HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-2, Page 2tt, 5 li0111ES ON 1)EATII SHIP Cable Steamer Arrive at Halifax With Victims. of Titanic A despatch from New York say message through Sable island. The Two hundred and fi,VO bodies of the{ bodies of John jacob Astor and vetiuis of the Titanic disaster havelisador Straus have been identified Leen picked up at :sea by the eiablei and embalmed aboard the cable steamer Mackay -Bennett, and were _steamship Mactay-Bennett, accord- br'011ght baek to Halifax, B"odiea itig to an official wireless despatch are floating upon the sea many' received by the' White Star Line miles eastand west in latitude 41.35 ofaees on Friday. north and longitude 4$.$7 west, say,s the arirekee from the "death ship," The following desoatch. was re- ceived on Thursday 'by the White Star Line through the Caper Race (Nfld.) wireless station.: "Drifting The news. a I the identification of J. J, Astor and Isador Straus came n a 'wireless despatch relayed by tbesteamship Caledonia to the ape Race :wireless station, It simply read. .tInse, fog since noon Wednesday, "Further nes—Williare Ale ; TOW picked up, 205. Bodies are in F. Dutton, J. Stone, Philip. J. iatittide 41..a north, longitude 462:( Stokes,: Edwin R.Fetty, west, extending many miles east Dashwood, W Banton, Thomas An - Mall 'shipssbould,,g;ive derson, A, Laurence, j, Adam, A, de berth. Medical opnuon Boothby, Ragozzt Abel, J, Butter - death has been intstantan- worth, A. Robins, Chas, Lonek, 01 - CS, owing lo layessure sen Penny, ebarles ChaPmau, odies +drawn doWart m 'vex- Albert Wirz Aehille Wallens, Carl Aspianado,3. BL. aohnsion, W. Anderson, H. P. Ifedges, J. P. TaThot 3 L Eobinson, IL A. Hell, 3. W, Gill, A. ,Tolinson,A Lilly, Barker, G. F. Bailey, 0. S. ody, P. Hewitt, P. Connors, "Following been emba1med-0, Jones, Isader Straus, Reg. Bul,, IL H. Harrison, T. W, JQbo Jae,* Astor, Milton a Long, W. C. Dulles. IL j..Allison Mont, a », George Grabam, („Vo:onto), Jacob Birnbaum, Austin Partner (Ottawa), E. F. White, Pyroll W. Cavendish, Hendrick J. ZIOner." This makes ninety-two hodi(Ili 'deutitied, and w this is t colts when lex." Of the 20 bodie recovered by tbe .kay-Bennett, only 43 have been ti6cd, leaving, 16:1 unidentifie ard. STOR AND STRAITS. A despateh from Halifax, N. says; The cable steamer.Minia ar rived alongside the Mackay -Bennett near the Mlle of the Titanic disas- t midnight Thursday, and on morning at 6 o'clock ree0v. he body a Charles X, Hays, ate President of the Grand Trunk Railway. This is the first body pieked up by the Minia. These par- ticulars Teatlied her in a wireless ()eel white, ; 4, 45e, Barley -- Meg. 51.05 t ele. 4 to 750, Flour- atents, firsts, 5$e Pg belteree $50 ee. 5549 to 55.35; 425; do.. in bags, ed oats--Barrehi. 55, $2.55. Millfeed-Oran addlinnP, 529; mouillic, 'O. 2, per ton, car 6 hcese-Finest, weStert10* 4e, ter -Choicest ereamorro 0; secOnds, 26e. ggs-Fresb. 25to 23 1.-2c, otatoes-Pe bag. •oar lots, $1.85 to 51.00, 'UNITE)) STATES MARKETS. 3finticanolls, April 30.-Wheot-May. 51.12 14; July. 5143 1.11; September, 5L052.4 to 5U558; ";)14). 1 hard, 51453.8; No. 1 Northern, 52.1458 to 51,1474; No. 2 Northern, 51425.8 to 51,127.8; No, 3 wheat. 814054 to 51407.8; No, 4 YellOw corn, 791.2 to 50e. No. 3 white oats, 55 to 551.4e. No. 2 11V, Gle. Bran, 524.00 to 5114.60. Flour, first patents, 55.10 to 55,40; second pat- ents, 54.75 to $5; first eleors, 53.60 to 53.50; second clears. 52.30 to 52.50. Butfalo, April 35. -Spring wheat, no offerings; Winter, No, 2 red. 51.18; No. 3 red, 51.16; No. 2 white, 51.17. Cora. No. 4 yellow, 553.7; No. 4 ,-‘dlow,„ 52e; No. 3 eorn, 623.4 to 823.4e; N. 4 corn. GO to 80 1-2c, all ou traelc through billed. Oats, No. 2 white, 621.4e; No, 3 white, 611.4o; No. 4 white, 603.4. Barley, malting. 24 t* 51.38. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Montreal, April 30. -Choice steers at 57.- 50 to 57.75, good at 57,00 to $7.25. and lower grades from that down to 55.50 per ewt. Choice cows sold at 56,25 to 56.50, good at 55.50 to 56, and common stocic as low as 54.50 per ewt, There were a few choice bulls offered, which, not with a good demand at 56.50, and good ones at 56 to 56.25, and the lower grades at from 54.75 to 55.75 per cwt. Calves ranged from 52.00 to 58,00 each, as to size and quality. A few spring lambs sold at 53,00 to $6.00, each, and some yearling lambs at 57.25 to 57.50 per cwt. Sheep brought $5.00 per cwt, Selected lots of hogs sold from 59.- 40 to $9.50 per ewt., weighed off cars. Toronto, April 30, -Cattle -Extra, choice heavy steers. for butcher and export, $7.- 26; good medium to choice butcher loads, 56.40 to 56.80; mixed light butcher, 55.50 to. 56; common, 53.50 to 55.45; canners. 52 to 53: choice butcher cows. firm. at 55.25 to $6.25; bulls, 55 to 56.25. Stockers -- Steady densand at 55.25 to 56 for good quality; extra choice heavy feeders. 56. Calves -Good veal, 56.50 to 58.50; bobs, 52.50 to 5150. Sheep -Market steady. Choice ewes, $5 to 56.50; yearling. 58, to 59; bucks and culls, 54 to 55; spring lambs, 54 to 87 each. Flogs -Market, firm- er, at $8.75, fed and watered, and $8.30 to 58.35, f.o.b. BE TS FROM THE L. AWN RA13 CENTRES OF AMERICA; tee-- t01c84 e Cattle* Crain. Chee5e and Ot r Proteuce at HOMO and Abroad, 1111EABSTOFF5. Toronto, April 30.--F1Our.--W5nter 'wheat, 99 per cent. leatente. $00, at seaboard, end et 54,00 to 5440 tor uoine consuraptiem. Afa.eltebe ileure-Eirst patents, 55.79; $ee- oed pa.touts. 55.20, and area% beitere% 55, on track, TOrouto. Mitnitehte wheat -No. 1 ,Nortlieru, 51, 131.2, and No. 3 at SLR 14, Bay ports. Fed wheat, ell -rail, 74 to 77e. Ontario wheat -No, 2 white, red and mixed. 51.01 to 51.02, outside. Perie-No. 2 ehioping pima, 51.26. oUtsille, Gitte-Car lots of No. 2 Ontario. 49 to fee, and No. 3 at 47 to 40e, coeteide. No. 2 Ontario, 52 to 52 I -2c. on track, Torouto. No. 1 extra W. C. feed, 51e, anti NO. 1, Me Bay ports. Barley -40 patinae at 88 to 90e, outaide. Corn -No, 3 Ameriean yellow, 67e. To- ronto freight, and kilo -dried at 90e. Itere-Pricee nominal at 90e. Buc3wheet-70 to 72e, outside. Bran --Manitoba bran, 525, iu bags, T /Vito freight. Shorts, $27-00, COrNTRY Pnonrcz. Apples -53,50 to 54.50 per barrel. Beanie -Small lot$ of hand-pielted e2,65 52.75 per bushel. Roney -Extracted, In -tins, 11 to 12e per D. Combs, e2.50 to e2.75. Baled Ray -No. 1 at 516 to 516.50, on track, and No. 2 at 514 to e15; mixed clover, 511 to $12. Baled straw -59 to 510, on track, To- ronto. Potatoes -Car lots :of Ontarlos, in bage, 51.75, and Delawares at 51.90. Out -of -store, $1.85 to e2. Poultry -Wholesale Price e 'Of V1101 v e dressed poultryt--Chickens, 16 to 18e per Th.; fowl, 10 to 12c; ducks, 15 to 17e: tur- keys. 20e. Live poultry, about 2e lower then the aboee. • BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE. Butter -Dairy. choice, 27 to 29c; bakers. inferior, 22 to 23e; creamery. 33 to 34c for rolls, and 31 to 310 for solids. e F,r.ge-New-laid, 22 to 23c per dozen in case lots. Cheese -New cheeee, 15 1-2 to 16c per 311. )10G: PRODUCTS. 13acon-Long clear, 13 •to 151-20 per lb. in case lots. Pork, short cut, 522.50 to 52.3; do., mess, $19,50 to $20. Hams-3fedie uru to light, 17 to 17 1-2e; heavy, 15 to 151-2c: roll, 12 to 12 1-2ce breakfast ba. eon, 17 to 113c; backs, 19 to 20e. Lard -Tierces, 13 1-4c; tubs, 13 1-2c:e pails, 133-4e. MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal. April 30. -Oats - Canadian Western, No. 2, 54c; do., No. 3, 50c; extra Pa.;••.1.••••••••••••• 1 4 H you want knowledge you must toil for it; if food you must toil for it; and if pleasure you must toil for it. Toil is the law. Amissmoomy-mmos...••••••••••••••••mmuips.s. J1JST ESCAPED Found Boat on Titanic And Threw it Into The Ocean A despatch from Brantford says: David Vartba,nian, an Armenian, 24 years of age, one of the steerage survivors of the Titanic, arrived here. on Wednesday aightto join Brantford friends. Four of Var- thanian's comrades, who were bound for Fla,ruilton, were lost. arthanian was later joined in this city by Ashan Kricorian, a com- patriot, who escaped in the same boat as Major Peuchen.. Kricorian is the man who Major Peuchen and the quartermaster mentioned as be- ing found cronching in the bottom of the boat. Kricorian had a bro.: ken arm and when commanded to take an oar and row was of little ltIF;C, owing to his inlury. Krie.,..tian's chum, Varthanian, through , interpreter told a thmlimg story of the dLsa,ster from the -,lewboint of the steerage pas- sengers. who had just full:sued a coneer f)efere the strucic. Nearly ,had pr.:tired, and were awakened by -revolver shots from r , T4. .4, 2. When Varthanian and his com- rades got nie they were ordered -to remain in the back part of the ship and put on life belts. All obeyed orders except a hundred, for whom 'the, supply on hand was Short. About ,half hour after the crash all the steerage passengers had to move back, .the Water getting into their apartments. Varthanian with a number of other foreigners found a boat, and threw it into the water, and all jumped. . was later pulled in, and tbere wore so many different , nationalities that none understood each other. 111AX, AS STORX TELLER. “The eternal proFession of the imperishable soul,' -was ope of a unber of fine, phrases Iet fall in he course of M. Max Pember- on's leeture crn "Literature and Travel," given recently in London. IllustiNting insular ignorance the lecturer told of a countryman who was shown some kangaroos at the Zoo, "-What are these7" he asked, "Natives of Australia," was the reply, "Oh, beavenslz' he exclaimed, "my sister married one ot them I" An American lady who professed MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS PROSPECT OF 5PPRF.CIAT1ON IN- OUSTRIAL STOOKS ONLY REASON FOR RtlYINQ THEM. This Is Createst Just Atter Industrial Depressien anti. Least During Good Times -Not a Proper investment for Anyone WhoHas to Depend on Income front investments, The artielei contributed by "Investor'. are for the sole perpose• of guiding pros. 1eleetive levestors. aud. It possible, of nay" ing theta from losing motley through pleciug it in ''`wiisl-cat" enterprises. The impartial arid reliable character of the ieferneation May be rated upon,. " The writer of theee articles and the publislaer of this paper leave no interests to serve ip connection with this Inatter other than those of the reader, (I3y "Ieveeter.") The safety of ae investmeut in an in- dustrial stoeic as WC F,AW lest week de 'wads to no small degree on the nature of the product which the company manu- factures. Perhaps equally as rnuell, how- ever, it depend e on the men at the bead "tUe coxnpanY. When Yon hear that an, experieneed miller like tho late Robert Meighen is at the heed of a Pail- lite,- company, yott naturally eenclude that the eompauy will be run properly. On the other haod, if you learn that a man whose whole experience lies been in the steel and iron business is to matiage cement -company eou, naturally bell- e before 'hoeing he cement company's shares, That in ;he ease of the Canada eement CotePellY Mr. dones prereed bon Or to km tnute soccosslto as 4 "CP, eut man',as he did an "iron man," ly goes to ehow that there are eeeep, t2ops to every rule. Hewever, not alone on the naMe of the general raaratter should one purehaee ap Industrie): Not loug ego an experlepeed westor to 'rorooto hesitated over pule, Chasing an otherwise extremely deliirable irldUetrial bond for the tiole reaeon teat be boldness reffetation of one of the dors wall 1101. entirelY to his Dicing, 'hen 51;01 besitatee 911 aeCOnni; MAX) E, 1 IN co CONI`T.A1 NS .Ak LU M CONFORMS TO THE HIGH STANDARD OF GILLETT'S- GOODS. MMI1111111111111111101111011111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TORONTO CORRESPONDfICE INTERESTING GOSSIP FROM etlEEN MY, THE e'er Peuchen and the Titanic Disaster -G. T. R, elanageMePt-Street fiallevaY Trouble. (We have arranged for a weekly letter about 'l'orooto affairs, which, we helieve, will be of greet interest to loam, 03 our reader. These letters will, be from the Pen of orie of Canada's foremost eourne• liets. marl who bee covered some of Om world's greatest 110 -Peening$ and maw oc- cupie$ leadieg Pesition an one of the Toconte teen hours in the day to get in thele 1.11Pnueblhir orspi' 12)1Voonz*.rene so antagonistic to the company that it is likely the men will have a lot of utoral support, How long Ibis would last under the ineOn veniencee of a strike ie a question. in the Last year or two the men have been recruited by a great number of benne, grants who are sometimee exeellent ser- vants of the public, and sometimes the reeerse. TR IITTE TO C. M. KAYS. Ir; W. Smatters Reeord Grief of O.T,R, A despatch from London saysl Mr, A. W. Smithe,rs, Chairman ot the G,'1`,11writing to The Times tunit ill 1 t PP°r- one dirreter When a, bond the au - fitty$;—"As there will be no o eac or, sold she knew aeott, ,eetga4,4er/obreZer 114T 0:-,sawitoltustriai After the first horror 0; the Titania di;' gen al me°Ung " Pentlerton. well, "Do :you know <ivanhae,r, carecut tbat, t•be (ureet9rs iaoat Lang. nsler had worn off the elael loeel inter- lioi G.T.E. 11/ °°thb4a): Qf Ptib' to be r 1 ' jeet.of enquire', much More idultild one are but itti5 essential that they 141f traje:izellateZgniorr tbliPty- Ha'Y'artlIg 'a tribute to Mr. 0` M. asked a dour Scott. "That's fino?" renrussluu:sns' c ore e one bet, and O'er. tigared lu publie affairs, was their deeP grief at his untim TPla? tour teartfelt for seamen to belp teaucaa life' you) PreSi4elitt ver'llire' an $aid. `"Thn ,Lady of the "dummy" Tlignen%"".:etenIek ako, 1,, „still better,„ Inaime Of such. a men as Sir Bdravet3d, 10: Perte:vireed,re411)aTerEePrevticeelt5einle was Ibereball14431(Qr :t3111?)P11111'01PeTil'et0t4e4r:Prhess011,• i.8(1t,t'S 4311 04tupeoeatirrsoan, goorri:ft Otitters1 \these 04,-ozoia-yavIrciA344 chireevniesn.rervinuean,t ;1ie1vrneri 1201v: officers and staff of the e' oolard, tin Ihirwrircl" 7" The folloy" t $ orv wa$' teld scbtolt. Ito conAle"r'''tov-vueu4stPlos‘ '4:11000 'In c*raPantlYPIT. 14"" 6882e It'atl'.4ti -------------- 'their 1'301 3Pp ` e (1=1 'of theta all;" le -west tosboastbotaorritottfIlY_ i_t_a_an.t.aa_g_e_d_acontav pan, les, era Until the present event known. 1 ret,tatton of lila , a o'utte the palat judge to mr, pe y certato tbst, ottbouoi it ' • controverby ;me centered armtn Tonne. It is dillieult to describe or to ex- patily with his wIdow and family m plain the beat and acrimony which have 33 s ObaraCtinized the 41%111%40ns, itt which great sorrow. 10 01 .1e, came 111 SrtOft jUst beforelgarirtIviessux°,a,lat te're'lb°a0e0 gul/31::44447:1.1t:11 a Perfect storm 91, private, uring 1 glen and devoted services t to the City Temple. Its on1PailY and ti lack Flo uot Iowa bn or dishonesty Will gov:tAiterull,gisiltne'dWtablewci?IlsPrIsuodn'fithi de 1471 4eI t i08 rit :1? " vee al "es r:1131 rk Pt4elf ba 11814:8 - to elle of the prisoners; "Of cout;e c When that is d you will have to observe all the e vols$1/14 aevervearl rlinuteill4'1177(T1(1120 afetS. ventions of the prison." (cy: ° ; above' ex le ease trIelretr eexti she said, "but,,7. wishto roakees'ja "Zito iit.110411:5411arielaleOv1711Ter7rteille"MILTUY8t:rai Cale eQn"11"jeati°n* 'She Was ti°}11(t1 0,111,17eskr '4v1e4ninclesbsnees.1113111.1:Ct°, PrelnkerMonsdletinalfii replied, 'It is an ab -gent colmuni- year at' Ilerxo."5'15, a'a-461421 Pl"st. -- she must "It it in writino• S cation, and I wish to inake it be- '.-"izsleed.wast:t5th71"eLn1/4;-viliewn.''relea°1)1124111 f_ore a witness.'" The Pvereer Septioalle ainidmuncitriinfseoimr1011106:049:01 'sill ill roe Ilig):8:beittt: lor the chaplain and the do t Itilfragitetrg8ovo_plorrecaessottn„ fuoln,letsis)e tistteoreekuls4tosolm°,elliell When they were all in the cell°, tlir*. lifie a preferred stoels should Srel. tairn at least 6 3-4 to 7 per cent, It is quite impossible to make any gen- eral statement with reepeet to the eon- vertibility of industrial shores. On an average, however, one should not count on aey high degree of this reature. Prospect of appreeititing in value is, oe course. the Chief reatioe wby one buys in- :1TE OLD PLEA. clustrial eboreti. '.rhia should be present in rt- high degree or there is no attrac- tion in buyine the stoek all. .As He "Dian% 'Know It Was Loaded " • -eneral rule tl'ie The coffee drinker seldom realizes n indUlrt$al depression, rind /east et °I.t fefa PPreelation le greatest at. the'r(legia caf- present want Industrial condle'o Itme 12k* tbe that coffee contains the drug, feine, a serious poison to the heart tebeieldnedexptroxerocell.y Tretipst,ocosteoiirty tbroderrnernmour:ai not a gooa time to buy etocks, ,and for the same 'reason 11 is a good time to buy sound bonds. Stability of market priee iv a linost whcd- ly Iaelthig in ipdaStrial etecks. They flue, tuate quickly and , sharply, up one day and down the, next. Take Canadian Gon- er:11 Electric.. In 1889 it sold at 140, in 1901 it touched 231, in 1902 it got back to 193, while in 1908 it worked doyen to 83. It is now around 114. There is not much, stability bere. Preferred shares fluctn- ate far less, of eourse, and, in fact, gen- erally may be counted to renaain with- in a radius of ten points. . To sum. up, Industrial Stocks are in- vestments proper only for business .men in close touch with eonditions and cer- tainly never for aryote who is depend- ent on elm income from their investments for a living. prisoner said: "1 want to tell you that no gentleman comes into a lady's room with his bat on!" and nerves causing many forms of disease, naiceably dyspepsia. "I was a, lover of eoffee and used it for many years and did not rea- lize the bad effects I was suffering from its use, (Tea, is just as injuri- ons as coffee because it, too, con - 'tains eaffeine, the same drtig found in coffee.) "At first, I was troubled with -in- digestion. I did not attribute the trouble to the use of coffee, but rthought, it arose from other causes. With these attacks I had sick head- ache, nausea and vomiting. nay stomach was in such a condi- tion I could scarcely retain any food, "I consulted a physician; was told all my troubles came from indi- ge,stion, but was not informed what cause,d the indigestion. I kept on with the coffee and kept on with the trouble, too, and my case con- tinued to grow worse froni year to year until it developed into chronic diarrhea, nausea. and severe at- tacks Of vomiting. I could keep nothing on my stomach and became SOFT COAL AQ-REEMENT. Owners and Miners Settle Differ- . eitees for Next Tiyo Years. A despatch from, Indianapolis says Representatives of soft coal mine owners 'of Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, Illinois and Indiana, and of the United Mine Workers of those States, on Thursday after- noon signed the wage agreement ratified by the .recent referendum vote of the miner's. The agreement to 128 pound -s. will be the basis of c-Ontra,cts -to be a mere shadow,. reduced from 1591 uA specialist informed me had, entered into for the next two years by the bituminous miners and oper- a very severe case, of ca`..'tarrh of the I ators of many States. It grants a stomach which had got so bad hel could do nothing for 'me and I be- came convinced my days were num- bered. "Then I chanced to see an a,rtiele setting forth the good qualities of Postuna and explaining how doffee injures people, so I con,cluded to give pestum trial. I soon saw the o•ood effects—my headaches Fifty per cent. of the children who d t - 1 I t • • were less frequent, nausea and; . in on tea, as yea) were vomiting only came at long inter -I less than a year old, according to vals and I was soon a changed man, feeling niuch better. "Then I thought I could stand coffee again, bift, as soon as I tried it my old trotthies returned and again turned to Postum. Would . . - you bell eVe did ithis three -.1. times before I -had ,sense rjrAx oN u(luoi? TR g,:% ---EL LER s. quit, collo e for good and keep on with the Postum, T. am DOW" a well prince Etp,,vard, proNses to Make Them Fay $200. A de.spa,tch From' Charlottetovcn, 1).1f, says : Travellers selling li- quors will hereafter pay a tax „of $200, accord] g to a bill no v,7,bef ore tie book, `f.The Ttoad Wellville." the. Legislatiire. The late Govern- i'-sver read the altovo letter? A new ono ment passed a bill p.rohibiting any appears from time to time. Theo aro commercial traveller from taking gealuns,traerana fun of human interest. orders for liquor houses. The, . minion- Government de,ela red this A- litile tip will often cure t„ bill illt,ra vires, arcd liquor travel- , cr lers have had no intnrierence of deafness. wage increase of five cents a ton. INFANT MORTALITY. 4,278 Montreal Chihli -en I)itl Not Live a Year. A despatch from Montreal says: the repo,,,rt of -Dr. Louis I,,aberge, chief of the Clyne Health Depart- ment.. The report shows 'that out of a total infant mortality of 9,974 no :fewer than 1;278 childr-en didnot live to a, whole year. man tvitli inoro, ,hca(laclies, sick - 'The Titanic went down when the g ai e,c1 le;e,ele 13,0 47 poiind,s.,,, I - stoulach vonlit,in a,nd. lia4-0 al- foreagneis were, abOtit, .30 yards dis--1--Name h tant-. The sinking of, the boat threw ,Windso;-,-Ont. all the foreign.ers 'hack into the 1 :Leek in .-okt;''s.. 'for the Falun-11,g 1i5 - r again, but, Va,rthanian, as again fortunate enough to get 'pick- up. The Arrnienian spent- threesia-s in a, New riSiiciiik hos,ryita,l,i,seeured a new. suit, o±. clotliesd tickat, for Jtrant- fold and $10 bel.ey.tileitving. 11 261 ban IlaTticipated practically every naall, woman and child in entire Impute - Von, Perhaps it la A fair statement of the situation to any that reoderate-naintled =ea hava no hesitation in accepting Major Pauclaan's story of his Cittalle no abSolUtelY true. It has in any ease been amply corroborated by other eyeAvitness. -ea. Where be mode his mistaken We're ill bis eritieisms. the sweening nature of Which, as originally ptibliebed, be sub. sequently denied, and an his speedy ap. nouneement of a certificate of bravery aiRued by the second officer of the Ti. tonic. Much, of the criticieme hint has doubtless been -unjust, and a good deal of sympathy for hit position Ilea been aroused. To bear a lot of comment 0110 WOUlti think that men tvito by the thousand In the oity do not give up their seats in a street ear to women, would never think of trying to save themselres if 011 a sink- ing ship oven if they could do so without taking any womane$ seat ill a lifeboat,. 1,,) Olift3LANS FOR, CANA Tide of Rmigration Likely in This Direction. A despatoh from Ottawa says. That the, stream of German emigra- tion is likely to turn Canadawards is stated in a, report to the Depart - merit of Trade and Commeree from, J. Lithgow, noting trade agent at Berlin. Mr. points out that his oRice, under the Goma* law, is not permitted to induce a German subject to emigrate, but information may be given, and ban wiro \rim us4)1,,, n/B G. '31 15 meegn giveinrijoist response totensTltrelrlo- rho loss of 0: M. Ilays leaves the Grand havelyl--.411edneolial‘eybdo tn1 gialooretnalicriPaeen°0aPmdii,o,rntaeisaina: porarily without, athbeemodn.tircatemegulattioondeasil. Trunk Railevey and it$ onte4 lines tarn' elrournstames, and many with coh_ to his Succeesor tines of the system broke Out es soon as it WAS definitely learned he was dead, The siderablo money to inveit " names utast prominently ptit forward elude E. IL, Fitzhugh, Vice-Preeident et the grand Trunk; E. 3. aboinborpo, Viee-Tresident at the Grand Trunk Pacniel William Wainwright, and 1sto.lor Leo. ;lard. Mr. Fitzhugh lias had a long ox- n9rlenee under various Oranil Tronit re- gimee. Tbougb bo has never been charged. with full resnon.sibinty be is understoed. to be a man of retioureefuluess and much force of character. Mr. Chamberlin's work with tho Grand Trunk Pacific H boon highly commended and ho is re- garded as a coming railroader. Mrs. Wainwright is highly estimable. but his age and etate of health kept hie name from being as prominently Mentioned au some of the others. BoAirs WILT., BE CAREFUL. Ona effect of the Titanic disaster, un- doubtedly. is that water travel, whether on the ocean or on -the lakes, will be safer from, now on than it has been for years. A false confidence has been abroad. Shins do not ;sink now-aedays was the feeling, and if they do wireless telegraphy would bring aid before lives were lost. Speed and comfort were, there- fore, given undue regard in relation to safety. Ile.d, the catastrophe befallen a smaller boat the larger ones would still have felt that they were safe, and there maY, therefore. be something Of Provi- dence in the fact that it was the Titanic, the mightiest of them all, that was se- lected for the slaughter. Now every other vessel knows that it most hence- forth relax no n, esible precaution. Local lines have been taking stock of their safety appliances, and may be depended upon to do all that is possible. MAY BE STREET CAR STRIKE. Trouble is brewing betiveen the Toronto Street Railway Company and its employes, organized as the Street Railwaymen's Un- ion, with a membership of about 1,500 men. An agreement made two years ago comes to an end on J11110 15, aed the reen declare that they must have higher wages and improved conditions of work or on that date they will go on strike. No other labor trouble that cen threat- en Toronto 'contains ,such poseibilities of inconvenience as a street railway strike. Toronto spreads over such a wide area that many people now live five or six miles from their work. A strike ramtne the embarassment of factories and stores and trouble for every one. At present the men's maximum wage is 25 cents an hour. They demand 30. An- other chief grievance lies in the distrilm- tion of their hours. Owing to 'the rush traffic night and morning hundreds of extra -men have to be put on" at those periods. They nut in the renteinder of their clays' work whenever they get a chance. They complain that often •,11ey lave to remain on duty fifteen or 115 - Eight Years of Bad Eczema on Hands mass Isaryi A.Bentley Montreal Girdle' by Cuticura Soap and Pinnneat Miss Mary A. Bentley, 93 University St.; Montreal, writes, in a recent lette.r: "Some nine rears ago I noticed small pinaples &cake' Mg out on the back of my hands. , They became 'very -irritating, and gradually became worse, so that I could not sleep at night. consulted a physician who treated Inc a long time, but it got worse, and I could not put, my hands in water. I was treated at the hospital, and it was just the same. I was told that it was,,a very bad case of eczema. "Well, I just kept on using everything that/ could for nearly eight years until I was advised to try Cuticura Ointment. did so. and I found after a feer applications the burning sensations were disappearing, I could sleep well, and did not have any itching during the night. I began after a while to, use Cuticura Soap., I stuck to the Cuticula, treatment, and thought if I could use other, : remedies for over seven years with no result; and after only having a few' applications an& finding ease from Cuticula Ointment, it deserved a fair trial with a„severe and stub - bort; case. 1 used the Calcine, Ointment and Soap for nearly six months, and /,anz glad to say.that I have hands as clear as anyone. It is my wish that you publish this letter to all the world, and if anyone doubts it, let them write me." Cutieura Soap and Ointment are sold 131 druggists and dealers everywhere. Per et liberal free sample of each, with 32-p, bOOlri send to Potter Drug 47. Client. Corp., *0 Columbus Ave., Boston, IT. 5. A. ,teraarnaunraromsstaxrraztagwanx An Absoiute y Safe 61- Invec mPnt The First Mortgage Bonds of Price Bros. & Company 6 per cent, on the invest- ment—secured by first mortgage on one of the fine'st paper mills and over four million acres of the best pulp and Limber land in America—insured with Lloyds, of London, England, against fire—offer a most attraeleve investment. The present net earnings of the Company are sufficient to pay the bond interest tv,rice over.- The growing demand for pulpwood is yearly increasing the value of the Company's properties. 'These bonds have been purchased by the best informed financiers in both Canada and England. At their present price they yield 6 per cent interest. Considering security, earnings,as.sets, and the likelihood of appreciation in value, Price Bros. & (Company bonds constitute an exceptional investment. Write for fMidescription of these bonds, SECUR1T!ES CORPORATION LMT BANK MONTREAL BUILDING - YONG!: AND OU/F1 elSDTREED ETS R. al. 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