HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-2, Page 5PROFESSIONAL CARDS DENTAL lr. G. F. I cMJLSTON, L.D.S„ iD:TY.fS. DBN' ISS,°, Membert1 os .oFi.S uC:1010 of ontarto lard HonorG"ira•reuate oe 'Toronto' L nive;attie Office -Over Dieksoat & Cern-rig'e,. Dew )o lee- Closed Vredneeday stfternegns. ,. pit, A.. R. S+ INS"tXA to L.D,S., Eionor Graduate oe Toronto University. DENTIST' Teeth 'extracted w"itboet Pain, or any bad effects. Office over Madman Stanbury's Off e, Mate Street, k'lxetes. LEGAL 3I SON &; ,CARLING, BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries, ConYeyancers, Corry. rrsnorers, Solicitors for tine eleisone Bank. etc. ' o i efoney to Loan at laweet rates of interest ' Offices: Dfain•St., Exeter I, R, Carling, B,A. L. II, Dickson. DfONET' TO LOAN' We have a large amount of private funds to loan on faxen aro: ' ago Strop- ertees at lour rates of interest. ,. GLADStAN & 3iFiLv`$t£iRi`' Ba -*-r ster.s, Solecitors, Exeter: n Q 'CA Raps Con7Flny, also Fke Inatiraaace +n trig Canadian, and Britjes3t molest., "I afv�a� etefe IGi~NSEI> . A,t7CTIF3�If0E9R• 1114 aklitilliS Lite, Fire, Accident end Platt. Odkts t iesurance, Collecting acecunia, and con„ ducting auction rales. ]Exeter, Ont. FERTILIZER Wz ?4 IIs, P'lBPtTlitargleR lN'+ sTEilkfs' of BARNTA IJid'ISii3:1 ?: It, s, easier td apply to tkle' land and g-veeebettee eatiiseaeticel Ire Ivory wag., It ire used for ell grana cn►pf4and 41.130- '0,04 lis:0iod caiai of 'darer on ppa:or meadows. G.ve Trios land a geed tee dremaing oe Fert!1 zer before. planting you! potatoes and a will douede Tota, erop, It is good ter :leans and toe all loss of rooterops It ills been tesN,te't4 and found, to'be bet- ter. ;Ulan other fetrtil erre% 0fee it, a trial. Over hirer i erelred tans sold al - The National Fertilizer, which is plac- e ort, .the Meeket he the National end, rxult and Pacia"tr13 Comps Y, is the only ugerlie fertilizer made,. end , shows the ollaavving a.nelysie compare,:,walel barn- yerd znaanre -- ;trogerr 3.50, equite to 4.11: reempr roepleaario ac',d 5,73, newel to 12,. plo ph'oaphaten, Potaeta. 8.5t , NX W, EVANS, C eeto z, sole for the County or Unreel, • A:i?I3? Ss Nl, Lit:ensed Au�ttens r el- Baron County. Terme etaaottable, Date* •fan. be made tilt the ;ldstteat>r,. Exeter, e } enry il9itber's Offtr,` Crt'+g. iter. Geo. Moir AGENT FOR suorrEa Ir you, are Pm need of re ..ng material salt acrd.;napeet the Owen sound SFtro. Our Sale Lock >~eneer s wit rut a doubt also 'beet" tense made: In Canaria today. aQ Cowled Spring, Barbed Wire,brape ar,d atapies, Prices right. R POSTS of the beet quallte From 25e., to 41. agent for the Toronto 'Dt;etai°c ootins• oemPanY,-Galvanized roofing ire ale° been appolntedL,ocal Agent or the Confederation Liao Assurance Co Ti you ,nee needing any of the ,above :ve me a call. Toronto, Oxtt,, does not. NOW is an excellent time to commence a. course 'Pulte' for catalogue. Horses for Sale I liana a number of tinct -clave hones for eelCall at the e:talblee and met them, We are aloe peuobaetntr horses three arc sound and in good raondition from 4 to 10 yeast- of ase. Parties having horraeo .or ewle . will do well to call or write the 'undersigned, Phone 31, Air DL DOYLE.'Exeter. Notice to Contractors A contract to construct an open ditch about 15 rods long, on clot 27, Con. 4, Township of Usborne, being a new out- let far the Anderson Drain ;-also to reps",s part of the old ditch -will be let by Auction on Saturday, May 1,1th, at a o'clock in the ;afternoon, at the local- ity or the work. Specifications will be furnished at the time of letting. A. HUNIETN, Reeve. F. MORLEY, Clerk. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphono1 restores every nerve In the body, to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phesphonol will make you a new man. Price 33abox. or two for S5. Mailed` to any address. The Scribal Dreg' Co., St., Catharines. Ont. fresh Groceries We are now well establish- - ed' in' business and we believe'. on_the best of authority (nam_ sly that of a daily increasing a business) that we are meeting', a' lona felt want, and giving the best of -satisfaction. Remember our motto, --- "Fresh Grocerieis otto,="Fresh;C-lroceries all the All kinds of produce taken in exchange., JAS. GOU S. Andrew ALTA Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never falls. These pitta are exeeedtngle tt.tveriul an regolsttait the iretterltire portion of the female sestero. Refuse all cheap ftnitatloas. Dr, de Vaal. are soli at t6 a1 box, or three ford:. Malted te, wry addsefa. Who 400b•IrDrug Co., Zit. C►lltierire.ii,^Oat., TENDER, FOR SEWER EXETER, ONT. Tenders will: be received *up to friday noon, May 10 next,, for the conetructio0 oe about 3,030, Seel or sewers ; else for about 3,000 feet of 12-etchi and 18 inch virtrieled sewerpipe and speciaie Plane and apec'ifications and forma of tender may be seen at the office of either of the undersegned. • The lowest Or any any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. F. W.',FARNCOMB,. T, B. CARLING, Consulting Engineer, Town Clerk Exeter, One London, OM. CANADIAN PAACIFAC'' HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Train. leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2,16, 80' NAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 8, 23 Alla. 6, 20 SEPT. 8, 17 Second clam tickets from Ontario station to principal Neetkwed points at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winuipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton :and return $42.00. and to other pointe in proportion. Tickets Rood to return within 60 daY, from going dote. TOURIST -SLEEPING CARS drreu h to Edmonton via Stticaloa0;09 to Winnipeg tall ,. urrria i can �' et ate rata alit$agent. Batty appttcatiotr must,be,made+. ASK' FOR "NOMCSCIO EIIK'' PAIIIPHLKT, awaits* raw lad bila luformatiea i!espir re, ,, ,,arfet„C.P.R, Agent et : MUR�Hl". Diet, Par. Alt., Toroate' ONLY DIRECT LINE •_. NO CHANGE OF CARS 27 'G- T --- LAGER ;PuRlr--- PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS - BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE Alva SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts„ n Legally order from this brewery whatever they re uiie, fore persoual or family use. Write to JOHN LAI ATT, Lump, ' 1ANDCDN, CANADA ► :,. 1010 r Cb 1010, .:. -1010., 1010. . 10x0. SAG tIlt/n/,1n/.!/.!A/ /i1/AA/A, /AJ WA:Xi:i eaY/ihi1n1.\iNtAhh:ifIsYN,!GnAA Alm ,r, , , ,.,, ••10,10, 1010. , . ,. ,, ., „ ifs ONTARIO -tROVINCIAF, LOAN OF $2,000,000., A'N'D. $210,Q0o' T1IE GOYEntwxNT OP` THE TROY.. INCE OF ONTARIO. ander the :author- ity of Chapter 4, of the Statutes oe Ontar=o. 1911, Pleites subseript/one. elem. the public for a. loan of $2,000,000 on Needs of the Peaverce or Ontario, or "Ontario Government Stock," The bonds will be dated est ?,fay 1912, and payable on the tat of Nov- ember, 1941, in denotm' nations of $1,000 each, with coupons atteehed for nterest at the rate of 4, per cent. per unnum, payable li. if -yearly, on' the let, oe May and est or Noveznbex" ;rt each. year. at the office et the Provsetelal Treasurer, Toronto or at tl'.e offices of the Bank of 3iontrea.1, en Montreal, Canada, and in New Xoik, N. T•„, at the holderes op - teem. Bolds well be at*..ade paYablo "to bearer, brit On eequgat well be ,regis- tered t z tiro 'office of `the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to tee order of eerta:a perigees or eorporat'-orae, and on request of holders w21 be excltariged for 'Ontario Govern - meet Stock" any time. : Also b"alattce Oe Algoegtert Park ..Loan at e210,040 on the :tau -e terata artd xveett tree Bente dates. under the author. ity or Chapter 9, 1. George •p', " ire Featne p4"105 during the meth of efay, 1912, w'Jal. be 102 for each e100 and after the ,21st day of May, 191e, tee issue price 'wale*" $102 and interest accrued reales the lat of 3?ae', 191iee AI,I: 13ONPS AND INSCRIBED SIVOle ISSUED ;,TINDER, THE AIJ'i'H� OR= Qt.' SAID ACT A1UE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO 1'ItOV1NCI;AL TAXES, taIARGES, SUCCESSION DrriT MWD iMPoSr1iolis WIIATSO. EVER.; Purehasera tor, Steele ee Deeds will be required to send certified eltectue; with the aitpl,eatioat, payable to the order of the "Preneuacial Treasurer of Ontario." Ti4u learn is raised upon the credit ot the Consollidated Heivenue Fund of Ontario, arta. .s chargeable tteereupoh, A. i'0 31,A.TK ONi PPM, nelal Treasurer. ury Department, Purl anienit Build. , to,ri, 11112.. 'ap 9e Torona ilasertApl p 19ththis advert%son meet wittlfeut autt orit - Create the Depart - anent will not be paid for ;6t. Tr fil NSALL, The funeral of Joseph Hudson, was held frown the family residence to Tlay- f td cemetery on Apra 23rd. Mr. Mud - on was 0110 or Hcpaall'a beat-kn,awn xeeireente, and deed on. Saturday atter rtrt illness ot a. couple day a Deceased had Ixed on his; Caren at ,Hitls- green for many Years. Be,cattle to elenualt a few years ago and enraged, ill the purchase of hose for the leading packers, and wee well knownand much. thought or by the farntera throughout this section, lie leaves a .large fancily, grown up, and settled, in different parte of Canada and eLiebe 'stn. Cianrlee Schaefer of efarlestt, here y!r3ting his brother Ned. 'and other r•elaterea,-Thomas, 3lcClymont, of Lon. don, wars here attend9ng the funeral of the late Jos. Hudson, -C. Eacrett has been very tit' for the past two weeks but he shows a.'t'n of improvement -- Archie rch Blatchford, who has beet eon ttined to the house through +111ness, for a considerable t.imo, is ImProving slowly. -1 By request' the Choir of Carmel Church repeated the sacred oratorio "Olivet to 'Calvary" fn Carmel Church last Sunday oyeneng Jolts and Thos. Fludson of 'Marlette, Melee arrived here on Saturday shortly before their father died,.f--Nevi Schaller of, Blyth; is in town He .had taken the Job of teeing' down D. tJrquhnrt's flax nt'.Il which has been sold to-gether with the machinery to a Blyth. Company. FIA'. Margaret Rothermei widow of the late Peter Beaver, Sr., died at .the home of her son Rfr. William Beaver, 15, th, Con., on Apr°" 22nd, at the age of 73 years, 1 month and 10 days. She had been suffering from a complicatino o?' diseases,' and' for the past mgnth et was known that, her days on earth was nearly numbered. She leaves to mourn, two sons, Peter of Sebewaing, Miele, and Wm. on the homestead, the daughters 'being ,Mrs. Leah Wein, of Stephen, Mrs. Angel ne Heverley of Cleveland, Mra..141ary'Ann Bellitiger_of Detroit, and,,eirs. (Tara German, 'of Ber- lin. The late.• Mrs; ;,Beaver was a':euet kindly d:•eposition and made many fri- ends 'dur n,g her 36 years residence in th,s VARNA Mies Maggie Reid, daugeter of Mr, Samuel Read, is quite ill at her home here. -Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Barnwell left Tuesday on a v{a,ib to the west. ,They 'ntend visiting different parte and may settle permanently. --Mess Walla, wild. has been on an extended visit to ,hes, uncle's Rev. Mr; Snowden, accompanies them. -Mr. Jaynes Deigatty and family have '" left for Calgary. Both`' Mr, Ham'well and Mr. Delg}atty, are old Flur on teachers who have done good -'work bir. Barnwell has allot very satisfactory feted- the position of clerk at the 'T'awee slip of St,an1eyt for the last ten oe twelve years. R. J Richardson was appointed to succeed bee. W3A1fa1tJN ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthu-, Gunning e .Mirk ton were the guleste'de the .latter' a broth er °Albert 1)ere !an Sunday.-Th-taese Hobbs and teatime.M,'aggie and, Myrtle,' were' guests od Mr ,140.1- soh Mtt1-soh here .ata 'Sunday,=Wtlsom Morleydis engaged a Mr, N,. Ogden's for, a few weeks. -The K trkta'n, ;Telephone Co. are now running 'a wire from Granton qui' the townlilne to- ,Whaleri. Teis will : be of great conven trace to farmers an tees road F G4 Knox les, lea`s been dr:vittg paste t+nth's,.nih' fy t, tithe . past few weG s -P h,e Eavcxl1 wfiea * tr' this sectione s ,h`13 fat' shawiivg aced'is in need, of „u3. 'few warm shiowtrs The members. of this tV." Zvl. S.' attended the gonvent'el1 im Claindeboyerut • Thursday. -Loftus Here.' son of ,P'halle ;ie<rn e1efti Monday tot Rock'Wood:to 'Jiff<hissiater•liefora lcav qg for .Calgary,, where he has recur-' }' ed a. posttion. We '.wish hint -success, -TENDERS : FOR .DREDGING„ SEALED ED '4'El`i,L7EldS addressed to the tindece 'nes and; endorsed "Tenders far Predehlg Ontario," will be received un- til 4 P. ro., on Monday, efae 13, 1912. lar dredg''pg eoqueeed `at. the. -following' places Fn the : P,roduce of Ontario.--. Gorier;eh, l apenee, Peton, Telegraph and Nigger Islands. Teeders w i not be considered, unless made on the forms supplied, and aienet With the actual :si+gnafuy'es of tenderers, Combated spefication acrd form of tender can be obt4ned ea application to the Secretary, Delteeriltre%tt et' Public Works, Ottawa, Tenders must t,nclezde the towing of the plant to and, from the work. Dredges and tugs net owned and registered en Camels. shall' rest to enc played ;n #ee performance of the 'w'ork contracted for, Contractors must be ready to begin work within ttrirty days after- the date they have been melt -lee of the acceptance, of their tender. A separate cheque for .eac}t place for which a. tender rs aubnx tted 'must ae-. company the tender. This cheque roust be equal to $;'sea per cent, (5, per cent;), of tee amount of the tender, based tete the approx-t, ite eftaan tial set oppee-I ate tie atafne of place, but in elo ,eltese must the clae4ue be for less num than 1,50e The cheque ,must be accepted t?n e. chartered 'nils, end payable to the order o tho 13'onotrable the Di.rde- tea' or Pubic Works. If the tender- not endernot accepted the cheque w91 -be re,. turned. • 3 The ,Pepartroent does net bend, etarelf re. accept the lo' ,et' Ar RAY taxIet"., S9S 4 r, R: TnfittOCi1 ,Rs Secretor�r ltppart?nent aC rlubi Wariest Clltawa, Aprt l 'x, 1012. io *ampere Will 'not be paid for ttsie. redrertisnaent ;f titer resort it 'without authority from. the Department, LUCAN-T to business or the Queen"�s Hotel has changed hands. the preinele. tea , fIr, a1k•Mars all, selling to Mr, •, Jo;trk 'McGrath of Ex;'e IfouaO, Aleathelm j 0111,...,101•.. SDAI.E--A very pretty wedding a eolrnan.xed ern St. ' Petee'a Church Tuesday, April elStd,, when Minn V•., edard, became the wl,N of Mr. El. Dea- oiny. The ceremony 'ens performed be Rev, .L, Landrevelo P: P, T2u bride wore a dress of wh?.to mesiallne silk, tr heed with rri'ngc and loco. tier sista, Wats brides naa:d. George. Donomme of Ctrattham supported the groom. Lovely Hair for Women t'�S IiISIAN' SAGE PUT LIFE AND LOS txi+ltt INT() I?ULA.. FADED ITAI£t' IT IS GUARANTEED I,f you lutloort't enleyed tho marvelous benerlt ''leriltd fro trifles' "delightful, ir0r,r4hfng tEvatISIAN SAGEI, tho trlod- oral lata (.rower, beautifier and druft remedy. you have rntssed a rear fEtvu y, 'woman should; use PARISIAN SAGE, hob only to barj abu dandruff and othoe lour troubles` bulli to Iprevo it fall- ing ilairr,,'baldnoss, sraynes's, and Cul. ed. hear, PARISIAN SAGE . puts lite and Ilia/?tdr llito an* ;Person's; hair, and boot kir AV .It ds guisranteed' tto do aa ndvoitised }by W. SI. COPTI., money back. Get a bottle to-dtiy modem, ft only cot lisle •a dolla'p and tai said by W. S. COLEi, and dr'4igg'etei everyiwthere in America. Mrs. 'Joseph Faster Jr., ,n at present;' v-.a":tin,, her parents, Dfr. and;?sfra. John Test, atIG`rada, Bch.: 3Ir. Solomon i.Xar tin, sr., received weed. ot "the death':aft h s daughter Leah' oitEtktan ?•f#cia '`Mr,- . Martin and mea roti Solomlan< felt oat' *'/ed nesday eneereng tq attend the fleece*, gr.' Leno le crag,-- Mr.'Lento I-elf/pee end f a ty,left for•`El* ger, Seek. , where they will mnke'thefr- future irroane home. )fr. Nick Boater °Ir., accornpanoed test' ca. -Mr. Ch`rdst ang P%ss of Goshen Indona,. brottieri, gat ltfesere k. 4Y and W. 0; Bezel arrived uner eetedlY, .It da 33 years sf,.ntee' tie lett town, efe, and Ors, Albert, ,Ileggd- , e,ek of the Semple Lein, mourn the,deattr of their r;ufant child, a boy about • year old. it e ,little. ,fellow took some days ago acid quickly developer: isrotieh its, end he suce:embed #o ,the tiiseeee ora Sunday afternoon,' about •three, o'eloek. iLES CURED at HOME by New Absorption LAO. If . you suffer #'rout, bleedings t iteiiiug, " blind or protrucliug lf'ileS; send me your address,; and x will tell you, how to cureour.- self at home by 'tile ab;ro)rption treatment ; and will .als6 send some of this home treatment free for trial,' with references frpm your own locality if re. quested. Immediate relief' andt permanent cure "assured. Send no money,, but tell others of this -offer, Write to -day to Mrd:; l f. Sumpaers, Box gio Wh2dsort Ott gyre's Sornething 'ou WI Soon Need have ,a full trteck of J. Drure's Seeds. Cleveland Ca Sed S Grine' Wire Brace Wear:ha and Barb Wires Portland Cement ,1'a°gets, Brushes. 011as. Varnish Glans Lacqu,eret DI uasbaat+ Curtail Stretehere Garden Tama sof' all kinds Raikes, Shoveia, Hoes, A New Perfection • Blue Flame Oil Stove oil Detroit Vapor Stow eaas Easy Cooictntg. I: bures more air and geed salol ne #1 rgbi all nal ersi tee: tribes Volt. Dua'o.b.e. No Osie Assou'l'ELr SAFE ,T FLA.S11 Women is twiddle age often complain of hot dashes. They are at that stage oflife-whan their delicate organism needs p tonic and helping -hand which only Dr. Pierce's Ftvoritc Prescription can ,give them. Manywomen sutler needlessly front girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age. --with backache, dizzi. ness or headache. A waman often be cs meg„sleeplesg nervetts, as broken -dowse," irritable and feels tired from morning tonight, When pains and aches rack the womanly system at frequent intervals, tisk your iceighbor about' Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. NW. T. :idlers of 321 S. Rental= Street, ;Ilaitimore. Md., says: "1 wrote yon about nine months aeo, telling you of my condition. I have a finer babyiod-abo welshed nine pounds wben born, She is sty third' child sad the stmt of theca aft. My suffering was cosy for° two hours. E took several bottles of 'Parasite Prescription" and ono of Dr. Pierre's Smart -Weed. I' never had await day before I took your medicines. 1 was autprisedhow welt /felt -could eat -was always laungry.and nova had a. sick stomach. The nurse who was with me said the medicine was wonder- ful because I gat along so nicely after having had so much trouble before. She intends to recommend it to an her suffering patients. Everybod' is astonished at me because I only weigbed:102 ,rounds before and note I weigh Iii. I have had several ladies tomo to me and oak about Dr.Picrce's. medicine. 1 am wallet to recommend feta all -who suffer and want help. If any ward information I will be sem! testy -e It to them." SW. Ismer & Craw.. .,,a,,,,,, stuntaauasrrarartea.d.asrusueeirrrtl a• nittr+tarp„,+ttura+t } unairr4 !Y -:1 �4~:.l �/�. t�'1� f-����1•� f NLI+Dtyrrrt. of economical painting is the selection of the best -material f o r each purpose. et? ,i!/�' r' niitrrfrNre.Are'rltaiiiit Fa;3' PURE READY PR PAR, "74 ',THE FAMOUS BRITISH BRAND for exterior and interior use, covers better, wears longer, and hives absolute satlt clion in every respect. It adds to the life; and beauty of your buildings, thereby making thein niore valuable. There is a laalsiv.ERVA Paint Specialty for every purpose. Look for the SilillNE.RVA- Head onevery can you 'buy., Every can ,contains Full ,.Imperial MVLeasure. Pxoininent dealers at all points sell MVILNERVA PAINTS, including aAWKINs & SON, Hardware and Paints. EXETER Ask the !+'IINE'VA A ency Lo informatics Color Folders and y\, y mow F1 4 t s in•, nada by C au- x x;.,, ..a a.a , sue• ^� br c :sa, v. Es aisli:,lxed in England art 1834 raIT'S SO EASY. TO PAINT WITH MIN 1010 _. 1010. 1010 1010 ,A°�5 IT] 18: 5 PI