HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-16, Page 1RUGS WALL PAPERS AND LIN.. OLEUIh1S-We have past in a beautiful line of Rugs and lekloleums, and carry a largle number ot samPlea of Wall Papers, Which we, eanz ;obtain. for you. at sliortes t notice,, Wo don't believe that you can f'ttid a better all round plata to fit out the home than right at this store;, JAS. BEVERLEY , the lead, ng 'funeral, dsrector and furniture man, opPoa'.te Commercftal Pilate], ,3e-ro rlQUALITY FLOrIR We hear a'g,00d deal these ,d ,Ys about' lou;Zd nn up to a standard, not down to a price. Model Flout' is. a spleeditl example. The popularity of our brand is due. to les : superior qualities, Not a u.tel'e is left unturned to make MODEL tie bast flour, We have a good asaortreee= t of teed and kits more consiug-HAP,- VEY BROS. TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR; Ex-FITER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912. SANDERS & CEECI �a t { v V[} Mr. W. RC Coultila, i3• leas been at- tendo the Stratford Busi'niess College, bas accepted, a responsible' ppsitiontwith 'Arra, Moelo'ek is qufto all this week: was Kola cooling,' and os Eeelyn EXETER COUNCIL Mailings, of life. 3rd, That ert nrayt be de,sit"able ter thin Award • ea extend, the school age w°th- .n the corporatzrat of Exeter from four - teen to ootteen years et age,- d- in the 4t'h, ThatsAct mt' •�bds desirable � the. st of the c a well a ss�haOl to 'introduce r�ular medical an- epectOoh ,3f .tole schools- ' :rtb, That 'St array be the duty o£ this board too franetia:te a movement for the ;tnatitet1Qn of a trustee's association tor! this riding 'which shall elect a repres- entative annually to support. its views Prow - on lite, Educational council of the Pro - trice, and ;50'0 brit, them- directly; to theoteod attent'lon .of the ; t'neigter. G ?aThat �t ;n ba desirable, o . e t , mayon the paxt of tits* hoard that 'a, resolution- he passed and fooereardad,—Th t alio. educe- t.on2l ,stat€tu#i'oas of this prgvance - he ,under the direct supervisionf ti e held. , id [ t xa rk€t(ate3”, and so duly inapeeted, he ogee, 'w44y"2 "„all ilksta4Ytti'ans directly es-, tabliebeel by gov rn:mut. Per IL N. Crone and F'. \A d d"lrat tl?a• thanks of the btaard be given' our de. le+;atte*. Mr. Gladerian, and triol the e peneeasepcidernrt be paid; and the ideas at the next Meet ng.' Per B,,; N. Creed , fip g'gest . be hed overfar cost0tYouWillSoon 'and k`. Wood --Their the baseball eluln a(k..Royle, Pres,) ba granted ills, un' of sr"oa1 grounds biect to conditirrals of ,i,'J11. I7,r lis N. „'rc'C42a and I. Atm. moons -That the dOsp,,esal of the daily refuse or the setfael he directed, by the :gee, and sanitary conn .ttee, Per ,roundcanna F A 0 x aand:1 R. N. Crecct,--ad3ourtz- ;tlaant to est A!3ndala in Jutne,• J. GIiIGG, Secy umm OUR ING APPAREL Env LI1Vi ` GIVING AND MOST ING FOI, A. GREAT IIIIE 'AN.D TI3E STYLE, YOUR 11ER C#OOD5 C011'FORT," CALL GOODS. A FEW FOLLOW,— CODIBINATION TWO TWO-PIECE socKs CASHMERE WINDSOR KFIAKI, NEGLIGE LOW SOFT SOFT STRAW PANAMA. RAIN LIGHT __�. (., tted ft 1 ! d A Qr i i .\ I ,' Appar STOGi. IS -DOLIG WEARERS COMFORTABLE THE DEAL CO1 :WEIGHT CLOTHES, STAND IN AND OF -PIECE AND AND OVERALLS BLACK, SI3IRTS. COOL COLLARS. COLORED PELT HATS. HATS. COATS. SUITS. +({tea,,:.,< 7 00001. , ,� r . 0P Eilr WaAL3„12 FORT' THE UNDERCLOTI ;EIOSE HATS. �/1 . p r < .` ; COMPLETE T UNDERCLC LISLE. ETC. P » ; . SU}d V V ITII THE WEATI OF YOUR. IIEPEN iE "r,t3L FOR EXAMINE LINES COLLAR: ! , r ii rt , C AND "E A IN IN 'r Coµ#'e;i in the Town Hall Friday eveni'nz, 1Oth Inst. Members all ',Minutes meeting approved. forto and. appay.d� Tend rsawere received d @- the e.xeava#tlg and," laYing of 'tile;. also for the furnishing of tile. The same see e opened and read as f�aliews,•- Toronto Pottery Co. -1:`,'. rn: sewer lope 23?lc, a ft., T laranoltes 2 -it long $1.00 each, cuzvea and elbows '7iSc, eaoh : 15 .ne`;t pap? :3'2% ;a filet, Y or T branches `t 2 ft. ions 7tf33 each curves and elbows 1.0(1 each Tho Darafinion Sewer Pipe Co. 12 In. pe, 2" 5 •t ' p_pa ec,. a £s-: 1 x in. 39e. aft;, 4 roti jul ettoes 223[. rah, 12 da. 1,12, 15,do, mae: each, 1.F5 ; 4 beads 15ra Hanx.ltoaa �- TtaFon#o Sa>H'er pipe Cv.--n , e 24%e: 1.2 .2n, pip 15 in, 33ic.; 12 in, lunar°pins 1.08; 15 In: da, 1,46, ft loons' Torosto aewer P;P,C4,-1,h ti} Ifp4 255mon 14 t'11, do, 35%; 12 tn. Junctions 1,80; 15 .-n. do, 2,'L4. Ontario Sewer Pipe, 03.-12 In. pipe 2'7c, a. €i; 15 in. do, 36c,, 15 in.doub e strong SAe. 12 in. Junctions 1,12, 25 .n Junions 1.53; 1; da' doube at, 1,05, T. M41. u'1 Co., Loudon, excavating and laty�icng tile, ere'„ $2540,00 a teenlioles at 10.00 each. W, J. ,ise;alneeen & Co„ 1„+alldetl, Ewes voting etc '274t4,t 0; TnanhP10a ,each 815 John Rai, 'Exeter—Excavating etc,, 2475.00; Manholes each DAD, " :Toa, Lav<san, Crediton—Escaratioreeetc "100.00.; ;su nt oles each 6.00, J,.N. Iloward, Exeter- EPsavat ng, etc, h)0,60'; mannheles each 5.00. A. Q. i abw::r, Ex eter.-Excavat.n etc„ rernishen til." z 4100,00, r t Tap let ng am contra Was icft o ylonday an'#Iit„ Levett^^Seett-That ;firs, Sutton's tax- "ea be refunded. --Carried. Pard-R°vazrs—T"1at the + curt p1 lex- a<onn told ' its first sitting for the hear»aas' of appeals, eta„ _ Fr„ day, June ,ch at 7 .o'il ck p, sriae .—.---, He.Ias arailure who sneers success, at Mr. Wilson dof Grand, Bend is the ate w lna.nlaa at #n8.fnO rz3erce 'ta ' : A ,won i41:t1 newts is as' well propose ; her1� , nuaband always :cls rtr3 :she dad The baseball team arid an all -stat nine played a,. gherse to a tie soon Friday . r a.ah Rev.. R. Hobbs was c-3'pat;ted to the noose a' -sista part pt the weeir, but, is tax better . r „ Quite a „heavy f.ost felt here rat dansaeee a>Pas, I but 'wa understand tlnq tataaage was, 1(g a Iz any. It s proposed to itnaugura#e a Publicity carne a^^ n b Berea a Cau3 t , Connell at p.5 y a -.o n } its next session which takes place[ in une, Co. -net Globe Wein'-t ka l+Ir. Coultis w111 be sale sales agent, Won' the company Gia :with Q.ead carters 3 ea 1 '3 eg4-e has loth, but praise, foF the, Stratford sc1ioal for.placing; him in such are- spots;ole paaitioe. g The $fethod..at District Meeting of Excte' District -.vitt be held In James , street lurch nest Tuesday and VVednes- day, 11teJ' 21st. and 22nd. Fe rteen c.r- eu.:t5 'Wilt be represellled by the paste#^ and ono aay dee 'ace Yront ;