Exeter Advocate, 1912-5-9, Page 7i@f BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS LI THE SPRING MOT PEOPLE NEED A TUNIC ItEDICINE '-,00rte of the surest signs' that the ,blood is'out of order is the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema that come frequently with the change from winter to spring, Tose prove 'that the long indoor life of winter has had its ;affect upon the blood, and that a tonie xaiedieine is needed to put it right. Indeed, there' are few people who do not need a tonin at this season. Bad blood sloes not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this salve condition is due attacks of rheumatism and iuin.bage;-the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia; poor ap- petite and a desire to avioid exer- tion, You cannot cure these trou- bles by the use of purgative medi- cines you need a tonic, and a tonie only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, life-giv- ing, nerve -restoring powers. Every dose of this>medicine makes new, rich blood which drives out ,,Paul, tie:,, ataniulatea every organ and britlga a feeling of new health and energy' to weak, tired, ailing nien, women and children, if yolz are out of sorts give this mediezne ai trial and see how' quickly it will re- store the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and All your veins with new health -giving blood, 'You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by avail at SO cents a box or six boxes for '$`acre from The Dr, Williams' Medicine CSI,, Brockville, Ont, TIIE QUEEN'S EXAMPLE FELT. English Society Girls Turn to PO' Science.. Ever since his widowhood, Lord; Curzon has devoted himself prin- cipally to the welfare of his three young daughters. Periodically: a. riliner is circulated that the digitin- guished widower has chosen a,suc- cessor fro the stately Mary Leiter.. The names of half a dozen. eligible women have been mentioned as the second Lady Curzon, but it is his Settled determination to remain un- maxriad, Although prospective inheritors of a brilliant position, with all the ease from arduous duties that a large fortune commands, the Cur- zon girls, are being educated in a, very practical fashion, indeed. Lord Curzon isso intent upon, ineuleat-. ing the doznestie` instincts, for in- stance, that he has arranged; for thein to learn Booking and variolas, kinds• of, old-fashioned needle -work, This ,attention to the practical de- tails of ordinary life is in keeping with the spirit abroad in the Teere exalted circles of English society, rind is doubtless due in, Borne mea- sure to Queen 's11arys influence. Several society brides of the irome- diate past were instructed in cook- ing before their marriage. The Duchess of Sutherland had Lardy. Rosemary T-,eveson'Gower taught] 1 b" c to zmakeScotcali Pake s and as riots" while the' Duchess of Rutland's danghters.lknow the mysteries o'f -rho kitchen ass well a$ their own chef. Besides, many of these titled folk, including Lord Curzon himself, have a horror of the domestic re- vcalting suffragette, THE virtual!. "Naw that our wedding day i drawing near,,: elle said, nestling little more closely in his fume, Pea beginning to bra awfully fright-, eve& Sometimes I almost feel "tempted to run away and never'. come back." "T didn't intend to- tell you about ho replied, "but I frequently feel that way myself." '\Vhy^, Fred 1 I don't believe you really love me. You—you heartless wretch! I shall moor speak to you again," Some persons have periodical at tacks of Canadian cholera, dysen- i tory or diarrhoea, and have to use great precautionto avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. TCc1- loggia Dysentery Cordial as being` the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. "I saw Pibble standing on a cor- ner yesterday winding up his es- tate." "His estate it, "Yes ; a dol- lar watch." Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Tommy,. aged ten. had a sister named May, of whom ho was very fond. May had also a lover who was. very fond of her. One night when their grandfather called 'he asked T,ominy-"What don. you call May's young man?" I call him t�.pril. showers,"' said • Tommy. ' "Why," asked the old man, "what on earth makes you call him - such a silly ;name. as that?" "Well, you see," said Tommy, "he brings 'May flowers.' "_ It isCriuiia1 to Neglect the. Skip and alr INK, of the suffering entailed by neglected skin e troubles >— mental,: because of;disfigurationSphysical' be- cause of pain. Think of the Pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hand, and good hair. These blessings, ble ssin s soe.essential to happiness and even suc- `cess.in Ilfe are. often: only :a _•, y matter of a little thoughtful care in. the selection of effec- t1ve reme,dial.`agents Cuti- cora Soap and Cuticura Oint- naent do so much for poor ,,. complexions, r.e d, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling 'hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi nal not to use them. Although Cuticura Soap and Olnt• ment'are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere,—a postal to. "Cuticura, Dept. 5M, Boston, U. $. A., will secure a eral samere of each, • with 32-pago,y. .., r�b'ooltlet on-tykin and Scalp Treatment'° sl! -44 N EXCELLENT REMEDY, Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent 'rerbedy for little ones, They ,never fail to re- lieve baby of stomach and bowel complaints or the many other little ills that worry hini. Besides this they are absolutely safe, being guaran_ teed by a government ana- lyst to contain no opiates or other Harmful drugs, Con- cerning them. Mrs. Sam. Le- fires, Ste. Cecile, Rue„ writes :--f" I have found Baby's Own Tablets an 'ex- ecllont remedy fol • my little one and would nota without thein." The Tablets are soul by medicine dealers or, by mail at `?5 cents a box from The Dr, Willialzl5'' Mediciue Co,, Brockville, Ont, ALL G0 E FiOl. THE S�.1H CAUSE WILY DO»B'S KIDNEY PILLS Cii]1tE11 l+z li > D11FA1, LT's ILLS. ;She lied Diabetes, Sei<atica, Eacic- ache null 3leadaehe, but found Speedy Relief in the Oneet Cana- dian Kidney Remedy, St. Boniface, Man., May 6. (Special).—After suffering for three years from a complication, of dis- eases, Madame Oct, Dd£ault,' of 84 Yietorieestreet, this city, is once more in perfect health ,orad Dodd's Kidney Pills are credited with an- other- splendid eure, Speaking of her cure,' Madame 'Diafault says: "Yes I am. again a well woman, and I thank DDodd's Kidney Pills for it, T suffered for three years and 1 may say 1 had _pains all over my body. I had sciatiea, neural- gi and diabetes. My bacl{ ached, and I had pains in my head. I 'was nervus and tired all the tune;. tore were dark eireles around my eyes whichwere also puffed and swollen,, and heart fluttering added to my troubles. "But when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I soon began to get better. I took thirteen boxes in a11, and tha nktheyaie aga c medicine." Every one of Madame Default's ailments: is u. direct result of dis- eased kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills so quickly cured them all. INDEMNITY REPAID. A German statistician declares that the war indemnity of $1,000,- 000,000, paid by France to Germany in 1871, has been almost completely repaid, as, German losses at Freneh gambling resorts have amounted to $12,500,000, a year, -- THE SEASHORE. / The Grand Trunk Railway aims and intends to make New London and its environments a popular seaside resort_ The first move in this direction is the inauguration of an up-to-date night express ser- vice *between Montreal and New London, which will have connec- tion at Montreal for passengers eastbound and westbound between Chicago and Montreal, and inter- mediate points; Such well known resorts as Fisher's Island, Watch Hill, Block Island and Long Island, which are in the immediate vicinity' of. New London, will be reached with ease and comfort. There are splendid hotels at these places to suit the pockets of all, and • many delightful -cottages are open to those who desire more exclusive. accommodation. A handsome :beek- let, profusely illustrated, will be mailed free on application to A. E. Duff,Distilet•°Passenger Agent, rit , Toronto.: Perhaps .the. worst thing about charity •-is that it covers •.amulti tucle of ,sins that should be exposed. Protect' the child from the ravages of worms by. using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- ard remedy, and yearsof use have enhanced its reputation: PLENTY OF CARRIAGES. According to recent statistics, tile. population of Paris is 2,700,000-;: and there exists a carriage for each forty-one inhabitants and a. -bicycle, for each sixteen. At this rate, mak ing allowance for the smallness of Parisian hardly . any one needs to walk unless by choice: As the number'of vehicles is duplicated every , fifty years, 1950 will find the number • of vehicles in Paris too . large for the city streets to Contain unless ;they are: scattered evenly throughout the capital. A CRANK. "What; does your'husbancl like fo its breakfast s" no"Anise,yt hipg I, Haven't et t rg 4f r tae A dt� A q CLUBS TO OFFSET SALOON& King George Provides Homelike ;hor Wor clnen. While Wuseatsonfottutherferd, a Liverpool '�.4E,P.,, has introduced a bill in ,Parliament to snake British liquor saloons more 'like "a home from horne„” King George is tack- ling the liquor problem in itis own, way, down in Nerfo1k, around hi*. home at r5. andringliain. He has built a clubhouse for his workmen at 'est wh liquor can be obtainedNewvton, in reasonere able quantities under the best con- ditions and aecompauied by com- fortable surroundings. This is to compensate • the, workmen for the prohibition of saloons on the San- dringham estate. 'Blit some of the workmen live at irtiE Dersingham, a mile or so tram San- themselvescounted especially independent,] as they are outside the radius of royal prohibition, To rope them in the ;King now plans to build a stiritl club -house at Dersinghazu gxis. a Coronation gift, where the members can see all the papers or la at games while p P T y � enjoying their evening glass, As for the country generally, every visitor ttx England from over- , seas comments, on the sq alor of many of the saloons, The niemor-, ander accompanying the Rutherford bill says these saloons Are uilostly designed merely as places to drink in, with no provision as in other civilized countries, for the adecillato accommodation of the public, The billdoesaway not t:} take any of the powers for police super- � vision: of saloons or to increase the faeilities for snare ,drinking, but it does plan, to raise the tone and com- fort of the liquor shops, for the pro- moters believe they will tend to in- erease geed order and national 8Q- briety, TWO !EFFECTIVE.. COAT SETS. Last season's suit may be given an up-to-date appearance by the addition of a set of new collars and Cuffs, as shown inthe illustration, The upper set is of black and white striped taffeta, with over -set of Irish lace. Below this is a wide collar of white flannel, trimmed with tiny, buttons to match the suit. A Thorough Pill.—To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild'in action but mighty in re- sults. They purge painlessly and. effectively, and work a permanent cure. They can be , used without fear bythe most delicately consti- tuted, as there are no painful ef- fects preceding their gentle opera- tion. More young men might manage r to earn a living if their fathers de- clined to do it for them. r_ Keep Minard's Liniment in tha 'house. THE 'DERIDED' OBESE: "Laugh and grow fat." "Yes, and then get laughed at,. If one be troubled with corns and warts, ,he will find in Holloway.'s Coir Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. SOME OBJECTOR: "Does' your' -ire object when you stay out late at night V' "She couldn't .file more' ob ec- aians,=nay dear' sir, if she were a corporation law ycr:''' 1.4 BADLY 71Le.ER ;TED LED Zaut "lank Cured Iter when se 'Bad: Site Had. to Use Orutehcs. For varicose sores, bad leg, or claroaaic ulcers, Zairt-Pair is without equal as a healer. A proof of this is just to hand .from Montreal. Mrs. T. Edwards, of 164 Amherst St,, writes; "Sonic time ago a bad sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it, but it got so bad that I could hardly walk: I sent for our doctor, and he told' Mme that I would have to lay up with the wound. I did so for three weeks. At the end of that time the uleer healed a lit- tle, but I could only move about by using crutches. "The sore then brokc out badly, andtia.i,tloctor told Inc that the only thing that would cure it would bean operation, and that I should have to lay up for a year. "Mv son had cured a bad cut on his finger by using Zam-Buk, and he advised me to give this balm a trial. I did so, and in less than a week's time it stopped the pain, which had been so bad'that many nights I did not get a wink .of sleep. In a very short time the wound was so much better that I was able to move about and do my work. 1 persevered with Zam-Buk, with the result that the wound is now per- fectly euired, and the limb is as sound and strong as ever." Zam-Buk is just as good for piles, abscesses, boils, scalp sores, blood' poison, festering wounds, cuts, burns, scalds, eczema, eruptions, and all skin injuries and diseases. All druggists and stores 50c. box. or Zan?-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. The real thing in honest men is one who pays the widow that $5 he borrowed of the late lainented just before he left this vale of tears. It Will Cure a Cold.—Colds are the commonest ailments of man- kind and if, neglected may lead to serious conditions. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will relieve the bron- chial passages of inflammation speedily ,and thorotighly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflam- mation it will stop the cough be- cause it allays all irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. THE" I'ROBL] M SOLVED. In sinking a shaft at a colliery near Doncaster, England - water. wasencountered. -It was pumped out at the rate of 7,000 ;gallons a minute., but the supply seemed in- exhaustible, and the 'engineers were about to giveiip. But some Ger- man engineers carne to• the rescue. They bored _ holes' around' the shaft to a depth of 400 feet, lined these with "steel tubes, and pumped down a` freesiog mixture, which soon turfed'the ground and the water into a great block of ice. Through this the boring was continued as through rock'; then the shaft ' was lined with iron plates. This done, warns water was pumped down the tutees to, thaw out the ground gra- dually. ra;dually. The frost wall :s as 'so strong,' that it has:required three mora -tars 'to thaw. Eli, doctor , saiul s .gillze of ,a. small Scotch to stae::'id, ""hc raurt :il t' boon .in oxtr tordinaiy man, that Shakespeare. There arta things hae come into; his hen 1 that never .:;would ;have coniezzlt?to mine :at all:,.., ��;, �� s:�... nw v� :�_ ..,, • *.:y,;,c�a;�u _.?4;`. Ill all cases o DISTEMPkR. PINK ExFj, INFLUENZA.. COWS, ETC. a an b`arses, broodmares., colts, stallions, is to 44SPOIIN THEM" on their tongues or in the Peed put Spgl:n's Liquid Co,ep©t nd. Give the remedy to all of them. I,t acts on the blood and grands, It routes the disease by expelling the disease germs. ,guards off the trouble no Platter how they are" exposed.," xSiz* selutelr tree trete anything ut,nriQtls. Fi cbaid can safely take it« sec and p. 3.5,5o and Str,ee the dozen, Soli} las dcuegists and ktarsitass dealers, Uisiributerst All Wholesale lirnpglal5 SPOIIN MEDICAL, C00, Cherniate and Bacteriologist GOSH EN, IND., U. S. A. A BRIGHT OUTLOOK, Mrs. Mucbblest--I feel uneasy. The baby hasn't cried all day. Mr. Muchblest—So do L He will probably ery all night, A Pleasant Purgative,—Parme lee's' Vegetable Pins are so com- pounded as to oper+ate. On both the stomach and the bowels, so that they get, algng the whole, aline i tary and excretory passage. They'. are not drastic in their work, but mildly Purgative, and the pleasure of taking them is only squalled lay the gratifying' effect they produce. Compounded only of vegetable sub- stances the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they afford relief' without chance of injury. GOING TOO FAR. The Husband"Well, say what you will, my dear, you'll field worse MOD than ane in the world." The Wife --"Oh, Tom, how can yen be so bitter?" Miilard's Liniment. Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—Your 1IIsNaRD'8 LINIMENT is our remedy for sore throats, colds, and all ordinary :ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure Promptly. =ARLES Wli0Ox'EN. Port .Alulgra , The modern girl is never satis- fied until' she gets a hat too large for her head and shoes too snail for her feet. When Tour Eyes Need Dare TWO tI�' IITARS. llobb—"Is your wife critical?' Nobb--- "Frightful ± She is almost s bad as nay le -year-old daughter!' Plinard's Liniment used by 'hysicians. FARMS FOR S lt, W. Dawson" btlatetr Colborne St Taranto. Ia ak1 ItF l IN VA Crtunt's cal I?ttC+l, riiwO 'LUNY)IN CA; HIaNI)lkED .,ACRES—GOOD IlITILDINO; Orchard; near ()Orville, A N IDEAL FARM OF TWO 1I1INDR,FD and Ninety Ayres in Towwnsllitn at" Kirton, ten minutes' walk frons Postntfieo er Wharfs Fine Stone house And Good' Dank Ilam and Outbuilding. 7tnplenIentA included in the price. Buildings pinno test nearly as much as price: asked. It is n snap. FINE. TIIIRTY•AC'RE FRUIT FARaf— t.T.., Good Buildings; well planted; at Dundas. i I1 EN ACRE Fri urr i`'ARIt -- ST'., i Catharines. mWENTT-PIVE ACitE FIttiIT FARM X St. (nthurines. • LBE.i:.TA, R.1SIC.tTCICE\v AN, BRIT - Colombia and Manitoba, lands in small or large Weeks. It. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. 100 AURES IN OXFORD COT'NTT; sMI, clay loam; frame Monne; number of •out•builsings: price, 59.000. Fill e>vehange tor eity% town or -village nr ,,er+v or for smaller farm. Western Real Estate, London. ACEN'S WANTED. # GENTS—arTRP 1TONEY-MAI.ER IS 1 our Da]]ar Bonk De,trueticn of Titanic," beat book Printed; commission s0 ner sent: atflt Erne: freight. paid; credit given:, Enclose onstage, ten rents. Nichols Co., Limited, Toronto,Cnnntin. 11A1titM t•HEL'' WANTED. TJAI`LWAY AGENTS, TELEGRAPIIIIBS anis Clerks in great demand through. out Ontario and. North West. Six months will qualify you. Day and Mail courses. Positions secured. Prec Bnok 18 explains. Dominion School Telegraphy, Toronto. FOR SALE. Try Uurine Eye Remedy. No Smarting—Feels Pine—Acts Qniel.ly. Try it for Bed, Weak, NE LARGE PACKAGE OF .FxStiCY watery Byes and Granulated' Eyelids. Illus. silk GE for patchwork;GOP' trated Book in each Package. Idurine is ptgunran- teed bes(t aanadhaeA m ,ccnne—unbduetdubsyedouinr s0ectceis,tssf-nnl oPrbarsPucn3froedc-- . Larokneste. hopoldstaSguepp7ylayi,t, 1325 nee tor many years. Now dedicated to tate Pub- Simpson ,Ave Toronto, 110 and sold bv'Druggists at 4ts and b0c per Bottle Murine )Sye Salve In Aseptic Tubos, 2.re and, Ste. figurine Eye Remedy 0o.. Chicago Somebody has discovered that the hobble skirt does not prevent a wo- 'man -from jumping to conclusions. Asir for Minard's and take no other. _ SURE PROOF. Doctor—"What makes you think the boy isn't normal?" Mother—``Everything. He was sixteen years old. last ,March and yet he doesn't seem to think he knows more than his father." Don't be a quitter. There is still plenty of room in the hall of fame. PURIFIED BLOOD Oc. rflorse's lind-cart Root Pillis -Healed itflr. f l non' w Sore When the sewers of thehody—bowels, kidneys and skin ducts --get clogged up, the blood tjuiekly becon .:s impure and frequently sores break out over the body. The way •to .heal them, as Mr.Richard Wilson, who lives near 'Loudon, Ont,, found, is to purify the blood. He writes: Ior some e time I had been in a low, 5 depressed condition: My appetite ,ne aid I soon began to suffer from gestion. Quite a number of :small sores and blotches formed all over my skin. 1 tried medicine for the blood -and` used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results.; What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of th'e blood, and I looked about in vain for some 'medi- eine that would accomplish this.. At Last. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pins , were brought, to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines .I.' have ever known. My blood was puri- fied in a•very short time, sores healed up, my indigestion vanished. They always have a place. in my home and are looker. upon as the family remedy, ,ors s Indian Root Pins cleanse the system thoroughly. Soled by all dealers . 25vr :a.box. 6 •lT AIIBER SHOP ..iND POOL ROrni'S. D 3� An excellent proposition. Price 82,800; terms 1v. R. Scott, 'whiteuood, Sask. 0 BED POTATOES--"•DAvIES' WARRIOR" L71 highest yielder Guelph tests 1911; bag $3. Laney, lierritton, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. "iTAAY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's 1 El Scalp Wnrka. Esplanade,' Tnronts 7 ANCER, TnBit)it,3, LUi,IPS etc. In. ternal is . r 1 a xt rn e e al, cured without nein be our home treatment Write us before ton late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont: GTON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's U " Beale Works. '9 Esplanade. Toronto. PUIIO WIRPROOF OR Ctai E ES CANCER bI3 TUMOR Canadian Branch: ?orifice Co.,'i3ridgeburg, ant. ' sonalts IR.:,C or-EAtdED:. DYED` Bost work: in Canada. Gold Medalist JFi TiS4>Y 48; 4E "ICAti .DYEING ' CO. P. D. 63k.' 233. MDI'TF`AL .eta..Mar 3- dill -ZIt hr GREosomee ma. 21eap fal.,31.2int.. Protect -- €3eautiFyy Samples and Booklets on Application JAMES LANC,,z lIi & (h,, 'i ctatlte+ll. oo-ee Toyescx s s.toses 9" ORbNTO i; V El S EASILY With ',Maypole Soap .there is no trou'de and no muJs in home dyeing, Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures, 24 color.,-willgive any eh it c. Colors 10c. Black 15e --at your dealer's or postpaid booklet '`How 0 Dyc from roS F. L. i1EilEli.1~,T & G©, ,r.isstras1.. . 5: ri 4 MI 4 4 4 4 4 a 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 i 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 a 1 4 1 4 4 4 i a 4 4