HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-5-2, Page 1See ' Char, Clubbing 44- -1.) L.aist r° --- Renew Your ub- ri tion TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR" EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1912. SANDERS rbc CREE:CH' Local Items Mrs. H. Eldrort~ -Is vs,:y sick at he home, A =rrae who does yon a favor ue-ver b;ves as good east =amend as the man who ' e gettdren ..even: Me, Davie of the Jackson Co„ has moved to the Perk:'ns residence on William Street, Mr, Perkins having mov- ed t4 the house Ire.. had purchased, on Huron street front; dlr. A. Dearing ; and hir. Thos. Case has moved to Sencee-st, Greta, the little dauShter or Mr. and MIrs. Tinos, Brock, jr., got held of a s„zna11 quantity of Carbolic acid on Mon- day day last and in tier play proeeeaied to � make tea, and tad :n feet placed the bowl to her lips when 4:scovered. A doctor was `"unediately sunn,nnoned• and he found that the child, had. knot taken any of the liquid hut had: touched it to her lips, which were somewhat • burned, It VMS a elO$e gall. T:e Govcrtnment ;s just connpleting the Planting in Lake Huron sat the 45 nntlktoa little w„hltefish which they have l',sntched out. Tis will onlybe eomplet- ed n. few days before they must start wait eecur eg the p_'ekerel ergs wbleh, When hatched out, ',milli also be Plant -- ed .en Lake Huron, O? thd:latter variety tit :s expected that between 150 and 160 million will be placed in the lake this year,, Thus, a total of miearly^ 200 nl:ltions oft fish. wall bit planted this- sprung. .:=7J. E. and Mrs,. AteG;1l;'cuddy 'rill u the eynnpathy 4t their mans' trioxide' `n $lie death of the formcr's mother at Vtattord. last Ti>ureday, Deceased had vi Itcd in Exeter made many frig d s while Mere. She lead been vtsittng at a ne'°ghbee'a rear herr hone, and wlien about to depart she eualta nod a, stroke of paralysis and had to ba taken back into the hnou a" vs ere elle eAaesed away Y T"; r ,. twice: days .later, re doe#o was h ast,13 sunntnoned home on 'Wednesday et last week and remained until atter the fun- eral ,which took place on Saturday. HORSEMEN ATTENTION, as consider th Idors xinn: w°.l do volt. to oast e 1 4dv0eate 'when On need pt horns 'Wile and cards. We have an. excellent line of "ot cuts to cltoase'tram, and Wo Insert a notice two weeks 5.n the Advocate. I3ring your orders early to avaad crowding. Mr.. I.R, 'Carling Was in London Wed- nesday, Miss Edna McCallum' is confined to' the house through illness. S. G. Ea Oen and R. N Creech.,. were London Monday on business;. Mrs. Ann Sutton :nas returned from Detroitwhere she spent the winter. Mr. Emerson Corn.eka nee moved into Ur, Cottle'a lkvuse on Carling street. 'air.' Herb. Ford sold hie residence on nitfll street to Mr. Geo. Windsor tat Luean. The Seaforth Council will buy a pro, party on which to erect a, $IA,0Q0 Care illsin Library. When a girl becomes conscious that der dresses are too short, she has be- corne, a women. The baby son of, :. and Mrs. I;uhert. Walters ie very ill with pneunnonla, fol- ltk�v: lg nneaeles. Mrs, Tilos, Prier had the annisfortune ten tall down stains s Tuesday and broke er shoulder bene: 1St. T. A. Russell, en Exeter Old Boy, las been aPpof&nted a,. nncmber of the Board of Governoret of the 11niYereity of uronci fir. 1'4Trn, Stewart Inas moved from Far- u ar to to'vr, and, has taken up lde readleene In the house vacated by Mr, , B. RodGert.. xtradt ion of Dr. SYillialnk Beattie Nes wanted in Toronto on 'a charge of ig the Farreers Bank ot Canada ered et Chicago by United States toner Mark A, Foote. ar ang Iorse Show' at F3rueetield y' was treat up riot the standard. nurii'ber of aknknlaale exhibited attetndance, The horses shown, however +rote ext srcoilent quality, A number from etem attended the shotit, "Only a• month; ora Curious My story Ezplasled," IS tate: title of a new sera story conntnnenced in the Advocate last wee,, Ill it the author portrays sn remarkably intereetipg and tasclnat- The ' T.nu.& story and readers of ftction should of Sal to read it. nty* Clerk. Wm. Lane :s in receipt letter from. Dr, R. W. Bruce Smith, Ontario Inspector of Houses of Be'. w.b ch speaks of the rcpeallug of a scct':'c1n of a certain Act. The par- &graph dealnng with it Is as follows,- "Vou will note' that the section in the former .%rt'_tiUlnt, power to the °aulnty tci caflecct from the different municipal 't:ae the sum of 1.25 dor the maintain encu of each innnl.ate sent to tho kiouse of Refuge therefrom has . beaat repealed and'that in future thcj ins atea of Heusce of Refuge aro to be supported' by the whole count y without reference to the nivaiclpality trot' which inmates may be committed."• CARLING'S PHONE 18 great Big Clearing Sale Everything in wall -paper, linoleums, carpets and dressgoods must be sold. A dollar saved is a dollar made so come to us and lotus convince you that we can make money for you. LinOleUMS A choice range to Pick from, Regular $2.40 for. $1.99. arpets All carpets to clear at a discount of 26 per cent - all. Paper at a discount ef 25 per cent.' Goods dsbesold at a Dress All dress -goods to discount of 20 ®rcont. Prints1 Gin.hams . Cha m= bra' Rekular 12anda 'half for 11c F ulaide l lregular re�artou ar 25ce for' 21c. Mulls 50e. for 24c.. Lace Curtains are ofthe latest designs' and are well worth your while to ;.come and see them. ' ,fest rices paid, for all kineis'e Div:sloe Court wild, be held in tile. Town Hall on, Wednesday nett, DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP - The partnership business heretotore exist - :ng between Mr. J. D. Atkrnspn and Mr, R. N. Rowe as tura are dealers and undertakers figs been dissolved, and in future the business will be conducted by Mr. Rowe. SPLENDID CONCERT -1%s .Rand Ben.. edit Concert found a responsive oord in dee hearts of many citizens on Pri- des' ri-day n'e,t, the "object being to furnish funds Yoe the purchase of uniforms For the members of the Band, But altogeth- er aside front the worthgess or, the object, the enterta9rament was a. most creditable one, once more demonstrating the fact that there es sufficient talent :n Exeter for any emergeney and that Ex- eter enterta:anere can hold their own with the aan'erage oute=der., After a few brief remarks from Reeve I3eannan who accepted the chair and explained the object of the concert, the print axa open- ed vrrin a c. editable eelection front the Rand. The quartette numbers by efeeers, Ileywood, Southeott, Chu -retie and Andrews were Well received and heart- `fly encored, es were also the se>iee- trans by n1;sses Huston, Penick. Chawen and Treble, The reading by Mies Edmunds while difficult. was ad.. inn'irably rendered and proved deeply in- terested, lEdari Southvott and Ed, J. Cheist e each sang solos and acquitted themselves well. 'arias Delight Hobbs' ':.obit selections were 'beautifully ren- dered: as were also the 'realm setae by lir. T',h il:pa, Normals Ford, letereet- ed the audlenee With two very pies -sing viol""tn seleet;ons, Owing to illness Mrs, liri e e , ,d n iattlmft' ab was to unable to be Pre- sent. The Band nnus'c interapereed braved vary teiteresting and reflects great credit upon its members, con- a:dea.ti he comparatively 'short lime they have been r n ,tn practice. e, .Tho prs co=eds amounted to about $110.00, MR. £rAIs;;B.tt DEAD-- There pass- ed away at the home of lair. Chris, Tuetle, stattbnn street, on I•'riday°"litern- :,nig^ last at one o'clock, another of Exeter's oldest and most respected cit_- tens, to the persoh.Q11 Wtdlitunn Baker. at the great age of 8S 'wears, 9 months and 21 days, The deceased was a- w.nye posees.aed ot a hearty and ro- bust constiitution and had enjoyed his usual good health up to the last, and :n fact, he ;was down, town, a. few days before hie derntlse, On Tuesday however, he guttered a stroke of paralys',a £rota which he "never rail pd. Mr. Baker was a native of England, berme born at Ickteshatu Parish, ' Sussex, on July. 5 tli, 18211 and itnigrated to Canada in 1849.: He dived .n d ffferent parts of 'Western Ontario' and helped to build different branches of the Great West- ern Railroad, In the year 1853 he sett- led oh Lot 7, S B: Stephen, which at -that dime was covered with bush, and whueh he afterwards cleared and. Made for h;maself and family a com- fortable befnne. In. 1856 he married Eliza. Long, g, file happy union being bless ed by a fapnly of four sons and three daughters, by when"( ho' its surv!vede- They are Thomas of Port Huron; Wm. of London; George ,of : Walkervlle, ; Harry of Detroit; Mrs. Tilos. Flynn, Exeter, Mrs. Abe Dearrinl6',' Grand Bend; Mrs. Ch es. 2uefle, Exeter, all of whom were present at 'his bedside when the end came. Mrs. Bakker, "predeceased: ha husband about three years. Mr. Baker was a annlan of industrious , habits -,ster- 1:+ng character, and those who knew him best will mourn his departure, 'a nd the example of hes consistent daily life and the memory of his many kindly deeds will long be remembered. The fun eral services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Powell, ofj Main Street. Church, at one o'clock on Saturday, the fun- eral taking place to the; Exeter Cemetery; DEATH OF ,REV. JAS. LIVINGSTONE Rev. Jae. ,Lisdngstone, pastor of the Methodist Church at. Mitchell, died .'ie the Gerieral'Hosptal, Stratford, or April 25th, after ;an rallnesls extending overt many months. For some weeks past he had. been 6n a viery, critical condition_ and death was not unexpected. Last Sum -sitar wile in Windsor, 'Mr ,Livingstone was 'taken il with what was. belre e d to be 'ptomaine poisoning, and later typhoid fever developed. • At the same time he was :h 'such, a critical condition that little hope was held out =for hie • recovery. Later.; evreve.r, he rallied, and apparently was in. hies usual health. Mr.. Livingstone was 62. years old. He was born at 'Tara and graduated from the Wesleyan College at; Montreal 40 years ago. His work had been through out his career in Western Ontario, and• he had' held pastorates as follows; Kip- pen, Bayf_ie1d, Florence, Blenheim, Clin- ton, Inetowel, ,ideneardi'ne, Alyaner, Win- dsor, Petralea, London and Mitchell. Recently Mr, Ltvii,ngstane head •received and accepted a • calf td.' oa large church In Winnipeg. and expected to leave for; that chfy cn a few months, 'Besides his • wiee, who resides in ,Mitchell, he is isur- v:ved by five seas and: four daughters. • The funeral was held do slorday to Bili- cardine'where some of Mr. Lidingstones children are notated. Rev,: Rich. Hobbs of Exeter, ,w'assone of three tic' be, ar- darned alt the.'.somme time and solace as the late' Rdv. Mr Livingstone. Rev.: acre llebbs ,hla.s for soun{e months been tin the. sick letat at the '.parso•na. e Exeter aind ha:s been v'seted several times by Mr, Livingstone.; 'By,. , Mr,. Hohbs the, death of` Mr. Levtaigstone is keenly felt. TRA_VIES ROAD The ?'arrn re are busy . s.ed: d. Mase' Anna' Allsi [ . confined to `'ter beds With measles. --While working,:, aro,undr the bar ', ir. Gi • eiliasos rot 14.0ba kt. pa`1-fully aclueezecl.-,At the anrdiva3 ee C .. . . Botha ;';. �_ tine t'.00. . '0 -feet -dies -Ps) ri t+h League the followin were'; riot i d --s President, Mr.John Ca 14, Lath �Ynce lt'.ss RubyPassanore;;• 2nd i ide," Mr: Bosley a�7ain}ns ,3md V:ice Mise Lily, Woods , 4,,th Vuee, Mtn, :: Orville Cann Secy Mss Floe Passnnore; Tread r Iiarxy F•ad,: ?"gen et, Miss,.„I'1los e„ ani QDDFELLOWS ATTEND CflURCTI, April 30. All preeexlt, Petysous minutes read and approved. By-law NO. 8, 1912, The 93rd „sant versaTy o£ the inirodue- of the Village of Exeter to authiorize the borrow:Itig' of tln,e f 50Q0 t BUMot$ a. Von 'of Oddfello*ehiP in America. wasjconstruct the snafu, street drandwsaecreed' on Sunday last ealebrated rayl nnenibers� the first andsecond time andro i 'o , p Y sn n ally- passed on motion of Lovett and Scott. Ford-Levett--That the follow - fag :accounts be passed aa read, --handle ton dfacir:k-te Co., ,a'epairs, 1.00 ; Stewart, cemetery :ac. 6.91; J. Lowe; ceanetery ae, 1.59; Electric Light Co'y 120.00; W. 3,: Biesett, pt. sal., 97.59" T. B. L'arlan,g, do„ d.1.00; John Ford, do., 31.25; W. Drew borrowed money and 'tut, 1008,75; W. Welsh, labor 2.63: T Houlder. 19.60; R; G :Iles 19.60; A. Delve 25e., J Nary 1.00; S''d. Sanders. 15.22; T, Brock;, sr., 8.95; D,Ruseell 6.65; H. Sande e 1.70; I . Kestle 1.75; R. Sandes, 6.12; N. Vale 6,65; 'F,' Webster 8.40; W. Erienaconnbe 87c.; G, %tidelesr_ 5.25; A, Sanders 4.022; W, Weetcott 9.75; 11. Rob:;?aa 775c,,; G. Cudniore 8.00; 11. Davla 24,90; E. :Mellott 1.40 , Levett that we adiener' to the call at the Reeve. T. B. Carling, Clerk;' of the order all over the .continent. In Exeter the local brethren to the num- ber of nearly a hundred attended divine wor ebfP 10 Main street Methodist church where they listened te an interesting and instructive sermon by the pastor, Iiev, Powell: The first American lodge of OddfelioVesin?p was founded at BaI- t nere, Maryland, by Thos, Wildey, Apr;t 26, 1819. The initial meetleg was attended by five hien, and, was held in aroom in the Seven Stars Inn, a. famous building which was destroyed by fire on Feb. 8i., 1904. A brick from thio building Is ahighly prized. relic at the land lodge To„attf, thea gift of Bro. E. J, $pacicntn . W Iidey died In 13a1- t`,more in 1861, but before: his death Ile lied seen his work grow beyond hid Greatest expectatione, And tesday the society' is the largest on the contlnetnt. The thetitution of Oddtellowwnship in Canada 'took 'place 'at Montreel ;on Aug'> net 10th, 2943, X'rinnbe of Wales lodge No. 1, was formed with five members: /fele" :first lodge was instituted in On- tario at 'Belville In the summer of 1845, The Allow,"ig year about fifteen ledges were .'Inet;tuted, No. 10 being at Ring - stone, where Bro. John A. Macdonald who -afterwards beearno Canada's 'llus- tr:ou,s premier, was the first Noble Grand. In 1855 the Grand Lodge of Canada West, novr Ontario. was Insti- Luted, v,:,th• seveli lodges represented. Today there. are over 400 subord mate lodges, with 'a total membership 0?•aver 40,000 'in Ontario alone. Rev, Powell took tor lra text I. Peter =-1;7,q "Honor all hien, love the broth 1 erhood, fear God, Metter the King.' which be said were tour admirable In -1 junet1Ons, covering every phase. ot hum - in lite. DPopPYrg the firatthlrd and ourth.. injunctions he called attention tea "Love the Brotherhood." Brotherhood, he said, meant an association of mon, There aro many brotherhoods, all de- :, a good work: which le peculiarly #heir ow;:: --'Tho political brotherhoods, and as. we all acknowledge there "•x no superior` government to party govern- ment ,wo liavela rmhtl to have oar part- le4. The trades and labor brotherhoods have an ;anporthnt field of work. :S-aeie- ty brotherhoods .Bice the Oddfeltows are governed by the principles of humanity and :rel'gion and are doing a great work. For 25 years I have watched the or- dan`xat,'.on and you have earned our ",coil blase you, go on." He then nall- d theredeattentigri to the brottlozrhtaorh of flee text, The Christian. Brotherhood with Christ as the elder brother; call- ed also the Church of God, cmbraoing all denominations ; known also as the brotherhood sof saints, and the broth -1 crhood of Gipd. It is the strongest In the world, carries' the best insurance, being art insurance on the innmortal. Soul. It fe, a strong, wealthy and in- vincible brotherhood, with its own pass- words and language. You, can pick them out by the language they use. Have you the, password to the presence of the eternal God? If not hasten to :Jain the. brotherhood, ,of God. Get your name on the Lamb's Book of Life. On taloa return, to the lodge room a vote of thanks ,was tendered .the pastor and offfeialir of ,the church for the able sermon and the privilege of worshipping in the church., EXETER COUNCIL Special meeting of the council met In. Mr, Levett's off±e, April, 18th, members were all present. , The xneetf.'ng was call- ed for the purpose of meeting. Mr, F Farncomb IT, new , sewer and watetl works 'con tact. . Scott-Levett-Thg'i . we procure one. Mueller tapping machine for one inch hole maximum under pressure suitable for 4, 6, and 8 ihneht pipe and tha,t_the clerk write tithe Canadian Fairbank Co,, J: Robinson & Coe and Manson Co,, Torontio.+-Carrsbd: ' Adjourned to the call of the Reeve; Special meeting- of"•the council held in the Toni hail, ,Wednesday evencng, the 0 0 e vers all ..4th of Aprr;J, 191... M mb pre- sent. Minutes of the meeting held on the: 15th anti '18th inst. were read and approved. Specifications .for proposed sewer on the west side of Main 'Street was the thief topic for the evening's discussion It was dec3defl-tai subritt a by-law for. $5,000 to be voted on Monday 27th. of May, and td commence the work as soon as pracilcable: Lovett-Ford-Tihat all connections to be made ht'.the time (of Construction of the .sewer. , The sum of ',$2;00 well be charged and :a11 future connections to be , put in at cost. o No connectII,on s to be made less than $2.00.-Carr:ted.1 R:rers--Sedtt-Thlat we ,submit a by- law for $5,000 to construct the sewer '_Includng ;r.vto° culverts on Albert and Elizabeth Streets and that the clerk prepare , a by-law, the debentures; to run for -a team of twenty years, and Ibe seen?, be published It three issues of `Eretei Tknes,--'0arrI9d,' Le+retl-No Seconder-Tlhat Dicksonand darlihnU prepare tiwi sewer by-law. Scott -Ford -That r the preparing of - the by-law be left rain t1 :e:hands ofd the reeve, •-Car i5i 1. Ford-Leyett=Thai the vote for sewer by-law be submitted tonne Electors, on Mo•nday, the '27th of May. -Carred, Scott -Ford -That we • adopt the follow. 'hand thp.t, tine'.cle`rk prepare a ;b - law 'corf.h 1-cl'a3' same. -Carried, No 1. Poll, Handfard's House, • F„' Treble; D. 'B.. O H.. Ford, Poll Clerk, N,o., 2., Town de11, W. D. Weekese -0 Jos Davis„Ro11 CIc!rk ., r Ii. No, ' 3 Ja>;,�w r1vl atxaliniell's tiosto x D esso 0 Alegi Dyer,' Poll ,Clerk{, No. '9 gortIP.- End Ffro 142,-11; R. G. riders, D. R:`;.0., Alex McPherson, Poli FARQUHAR ted.ng is pretty well 1111141ed up again although the weather ie quite coed yet,. ;sir. W. 3, Vance, wile rise eenf: red ' ea Me Borne tar een10 tittle pas;, as the result of a, stroke of par alyais, Is Improving slowly. --etre. John McDougal, Jr., who underwent an opera- tor the removal pt cancer :4n Lon-. don hospital last week, le, we 'ander staled, do:nisa:ctly; ;lis, Eleaaier dans had the misfortune last week to the barn door blow against hint knock Iden over the embankment. ti u -,n J is shoulder and ”ellsr bone su''te seriously, Mr, W1lliame le' at Present at the bane., of h;:s son, Gc'arge, '+.fere the aeeident took place, -Mr. ilia. Stewart and tamely moved to, Exeter feat week, -Run, r. Sias in, thatwe are to a a have1. c en ' D our- ll a o b k ntli n v 1 is the C i near future, -Mr. Thio$, Bell has pur- chased and torn down and removed the. old Br!macombe house and tntetmds erect.' :ng a new !gouge on his awn farm, ton' the 9th conceeston,--Mr. and lira. Thom.. Allen and family have Sat settled In their: new home recently purehaeed• from Sir. Jobn h, LUMLEY. Master. Tan Glenn -.;it recovering frena an attack of measles.-Mxx,, Jas. Hartorn has returned from Forest. -Mr. G. i•Iohiv rk la laving a new root put on hds residence. --Rev: It. A. Miller 'of Au- burn attended the funeral of his brother Williant on. Friday last. -Mr. Jack and crag Maude Glentn spent Sunday with friends -at I1l11 rcen.-Mr.. Stewart Mo. Queen Is still, confined to 211s roam, al- though he is improving slowly. -Mr. and Mrs, Flarrls, Messrs. Michael and Geo. Miller and ,ties Jennie were here on Fr:day attending the funeral of their brother. Death. of William Miller. -We regret to report ,the death of WElllaani M ller which sad ,event occurred on Wcdneeday, morning of last week. The deceased had been a long. sufferer, his lllnessnaapread- :ng over several months. He leaves to mourn his demise a,widow and three small children, who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. BIRTHS Godbolt-At Eltdnville on April 27, to Mr, aand Mrs. Chas. Godbolt, a daugh- ter- 6 Wolper -In Exeter, on Apra 25th, td Mr. and Mrs. Jon Wainer, a son; AT;.,nRiiL liS McKenzie -McCallum -At Nairn, on April 17th, Miss Clara, only daughter of Mr. Donald McCallum, of Dashiwgod to Mr.. Sdnnon Mckenzie, of 6tlih Con. Barthel -Murray -At Mitchell, on April 24, by Rev. Dr. McRae, Mrs. Eliza- beth Murray of Mitchell, to Mr. Wm: C. Barthell of Fullerton- Burns---Dalton--At Dublin on April 28, by Rev. Father Noonan, .Mr: Frank Burns, to Miles Mabel Dalton, both„ of Hibbert. DEATHS Ph!lllips-I'n Exeter, May 1, Doris, dau- ghter of Mrs. Mason Philips, aged 12 Ye rsd'2 cmo t hs. Baker -In Exeter, ,on April 26th, Will - tam Baker, abed 85 years, 9 months, and 21 days. Miller -at Lumley, .m April 24th, Wm, The Men's Store WE NOW HAVE AS NEAT AND TIE X1 A. MEN'S FURNISHING STARE ,L, THERE IS IN 'WESTERN ONTARIO& AND WE INYITE YOU TO INSPECT - atm 'BBMI$ES A.N,D 'UAVk7 A LOQI$. vino L'fal3' 0012 STOi,:Ii, EVE NG IN 'MID STOCK S NEW ..'AND uv -T0 -DATE ;IN EVER RESPECT. WE INTEND TO ,: CARRY NOTHING BUT THE I:3EST GOODS FOF3n, THE PRICE, AND YOU WILL Bl:''.. CONVINCED OF THIS ON AN EXAM---. INATTON. WE WISH TO DRAW SPECIAL ATTENTION ,TO OUR KEN- MORE SOFT AND .H RD HATS. THE FULL LIST OF FURNISHINGS> COM SISTS OF . Ready-to-wear Suits cc sc t: Overcoats ' Fancy Vests " Odd Pants Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Cuffs, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Handker- chiefs; Hats and Caps. Immense 2vI_11er, aged 58 years, 10 nnolithis, 18 days.Range NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter, of the Estate of :.1=1ar- rite't Payne; late of the Township of Stephen,' en the,County of; Huron, spin- ster, deceased. Notice is hereby „given pursuant to ,the Statute in that behalf, that all persons. having clantas against the estate p? the said Harriet Payne, deceased, who died on' or abort. the 23rd day of January, 1912, are 'required, on or before, the IStli. day of MaY, 1912, to. send by ';post prepa._ki, er to dehven to Kennetht Good- nean, , of the Tower' of, Paskhtll, in. the County of ,Middlesex, Sot:citor for the Elxecutors of the ia,st Will and Testa, nien't of the said dceereed, full .partie- ulars of their and statement of their accounts, .arid_ of the nature and yelps, of the secw tiles, 12 any, heid by them, duly ver tied.;, And take . notice that after the said 18th.d.day Of May 1912, the said ex- ecutors xecutors win proceed with the distribu- 5on; of the :assets of the said deeeaas- ed amongst the pereons entitled there- to," l:a.v+:ng regard only to the claims of which notice 'shall them have been re - coved, "and that they will .not be liable ter' the 'assets ox any past thereof, so distributed, '•to a 5 ' oxl„ or persons of whose ela..mn thney•,s11a11 winot • than have, bad : • notice, JOI-IN SLLELIRITT, Cle:"sc. SA IThIL WDBB, Executors. c ' That'" tea ad aurned to be call by IOENNETix GOODMAN e rsever�+ "? r Ther Sol eltor,•; Dated at Parkhill this 23rd day ed,./e ia1 >ses on on a, D a 19:l2R • YOU SHOULD SEE THE IMMENSE,' RANGE WE ARE .„..-SHOWING O1 READY-TO-WEAR AND MEASURED. SUITINGS, OV'ERCOATINGS AND TROUSBRINGS. ISN'T IIT. A SATIS- FACTION` TO KNOW "THAT"EVERY- THING "THAT'S RIGHT" FOR TIIIS SEASON WILL ISE FOUND IN THIS. LINES WE ARE NOW SHOWING. WE” ". ARE JUST AS INTERESTED IN SELL- ING YOU THE CORRECT THING IP$', STYLES AS YOU ARE IN GETTING IT; -TR r US. THE WORD "TA.MAN" YOU' WILL FIND ,STANDS FOR THE COR- RECT ORRECT. THING IN CLOTHES. READY TO WEAR SUIT PRICES START AT $9:00, IIP TO $15 MEASURED SUIT PRICES START AT $18.00 UP, TO $28