HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-16, Page 3{ Notes of Particular Interest to Women Folks CHOICE RECIPES, Spanish Omelet --Cook together in one tablespoon of butter one, ehopped green pepper, one-half sliced onion ,; add one and one-half cups of tomato; add salt and cook slowly , for fifteen minutes. Make Ile omelet by year usual rifle, and just before folding spread with part of the tomato mixture, Tun out on a hot platter and serve with. the I' the u£ tl c „serve poured around it, Vienna Steaks Chop together one-half pound, each1 of rew beef and veal, Season with three-quar- ters teaspoonful el salt, paprika and a little celery salt, one-eighth teaspoonful nutmeg, one teaspoon- ful lemon juice, a few drops of on- ion juiee, ..Add one beaten egg. Let standthiee hours, Make into small steaks and parr -t roil, Spread while hot with Metter and sprinkle with salt and pepper. .Bean Stew --Soak over night one pint of Mexican Beans,. The nest morning bud for five minutes in Fresh water and drain, Add two boiling gliazts of 1poa>ijr� water and let cool; ssorvly foxtwo lioiirs. At seirviug time brown two elioIiped. onions in two tablespoons of butter; drain the beans and add to the onions. Add one cup el strained tomatoes, seasim w•ish salt and pepper and cunei eliisely, Let stew for twenty minutes. wive very hot, with or without boiled rice used as a her - Janne Mange—Soak one ul ce of gelatin , in cne-half .e ipfcd of cold water, Add to one cupful of boil- ing water and stir till dissolved. Take frena. the :fire and pour over the beaten yolks u'F four eggs, beat- ing steadily, Return to the fiire, add one cupful of powdered sugar, une•half teaspoonful of cinnamon, the juice and half of the grated peel of ,one orange. Stir till boiling hot ; add one cupful isf sherry; pour lute a mold and chill, Serve with whip creams, Shcange Padding ---Beat stiff the 'whites of three eggs, Boil together one cup of waiter and one of sugar, Add one teaspoon of vanilla, one tablespoon of gelatin softened (Feld water, and remove from the fixe, Fold in the beaten whites of the eggs; divide into two parts, cc,lir .ane part with pink vegetable et -Awing and let stand,:until cold and uearly sot. Pour one quart into a -retold, keeping the other part just warm. enough tti prevent setting un- til the rest is solid. Then add the eteond part and set aside to get very cold and firm.. Serve with cream. !laking Meat Sauce. ---In making a'meat Sailee of any kind, it is wiser to blend the $coir with the melted better. By doing this, the starch in the flour is more quickly cooked and the butter is absorbed. When the flour is mixed with water and iu•n .stirred into the liquid. :It least ten minutes of boiling is re- giiired to cook the flour, and •even then it may have a raw taste, An- other difficulty with a sauce made this way is that the butter often does not blend. but rises to the sur- face of the liquid. Escalloped Beef and Potatt,es. — Fill a casserole or baking dish with alternative layers of boiled sliced beef and sliced raw potatoes; sea- son with salt and pepper. Pour ‘over this ineat stock to cover. This is perhaps best if, thickened a little -with flour. Cover the whole with bread crumbs and dot with a little fat from the top of the kettle after the beef was boiled,instead of but- ter --use but little. Cook until_po- tatocs are tender. Additional sea- sonings to suit the taste may be ad- ded to this' scallop. Orange Pie.—:;eat a cupful of sugar and a large tablespoonful of butter together until creamy. Moisten two level teaspoonfuls of cornstarch with a little milk, and .add to a-culpfulof milk' scalded in tire, double boiler.. Cook and stir a minute, then pour gsiick1V into the butter and sugar...- Add the grated yello,v rind and juice of one orange mixed with a well beaten egg. Peel another large, juicy orange; slice vet•;,; thin and cut slices into (}t ar- ters. Line a deep pie tin with good light paste., and bake in a moder- ate�ly quick oven nntil alone. When the mixture is cool, quickly stir in the eut and sugared oranges and turn the mixture into the baked crust and place in the even a few minutes to brown. Meanwhile beat up the whites of two eggs le a white froth; add two tablespoonfuls ofpovfercd sugar andbeat upstiff and white, Heap on, the pie, dust thickly with sugar and again place in the even to brown slightly. USEFUL HINTS. Miee object to camphor, which, if put i,n places frequented by them, will drive them away eompletely. Grease en a well can be general- ly eradicated by covering with clean blotting paper and then passing a waren iron ever it, Washing � lamp eltimne Ts' by im- mersing therm in hot water makes thein very brittle, A safer way to clean thein is to hold them ever the steam of a teakettle and palish with an old soft linen cloth, An eiderdown quilt may be wash,. ed in a lather, Rinse it carefully i and there shake it well before liana hang- ing out in the wind. While drying ;;halve several times and it will bi, like new, Kerosene rubbed on with a soft cloth will clean zinc perfectly. Kerosene er gasoline applied with a cloth will also remove all grease marks from ;porcelain basins and bathtubs. Rinse well with very hot: water. If after'vPittoviiig poulh tete the affected plate is rnbbctt with eananahorated oil there is not likelihriotl.`incurring cold. Paint your tin 'wash basins on the inside with a good white enamel paint, if yqu would prolong their usefuhw"s. An old-fashioned but efficient re- medy fur hives is a solution of corn more baking socia: and water. Dis- solve half a cupful of the soda in a basin of water, Bathe the spurs with this several times a day. x ,.- , ,. n se it beef, ilii jiff„eS t.� are well mottled with fat will: be, foiled the z ielsest and jutrtcst. When purchasing a roast of veal have the butcher lard it with salt pork This will make the meat juke: instead of being dry, and it will have a fine flavor that can be had in no other way. li_1OWS :NOW. Doctor Was Fooled by. lUs Own Case For a Time. It's easy to understand bow or- dinary people get fooled by coffee when doctors themselves sometimes forget the facts. A physician speaks of his own ex- aerienceT = "1 hard used coffee for years and really did not exactly believe it was injuring me, although t had palpi- tation of the heart every day. (Tea contains caffeine—the same drug found in coffee—and is just as harinful as coffee.) "Finally one day a severe and al- most fatal attack of heart trouble frightened me and I gave up both tea and. coffee, using Posturn in- stead and since that time I have had absolutely no heart palpitation except on one or two occasions, when I tried a small quantity of coffee -which caused severe irrita- tion and proved to me I must let it alone. "When we - began using Postum it seemed- weak --that was because we did not make it according to di.- sections—but i-rections—but now we put a little bit of butter in the pot when boiling and allow the Postum to boil full: 15 minutes, which gives it the pro- per ricer flavor and the deep brown color. "I have advised a great many of my friends and patients to leave off coffee and .drink Postum, in fact Z daily give this advice.”,Name given by Canadian Postm Co. Windsor, Ont. Many thousands of physicians use Pcistum in place of tea and cof- fee in their oven homes and pre- scribe it to patients. "There's a reason," and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Bgoad to Wellvil'le," in pkgs.; Ever read the above letter? A new ono appears from thno to time. They are genuine, true, and :full of human interest. Secure & Profitable Bonds Pa i cr . Price Bros. 8:•Com pang have been in business in .� Quebec over loo years. It is � I Q the largest industry in Quebec Province. Their' holdings of pulp and timber lands are',, 6,000 miles in extent, and have been valued' by experts at over .. The i wereo 000. The new pulp cull $13,004,000. net. rn ,1910 � 8, oo, P I earnings44 how under cerise stuctron"will double these earnings. Timber limits are insured with Lloyds of England against nst fre . aj Price Bros. & Company First Mortgage Bonds pay 6 per cent, interest on their present price. They will assuredly appreciate in value. Considering interest return, security, and future increase in value, they are an unusually attractive investment. na: ish o On application we will send you Literature fully desosibing these bonds. SECURITIES, C®RCR`R:h "i . _ ,. BANK OF' MONTREAL R311tLDING YONZ"�C3 r�� MITE b QE AND QUEEN ST'REE . ... TORONTO R:M. WHITE AGN7RCAL- UE!C-HALlP A -dS7A WA 8 14tanager is the Titanic t Fi 3 Still Afloat Br Charles M. Bie4. se iT' Denver, Col- The sinking of the, Titanic in mid ocean has given rise to many curi- oils speculations by the so-called esesitists, The question is asked in all seri- ousness: Is they Titanic still float- ing'? Will _ she, continue to float as long as the world spins? Another asks: Where is she now, ora the bottom of the sea just under' where she went down with her pre- cious load of human lives, or has she drifted and is she on. the, bot- tom at Some other place,'? There seems to be no unanimity, even among the wise ,scientific guys of the Smithsonian Institute in. their answers given to these, quer- ies. Some .say that 'sinking ass she did at an angle of about 50 degrees, she would zigzag to the bottom, first shooting one way and then an- other, and, to make it mysterious, they couch the problem in mathe- matical language, thus; "Her path would describe an are of a great circle, whose limit would be reach- ed at a point tangent to a line par- allel to the surface,' and so on through a whole lot more highs. brow stuff, Another seientjfio Mharp denies that she; lits at the bottom, and asserf.s that the gulf' stream and the Aretie euri•ont, both of which flow' there, Mie first above the other, would both .have something to say about the Titanic before she reach- ed the bottone, and that they would carry her no one knows where, but surely , a longdistance from where she went down. ' Man- think be- cause the ocean at that point is over two miles deep that the boat must be at least two miles to one. Side of the place where site disap- peered, Then, along conies auother scion t.ific sharp and says, All are wrong, no sueh thing possible; not even lead will sink to the bottom of wa- ter that deep. It will go down till the weight of the water exerts such an enormous pressure that it can- not sink further, and will there re - for ever suspended. So with the Titanic. It, too, is suspended at some point, doubtless, far from the bottom, there to re- main as long as the "world wags," or until the chemical action of the sea water has eaten her up. If these so-called scientists would employ a littlecommonsense, they would not make themselves appear so ridiculous as they have ,sueeeed- ed in doing. All these half -reasoned theories are based on the erroneous notion that the density of the water a mile or two down in the ocean depths is far greater than at the surface. They confuse density with pressure. There is no question but that the pressure is vastly increased as such enormous depths are reached. We can get some idea of this pres- sure when we . eonsider that at a depth of 100 feet by actual test the pressure exceeds 6,000 pounds to the square foot,' ' Divers wlio go down 150 feet or a little more (which is about the limit), find that the pressure has increased over 3,000 pounds more than at the 100 feet depth. Divers must be armored specially to resist the pressure if they de- scend more than 150 feet. It is estimated that the Pressure on the Titanic, reckoned upon the basis of increase aforesaid, as she lies un- der 2,000 fathoms of water, is over 750,000 pounds per square foot. It would seen to be a reasonable inference that under such pressures the density of the Water would be increased accordingly, but scien- tists have demonstrated by actual experiments that water is almost whollyincompressible, and for a long time it was thought to be ab- solutely so. Extremely delicate and accurate testing instruments have been used, and sea water to the depth of one mile has been measured and found to be only one one-huindred and thirtieth greater Than at the surface. Hence, for all practical purposes, it maybe con- cluded that a given body of water is not materially redueed in dimen- sion by . any known means of .pres- sure that may applied. Keeping these facts clearly in mind, there should be no difficulty in locating the, resting place of the Titanic. f As water is practically incompres- sible, its density or weight is not perceptibly greater at the two-mile level than it is at the surface, and hence its power of buoyancy is only slightly `,greater. It follows from this that any ob- ject' that could not float at the sur- face would have no chance to re- main suspended at any intermedi- ate ntermedi- atepoint, but must cirectlyto tha bottom. The increased pressure at the two-mile depth manifestly could not prevent the Titanic from reach- ing the bottom, because the pros - Miro is from all sides, and equal, dower -arch its wpJI as upwards, No doubt this enormously in- creased presFoire would instantly 5 crush .i any air-filled` chambers or other frail' pr compressible ;matter s as the hulk in the --eller, laird hence, � 0 1 t descended the displacemeint would become lessened and the • through the water would be corres- pondingly accelerated. Even the iron and the other me-, tall of which the Titanic was largely constructed are much mere com- pressible than water, and hence, it is idle to suppose that the Titanic in ,sinking swerved far from a per, pendicular• line. If the statement of some of these scientists were true, then the sounding of the ocean depths would be impossible.; but we- know that this has been successfully' accom- plished in water more than twice; the depth of that which overlays the Titanic; Very add and curious forms of deep sea life, dredged from the ocean bottoms, have been brought to the surfaeo by the Eng- lish ship "Challenger," and in. 1869 Prof, Risley gannounced his belief' that the elatinous substances found in theooze, of the beds of the deep seas, is a sheet of lining mat- ter extending around the globe. Ile named it,z ' H i d B 1 bzu and at r s he, had discovered the real oriin of all life, Denver, Col, I912, SCIENCE AND SUPERSTITION. The Shah of Persia's Experienee With .Radium. Radium—most mysterious of the new mysteries in modern science—is so little familiar to unscientific men that the panic of the Oriental pot- entate described in a recent book by Mons, Xavier Paoli, a • Freneb detective, is easily understood. Once, while in Paris, the Shah of Pa ewrsiisah, t;olukzanof-fwarso-emd-edtihni,ng":oPf cPoi lessor Curie's discovery, :Monsieur Paoli made the necessary arrange- ments, Complete darkness is of course needed if radium in to reveal itself in all its brilliancy-, With endless trouble Paoli persuaded the monarch to descend into one of the hotel oilers that had been ar- ranged for the put'pose. But at length his majesty, with all his suite, proceeded to the un- derground apartment. Professor, Curie closed the door, switched off the electric light, and uncovered his specimen of radium-, Suddenly a shout of terror between the roar of a buil and the ,yell ofaman be- ing murdered rang out, and was; echoed by a hundred others. "Amicigeneral excitement and consternation, writes Monsieur Paoli, "we flung ourselves upon the eliglehctrts.ie switches, and turned en the "Then we beheld strange spec- tacle. In the midst of the prostrate Persians, with his arms round the neck of his grand vizier. and his round pupils dilated to their very anus, ; stood the Shah, shouting at the `toil of his voice in Persian:. " `Come away': Come away ?' "The switching on of the light, calmed his mad terror as if by ma- gic„ Realizing the disappointment and chagrin he had caused Mon- sieur Curie, the. Shah tried to com- pensate him by the offer of a decor- ation, But the austere than of science," concludes Paoli, "thought fit to decline it." SOME DAYS FAVORABLE. Human Organism Subject to Varia- tions in `reek's Tiinc. Not alone the weather, but cer- tain days of the week also exert fav- orable or unfavorable influences; upon the human organism. Such' 'are the, conclusions reached by Prof. W. Trabert, director of the Vienna Meteorological Institute, after collecting valuable data on the subject, That the weather affects the general condition of people has long been conceded, but Prof. Tra beet is the first to investigate the matter from the scientific stand paint. He induced a large number of" persons of different standing and occupations to furnish him with particulars of their daily state of health, noting particularly any changes or disturbances in their normal condition. 'Many school teachers have also been making in- vestigations along the same" lines among their pupils, cerefrlly elassi' Eying their general behavior and conduct. From the very interesting results thus obtained it is clear that other influences than the wea- ther affect the human organism. For it was found that persons are subject „to weekly periodical changes corresponding in almost the same measure or degree to wea- ther influence. With adults, for example, Saturdays and Sundays are "favorable" days, while on Tuesdays and Fridays many unfav- orable deviations from the normal: condition were observed. \Vith school children it was found that Itionda;y is the best day and Saturday the worst also that all afternoons' are `°iurfavo. able. I? hy,siologically repeaking, that day is found to be, bad when there is a deep atmospheric depression and the day is good when the barometer is ii.sinP,•. 'Atmospherib pressure seems to affect the human condition very the much as it cloes weather. SHOPS ACT OF 1912. New Experience"in Paterttul GOY. erinnent 111 BI'itaain. The British shopkeeper on May 1 began a new experience in paternal government. The Shops Act of 1912 became operative on that day, and henceforth every employer included in its schedules vi -ill be compelled; under penalties to grant his em- ployes as weekly half -holiday and a definite period for their meals. Thousands of shop hands already have a half -holiday- through a vol- untary, mutual agreement with their employers. The new Act ex- tends this privilege by statute to thousands more who have hitherto been unaffected, Under the provisions of the Act most shops mast henceforth lie closed absolutely at 1,30 p,m., one *lay in the week, but exceptions in this respect are allowed in certain trades,eh saloons, restaur- ants, taur- ants, butchers and ether dealers in,. perishable goods, as we,il as tobac- conists, drug .stores and newspaper vendors, These trades must, nev- ertheless, arrange for every em- ploye to have the benefit of the Act indit-idual ly, There has been praetieallyF ne op- position to the general pirineiplec of the Act, but twvi days of its working has suflieed to show that the de- tails must be revised. The act is in- elastic, It inflicts inconvenience and even hardship in some eases, One of the chief difnoulties in con- nection with restaurants is a cem- pulsory <Irn minutes for the waiters' • meals which enures in the busiest period of the day. The waiters and waitresses also complain that the half holiday deprives them of a val- liable proportion of their tips, which in many cases constitute their sole earnings. The barbers are up against a similar difficulty at meat tinter,. +.1 eurious'situation has been ereated in email shops, where various class- es of goods are retailed. For in- stance, a drug store may :keel open always to sell medicines, but on t day:fixed for a half -holiday in iti town it must net, sell stented slap er other articles of this kind. So, too, a news dealer may sell news, papers and .magazines, but not sta- tionery on the, half -holiday. The big depatrttnent stores are not affected in this matter, as they already by custom close; all branch- es of dicer business for a half day. Another anomaly of the Act is that it does not embrace wholesale warehouses, and accountants and For 1911-1912 the, total estimated number of men in the German Navy exceeds 60,000. Kitty,' " said her mot let1 ci3lili- ingly, "you must sit, still When yeti are itt fhe table . ` I can't main ma,'.'- p iptcstoci the little aizth "T'ni` * fklgotarian s rvi LA NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN MAGIC BAKING POW 18 USED. CONTAINS NO ALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KIND. MADE IN CANADA other elle :iks who are net sales hands its any shop, Shopkeepers are as to how to 'interpret puzzled1 many of the elauser, and are LOW!, Larding the newsIi 1 n pens with letter: and asking questions as tca whether they will be punishable for certain of .conduct. AT AN AI°TE1iNOON T1..A, Spcafellow Speaking.a tracts, that ll r yeluder is evidently a poet." I've seen Wein at a ;good many ions, but .1 never heard him uncork any poetry." "Maybe net, but just look at him eat." Never ask a Friend for a candid pinion. Unless .you are stere yen n want it. PARTNERSHIP IN SUCCESSFUL CANADIAN INDUSTRIAL COMPANY Holders of the 7 per cent. Preferred Stock of The Stamen Company, Limited, enjoy the full benefits of straight partner- ship, because, In addition to the regular 7 per cent, dividend on the stock, they share equally with the Common Stock in all profits In excess of the preferred dividend. The Company has been in successful operation for elms to a quarter of a century, and with its present capacity cannot now fill more than 60 per cont. of its orders. in addition, the Com- pany holds a largo number of exceedingly valuable timber limits. Subject to prior sale, we offer $50,000 of the 7 ;per cent. Pre- ferred Stock of the„„Company at s100 a share. Dividends aro paid June 1st and December 1st. We would be pleased to sand you circular giving lull parti- culars -regarding the Company, or, of you would prefer, would have one of our representatives call on you. NATIONAL i CORPORATION LTD O ! J CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. 'rz When a New Perfection Comeg a. theP' 11eat . i :.. Fly Ou o. at the i.dre _ •W 1 .. saves ��n3e 'heat and dirt 'banished e from t3oarIci e W sac�v_ _2_zxNl3--hat vouId it mean to you to a3b o rn-Itsws'111 this summer toenre from the blazing err wise, ling rr incl i t u'- pious -61 c! !m e, tiand- ranQetree from ashess aiS soot ccaCominotielyo tofpmsi te3.uq ew Per -cjodrop .n2: aCtJic)ttTPiTCS1a�U}•�nGhihS h d t th»w,t'loti ".$1:0/11: t`sO- i"'etleckuSet n ie New ,� `'k Qa,kNiSe .•Ysaov Wail the New � Perfection Over, 1110 Neetfection` ;?ock ho ,ven;to a t n� se .d,�.• is t� 04 h alt our rete cos 5 cc c oc '!- t o is, e m dor.-e as h er It is jest as,quid and handy,'too, [or warhana and ironing, '' `°`t' H t IMPERIAL OIL C M9A. ` m t• , Winnipeg, Mooatsczl, St. Johnaxed Queen Cit! Division, Torerao ! �� ,i;� y, far.';t',.�•>u�;S•`