HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 8P,r :TER MARKETS, tJ t 3 t} EACH' WEDNESDAY 1s,.. h:.fiht�,fx, if , .. •- 50... 100 • rot,rerbag 150.. 1400 ,Flour, pr/ evet.a family 9s, SS 60 50 1 15 1 75' 15 t 70 Tuesdag. t, Floasr. lca,v ,;meds per cW 1 64 la Sonic g xla Sv i1 tele-ratemosta13y Butter.,. .'£ g gat.„... 20 21 Iz•nd of a fellow; rather than give slack Llys hog-- ,ser cwt 8 18 any jewelry. EXR R . AT#V[U WA J E, T UR,B J AT, APRIL 'RIL 35, I LOQAL DOINGS. 4 Mre, of Coder:cls, vsitted Mrs. S- Mart;;ni part v: this 3'%eek, ,''re, jos, rSneli, PrP: T-'aedford is the west of Mrs, A, 1iaat:lagsy, mn, °vett o Dawdertr ,K; BaWden'e Real Estate otrisee, London, viae intown on 2900 A new aute. s i;l,,e a bride there l rti- i.. t4ZI.. • - oo is w lo: of t1,rccep and depreciation t;, kiraal pc' ren , 00 be c011,4e ed. - Sugar B,. t Meal liaaldsoi a ti *.at t,.at 114,6dsolne does; but. : saves a lot of trouble us, be bona HOUSE FOR SALE On W 1]'x4717, Street. Exeter, Any person de- sr'inS a 'rse'w cream separator win do well to e, it at the Exeter Barga=n Store and se{ the Pz.feznier.1 This is One of the nest and -eas"reat xu.rlritts sePo,ratartr ati the ;.market. Come in and letus talk it aver with r014 W. sf..n3L.4TQI FORA. Exeter, I ARIii-AGF. 14CFNSIE.-.Get your Plan r3itge 13ct+atse at the .€adirocate (,Torero- $1.25 a yard. Back Messa. line, Satin Silk 36 inch wide. This is a beauty and is fully guaranteed. You .will want a dress when you see it. -Stew.' art's. IzR:lrxS� A h s 1J T.,er s :. e rays r ^d front tho premises Of !be aaaidergggrted a to key and a tom. Any 13erecrn re- turning t2. a g,vint; infornaat;on that veils lead to their recovery will he re warded. L'e word at Me Advocate Oft_c o:; „ P. Tr,eb:ler's, Step *c,a. Rugs -hit the very newest de, signs and Colorings. You will want one this apring..--Stew art's. rr; erre:e vie sea Issued at A FOR SALE OR BENT, -,-T dwell..,; owned by :ae urders:gstd oil Mal street, There are Sour lots, ; Ret ears, :.av,: one or ,tour. A number vt. cluo,c; Tsui, trees on the place. This is a- .con7tortablo home and will > a' sold reaYonable and on easy terms. Albert. Ford, Bruce 1 street, Exeter. Mangold seeds is very scarce this season. We would advise you to get your supply; early We sell"Steele Briggs. -Stew. art's. As tl1.;,,, wall paper season is close .at band the followMg is god advice, rut . very damp cloth against the paper then press with a hot iron, and the paper will comae oft quite readily-: Title. <s a very quick way of removing paper, however stubborn. A little washing so- da :n the water will be found, a. further help, LOAD OF CALVES. -I will have a load of Calves at the Central Hotel, Exeter, at 22 o'clock, on '4'7edneselay 'May lst, Sea: sale. -Geo, Chapman., Linoleurns-We have a s .big assortment of patterns in this Sanitary Floor covering-`-rWe cut and lay without any 'charge -Stewart's. FOR SALE -Seed Potatoes and choice Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs, -Apply to S. J. HOGARTH, Stephen Tp., Exeter P. O. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned is offering for sale part of Lot 13, Con. 1, Usborle, situat- ed half nafie south of Exeter, contain- ing seven and one fift>'h. acres. There s on the premises a. good frame house and -barn, .'good well of water, abut 30 apple trees and a quantity of small fruits. This Is a splendid property, well situated and *will -be sold reasonable and on easy termer If not sold priv- ately on or before May 20, 1212, it w:11 b2 offered by publtic auction with the household effects on June 1, 1912. For fur her particulars apply to Thos. Cain oil, :auctioneer, Farquhar, or on the p e I-fee:s to Mr. John Salter, ;Exeter WATCH; FOUND On Concession 4, Stephen Township, on April 6th, a 'watch and chain. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Apply at The, ADVOCATE OFFICE. HOMESEEKERS' AND SETTLERS' SPECIAL TRAINS TO WESTERN CAN ADA. . , Via. Chicago and'St. Paul, April 10th, 23rd and 30th,, and every second Tues- day thereafter unit].' Sept. 17th,;inclus- ve. Tickets will also be on sale oncer- tain dates vtia Sarnia, and Northern 7av- igation Company. Special Train ;will leave Toro tiro 10.30' pini. on above dates for Edrno z'.on and paints :n Manitoba and Saskatchewan, stopping at all, po;nts on rand T'runitl Pacific Railway, west of Winnipeg. Through coaches and Pullman 'Touriat Sleepers will be 'carried fully cqu:pped with bedding and porter in charge. Berths may- be secured in sleepers at low rate, ' Th+s is an exceptional opportunity for those w'sling to take advantage of the ,remarkably low one way settlers rates or round tzp Homeseekera ex- cursions, through the Ame.raean cities No , change' of cars,: Secure tickets, berth reservations etc. tro'n any Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Duff, District Passenderr Agent, Toronto Oat., Delaware, Lackawanna and. Wostorn : Coal Comp an's The best urns to a` God os, . g Ur, Tiros, Paha has purebased tib louse gceup`ed by Mr.. 3I, Salter _`roto . Richard Gould. We, are pleasc-d to note Pl et Mfr. D. A, Ross was able to take a walk down 4o uti anile a,; the went, ii;v, l ettelwell gave a tal!lt h' ' mater s: est church on3 Monday ever' -'-'ng fn the : 3r resets of local option. lln71% gorget Olat therstra' -: hat sea- . spa doasa' open '7€ Ju y Dt11, since t . climate has changed, wtr Tinos, 0, Satade-s, littron $1, e ce .reined to !his. bm.: .t3sa7n a-93 acu.e ate arl-t ,.e 4111eu,11-t.sr741, T:. present SPII"'tg. the farmers say, 2's,s bee,' 04,0 of the peQreat .=maple srro'- sso714 they have ever ii3±owl,. Ti. rttatt9?4 logs will easily ruga ;s2 twenty millions at ,Dollars T..el Itself bilv'ng _goat ten millio a , tato shale. gtoploycliwide ' 1•'�w5i';ie't'. 'Cab. i.e. .19. suttterina r b -t ken` shoulder rope, ;3usta.ancd by falling from an a,p 11e tree wa7,le °nth xeceastly, S. Cooper, propriakar of the hotel Narnaanld.;, Cl.rat071, v+aft comps, rted for k^^°7 l by M wiser to Andrews on 4 eh,rge cat assault, ta1,id' by a man and Ws wire •^",e et4 e4 at the hotel , V .sunt woo 1 diatom remVrVIletS1 Viler0 ltaado t3 all saes- On Sunday tat klle ansa;tl'e Last 'wye'.k, :as dra4v s,7 tr t11 the wrii x7.11 ar 17ar'or ot t1;ioaa Oa lataaa r .1. 1M. ;eta 43r31?+euddy receiSr tl:alum- cal alu -call to Watford Wc4nesdax "reg, o wag to Ills mot er 11airip.g of paralysis, Being. ;l the tri, 4s, l3o da'ova the ,l*, card Mrs. WWtil, R, l;"9ltvtt of Cas- t'ai:a, Ont., aa711047101':e entagagorllet7t of t1'„e t daughter, ICat17cline Erna, to Mr. "Gilham Alexander Tenkins of Lon- don, ,,Ont. The marriage will take plate quietly In Maz.?. Ms Row Judge Barron, of Stratford annaunaeet the engagepioht of 'brae Young est daughter, ,Marg° ,,!lice „ ugusta, to Mr,. S. Ir, Gaudier, B. S. A.., of Guelph son of Rev. T. 0andter, sot Pelee Island The n*.ar'r1age W111 taloa pace quietly the end of April, cal*, which at the the ot birth, tipped the scales at 145 pounds, was born :s,7 WestOrtorsa Townshtp,The.in7- manse £ ze of the calf has created a great deal of interest, and it Is deelar- ed by - stock raisers of long experience. to be the 'largest they have ever. seen. Exeter won out s,7, .a game or bow In the alley en Wednesday night of last week by a margin of 150 pans, The contestants ;were -Exeter, -John Wei- ner, O. Atkinson, Reg. S-',ssett, Ed, Snell, D. Hartleih; tlaborne Ed, West- cott, C. Fisher, 3.r C. Snell, A. Dayman, A. I3r.ntnelI. , Reeve Heaanan and Councillor Scott 1 were In Clinton. Thursday to attend a Hydro -electric lneeting. Other terwhs and villages of Huron were represented at the meeting which was addressed by Messrs. Yates and Acres. of Toronto; who are connected with the Hydro-El- eetr_c Commission. • Mr. S. Cudmore and Mr, Wes. Arm- strong and Mr. Morgan each had a horse take i~]1 While in townlast week, with a disease of the kidneys. They recovered however, atter a few ,days. fdr. Henry: Guenther's home which had been -31 at the Metropolitan for some days, died last week. Mr . 11. E. Mann ng received word Wed- nesday, that ;airs. A. S Fisher, mother. of Mrs. :3Ianning, passed away at her home :7z Denver on Tuesday, at the age of 77 years. Deceased came to Clinton a bride and resided here for a great many years. About 2:.s, years ago the family removed ''to /Denver, Colorado.- Clinto nNewt Era The Iid 'Erne Concert given under the auspices of the W.C.T'.U. in the Opera ,House ,oar Friday night was a. very successful affair ;La all except the num boa -present. The attendance, although food. was not as large as expected:- The star of the even_n,g,' and, a .part'.c-, ularly brilliant star at that, was Mad- ame Rhoda of Detroit, Reader, who, per- haps, was the most pleais:ng entertain- er thathas been in' Exeter for ' sone tics -e. The local talent :,n: solo, duet, guar tette chorus, viol -in solo, quilting 'gee scene, etc., tooktheir parts most ad- mirably. Ali inall, the entertauun,'-1t was one of the best Exeter has w tnes,. ed during the season,' HICKS' FORECASTS FOB : MAY. -- A A regular storm period is central On the 1st, cove¢• h1g the last three days. in 9pri1, reaching to _May the 4th. This per:od ,involves a smirked seismic per- i+od, central On, the 1st.' IT'y will cocas in'w:t:h, low barometer, .high temperature and storms of ran wind and 'thunder well on th-1r transition from west to east. Even a well-'rstructed chd.d> hay rant; a barometer to consult, well be able to foresee whether the storms -- are :n: to lac .Jiang erous. 'Low barometer, h;,gh temperature, huaaud, muggy air and south, to southeasaterly, wields. at this and all •y storm v perirods, .v: 1 he s g axis of tot -nadir danger. Heed them, much cooler wiiai spread. Farmers, Attention Having' been appointed Canadian Gov ernarent Empleynaent -.Argent at Exeter Tor this district,' atm in a position., to .Coal.m;itied . Secure and place in situations,' 1 ami- ogrant farm help and dernes`'.e servants. , !tt: Pratt -triers and otiler sir wishing" 'tb' se- c'Uae 1- fpr d! thea kind 'should call at. t230,` ,LyOCA.TE OFFICE." oonrr 3iala • 1' la(rs g,aed Mr. Wm. iDrcniaeornbe moved to, the ';lire, P. Lawdetl :s on the stele list North End .,tots week. this week, Aur, Chas; LTndehfeit moved last weeY, =utas ?noncar vleited London during the :itto t,* r house he recegtly pureir ased week' front 3i1ss. Polly Fesher, - Deleia. C,llarltoll left Tuesday to visil The ],ttte daughter of Rev, and Mrs, '41 --P ld1213, Call=lis, wt,o was taken •t11' while visiting 'tf'-. N. I%yle was, in A 1sa, Craig thIe W;, x her 1npther at B"ie"r, 'is ln1provirlg week buy::3115, 'horses. and 3aow gives hop: of reoavery, fir. ii^, J. Card'.?teg was ;n 134411 `Ve »=ad, a couple of flurries of snow: r117.1 nreei en business', this weer: tine latest ori, the bight of th@ cs a :little later than ue, u,,1. but sill we near not 4e3.r ateat springePring not cutlts, T, r rala)ay friends of a?fr,,John '_1.i telaell :v41 be pleased t0 ig11tw the 110)las VCSen1ly recovered hens, ilia recent 01 - fir, Fansork ret.47ned to la` -s home w a S. 'Thomas 011 Saturday , Mr, an1d, firs, 3. G, BaWitien, and 13awden were `-t>; London Saturday, visa. W. Cudmore lefty Monday mere 'lg to "Va+ncouver t0 spend t,'1e roes& eta be able to ba out a1-ouaid a.ga=n, sxier, although he is very, weak. Mrs. Crocker and lwfiss. W Olnster of St. 31'trys were the, guests, of airs. El. Johns this weep.. 3iiss laud Taylor of wgeeipeg' is ale grrsst of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3o''n W. Taylor,, A hunjbEr of the mernberei of the Lea-• guea 404 .Surrda:'y Schools, dr'o' e, to 'Hen- $ale Tuesday evening• to attend _a trieet- :og., lu:. lochs Sewart atter speticixatg twos, s,0 three wee ci with s hes pare i rn elbd Mro, J[� Stewart„ A, Start„ returnedl 3 td T0091114 OP ti^ OVIgY, Will ifs Titanic disaster lessen tine popular denaa1d for .opoodA Even li here proven 't':1 cess ve sped Alone wwas the caress, that demand to get-ihe,r(. quiet Will atilt be Rl"de. (kms"-4to ,=#i rental _asked for t 11.. ryas grounds the Goderich Coun...T r anal ahondo .ed, the idea. ot lt.'-vie:, C1ze: Ka d s7.17a7tA3e, v'obralleer i,raigao g 00.013 at (lead. each,, The camp will there be at A,en4. don. Grace, tette yonn1est daughter of 31r. 4.7111 ,3! -s: Tti 14 Garb fs suffering front an Mickel; of ptleU )Q 1-,. iil.owlng'. f ala attach gricaslegq o,'d ~her vaaadtttotl, c rraelot era consIdersed PAY too eaacouO' turday, Apr l �-F sale > l��al lir asact,on ora Loltdo..la Road South, the dwell"r 8 acres of ,laced, alad a ouso. hol.sf eiteets, the property of Iltebard Iloi7;x7sraa'a, Sala o'clock. T. 13, :Carl. alai .c`ttotleor, Mitre, I'twDA, t?afel1 01:; 13rttsselis r a very: f7tereItia7T and 1 u tructiva tier., aato7a, - Klan ,S rl7da'tJ„:'l, than 3'fl1es Sin. t Church Mr. Pa'tel7 snag' 0., pleasing star ,t t1fi,' eniit:t:7 se)'ti i1e. Rev`:. Elates 01-t Q Central - k tteeupy 01.0 puil�lt Sunday Ilex:',, Notice To Contractors WeII - DriIling Tools FEED WHEAT Oar expected abotit 'Saturday Vitra good feet, R. G. BELO et; --- Ontario Bus, Dray and Taming Busines Your orders in our line will be attended to quickly and satisfac- torily. We are here to please the public needing anything. in our line, and we ask'a trial from you. Orders loft by phone or other- wise at THE ADVOCATE OFF- ICE, PONE 25, will receive prompt attention. T. G. Creech dealers orad manrlfacabtrexs EL ;:tlrl:I,ill`+G APPA TEx tis 0A,$Q1INE DRI' 'l ur apparrttus has been tbnruuglZl ted and £oaaand eatisfatctory in every ceepect. uener tC . ort iiaatd, castioge* piping, tubing, Cement Silo forau£a.ctured, l:'articuiere on 8pplicatiort tea Murray 86 Son '1\ ONTARIO dome Study Thousands of anab'..tious young people: ate bt{say instructed In ther Horne ,Study Rapt, You Islay tth sh at. ColIease It you dosis Pay whenever you w:ah, Thirty Years' Bxperlence. Largest train- ers Zn Canada. Enter any day PoeStona guaranteed. It you w:ah to have board and learn while you earn, write for parti- culaxa, NO VACATION Cr-nton Batsynese Coltetfi GEO. SPOTTON B. F. WARD President Principal Opp�rtunity KNOCKS Air '.YOUR DOOR NOW. SO41s-..E ADVANTAGE. OUR SALE OF BLUE AND WH1TE' GRANITEWARE, COMPRISING OF SAUCE PANS AND POTS, SPOONS, LADELS, PUDDING•;DISHES, ETC., ETC., STILL CONTINUES. DONT MISS THIS SALE: Shit; OUR PINE STATIONERY- AT 15'c.. SEE OUR RUBBER- BALLS AND BASE BALLS 5c. AND UP: IT PAYS TO WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR 'MANY GOOD BARGAINS ARE OFFERED THEREIN EVERY "WEEK. LOCAL 'VIEW AND CARDS OF ALL KINDS. TOILET PREPARATIONS :AND PERFUMES., +BARGAINS ALL THE TIME HERE. COME IN OFTEN. POWELL'S BAZAAR .: The Exeter !argain Store _ t , Our List of FarmingSupplies pplies Carload of Brockville Buggies Carload of Dominion Buggies Oliver Corn Cultivators with. Bean Harvester Attachments Deere Corn ' JohnCultivators John Deere Single and Double Riding Plows Hay Forks and Tracks, .Ropes and Pulleys B. T. Litter Carriers De Laval Cream, Separators Blue Bell Cream Separators Toronto Wind Mills with pumps, piping + and water basins installed in barns Baker Wind Mills Fleury Plows Success Manure Spreaders Points for Fleury and Cockshutt Plows Machine Oil arid Cream, Separator Oil Full line of McCormick Tillage and Harvesting Machines Binders, Mowers Rakes, Loaders, Side Rakes, Spreaders Chatham, Woodstock and Jackson Wagons Drills? r Disc Harrows Gasoline Engines Binder Twine American Clover Buechel.- can be attached to any mower, and ': is a 'very; convenient and clever clover saver, The man on the mower operates it; Repairs of all kinds Repairing promptly attended to E ARE READY FOR. TE . Feweliery Trade You will be surprised and delighted to see the great -variety and excellence of our stock of To atehee„ Zevrellry Glassware Silverware,” aucl Chinawa is impossible to do better an 'wl ere than we can do far We ask you only to visit ow store and see for yourseles,. A. Marchand, Exeter JJ Ilei' & Optician undertakers And Furniture Dealer ur -lines of Furnkure are beyond da doubt ask is d u1� the finest ever shown in Exeter. All wethat you call and examine thestock, which is most complete --parlor suites, bedroani suites, couches. rockers; in fact, everything in our line, R WE & ATKINSON The Leadinz Soule Furaiakters and 'Funeral Directors, JONES & MAY Ready -to -Wear. Departrnent This is one of our Big departments this season; we are showing everything a lady can weal.. HatsDresses Skirts, Waists, Coats, Suits and W hitewear. It will do you good to see what we have. Ladies Dresses Some very swell white dresses from $5 to $ 10 each, Also a nice show- ing of colored dresses from $2 and up. Children and Misses Dresses A big lot of `white dresses at $1 to $5 and all kinds of colored ones from $1, $1.25,1,1.50, $2. and $3.00, Fancy 'Waists In silk, Net, Lawn and Linen.. Every waist is well made and' right up to the best styles; waists from $1 and up to $7,00 each, Ladies Suits Coats Only a few left, ..:But you will - get a bargain on any of them $16 Coats &Suits $11 $25 u « $16 $12 " « 88 The New Wash Goods Now is the time for them Chambrays &. Gin hams In the best patterns and color's. Plain strip- ed or checks. Foulards and, Linen The best yet. Fifty different pieces to select from R ugs, Carpets and Linoleums Now is the time you want them for Houseclean- ing. We ousecleaning.We are headquarters for them, and can give you the best and biggest selection in the -county. ` This is one of our strong lines, 'LE afford Clothin ri 1. �;ebsyl{;rrS