HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-23, Page 8EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY MAY • tt MARKETS. CHANG KAOH WEDNESDAY Wheat 1 03. 1 03 11arlov 65 05 But:kw-b., 65 70 50. 50 Peas. — 100 1 15 1 50 1(0 14 00 15 00 2 '70 160 165 20 20 22 22 8O 28 00 2000 26 00 Petatoe.:, per bag • • . • • • Hay,. per -nem. Flour, p..r cwt,, family Flour, beat grade per cw Better, 'rebore:re per Shorts per Bran per ron . . Sugar Beet mire', somosoomeno.ramaloom 411•11101111•1•111.001 HOUSE FOR SALE On W lliam Street, Exeter. Arty parson de - airing a new cream separator will do well to call at the Exeter Earg,ain, Store and see me Preen:sr: This is orlb of the best and easiest running seParators on the market. Come tn. and let us talk lt over with you. M. ELATCEITORD Exeter. k" --- Don't buy until you see our stock of up-to-date clothes for men and boys.,—Stawart'S• GOOD 'HORSEB1PRNED.Ir. W. Tapp ,.';‘,,as purchased that ftne In:ported horse "Storm 1" tei owned by Messrs. T;awdert 74cDone, and sslel • Tr' years .ag tOa entlenta." Owen Sound, He is such, a good breed ing tors:. at farir.e,rs wished hint back agegt, and consequently Tapp has Ixareltased h'm and lie will arrive this • S11 King ltas a Pedigree and 1 -itis a mos; excellent recard. Many of the highest priced horses QJaround here this winter were sired, by "Storm 1i -4n -g-, Ie wl1.1 Stand Ten the eeasenat the .1,.TeDo.,eli Earns, John-st. Parte rieeding the use Of' a gottd. horse wJ do well to see Mr. Tapp at V7,e Central Hotel. Big range of House Drennan in Prints, Ginghams and Chasm larays, sizes 32 to 44. Prices 441.50 to $2.50.—Stewart's. SALT WELL ANNUAL MEETING.-- Notico is he-.,-eby given that the Annual "dotting or ;he Exeter Sall Well Co. w•.11 bineid ia the Town Hall. Exeter. on Mionday •Ttme 10th, at 2 O'clock p, 111., for the transaction or -general busi- ness, T. E. Carling, Seeretary. Rugs, Lirsolenms and Car - Pats. There Is no difficulty in Palling the new patterns. The Prices you will find are right. tewart's. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST—Miss J. J. Allen, Eye S'ght Specialist, will be at Tito CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY JUNE 1St—one day. 3 yds x 3 yds Japahese Mat- ting Rugs. The very thing for bedrooms. Ask to see them— Stewart's. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned ;is offering for sale part of Lot 13, Con. 1, Usborne, situat- ed half mile south of Exeter, contain- ing seven and one firth acres. There is on the premises a. good frame house and barn, good well of water, about 30 apple trees and a. quantity of small -fruits. This is a splendid property, well situated and will be sold reasonable and on easy term€. It not Sold priv- ately on or before May 20, 191, it Wi1 be offered by public auction with the household effects on June 1, 1912. For further particulars apply to' -Thos. Caneron, auctioneer, Farquhar, or on the premises to Mr. T.Ohn Salter, Exeter • HICKS' FORECASTS FOR MAY. — All gathering storms should be watched at this tine., as violent storms are probable.. A Reactionary Storm per- iod is on the 29th, 30th and 31st. .At steternio period is central on the 30th -- fa cm 27th to June 4th. LOAD OF CALVES.—I will have a load of Caives at the Central Hotel, Exeter, at 12 o'clock. nn Tuesday May 28th for sate.—Geo. Chapman. LOST—A pearl brooch, en Sunday, May 19th, between the Power House and James Street chru.rch. Reward to fins der who will confer a favor by return- ing sante to Dr. Roulston, firwirivrIF-Nr LOCAL DOINGS. J Aar-sar-aatoa,,iikaikxac411,-Aftseigii Thoughte of home aien,'t a/ways sen- tmental. Friday is My 24th, and a public' holiday, We have had plenty or wet weather or late. Rev. Ye1/at °monied the Jamee street Pulpit Sunday., Some people Who •can't think, think they are smart. The sevrerage by-law is to be voted on next MendaY. Mrs. CV/Jr:en of Hay is very iU and expected to recover. • It is bard to play, even with a man who always 'gete back at you. The howlers expect to play their ants on on the green, on) May 24th. What does ;a man do for a manicure set 'when he loses Ws pocket knife?. When truth is not to be spoken use the typewriter instead of the telephone. "I3aek to the Land'. and "Stay on the Load seem to be the favorIte slogans, Not Ifficr.v.g• where to begin is aleout as exasperating as not knowing- when quit, 'When a SPeaker AAYer he Is. about to open 4 new line Of thetlght It is the ous. to duck. A eneetihg of the Isaak Walton Club ,is (sailed for Thursday evening a.Capt, I-Iurdon's residence, If we had what we want we should probably be round loOking for some one tO help dicanOsseas Us of it. Rv. Powell preached anniversary Ser. vices st Woodhatn en Sunday. Rev, Vae occupied Mr, POwell'e Pulpa. Mr. N, D. 'Iurden found the earliest mushrooms of the season on Wednes- day Tuorn!tle"---a dozen of the Pink var- Mrs. John1nd, wo are pleased to saY, is recover:1:1g from 44 attack of p-7-r:tortitls, and was able to alt. up Tucs- arra maltea a fool at -eare always blames his wife, bet, t»akes a lucky 14t, he always piedea himself. After a. man reaches seventy, and recovers ereraai Ilnesa. People won- der why he didn't have it over with, wele be wa about t, Some rItteen Model Sehoole in Ont - area will be open for a tall term, among them Clinton. The seesion opens Sept. ard tend closes Dec. 13th. Oliver I, Johnston, of Clinton has been appointed License Inspector of Centre Huron to succeed R. .aseuth who was diSmiseecl, Alfred Baker o Bruesels re- places Patteriton as commissioner. The Cantata giVen by the Young Lad- ies" Bible class of Caven Presbyterian church on Friday evening was a very pleasing affair u41d „fairly well attended Tho Bonsai] Orchestra furnished the music. Mr. Neelands of Hensel] got ditched, on Sunday whae driving his auto on London Road. Zither nerves or steer - ear went wrong, Though thrown out and dumped around a good deal the injuries of the passengers were G. M. ElLott, county officer for the Children's Aid Society, visited children the society has placed in this vicinity, and also took a. little girl from a foe - ter home near Exeter, to,Goderich to be replaced in another good home. The Society has over ,50children placed in homes in Huron Coun,ty. There Es many a thing that people will buy it it IS only suggeeteelt tei, them. There is many a thing' that people want to buy, and would buy if they but knew where to get( it, or what. It would cost. The Ewe seller 1S1 the One who knows how to whet the appetite of the buyer. You can say it ta most people this district by saying, it in The Ad- vocate. The Mitia Department has decided,to hold a physical and military training camp for male teaehers at. London for six weeies this !summer. The date set is from July 6tb. to August 16th, and $1.50 par da y %LI be, paid to, all teach.- drs who attend the camp. They will also be entitled to free transportation to and from the camp and many advan- tages are available for teachers who take the course.. HaviESEEKERS' AND SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAINS TO WESTERN CAN ADA. Via. Chicago and •St. Paul, April 16th, 23rd and 30th, and every second Tues- day thereafter until Sept. 17th, inclus- ive. Tickets will also be on sale on cer- tain dates yea Sarnia and Northern Nav- igation Company. Special Traia will leave Toronto, 10.30 p.m. on above dates for Ed.monton and points in Manitoba and, Saskatchewan, stopping at all, paints on Grand Trunk, Pacific Railway, west of Winnipeg. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers will be carried fully equipped with bedding and porter in charge. Berths may be secured in sleepers at low rate. Th,is is an exceptional opportunity for those vrishing to take advantage of the remarkably low one /way settlers rates or round trip Homeseekers ex- cursions, through the Amerdean cities No change Of cars. Secure tickets, berth reeervationa, etc. from any Grand Trunk Agent', • at white A. E. Duff, Mstrict Passender Agent, Toronto Ont, MARRIAGE LICENSE.—Get yOur mar- riage liconse at the Advocate Office. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Coal Company's The best hard coal mined. • Burns to a white ash. W 11 LEVETT, ng otFI t.a.t,s4 t'hat 't'thc charter of he-roact was rto. run MMEM11.1.1•••••• EYE SIGHTSPECIALIST.—Miss,,7. J. Allen, Eye Sight, Speciallist, will be at The CENTRAL HOTEL on SATURDAY JUNE 1st—one day. KIT OF TOOLS STOLEN—Mr. James Beer, who has Tbeen working in 1,ontlm for a month., had,fhis kit or tools stolen from the check r.00rn of G. T. R. stat -. on at London on Saturday a.fternaos. He had sent the tools' down by,' a -car- ter, who had placed them 'in ;he ch-iok room, but on Mr. Berr's applying for them they had dilsappeared. After leav i,ig a °taint with the compact), offic ials he returned hoine.Monday morning. tVIr. S .G. Bawden was in St. Cath- arines last week wherer he had his:auto- mobile shipped .toExeter. It is' expected to arrive to-dafr.) NEARLY DROWNED—Mr. Jas. Shap- • ton lost a. three year old colt which, he was driving' an. Tuesday, and nar- rowly escaped ,drowning' himself. He with, his ;son Wilfrid was driving a- long the side road, three miles west of Exeter, when the horse became fright Erred and juniped into the water which was very 'high in the -deep ditch. Mr.i Shaptoh was thrown underneath, and but far tal..e help' of hs son he would 'avebeen drowned, as he was com,) pletely under water. The colt got tangled up n such a 'way that it was :Impossible ,to save it. STILL A POSSIBILITY—Mr. Lang- rlige of the C. P. R. staff, -WAS, in, town On Monday, strai.glatening up a few mat - Lars in connection with, the St. Marys arid Western Railway Company. On be- ing .asked whether the nig corporation had' taken over the charter of the small- er eornpanY AD% Lang -ridge was non-com. qt.Ltai but apparently gl.leal has ;yen • clone. and W;) would t be 'eurp1sig • her c:n • a short 'Vine, that the C. P, R. company is about to commence the buikl- , Mr. 'Walter Graham of Londol iting relatives 'here. Mr. Frank -Flintoff left Thuosdaykfor Stratford to remain. ;Miss Allie Handford) leaves this MOM' tO VD9rit her sister in Aylmer. 'Isfr. and Mrs.11)ellett•left Sa.turday for London, acComPane,-ted by the formees Mother. Mr. Robert Rogers of Torant0 'spent a, few days wttlt friends in town dur- ing the week, Mrs. Geo, Waifs of Londonvisited he parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. II, Mc- Callum, last „week. Mrs. (Dr.) McCalluM. of Cressline, Ohio, is visiting her Mother, Mrs. Mor - lock, who t;,a quite ill. Mrs. Hugh Oke has returned front a visit in Seaforth. She was accompanied home by Mr. Wan, Cite. Mrs. War. Walker.of the 2nd or Step- hen with her little grandson left Tues- day for Nora Battleford, Sask. Mrs. S. B, Clements, with her two sons of Vancouver .13.C. )"•13 the Vest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, lfaines_Denala The little daughter of fr. and Mrs; Jordan of London v'isited, her grand- parents, Mr. and itritce., ,Tals. Murray, this week, . A number or these ;interested iq the SeverO'gn Fruit CO. attended a meeting. of the company London ext Monday evenhig. DO IT NOW It to Well known to expellent, - ed ealepnian that th_gi ig,raqat and est bueieless ,in fruit trees to uring the summer months. The an first on the ground secures the cream of. the trade, therefore, SECURE YOUR AGENCY NOW We want a good, reliable man for this district hceauae the demand far fru% trees never was 80 good Goad pay, Outfit Tree. Whole or Part -Time agreement, and you re- present a. firnt of thirty-five years' experieneee with, over six hundned acres of land under cultivation. PELHAM NURSEY CO. Toronto, Ont. FEED WHEAT A car has arrived Extra good feed 401 R. G. SELDON Exeter, — Ontario Mr. and Mrs •R Inkeater azd. daughter o ParIis autOed, here last week and spent a day, wilthi Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Miss Lena Glanville, of goderich, is v.:Siting friends In to for a few days prior to. leaving tor Vancouver, to Join her parents, Bus, Dray and mining Blaine*/ Your orders in our line will be attended to quickly and satisfao- tartly. We tv'e here to please the public needing anything in OW line, and we ask atrial from you. Orders 'at, by phone or ether - at TEE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE.. PHONE 95, will reerive prompt attention. T. G. Creech Notice To Contractors Well Drilling Tools We a.re dealers and manufacturers of WELL -DRILLING APPARATUS for STEAK or GASOLINE DRIVE. Our apparatus larts been thoroughly tested and found satisfactory in every respect. General castings, piping, tubing, et'., on band. Cement Silo forms naaussfacture Particulars on application to J. Murray & Son EXETER ONTARIO Home Study Thousanda at ambitious young people are be'..ng Instructed 10 their Horne _Study Dept. Tou may finish at College It yeu desire Pay erhanevar You wIsh. Thirty Tar*' Rxpertenort. Largest tram. era to Cava,- Baler any day ror/A.Tionsi guaranteed. It you sh to save beard end learn -while you earn, write for yarn- eulsxs. NO YAC.A.TION Ointon Busixtess Ceriege GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principe! We are now 0 d u at our New pene p Store One door north of the Post Office with an immense lot of Bankrupt Stock. - Men's hats worth $2.50 to $5.00 for $1.00 each. Boys bats worth $1.00 to $2.00 for 50 cents each; Men's and Boys' caps at 35c. 25e, cotton hose for I5c. 15c. cotton hose for 10c. Altour silk velvets and satins for half price. Ribbons, embroiders,,laces for half price. Shoes in all kinds and prices. Lots of other goods equally as cheap. The 'Exeter Bargain Store 1 door north of Post Office ut • 6 , • COALMAN ivi-.r-s-s to Exeter and -,,,ystwal;dtcfLeP1)r,?...r, IMPLEMENT AGENTS pox1t., Laic. • 13, W. F. 13E1nigRs POWELL'S BAZAAR Big Variety Store THIS WEEK BIG TOILET GOODS • SR'EC IAL Toothpaste and brush at. 25. cents. .. , • Talcum Powder at 20c cents. Dolls and perfume at 15 cent's. Be.autifull china for wedding's and Birthday gift•s, Picture post cards to clear at 10 cents a dozen. . . Watch our windows, and come Often to see us. Our List of Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggies-- • Carload of Dominion Buggies - Oliver Corn Cultivators with Bean Harvester fettactinients 1 John Deere Corn Cultivators John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream Separators 'Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills • Baker Wind 31111s } with pumps, piping and water basins installed in barns Fleury Plows ._ Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plolve Machine '011 and Cream Separator Oil - • Frill line 0/ McCormick 'Tillage and Harvesting Machines--Iiinders, Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, Spreaders Chatham, Woodstock and Jackson 'Wagons Gasoline Engines • Binder Twine American Clover 13unciter-- can be attachedto any naower, andis a very • convenient and clever clover saver, The man on the mower operates it. Repairs of all kinds • •Repairing promptl attended 44, .41 P$ Avr ' - ° = • • WE ARE. READY FOR THE— Jewellery Trade You will be surprised and delighted to see„,the great variety and excellence of our stock of Watches, Jewellry, alf‘efilintre, Silverware, and. Chinaware. It is impossible to do better anywhere than we can do for you. We ask you only to Visit our stare and etefer youreelveir, A. Marchand, Exeter Jeweller 8z Optician, Furniture And Undertaking' PRONE 20 You will always find this store with up-to-date furniture and with a desire to please every one. EXETER R 1St. OUOE Undertaker and License Embalmer 111.111•01.1161.1.11011, ONTARIO JONES& MAY . NO, 32 NEW SUMMER GOODS We are showing some very exclusive lines in Sum- mer Goods., Always something new being added. WHITE WAISTS In a. veil' large variety. Fancy low neck, .and short sleeves; also plain tailored) and, laundred waists hi Indian 'Head •or Linen; also witte long -collar waists. FANCY PARASOLS For everyone. Al) the nevr cre- ations in the Sunshade line are here for you to select from. See SUMMER DROSSES' For ',adios, Misses, arid Child- ren. Deatitelful white dresses wtfth dainty embroidery or :ace trimmings. Print Dresses, Ging- ham dresses, and Chambray dresses. GLOVES AND HOSE, Our stock was) never in better shape. Nothing is lett out. If you Want the correct thing Gloves or hiolsiteryi here it is, Somthing in Men'i Wear 'READY-TO-WEAR $3,300, worth et Ready-to-wear clothing are now onr our tables. They are MOrl''S' and Boys' Suite . • of the moSt•upsto-date goods you w.j.I see. We do ,the, trade in this Eine and alWays have. the choice. TAILORED CLOTHES • Made by a city tailor, for $15 $18, $20, $22, For the best of cloths usliaily sold from $20 to $27, See the cloths and cuts. 'SHIRTS AND COLLARS A correct showing of The W. G. & Pt. Brand. The only Shirt or collar to bray. A by lot- of patterns. • FANCY TIES • AND SON All khids of the new color,ei kinds. A good selection to choose from. -• HATS AND CAPS' Straw hats, Panama Hats, Soft Felt Hats, Stiff Hats. Every kind are here:, -- House Furnishings RUGS AND CARPETS' O1LCLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS MATTS. ANDMATTING LACE CTIRT.AIT4S EL/NDS li'VD POLES , TAPESTRY CIJRT.A.INS • JONES & MA' Headc?uet.rters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing • • • e ' 4 •