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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-2, Page 4Sanders & Creech, ; Props.. THURSDAY, XAY,. '1 NOTE ANp cog mE,r r, Quebec PP'ovapedal election® viitl`take aplace fay 15 At present tit -ere -are n saw -offs and it d$, probable thatthere wi3i lie polltaxg in all the 82 cor)etituen- aies. The follow: statement, co'xta txed in a. letter to lloosevelt, tromaTaft ten flaw thebefore latter sr lied the' Recd rce ty agreement, w'..11 suffice tai: how" Carr, --diayts what Taft meant when he sa,d that Ca1.��2s atti=e t> c.a4-: • o the ways" . , •statement„ wag xlaxade xaublac by Taft at Boston oa Thareaday tom,=ht. and. pr ver that Canarla,waa wise ._a rejecting the Reciprocity Agree nentR -The letter read h -rt--1t , 114-V t at .at t*rst have a tendency tq, reduce the cast of Toad products sommyr' At,pa; Iesat tine the an±puixt of. Cana4 ati lundttela wewould take :would produce a`,..c n trent of busghtesa between Western Cala. ada and Baited. ,S Mates- ithat ttit o ua d :sake Canada a11)y nits adjuste[rot'° the .0::ted States. It ,would transfer »l x19 alae t,appottarit business to Chicago and ,New York, their bank credits and "everything else, and it wtiClct l crease, greatly the demtand of Cana -4.- ' for ou; tuanutactxa.raes, 1 ,sera tits ls�argu- Sz;<etrt a,:a?6?eat x'ecPat>'eltr• lxad:idalx da. and I think Wk is a I o tile," ^t'he cattle feeder et ,ta so ca; xlualldry this aprling, Feer ss sell.. dirt; at about the game,ptTc@aa;~they d cl two years ago. The eatpekieal of 1910 is still fr"ealu in the zalensary, aro the pan who to n 'the cattle feeding iiue hers is somewhat chary aboub „un-: +aleryioi,'ag a siert liar experience. The store cattle bought up in the epr^.1ag ,,of 1910 at frons 5.50. t4 5,76 a cwt. did, ,trot snake money fer the, feeder. Will _she season of 1912 duplicate` that of ' .,Bili, ;s what many are aslt~Ity,, White. -it is stetter safe( to. PrePllesy a e tf1„, What xtae racket ter beef cattle ,rvirll he five ea six menthe hence, there are certain sand;tions pertaining; to the cattle Trade .n Senora at the j`present time ,that should: be taken into account. It, :s ,gererally agreed that this rontiaerat' :it as fewCr beef cattle than Sor sone time .back, There are also fewer; young an. "mats corning forward, and a aacarcity +af beef cattle Is predicted for a couple tar years to Come. Conditions in, 1912 e therefore different from what they vrere two years agora and feeding may' turn out to to a more profitable' van - 4t of 4 ,'.ure. LINTON-Thos. Gibbons, a farmer r+v''-nS- necu- hero was bad . d: -when, Kra hewas cue on till land operat- irrli -o tag roller, the seat "b.okm; and ta11.9zg backwards pulled the iia -sq .back. Only the seat raising up; -lone. aide of the roller saved hien tro u 'killed, As It `:.s; the doete r had to put t tteel' at -itches in his foreheadt Gib”: ."iiel e 'des also ,hurt about the fakir;•' ,though none were broken. c,,,•,, STAFFA-Thci funeral of Robere1Y l- `ton'Was held at Staffa,on Tuesday`t'aktora aeon to Staffs cemetery. .Two ,.eau's: .:moo Mr. i7altolz r a s burled In a rave- ls/ La.,ravel pit, and sustained irtju#ie`' to his tack which made him a invalid.' ever since. Deceased was 43 years old and besides iris wife, leaves „3..tangly tic smelt children. tlr, Gecrgo D,aIton +r..4 this 'town is a,brother. CENTRALIA Dr J. S. Coulter of London avast lite' guest of E. Coiwill over Sunday .;q.: Crediton , FOR SALE -At Zw'-Cker's, Crediton, £Lo• 1 Red Clover', Ais ace, Alfalfa, Tim thy, ,Kentucky Biue and'Orehard Grass --specially selected tax seedeng, purposes Also a quantity ot„ ciea„n, Alaike . and T4hotbX Seed ni ed'at very reasonable prices. Partes requiring should buy early aa, better ow 1 be scarce and higher as season advances. -CHAS. 1,5. ZVSi ICKER, CREDITOTI -,This is House-c?,ean n ^ time. Every where you cart, sea clothes Ont. on the tine and the poor old nam a stick fca° ails hand beating the carpets, It w ll soot;, be over, Tin the meals -witl be ata time, The " S 1-azt'sil finished the season's thresamg last weep, Seeding Is 'nova in full awing but the weather has kepb back the growth, ' •red 'i3: erfh of Clinton 'spen,,t the past week,!tix town visiting his.,daughter, arra., Mary Beaver, Ilton I£arris of I'ark Hill is lRr town and resumed d, s trade of Pant ^fz, We Are sorry to state that Fred Young's stealth has received e. set back s friends His nay ,ends 4`aope there will be a. chane for the better. af_ss Steinacher- of Winghana is vis- itirrg her parents Mr_ and aft -s. Henn" Ste:naeber for a TOW days, Frazer Brown left On Nianday ter Win deer where he _loaned the Perlin Daae' bail team as Platter: Succpys, Teddy; Arbor Day was celebrated at aehool aft Tuesday, T..e yardwas g`ivert a her. otigta cleaning'. ' and everything 'now lookav,,,, spiel( and i apart. On It an�da.:a eve xfrtg, the members, of the Evan'lreal Church in ,et attd de- cided to have,, tip exterior of ,thele buildiar.; repainted and now joist ,put, ,n the ba sat,These,; repairs area badly needed and 'when cpinpleted will make a deo.ded, improvemetat. ,N Our brek and tile yards have started their raen at Fork and are getting every- ta:na ; ready for brick and tile making. George Either and Nelson Shenk left a re oa Wedn!'#day for New ()sora to assns their post's as Fire :Rangeei oat tl e T i N, O.:Iia,'.iway. George goee. to ilia old plea(' at Gilllea Depot and Nel, at F'orcup'rxe. Botts are go;,. It .ttic- tiq;nt trren and a credit to the Govern- ment witch appoints Tem. Mas Clara Wind of Detroit is home for a few weeks visit. Joan Finkbeitxes la baying the ex-' tenor of Its dwelling repainted., , J, '\V :ela-yr;re liar mos l fibs job pc;nC31..g plant in the room. 0 the rear of Lawaon`s Jewelry shop. Treveth;ek & liedglna sold a. hand- alaie rubber tire buggy to August HUI on Tuesday. Their buggies are meeting w'tit c+. ready sate this spring, Mrs. Browne suffered Ir. stroke on Friday and is at pae.sent quite low. Dr. Olurre, W. H. I',agot, Herb. Graham a ad Fred Irish motored, to Loudon on ntturday and A1acc.ret "Get rick quick Val Iiniforrtt. aNtr. 1`'orden ropreaent:ng the Peilrelm Nuraery Co. of Toronto, is in town soliciting' business. We are pleascd',to statethat the health of 'trsa iftenry tVoetker and Mathew. We has amp&Vved considerably during the past weak. -George Lawson had a. drain dug as ,cross the road one day last week in order to dram his cellar: 'bfosansl ''Wvruerth & Mast have notified quite a'. number of our townsmen tc meet and adjust a drainage trouble. It appears the town sewer passers through their land and they claim; damages. On Sunday evening,'while Mr. and Mrs. Dan. oreaaand faan2y were r eturn- ing 'home Lrorn Dashwgad, their horse made a bolt from the house pulling- up ST&YM oy Ousa CITY or Ter.t;vo, t LUCAS COUNTY 5 ?8 rTaniCJ,Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner. of the arm of,,u J, Cheney ez.Co„ doing bust. the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and thataaaid erre will pay the sum of QNE 11Uk{DteEP ROU.AitSfor eacb+ and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by the use of hall's Catania Cure. , inial I J. CSE@;EY sworn to before, ate and subscribed in my pree encs, this 8th day of, December, d,D, 18343, (Sa ani A. W. GagASOid, NOTARY PUBLIC Iiall'e Caterrh Curele taken iuternai1X, and acts directly on. the blood and mucoas surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials tree, F. J. CHENEY" &CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. Take Nall's rattily rills for constipation. ran dowt; street w_th Mrs, Isaac and ctt:td. in tt he rig helpless. The horse was stopped at BL'I1's Hotel without any damage bang done. It is indeed for- tunate that alt Passed ett safely. Sonar of our iilahermen have had great.. luck tits week at the .river. Albert Morlock, motor expert, has h ad tis lumbar shed moved to the side of its shop and w,ilaconverti it into: a gar- age where he wall be able to, fix up any airelc looters which need attention. Don't forget the Same of door -ball to be held in town on Friday evening be- tween as the • the T s of east �. ,mer 4 ..a* and as .d 1 the Brownies of the vrmest'end of town. The westerners met defeat last week 2-0 and now want revenge On Fr fay ever,,atg a baseball, meet; ing was held in the bank rooms with a good numb s us aUenclaalee., I1erb Young was appointed ea.pta'lki°; W, R. Paget fnatxaaer, and Fred Irish Seaa'Treas, We tee,- satisfied the team will hold up, their reputation Ude as la the -peat. 'ash void house-eleasa,tag and garden Illdking a the order of the day, --Miss Kate Staree-ot Park Hilt spent Suadaywlth; hir parents here. Mrs`. Jots. Snell Of Thed• ford was renewera acrivaintaaa„cea . in 'n team for a few days last. week. - Mr, and Mrs. John Preter ot Zurich. spent '.Sunday In town, --Mr. and Mrs, Data A clsaae « Creditod visited frietrda as townSunday,--Mr. Michael Stlre, Jr, of Stratford falt .here rot' a few days helping- to move Ilia family and house- hold e1:1ecta to that '.Placa, 'where they 'ntend to a 'es:de in future. Mr. Joseph E'dt la visiting ilia on, I3'ersrzass, at: Forest for a few drays.--'a'ir. Alfred nrmer left ou atoraday for Saskatoon, where he expects to remain 'tor a while. --Mesters. Solomon and Herb ilfialer left Saturday for Vancouver. B.C., both, hay- . secured pos Mona; there, Mr, Her- rrxan Warmer and Mr Woe, Miller spent Monday uta. Landon. -Mr, Jonas Rartlelh 's building a now shop on Alain street for the purpose of staring lila Imple- ments, They 'commenced world on '.t.laat week. -Quite number of our: "TiYotrug people attended the dance at;Biaaeth berry's, Grand Bend, on Thursday 'night of last weep.. Happily Wedded-Aquiet wedding took Place at tato Lutheran, parsonajlo en Tuesday of last weok,,wlteniadisa Emma 1Piliert, daughter or Mrs. Levi, Hamach- er becalm', the wile of Mr, William Schroeder, son .of Mr. and Mra.'Getasge Schroeder, ar. Rev, G. Thun performed the cerexnolry. '-They. will matte their horse as Dashwood. -Congratulations. Mr. Jos. G;u:'nan assessor for ,Step- hen, has handed in, Ids roll and the following tures have been taken from the roll. No. of acres in 'Stephen 56,- 798; 6,- 798; total assessment of real property $1989374; buildings 646810 exemp- t:ons $133200; taxable income $700. Tot al assessment , $2657456; number of children between 5-16, 782 ; male per- sons between 21-60 788; total poputa- tion 3270; deaths during year' 241, bir£iis 19. The populat-pian for 1911 was 3555, b:,rths 55 and deaths; 14. There axe 310 the post to which is had been, tied and dogs an tine township. oft I$ELH L IiS1' 'The Ladies. Aid .here contemplate deT corat:•n'; the interior at the 1vletiaodiat church. They also titend vitropaneing the windows. --Mica i',!eDermid of Sea - forth is the aueet, ofher aunt, Mrs. Ja- cab:. To Faro Farmers A CHOICE LINE OF HORSES FOR FORMERS TO BREED FROM BARON IREBX', No. 9996, 13334,E ';a a• pure-bred imported Clydesdale Stat- l;oaa, ot excellent breeding' . and choice pedigree., stands 17 !sands high and is °•,-. ,t - e, A. PTaP."?�i,cned tin ever" way.i kIt will stand for service, at. hie own stable, Lot 17, COacession 14, Stephen; Township daring the season. ISAAC TETR'EAtT & W. DEVINE, Prop.; Wan. DEVINE, Manager.. CAMBI3SHINNIE SQUIRE, No. 1614.9, Vol. 34, is a pure-bred !'sported Clydea dale Stall_on, was foaled su 1998, and shows a line ot ancestors' that is: con - Watered unbeaten �bF a. ✓ horse.- : S built on strong and choice lines, and should prove a; sure foal -getter. He will stand forreares at iia own stable, 2thtva, Lot 1,2, Con. 13, Stephen, WM. WITZEI, & SON, Ktiva, Prolxa, Garfield Finkbeiner, alanager,. SOUTHPORT, No,, 347. is a celebrat- ed 'xnlsorted Shire Stallion, well-known. as a cure and good stock -getter, beautiful 'shaped horse, of the best of ped',ee and .style. die will stand for truxres' at has own 'stable, Crediton, op- poa;te the baseball 27'ounds. ,,. JAMES VOCKWILL, Proprietor and Manager. VICTOR., No. 6/277, ^e e, pure-bred, anported Perchoron Stallion, a bea..utlfu4' grey, w'ah chcece pedigree and .stock--' getting record. Monday leaves home at Zurich, to Mark Wild's, Stephen; to Crediton ; Tuesday to NVin. Coates', to Cmarnerc:e j Hotel. Exeter; Wednesday to Dan. 1T ugh's, thence home; Friday to Blake Hotel, to xuia owe stable. W. 1. BENDER, Pa jpr'.letor and Manager, 7,ur;cla l'OLTA-IRE. No. ' 12682, aa, -,a well bred Percberon Stallion, aaad has proved `him- self to be a thiel sire. 3londay leaves home, Con. 31, Kdtibert,„ to Ppera; to Bracer:old; `I'aaeaday to Conunereal Hotel, Clinton to P,rter's 1191; Wed- nesday to ,Bayfield, to Ed.'Boyce'a. Hay Thursday to Ben Ptilca's, to Tiros, Ktty'a9 Friday to Crediton. to Exeter ;; Saturday to: R. beddy'a to its stable. JOHN CHAMBER, Proprietor and Man. ager, FIUMIDE, No, 1480. 'tett fine Percher - on Stall'on imported tom Franco. He ;has, a shote, pedigree and Is a sure foal -getter.. Mondaiy loaves hats own. stable,miva and 'goes to Mat. Re- gan's, to Pat Regan's ;, Tuesday to Ntim. Flynn's, to Contra -1:h; Wednesday to Minor Dobb's, to S. Pym's ; Thursday to Dan McCurdy''a, to Crediton ; Friday to Tinos. Aniy'a Jr., to home: REGAN BROS. & VYI'TZEL & SON Prop, `, , W. WITZEL, Man UNCLE JOHN, 12668, :,s a choicely - bred imported clydesdale, with, an excel- lent record as a foal getter. Monday. leaves home Con. 6, Usborne, to T,Cam- eron's, to G. Jeffrey's; Tuesday to Wm. .Coates', to Thos. Quinton's ;/Wednesday to Frank Morley's, to "Wm. Delbr'_dge's Thursday to Benson.William s, to home Friday to Wm. Oke's, to John Rowe's Saturday to John Westlaake'a and home. FRED A, ELLERINGTON, Prop: JOHN WESTL AKE Manager, THEDIA BANKOF `CC)MMERCE MR EDMUND WALKER, C.Y t}„'l°I..D,; D.C.L., PRESIDENT A1.EXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL. MANRGER CAPITAL- 10000 OOO REST, - . $8,400, r DRAFT'S ON FOREIGN COUNTRIES Every branch. of' The Canadian Bank ssa Cotntnerce is equipped to issue drafts oa, the principal cities in the following countries without, dela Anics' Costs Greens 1Vew Zealand SiberiaArabia Slides : Argentina Republic Cuba e marc; Ise Hollandbikeway921121 Australia 1? Egypt Indra.. �.. - Austria-Hungary Farce bland* „, Iretand Pee+a Settlements Belgium Finland Ba,lsa Ttr. `avai FIesatuz 74sereZ s adBrasil Formosa� u BrrFaCaclnGhinaStates Germany Manchuria 7 China Great Britain Mexico Saes Wiest India etc. The amount of these drafts is stated in the, money or a country where they are pay- able; that is they are drawn in sterling, francs, marks, bre,. kronen, florins, ;Mu. taels, roubles, etc., as the case may be. This ensures that the ;swan abroad will receive the actual amount intended A233 EXETER RANC. F1, -G, L. WAUGIi. Mi.anager. Branch also at Credttoll. The IYlois�ns Ban: Incorporated 1t Record of I#rog retia for Five Years -UW -191i Capital $3)0001000$4 O tO Reserve ' -$310ek,000 0001000 De sits 3 37 7.73p . 35,042,311 Loans and Investments 27,457,090 38854,801. Total Assets $38,090,192 48237284 Sag 83 Branehae in ..:*sada, and hunts and torreolacixg delnt ig,lithe Prin.lpal Old*. in the Wockl 1► 011XlliltAL VtAINKINd BBU$it(R$8 r"aiat"tSACTIlnc SAV NOS BANK -DEPARTMENT at al Blauobee. Interest allowed, 'at bgbeatcurrent rate. +tEXETER 'BRANCH w Ageate amt Bxeter for the I e ninit>xa t” 1t►rarrzluaeDL. Dldltaolr Sr CA RLING* 8o11citors, 11, ?, IIT RDON Manager, a 1a 1i RA FOIL;E A .33 That ela*lee taszza at Xi#$ sacrrk on. the 'tinct and 3rd conesise.ons or traborne. being ane and aatslt srtea tram ,Exeter n the prerntada is a, large brielc 1101100 :1h slate root, ari4 frame barns and abitng, r3]t lyo sold separately or together to suit purchaser. I•t acro■ Int, tall wheat, 40 acres tall plowing done, balance in gasser. Airp1Y to THOS, FI$FIEIR, Exeter, HOMESL+EKERS' AND SETTLERS"' EXCURSION TO WESTERN CANADA VIA CHIC[: AGO April 2nd, 3Qtlx and 39th and every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th ixelasiae, Special Trails will leave Toronto at: 10,30 p.m, on above dates for Edmon- ton and points 571 Manitoba. and Sask- atchewan, via. Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coaches arid Pullman, Tourist sleepers. NO CHANGE OF CARS .Full pat'ticulara from any Grand Trunk' Agent, or C. R. McCutcheon, Alberta Government Agent, Palmer House :Block Toronto Ont. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Philadel- phia, Detroit, Chicago, is via. Grand Trunk, the only DOUBLE: TRACK ROUTE STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON SALE VIA ALL ,LINPIS Full Information from 3. 3. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. CENTRAL STPIATFORO.. ONT. Our classes are notw larger titan. ever betore but we Itaye ' enlarged our quarters and we have zoont tor a taw more students. YAu may eater at any time. We have a start ot mine exper. 'enced instrectors and our courses axe the aberrt. Our ,graduates succeed, This week three remit graduates Informed us that they Eavo positions paying' $465 $70 and $1&5 pea' month. 'Wo havd three dela,arirnemts,-Comnaezclal, Short- hand and Telef raphy. WrLte tor our free 'catalogue naw; D A. McI?ACHLAN, PrinclpaL here is no safer Investment on Earth than Earth Itself realestate. s greater e*chances of making large profits thaw. real There is no investment to-daythat offers The eyes of. the whole world are on the Great C nlidian West, and particularly the Last Wiest of Alberta alnd, the Peace River, with its centre, the THE CITY OF EDMONTON SITUATED AS IT IS AT THE GATEWAY TO GREATER COUNTRY THAN "WININill'PECI'EVER IAD TO LOOK,FCI(WARLY ' ITO IS ACKNOWLEDGED TO HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OVER ANYOTHER "1TY IN •T,HE WEST, AND IS CONSIDERED TO -DAY TO BE WITHOUT' 'EXCEPTION THE" SAFEST PLACE INaaTHE: WEST TO BUY REAL ESTATE, .ND WHERE VALVES WILL INCREASE VERY RAPIDLS:. WILL YOU LBdl` US PROTECT YOU IN YOUR'; IN,VESTMENTS7 rILLYOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OI THE KNOWLEDGE IT COST US A OT ' OF TIME IND MONEY TO k IND .THAT IS THE BEST PLACES TO UY; PE1OPERTI AND JUST WHAT SORT ,OF PROPERTY IT IS. • . 4 ..,. IF YOU WILL':CAL"L ON US IN OUR OFFICE IN EXETER WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW IT, IS, WE PROTECT YOU CUT OUT THE ATTACHED COUPON AND SEND IT TO U3 WITH YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND WE WILL ivIAIL YOU THE GOVERNMENT RE- PORTS, MAPS, BOOKS, ETC., THAT EXPLAIN TIlE ADVANTAGES OF THIS GREAT COUNTRY AND ITS :CAPITAL, EDMONTON. WE HAVE FOR SALE A LARGE NUMBER OF QUARTER SECTIONS 'IN ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEWAN AT' PRICES FROM $10' UP TO $25. CITY LOTS FROM $200 UP.. ALSO SOME, FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, BEARING 8', Per CENT 'FOR SALE +(GUARANTEED BY US.) P `C/ kN Messrs Bawden 51'Bawden Kindly send me any Maps or Litera ture :you leave relating to _ Name Address. 'or further information regarding City 13roperty 'arm Lands and Homesteads enquire at our office ; in X -, the' premises lately vacated by the Pani- of Commerce Jm 4 awa• l