HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-2, Page 8TH UIRBAY, MAY S t 12 iTER MARKETS., pet oWt., tamily 2, 70 Rhine, lor.,K grade per syr 1 50 105 Start* Jun, 28 80 Want per tOtt TA. 01TITTTT 20 00 SOW Rek,t 26 00 HOUSE P'011 Q11 W 13*1-11 Street. Exeter, Any Person de- siring a new cream sepazater will do welt to can at the 'Exeter Bargain Store and see tte Prernaerj This is one of the beot and tas5est running separators ort the Market, Come ti and let US tent W. M. lawavnFoAD, ense at the Advocate, Office. Penman's' Lisle Hosie; eVarY Pair le guaranteed. For each pair that iss uneatisfactory we replace theca with two Pair* free of charge. 35c. or 3 pairs for $1.00.—Stewart's. TURKEYS STRAYED—There stray - from its prein:ses of the undersigned turltey and a. tom. Any person re- turni..-.g then, or giving Info7rnation that warded. Leave, word at the ',Advocate Now Pornpas Oxford. and Nigh Shoes for children. Misses and women. See the new White Canvas Button Shoes.— conorsent 4, StePiten Township, pr,./ Ott4,. a watch and enata, Owner paythg for nottee. Apply at The, ADVOCATE OFFICE, ethirsg new in this Depart t. New Creations are be. ng added every week.—Stew. FOR SALE—Seed Potatoes and chO;ce 0. Papers. Everything to beauti. fy your hotne in our Furnish. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned Is offering for sale part of Lot 3.3, Con. a, Thaborne, 6:111'047 ed half n4le south of Exeter, contain- ing 'Seven and one fifth acres. There is on the premises a. geod frame house and barn, good 'well of water, bent 30 aPple trees and. a quantity of -small frults. This Is a splendid property) well situated and 1,,e..11 be sold _reasonable and on easy terms. It not sold priv- ately on or 'before May 20-, 19T2i, will bs offered by public auctionlwitlr the household effects on June 1,- 1912: Cameron, a.uctioneer, Farquhar, or on the Premises to Mr. John §alter, Exeter k: LOCAL DOINGS. 4 Yesterday *was MaY., Day, Baseball Praetiee has coranienced- The auto owners are getting their ears ut these days, Mrs. Robt,: Is gained to tier But the beauty.that,is only skin deep 'better then the kind that, rubs off. a situation -with Mr, B., Willis, as bar - Dr; Bonze io moving into the dwelling' reeentlY Purchased from A. Pyin North Street. ' The Jackson Manufactnring Company etock and to install new MachinerY• Peeple 'think Alley are charitable etrough, if they don't believe more than half the mean stordes told 4m a man, Conuniesioner Rissett. had, the roads cleaned up last week and they now pre- sent an appearance that would "be hard to beat. Rev. Blatchford of Centralia occulted the James Street pulpit very 'accents -174Y on Sunday. Rev-. Yellancl tooK the duties at Centralia, Mr. glarence Dtzplan assisted in the Sunday and preached very acceptably In the morn' -ng. • Willara Sweet had a valuable cre Tratrsday last. There • rs be an unusually large number • horses dying this sPring, cy,„4,p,peia his hundred nere farm Of„,sheree to 'WM,. Snell of. the lx,s,,,,,farnts in the towlishiP of Osborne. William Lightfoot, while working at the Galis Sawmill on FridaY, unfort- unately got crushed agallst a pulley and had the muscles Of, hi* back and arm torn and brusied considerably, Ile ha off durY for a time, Among the gratluates medicine a Ondon are, S, Coulter of Hensall. . Clegg and M. Slr'pley of Clinton, tin of London, formerly' ot Exeter, pass- ed !II all the subjec. ts to the second ear course. The public are now prohibited trent us:4g Canadian ,Post Offices as adver- ing bureaus, The Post Office de- txtrtment alas iSsued an order tha the ff cot that no advertioenrent or not, ef any Pltaracter wall be allowed to 132 posted :aside or outside the building0 uaday next betng set apart as MU- cese of littron a- general exchange of elergYmen take place. Rev. Collths wal preach in Wingnapa and Bey. Lowe of Llama will occupy the pulpit of the .3leinorlal, morning and evening. town has long enjoyed the tits- ttnetion of balw one of the best markets in the country. This distinction has been gained and maantained by paying the top of the Ina.rket, or a, little more for produce and selling merchandise as loW, or a Little lower than It can be bought elsewhere. Hensall's oldest resident Passed, away tretentlY in the person ot Mrs. John Welsh, formerly of Exeter, In her ilOth year. She was strong and active up to a short time ago. She Was born in Devonshire, England, ica 1823. She grew up ia the old land and was married to John Welsh who predeneased her 38 years. About sh*tt years after aria death She came to Canada and settled- far Exeter. where she reso'ded till about 7 years ago When she went to Hensel' and has settee resided with her sons, William. and Richard. The funeral, took lace to Exeter Cemetery. niatea hag a head but 116 face; p watch has a. face but rid hea.,4 a river has a mouth but no tongue; an' umbrell. a. has ribs but no trunk; a treZ has a trunk but no ribs; a clbelt has hands but no'arrus; the sea. has arrns but no hair; a rabbit has hair but no comb, nnnS§Vg cut To MEASUrtn A Reactionary Storm Period has its .7 - center on the 6th, 7th and 8th.- dur4ng which Ca will grow warmer, barorne'fer lv,-;11. fall and more ra.tin and blustering wEnds wial pass eastward ever the coun- try. The Venus penlod vital rernaz:n‘ force to thre middle of May, causing vie:. Ious electrical storms, 'vr..:tn sudden changes f.rom very warm to cool, At the storm per5ods. Ndghts will be -quite cool from aliotit lith to 11.th, wt'th, poss:bly frost northward. IIOMESEEKERS' AND SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAINS TO WESTERN CAN: Via. Chicago and .St. paul, 23rd and 30th,,. and every second Tues- day thereafter until Sept. 17th, inclus- ive. Tickets will also be on sale on eer- ialn dates v6-1., Sarnia, and Northern Nav- igation Company. Special Train will leave Toro„rLo 10,36 p.m. on ab6ve dates for Edmonton and paCInts m0,0,4topa, a.nd Saskatchewan, stopping , Points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, west of WinniPeg. ,,Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepers -will be "ca.iiie,& fully equipped with *bedding ancl.,porter, in charge. Berths , may bet secntred • •:'n sleepers at low rate.T., This is an exceptional opportunity for these, wishing to take advantag,e';',„2.f„' the remarkably low one , Way settlers curs:ons, through the American No Change of cars., Secure tickets, berth- reservations from any 'Grand Trunk, Agent, cr,` -write A. E. Duff, Metrict Pa.ssendm- leted scOurse at Toronto In Tone -of he best nutting schools' in America, Is repared "to cut to rneaaure any style f drestr or sui4t. Ladies Wall), make their wn dresses w411 save time and ;rater - al by using aipattern cut from their actual measures: Mthss Tom has also opened ,Dressmaking • Rooms' at her reel- dence on 14,11ain Istreet, South, where she w_11 bs-,plea.sed mieet .Iter former pat - rooms at side entrance. SHOP cLospE EVENINGS. eguRT HARMONY INSTALL.—At the last refular 'meeting rot Court ,Harmony, No. 61, Exeter, held 1VIonday night, the f011owang officers were dulY installed by' Dist. Chief Ranger, Vir; Taylor, assilst‘ed by 'High, Marshall, John Mc- trepresentablve to the Righ court. _ ,HIGH QUALITY 'FLOUR •-.Wegaear a good deal these days about hu;ading- up to a standard, not, d9lifn • pTiCe. Model Flour is a splendid ' The •pppularity Of Our -brand is ialle ft.0'',itE3 superior qualities'. Not a stone ,IS'left 'unturned to make MODEL the .hast' l'Our. We have ,a goed assortnient of' 'feed- and lOts' more corthie. YOUNG LIFE -GUT, SHORT—The ,death, et:cc:hp:red on Wednesday morning' at 3 o'clock of MI:Iss polds, daughter of Mrsh Mason Phillips, at the family residence; JOhn "Street, Exeter, at the age of 12 • -sinee last Janu,a17 "..df lung' trouble and decliine, had been hut 'sure::: She was a, l?right apd ,wIrtsorne `.,horne...: The famlly came to C4nada less' 'than two yg,a;rs aid from yorics_hire,.,, ter ft Vogi take Mr. IIenry Husto Was in London on Mr, and Mrs" 8. G. Balvden were = Monday. CoderiCh on Frida.y. WS'S Ida Cottle, who has been' ), London for S:orne months has returned Mr. „Thos, Elston returned, ThurE3clay from a three weeks' Visit with fdends in Hensa.11, "gr, John Mailett was in Aticlaide Sun, day to see a little niece, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Nickles, who its verY Mr 1_,, DIelcson is in ooderich this week. PP legal butences in connection with. the a_lleged licenSe bribery ease. Dr. FolEtk, Who visited his parents bere tor several days, left MondaY on his return to hi.a home in North Vancouver; nurses of New York and Toiede. re- „ing borne c.:v.trkg to the Illness whet now improving. Mr. Al, DKAForil of td Minre, spent the past 'week renewing acquaintances in Exeter. Mr, Down as an4 Exeter Old Bay, who has beea aWaY .for ahOut 20 years, and '47-e r'''`'narked that there are ed. He *al the Rea/ .Estate business and is largely inter6steel in Mexico. A brave man May riOt. U.1.P. freers, g but the 00a$ dod,g0 v2'4141014 OLECTiSIS—We have pill ie beitutiful line of Rugs and Linolcinns, and carry Uhrgle number of. samples ot Wall which we can obtain Tor Yen a shortest notice, Wet dell% believe that you can And a batter ail round place :Tig• funeral dt„recter and furniture map, FEED WHEAT Car expected about Saturday a good feed SELDON Exeter, — Ontario Bus, Dray and Your orders in our line will atteacied to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the public needinfeanything in our line, and we rusk a trial from you. Orders left by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF - MIL PHONE 26, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Ckeech Mr. Garnet Heywood, spent a couple days in Landon thas. week. "Miss Ailie HArd,ing of London visited Miss -Martha Snell last week. Miss Eva Carling, nurse. retUrned to New York aity Monday everting,. Mr. and ;Nits. Hall of. Parkhill attend— ed the funeral of the late Hugh Oke haat, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bawden and. ;Kr; and MA'S. Fred Bauder/ were in Lllean Miss Delight Hobbs attended the fun - Monday. Mr. Hobbs, who bae, been ,visiting his father, Itsv. 11„,. Hobbs, „ returned to Brantford Ftr5doiy. Miss Viola Penhale has returned ho from ,Winnipeg where she visited her sisters for some weeks. Mr- and Mrs. Richard Robinson, who have been spendf,ng a few weeks hero and, after diSposing of their household effects returned to Tompsomelle IFeh where they will eMeneethe altaurter with their daughter and. lpobably Iouge; The real estate was not sold, Notice To Contractors Well - Tools - We are -dealers and manufacturers of WELIJ-DRILLING APPARATUS for STEAM or GASOLINE DRIVE, Our apparatus has been thoroughly ested and found satisfactory 'neves,. on hand. Cement Silo forms menu Particulars on spplicatien o FOR, TIM-- eviellery Trade You will be Serptilled and delighted to see the great variety nd excellence of oue stock of and, Oliiritywarc is hal sible to do better anywhere than we can dO for you urtly to 'felt our store and Seefor Teurgehres, A. Alarchand, Exeter At Undertakers And Furniture Dealers Murray' 86 Son we ask is that you call and examine the stock, which is most are beyond a doubt the finest ever shown in Exeter, All complete --parlor suites bedroom suites, couches. rockers; in fact, everything in our 'line. TER ONTARIO Home Study Thousands ot nmblious 'young theta. Home Study'Dept. You may tintsb. at College It Tsai desire. ray whenever You wr.ob. Tlitrtr Tears` g,..cptr,tgAm. Largest train- ers tn Canada. Erler any day Postiteana guaranteed, It you tO swim board *and learn whae you earn, write tor part!, ” NO VACATION 6E0. SPOTTON B. F. 'WARD 1 HOppOlOity. KNOCKS AV 'YOUR DOOR NOW. SO TAKE ADVANTAGE. OUR SALE OF Eri.XD AND WHITE GRANITEWARE, COMPRISING OF SAUCE PANS AND POTS, SPOONS, LADELS, PUDDING DISHES, ETC., ETC., &rILL coNTINtiEq.")DONT MISS T,HIS SALE. SEE OUR FINE STATIONERY AT 15c.. SEE OUR RUBBER BALLS AND BASE BALLS 5c. AND UP. rr PAYS go WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR MANY GOOD BARGAINS ARE OFFERED THEREIN EVERY 'WEEK. LOCAL VIEW AND CARDS OP' ALL KINDS. TOILET PREP_ARATIONS AK? ,PERti-TMES.. BARGAINS ALL THE TIME HERE. COME IN OFTEN: POWELL'S BAZAAR The' Exeter --BargaiF, Store ur List of Farming Supplies Carload of Brockville Buggies Carload of Dominion Buggies Oliver Corn Cultivators • With peaq Harvester Attachments John Deere Corn Cultivators , John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, Ropes and Pulleys B. 'T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream Separators Blue Bell Cretan Separators ,) ' with pumps, piping and wate bas n installed in barns .sindstock and, 9 ROWE & ATKINSON The Item Furnishers and Funeral Direatore. JONES & MAY PHONE NO. 82 Spring & Summer Goods We have all the New Goods. Now is your time to buy and have them made up before the warin weath er. New Dress Goods BLACK DRESS GOODS IN ALL THEPOPULAR WEAV ES, BripAncLagii, SERGE, PAN AMA, iirt TOY, POPLINS, vcia.i.„ LUSTRES.: WASH GOODS WE 'ARE WELL STOCkED -want ALL THE NEW THINGS FOULARDS IN ALL COLOR4. IN EVERY SHADE, VESTINOs 1 MUSLINS, DUCICS AND LINENS coLoRED DRESS GOODS EVERY ;WEAR IN, COLORED DRESS GOOD,S WILL BE FOuND ON puR COUNTERS. VOILES, SAN Toy, PANAMA', POPLIN, SERGE, CRIPE-DE. CHINE ETp. READY-TO-WEAR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES IN, WHITE AND COL:- ORED ALL PRICES. ONLY A' FEW SPRING , gars AND COA.TS TO CLEAT?: OUT CHEAP 3 ONLY LADIES ,$12-.50, SITITS he Ezy-Hem Skirt Gouge No More Uneven Skirts his as the simplest skirt Gauge on the mar- ket. , One Ton cannot af– ford to be' without. Price • 50c, each. ats tin ca s Suitha rictus- vem fi 0'411 is a ver “e`mtiiier operates ew Rugs and Carioeta " Oilcloths and 14inbleurns ti Curtains and Ma ,Blindp and Poles E. staAtarters for the celebrated W.E.Sanford,Clothing 44