Exeter Advocate, 1912-5-9, Page 6• '` NTERESTI NO GOSS! P FROM THE (1,Ere Orrv. BUTTER:311LE; AS FOOD A berties, The NATIVE SONS- oNTAnlo. It Is GiVell a Ligh Rating by Ily- As a native sou of Ontario, this Teo- vim* takes a ,sPeeial'pride in the career oe Mr. Mabee, lie lived e good part of his life in i Stratford, Where he quickly he. came a, ehining- lght in law and politice. The lettor he dt-oPped long ago. Allother Rank Merger_Toronto,s Raso. .;,,,,,ttabeietlipeoraeortiIon of Ontario who the worI s bringing into prominence RallFaris-flinees of Mr. Mabee, 0haire is Mr. B. W. BeattY, general aolieitor fee man of Dominion Board of Ra -11, the Canadian Pacifie Reilway Company„, way Commissioners, Mr. Beatty, though eceut,rillo, web, a re_ seOnsibie position, is still searcelY more than 65 years old, but he i-oncedes horiors The merging the Traders Bank with 'the 11°Yal Bank ha's not be'nBeattyTiOurolit8t9o4 with, ritiY greet enthusiasm in ',rorOuto. PartiY, rio doubt• becvusa jt rnoans front mie Of the nearby High ttchoehl the loss oe the control of a leading finau. After 00unde1ing his arts and, law eaureee eyiealraliks,„)tirtounttioomhatso rtahleereibtyee,n Ignivir:gcentt l ., 4.0°tIntesdhot‘llyeed,,04„),-i1;:n4‘kaeja.6e1„tvall,ffe, dwrhaelit-7: self airs as the city rapidly essuming tin- ri5alarYiu1 ts doubtless well adVaneed diereited eitoremitcY as the banking (-en. in five figures, and travels ra his Private, tre of Canada, Willie Montreal hod the eat% the same' as the 'members of the Do. bead oPices of the Bank of llotatreal. Mer- uttntau co'rernmenes nailive-Y Board. chants''B.oyal and Idolson's. Toronto could peint to the Blink of Cennaeree, ronto. Traders. imperial, Deminion, Met. -4 4 ropoutan, sterling. Horne, and Standard, -.1-5,n4OW SUVES IN TILE AIR. Now control or tin, Tradere goes to f-aitt.- -real end Toronto is not, altogether pie:teed. It was just the ether dee' 'When Very TbriUin310inenrS Ae Bank oe Commerce invaded Montreal by absorbing the Eastern Townships Earth and Sky. Bank, but now there °Glues a eitTresttottd- Sine e men began to fly a new set ing eet-baels, to Toronto's aspirattons. do ee Toronto like to hear Montreal sas or risks have been added to life, abtutt tb° E;avereign,..°fl'arro Phe how and why ef the traaedics, Parmers Benks. all Toronto zustitutielis olite amentemetnorY. that nave happened in the air an f ld Ell-N1C$ lit,TE 11 VW nusrcEss never, ot course. be elearly known, But, the story of the happenings Aoart•from thre pbase of the question,. „_ there sortie disposition to arguewhe- tatat nave shaved tragedy by a thethese bank mergere are A gc'°d hair's-breadth Make hiQed-elmalifig or flOt. It is snrnisng to fit14 tltere ae r, fewer bank* doing besieees VAgage, Ihlw thin Lere Wrre tASAY Ye;irs no. la A week or two agO, .for -instance, pima el the feet that new (Mee are on ,h lanually being organired. te also stir. B ett'14 t0 4 Merle:tn. , wiping to And that the etc biggest heeks (led nepa, "New yerk with a lady pew have over bait 9t the banking eenitel pa,sen er Te was bitttoe Is the country, more than bait of the de,- g 4 poeite, and more then two-thieda, of the efald, and when the aeroplane was Itirf,071/1: 11,e()Artr-Itiellellso"e$Nyo31“44/Q5eAselt„, !,500 feet up the gasoline began. to power. Whether tt, is a good thing for the treegO, The engine, Of course, stop. reuntra a 'question for e°noro'IFIrs', ped. The airman started to glide There are not wenting ergumeetative gladiators on bath sides 9f oie.eantre- downwards. versa?. In the middle 0Z the first. lont; _ 31;1ASET3ALL TO 1.411 .13CiriNT" swoop. the lady, terrified by the The real OreOiOg of theliaseligil 4enson atopping of the en'n ie tune hys as far as Toronto coucerned came with , began_ the firet week of May, Three werii,S kerteat, and ro scream alld earlier the Internetioriel Leagne opeped twist, about in her$eat. J.ast,as ow with the Tiereum to teaaway from home, , , , „ but the event was en overshadowed, by the was about jump anticatt,) e ta. Tuanie disaster that it failed to readh the ward, the airman, still managing general public m even a mild degree, _44e, With Ilse Bret app%bn/ earance of e 'tee44."0-is' mei• "ia#1 one haid ben it ilfnlke t WAS differeitt. The nes aud back and gripped bis seared passen„ 4.5 tn 'Tr by the neelc, and held her &rm. St4te. tbreTagil the down town streets W„ .,„ the ferrY, theuve to the Island to the 'big' ty 4.10W11 tilt -We aeroplane 601t1,y grand S4;;1114 that betide MOO neolde. eomo ouehed the around. pletely summating- the iliamoutt in, , , oval, There were pleritY oe tinge and um- As ne wipeu the perspiration on eie wed big guns to de the Imeore. the, his forehead, be remarked: paiyera in eniform, lined up end acrezee the diamond and back ag"Never ain to again or we thanks • tbe tam, get a good look at, them., Ladies barred tben there wat; the formal "firett" nlL and' „ the gam;A e VAS Ott n equaity italr.ralsingya,perience xiaop., is A FAN, , Was that a the balloonist, Drury, Tbere Are a lot of fere ATO011g Tetronte.e' who, caught in a fog sclue years ago, rattail, men, Mavor himeelf OPO drifted over manehe$ter, vontoatter ^Tommy" ehurelt le another, , controller Beaten likes to see a guar. Thenanorecayaro-rong guide tope oecaeionally, aud many others of ibe banging below caught firmly round Council SUP OtT to the game whenever ,.. they get a eltanete Jamee Taara ilughes. Atillip-ptiet, and before the un- happy balloonist had realized that maga laspeeior. 4S a dyed-in-the-wool fan, So are T. C, Robinette. J. W. curry, „ and other prominent lawyere. Prominent be Vtah afl,VWIWrC but over the green tl,.unilesit'1"4, Snitt,11, Oler4k, fields, his balloon swung down over itemmone, rine, oorman eitierae. of yet - lett & Co., rarely miss a game, and there It ehtster of tal f ct ry chi m are a few 'a:Tarawa who enjoy an ocee- belching smoke and innumerable spatial contest. sparks. For five long minutes the RAILWAYS NOT OPPRESSED. balloon stayed there, the half as - is not said to insinuate that Mr. . Mabee hes farmed the railwaye, But phyxiated balloonat knOwtrigi that when the work of be Dominion Railway I one stray spark woald blow the Board and of Mr. 31abee to date eorers to be analyzed it will be found that as fart loon and balloonist into innumer- as direet results go the deeisions of that able pieces. An intelligent police - body bave not been Ter)* radical or in am', , _ round degree oppre;edee on the Corpnrations. Mt Man nOolet.0 _ rope ou the eatne thee the work of the Board hat; the iamp.nasa, and, though no bal- been of tho Inman velar. It has been , * • breaking new ground, and hes proceeded '100n WaS 3n sint, guessed, and surely, it, perhepe, t'autiouslY. IA has saved the situation. But the bal. been asserting its 3,nrisdietion on general looriist, who died a couple of years lines and in a multitade of details, rather thee attempting to enforce revolutionary ehangee. It his elitzblishert preeedente whieh seem to aeeure to the Board exceed- iegly wide Authority over the management of Canada's railway. 13ot that, authority has not yet made the railways squirm to any appreriable de - force That may mine later, perhape der the present Board, or it noiy be thati, . who Win a rew eemeratiou eoramissiorers eon eiseers who years ago were roan thZ,'' harvest the present 1,z1 giving a parachute display at an English watering -place. Side by side, the ,two balloons sailed slowly up into the air, the two women giv- ing an acrobatic performance on the trapeze below each parachate. The time came to cut free from the balloons and drop to eirth. But just at the critical moment the dis- connecting cord of the parachate refused to work. Through the still air of upper space the, dismayed acrobat shouted to her sister,_ who was some yards away and lower down. The answer came in one wOrd : Swinging her trapeze like a pen- dulum, the plucky girl gave the perilous leap into space, as' though ..there were a net a few yards be- low. The practised hands of her sis- Thcaught her as .she.earne. The What's the. trapeze stood the shock, and those who saw the doubly -laden para - i Use chute, drop n safety Saw a happy ending in one of themost sensation - of Cooki. al feats in the history of the air. ng A most a,rnazing escape from what seemed absolutely certain death was When you don't have to? that of Adolf Baumgartner, a Swiss airrnan, last summer. • One thousand -five hundre,dfeet up, a strong gust eaught and upset his biplane. turning it completely over. The in was so complete- oas les that he did not Descending ly boxed n by supports and wires like a ,spinning leaf, the machine, 4 whose engine had stopped, righted are skilfully and fully itself, tail up, nosa „ratheit,„ down - ,tat „ ward. Half dazed, Barangartner ,Cookeat the factory-- instinetively gripped the' balancing ready to serve direct from leer as he' ll't1-11g in suspense° For package with cream, and hung,orthen,on€11 awful e e aer17:1gtrli.141ip i)Tlglatinle ,sugar jf you air, 1±c collaw, -changed to a down- -- ward glkle Baumgartner as calmly as -if he had not been pre'," Th2Se thin bits of toast- • forming tr,„, complete -,,,,m6,,,aults ed cern (sold by grocers) in the 'air, lout fainted- a few mom - are crisp. delicious, satis, ents' after. „ fying and convenient, DEDICATION. ago, promptly retired from aeron- autics. His nerve was broken. As an example of ,sheer daring un- der conditions that would make the ordinary pluelcy person faint with terror, there is the case of the two en BOARD sEES PALE PLAT. Munielpalities emnetintee find themselvee at a dieadvantage before the Railwey Board, beenuee the railways are always represented there by etaffs composed of the best lawyers they tan secure, and these 4,4taffl have heroine practically per. naanerit. They travel around with the Board from plaee to place. and are as familiar with the railway law and all its intricacies as a good Presbyterian is with the Shorter Catechism. Their work brings them before the Board day In and day ont the whole year round. If one Of the Commissioners has a headache they ran deeet it Ile e -non as he comes ineide the door, and govern themselves accordingly. Anyone roming before the Board on an accaelonal ease cannot but find himself under a handicap when matehed against these champions or the law. But the handicap is aenerally overcome by -the desire of the Board to see fair play to all. In form the Board is as democratic as anyone conic] desire, but there is a dignity about Mr. Iffabee's "court" that prevents ost An. ordinary glass of buttermilk , contains aboat as Taupe 1111tairttent as two ounceP of bread, a good- sized potato or a half pint, of oys- ters: say a recent bulletin of the United States Department f o - cuitillsee It thua contains about the same food constitaents as skim milk, hut it, has an added hygieuic value because the protein as more , easily digested than the protein in skim milk and therefore is often prescribed ley physicians tor chil- dren and invalids, especially those suffering from intestinal trouble. Protein, being the most costly of food ing,redient,s, is the one most likely to be lacking in inexpensive meals, and this is the nutrient tviiich both skim milk and butter- milk supply in a cheap and maid form, and when taken with bread or used in cooking they form a very nutritious addition to the diet. Two and one-half quarts of skim milk or buttermilk contains about, the same amount of protein as one pound of round steak, and costs about one-quarter as much Two quarts of milk has a greater int- trient value than one quart of oys- ters, Tho nutriment in the.. form of oysters would .t';tost 30 to o cents, while the Skim milk or buttermilk would have a, value on the farm of rival two to four omits, The latest photograph of Lady Duff Gordon, one of the survivors of the ill-fated steamer Titanic. Lady Gordon posed for this photo- graph just a few days before she sailed- from England. CLOCK OF ST., GILES. Edinburgh's Famous Timepiece D a in aded., . - All loyal Scotehmen will learn with regret that the well-known clock on St. Giles' Tower in Edin- burgh, which must have told the time to Scott and Burns, is doomed to disappear. Apparently a work- man fell through the case and dam- aged the mechanism so badly that the. civic authorities do not con- sider the wornout works worth re- pair.. -So the old clock will be ban- _ ishecl to the City Museum and re- placed by an invisible timepiece, without hands or face, which will hardly strike the, hours and leave the aesthetic effect of the tower un- spoiled. The ancient clock of St. Giles has seen two centuries of ser- vice°, but is a mere giddy youth coMpared with some df the mediae- val horolegue,s, on English cathe- drals. There are clocks that, date from the.fourteenth century at Exe- ter, Wells and Peter&nough. , GLASS, PAVE3iENTS. Seven or eight-, years ago a•plarY5 was established, near Lyons, France' for the tmanufacture of pav- ing -glass. Numerous, descriptions f the nett paving inatutaat were • publisheal, and a bi•illjant future waitfot- 'it.• _Tile, city au - of Lyons - permitted the Inatrufaeturer to lay a „specirn s c - :tion of ,glass,oa.verrierit in the Place db la- R ' heavy traffic- The el s 4a°11- , ed Lastahd the tcst ofwcar, The edges pf. then-) Wel'e SOO)) broken and splintere,d, and many of the , blocks" split' in -two, so that - 'two, yeari it ,beenal]e. necessary to remove the 'widely heralded inn oya- tioti ane .stibstittite storie or tCypeCt.. Irlf - allt1,1011° 1. v:79111-ci The c,'!ty' Offieials , are an; eel that- 4'7iTt'he PleiTAory a' 1o±(!likt-to cia he 9socl under 0 )" tlie br-ide 1 de by WhaL tort of a „ho.O linadian postu-n cereli Co TAta„A cliecic book • • 'thee :rf;-'jc-i4'ji*:,41;1. ar,ic , D ANGER OF CARELESS REAL ESTATE tfiVESTItte. • Cet-rich-quick fakirs coveririg Ontario at present time -Real Estate wildcatting replacing old fashioned Mining •Stoek Specula,tion. The, artielei contributed by "Investor' are foe the tole purpose et guiding Pros- eectiye investors. and, if Possible., or eay teg, them, from, losing money t mug. Pincing it in "wild -eat" enterprises, 'file impartial aod reliable character of tIC Informetion may be r.elie(1 upon. Th writer of these articles and the publisher cf this Paper bare _no interests to verve in coupection with ttliS matter other thaP those- of the reader. . (By "1 rivestor.") saIellisautalclitbiongllatdhebeeotiniertn,das,,yenwinigth-thar9buongbd western Onterio la the interests of tin' investment house be represented. NearlY everyone he interviewed he found hae been buyingor thinking of buying real eetate-priecipally western real estate Not isolated instances, but numbere of aPPerently setae people, were buying latel- t%reys swamp--,t,thkenYolvta. d.cmiterteur:eesztrfruognIth,Inecirf drawings and blue prime which neigh hare been borrowed for the oecasien, and not, ouly buying but paying out real mon- e on their • The amount of money wItielt has, gonc out West -and Oren to Toronto -to- pey for eiilaclivision proPerty mut mortgage; ▪ annallintr, Not shims the days wher 0F.?reoL annro sold farmers and otb- g4t1F celauttl!,2tari? ket at not over $1,,50. has ti er reh foolieh eagerness to be swindled leployed as at the, Preseet time. Barly in this sonata of artieles I gave some particulare about investimg 10 rea' estate,. and Showed filet nothing coniii be less wise than buylitg land which onr haen't seen. No sensible farmer would tinder anyeireemetaeces huY farm ir the next township he hadn'tseen,' lialeff, e the Woe est advice of n trilet<e frieud. and. yet at the present time maw • fereinre are breaking tide fundi mental rule of elementary investment just beeeuee the laud -mind you 01usual ly isn't even a farm, -whit+, eould searce16 fail to be some good -is situated In the wonderful West. No form <if eneeedation Or investment requires more careful thought than WV- ing real estate. So niattY 100u00002 eon spire to gialte it 'valuable or to detract from its value, Meene of traneportatior are Partionlarly important in..the ease of eity or town subdivisions. As a rale 6'00 Onty be sure that any subelirieten proper ties now on the market are too far awszt from the centre of things to make it Pea Mille to dispense with eotne ineane of ri. pid transit, and if there is no rapid tran sit there is 00 value to the property ex- e ept es a SPectilative chance that State dev a ear liee MAT run that way, nowever, words and rttlee will not in- fluenee auyeepe Who hike gone so far ae tc be prepared to hue unseen hood, arid are not, reunired for those who have bed ex- Perienee or are otherwiete toe discreet to bur under math cireuinstamtee. There le one ride you may bo ouite sure of; If any property is sufficiently a bar- gain to warrent any one buying it a$ sound speculation, you inay be mire lt would be cheaper and much leae trouble to sell it to neoPlo at home who know all about the place than to peddle it about the COMM'S. It is Oar EitibCiiriSiAns miler away' trent) anYthillg that eau be bought at a ittW enough price to melte it worth while going to all the expense of BrildiOg Saleemen 'through the country to sell on the inetallment plan. In many inetnnees In the Weet Pe cities of not, more than 20,000 biltalaitants„,the eountry about then, has been subdivided further out from the ream of the eity than has Toronto, a cite' or over 400,000.. My friend the bond salesman had thir complaint also; "I go to see a men and offer him a sound security. I tell him Its good points and its bad ones. I offer him goods that I would gladly buy myself if I had the money. I have the house bark of me with a good many years' repute. tion. and as I have been on this distriet a number of years now I am pretty well known and. could get the strougest refer - °flees from any of the bankers. Can I eel] them bends? Not one quarter of Nolat, the weelth of eray district would .-iue- tify. Oh, no. Everyone is buying firet Marconi. then mining- stocks. now land, Iran mon they don't know. who probably would get references from the bankers which would shut them out of business. were they indiscreet enough to ask for them; who have no reputation. no stropg house behind them, and whose land not one in ten 'would take a chance on buy. ing for himself. It doesn't seem right." I couldn't console him much. "Oh, well." I said, "they'll lose their moner and learn a liad lesson." That didn't seem to satisfy him, for he was strongly under the impression, antron mature considera- tion I agreed with hnn, that if they lost all their money they wouldn't be able to buy bonds or in fact anything else. He's quite right, and pe,rticularly so when he said that a great nany people will believe a "good whopping lie" who are more or lesa skeptical when they hear a plain unvarnished talk from a salesman who doesn't need to lie to point out the good points of his bonds. Meanwhile. if you, are tempted to dabble in real estate, if neeessary spend half your money going to see the property, and then yea may save the other•half; but don't buy real estate ou a stranger's MISER'S 'HOARD TO CHARITY. Fortune Won by Privation Left to a Children's Hospital. -Vienna's charitable institutions are to be increased by it new chil- dren's hospital, -to be erected at it cost of 2,500,000 crowns, bequeathed for the purpose by Josef Spitzber- ger, who died recently at the age of 88 years, says the London Stan- dard. This fortune was accumu, lated by a lifeoFhard work, accom- panied by the, severest self-priva, tion. • Spitzberger was for many- years head' i cashier of a large millng con- . cerri in Austria." He seems to have been born, thrifty, for at a very early age, he, gave up taking Sugar in his coffee, and persuaded his par- ents to 'give him the' few pennies saved in this way, to put in the savings bank, And as he -began, ,sa „ be continued throughout bit long life, oorit anting hrnselfwith th'e barest neeessrtaeS 'Every Pc -011Y 17.te could saye 'eNnt arttothe bank me4ey„--y.paes- he le c„ in a, smell rreserab roorn an a poor street. rtrt Lite -suburk •of Vionni The room hadrieither (31,Cl mci light...'T6keep 'w,ria7ii When- he was 4 ll'r)t 'at; r) , IF. i bed ibe^nu rnS e$ aryl to Save. the exile :e III We n t' He all -II ol? ' Lonc,,s, A eatlte-• St`t"4:niX*T010,0t4.Ygcl b , 41,4AP<E;;/,e • LOOK OR, <1111111111111111111111111111tsIrElw:7:.:::,„e. r„ Lt) fPACKAGC A • ,E; E CAREFUL TO' • SEE THAT LAS ELON ,OPACKAGE SCUt.: NO OTHER COLOR EVER USED ON ROYA,LYE/1)517 REMEMBER THE COLOR SLUE tE.W.G I LLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO — ,0 NT. Z 114111.1EITCOMPARYIN NT Q, 0Ni15 11 b`rktuziwtwl.t. deal of money in lucky apeculations. Ile was interested in public affairs, but never bought a newspaper, go- hig at half past six o'clock every morning to read the sheets- pasted Outside the 0thees of the j'ournals. To all the remoastrances of his frierida h 1..Tplied t "Your Pleasure ;s to spenick,--rOinle to Pave. Leave me my pleasure; it is all far a good purpose," Spitzberger never married, and with the 'exception of some small legaeies to relatives, has left his whole fortune for the ehildren's Tiespital. BERLIN TUB RIVAL OF PARIS, It F Attracting Strangers in la. creasing 'Numbers. Aviiieh is the anore important, city, Paris or Berlin?, A gonerati)n ago the question would not have arisen but recent statistieP show that Ber- lin is rapidly earning to the front as it eentre of attraction to the world. Between /906 and 1910 the number of strangers annually visiting Ber- lin has increased from 1,029,461 to 1,279,609, while the number of strangers who visited Paris in. 1903 (the last year available) 'only amounted to 1,209,514. It is true that of the latter num- ber no fewer than 460,709 were for- eignerS, whereas in Berlin out os? the 1910 visitors only 203,83S were foreigners. As against this, bow - ever, it, ought to be noted that since 1900 the member of foreigners whtk have visited Berlin yearly has in, creased by over 42 per cent, which is a more rapid rate than is shown by Paris, and Berlin therefore must soon overtake Paris, 6% INTEREST ANP SAFETY Price Eras. and Cernpauy Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment. They offer the strong security of first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and timber lands—which are insured at Lloyds against lire. The earnings of the Company at present approximate twice the boad interest, The new pulp mill in course of construction will double this earning power. Purchased at their present price they pay interest at the rate of' 6 per cent. The hest posted investors in Canada and England have purchased these bonds, Owing to tlic security and increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will unquestion- ably increase in value. 'typo have money to invest write us for complete information. oyAT SECURITIES LA CORPORATION LIMITED BANK 0, MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE ,AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO R, 111, WHITE MONTREAL-OLJEACC-HALtrAX-OTTAWA Manager Loreceentetio,/ 01100.01.410.111.1404 /P--; Acquiring an Interest 111 a Successful Canadian Industrial Company An opportunity ot acquiring an Interest in The Simon Company, Ltd., the well-known and successful manufacturers of hardwood flooring and lumber, Is afforded to the holders of the 7 per cont. Preferred and Profit-sharing, Stock of the Company. The Preferred Stock, a small block of which we are now offering, subject to prior sale, Ifl addition to the 7 per cont. cumulative dividend, shares equally with the Common Stock in all dividends paid in excess of the 7 per cent. dividend. In this way, when 3 per cent. Is paid on the Common an additional 3 per cent, will have to be nald on the Preferred, and when 6 per cont. Is'paid on the Common the same amount will also have to be paid on the Preferred In addition to the 7 per cent, regular dividend. The Siemon Company is a consolidation of companies, with mills and plants located at Wiarton, Parry Sound and Lakefield, ont., and there has boon such a steady demand tor the products of the Company that it Is unable to fill more than 60 per cent. of Its orders. Important extensions are now necessary in order to keep pace with the development of its business, and In parti- cular it Is desired to increase the already large number of valu- able hardwood timber limits which the Company now holds. It Is with a view of financing these extensions that wo now offer a small block of the Preferred Stock. Investments in 'the preferred stock of successful Canadian In. dustrial companies have been the safest which Canadian inves. tors have ever had. We would be pleased to forward special circular rontaining full particularregarding the Company, or, if you prefer, would make arrangements to bare one of our representatives call to supply any information you may desire. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LTD , . CONFEDERATION LiFE BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. irtd4itet'ikade frresitlOti • a- teek. •"lie,m,i` drank thi- Pure Food Factorte • A11 wt men are more or less e (' 1V,L11h1ttt ariv suare• ' Windsor: Ontarm, Canada. A man neyer.comp,a, 101.1,S 4A1CT , 1 ,'harp;JaitilliA,thetrr h,„PtSger ou4 t • 1 tre 0 IRMA,. . R ., 11 ape. a.,4•44, tIgT tat'ai 14-= 5 s. ;sot The New Perfectiora Oil Cook -stove - Suits Ever3rbody' it suits the most exacting French chef. ; It suits the housewife. It js f• Eveoru-yndloodiny'uluxsesu'iit7svillas—'aseverybodin y all-roundhuirlbe ie stove ho vef0nir all the year round. It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts as well as a coal range. It is cquipped with a special heating Plate, an we sell the New Per- fection oVen, broiler, toaster, and pancake griddle --each specially de- -signettfor use with the Neiv Per eetiort• Frei. CcIr)!I” ,seekirCaokeBv°kAll deles sell st3". It hands°nelY alsogiven:Loroitiodinrieowithcebnettop.diopmiy:e: e-ingheive,,towelrc%,etc.Longchmney,,n5cntiocoerl d turou-'sc-blue. MI " 1, 2 er 3 mailing cost •,',141;141-5J 11.4 '7F.1111.71414141E1,7; •I Booh IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Lind:led ...ipeug.,,,Mnocn,ti3rt,,,e,ab,i• ,vSitJohn1i00,Toronto,,,,,,zr i-lii ,Lla= and - Y•e. it; ) at ALL45 11 •i