HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-9, Page 1RUGS, WALL PAPERS AND LIN.: QLEgg8-dye 31ave put dh a beautiful line of Bugs and Lilaaleuhrs and carry a largle WI -gbh of,samailes of Wall Papers, Wiirt I We,can obtailh ger you. at shortest notice. No, don't believe that you ear ftii(nd a better all roundplace to ftt out; the hone than right at this store; JAS. BEVEIIL81Yt, the lead- nag funeral director and furniture nian,' it opposate CQ mercfal. ,Hotel. TWENTY-FIFTH EAR EXETER,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 97 1912. HIGH QUALITY FLOUR We radar a geed deal these days about bu7lding uP to a standard, not dowta to a twice, Model Flour is a splenditt. example. The popularity .of our brand, to due to, '_its superior .qualities. Net a °st ria is lett unturned to make MODELthe" best Siour.' We have a geOd assortment oaf feral and lots 'mare corrin --HAR- VEY I3ROS, NDER;3 & CREECH Iocat Items Mr. Jas.Walters returned from the Soo last week. Mr. Robert Reiland. sof London spent Saturday 91. town. • Mr„ James Handford and daughter, 'Miss Annie, returned Monday eventing from Toronto, where the former attended the horse show, afies Fanny Bavwden of London, Enw., arrayed ,here on Thursday last and will spend a fever weeks w"tt relatives; the guest of her brother, _Sr, Peter Bawdet7, _.Iesars, Percy G_lies, Fred Bawden, C. I-IeYwa ad and Gerald, Hurdon were in I,,ot2dan MQnday, Gerald; has beets, offer- ed_ F't" pose 1,01.1 as #fg€t writer In the city ;rt;d wilt aeeept. at. :Nara. J Wallis Rowell is on t'tt stela Chas. Grat'ton of WaartoEXETER was in town R SCSCHOOL, ICEPORT.... lEat tie week. Mr. Harry Parsons of London spent Gordan Taylor of CVanton was home H. S. Department l: ori t 'III., fest .P'`" ndjaat,,one, :ay 1.9x2, -Normal Entrance, honors, S.1'etty 80,7, G Gopoland 8027; Pass, G Pass- ; na:'en 69.1, °E, Case 68,3, E Hunk'' 66,6 Woad 60, lei Arty `60. Jun'or Matriculatl,sn, +S, Petty 71.3. The above maned candidates' are re- eotnmended .ar therespective exa#Hina^ toes in June, 1912. , Weidenhammer, B. A., Pain ', S. i)ePartttlsllt I3eara 4--S 4, honors, Cannan Powell 87, Reta Bowe 79, Alma, Mack 77,, Matti* fee Serio.. 76, Anna Bela 75; ?ass, Mei- vil Giadrrau" 71, Gordon. E.tntale £,9, ?sM.nnie :gay 68. Harry' Para0aa 68, Karl at aleithaantner 66, Jov FollietC 65, Olive iacde€laid 63. N. ort ro11 24, average attemdairee =t.?. Sunday hexa. • ?dirr, 'Robert Leathern of London fa m town t';*i s week, I. R. Cavi` and S. G, Ba,wden were. London l+.ilonday.. M' -ss Riadon of Bendel 'vtsited Mrs. W. J. Heaarran Pa '.tt oC 'the week, • Mrs. Weider.2l4gmer vias. caked to Stetsvalle last 'week owing to the m- nesa of hes father: lir, sa1hs, aala$it9 of Calgarry arrived here east vreeic to viatt Mrs. Mania, whet cos been tliegu0a3,ts of herr mother, Mrs.,. D. Johns. for sta.'rte weekar Miele Fanny Bawden, daughter of the Rate i\ Allaire Dawden, who is on a tqut' around elle <vorld, wailed, gray V"anceavel°, frem Srdtney, Mistraliaysrn flay 8, 8dito RS StIPR1.tE5 MECHANICS EINE TOOLS NAitS.G1ASS,PUITY IROHALPEr FTTIKS Here's Something You Will Soon Need �e 1rCtvc et full. stock of J. Al Bruce's Seeds.. Cleveland Coiled SprinE Wire I3raee Weav2ltg and barb Wlie Portland' Cement I'a nes, ' rualies, Oita, 'arl:isltier; Glans Lacqueret Duebano Curi :at Stretchers Garden Tools .of all kinds Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, etc. A New Perfection 1Blue Flame Oil Stove OR A Detroit Vapor Stove 1leattts Easy Cooking. It buries 'more air and less gasoline khan all others. Ist.r eet Combust,".oni. S'xnpie and. Durable. No Stroke, No °dal: ABSOLUTELr SAFE CARLING'S PHONE 18 Great Big Clearing Sale Everything in wall paper, linoleums, carpets and dress goods must be sold., A dollar saved is a dollar made so come to us and let us convince you that we can make money for you. 1., inoleums A choice pick e to from, Regular $2.40 for $1.99' clear at .a discount of 25 Carpets All car tits to e. h P, per cent- Wall ent Wall Paper at a discount of 25, ` pe 'cent. of at a . to be sold foodAll Dress s dressgoods g ha discount of 20 per cent:Prints, Gin�'.... msi. Ghana brays: : Regular 12 arida half for' -Ile. Foulards � - c Mulls regular 50e. for' 24c. regular 25c.� for 21 g Lace Curtains are of the latest designs and - come and see are well worth your while to_ them. Highest tt rices paid for all kids of Pm& eee over Sunday, Dr, L. L Follrck of St. Marys was in. town Sunday. Mr, Frank Woad returned Saturday. groin a iybnth's trip west. Was Mary Ealkwill was in Parith.El1 and Ansa Craig last week - Chester Coultis and a friend` motored aver from Stratford Sunday. 4r. Well Smite of Acton spent a day w;tl1 W. J. Statham` Mr, Smith' and ?sirs Statl,aan spent Tuesday O. Seaforth. o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Itanshed ea De- troit are. visiting at the 1>worne of Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah Hall, F;eter North. ;'dire. Wan. Taylor of New Y•orlt arrived ka few' days ago to wast ot"t her sister, Lrs. War. 1.7eibral ge of Llebarne, '.v to at' -11 continues quite 111. Mrs, D, W. Collins and family return- ed Thursday from thea• visit with rel- atives at Blrr, the children having re^' covered front theix attack of 'measles. ;+Mrs, Ogelea uPder;S42ng e.n opera- tion in IJamdon this Week. Sandy 13a'wdelt expects 11.:s new auto, "A Bee" five passenger car, 011ie week, Frank Hallett, jr,, 'roved this. week, from Km -aa Stmt to tie residence of the date airs, Geo. Eaerett on 31ai,alrst. D'.v;alon Court was held in the Town `tart Wedllt:sday when Judge Holt d;s- paced ,of a minor case and a couple ol` Mud tart summa's, I1r,Rloulst,a1 and J.M. Southeat sup, plied for Bev, a1,`.11yar't1 Ctrl Sunday it H•,Insall and Xivasell May will supply fac I sv. Wits ;`7i Credit It on Sundati', 'I' Nro a n's Mnst;tute desire the as- sistance of as many or thio amen as eairA coma at their two planting bee at the river sld4' on Friday a!'ter3q,on nest, Prem2 to 5 o'clock. Snow=lalc� corresPandermt says.-- \V maw, tel Tearer that 3. F. Drew is tiler i'r'e weatlllar, Dr. Corbett has 1„ on. °'n atte1ndance. We hope he will sears tra around again. The men who ;in tete final accounting find tha largest balance to their credit •.n the book o life, are those who, were more concerned about wlutt they owa;d to others than alr?ut what others owed tQ them, Mr, Fred. _d!3t0, 'whale throwing bile% tea at scaffold at the new house being erected by Wears. Snell and _Marchand , 0, Vosper, teacher. EN HURON LICENSE I STIGsTION, ?$11rh corxfl.cting evidence was heard n the alled,ged bribery rase a1n con- t'Cnli wlt'.i Mlle liquor Ilcenses at God- s i last week Chairman .Patterson sweari33a that Farr, air hetet keeper or Clcdaaie3, offered hart $300 to protect his l:eanse, ' and Farr sae -ea -ring that! Patterson demanded $500 tet do the trick. The department is now' in pos- st ee'01 of the evidence and intereat- :mg developments were eon ev-dent. As m'Isult of the davestigatUQn the 01074.11u of G'odc r;c t have presented a p0111101) to 1..,c ceunc 1 asking that the by-law to elrtluca the number of licatnses ;be yes+isrded, ¶ ,e reasons advanced ; etre tont ' rcduct';'olr does .net dcer;ease the sal.; of 1uor, and 'docs reduce 'toe dat.Ton, aepor of Coralmiissioner'Eudo Saun, tiara w,'aa qut ly aeted upoi by Haas. W, .r. Hansa, Prov.atclal Secretary, wititthe result tl.at L'cetise Inapaetor Jaequltl1 and Chai'nian Patterson have been re- newal ,ram oif:ee. Tad latter had rc Waned previously and his rosignattan is Zea;ep,cd and M. Ilanna cia.,lnss that Mr. lsquth's uaefulneas bad ,bone, since he said ler had been offered a bribe and had rot reported to the departmneot.. W, M. S. CONVENTION uiu:tc a number of Exeter ladies attend, d the 17th annual convention of the an Tuesday, 'ano of rho brick. fell riff, E e)er District Women=s Missionary striking Trim on the. head, inflicting an So., pry :at Clandt9 oye nan Tsnursday last, ukly scalp 'wound ; wlb!etr t;aolk bevos'`"l +,a.a+f'i,Cw':.' ,nenha,r were .present and a Stlt(Mss 10 close. A. )1. WRIGHT DIES- Artini'., W. Wright, 005 of the best known men in Michigan, and well-known to many here, and war) n+.arried a, former Exeter lady, Miss Anna, Case, daughter of the late William Case, died; at his home 10, Alma, Mich., Sunday last. Although _Mr. Wright had abeoht in poor health Since an injury he sustained about twsa yore ago an a Sall axiom laths, carriage, his death was due to a stroke of paralysis he suffered about one week a't;a \Mich 5 an in all her history has produced ed no stranger character an the conn merc"alai world than Amtnl W. `Wright, who after 89 years sof strenuous life, acquired a fortune estimated at more than $40,000,000. Endowed' by nat- ure 28th a masterful mind, supported and strengthened by a hardly physique both of which by surroundings were do- veloped leo the highest types of perfect manhood, he stood during his remain - ring years, a true case of the survival of .the fi'ttiest. air: Wright came from the most r bt Nqw England stock; He was born in Vernaont in 1822, and made that state has home until 1.950. Oh March 6, 1848, Mr. Wright was married in Roch+th ghia<m, Vt., tp, Miss Harriet Barton, ie. native ,of 'that state. George .N. Anita Bi:, Caroline S., and Arthur P. Only one survives, Sarah H., now, the Wife of Dr. Lancashire,Mrs, Five children were born, Sarah H. Wright died June 30, 1884, and on Dec. 21, 1885,_..'r. Wright married Miss Anna Case, of Exeter: STEPHEN COtiNCIL. The council n1etain Credition,, on the, 6th of May. All _nemberrs present. The minutes of t115 .previao'us meeting werel read and adopted,. J711aott-Sellerman-"That the Assess- ment Roll as fisted with the Clerk, be accepted and that the Assessor, Js,oeph Guinan, be paid hay salary:" -Carried. Finkbeiner-Yearley-"That By-law No 191 been;, a By-law appointing the Path - master, Pound keepers and Fence view- ers, having been read the third time be passed and signed, by ,the'Reeve and Clerk` and ;the ,seal of the Corporation attached thereto Carrisd. IIellerunan-Elliott-"That 'By- law- NO. 192 being a, By-law to appoint Henry F. Eilber Charles Stei'nhagon ': and Tho - mac Webb, inspectors to enforce what is commonly known as "The Cattle By- law'. their divisions ; Cion. 'L to Con, 9 line ; C1on, 10 ,to Con. 17 tric ; and Con : 18 to the -weste n boundary of the Township respectively, having r been read the third time, be passed and signed by tho' Reeve and Clerk; and the;; seal of the Corporation attached thereto-Ca1r- r ed, 'Elliott -Kellerman -"That Alonzo 'Hod- gins bpi appointed overseer of the con- strue -Lon of the-conorcte abutments and floor of the, small, br,:dge en the L. I E. Concession and Councillor Fink - bo ter'tlhe abutments and floor of the 0ri,dgc on the 21st Concession. -Carried, l'earacy-Elliott-''That the' Township Court inf.' Rev,bConi,o the Aasesksrnteitt Rol. be held in the 0;;: Crediton on Monday, .:he 27th rdayof -May next at Ig a nn., -Carried, resolved . that Gravel. Contracts shall be lei at tilt r1cxt Couuc.rl ..neet- aag at 2 p.nis A large Ouinber of accounts 'vyero pass- ed which will appear 11 next: issue. The cou11O11 adjourned to Beet again zo a 7 h, ,of May nest -atA T„0 `i,int.a„r 1f 'Sony program given during the morn- ing-, afternoon. and evening aeasiana. The usual reports shown, ;''ogress were received. MMuaical selections were given by the 'Clandebeye choir, Gran- ton Auac.1inry, Mrs. Orme of Lucan and Mra. E. Bice, and diddreases by Mass Verga, i?. returned anis aionary from Ch'nn and -Miss' E.11cKenzie of London The Clandeboye ladies furnished refresh - Meats. The nest meet --ng will be held in Parkifill. MOUNT CARMEL. It Goderch, o11 April 23rd, _Miss Nora Lennon ,of .this ,place was ,happily mar- ried to Simeon Stiles of Seattle, Wash. Tile bride's .many friends here wish both. herself ;and groom; many happy years of wedded 11!e. -A number from here attended the ball, at Exeter Friday. -Sandy Greenlee is alT smiles at the arrival of a son.-i4r. Patrick Buckley, and 'sister canna of Mooresville called, on friends .here Monday. -Mrs, BTggaal and 'little daughter of Niagara• visited her .mother,.. Mr's. Lennon, fora fe wt days last week. -Mr. T. J.jHa11, aurap;op ular merchant and postmaster, was on the -suck list for a, few days last week. -lairs. Ryan and daughter Masses An- nie and. Margaret, and Mrs. Sullivan of London attended the funeral of the late Hugh. Ryan on Monday. It becomieas our sad duty to chronicle the death of Hugh Ryan, who dled on May 4th, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan, aged 34 years. Deceased shad been i'11` _for sev- eral months ,lot lung trouble and his de- cline had been slovr but 'sure. He spent the past 111115` monthenat Gravenhurst and three yree4es ago he was obliged to re- turn to has home, incurable,. Hughwas a young span of 'sterliing character, He leaves td mourn has 'despise his sorrow fins patents, seven brothers and three sisters, besides a host of friends, who have Our 'sympathy. The six brothers acted as pall bearers. The remains -were interred in the R.C. ceriietery here on Monday at ",11 lain' The many friends: 0,2 Mr. Timothy CoughLO are pleased lto know that 115 +s rapidly improving. at St. 'Joseph,Fl.os- pital' and will sdon be able to return to his home. W HALFIN. Gi,ANDRBOYE The Women's Institute held rte reg- ular meetanS' at the name Of Mrs. Al<.; sley Neal, -Mr. Peat; Seale of St. Marys spent Sunday w:4tat Mr. E,. Bice.-M,r. Doyle of Exete w,a.s in town purchas- ing urchas-h horses to ship West. -Mrs. Addi son is spending a few- daye with, rel a'tiaves acre,• -Mr, E, :Mundy is spending a few days wit relatives 'in London. air;. Weeley Henssy and,` Austin Bice spant Sat llrday w6 friends in E.reter, -Mr. Geo. Adarneon of Strathroy spent a few days do town aeeently.-It ev, Sage of London conducted the services in St.: James' Church oa Sunday„ --Mr. 11. G. Seidon of E<eteaa jntends rebuilding the grain stare ,here in A Lew days. -Mr. Roy S'.caaps i 11ss ,last received a eon- ign meat o t encepasts from' Wisconsin to d"aspraae ot.-,J, 13:. aaticanatart, who tier tlitA Past yam, hoe been assdatant at the atat`.on here, leas-eeeiveel a. position on than Ca T,l'- and w^i'i take up his duties • Lloyd Asabdon of London visited his grandfather, Mrs. 3a,s. Gunning, over Sunday. --Mr.'' and Mrs. John Wren of Blanshlarrd spent Sunday at, Mr. Albert Gunnngs.-The annual meeting of the Stthday Sclilolol was held last Tuesday evening, the, pastor, Rev. B1atch2ord, presiding. The election of officers re - 'Suited' as :''follows, --Supt., J. D. I3a,ze1- wood; Assocla.te-Supt.,- Frank Gunning; Scc'y, John Wright Treas., Jphn Hodg- son ;,; Orgaii;`.Ist; 1Verda Morley. Reports from, :the varilous committees sho'wed'the 'school advat ci(ng In every departm{'ni of the -werk.-Quite- a. nunniber 11 this v1clnity are . done;, seeding, the grOund woarle'rig ver` g1ood. 't1ais spring. PAINTS/JURY E, I3, ISrnyt,h>: left ,here for :?t.lbwrta' one day last week. He;inte.ndu rexaaaa9ll ala for sometime. -Mixte Cora Washantra or Guelph vis,ted around bore fur a 4,'.w days last wee t --Tne people et St, Pat- r,cic"s almur•eh intend holding a. cancer( sled supper on 11ay; 24th in. Baeey` =mean; oral Hall. WWatch for b t1e i11 the neat' Future -Mr, 'arid gra. Geo. Godbolt of ,Sultao:ne visited on 1110 Taw -;line 0:1 Sunday last,. -Farmers are about :'r. Leh, l seeding +routed here, --Vera Davis wlto has been laid off from school vlath alazaslea afet 'sametame,is{ able to 00 out aye n - lictaez• Davis and Vera, aleti ;son arra Tao, a tai"td up with 1nmeasle8 but are' uSIIoitNE. Sahelal report or , S. S. No. 1, L'Fsborne •--Entraltrto, W. Dauaal, Q, Ifarris, J, :Dougal, M. Strang, O. MRaw- rliffo, 13, Harvey.' IV. Class -3i, Dow, Jarrett, L. Seine, K. Sanders, 111'l, V. Bel), R. Dick. 111, Claes-'M, Dougal, G :6Loa.'•, 0. „leu, E. Ca0€1, ytdehell, L oke, L 'Nell, It Jlo1r, Sr. II, W Salves, L 'Purdy, A Strang, Q Dew, T Dougall. Jr. 11., ,P Iiarr1+s, F :ei:ichell,. ki Welad, M Sclace, 17 Cudnrore. Sr,1 t, 1, J Stacey, tit Purdy Pt. 1,A,', 11.lfofar Pa I, I3., 0 Down, la Harvey, V Dunn, F, Nc61, J, Oka. abvern c attendance 38. -W. i3. 1;',yttall, ''teacher. BIRTHS McGillicuddy -In. Exeter, May '7t11, to Dr. 3. E. and _Ira.. T,MeG:llieuddy„a son. Shophcrd-On N. 13., :iMeGillivray,, on April 25th, to Mr, and Sire. David' Shepherd, a daughter. Goodhand-In Corbett, on' April 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Goodhand, r,l daughter. Ga11-At Grand Bend, on April,. 190, fo \fr. and Mars. John G:11, a son, _MARRIAGES Stgwatrt-Greer- At the bonne sof: the bride's pairents, ITay, on May 8, Jahn W. Stewart of T3sb1ornxe, to Miss 131ad- ley May, daughter of 4r. and airs{ Janice Green. Hodg'ne-l-Iunter--,In Usborite, on May 8th, at the home of the bride's: par= ants, Mr, ,James 0. IIodglne to. Miss F,Lca J., ,daug:hter or Mr. and Mrs. Phan Hunter. Jenk'ais-E1]iatt-I11 Stephen, at the :home of the bride's par ents, on May 1st, W. A.a Jenkins of London, to alis Kathryn Elliott, daughter of t 5r. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott. DEATHS Wean --Near -Crediton, May 7, aMathow Wein, aged 75 years. Funeral ,-Friday Ryan -At Mt. Carmel May 4, Hugh Ry- an, aged •34 years. Coyne -In Habbext, en April 25th, P. Coyne aged 82 years., Love Is a dream, but 'Marriage is an alarm clock. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In ;the 'latter of the Estate of Har- riet Payne, late of the Township of Stephen, fin the County' of Huron, spin- ster, deceased." Notice is thereby given pursuant to the Statute in that Behalf, llxat all persons having claims against the estate ,of the said TIarriet Payne, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of January, 1912, are requited, 011 or before, the 18th day of May, 1912, to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to Kenneth Good- man, of the Town of Parkhill, in the. County of Maiddleseic, Solicitor for the ,Executors of the last Will and Testa- ment estamint of the said deceaased, dull partic- ulars of tOelr claims arid statement of their accounts, and of the nature and value of the secur tiles, if any,. held by thein, duly ver'2c0d., And take • notl1ce that after the said 18th day of May 1912, the said e* eeutors wcdl proceed with the distribu- tionthe assets of the said deceas- ed amongst thio persons entitled there- to, , PhavCng : regard only to, the claims vof which notice shall them have been re- ceived, and:. that they will:: not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, sp d%etributed,' to any person or persons of whose clam they shall not then have had notice. JOHN S1iERRITT, S_AMulaL ;WEBB, Executors, by KENNETH GOODMAN Plein Solicitor. Dated at P,a ichi'll:this 23rd day of April A. D., 1912. Notice to Contractors HARPLEY ' A'•Gontiract to construct an ropeun'ditch about iii rods long on Lot 27, Con. 4, Messrs. Patrick of Yorktan? Sask.. are Tea,w;ishCp oaf Usbor e, .being a new out- visitifg, t01511. sister; Mrs. Roy Shersitt, let- Cur talc' Anderson Drain; --also to -- 11'i+as 1di'tllu Taylor cSllcd ion . , her repair part' of the old dltali-wi1I be let f:rielad, Miss V. M. Siherritt Saturday, .by Auction ori Satundcy,. hxay "11th, at Miss Maliel Creon 10110 has been he+p- 5 o'cloOk gni 51 aftcrtiaill at the -local inn; Airs. Thos., Ltove IOU a few we55k' , 'iy, of 151 work. Specifications will be retttriied tc lacy h1as'''e,,at Brewster Satur- furnished ' at 1110 time of .letting. day. -'vi ass t11U4'nlel Faille of the Parkhill A 'PUNKIN, Reeve. 6,8perit Sunday at honne. t ` P . IQRLDY, 01 rk Tann`. Surnrner Wearing Apparel OUIL Sq OCIs Cala SiJAIME1t WEAR» ING AiAI'A'ilEL, .IS COMPLETE IN E•4': ERY LINE--IiOTJGHT '1VITII A VIE1'Y', TO GIVING WEA BERS THE COOLEST .1,NDD MOST CO3MFORT,bIILE, CLO 'Y 1' INC FOR VIE WARM WEATHER. A• GREAT IJEAI. Ola YO2JR PLEAS- 1131 AND cam-FoI3,T DEPENDS 0 Tp'I1 STYLE, aVEXOXIT AND Fr 01 'i.'OUR CLOTHES. THE "TAMAN" SOM _1EIt GOODS STAND FOR "E:tSE AND CO3MFORT." CALL 1N ANI) 13XA2XINE :')C2511; GOODS. A FEW OF THE LINES ARE AS l"OLLOW,- COMI3INA:TION UNDERCLOTHING. TWO-PIECE UNDERCLOTHING. SOCKS: AND, HOSE IN SILKS, CASH1.f1:1t1 AND LISLE. WINDSOR OVERALLS Ila BLUE, KHAKI, BLACK., ETC. NEGLIGE SHIRTS. LOW COOL ,COLLARS. SOFT COLORED COLLARS. SOFT 'FELT HATS. STRAW HATS. PANAMA, HATS. RAIN COATS. a LIGH'P SUITS, tin Irnmense Range YOtJ SHIOTJLD SEE 'TIIE I1L'VIENSE'. RANGE WE ARE SHOWINGG OF? READY-TO-WEAR AND MEASURED' SUITINGS, OVERCOATINGS AND T'ROUSERINOS. ISN'T 5IT A SATIS- FACTION, TO KNOW THAT EVERY- THI13G "TIIAT'S^-i3IGIIT" FOR THIS SEASON WILL 13E FOUND IN TI -IE LINES WE ARE NOW SHOWING. WE' ARE ;FUST AS INTERESTED IN SELL- ING YOU 1313111 CORRECT THING 113 STYLES AS YOU ARE Y?r GETTING IT -TRY US. THE WORD "TAMAN" YOU WILL FIND ,STANDS ,FOR THE COR RECT TFIIHG IN CLOTHES. READY TO WEAR. SUIT PRICES S'LI R%T AT .?,8.00, UP TO SEASURED SU1".T P1CIt'1JS START 0,j0 UR; To w I3. �h: Scli�yd zN -rF low i nd