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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-23, Page 1RUGS, WALL --,PAPERS AND LIN- OLEI,l1►S—We bye put- in a beautiful line of ,...Ruga and I,dtaolellata, and carry a largle number of samples of Wall, Papere, which Wd ea.Tt obtain for you. at shortest notice. Wet don't believe that you can Mod. a better all gourd place to fit out the krone than right at this store, MS, BEVERLEY, the head-. ng funeral director and furniture elan, o ose-te Commercial Hotel. TWENTY -FII YEAR. EMETER, ONTARIO, T.[URSDAY, MAY 23 1912. PLANTS EOR SALE --Geraniums; Fu-. sheet, Ferns, Ageratum, Labeelia, Asters, Pelargonium, Stocks, Ialvra, sliver Leaf Draeena, Coleus, German Ivy, Double, and Single Petuna,, Belson s, Vinca, and all kinds of plantsor hanging bas- kets. In vegetables plants we :have Early and Late Cabbage, Cauliflower,' Spanish. Onions, Ceiery, Peppers,, si . kinds of tomatoes, LOUIS DAX, ,Gard- ener and F1or'at, Exeter. SANDERS & CRt ECH Local Items Mr— Nelson onto. Mrs -s. Chas. E1] 1s and eon Marlshall, or ?Toosejaw, Sauk„ are visiting Miss Pearl Levitt 1n town/ The MethotifIst Ditatrict INfeeting was held 'at the James Street Church this week -Tuesday and tWednesday. But as tnuoh of the important business is be- t..g transacted. as we go to press we are leaving the report: until next issue. Nearly a full compl1snept of delegates ,is present. The meetings are presided over by the chairMan of .the district, Bev Tr. Hobbs. The addresses at; the public meeting. Tuesday evening were appreciat-t €d those* ose* who were privileged to. be present - Pr, or le visiting in Tro- gr. and Dfrs. Frain( �H are having'Lra SEWER Br -LAW. VERY WET SEASON BURNED TO DEATH' 'ted thee Huron street dwelling enlarged by an extra, story, and it will be other renovate... Inspector Torrance of South Huron had two liquor cases last week, J. P. Rau„ of Zurich was fined $75 and costs for; selling on SUn*day, and John, Dobus of Hensall, a "1:,ster" was fined $19 and costs. --Mrs. Thos,. Ell=lett met with an un- p1e ^artt aeeiident t?ti Friday morning teal. She was on her way to visit at bXr, Geo, Ford's, B=dduipb^, taking the train to Cetttralza, 0414 fronN there was Wing driven out to W., -,Ford's, when they net an automoble. The horse be- came frightened and the occupants'were hurled fetto the ditch with the result that Mrs, Ell4 tt suataitneda injury t * her head aitd was badly Shaken. up, BUILDERS S.1 PuIE.5 i ECtiVil{SfD TQO t1411.5. LA5S.Puu1TY. IRONPIPErrirrDI We Bruce's Seeds, ClcveIroOl '0410 Sp Lull et+ Here's Soniet.hing You Will Soon Need f. 'N. A, Wire Brace Weaving' and Barb Wire Portland Consent Pa`utts, Brushes, O1ls, Varnlehe Glass Laequeret Duebane Curtain Stretcher Garden Teals .•f *11 kinds Raikes, Shovels, Hoes, etc. A New Perfection BlueOil Stove Flame St e OR d Detroit et t V r Stove v p St e Nitwits Easy Cooking. St burns snore air and less gasoline than all others. Pe:feet. Combustion. Si nple mid Durable. No Smoke, k.. No Oder ABSOLUTELY SAFE CARLING'S PHONE 18 SNAPS FOR BUYERS We have only about 25 yds of Linoleums left re- gular 2.40 a yard for $1.99 They., are going fast. These pieos will_ be good for two weeks So come early before they are all gone Men's fine Egypt- ian Thread Bal- briggan gg Under– wear regular 40c. a garment; to clear at 29c. a garment. We have in the neighborhood of 150 yards prin t all colors, Regular 12 1-2c. to clear at 10c. ayard. _Men's Bordered'Excelda Handkerchiefsmade of a very fine materal regular 15c. for 11c. Some of the best and newest styles in Neck Ties just arrived. Come and see for yourself.- Paints, ourself. Paints, Paints, Paint All paints to be, cleared out regular 65c, a guar t for 45c. a guar t. All tinware and Hardware to be cleared out at a discount of 25 per cent and Wall Papers 25 per - cent off Highest Prices paid four all kinds of Prot ucee: RLIN Exeter ratepayers are to vote Moon day ue.t on a, :by -Jaw :to Jay a large sewer along Main street, front' the Post Otf:ce to the river. The by-law calls for an expendkturo of Q5099. The mon- ey fs to be borrowed, and repaid in 20 annual instalm:nts „of about $409 each. The laving of the sewer will not cosi more than the amount stated, and prob- ably a few hundred dollars less, Qwan; to the fact that tit g ewer drains the land north. of the post office to the riv- er—two blockst and one block west— ' will ba seen that it is a very Im- portant work, Every citizen of town lCIlewa that the of the sewer at. •resent trap is an absolute noes-. owing to the fact that thetold 'sew• er caved''Inin several places Ole epring, causinf; a dartuning back; of the water and the flooding of the gardens and eel. tars an the area mentioned; and during the present wet 'season the eonditlons ttre be5n'' repeated in even a lareater degree, The work, everybody ainuat ad11uC1,'0uet be done. Absolutely .nnust be dons, Tier it only beconiea a (location of how w4.1] is to be done, and how to pay for it, and 'who are to pay tot' It, Do .'t well, We tltave had enough Pi :tali rira;suroos (fl 'metes as to the do - 'of; of igs which ars tor the public geed, It fis Cala We commenced to build. for the future. Thea drain should be bu':it right, proper *drop, sutileent depth 1yf•st t;1e and eannectfott ; and these the cpeeificationa call fe+;r, Hoe to 'pay for :t. The people stf Exeter oK d :r r et r 1itLYe &li T over told ,ower that they would rather ply" for pubiie worker ell the twenty Year' Plan than :a An other way, and they are aright, cople wile live here fifteen years from now -have a n1;ht to pay something to. wards she benefits they are enjoying. If the by-law' wore to Jahr In passing there would be but one thing to do —that is, Pay the whole e+liot at fano year. Who are 'to pay for ;;t. It has been argued that it should be a local Improve- ment affair—paid for largely by those obtaining the benefit, The argument, 'Oro ,a good eey er., doesn't hot el, water. Nearly all the drams apd, in fact, all those' of any fhuportaneo have been put .al. by public .funds, and this newest must certeenly be considered, one of the nowt '.fnportant, These and other 1rgtunenta were used at the publffc meeting Tuesday night by e;}rasc who spoke; anvong them being Reeve Neaman, Councillors Scott and R'.'Vers, Clerk Carling, 3.. W. Taylor, 1..", W. Gladntan, and J ,A. Stewart—all be- ns in favor of, tlie, passing of the by-, la.w. Before the meeting was closed a standing vote ways taken and alt were :hl favor of the by-law. Everybody vote for the by-law and don't let We be forced to pay the whole coat in one year. 16112 R COUNCIL The Council met in the Town Hall on Ersday evening', May 17th. Members - all present. Minutes of last meeting read and apptoved. Ma'. S. M. Sander& *'anted on t:hd Coun- all asking do shaver water supplied to the Cann'_iig Factory, He 'stated, that they applied. ;to have the water, put in Iast year, but could not conte to any" arrang- nnent with the ,councAi et that year, con- sequently head to, put •down. an artesian well in order to supply their demand. Ford—Scott—That we supply the Exeter Canning and Preserving Co. with, water for the sum of $40.00 for the season; the company ,a'greeiaig to do the dig- ging and filling in to as -depth, of 33 feet for the sultry of $10, the contract; to run for a : term at 2 years',-Carrt'ed.t Rivers—Scott—T,httt the accounts be paid as read,—W.1J. Bissett; meals for tramps, $8.0Q; London,Advert:,ser, 6.00 London Free Press 6.30 Biggers Sam- uel 7.50; T. C. Brooks, express, 60c.; Wttlliara Davis, caretaker N. E. Firehall- 10.35; T. Baker, taking council to Park- hy'.,'11 in 1911, 8;00 y H. Spackman,' acct. e 11.10; S. 'Powell, trees for cemetery, Y, 17.50 ; J. Scott, expenses to Hydro meet- ing in Clinton 1.50; W. J. Hearnan, do; 1.50; R Davis, labor 1.00 ; W. Gilles- pie 1.25; R. Horny 60c I. Taylor 50c.; J. Cookson 87c.; R Gilles 4.00; Jas. Gould 2.00o G. Cudneere 3.90; Harley. Sanders 1.25; S,id Sanders 6.17; Geo, Atkinson 10:'68 T Brock, sr., 8.70; F. Mallett 7.35; Geo. Sanders 3.50. ; W. Hatter 1.23 ; Walter Weatcott 6.98; J. Bell 2.10 total 135.73." Petitions were presented asking • tag have the 'following: 'streets watered. On notion of Rivers and Levett—That- we ask.. fol" tenders for street.. watering, as, follows,—Ma`_in, from, •Si'outhf Boundary to. Lake Road; Wellington, .iron Main, to i3.T"R. 'tracts.; Huron, from Main two blocks east and two blocks west. Ten- ders to be it Clerk's 'lands not later than 7 o'clock Monday eveno:ngy May 37 The htghest - 00 any tender not necessar- ily accepted. --Carried. Ford—Revers--That all water, rates be collected thorough the bank' in future, if not paid each quastei, by, the 1st of the month.—Carred. Levett•—Ad journ scent iia, May T B. Carling .7 t L9;. Clerk. Mr. Thos, Essery, who ;te residin with: 198 dau"•;,hter, Mrs. A. ]ilaetinge, still cont:lnues very. ill. An eniphaiic den;sal Was:given by Premier Borden to a rumor, 'which has Ottawabeen current un Otwa and `Torolnto that; Hon.L. P. Pelletier pastnte;stez 'general has 'handed- Jn his reale nation 'Shead !the ruiner arose from ilea inystery,r but 'was osesiatelit t;osaip to -night 7ff n uol tIcai ,oitraelAis' wf Th* district and, in fact much et Ontario, has been experiencing an ex ceed:Jlgly wet season for: the, last few weeks, The dialler, we hoPe, was reached on Monday night, when. a Heavy thunder, Lightning at+.d rain, storm pre- vailed all—night, with the result that, many of ..tbe.flelds became flooded, with water, The ,streams and rivers became as in early spring -tang in places the water was zlpw_nag over the roads, Ifr feared that 'considerable damage will Ytave been done to`tho crops. This, how - vat., will depend largely on what wea- tber foflowa the wet 'season.. A very hot sunny perled-wilt certainly cause much. loss, but front present ttdications there sb certainly tri prospect of third oceurr;ng, 'boar@*'ate 'we9.01c ` with a dry:lig wind would Hest t,Irrat help, Ria understand 43"at There are sever- al br.d,:es inthe western Part of Step- hen washed away, Itr Exeter those i:eople''whoae Property e dr;.ined by the Main -street sewer eggs having thele own troubles with flooded ga.+dens and water -„fled cel rare-rpracc sally a recurrence of the eenditions of a few weeks aro when, the snow disappeared, The trouble is, of cent's, cauecd by 'Ole sewer caving. iii; Thsre could ba iiq better argument ad:- vaned; tor the carrying of the sewck: by-law w.:ch -is to ba voted on next MostdaY. a our rinost rQspt a i. ;iris ria sed en T Luker, at, t' . and 11 day ;oar for years, ax years was (tests be et arta ed, ever, utit'1 a, week before brie eternise, 'when h(z beea;ne tnutls worse, and h'as decline was rapid until relieved of.dilst sufferings as above .stated. Lung trouble following an at - tate; of Plettr ay some years ago was Ghe cause lie was a, native of Canada and Was born in the township of flay, north of R'ensall, :tt 1849. Later be wish 1t e parents moved: to Stephen, and at ke .rw, d 'tr s to 13;ddWpCiy where he re- sided ,about 35 years. Fottr years age era moved to Central:a, Ho married Mary Brownlee, who predeceased hilt five years. The late Mr Luker was amen of many excellent parts and esteemed and respected be all,'w'tto knew him, He was a Methodist in religion and a Lib- eral in polities. One son, Wilbert, et Centsalea su'r'vives, and lid has the sYrise patty of the whole cou,tntun'rty, The fun— eral was +keld to Exeter cemetery Sat- urday and, was very largely attended, Rev. Blatchford off:elated , Rev. Blatchford and Mr. Thos Mitch- ell attended the DTethod:st D!•strlct -meet- ins at Exeter on Wednr:sduy.—Rev. Stead:,rae of El;nnvllle will occupy the pulpit hero on Sunday next, Rev. Blatch- ford taking the opening services of the; EL'rirvillo church.—Mr„ and Mrs. J. Wil- son spent a fe'w days the guest of their' daughter at Strathr,oy.—Mrs. W. Diamond of Detroit spent the past week vi'si�ting at trio hemp of Mr. and Mr's, F. Ilteks.—The heavy rants of the past Ccfw days tuave caused many acres of land to be. covered with, water and ' it will'no doubt do considerable damage to the grain that has been sown. So much, rain ie causing mush delay to the, farm- ers In finishing up' the e prang planting. —Mr. Thos. Essery, formerly of Cen- tralia, is reported very, low at the home of rias daughter at Exeter.—Our baseball boys expect to play two gauges at Lucan on Friday, May 24th. Success boys.— Mr. oys:Mr. Byron Hfelks repent a. couple days the past ,week tti Toronto taking with him several loads of choice fat cattle. l ilorn- of Richard 1 ;Rooth '.:1- the pack two e was as able to CLAND)eBOYE Mr. E. Hodgson and Wilbert Reving- ton have returned home, after 'spending fewdays wJtl, friends in Toronto. Mr. Hodgson intends taking a trip to Edmonton 'at the begcun Ing of the corn- eas week.—Mr, Roy Atkinson spent Sun- day with friends in London.—Mrs. W. Cunntngharn and her daughter, Miss Jennie, spent several days recently v3it11 relatives at Forest.—Mrs. E. A. McKenzie, is Spending a few ,days with ;her father at Denfield.—Mr. Geo. Pat- terson of,. L5eury has' purchased an ex- cellent drover from Mr. R. Atkinson of t s place.—The en,ost ;of the farmers of this district have finished their .seed - _ng and are preparing their corn and. root ground. --Mrs. M. Love of Kenora, oho has been -spending the last two months w:tth ,relatives here, will leave for her home Thursday.—Mr. Ben Marx spent a few daps recently with, friends in London. , • 'CAltp:1111?4,a • NOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba,- Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Thins leave Taroeto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2,111, f0 MAY 14, 20 ...JUNE 11, 25 JULY 3, 23 . ,AUS. 6, 20 DEPT. f, 17 Second clam t,eke-lt from Ontario stations to principal .,: i3orthwest points ai LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES %wipes awl rebus $34.00; 'Easte:sou and stuns b„return within 60 days .proas:.loins . dMlic•$42Oaedb o�a! yak* pf�ppotd ee. T �RIST SLEEPING CARS cb ;. _ab,y if to montoSr±gma, also to Vine,pep cnesiaw.. 'C Te f' Y ata gala• fora cin be Ea4 applicattlon'must be midis €Rtt PO ORA tQZEltra_ tt PATifFitiLET rains &ad fiuu1U11itp ass: tins. _A:tritest C P,R. A4eet er NI. G. Id1JRPM”. Dot Paw: Atit., Toronto. ONLY DIR(cT LiNE' Li GE OF CARS t While preparing to get dinner on Mon- day, DL+ss Hewitt, suffered injuries that caused her death. She was alone in:, the house and was starting up a fire, when her apron caught fire and blazed up until, tete upper part of her body was enveloped in flanges, Neighbors heard her 'sereagrts, "anid ran to her „res- cue, After a,vrh;1e they succeeded ^ in smot'heri'ng the blaze, but not before, the upper part of the body, arses and nande were terribly burned. She died two days later,. A BEE 'DONSTRATION- A "lee Demo r•sttratibn Is to be held; is tate Apiary, of Min. ,Taegb Ilabe era Zoe's lig on Tuesday, 11t'ar 2Stb, ceme. met -icing at 1 O'clock, sharp. The pur- posrn o2 ties damohattntion, l to etplaln the nature of Foul Brood and dhow; bow to euro ;t; also hoes'. to save the wax f,ront the Combs by means et the wax.; preee, Your Inspector of Api ries► will: take; charge of the proceeding's, aeitst- ed by successful local beekeepers. Ba euro to conte and br9'ng your neigh- bors, Lad se • specially invited. It you are nos a beekeeper telt a'1 your iriende who are, POTATO GROWERS WARNED A note of warns\ -g t',ae been sounded P-cen. Ottawa in regard to a 'very dal;- torous potato diiseaQG that has betel brought to Canada. In tubera ;tilperted frons Europe dut,llg he present year. 41eease which lir ltttown aa poiato Cati'tte was Aeeentiy d:eeoveted 911. all cnported shipment. Catiadien tarntere ares warned agahlst, the danger of pleat- ing :ingested seed. 'The only way to which the dlseaaq sett b introduced ,s through the Wants tl of afteeie'd tubers, ' The vac 'at d;+seased tubers for seed May, In the worst cast=e, result in °the complete destruction of the entire ,:rep. 'When once Introduced the disease serrri inteeta the s o51 for a. period of eight year'e, 'which means that for at leas; e' fit, years no .sound potatoes: can to raised on land thus infected. None of the known remedies for other plant diseases will prevent the appear- ince of, the disease. The disease to spread rapidly through .ltteat,ed eon carried by wind, anlninls, fa..rnt :rplemens, old bags or other moans, To use or sell potatoes imported from Europe es Illegal. BIRTHS Kennedy—In Tuckcren (n, on, May 13t1, to Mr. 4Uld ';Airs. Alex. Kennedy, a son, Gemmell—Tn Tuckerenttli:, on May 11 to Mx, and, Mrs. David Gemmel], a son. Down—At Staffa, on May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Down, a son. McEwen—In McGiilivray, on May 1.2th to Dir, and Mrs. Nell McEwen, a dau- ghter, Hodgins—Stephen, on .Tuesday, May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. IS 13. Hodg"Lns , a son. McLaughlin —McIsaac —At London, on May 8th, Mr. Patrck McLaughlin of London, to Mals Mary Anp Mcisaac of London, formerly to, ,S11431ca. Walper—In Dashwood, Ludwig Walper, sr.,aged 85' Feel'o., Luker.—In Centrales, on, May 16th, Richard Luker, aged 63 years, ,1 month and 11 days. McCallum --At St. burgs, on May lith, Charles McCallum aged 85 years, 4 months and 21 days. Granville—Port Frank, Monday, May 6th, 1912, Alex Granville, in his 8'Lst year. W:'lson—In McGillivray, on May 14th, Thomas Wilson, aged 70 years, 9 anont'th18 • Fell—In Ribbert, on 4psi1 12th, Rosetta daughter of John Fell, aged 16 years MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUN- CIL ': The council of the Corporation of the County of Huron willmeet in thecou n cil chamber, in the town of Goderlch, on Tuesday, The 4th day of June next, at 3 o'clock. - All accounts for settlement' must be placed with the Clerk before this date. Dated May 20th, 1912. W. LANE Clerk. tsisees— GROWS RAPIDLY ,'is the popular verdict. It's •fanie like the sturdiness' of a %e11 rooted and ;rounded tree, ce enduring. FLOUR: POPULARITY' ,its distinctive to that special, brand e cold .here. ' Don't chance •souse other, but ulusilet on our trade niaak. TO be safe buy here. Ir you want feed we can supply yon, we have Bran, ,Shorts,, Oats, feed wh at and several other feeds. HAR VEY BIROS., EXETER. sl =r Summer Wearing pparel OUR se,rocK . 01' SU.\IMBR WEAR- ING APP,A.B'EL TS COMPLETE IN EV.. ERY LINE—BOUGITP WITH A VIEW TO GIVING 'WEARERS THE COOLEST AND MOST COMFORTABLE CLOTH$ ING FOR. TI'IE W;.ARI WEATHER. A GREAT DEAL OF YOUR PLEAS- URE AND COMFORT DEPENDS 0I' TIIE STYLE, WEIGHT AND .FIT OF YOUR CLOTHES. THE "TAMAN" SUM MER GOODS STAND FOR "EASE AND COMFORT," CALL IN AND EXAMINE 0t 11 GOODS. A FEW OF THE LINES ARE AS FOLLOW,— COMBINATION UNDERCLOTHING. TWO-PIECE UNDERCLOTHING. SOCIIS AND. HOSE IN SILKS, CASHMERE AND LISLE. WINDSOR OVERALLS IN BLUE, KHAKI, BLACK, FITC. NEGLIGE SHIRTS. LOW COOL COLLARS. SOFT COLORED COLLARS. SOFT FELT HATS. STRAW ,HATS. PANAMA HATS. ,N + RAIN COATS. LIGHT SUITS. An Immense' Range YOU SHOULD SEE. THE IMMENSE RANGE WE ARE SHOWING .OF, READY-TO-WEAR AND MEASURED SUITINGS, OVERCOATINC=,S AND TROUSERINGS. ISN'T IIT. A SATIS- FACTION TO KNOW T IA,T EVERY- THING "THAT'S RIGHT" FOR TI1IS SEASON . WILL BE FOUND IN THE' LINES WE ARE NOW SHOWING. WE ARE JUST. AS INTERESTED' IN SELL- ING YOU THE CORRECT THING IN STYLES AS YOU ARE IN GETTING IT, —TRY. US. THE WORD "TAMAN" YOU WILL FIND ,STANDS FOR, THE COR- RECT THING IN CLOTHES, READY TO WEAR SUIT PRICES S'31AI 31 AT $9.00, UP TO $15 MEASURED 'SUIT PRICES START AT $18.00 UP, To 28 Tailor and Furnis e1°—Exete 4