HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-16, Page 7t$'
Thin; Watery Blood Leads to a
Broakdown in Health
.!eniae Thin impure blood is an ievita-
tion -to sickeess. The blood is at
work day and night to maintain the
health and any lack of strength or
purity in the blood is a weakness in
the defense against disease. Apae-
mia is the doctor's name for lack
et blood—watery blood. There may
be an actual loss in the quantity
of the blood, or one or more of its
constituents may be laekieg. The
eurest symptom of anaemia is pal -
ler. The trouble is particularly
conunon among young girls between
the ages o fourteen and eighteen,
but it is also found in women of all
ages, and quite frequently at-
tacks men, It is nearly al-
-waypresent and prevent* re-
eovery after grippe, feyes, ma-
laria, and operations and for this
reason a tonic medicine is required
in all these eases to enrich the
blood, build up the nerves and re-
store health and strength. And
tIWTO is no other tonic as good as
Dr. WilliamsPink Pills, as has
been proved in thousaeds and thou-
sands of eases, arnoeg them that of
Miss Anpie Teener, Marie J4aSePit
Post Office, N.S- who say—"D
Piuk Pills have been of
inestimable benefit to in, I was
so hadly run down that I coeld
hardly go abont, was Pet able to
help in the work about the house,
As in health grew worse the trou-
ble larought on some species of fit,
and when these attacks would erne
on I would sometimes remain
'\eQnseious for half an hoer. Aftor
many other medicines had failed to
help me, my brother got mea. Sup”
1Y Of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille and
began taking these. In the
eourse of a few weeks 1 felt unieh
better, and after taking the PiUs
for a time loeger I was again in the
full enjoyment of good health, I
feel that I "cannot praise Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills to highly and
recommend them to all weak girls."
You can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at r,)0
cents a box or six, boxes for $2.50
from The Dr, Williams' 24fedieine
Co., Brockville; Ont.
An old colored barber is respen-
siblo for this gem When asked if
he favored the abolishing of eapi-
tal punishment, he replied: "No,
$ah, I don't, Capital punishment
was good enough fo' nia fo'fathers,
azf it's good enough fo' me."
Dr. J, D. • Kellogg's, Dysentery
Cordial is a speedy cure for dyeen-
fiery, diarrhoea, ellokra, summer
eomplaint, sea sickness and -com-
plaints incidental to children fecal -
ng. It gives immediate relief to
those suffering from the effects of
indiscretion in eating unripe fruit,
euemnbers, etc. It acts with won-
derful rapidity and never fails to
conquer the disease. No one need
fear chokra if they have a bottle of
this medicine convenient.
"Tall women nearly always mar-
ry short men." "I have noticed
it; I wonder why it is?" "Short
men can't run fast.' *
Minaret's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
"Do you notice how the color of
this dress matches my eyes?"
"Yes; and I also notice how the
cut of it matches that sore throat
you have."
A Hunter's Laughable Experience
In India.
The audacity of the leopard in
pursuit of his favorite, food is re-
markable. In "Sport on the Nil-
girie," jr. 14'. W. F. Elet,eher gives
an instance in his own experience
while living in India. He adds that
he •lost probably twenty dogs at
various times, all carried away by
leopards, Some were taken ender Could! Not Work alleSuntraela arid
his very !nose, Doetor Palled to Bap,. but Cure
One Apra aftern'°°11 1 had hueu -Was Quitk When He Eseil Dodd's
over to see a friend ab°11t four Kidney rips,
miles away, writes Mr. Fletcher,
awl shortly after 1 left Ma bungalow Benton? 1,,LB?, may /3 (spenrcei).
on my retuen home, it began to
ram. As riding was uncomfortable —Bordering on the miraculous isthe cure of John Nemeey, a young
in the wet, I got off my pag, and man a-ell-knowe here, Ile was suf--
gave hint to the hoesekeeper. After teeing from heart trouble aed wes
a mile the rain stopped, and the eun so bad that an last summer be was
"me' Qut but I shut my muhrellu. not able to do a day's work.
and determined ta walk the rest of Do
ews Kidney pins cured him, In
the way home. Before me, trotted telling the story of hie euro, Mr.
five littie terriers, behind eame meThey says
the eyete, leading nee horse, We oa went to a doctor who said I
readied a sharp bend in the road,
and the doggies bad disappeared did notseeme
tiQt% reach the sleet.T
round it, when I saw the whole Pack a year a
suffered for and all last
rttseing haek full tilt. with a leo- summer was pot. able to dao
Pard at the heelhe s of thiedmost
Jiest as they reached me, the leo-
pard seized Flirt, and at the same
moment I "landed" birn a blow op
the head with all my force with the
day's work, 'My elven was broken
and unrefreshing. I felt heavy and
sleepy after meals and 1 was always
tired and nervous. 1 perspired
freely with the least exertiop.
umbrella, which flew into s,plinters. "After 1 had finished taking the
The leopard dropped the dog, but doctor's medicine, and a.41 1 felt no
his impe,tus was :SO great that he better, 1 read in an almanac what
could not stop, and rushing past Doehre Nielpey Pills could do and
me ha knocked my syce clean off made up my mind to try them. ne-
ws legs, rhea he jumped Ante the fore 1 had finished the first box I
grass bordering the road.
The change that came over our
peaeeful procession in that one
slant was astounding. There stood
in the road, flabbergasted; with a
broken umbrella -handle in my
hand; my syee was roaring blue
murder on his back; my horse was
bolting for home like a runaway
engine and MY five, little doge were
shivering at my feet, I pieked Flirt
up and carried her home. She WAS
badly bitten in the neck-, but Ire-
quent, applications of phenyl soon
made the wounds heal, and in a
fortnight or so she was well again,
But he Was a changed dog. She
would come out with me, but she
always stuck to my heels, and noth-
ing would induce her to enter the
scrub or join the other dogs in a
hunt of any kind.
felt different, and by the time the
second was half gone 1 was working,
to the. woods and doing good work.."
Can Now Be Pulled Up from 12,000
Eeet Below Surface.
It is unknown as yet to what
depth mining operations On the
Band will be carried on in the fu-
ture. So many (ifferent factors en-
ter into the question, such as value
of the reels, working costs, under-
ground temperature, etc., that it is
impo,Fsible, to speak definitely on the
point, but it may he anywhere be-
tween 6,004) and 12,000 feet from the
.surface. Ten years ago it seemed
as though the ultimate depth capa-
ble of being reached would depend
entirely upon the ability of the me-
ehanieal eugineere to design suita-
ble plants to wind ore successfully
from great depths, and inueh speeu-
__ lateon prevailed upon the subject.
Since the application of electricity
A mother who has once used to winding parposes became an ac -
Baby's OWID Tablets for her little complished fact that difficulty
one never fails to show her plea- seems to have well-nigh disappear -
Sure at the result. She at &awe rea- cd, and the ultimate depth to whieh
Nees that they are the ideal medi- mining operations ean be taken on
eine for baby—being absolntely the Rand appears to be governed
safe and free from injurious drugs more by the value of the reefs as
and at the same time a sere mire
for all the little ills from which
babies suffer. Mrs. P. Theriault,
Pacquetville, N. 13., writesl—
"Please send me another box of
Baby's Own Teblets. I was ex-
tremely pleased with the last. My
baby was greatly troubled with con-
stipation aud vomiting, but the
Tablets quickly cured Tier." The
Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
"Did you say I was a dead heat?"
"Nope. I never said you were
A Purely • Vegetable Pill.—The
chief ingredients of Parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills are mandrake and
dandelion, sedative and purgative,
and have a most healthfel effect
upon the secretions of the digestive
organs. The dyspeptic and all who
suffer from liver and kidney ail-
ments will find in these pills the
most effective medicine in concen-
trated ,form that has yet been offer-
ed to the suffering.
Experience is costly, but there is
invariably a slump in the market
when you try to dispose of it.
Skin All Covered.
With Eruption
N. Henri
Tried Many Remedies 3 or 4 Years.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
A Quebec mat, N. Henri Tardif, of St.
Casimir, writes. in Et letter dated Mar. 31,1911:
"I had a very -bad skin', all covered with
eruption, eight years ago. I have had all of
bott my shoulders covered with it, a,nd tho
high part of my arms, and my face, but it
was the worst on my shoulders. I trie,d many
different remedies to ctre it, but nothing was
any good. At last I went to an apothecary.
He asked inc if I had ever used Cuticura
, •r,Soap and Ointment. ,1 told him no, and .1
bought a box of 'Cuticura Ointment and a
eake Of Cuticura„Soap. I used three boxes
of Cuticura Ointment, but I am glad of,
the same, for Cuticura Soap ,and
completely': cured inc of my skin ericption.
• I spread the Cuticura' Ointment on all iny
sore parts, and I think that in washing my
face ivith the Cuticura Soap, it hindered my
eruption frorn itching and burning,. I tried „
n1any remedies during three or four years
but Cuticura Soap and Ointment cured me."
(Signed) N. Henri Tardii.,
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold
throughout the world, Mit to. those -,viao
.have suffered much, bit hope'anclarewlfh-
eut faith in any treatment, a liberal sample
of eac,b with a 32-p: booklet on the skin
and scalp will be mailed free, on UPPikatinn
Address' Potter DrugCorp.,Chem. Corp 511
Celuntbus Ave., F.Cist'en U S. '
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Iurine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus-
trated Book in each. Package. Murine is
compounded by our Oeulists-not zr"Patent Med-
icine"— but used in successful Physicians' Prac-
tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub-
lic and sold by Druggists at am and bac per Bottle.
Morino Eye Salve in .1teptic Tubes, ilbc' and UM.
Moline Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
He is a failure who sneers at sue-
Flinard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Merchant --"Our ,salesnien must
show tact. ...NoWe for instance, if .•, a
lady came in the store and asked to
see, some false hair, what would you
•say to her?'' •
Beiglit'.B6y—,`'I'd ask her what
shade , hen—her 'friend preferred,
an e
"Eimeigh,": said the merchant,
'Waite emir 'own salary." r r
The Real. Bass , "Your'
'scent to be in ;a good ..htunbr,,u
inarked the friend of the 'great mer-
.chaet."!,'"Yesee, replied the .great
Merolla: irt.,-; "My wife has just beep'
in; and italekles' them to death to
see somebody boas. ree' around."
As.k for •Minard's and ;take, no other.'
they a-rowin depth than by. any
ether factor. At all events, engi-
neers on the Rand now regard the
deep winding problem with every
complacency, feeling sure that,, by
the*adoption ot stage winding, they
will be able to wind the ore from
any depth mining engineers, can
successfully extract it.—Cassitt's
1 age zin e
.14 .
"Keep out of debt, young
said the philosopher. "People will
think better of you for it." "Per-
haps," was the thoughtful reply;
"and yet I've noticed that the more
I owe people the, gladder they al-
ways seem to see
it Rubs Pain Away.—There is no
liniment so efficacious in overcom-
ing pain as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs
the pain away and on this account
there is no preparation that stands
so high in public esteem. There is
no surer pain -killer procurable, as
thousands can attest who have used
it successfully in treating many ail-
A little boy who had reached the
age when boys feel that a watch is
the one thing that makes life worth
living was told that for the present
a watch could net be given to him.
But Edward continued to tease
for one, until. the whole family were
wearied. Then his father, after
explaining that he should certainly
have a watch when he was older,
forbade him to mention the subject
The next Sunday, the children, as
was their custom, repeated Bible
verses at the breakfast -table. When
it was Edward's turn, he astonished
them all by saying:
'What I say unto you, I say un-
to all : Watch !' "
Footless Man Made $100,000 Taking
People Across Streets.'
The "culede-jatte'', does not exist
in London, and there is not even a
name in England for him, lint in
Paris he is a not unusual epeetacle.
There are. in the Paris eteeets,
number of men who ,for some rea-
son have been obliged to suffer am-
putation of both lege from the
trunk, and who bee- for public charty On little carriages on which they
wheel themselves about with extra-
ordinary skill, using their hands as
propellers, It is an unwritten, po-
lio rule in Paris that all traffic
roust be stopped whenever a "cut-
de-jatte" wishes to cross the road,
and in these days of motor cars and
taxicabs the rule is a. good one,
Bee the •"cel-ale-jatte" has dis-
covered that, many people, who are
uncrippled have more difficulty
than he in getting from one pave -
meet to another'and he has turned
hi S deformity int.e4 moneY-maker,
Every day at crowded street cor-
nerone may eee one et these un-
fortanatee on his little carriage
heading a crowd of timid folk arose
the road while the policemen at
eaeh side keep back the traffic,.
When they are safely OD tiler other
side the "eul-de-jatte" takes off
Ids cap and asks for "ferry money,"
He rarely collects less than 18
perme, and as lie repeats the per
romance twenty or thirty times a
day the simplest calculation will
fhow that his trade is a good one.
it is true that it needs special ac-
complishments. One of these erip-
pies died in Paris recently leaving
a fortune of $100,000,
Tells How It Cured His Wife's
Bad Sore.
Iferirz,' J. Winton, of Black -
folds, Alta., writes: "My wife bad
a. very had SOIA) foot, winch It scent -
cd impossible to get anything to
heal. MP sore would heal to a
eertain point and then fester again,
and so on, 1 procured a box of
Zam.Buk, and after persevering
with this herbal balm for some
time the sore was completely
"I have since recommended Zam-
Buk to several 9f my' parishioners,
and it always gives satisfaction."
Another instance in which Zam-
Buk Proved of unequalled value is
told by Mr. N. L, Gerry, of Bran-
don, Man. He says: "1 had my
letteloot mtn civet by a waggon load-
ed with wheat. The foot was very
badly crushed, and my little tee
and the next toe were laid open. I
applied Zam-Buk, 4114.1 only had to
miss work for two days. Zaan-Buk
healed the wound so quickly that
on the third day I was able to put
on my boot and walk to my work.
In a eery :Short: time my toes were
(lithe healed, and the foot is now
as sound as ever; thanks to aim-
just as goad 16r chronic sarese
ulcers, piles, blood poison, burns,
scalds, eruptions, eczema, and all
skin injuries and diseases. 50c.
box at all druggists and stores, or
Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Try Zara-
Buk Soap, too, 25c. per tablet.
The voyage to England now costs
on the best ships about half the
rate charged by the Britannia, the
first mail steamer to cross the
ocean, 70 years ago. One can go
first-class for three eents a mile;
second-class for halt of that, and
third-class—with better aecommo-
dation than the best in the Britan-
nia's day—for about 80 cents a hun-
dred miles, and these rates include
meals. Compare them with the,
standard railway passenger costs
and meals in -the dining -car or sta-
tion eating houses extra.
Bridgeville, N. S.
"For twenty years I have been troubled
with Kidney and ,Bladder Trouble, and
have been treated by many doctors, but
Sound little relief. I hacl given up all
hope of getting cured when I tried Gin
Pills. Now, I can say with a happy heart
that I was cured.
"Has youreson arrived at the
years. of discretion?" "Oh, !yes!
He's about to be married?" "How
you do contradict yourself !"
Why suffer from cornswhen they
can be painlessly rooted out by
nsing Holloway's Corn Cure.
MssGreig—'What are yOU burn-
ing, thy dear
Mr. Greig—"Theletters..1 wrote
you before We were. married."
, Mrs. Greig — 'You heartless
, .
wretch!. Have you no sentiment,
Mr, Grei.g'—' Tlease be quiet, I'M
doing this for your sake. I'm try -.1„
irig to fix tliirigs. so tha.t if I. clic?
.1, Esst jc 2 body ean dispute my win on the
ED '
0- 2 round -of insanit " I
• -ALIO . etn:.; .r ?
titeazeoea.sraeaattac...rate - leana---reenesee-
For El Pink EYe, EPIZOegel
ir"ar 11*.j. TE "1 PERLei cPoltlars:otee
ver* ver.
Sore cure and positive Preventive. no matter bow borses at any age are
ItItected or "expoBed." anerten the toorue. wats en Lite }good and
(lb Glands, expels cbe voiroo.ou$ gerras trout the body. Cures D4steroper im Does
re radeSr1=*aaaVaCit t'17::::t3It°ultrY" cilla'rr4esfit *7.1:1711v6 s(eli "'nedY' Cn'-e4
tots an is a line DAY renae y. nee end Sr 4
bottle; ftfl aod,5tt a 4c;ctl, gin thi,s oet. leptt, Sbsw it to swas- druzgist,
who wig get it :or yoo. rree vookkt„ Mteirmo4r, c2tts4g atvi et,Ifers."
spoHN tleoicAL CO., Chearista and litecterielegists, lOSsEN,jnL.
in reggaZkab/Y
oee opetotiert, giv-
f Maypole Soap
clean, bright, foo
wool, elk 45 1114-'
twee 24 colors,
willgive any abacic,
eniara Ion, blank
1.5a atyourdeeeeo
PT poatt:AI with fila.
lat "I-Inw to Dye'
✓ horn Ft I.A BENEDICT & el
re -
EIAWSett, Ninety Colborne Slroolls
1CrlIT rritot'sAND DOLI4Alts
1.4.4 buy beamilul letneree Ayres in
Northumberland County, ineluding Stock
and I aiiiifSinein8, Thtl'p is in the stelt
hotees, la vows', rte. !ries,55 a snail, one
can be had op ceay terin4, Pussessi:
timberland, Prinve iniware caunties at
eeze'soneeie eritaa.
31,11140a Lows in large or ,moi
ltuitou, Peel, Tnrk. purecort, North,
Niagorq Fruit
H W DAWSON, Toronto,
Arts Summer
Julyto Ault. 17
aytie taken Iv
but students desk -
lag to graduate
mast attend one
Short. Course for
Teachers and gen.
eral students July
loth to sot.
r,or acoars, write
ha Reg-414ra r
0. V, ClieW1s7
Ktogstoo, Oot,
Little Tommy — "Mother, were
men awful scarce when you married
papa, or did you just feel wily
for him'!"
Relief for Suffering Everywhere.
—He whose :life is made miserable
by the suffering that tonics from in-
digestion and has mot tried Parme-
lee!s Vegetable Pills does not know
how easily this formidable foe can
be dealt with. These pills Will re-
lieve whereothers fail. They are
the result of lone and patient
study and are conelently put for-
ward as a sure corrector of disor-
ders of the digestive organs, from
which 80 many suffer.
"Mildred; what was that loud
noise on the front porch last eight
It woke me up."
"Why, mamma, that must have
been Jack, tearing himself away."
Write us for free sample of Gin 'Pills to
try. Then get the regular size boxes at
your ddalers, or direct from us -50e. a box,
6 for 52,50. Money refunded if Gin Pills
fail to cure. National Drug & Chemical
Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L.,
I cured a horse of the Mange with
I cured a horse, badly tern by a pitch
St. Peter's, 0. B. EDW. LINLIEF.
I cured a horse of a bad swelling by
Bathurst, N. 13.
Storekeeper—"I want a boy to be
partly indoors and partly out-
doors." Boy ---"What becoraes of
me when the door slain's?"
Keep Minard's Liniment In the house.
A woman is so used to pinning
things that she can't understand!
why a man should make so much
fuss about a missing button.
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born with
them. Spare them suffering by us-
ing Mother Graves' Worm Exter-
minator, the best remedy of the
kind that can belied.
Street Urchin—"Where yer go -
in', Maggie?"
Maggie—"Goin' ter de' bntelier
fer ficents wort' uv ,
Urehin---"Chee! Yor goin' • ter
liaee company ter dinner, ain't
yer 1" '
Tread softly -
Stet) safelg•
T IN ET1`,NIND .1s4 'E ES 131:17CE
County Son, elay loam; fratti.ft
Itcrise, barn and. graeoes. Prleo 81,660.,
Will eschaugo for eit,y, ii•dgett
I/row-0y or for larger tutu. SVe,,tern
t'1 Estate. 1-doidlon.
c and eterie in great demand through-
out Ontario and Nor;lt \Teat, Ettx .montha
wilt quality you. Day and 1,10,1t, roursea
PoRitions f,ecured. Free Book 15 el/pliable.
Dominion eyhoel Telegraphy, Toronto,
T.,.TaY end F41/3.1 ECA.LER. 1711aort'w
,• ,t Scale Worke. 9 Eanianade. Tntonto.
• ANCER, Tultoes, LUMPS. ete, In.
ternal and external. cured without
nein by our home treatment.. Write wt
before ton late. Dr. Denman 1Hulleal Co,.
Limited. Collingwood, Out,
f4k TON SCALE G 13ARA.NTRED. Wilaocen
t) Scale Woad. 9 Esplanade. Toronto.
Fame*, lInte19, Ica/torn/8, Mines,
*Mali,. 139 Front Weit, Toronto. Tele.
Phone, Adelaide l35J,
Your Overcoats
and fade 1 Sul; g would look better deed, If no
agent 05 ears in year town, writo diroet to
Mont teal. 1t(Fx,.'-8:1,. (31141. metintts:.
British American Dycina Co.
When buyint; your Piano
insist on havtat?
Piano Action
$f.00 PER HOUR
1This is what, you can make
fj aelling "Evergrip" Gliding
. Casters. Many of our
agents are making more.
Every home, elmrth, hotel, barber shop
a customer. 200 per Cent. profit. Fall
sample net and agents terms sent for
10 cents. We want n good agent in
CO., Suite 111, mail Bldg., Toronto.
3E.1a it&T Oar leeE 3iE
Protect -- Preserve-- Beautify
Samples and Booklets on .Application
1:37I1 Bathurst Street TORONTO
Keep Flies
Off Your Cattle
Use Cow -Comfort to improve the con-
dition and yield of your COWS.. 52, per
gallon. Freight paid. (Dilute with 4
gallons of water, reducing the price to
40c, per gal).
, Agents wanted everywhere.
Write for tern:s and pamphlets.
SAPNO MFC. CO., Montreal.
_ _
Embodu the pats.mfed features
of Cat's Paw Heels. 150
—ON slip—
(15,500 Tons)
From New York Nov. 12, 1912
From San Francisco Feb. 27,1913
Will vhii •
Naddra. Spain. Itly, Elnilie
ludia,Culoo, Straits Settlements, Jaya,
Chinn, Janan, Sanawick
131606. with OverlandAmerictinTour.
OPTIONAL 17 Daya ill India
, TOURS 114 Days in Joper4
Duratinn 110 Days Each
41,/ar411 "includikg Dec-
aboarti an as ma.
"Aak anyone who l!as made Me
Write for ,Doolet.
41-45 BROADWAY, hi, Y.
or Ocean Steamship AgeneY,
63 Yong° St, Toronto, Canac`a,