HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-23, Page 4buo& ttt ,
Sanders ,'1F Creech, Prope,
TRUR8DAY,141A.Y 23, '12.
There 1s in this country 'a woeful lack
of bus.541esa Methods among forme -to,
There are very few of thermwho can
toil what 1t ;costs to produce a -crop
GI" what is the actual profit' in feed,
'ng cattle or in' ntilkftto cow's; Only
the other day a wealtky town froth Eur.
opo, -wito `_ dr a \ 5tt to this country,
was unable to obtain any definite in.
fernzat4n as to tate profits made froth
farming. T,1'.1s was something he was,
vary seri}us ,of securiTtg definite ;no
formation upot) before investiti eggs
capital. and there la a, reason for this
14eic of knowledge_ "The water ::a thio
country does a large .amount of the,
tabor hrself and does not keep track
of t?:e work put upon the land, w'h'eh
is hecesaary it one is to, estimate wdtt ,
accuracy -the cost of prodwt.on. In
European countraes there are 11taa1:Y men
ea aged s farm: tg in; a Large way..
They do not work >kte,*u elves, but keep-!
a.'n accurate account of` all Fnoziey s paid
a'' f
4 done, eke., a rid are ab]
eA et
to tell to ti^,e last cent, what It costa'
to Produce, a crop, ;sed a launch af'steers'
or Oe secure malt from, a, 1-4041QY. cows
and what the aetual profits are. It
would, leowever, pay every farmer :ra
thOe country to Itc*p an aecaullt of
casts and bet able too telt just. what,'
Iiratze z of forMOtia pays Inlay best. ;,
Ion, deo, P, Grahollt roust feel de-
t ?ttad witty the Globe for nwelntiotnliig
a s ca.nr'a ss The probably auecessor to
Mr. #toys, late awtbtla ar of G
l7 tl�,o. , T. 12,
wheal he woos Rot even considered. Rot
probabt;r The Glebe 'wa,nte Mr. Grattan)
Out of ttze party.
T e (l'ccetor of veloni: atiort tole C
n. o teuehee the key Qto of ;the tai
help problem when he advoeatee'the etlt-,
Ploy tin nt of Men by. the year on tarots.
The farmer who eltg°ages help, to the
spore and allows It to o'o in, the fall
ds constantly 'own tet look -out for help,.
Every epr_"n; he taeot,0 I;o through the
task of training a.newtra afar the ,lob,
If AU The men 'who engage on tarots
ere e;cger)11ced ¢Ile naituattotz would no
tai ao 8ea'.atte, ,Rut experlelsceci farm.
help e'a'tnot tiecaesfl aevure,'d. 'Plat tea
ahem r are wile ctal'tte to tate t'oun-
t-ry. front ao 4141 land. and who have`.
rxd expendce ata handling horses. ear-.
sc mock, zastd lit taint work
)re, qu;,c#tiy packed. t+pib - tlae,.
-ia�do f&rtuere who earl 4attord
a4td w»ao rake scrod care that such
tea+1 swtale nnQ e t tail
a swan or eight
saaera°' ° eD; a8c'ntetat. The average far-
mer. ore,h ages for PJ
or tl n, ,sax :anipea right'
front Oro', atoll, Ho Go bs dot°al:id
watt winat its can bet, itnDd .f b lalrea a.
-n kno s
zbaui t :,a hus'hess w t'1 hzzaaotth-
9pat)d tD, oar atll a'r :r'c noes i b';o
coal t;z't small ,real value out .at tl:ttl,'
1io sllotwltl
WO -wto sA;t1vit the loan ber,lataa
tea ;c.tii stays w»tl c hint as loinas Ta-
�Y: y�2T
beoeta !los
'Pact ott:a^' .l:o:)se instituttotaet." e.,rlas lwha
Country Cd for from week toeolr.
"That e a';ltt," says the 3lter(•tlatwt e g'ae
it to those who '„p to some other town
to buy;goods." Then oath Ida heart fill-
ed wit'nkt)ti easy to the loyal editor Ile
sends hie job work to a Toronto "sweat
atop," or uttl'ates a pi'e'ce of wrapping
paPzo to wr:•te an order on for goods,
or setol u, statement too a customer:
Funny Isn't it
there were no ,schools to take the
e101dren away Iron) home port of the
taste, the insane asylums would be .filled
w:th; mothers.
Qu°te a !number of the children of
this locality have the reaelea,-dire.
R. i).. Bell qt. near t ensall. and broth-
er S:dney MMA t1 u'r visited Stewart Me-
Qiieen Sunday. -Air, . Ira,. Claambere
aunt Sunday at S. T. ali,ct ell's -Oatr,
5Y, DoLtgal1 and mater, Mise, 'Mabel, of
Rocl,e,,'ervOie, also Woo Emily Dunn of
2iensalt were visitors et Stewart Me-
Quseta'a- Sunday,, -?eine. Wm. Glenn, Sr.,
who reeehtly had the; nt s Qrtune to get
her right arra badly sprained, i$ intprov-
i,Tg slowly and it will be seine time
before aha will `be able to use
and J T, Mitchell and eon Stanley
spettt Sunday with *Mrs and Mrs• Roger
Rica ,nem Seatortzli,-4ess1s. Wa L.
Kerslake and F. J. Sakmmons spent Sun-
day at GFafolOolana, Tuckerannith.-'\Ir.
13. !fc,C.onnell btr Crognarty makes d«'',s
weekly ta_p on Saturday this year,-afiee
Mary: Eroadfopt of Mill Road spent
Monday at her brotbec'a +were.. -So ntuch
•rzD'.n ;has fallen hero recently that it liao
stopped the preparation for the root
e op, -Qt keg a numOser of young eolt€
:,ave died lately, trheomatianz being. the
cause -^airs. J3,s,..1,-10rton ds 'baying the
^ns,de o£ star t'esidence Seely detest-
The ar being done l
of Hensall,
(Intended for last week.)
qtr; and firs. Ales, Broadioot, L4L_it
;Pad, 'anent Sunday at Jae, BroadfoQt'o
taster Glenn Hroadfoot retul'nang home
r� h thein, -We are l)leaoed to report
t:uctt .'r1tpoevetwent in Stewart Me4,tueeln'e
gently, 'sea Edna }'17ittat4e,. Ie vi,
t qt a t r nieces tirade Helen ;and Aima
a ustiO Bice of Seaferth cot.
.spent the week ,:rid with his
aunt 'Kra. Fdwtkl�1-fort
9 --' \xis ea
Nan Horton swnd Mamie Glenn. also
Seek Glenn azteoded the oroan oatio,r of
Lha Rebeckah Lodge n Sea'forth on
rda.Y even:ng -Mr. John ,Ciilennr recent-
;� 'acid to'air'0, 1). 3Q`)neton,'or CI,•ntQn
wsGb fi2i4e draft /tootles, -Col-which lie re-
ce'ved good figures,^ -,Ir. told Mra. John
ftootly of tie" awehelsea were visitors at
John alcQueen'e Sunday.
alhtl ai'l's, Geo, Nern or
at Cta'cl the funeral or Me late.
and \Tia. R 7 IrelaDtd taI Stratfei
endla3;. tl tw taztzeral et the tat
lamL the tot'naefi8 father,
of .uroll sailed o,D tr ends In rho vtl1
signs Sunday,
air. Sadler
Of Mr. �t'TJt7d`
ti arrant➢ -d1,1 Sunday
f Loitdo,w was the finest
DDt'r' a it GOrilaDler-
Pit. Eda'.artlotter of t':goose. ytieh„
v,a'tect relattvoa her Lur ;t few day's
last week.
sir, tiY'an:lt4rtr. at I.inOaay 1)cld a putr-
1 e meetIMO In Zinuner'a Hall Saturday
evan,'awg, eencertw't'g the Formerel .Beni;
lir and 'Afra,'Soltre Triehner of ]Exeter
v'a'ted arae .latter', parents, M.T. and Mrs.
Lippert Thurada.y other week.
Ai'm's 1:,atr•ce Graybeil, school teacher
of Dryad„tln spent Sunday under the two-
n l .roof.
Jin, and afro. Sant Brown and son of
Cred;aton spent Sunday with ,lir.. and airs
W. Sl:bert.
A laumb;.r of our young people motored
to. Parkhill Sunday with Mr. Gu^_ntber.'s
auto 'bus.
:11:1.as Clara. Musser of Exeter is spend-
ing a few 'weeks w1th her parents here.
;another of our early settlers passed.
away, on Sunday lilornl7ng;ot last week
{n tate person of Mr. Ludwig Wolper
Sr., . at the rope ofd arae of 85 ,yeara,
Deceased woos. born ;m Ruanntneroth Ger
trimly, ::n 1826, The year 1847 he .came
to Canada, •settlfato the County of
Waterloo. I'Tt 8 9 he married h at�
F t 1 � nta goad I _
Weber- of lZnuOC'h, twheaz they made their
home on the Bronson Late. Hiss wife
predeceased {bat .four years, Tate fun-
eral was held an Wedptesd',y of last
week. Servide beltx conducted by Re.v
J. Thun, o; the Lutheran Church, o£
!which he ;was a valued member He
leaves to ,nmaurri tl)xee 'eons and eeveii
dot inters Lotu:3, Oho, ou the norms.
stead Casper oil tits Bronson lisle, and
August of Fort Wayne, Idd, Airs. J,
Sobxoeder atad Mrs.. IT. Hahn of' North
Dakota lire. Rev. S'ehroedek- of aft,
Clemens Mx'1.,, =ma`s, Wet nater of Teras
mos. E. 1 aZottolO# of Isaias,
Sel nt;tt, of Fort 'W'ane, and Mra, Fred
W:'tlaert of the town line. He alao leaves
o5 grandebf3dren and 13 great grand,
FOR SALT -At Z i er's. Crediton,.
No, 1 Red Clover, AtsOte,, Alfolfa, Torr
ottry. Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass
-sPee:ally selected for seeding purposes
Also aquantity of clean Ataike and
T oathy Seed n)t'xed: at vey' reasonable
prices. Parties reouiririg should buy
early aar tt'.e better Vides; wilt be scarce
and higher as ecasvn advancep,--CffAS.
ZWIC1a,1~`R, cuBial'1'Qi4,,
rho raitw of thie west filled cellara
everyveliere. flooded etda a.nd caused
the raver to aloe within a toot ofthe
spring froshet. The' :nolo sewer drain
town t t
" w
�s b.
) I loc3oed. Our Trustees wilt
nava ,t opened a.s aeon as Pooeible,
Tate brick and tile: yarda were ()Maid
to lay off 'work' an Tuesday on act:Molt
of this clay pits framed. OW A.lah=,
ermcn are 3tFev; 'great aaort catching
carp on the flats. Sonne, fish weighing
over 20 lbs !!tare been re.tlght.
Albert and Joie iotorlocle arrived
Licari. on Fred: with their new Flan-
ders .Automobiles. They drove them
front Wtllkerville through all kinds of
mud alid wbr n they arrived, here taeio
tr,achine8 were a vig•ht to behold,
Friday ata Victoria Day. A double-
ltoaded F3ai1 igaroe has bee11 eettcdele4
'or Mize day between they Royal Teang
Qf London and our Stara,. We hope the
gaiter will bet favorably +etloush to al -
ow the suntea tci take place. 'b et will;
tan t1)e first 'Cam for o Stars to plat}•
haI t, vet feel satisfied they will give
to 'aQatt account of the)tisetvos,
Geo, 1-Ioltztt,alt has ton=shed aha targe
ling"tile-k'.In ahe4 feF Fred Kerr.
Considerable complaint le heard from
ort: people, an aeeoulit ot. the boya ex-
K {
o xc tori r t. street
i ti tt » eke a :a the ec
P a It
o,: nda'9 Thema :s no only the dao er {
o, £rightenirao horses. but a rooming
8.ub of sa cracker nt't ht goat Lire to a
1 t bedoll' to
au=id.tt>a. Sant^ ,t1ng should ,,
keep order .;'n than town at night eapce-
Mr. Patrick McLaughlin and Rita ,AL
'Alin Mclaaae, both, of London ere
nrarr:4'd In .St. Peter's Catherdr.til, Lon -
by Rev. Fr. Aylward on Wednee
nesday, \Itsy 8th, After the wedding
cereinonY the newly marr:ed couple took
the early trait), to Centralia, from, which
pl:eve they drove to the home of the
bride"s brother, air.: Dugaid \Iclaaac -of
S`ap'ka, where a -sumptuous wedding
Wainer was provided. Miss \Lary Mc-
Lau31).l;tl, slater of the groom, assist-
ed the .brido 'while Mr, al, Moyle, of
London, acted as groomsman. In the
evening a large )),umber of rrlenda and
ne:P;1ibors gathered at a reception .geld
at Mr. Alctsaac's.
Souses O ito Ctrr or Tozoroo,
Lues CovNTT
pazta of 1b SraR of F AkJ. Pheaey k er oath that
do g bwM'
tT Y adeno-
Aea01R a11& Qi 04',rOtedO, Cosset sAd, State
avid, aid tla;taetd 9Dm will peg Ibe aua od OlafTi,
IWND?ED DOLLARS ter .ae k arid. every ease of
Catarrh that cannot be carnal by tam two at Halla
Catarrh Cure. snottily J. 4Htt1W
swore to beton and at I e ib.d in aw y pros
owe, thin 4tab day of motoi5er, 1.U- 1486..
(801e4) A laaC•RASON',
Nertigy Promo
Balla Cstwrrhf.ureletakea la}ernslly, sol acts
diraetly as 0141 blood sad raaaoaa eurfaoai of the
apatem, Sand for teetizu4atale troy:
Y, J, CI18Nli1' t. QO., Toledo, 0,
Sold 1hugQ.te.715e
rake all's, Fi. n0y ?ills for oowYpation.
Mr. Geo. Slntwson reechoed .a message-
essageof :the. death n£ inns' brother, Jahtea, at
itis hont,•a ihw PetaakeY, Mich„ that morn
fes, The deceased •was born in the!
Township of 3SeGillivray on lot 13,.
Con. 3, /at rho year 1840, three years
after life rather aid mother, Mr. and
Otto., Stimson Iliad mottled on the
same lot, 'then practically a wilderness
In 1898 the moved to Petoskey. On May
the 5th he vraa !Oaken .ouddenly alt with.
a chill, which on Tuesday, developed,
nto pneuznon,la passing away onMon
da,y, the 13th, after ane week's Olt-
nese. The deceased was the youngest
of seven: brothers of whoaet tike sur-:
vlvc dainb via': Soaeph €)L I.,ucao. Geo.
of Parl0,31, William and 'Thontae, or
Clandehoye, ez wftlew end tree sisters
Nina, Valvert, Fa/W'ov'e, Mien., MnE .
aloeea liodr lws, Tlandeboye, and
Mrs, ;Cathar?tlo Loekpart, Sault Ste,
Marie, die Moho
ire, Wire
If you are 1.n need of tetteLrIR material
call and inspect the Owen Sound Wire.
Our Safe Lode Fence is vvt±wout a doubt
the best fence made in Canada to -day.
Also t oiled Spstlrwg. Barbed 'Wire,brace
wire and ataPlea. Pz' oed rulat..
CEDAR POSTS of the beat 4ual t4 in
prices from 2,5e. to g.1,
Also agent for the Toronto afetalIe
lioof:ag Company, -Galvanized roofing t
Have also been appointed Local Meat
ter the Confederation L:to AeeuranceD Co
If you are need ns any at the above
:ye me a call.
S Andrew
We are now well establish-
ed in business and we believe+
on the best of authority (nam.
ely that of a daily increasing
business) that we are meeting
a long felt want, and giving
the best of' satisfaction.
Remember our motto,--
Tresh Groceries all tne time.')
All kinds of produce taken
in exchange.
SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V,Q„ LX,D., D.€.1.., Presidevt
Gene Manager Assistant General Manaee
cAPU .L, $15,000,000
REST, $12,5400000
Interest at the'curxept rate is allowed on all deposits of $t and
Careful attention isgiven to everyaccount Small accounts
ate welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by main.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons,_
withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. -t
EXETER. B t.t';Ne g --G. L, W AUGH, M.anaZer, Brandy also at Crediton.
Molsons Bank
Incorporated ISS6
Recto' of Irrogreas, for rive Yeiaxs^i O8—Hill
Reaarre ppoopoo4,000poo
Deposits - - $;23,8.77,730, , . 35042,311
Largs and Investments - 27,457,00 ,. , 38,86440i
Total Arse - $33,090,192 48,237,284
AS Broaches is ,- &nada, aged Agents and tarrsapondrntt to PIP the
relneipai• Ctltles in ills 'PPnrld.
at al ele . Interest allowed at bisbeet (tortre tt rate.
$;teeter for the Dominion Government.
Mauro, $tiltaitori, N. , RU iDON' ¥akIIager,
April • 2nd, 10t1t and 30th and every
second Tur,uday thereafter until Sept.
37th. Onclustoe.
Spet::al Tran will leave Toronto at
10.30 p,ni. on above datea for Edmon-
ton and points 'al Manitoba and Sask-
atchewan, We. Ch.eaga and St. Paul,
carrying through" coaches and Pullman
Tourat-, aleepore...
full particulars frond any Grand Trutwk
Agent, or C. R. McCutchcon, Alberta
Government Agent, Palmer House :Klock
Toronto Ont,
Montreal, Buffalo, New fork, Philadel-
phia, Detroit, Chicago, is via Grand
Trunk, the only
Full information from
3. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter.
That choice razors at 1.0E across on the
-ad and 3rd concamairs)ra of Ualaorne,
being one and a halt molar tram Exelatz'
on the pre awl-seaa is a taro brick houaao
vritin elate root, and tratne bacnxa and
stabling. W311 ) o Dull aepaa.rately or
to suit purchaver. 15 a
toes in
tall wheat, 40 acres fall plowing done,
balance' in groom, Apaly to
THOS. FIS$XER. lixeter.
Our courses- are up-to-date and pract-
ral. We have a largo staff of epxerlelc
ed :instructors, £uld our graduates get the
htagh grade positions. We do more for
our students than (loos any. other elm -
;Aar -school 'Oro have three departments
TELEGRAPHY, You awe ::tt to your-
self to know what we aro doing. Get
our free catalogue at once.
D A. MCLACHLAN, Principal
You Want to be Protected in Your Investments in
o ldyou like to feel reasonably sure thatyou are;gettinga square deal in buying or selling property in
y � y �'. keep
the fest ? Wouldn't it be better for you to buy or sell your property through .a firmthat will keep yo'u in
touch with every movement in. which you should be interested, and a firm. that realizes than to build up a good,
connection, they must do the very best they can for those who buy property on their recommendation ?
That is exactly the position we are in. We handle no property except we are convinced it is an Al proposition.
We will transact all businessconnected with any deal a purchaser rnay make.
We will guarantee to protect you when you come to see it.
We will secure 'sales. for you at the most opportl ne time.
We will keep you in touch with what is going on in the locality where you buy your property.
We do this because we are carrying on a straightforward, conscientious business. We are not here -to-day
and away to -morrow, and we realize that,a satisfied client is the best advertisement in the world.
We have at the present time the selling of some , of the best , propositions in city property in Edmonton
and Moosejaw, also a large number of good'farm lands in Alberta 'andSaskatchewan.
We will be very pleased to give you any information regarding Western Property. We leave a large supply
of Government 11tda s and:' Literature for free distribution; also BoardofTrade Literature from every town and
city in Alberta and -Saskatchewan,
Messrs Bawden & Bawden.---
awdenKindly send me any Maps or Liters-
ture you have relating to
G. aen
ail the"' o ttached coupon to our Office at Exeter ` an
let` us SHOW you what we can ado for you.