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Exeter Advocate, 1912-5-23, Page 7
'AIME ACUTE PAIN; FROM NEURALGIA Permanently Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Neuralgia is not a disease -it is, only a symptom, but a very pain,;. fug one. It is the surest sign that. your blood is weak, watery ansd impure, and that your nerves are, literally, Ptarvirg, Bad blood is the,. one cause --gond, 'rich, red blood the only cure. There you have the real reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure neuralgia, They are the only medicine that contains in cor- rect proportions the elements need- ed to make rich, red blood. This ne:t, blond reaches _the " root of the trouble. soothes the jangled nerves, drives away the nagging, stabbing pain and I: "` roes up your healthin other ways. Among the sufferers from neuralgia, surto by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, is airs. , Ohas, Brown, Durham, Ont., who says, `"Ii"or months I suffered intensely. from neuralgia. The pain in my head and face at times was so great as.to be almost unbearable. I tried two doctors, aurid many remedies, without- finding a eure, As there seomed to be no let-up to the plan, Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I began their use, Soon I found the pains becoming less and after taking the pills for some weeks the trouble em- tiroly disappeared and has not since bothered me," If you are suffering from any blood or nerve trouble, beg -la to cure yourself to -day with. Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. You can got these pills from any medicine deal- er or by mail at 99 cents a box or` six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Eroek. grille, Ont,. ORIENT IN LONDON; Queer Visitors and Queer Cons tracts at Westminster Docks. There o r w strange ne co ntrasts of West and East down at the Stran- gers' Home for Asiatics in the West India Dock, London, England, one day recently. On the steps of the building, than which there- is none in London less Oriental, half a scorn Lasears in fez and blue overalls above the dirty gayety of 'their cottons were. basking in the sun, while in their; usual lounging room Sir waiter Laurence, Lord Ampthill and other friends of East Indians were ad- dressing very prim. Western meet- ing, It was the annual meeting of the home, the only large official: home for Asiatics in England. It is placed in the midst of the wild, floating population of Eastern peo- ple who spend half their vagrant lives round. - the docks. Opposite the home there is a twisty street full of Chinese. While the speaking was going on a'erew of Lascars waiting far a ship was happy out in the garden play- ing cards. Apart from the Lascars were a few Sikhs and a Ceylonese. 411 sorts of destitute Orientals have found their way to this haven —the simple countryman who came over to se© the King and tell him about the piece of land lie and his fella -AV villagers wanted to buy; a prophet who believed himself to have drawn -mater from all the wells of truth and was anxious to give! ,"if,„j forth the same to all who would listen. They go back to their own people and tell gratefully of the great dark bungalow in the West India Road, where a man ;may eat and sleep and be safe from the ways of evil men. SIR WM. WHYTE. Sir W, Whyte, who is a genial man with a keen sense of humor, tells these two stories of himself. A young reporter who had just come to Winnipeg was sent to. the C. P. R. offices for rlet , He was ener- getic and enterprising and managed to make his way up to Sir William's office, his secretary being out of the ante -room' at` the time. "Anything fresh this morning I" said he brisk- ly to the grey-haired official, "No- thing that I can, see except you," replied the vice-president with a smile, On another occasion while Sir William, was making a tour of in - Sir William Whyte. vection he stopped at a little sta- tion, and going into the mom. of the operator, who was a new em- ploye, enquired, ""Are there tele- grams £or me?" The young man glanced up, not knowing to whom he was speaking, ,and said in a. �aar- castic'tone: "Did you think your picture would be on thein 1" '"My* ar isWilliam name li I dna A h to replied W � y r the big man quietly. The operator fell over Ginn"self. GOOD AS A:DOCTOR YN TJIE HOUSE. Baby's Own Tablets are as good. its a doctor in the house. They, never fail to relieve the little one a. from stomach and bowel troubles, to expel worms, make teething easy and promote healthful sleep. Con- eerning them Mrs. 3. IL Turner, Glenora, Ont.,says: "I always re= commend Baby's Own Tablets to my friends. I have used them for a Iong time and find them Without an equal. They relieved baby of the feverishness and restlessness while cutting teeth and have made her one of the most healthy babies there is, I always keep th'cin in the house and ,consider them as good as a doctor." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams'" Medicine Co., .Brock- ville, Ont. 1VIARVELOUS' CURES OF SKIS ERUPTION Four Children ConstaritiySnratching. Nearly Tore Limbs Off. Cured in a Month by Cuticura Soap and Ointment "Two of my daughters and two of my sons Were suffering from very. bad heads, the doc- tor ordering my daughters to have all' their heir cut off so as•to prevent It from dreading "all over their treads, and to get to the seat of the trouble in order to bo able to rub some o'i n t- ment, 'which he gave them, well into the sores. These sores started n s•m a id lot ch es -ich spread all over their heads, andin•some•cases down their packs and bodies: The doctor said It was eczema„ but they seemed to be daily rtting worse. The sores formed like little oils, then filled with matter,,,and'loeked 'io%.a,bsc; cases. They' became all lnffamed and irritated, causing•them to be constantly scratchinggthemselves, This made the,sores tpurst, and the matter flowed all ;ower `their ilieads. We., had, to cut • theirfinger nails 'and at times to put gloves on•their..hands, • the irritation was so'bad,•to keep them from jdigging into the flesh, and;at ni"ht they wo ie nearly • tear ,their limbs ;,off.` ;roisters would be iitet'age§p, exed§wit i blood "The teachers wovki'net 'let theirs attend school for fear of•infectlon spreading among the other children, so I resolved to• try, tido ' Cuticurai Renedies, which' I found to• benefit ' my childrengreatly. I .continued with'the Cuticura Soap ,and , Ciiticura, Ointment for one month, and: the result is a :marveloue cure (Signed) George Arthur Robinson, 2,7, Fitzwilham St.,' Hoyland . Common,, ar. ,al3arn ley, YfirkSi Eng„ ann. 3, Although Cuticu a Seann and Ointment arq 1so1d throughout tho;,world a :liberal eaiuple of each, with 3 p 'tiook on'tho skin Nil1'bo Sent free, an apppllcatiml to"'Potter .& C. Carp., its Culunitius'Ave., Boston, U.'5. A. • HAD NOT. Blobbs—"I don't believe you have any music in your soul." Slobbs—"I don't think I have; every time I attend the opera my foot goes to sleep." CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Such is the recuperative power contained in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that even the most advanced cases have been cured by its beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives a fighting strength as nothing else will. Tho appetite comes back. That• weakening perspiration -.is stopped. The lungs and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to fight consumption, weak or bleeding lungs, lingering coughs and bronchitis is proven beyond doubt not by what I state, but by what is 'stated by those who have taken it for those ailments and have been cured. Copies of testimonials of those who, after being given up by doctors and specialists, as only ii 'ring a few days to live, and are alive and; well to -day, are sent on request. Price $1 per bottle at your drug- gist, ordirect from Wm. Copeland, 511 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. CHUROH-GOING IN COMFORT." Sunday morning in Holland is strangely different from the same occasion in this country. In the first .131ace, .a great many of the church- goers travel to the place of worship 'in their treats, and the canals are often packed with people in their full Sabbath attire. The Dutchman is a very devout church -goer, but he takes his religious service with con- siderable comfort. In the first placeexcept when devotions are actually in progress, he smokes his. pipe or cigar,' within` the ' sacred building. Whilst waiting for the service to begin the congregation talks in ordinary tones, discussing matters of interest, and pew -com- ers are shown to their penvs by a neatly -attired servant -girl, who takes the; place of our sexton. Then again, the Dutchman does not re- move his hat whilst in church, and so saves himself many a cold in the head, .: 'WHY, IT FAILED. I used .to think I would know just how to manage my wife when I got her." "Has your system proved"to be a failure?" "` T ,'s may beall right l�o;thes5 tem , ,. as far as -I know. She has never let inc try It's easy for a girl to believe man isa hero because he a COMES FROM NOVA SCOTIA TNS TiME ANorrTIII it SPLENDID GLItE BY 'ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. R, Ilioulaisou, whom two doctors treated, finds relief and perman- ent cure erman-entcure in Dosttl's Ifidney Pilis. Surette Island, Yarmouth Co., N,S., May 20 Special) --Mr, Renie Moulaison, a well known resident here, is telling his neighbors of bis cure from a severe attack of Kid- ney Disease- which kept him in a state of pain and suspense for tw months'and defied the efforts of two doctors who were treating him, "My trouble started with a cold," Mr, Moulaison says. "My muscle would cramp and I had backache and dizzy spells. My head ached, and I had a tired, nervous feeling while specks of light hashed rn iron of any eyes. ""I suffered in this way for over two months and was treated by two doctors, but they didn't seem to be able to do ni nett for me, Then T started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills and they helped me almost at once, Six boxes cured me." Dodd's Kidney Pills always euro the Kidney's.. Cured Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. That makes ,pure blood and good health. rra OLTlt MATHEMATICAL SIO S,. Plus, Minus`, and Other Characters Result of volu'lion. Did you ever try to figure out why a.. short horizontal line should signi- fy subtraction or minus,, a plus ad- dition. and so on l The sign of addi- tion is derived from the initial let: ter of the word "plus.' In making the' capital letter it was made more and more carelessly until the top part of the "p" was placed near the centre; hence the plus sign was finally reached. The sign' of subtraction was de- rived from the word "minus."' The word was first contracted into mus,'. with a horizontal line above to in - (bean the contraction, which was a printer's freak that may be found o in any book bearing a date, earlier than, the beginning of the eigh- teenth century, After be lapse of a. long period of time the letters s were omitted altogether, leaving onlythe short line so well known to it �4I1 all, The multiplication sign was ob- tained tained by ehaxiging the plus sign into a oharaeter resembling the let- ter ""x " This was done simply:. be- cause multiplication is but a shorter form of addition. Division was formortY i by plaeing the dividend horizontal Inciand the divisor low, In order to save spac+a izn printing the dividend was placed to the left and the divisor to the right, with a simple" dot in place of each. The sign of equality is said,, to have first been used in the year 1557 by a sharp reathematieian, who adopted it as a substitute for the words "equal to." ANCIENT SURGICAL FORMS. Hippocrates Wrote Treatises ' on Fractures and 'Wounds. There is no doubt that some rough ferns of surgery. must hav existed from very ancient times, but it is strange to find that so cora- /ilex and delicate an operation as trepanning is 011+;3 of the oldest, So far as actual records go, Rippe - crates gives us the earliest account. lie wrote treatises on fractures, dislocations, and wounds of the head, in. which he described the method of procedure to be followed in the ease of si ' fractured skull, His direction was to cut away a piece of bone so that the pressure on the brain might be removed. There are also records about this tinge and later of a file being used for this°purpose, which at a time when anaesthetics were undreamed of must have been, to say the least, painful, According to Dr. T. Rice Holmes, the operation of removing pieces of bone was performed long before historic times. The effects on the skull are easily seen after death, and are visible as Tong as the bones are preserved. from inspection of certain skulls of the later Stone Age in Ancient Britain Dr. Holmes has come to the conclusion, as ho an- nounced in a lecture at the'Royal. Institute, that some of these had undergone the operation, which mu beenperformed must have per olrnecl .with a stone implement. Very many persons die' annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies.had been used. If attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. 1 ,'t':u YOU A SKIN UASI R Zant-Bek Will End It. c ;dor' skin rashes, eruptions, ecre- ma, etc,, either in adults or chit- drena there is nothing known to acs- • enoc which equals Zam-.Bek, in the quiekness and certainty el its: cura- tive power:. Mr, Raymond Web- ber, of Allanburg, Ont., writes; "I tried i eel Zam-Buk ail- ments, many rn d . a 1 ments, and every time have found it suceessful. Some time ago I had a bad rash all over my body. I tried home-made salves, herb salves, and various home-made pre- parations, and these proved of no use, but when I tried Zaps -Buie I. was cured in a quarter of the time that I had been experimenting in. van with other preparations. "My. boy had boils, and once again Zam-Buk brought about a complete cure. We have also used it as a household balm and it always gives us full satisfaction." Zam-Buk owes its unique healing power to certain herbal extracts it contains. Unlike most ointments it contains no poisonous coloring mat- ter, no animal .fat, but is purely herbal. For eczema, piles, blood poison, abscesses, ulcers, cuts, burns, and all skin injuries and diseases it is without equal, SOe. box all druggists and stores. Use also Zam-Euk Soap, 25e. tablet. IN COMMON TROUBLE. "I always make it a practice to let to -morrow take care of itself." "That's easy enough, but it's forgetting yesterday that causes trouble for so many of. us." The Oil for the Athlete.—In rub- bing down, the athlete can find nothing finer than Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil. It renders the muscles and sinews pliable, takes the sore- ness out of them and strengthens them for strains that ;nay be put upon them. It stands pre-eminent for this purpose, and athletes who for years have been using it can testify to its value as a lubricant. WHAT !' "Begin every clay well," said the philosopher.; "Sure!" said the grouch. "But what are you -going" to do if you've got chronic indigestion?" CURED 13Y CIN PILLS. Bridgeville, N. ` S. "For twenty years I• have been troubled with Kidney and Bladder Trouble, and have been treated by many doctors, but found little relief. I had given up' all hope of getting' cured when I ` tried Gin Pills. Now, I can say with• a happy heart DANIEL :.F. ERASER. Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the 'regular eine boxes at your dealers„ or direct from us -50c. a box, 6 for '$2:50. Money. refunded if Gin Pills fail to cure. National Drug & -Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L., Toronto. The average weekly wages of all workpeople engaged in iron and steed "'manufacture,' in the United Kingdom is $9. Minarti's Liniment • used' by Physicians. NOT AVAILABLE, Mand—"Well, dear, have yon found your ideal man, yet?," Kitty—"Yes, but :he's in -a book." They Soothe Excited Nerves. — Nervous affections are usually at- tributable to defective ,digestion, as the stomach dominates the nerve centres. A course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will still all disturb- ances of this character, and by re- storing the stomach to normal ac tion relieve the nerves from irrita- tion. There is no sedative like them and in the correction of irre- gularities of the digestive process es, no preparation has done se ef- fective work, as can be testified to by 'thousands. You can afford to take chances only when you have nothing to lose. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. NO ALTERNATIVE. Manager to applying office boy— Why did you leave your last place? Boy—Well, I couldn't git along wicl de boss, an' he 'wouldn't git out. Warts are unsightly blemishes, and "corns are painful growths. Holloway's Corn Cure, will remove them. OUT OF PROPORTION, "I'm a self-made. man," said the' proud individual. "Well, you are 'all right, except as to your head," commented the other' part of the conversation. "How's that?" • "The part you ,talk with is out of proportion to the part you think with. Bad is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels and clogged -up" kidneys and skin. The undigested'' food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating them—on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the blood—and on the skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood and -good. health take Dr. Morse's �s Indian Root :Pills \�`'�'•I,dig\s�"x\'`r�,`\`cwt\•.�\�b.�\`��\-w.���:wM Shippin Initienza, pink eye, epizoatie, distemper and all Pose dna throat d)R. ' aero eared, andall others, no matter krpw'°esposed,"^neer trona leaving any of these dicearies with SPOII 'S LIOUIO ST MPEKR o Tame to six doses often cure zs case One rat ee'bottle do so.Best thing for brood mares, Aces on the blood. 6Pc atm 51, a. ' add, harness eSops, bottle, ;,v; and ail a dozen bottles. Druggists Distrihntors-,ALL W5jOt.ESALE DRx;GG1STs, ,RF.'OUr' MEDICAL CO.. Cherulsts, Go,slte a, f Tgiieu..u.,";,T.,r1. A, Maypole Soap. CLAUS AND DY.e... Gives uiCh slow fat Geier, fmclel-„ sa is tiaa ar audr; Dyesceiien, whaler mixtures.. Else it 7ourtelf at. home. leo trouble— tlo muss, :„44tycacktt:h9re5::will giveColoralO at your deakre et poaipxid with booklet "How to Dye" from q, T i, L BENEDICT & CO, Montreal 1H. W.'DAWSON, tF Toronto. Fans b a f X nety bene Stree IGf# f" TIEO7:BANI? l?U1:4I4Fs e nt,i to , hundred act' Rated Cog§nt'. iiariuding r'ic,t eras. There as au the Al i, til covrtt. et. `!'laid ds It. anal). ttlp hlad esti eta t reinIossesslcta'' 0 reit SO TRUTHFUL CHILD. Papa ---"Comet here, little sweet- heart, and tell me whom papa. loves better than any one else in the world ?" Little ,Lola ---"Papa » A Pill for All Serra ins, Inter and summer, in any latitude, whe- ther in torrid zone or Arctic tern. perature, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills can be depended upon todo their work, The dyspeptic will find them a friend always and should carry thein with him everywhere, They are "made to withstand any elis'. mate and aro warranted to keep their freshness and strength. They do not grow stale, a quality not possessed by many pills now o the market. PARADOXICAL POLITICS. "There is one ocld thing about the English candidates for parlia- ment." "What is that'''," "They stand, for a se Minard's 'Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen In January. last, Francis Leelare one of the men employed. by me, working in the lumber 'woods, had a tree fall on him. crashing biro fearfully, lie was, when found, placed on a sled and taken Sonic. where grave fears were en. tertained for his recovery, his hips being . badly bruised and his body turned black from Ills ribs to his feel,. We, used MIN - ARDS LINIMENT on 'him freely to deaden the pain and with the use of three bot• ties he was completely cured and able to return 'to his work. SAUVEUit DUVAL. Elgin Road, L 1slof Co, C ue, COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. He—"My father weighed only Doer pounds at his birth." She— "Good gracious 1 Did he Try F,!rirh a Eye Remedy ti o Smarting-FeelsFine--Acts Qulekly. Ip` Tryitfornetwoak,waleryEyea and 9 U fararnilate,i Eyelids, Illoatratcd itoofi in each Pac$age. 3tTRI:lE is cern ®g 1=11erd byoutgcvltste-nota" Patent �� lfedielne"bit nsed iasnccossful Ph •sl - 6R4 �y a ,.,9 clans' i'raetico for many pears. 15ow 6t"I G*7 dedicated to the Futile and so14 by Druggists at 25c -bee per bottle. Morino Care Eyo Salve In ..Aseptic Tubes, @.5c30e- Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicano A liberal -minded man is one who thinks the way you do. Ask for Minard's and take no other. THE EXCEPTION. "In one respect a man is unlike a conflagration." "What is that?" "When`' they put him out,he is full of fire." Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from the sys- tem without injury to the child, be- cause its action, while fully effec- tive, is mild. Uneasy lies the head that sports a home-made hair` crit. Mlnard's Liniment berman's Friend. TAKE IT IN BITS. "No one has any more right to go through life unhappy than he has to go through it ill-bred," says Ste- venson. Wlien we remember what the writer's own life was, and what a brave battle he made against pain and discouragement, practising his own .doctrines of good cheerto the last, it adds force to his words. He' learned to find pleasure in the out -of -way places and to take it in bits as it came to him. ° The trouble with most of us is that we want our happiness in large quantities all at once, and we trample upon the lit- tle flowers of• sweetness that spring all along the way. lis trying to carve " his fortu many a mats uses poor tools. H. W, ld ek, 1 ale W LLANp, am, Nord:. °ermines at r1T0F1V AN SNI? ge 'ezr small soba lauds in 'I' FARM'S—ALL: SIZES, IN TIIi ars Frait Belt.: W$Otl, Toronto. (k JACRIIS I:v' ESSEM f.OrlNT5 ,SOIL • clay loath; 19 acres mired taml,cr; 1 acre orchard; frame house; frame tank barn. Will exchange for CO aero farm:. Western Beal FState, London. AGENTS WANTED, RS*R3iAIa OCaUia SALESMEN TO ha le 'the (ltietst ad Subdlrision ira. drnonton, Mtai. °iloilelr.r(at;kivg I ds arae, t on for ueod la va tsaen. ..NruivD. o,. 42s Kent Du lino Tor'nttr, -'FOR ;GENTS. ON 1a'Ll"AB ., olr, peatriletiom of Tir':rtic," eight -eta e4;aat,S credit paid; order Free Sample quick.. rtv sales day reported. Ni"'bto)s Co,. mitrd, Publishers, Toronto, f"ana"i^, MALE HELP WANTED: 1) AI ,WAY' AGENTS, TELEGRAPHERS RS and clerks in great demand through. otic Ontario aud North West. Six months will gn:alify you. Day and 3ia61. courses. Positions secured. Free Book IS explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto, MlSCEt.I,AIIgOUS O:iES W. T li V0UNn On Icl, ;Ven. I'earrott. (;uelptt, Ona. T AY and FAR ^ Is0ALE$. lv1Yiiseon's Seale rks, Esplanade. Toronto. ( t ANCFlt, TUMORS. LUMPS. eta. In. 4; tornal and external, cured without. Rain 'bY our home treatment. Write ne before too late. 1)r, Ikllmau Medical Go. Limited, Oollingwood, Ont. TON SCALD GUARANTEED. Wiloon's G Role Work. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. Thts is spseliiity with the RNtish Amerloian Dyeing Co' Send particnlies by pmt and moue awe to satiety, tl'dd:Med dist, Address Box 233, Montreal PU�CO R1 1 WRITE FOR Q PROOF CURIES CANCER AND TUMOR Canadian Brunch: Purifico Ca., Bridgoburg, Ont. �}, CI3.-NOSOTII Protect ---- Preserve— Bea trtify Samplos and Boolcletu on Application JAMES LAtighiilll3 & CO,, Lins:ted 15741 Bathurst Street TORONTO Keep Flies Off Your Cattle BF USING tv-coriw 21 - (Guaranteed) Use Cow -Comfort to improve the con- dition and yield of your cows. 52 per gallon. Freight paid. (Dilute with 4 gallons of water, reducing the price to 40c. per gal). Agents wanted everywhere. Write for terms and pamphlets. SAPHO MFC. CO., Montreal. CUTTING DOWN HIS HORSE. Elmer, aged 5, went to the black- smith's shop to see his father's horse shod. When the smith be- gan to pare the horse's hoof, El- mer said l-mer"said earnestly: "Say, my papa doesn't want his horse made any, smaller." E n . 7' I S'S I.; Int , 21--12'