many thon- sand strong, to Queen's Park, there to lay their garlands of flowers on the monu- ments of statesmen and heroes which adorn the encroaches to the Parliament buildings. The ceremony fs a conception of School Inspector James L. Hughes. who generally arranges that some outstand- ing utsta",ciing notable shall be nregent to lend dig- nity and interest to the. proceedings. 'This, year he was particularly fortunate in the presence of the Duke of Connaught,and the feature of the afternoon was when his Royal ifiebness reviewed the scene from a position at the base of the monu- ment to his mother. the late Queen Vic- toria, which unfortunately is one of the least impressive of the Queen's Park me morial3 A MILLION FOR TORONTO. It is quite the fashion now to talk about the-dny when Toronto' willhave a million population. And the promise of an early, fulfilment of the prediction' has :lust been riven color by the report rrenared;5" n board of expert engineers. who were 'asked t•n prepare plans for ' Water su9nlq for rho •,future' Toronto. In their report t: -.h sneak confidently of a„ million ynnul'- tion in the ,near future, and have dawn Plana ' accnr{iinrlp •Put the.r pre rhllert Ane• frons t'orcTnio'0 re of S'6.055 for •:i+e-,. 1>rfef wort "'end uerhrna s 1t_ -1 e_n`eoS or,. little fldery to help their hi11 lor't. however, there are some optimists •'who talk of two million ' people within thirty years. TITANIC WAS WARNED. British Investigators Relieve #, e C'Vessel ;it the Identical Berg. A despatch from London says : That the ieeberg with which the Ti- tanic collide:, was one of those of which she had warnings from other ships is the conclusion reacheds. by the Board of Trade court of in-, orlirv, after a careful .examination oft1-. wireless telegrams xlassed tri and-Fiom the steamer, on the day of the disaster, SATE OF DU SON B_ Y L%iodD. A despatch from Edmonton. Alta:, gays : :Property to the total, value of $2,560,650 had, been sold.. in The portion of the Hudson Bay`re- serverecently thrown On the mar-' ,ret tip bo 2o'nlock Wednesday,' ternoon-' In 'Edmonton .'alone ,t;he -mine of tha,,lots sold is $1.860,500. a total of- 486 lots having, been dis- posed of to date. 11141 ItIot IJI1jHf iIi't r µ Ws THE WWTEST.L165lt BM?: toaxamTir it l. i Il I• t tt e �i i.11linii 1( In i, 1, FIVE CAPITAL: CASES. Largest Number in Any Month for Some Years. A tc des a - li from Ottawa, i? says, Five capital eases are under consid- eration at present by the Minister of justice, which is the largest`num b er of any month of the past two years, The eeeutions are sche- duled to take place between June 1 and STune 2/, AU the eases are in the 'West., One cxeoution to take place on June 1 leas boon postponed, pending the consideration of ,Flop, C, 3 Doherty,who .1. � , a 1 o h, s not had d time to weigh the faots, 1EW 1'1tLSIDEN'1' OF G.T.R. E. J„ Chamberlin Succeeds the Late 0. M. Hay's. despateb from London: says: It was officially announced here en Friday that Edson Joseph Cham- berlin, vice-president and general manager of the Grand -Trunk Paci- fic Railway, has been appointed - president of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, of Canada, to succeed Chao. M. Hays, who died in the Titanic disaster, Iter, Chamberlin has also been elected <a; member of the Grand Trnnk board of directors, vice Mr. Hays, PRICELESS ORC,IIDS, A despatch from London says The greatest display of the world's floriculture ever known was opened by the King and Queen at the grounds of Chelsea Hospital on Wednesday, The show is in atent t;averi1lg four acres, It is filled with priceless blooms from many climes, among 'which is one group of orchids alone valued at a million dollars. An Absolutely Safe 6/ Investment Q The First Mortgage Bonds of Price Bros, &Company f per cent. on theinvest- ment---Secured by :first mortgage on one of the finest paper mills anti over four million acres of the best pulp and timber. land in. America ---insured with Lloyds, of London, England, against 'fire..,offer a most attractive investment. The present net earnings of the Company are sufficient t4 pay the bond interest twice. over, The growing demand for pulpwood is yearly increasing the value of the Company's properties. 'These bonds have been purchased by the best informed financiers in 'both Canada anti' England. At their present price they yield, 6 per cent interest. Considering security, earnings, assets, and the likelihood of appreciation in value, Price Bros, & Company bonds constitute an exceptional investment. Write for full description of these thands. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING e.- - YONGE M D QUEE SSTREETS. R. M. WHITE QNTp MONTREAL-OUBpRC-t1A't•lFA%-4rMWR Msnaeer ,tLONDON:it:NO.i GUARAMEED Larger Return Probable. ..,....torr Fielders of the 7 por cent. Preferred Stock of Tho Stenon Company, limited, enjoy the full benefits of straight partner- ship, because, in addition to the regular 7 per cent. dividend, on the stock, they sharp equally with the Common Stock In all, profits':In excess of the preferred dividend. The Company has been in successful operation- for close to a quarter of a century, and with Its present capacity cannot now 011 more than 60 per cent. of Its orders. In addition, the Com- pany holds a largo number at exceedingly valuable timber limits. Subject to prior sato, we offer 850,060 of tho 7 per cont. Pre - Tarred Stock of the Company at 1100 a share. Dividends aro paid June 1st and December lst. Wo would be pleased to send you circular giving SUI, par- ticulars regarding the Company, or, If you would prefer,, would have one of our representatives call on you. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATIONLTD. I 3 CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT T6 The New Perfection Toaster Anyone, even a little girl, can make toast on the New ectiott She will ]1 n o bum.. the ° rou• a and she will burn her - iiia en's either, she uses the New Perfection: 'I'oasier� For toast or ]rose; For boil or broil For ,fry or bake there a3° no other •stove that is as quick and as handy as the New Perfection Oil Cook -stove- the convenient' stove for all.'.ptlrposes, all the year. round. Every dealer has it. ,- Handsomely finished in nickel, with cabaret top, dropshelves, towel racks,etc. Lon .g chimneys, enatneied tur- quoise -blue. Made vita 1 2 and 3 rl burners, Free Cook -Book with" .stove. - .. ➢ 0110, .a y every,.to ✓e. � Cook -Bonk . it cn to anyone •t� ,gone sendirn,g 5 cents to cover tnai ins cost. '' THE IMPERIAL •,titi.It O.ii..t 4eO1WPANY, Limited Winnipeg, LvMontr al Et. John, 1-lalifaa;send Cteicnn City i :vinl-aa, '£ocuttta ua un *•;