HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-23, Page 5i'( DENTAL Dr, G. 'F. ROUL$TON, L.D.S., D.D.S.' DENTIST Member oft R.C.wD.S. of Ontario tAr and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. CltficrOver' Dickson & Carling's law office.' Closed, Wednesday afternoons,. flit. A. R. KLNSMAN, D.D.S., Fbonor 'Graduate of Toronto University DENTIST `A'ectis extracted watiiaut pais , or any had effects. Office over Gladnxan & Stanbu.r7'e °tr]ce, Main Street, Exeter, LEGAL DICKSON Sr CARLING, BARRISTERS, Solicitors,, Notaries, Conveyancers, Cons- ntlaeloners. Solicitors far the Maisons Sank, etc. Abney to Loan at 14west rates or interest OtPices-Madn-St., Exeter Caal,4tg, B.A. Ti. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAD We have a Large amearat as 'private tirade to loan Iax Calm and r'i£age prop erre",es at lova rates or tntereaL G1 DIVAN & STAttBURY Ialasrsters, Solicitors, Exeter, J. SENIOR Agent Conlederat5on LdZe Asava'an e C.ornaany, also Fare Inattrance in lead- £riS Canadian and :British CoMdata2es, Male -St.. Exeter. I.deENSED AUCTIONEER. R. ti~7Dd. ANDE SON. Licensed ole aesr tar BuCounty. Terms., Manua s., t'ttsaolialela. Ps1*i sant be tsarist at thi,. Adva^.stte, Meter, it aienrr ktttaier's Office, Cred- itors. T. B. CARLIN1 Tote, ?Ire, Accident ant Plate Guise Insurance, Collecting accountar, and can- ducting inducting auction melee. Exeter, Ont. tniany Bu>yieYaesa. Collegea close for va- cation during the euwtuner. Toronto, Ont., does not. NOW la an excellent time to commence a. sourer e: Write for catalogue. Electric Restorer for Men phospbonoi restores every nerve is the body to its proper tension; restores wim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Xa•ephanot will Auakc you a new man. Price !S a•boar. or t,xo for U. Malted to any address. The $eobell Drug CL. At. Casharin•s. Gas. Eve Neaten Li interested and should know about rho w'onderfnl M arvel Whirling Spray Douche Ask your druggist lbr IL It be cannot *apply the Ji&iRVELn accept ue other, ;but send atemp for Illus. hated book -sealed, ikives 11t11 p�aerrt!tSeaters and directions ainvariable to'lsdiesSerINDSOR S METII.Y CO,.Windsor. Ont General R.goata for Canada. to farmers ELEQTRIC B., 9,81 ,_ i,s, a. standard bred trotting aatallion of Line Pedigree and.. aecord, 'nail leave his over. ratable at Clandeboye Monday and, goes to Dent:a id and Ilderton a Tuesday to; BIrr and L..ucan : Wednesday to jeis.. 'Arran- Stakes and ' Centatalla i Thursday home,' E. SIMPSON, Prop;; R. SIMPSON, Man, THE MILLER II 27,B51,, :a a pare - bred traverted Shire Stallion, from, the beat of ancestors and with ;the the best at rcacprfja- W,21 stands. at has awn stable, Das'twood, for the aeon, WILL IS & GUENTHER, Props., W. WILLIS sranaaer. , COLLEGE CHu r 1,5,553, 'ate a, pure- bred r'anpoted Sahire, with choice ped- 'sree and record. bilaz)day leaves: his own atable Dasla,'wond, and, goes to Ed. Lain porta. Tuesday to Gland Bend. Wednes- day atter-neon to Robt. Fiayter's to; night ; Thu,rada.y to Eda Ryan's and Mt. Carmel: Fr;day to Khiva and home. WILLIS & GUENTHER, Propsa, -F CASE, 3tanag^er.. TENDERaB w TOWNSECIQ OF _MCGILLIVRA.Y Tiro enders=:iy,ned will recelvp tender*' tor the ereetlea or a..cetnent arch Over creek on ,14th ,Gaon- opp. .Lot 14, Plana and specification may be seen at the reaidencs ot J. D,` Dftarnmond, Tp. Clerk 1%riders wall ba opened at the Town Hall, West McG-ilivray on Saturday, the 1st day • of June 1912, at"'one o'clock P.M, The lowest, or any, tender not news fart f accepted. J. D. Druutunond, W. T. U1ene, Clcrk Reeve NoTiCE-COt3RT OF 'REVISIOI1 TOWNSHIP OF 3MCGiILLIV ..Y _.01.00,. Notice kis hereby given that the Court ot Reale;on on the Assessment Roll of ttxe Townrth•rp of kleGillivray tor the year 1812, wall, be held in ttie 'own Hall x *eat 3IcG`r 1llvtas an Saturday the xst day of dune 1912 at the bout( of two o'clock In M. J. T?. Drummond, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER, Notic ~ la 1:ereby given that a. Court of .Rev`.s'ran tor rho Aaaeslannent Roll of the •Voll:age ot Exeter will hold its, ea st meeting for toric precept.yea In the Town Hall, Exeter, on Friday, Tune 7, 1912, at 7 o'clock, paa>i. T. a. CARLING, Clerk Exeter, May 15, 1912. add Uaborno Dr. de Van's Female. Fins A. reliable French regulator; sever fabs. These pills are exceedially pseartul fa raanitatiesg th• generative portion or restate ayste•a, IReruse all ebeap ltattatloes, Dr. de'rma'l ere soli et ma box, or three fettle. Matto to oar address. 4 8eebetl Deng see.. *t.. CaE7aarfaes. Ont. How To Keep Your Hair Free From Dandruff PARISIAN SAGE A Delightful and Refreshing BANISHER DANDRUFF Hair Dressing OR MONEY BACK PARISIAN SAGE > -STOPS FALLIN x HAIR OR HONEY BACK Parisian Sage MAKES HAIR RADIANT.. OR MONEY BACK' Peolllle who deslyce 'to preserve the hair can gain sorno valuable information from the fo1lavaing . Have year ,olvan brush and Comb at home and at the lea. r dressers. Never }Ise a brush o'r con n public places. They are usually covered with dandruff germs. Wash yeiiar hair ,batns$1 once a week w-iltls; soap and wham water to which' is added a disilfectant. Srhampoto the hear once a. week with pure soap and watery Use PARISIAN SAGE every day. rubbing thorougaly into the scalp. PARISIAN SAG's gtta7'anteed lay 't6 S. Cole to destroy dandrk1ff germs Lnd abolish dandruff, on money back.; To stop 1 ata from fail ag, and scalp trona litchting, or money ..back. To put Sire and {beauty into dull'faded Maier, or money back. Pr$ce 50 cents. Lager 15 the ideal warm .. weather drink—invigorating, refreshing, sat- Try a glass w nen` you feel . fatigued., You will appreciate its beneficial health -giving properties.: deep a case o Your home. will prove.a source of c r'nstant satisfaction, .. JOHN LAIIATT, LIMITED LONDON, CANADA. hu CHARMING P;RINC , 11477, 15597, a pure-bred Clydesdale, 'with • an excellent wee and ggod record aa a Mock getter. Wall stand at :tris • lawn stable, . FarquS4,;-W. als KAY Prop., and Manager', THOMAS CARLsYLE, N4. '13;879,18, 140,'a.+s, sb :nitre bF$ imported Clydes dale sta3Lan, a noted apt: or the "noted, Thomas, rends: an ,ezce .ent ,pedigree and a fine record .:ass,, a ,foal getter..' Ile will stand tor Mares thi'e lefaalt at hies iowri stable, ICelntr2ia13aaa Ss, yET TAkS7aCEH 'VILLE, Prop. and Manager: LORD OF T,HZ MAICIOR, No. 2321,8, ;s a magnificently bred trotting atal- 1:.tou, and •hots, the ear -aims at the beat, trotters on both sides. He is a. sure :oat getter and teethe' this, beat of stock. He w.,31 tai ter Mares at his own table, Thamea Road. John Srnollett will Oleo be at the ba a. -HALLIE BROWN Proprletor and manager. LORD HOWATS.ON, No. 11,408, 10, 703, tri a. pure bred. 'imported stallion; at excellent pedi;Gree and record, being well and favorably known in this die - tract. Monday leaves Home, 3lagu£re, to • Bice's, McGillivray for night; Tues- day to Moses S npaons no r$en Dobbs; Wedneeday to 3.;3Qtlsrn'4, Whalen, to Hugh Carrolt'a , Thursday to H. Coate's to Gax'net Fsalrne'a; Friday to W. J. Staniaka's to H. Oeetrecher's;, Satur.. clay to Wank WM'a, to home, -T: W, EIODGSQ.N, Prop. axed :Manager, +.,... KING O'GOWRIE, 14207, la a pure. bred Imported Clydesdale with a sure record and a Vne pedigree. £ondas he wall leave " u£s own stable, Crediton, and go to Albert Wang's ter noon to Millard Caratel toe" niaslat: Tuesday to , htya, Silaa • 3rokcnehtre's ; Wednesday to his own stable; Tehuredav, afternoon to Sam dory's ; Friday to Wm. Kernlck.'.s. to Paul boaters*: Saturday til Jonas Sims, to has bun stable, --ELI KING, Prop- rietor and. Mfariager. CLAN 31ACQREGOR. 5556, 10528. ,a a pure-bred .bnported Clydesdale, poses, sed of an ,excellent ped:?•:ree, and ^wolf known an his district as a tine stock horse, lattatay leave* ;house at Clandes boys, to Alex. O'NeS,Ca, McGillivray ; to T. Eapen'a ; Tuesday to S. :$tiorgen'o, to D As1Lworth's; Wednesday to Elg,''-nfield and home, Thuraday to ----r--, to' T. Hodgins'; Friday tollH . 3tcFalla, to W. Johns,; Satwxrday' t Jia T. Simpaon'a, to home. -Jia: S. HANDFORD, A. fe W. MC- WILLIAMS, Prop.; SAM. EASKERVIL- LE, Manager. LORD SITARP, 11413, a pure bred imparted Clydeadale, well-known as a stock -getters wall leave his own atable, Uaborne, Lot 10, Con. 8, an Monday and Igo to Wm. Rowclxfe's and Centralia; Twesdzuy .t 0 ,Nelson Baker's, and Morgan Diekeola'a; Wednesday to Pat 13oyle)a and Ciandeboyo; Thnsxsda ' t o John dc- Laughlin's and T. Morley's ; Friday to Melville Skinner's and home i Saturday to John Allison's and Nantas. George Coward, Proprietor and Manager. SAINTS/311R"£ SOCIAL AND CONCERT --Rev. J. E; 13. M9:S,rltyard Will Vivo Ws urine liga4 views and lectures or "Tenr.Nigbt's In' a ;Barrourn" and .."Tanto Rose, Shamrock; and Thistle" with 2,00, beautiful views an St. Patrick's school rooms, on' Friday evening, May 24th. Tea served from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission 30c. Children tic: ZURICH. Mr. Daniel Oswald has purchased his father's faun, at the Bronson .Laze, and wit likely move there shortly.- Mr. Hy. Bauer has disposed of ate dwelling at the North end until; recently owned by Mr. Coh'rad Thiel, to blr. Win. H. Pen - der. --Miss Diana Rickbeit of Buffalo :•s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Rickbeil.-Mr. and Mrs, Theo. Mc- Adams of the Bronson Line attendcd flus funeral of Mr. McAdam:a mother Mrs. James ialcAdaans of Ldndon Frio -ads of Mrs. Johan Petty, of the second concessioan of :FTa-y, will regret to learn of a serious accident that hetel Ler a few days ago. Site was n a. 'loft in the bank looking' for eggs, and fell trhlrough a: trap door to the floor below, breakinag her leg just below the knee. -Ma Lours Wolper Sr., one of the oldest settlers of this Township, died` at thehonaa his son; Louis; on May 12, ,as the age of aboutt85_ years. He had been feeble for some time, though t't was not hh✓au(ght that; the end was so nee:T.-Isabella, Talbot, a widow ;of the late Edward Talbot, Stanley, died 'at the ho,me of. her son Henry an May, 14th, at the age of 71 years. xwhe, deceased mat 'w th a slight accident" several mon- ths 'alga; and thiis no doubt was ' "the remote cause of her death. HLNSALL Thoulgh the day was rather unfavor- able. yet,, there was a good turnout of .members of the Odd -Fellow and ae bek„a.h Degree Lodges to the Methodist Church on Sunday moaning. Rev: 3. E. (alllyard preached an. appropriate ser - man on the fatherhood:of God, and consequent brotherhood of mail. -Mrs, Fred Mcbonell us viaiting relatives in Detroit. -Garnet Cudbsore, who has been relieving agent oh the G. T,' Et, ; is home on a vsiet.-Ma•a. John Scott and Miss Sinclair -'sailed :fret= ,Quebec' for the Old Country Where they wail visit re- tal:ves for some 'time. -On Sunday Mrs.' Cudmore had the nifistaYtune to trip and`, fall down s laiira,l at her: lio,Tne, ' break sanile'of her albs, and giving her qu'lio. a shock, -On 'Monday evening D. A. Cantelon and -Wide _bade farewell in Iiensali' and took <tra.p'•tor Toi'onto• For about ;sixteen .r'ears David has been *entitled' with the bu'sines's life of our v'llage•-The members of Hensali .Rebekah Deglre r ''drovel to Seaforth on Friday" night ,and'inistituted a , lodge Phone. About th,aty went over and put on the three ceremonies,.' Laitiat.on, In- stitution .nsi tution and Installatioaa: The teanare ce:ved hcgh Praise for the manner ill whish they pu`t on the wo4'k: Mr .Beattie of neat Blake ,hats n b ' to Hansell alfa taken, tzp resde ace G. D. anaold's: place D :t% quha i e re ,4lence has beo,n �F nov d haek4a)t5 feet 44,.avorkmen aro pu,C v u s, 6"e�rn]eaac,' foullflatioh male: Great. aratireYementsSliS-S being made t, the foundry by Mx, ^'Selden, who t- ccntly purchased'. its --Miss' Mabel Cud- Cud snore,. nurse, ,et ,the Stratford <'Hosp- mead, is hop 2e, tale ng, :care. of _ her,, mother:; I IPPEN--Rex. 3dh.fi Rtehardson o1 BRINSLEY-A quiet, wedding was, soles this place has recdived a call to. Jarvis:. BLANSIIAIt D --.,Agnea Swe'orzcr, wife or George Bentley, el: 4 in Blasashard e n May 9th, aged 80 years. The funeral took plaen to Khkton:cemetery. KIPPED -W. Kilpatrick caught six, little Loxes, last, weep in, a buett near hese, and •sold, these for $4.00 each try? a fox-ra,'aer, Mr. Sohn Do,wnhan of Stratlu;oar,. salessat STAFFA-The, people o£ this neighbor hood were deeply g2ailared to learn or,, the dei - h of: Maas Rosettal Fell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Fell, of the 8th con. H„bbert, at the early age of ^sixteen (years. E{RUCEFIELD-,The Presbytery of Huron met here Tuesday of last week. when ceneaderable businesa of Interest to the church was transacted. A spec- ial meeting will 4d held on. May 24th Sat Clinton. PARKIIILL--A quiet -wedding took place at tits home of the bride's, Par- ents, Mr. and "Mrs. Jc)itlt Datibs, when tbrs'.ar second eldest daughter, Mattie, wad united in nearrlage to Mr, Oliver Mt. - Callum, of London. The ceremony was perforaned by Rv. W- Godwxt. AILSA CRAIG, LastTueaday morning' C1Ur, the Toting' wort o! bir. Dan Me Kellar, narroawly escaped a eeriloua In- Jury, when he te1I, beneath a dine which no was trying to Meant while it wee an motion. His lei' watt badly Gut and trru`aed,-The death at arras, Mary sllowr- man took place at her hornet Thursday atter a lingering illness, Deceased who w as n her 80th Year, it aurvisett by three sons and two dauahtert';, her huaband having ,.priicaed her aome years, .11. -. MIHEILL-biickaael' :bfeeney, aged 75 was found cn a helpless, condition near the road near Dublin Sunday, and died 'rn a short time, It ifs atippored to have been a case of drunk and out, all might. T. Semi -ready Tairore4 Salts C• or,o at the ra,n^ fie*,trcrr,,hrr[,13 s,7 c:aaada-tor uxaae is thetweer, Sena rot samples of $ l'Sine's Own^ tries sea 021 5tluiAt ;Qom-4.4anrte book. Ask eta clothier is tour owe or aria pistol-Semi-ar tda, tarehea, moutn. Brat#-rrabg kiaWutatd Iraygarth, ;is Dundas St.,I.oudou. .BERM TUMi MA,R11). AceleSaReD. 1.8e I" OltP4 , ROOFING 1�'�0004*MAit will not wa , rot, crack a ."►_ blister, crumble or rust. Strongly lire -resisting. Ru-ber-oid roofs laid 21 years ago are still sound and weather tight. If you want a roof to. Inst, investigate Ru-ber-old. 3 Permanent Colors— Red, Brown, Green and natural Slate. '75 Solo Canadian Mire. THE STANDA1 D?AINT CO. •r Canada, LledIed.8antreat. The Dashwood Planing Mills Co.,, Limited. DASHWOOD atm sed at the hornet of aMr, and Mrs., Geo. rge Corbett, 13rtJrtsley, when, their only daughter Mary Was anated in marriage wvat!b,"'lr. Fletcher Gower Rev. Connor ottbedating. The bride was berorningl,y att;;jred in area» and ws attended tier cous"n. 1�ilbs Caseatea.Gilbert Miby John Corbett brother"ot the bride ,dup- Part'ng the grooan. Atter the ceremony the company 2,11 'sat down to a taaty repeat, after which Mr. and Mrs, Gow- er lett on the eve'n=h l trap, for, a honney- mooa. tarp to .London... The bride receiv- ed quite a humtber of useful and pretty gifts Tabs is the reason way women have " nerves." When thoughts befits tO grow cloudy and uzoeertaiss, impulses lag and the dogs' of pato and distress are sorer Bios dying messages throughout limbo and frame, ,trasiL1ttway, nine times it;r. tori, a r� woawifl lay the **use of the trouble to oat siefect at the point where she .first felt it. Is it a facades:ee a backache, * fieaAatiaa of irritability or twitching ae4 uncontrollable nervousness, *ornethtat must be xr vnti the bee0 or back', a women, nsturaffy says, but lig tbm tie ae the real trouble very own centers_ be tiers womacniy orlon. In nine oteses out of ten the seat of the difficulty is her, and a woman_ Mkt rational ti me for its cure. The loran disorder and irxslstas- mat o* of t2>oe d&Neste atesciet orgies* of the sec'should be trusted steadily seed aysteaaaticafy. Fir, tierce, during a long period of pat.4ice, found that * prescription made foam asedicinal, extracts of saliva roots,arttbout doe fzse ot sus relieved over Se per est.Of set 4 nescse Mtn insist Wo remold? fotwtsyam y*` whim privets prate. bo* he rot it este fa km ou Form** f Dr, riot* * P 'pdoc, Haat would Mak0 It staeUy pt'tl►stiirabt4, *ad it estebe Ised sot eery store where modkiare are handled. narr'latite, 0* Zone, Vs., writes; "X had barn iawiiir tet health lot two robes --toot. ot thq time °rima not asble ta5 atteod to lay household datl ,. YeaIle was toy Wool* and ;F. r r bsti Iowa,, the les tax Doctorrs. ss, xi3 rY+o+drt F only three bottles of *Fal ite have nothing but, prate foe A WINDSOR LUST'S ,L.R't'#IAE, 'Tst All Wopen--I will scud froe''witta tu11 tuestructiO s, MT helms treater nt' wb1ci ptiasai,txely Chit'** I.a!aoorrtsosg, tri oeratiogo, Di.plzeetnelgttP, PaUtr of the womb, Palrtfull: or Irregular Periosts, Matisse and Ovarian Ti rnitss er growth*: also got Flusihoa,, Nervnueness. Kai anchoig^, Paatna Irt thee' Head. Eads, ,or Bowels. , and Bladder troubles,, whose caused by:"weakness peculiar totaur ,sex You can .continue traatltea* at.',;holsa. s►t a cost of t 7 elFbtititi 12 ,cerstgq: g week 8d r book, ,:zo aRsawt "B O,W stied%s2: ,1 ', xlger," atsw sevyt fres, -cin r'srtats:st, 'hate toda7. Addireetsalers. M.Staararrsacei. Box. I3. 840 Wlailsoa', Oat. YOU PAY WIIEN CURED '" NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED ii013t' WitI € CONS NERVOUS DEBILITY Thouatuals of ygoung aed middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature rrave through Earls Tndiscr•tiona, Excassea and Blood Diseases, I1 youhave any or ti.s fat lowing symptoms consult us before it is to lata Are you nervous and weak, d non, dent and glvoniy, *specks beforo the eyea, with dark circles under thorn, treo'c kidneys Irritable, palpttatiop of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses,, sediment to u i o. pimples on the taco. eyes sunken, hollow cheeks. careworn expression, poor r a .4 v, nettles.; distrustful, lack anergy and strength, tired rnorotags, restless nights,,cbr ,.,, cla moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bona pains, hair loose, sore th,"v-a, ete:. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Now Method Treatment can cure you and make a man of you. Under I'e inilu- oneo dm bruin becomes active, the blood'purUIed. so that, all pimples, blotcbesan.i aloes disappear, the nerves beconno strong as steel, so that nerrouaoee , bashfulness to l des - pendency vanish, the eyo becomes, bright. the facefull and clear, energy returns - n the body and the morn, physical and sexual systems aro Invigorated; all drains on ala -no" moreued vitaldewrnary.asto Wfromo tfiwillosystecuremyo,n or Donnotpalac r. quacks ante takira rob you° or your hard eur EVERYTHING P;,IVATIE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER No matter 'who bas treated you, write for an honest opinion Fret oft Class*, Boons fres,-"The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Diacesesof M'. QUESTION LIST FOR ;HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST _RSKENNEDY&KENNErY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. yorNOTICE tAll o tters from Canada must beady eased to our Canadian Corresponden¢e Dnaart- 1111111.11111 ment in ,Windsor, Ont. If you de " .: to • see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see an? treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondent;: and • Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as folows DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for oar private address. ii.Lirrated .? Where O-PeeChee Gum is a. O-Pee-Chee is smoother far than ordinary gum. Be-. cause we carefully select and refine the raw product, then make it under hygenic conditions, by modern pro- cesses, in a factory bathed in , bright sunlight and famed far and wide for its cleanliness. You 'don't need to acquire a taste for O -Pee -Chep. Gum, because it comes to you with the flavor you like best. State your flavor 'and you get this smooth and lasting gum just as you desire it. London 0 Canada anv Limited 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 a di