HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-16, Page 4Ormeter lbxu. tetra,
Sanders 3c -Creech. Props,;.
Iaodrs7.Rumex'—A mast
p ,cturesque,
and ael:ghtful liay-tilue: wedding was
Soler, t ;red On Wedl;esday of last week,
at the Merle t?g }ie, a .gid ;vlrs,t Ph n. Faun,
to ^, when the, eldest daughter, Eliza
(je"u el beeatt = the, bride of :1r: das,
Cr, KO:v.ns of B,;ddutnh About 75
gUeata Weire present frutn .cI£ant !teat, a
Toronto, Leaden, Berlin, Ildegton, eau,
can, Seat'art and Eseter gathered. - to
-s 'ttSsfi the ferealenY, Whiett!W S,. Per-
formed by Hev. q. 't , Race;: of K zkten..
A: 5 o'clock :eche ]u• de, aceeripasi_ed lly
father, entered the parlor to the
ot' the, wedding march. played
by lies AV:re Ranter, sister et." the, bride
P..? br14a1 party" toil; the Place
u..d...::c r.n. an alnrla, Qr evergreens, tast`4
Iy decorated wmtis Yrawers. The brides
gown was, particularly beauti; ti, besz,;
aradt c" cream satin ribbon voile, trim --
Med with pull lace insertion, :She wore
#: t 10,11/ary' tardal veil arta, carried a
l*ok, The de and groom
eve e aza s ktended. save l-tfla ?"sec
S o s s s.ex trf tire„ gni tt, '1414
1SA ve .:414,The cerespurw4 cocgrat,
tllsxlt'kk:ra raver', 4 intact Stnni tvtFus„'wed.
.& :"teat baa served, e :t tat lea :be4ag
tit tC ly . rated with flaWers, as mvas
house, The bride'a going.
res of navy; r, blu _ serge .s^.,ttk
w4i with willow glutmes, all
I on4%4.g.- The TA:14i lg
brae' .t'
tlz�,u iful
p ex +ta rornted 'a< mnagn f:real af'rxy,
th, 4u Wm m several cheques. The
,yes 1, c-auple are pouplar :il social" elr-
cies, at -al Nil have the beet -w ieailes' Or
ff;£ttds ler :t1xei' fg4111--*>: ItAP-
n...;,;;:i and presperit- ; They wilt 'take
Tit i keep'."71g on the groom's t:c'tC
4th caneeaslon or I3:ddulpti,.
.. Wal
ute aped -tett features or the program will
be r;orse bac:ng, The committee aro
giving ,S100. ,to‘be divided, ,£tmtliong, races
days sport wan be rotlowed by a
b'(i cancan et right,
FOR SALE --At Z,w.cRer'R, Cre loon,,
No, 1 Red Clover, A1silte, Alfalfa,, Tint
othy, Kentucky Blue and Orchard grass
--epee:any selected for seeding purposes
Atsa a quantity of Glut Aske and
Timetny Seed Infixed at vary reasonable
pr ea, I;'areies s ;using, should buy
early as tlraa, better grades -will be scarce
end h!gher as season advances.—CHAS.
add creel:ion.
We e>: pe; aetAcad to touch o; 'w~;nter an
Monday, •Sc:aw covered the ground to
a„ -.depth of, four laches: and the sud,*
dell, enlarge brought ;out the fur coats"
=The auto Faze has struck tont. Sant..
Brown„ Albert Moriock, Jolt's Morkoe lt,
and William Moripele have -eaelt b ntgltl
u ;ear this eels„ It 4..s reported that
aeyeral more a,sour farmers, arc. tl:n,tkits.;
rzf bud �?ag,--.Airr.e Mark aft :-1,.i,lsa Craig
pv 3 parents i[a vk �� Tuesday,
We are pleased to ieaa*t' the .*proved
cOnt `_ a:on of Fred Young• It as hoped
there est -311 lea now a speed, ae,.over,.,
—Otto Ewald ,Ileal resumed itis trade
s-butgator w411 le chola a S. Lawson,
�+?tiarla, Rrowat .tar;s secured. at. :a>eacy
tg, eel& the I:PDX On"the Tata a c Steam,
r,?;trasten. The're is some tai. -�:
iOntlay Sehtaole maths: and Fray,
Xeursion tttt;Po erient scale time
Ite t' ltgntrh-7P,7ost It, a:10113. -l# will Ole
aapleaaant, -daye) outing. --Harry Cweltzer
J 3s, bought and remna*ed a Portion of: the
aid planing r'lt.tl feetory.—MIclm Bear-
er 11 dolt!. the carpenter 'wage
Albert Mer1;'sek's auto repair ohOp,—W.
Spent last Sunday ;n St.
atttar»nes,-,A meeting of the tennie
felatTcr n was .geld. ill Ilie<Rat* t'oattrs. ` on
Monday evening. The, election a;
office re resulted as :toltows.-^Egon, free,
fi, El1h r. ?X.° P, P.,
ceJFired, gra S, Drown; See'y Fred
IrR:lt.,: Trews Gannet Svreltzer^; Chap„
graham; Mati4ggrt, Hon'. =lbr,7,
er of the v1130114 ILte,a)`ey. The
o;s Nought a, petty net And hallo
aeti ,4; ;, to get down to praetive as
11 tyt t e wee.4ber permits.
�aafa.aos .0 t.tt`g3;0rZe vlelted leer pe
eia�a :e.'us^udm eves Ssi:¢day }1rtt, are
txe att;,il^. sr«. I,d daslg tea literxha,speta.
Sts„a, t ;';sa Fes: reit I.'ss CtarrR Kraft is
:site mc1'tl fa :en r weeks er the itIte tt
Tait E? .;tel. .
f P k ..11 vie-
= tx' r, »ager lips C.< Steluha yen last
week Mies (1Cev,t Seam; ceder• t }Iovnt
C.e,t,e„s, w:;o was called .t) the bed-
ed.s dw of ,ter fatlmcr, Mr. lay Wainer. Sr„
«,rrZuaat or serUr :lines% had the
a`c eartstrh't t J. brtzxlr ,he aril! .n two
p"a" .°s ,',e 13 lr`iraet' o” 'hn, arrival
S , w,)4 v ' a. da steps
afro; ',t w.x l danhe sl peed
Land W:,lleet and family
ot Grand Der ncconmak:ed. by Mr.
';and M. R. i!ayter, tape tk Sul'l4a,'-,,,' th
Mr and Mrs,. IL Svalet t Misiti i3f±Itl a
Gen t a(,r le=t mond.ty far Ceutrtti' acrd'
Giro itis eeeueed a post.,"owt.
?dies Clara, Kraft or Tittdtare
Lol:edayiit, with her parents, 31r,.'Ara
Airs. P. Kraft.: firs '1v:,Il.1ms , PiLler t
and 1Irs., George Kellerman were :n.
' Berl n. last week, attending tate funeral
of gra. E".iris btyother, Mr; I easneavert
Oi 1?rielge airt, Ont,—Mr. Henrys Guen-
ther has bought the d,welling house or
Mrs. Joseph Stle11.—Thr committee, ttee, who
aro arranging for our bili 'celebration
on June „rd are dna iitS good work. The
Es=,'er hated has be^ai engaged: for tate
clay. Tire Crediton Stars and "-the, ,Fuller
#ear tea car -W41 be present. One of
Mr. L. Rawl; trio at to Torento £Ios-
p'1A1 last week, ;vire, ltavette was t411-
SaturLlzt.--»11;, Waiter Staf;,anm
ear taindays at Cod-
ently. Mr, Alae a lis putting a
^sa? of
?zits n rr,`-;;o-round,
,ubba o. 1learalae herd 'q9 visiting hie
au' htet•, :tips. J, 1,34.1.d, for ,a' pew
days,—Mr, and tfrs. Frank All:starand'
1lrs, M. G;t,I vel 3 Ill. Varkctbill on bus:-
3t�:'s Weeineeadbt r. leRera..oliver, who
4'ltvtt :leen working at Hillsboro' for
")w weeks, returned hong Saturdac'.—
,4 l'v try terse :niton) Uensaf died a. Mr.
Garr?,' e'a stable: Sunday.
,:. ltra711#:tient young swa.',n or a lteigh-
bor;nS village; while driving;: out of this
piaeu ,a little late the other night saw
something dressed in white along the
roadside, which startled both hint: and
t'to :horse :or a moment. The horse was
too !r'l;ittenedko;allow the driver to In-
vest:gate, but to .says her would not,
nl<nd speticltu„ a Sive-spot; t,7' know what
The -severe snow Isttarin of Monday
came, as a surprise and was a gentle
reminder that ;winter still lingering 1,n
the lap of spring.—Large numbers 'M
Siris or Outp Crla oz T0!,esoo,
Loco Courrr
Flank J. Cheney snakes Guth that he is senior
partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney !t Co„ doinghuei
nem inthe City ofToledo, County and State afore
arid, and that said firm will pay the lam of ONE
ktUNI)RED UOLLAI for oath and every case of
Cattrrb that cannot be, cul, by the use of iiall'3
Caterkl . Cure. A ttANS',r, Ci#E,NEX
Sworn to before ma and {oubeuzibIn”
in my p
eft this ata day of December, A..0. 1896.
(Snsu) A, w GLItAS01i.
Noraar Pestle
Hers .CatarrhCure isttaloa internaliy,and acts.
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
SYstem, Send for test tuoniatsiree..
F. J. GURNEY,t 00.,Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggitita. 7 c,
Take Hall's rantilr ti11.1 for constipation,
cattle lave ,been delivered pert during
t,te week. and are chanFg n"g hands at
='o04 high ,pr. -31- < and Mrs. Geo.
Dobbs ;o_ A11sa Craig spent $urday the
=,oasts of relatives in the village,—Miss
NorteiS . .Staffa spent the past week
.w:th, her sister, Mfrs. N.'1litcttell< —dirt
and fir$, Jeatk;:ns of London spent
couple days with, lir. and Mrs. wr
Elliott,—),Ilii Richt. Luker is not so well
again and is cori4ined to his bed.—)1r,
and gra, A. Maguire aen.ve 'moved to the
village, We welcome, tl-ten) to the burg
:o become .es:dettt.s for a tittle at least,
--Owing a
ro t., s
u t e
01 Jio v'
tiuit>9 ids the
gamete qr baseball wrtht the Exeter teat!)
had to;he called o€f till the grounig;get
°<tto ape --The `'ollowwng' .lines as 3n
oda t a ottr baseball boys we composed
b» etre or our lg !.poets. aatlri handed( or
$ Our baseball boys are an. recalled.
A:ld signal up, every one;
All bound, to will. they'll show, you that,
When Daly goes no bat.
The title new Io 'Daly's Nine
all lopl;fttg very fine;
Wan with new gloves ;encs niaak
To nkatc)t at}ll tiil3 . n >tj;,
N' k carnal tout
.ln lighting Arlin
S)yb speed &curve that's
sure to win;
Ii1'11 an 'thein out w:.hput a. score --
Oa; two. , tttreo and four -
lee on first alai Chancey second.
No bull can pass them, by ;
And Eieck as usual in the mask:
Will step the bait it i.tat tog asigh,
4[ «:tilt Austin third and Daly short
Net ,grounders poise hetweolt;
tky step the tall and pass it hound
Te h 8' illi! ti:erenfi.
Harold gut; tam centre. ilela-�
Thr bow so ataa'ight and talc --
A d oviiwenl tl) doth tante a t;» wad^
Ile' a eu, . to get the bail
T.ntn, Sandy, he's a handy isrtl,
1I" !dais;' eta,, . bard, you bet;
I4 plays the. game with strategy,
\ "t.',eh ))leans a whiner yet.
Luker playa out ^at right Debi
W.hfeh always le his, place;
But wheel he gets nt hit at, bat
You 7us�t; , to see brant race.
tifurray takes the left field, , ,
And no better tun he'd ask;
13ue sonteriltes fpr o. !talo ehatloe
lie .lakes the glove and mask.
Flits 4l takes the pitcher' box
W8,4,41 Daly cabs hints In
IIs P oiettes fast with curvlj, Bind drop
Tat helps the tloys to w411,
Dempsey hats 'wit±hc all his 'tight
Or else, don't bat at all, ^k
But when he,bats,=:t•out 'of; s:gh:t,r
Toe umpire gets another ball.
,tiv:,t and Douglas are sportsmen.
And always on,reserve,
Thor attention tie the baseball
�I;uc;t ered:•t does deserve.
For keep:lag score you can't beat Dor.',
Re's always feeling merry;
Sure the beys are all :n fighting trim'
As :n the days of "Derry"
Now, here's success to the' baeeballt boys
Whoever they ,may play ;
We'll back %t}alai up :'u every. game—
, And ,Its Hip, Hip, Hurrah.
., rs. McN of has 'returned front she was Lan-
sv don,!.ere ^ w E � � '
sto}.�ttS' Itkl her. � � d � � � � is,
daughter, 1. rs.- Johlt' McDoum ai, Jr„ who
aiS,o hams and progressing favorably
s Etce` having gone ,thorough ari operation,
at r,eton;R Hiaspital.,-Our to'w'n is all
present besieged wit tt ; the wave of,
measles, wik:ch has" been so preyelant
of late,—Mr: aloha W. Stewart brought
home hes bide last wdr,v, and: has settl-
ed dowit tta the, stern, realatles of lig on
the homestead on the Bqun<dary.--'_tier;
Lawrence Fulton speltt. Sunday at Wal-
too, v.:siting his father, µ1t7 is very
low as a ;result of an accident which
he experienced a few` weeks ago. It ap-
pears the old gentleman was '_a the, cant--
ant-pally of a friend and 1st crossing the
raAWay. t tack on a itlinbar war,on the
bag ne struck and smashed, the hind
wheels of the, wagon, throwlnb Mr. Ful-
ton off aitd breaking his collarbone and
njuring I' -un otherwise—in fact it was
not epected that he would survive at
the ti+iue,
Progrn'ore, the nest -deuce of '_lir;
and lits. Jas, Green, 'Parr Line- Hay, on
Wednesday of last weak, was the scene
Of .ane of -those tetteresting events When
the i' eldest daughter, Miles Gladley gay
was united itt <enl,t+:rriage to ;air. John
We '
11 ens' t�v
ton ari a roue young
a S Pz ospe
farmer from Usbarneit,ownss p, The cere
atony. 'was performed by Rev. G. F.
Brown of Zur,;eil, and was witness eit
by nearly two' hundred ijrvited guests.
After congratulat4anti to tate young t;oup
e, a spleneled wedding dinner was serv-
ed. The Wide looked, "very eharmtng in
a gown, ipf Pale blue ?Marquisette, wit#t,
tr"th mings et ince„ satin, .and ball
triage, wearing the usual bridal veil,
caught up ''w tb orange blossoms, and
Barry iktg a bouquet of pink and white
carnations. She 'was unattended, her
le sister Ylettna Pearl, dressed 111
Y±': ;wte,- acting as r tt meg. bearer,. while Miss
Pearl McCotinrvie ,played the wedding
march,. Tile presents ,received, were both
costly and useful, showing the high es-
teent',tp wP,:eh the your .couple are held.
Tits, ="room's gift to the bride was a
t altdsomo br.00slt, and to tate rig bearer
a Pearl ring, The young couple wilt re•
sere on able I;rPOmmt's fine Yarns, "Bin
rest'', Farquhar. The.,- malty friends
Io:ft in wishin them a happy and ptes-
tm=rou:;t wedded lite,
Tupper, a:,tee ot Sir Chanes
Tupper, ' former prefutier or Canada, died.
:a) England on Saturday. Her remains
w -II he brought to Canada for interment.
S„r Charles, who was serloueiy,111 a few
weeks:ago, is now In good health again
TI3'E MILDIt 11, 27,851, :s a tiure-
brerl fmported Shire Stallion, from the
hest of mutest -ors and w ta'the the hest
of ree,7rtts. eWrill stAtult at hits own
atable, Dasltwood, for the season, 'WILL
COLLEGE C4,u-Ar, 15,58, :Is a pure-
bred enpar"tcd Shiro, with ch,olce pcd,
tree and record. Monday leaves; Irma own
stable Daaiwoad, andSoea to Ed. Lane
ports. Tuesday'' to Grand :Bend.\'ectnes-
day aftcrnoion to Ilobt. Hayter's Zor,
night ; Thursday to. nit Ryan's and Mt,
Carmel. ; i, r d y to Iu"it:iva. and home.
W1LL1S &-GUENTHEIt, Props ., .F
CASE, Manager.
CHARMING PRINCE, 1,1477, 155507,”
:s a pure-bred Clydesdale, with an
excellent pedigree and good record as
a stock getter. well! stand at his own
stable, Farquhiaf; W. II. KAY Prop.,
and Maluger,.
(See others nett .week.)
- -
�o goo aoa REST, i$8,000,000
Issued by The Canadian Bank of Commerce are the most Convenient
form in which to carry money when travelling, They are negotiable
everywhere, self -identifying, andthe exact amount payable in the prin-
cipal foreign counte s is printed on the face of everycheque, The
cheques are issued` in denominations' of
$10, $20, $50, $100 and $200, A23i
and may be obtained on application : at the Bank..
In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Canadian Bank of
Commerce has issued a booklet entitled "Information of Interest to those
about to travel", which will be sent free to anyone applying for it.
EXETER BRANCH --G, 1 . WAUGH, M anager+ Branch also, at ?mitten.
Loans and Investments
Total Assets
IVlolsons Bank
incorporated' 11156
cord of Progress for 'Five °eerie -1 --I9%i
r 0 000000
,,$23,677j30 . 35 042 31,1
27,457,090-;, 38,854,801
33,)090192 48,237,284
) $)2 37,25
Iles Draeebesia ,auaadat and Agents and Correspondents in, anithe
Principal Cities in the World;
A @110P4I11ZAL. aaAlUczi e SUSIal1g15 TItANSACTI10.
at al 13raz ie.. Iastere.t allowed at bigbe.t current rate.
gents at 34zeter for the Dominion (loTerxanlent,
Dorm? ammo, Solicitors. ,i'. D. 1111RDON Munger,
April had. ldth and 80th and every
second Tuesday thereafter until Septa
17th. atclus.ve,
Special Train will leave Toronto at
10,80 p -tui on above dates for Edmon-
ton and Pointe in Manitoba. and Sask-
atchewan, Wet Chicago and St. Paul,
carrying through coaches and Pullman.
Tourist sleepers.
Pull. Particulars frontally Grand. Trunk
Agent, or C. R. ZifeCutcheon, Alberta
Government Agent, 'Palmer House }lock
Toronto Ont.
Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Philadel-
phia, Detroit, Chicago, !s via Grand
Trunk, the only
Pull information, from
J. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter.
That choice farm of 108 acres oa ttte
2nd and 3rd concuss;ac tg ot flottoree,
being one and a halt rages from Exeter
On the premises Is s. largo brick house
with slate root, and frame barna and
stabling. 'tYSf lee Hold separately or
together to suit purchaser. 15 acres int'
fail wheat, 40 acres fall plowing done,
balance In grass. Apply to
TI -10S, FISHER. Itxeter,
7 .
2' %�:��ief`J
Our classes are noM Iarger than.
everbefore but we have enlarged our
quarters and we have room for a few
more students. You may enter at any
time. We have a, staff of .nine exper.
'meed instructors and our courses are
the 'best. Our ,graduates succeed. 'This
week 'three recent graduates informed
us that they lave positions paying Seil
$70' and $1'25 per month: We haveel
three aepartmefts,--Commerc:ai, Short -
band and"Teidgraphy. Write Tor our
free eataldguo naw.
D A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
Do You Want to be Protected in Your Investments in
you eyou getting a square deal" in buying or Would ou �Iike to feel reasonably sure that. areselling property in
the West ? Wouldn t it be better for you to buy or sell your property through a firm that will keep ou in
touch with. every movement in, which you should be interested., and a firm that realizes that to build u a oed
-connection they must do the very best they can,for those who buy property on; their.recommendation ? p g
That is exactly the position we -are in. We handle no property except we are convinced it is an Al proposition.
We will transact all business connected with any deal a purchaser may make.
We will guarantee to protect you when you come, to see it.
We will secure sales for you at the most opportune time.
We will keep you in touch with what is going on in the locality where you buy your property.
We do this because we are carrying on a straightforward, conscientious business.. We are not here to -day
and away to -morrow, and:We realize that a satisfied client is the best advertisement in the world.
We have at the present, time the selling of some of the best propositions in city property in Edmonton
and Moosejaw,' also a large number of good farm lands in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Messrs Bawden Si Bawden -
Kindly send me any . Maps or Litera-
tureyou have relating to
e will be very pleased to give you any information regarding Western Property. We have a lar.
of Government Maps and Literature' for free distribution; also Board of Trade Literature from;town supilly
every and
city. in. Alberta and Saskatchewan,.
ached coupon to our office at Exeter;and let u
SHOW you what we can do for you.