HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 7' . . SPRING,111400D 1 SL7-8-I'S JAPAN. jIJTr 0E MO eh IS WAIERY 131,0 D . . Everybody 1Lis ()Ile Ph 3 „ - C0St 0,nly 4, Cents Apiece. ---e capes BPLINIIrll jijj Rai faffet lei lea,Itth- aria- li ' ' aPanes '-'!tiea s '(I-zari)! are of wOoel; ew stone o - et I with igns engraved i. m a , s . Strength akThis Season on the face'. They aze USed in addi-i: Illftl.cllATISX3 ', WAS'1A./5- on to a stgnature represent an. , Ql..11IfE1.1, BY DODO'S - • „ Sprb ing` al/lt ent are not imagm- tudikvidital, a legalliierson or a cor-.." itgl,":„N y 1 I Ls„ ' ' ary. E!ven-tlie f' st rolaust„fi* tile P9Vation. The, seallof the pies winter iiisialtis;ost trying to their Emperor are:td„:"Wrigiiished as health. "- ffloiAtiontent indoors, or- and state sealS.:321liey.air' ah three Aintode: Lanntrow "'TON iirovy Ifis , ten in tr4r,ll'epikAnd nea1y al,w1,,,vs inches squareil' - ' ti ,, ,1 itlacy Disease. °,4),V,si'erogerl..ttif51 hadlY ytintilatecItti: 3,,00ms-ii', 'il '11'm state e I ' 8 ' 3.,1 3 I le. _ ; , .t 8 tit Is 9, ec , os 3 110011 _ 13_ • lioliae, "t*., OfAe4;'"tste; shoti and 'the doeuznents relating 1A,' reign eoun4 f II°W- he. ;g0t,Relief,1111,e,a,h,ei,c,3e,41 School -taxes,. th.,...",*italitY of even tries, says the Orielerril Review, and The One,Surbleure.,, the strongest. The blood beconte- has Qhinese characters engraved°0 '''. :'" '.- ' ''''''' ''''' '' '" ' ' ei" " ', thin and watery and isA.,..1,bgeittp.with it ';', the privy seals are, stamped on. J-Aefaivre, Ont4, April 15 (f-,Pe0a4/ impurities. Sone people have head- IMP2r1ii1 reseripts, issued for -proe. -7-AnPther ...PlelPii'd- .'•;P•re- iv Di)thr s aches and a feeling "Irktf langour. lamations at home. 3.1 kidney Pills••.i the tail33-": if .this,vil-, Oth°•rsJetfiWAtiritird and nere- ,ii' - ji"?'kaPese.•• maw -require& that each 'age- Mr- Anlable Lamarche is the out, Still);:tethyirs4reltroubled with'. in(ivAltial s;_liould ,,end iii An impresi: Person oared and. the cure.is veueb- disfigurrlik 1511000s and skin erup:' slen of his seal as a specimen (call -.1 ed or by his'inumerous friends., -, tions, value some get up in the ed jitsu-in) to have it registered and "It was a sPram and a cold thai't morninggeeling,,iiiib,7e:-: as, tird iss r 1,,,,,,t, ,,, . government olfice.(districe, was the begutomg; of my. troabl/ . - . .-ohn thy went to bed. Tbe;ie are ofticeof a-...ei,ty;town ori village), that 1.3Ir. Lamnrcher' says 'in 'telling ;his au ::pring symptoms that the blood it may represent himself in a deed. st'°*''' "1 ecm1(-1 l/bt ''lcet',' my aP" is out of order and that a inedieine1 hem , atermm material employed to ake Petite`Was fitful - and I felt. heaw is needed. Many people take piii- tthTese"-sealS e4us1sts .)f various kinds and sleepy after "th'eal S". ! 1 was ',al-, gative, naedicine.s, in .; :ow .,,r,prrii8,,, n ofi.3cy!:07tlio.inei;settie;e goald,siiive;,:e,:eiIn en,, w3n a:yriS.'otubitti;stayini.dperspired)hq(lialitfre erte)lst.e4; This is a serious miSfake. ' You eart:tlio z , not cure yonrself -withaiaeoieitte day are of agate, rock crystal.; limy§ weed Heavy andI had a drag that gallops-iltfongli ,,,,;4.our rtSteiTtl Y7 11110004'ms or buffalo horn,., ging sensation acrO"ss- the loins., c. bell 1.1 -ht .3 -t - “ivi .3-'3 ..:4 t -1 A and leans „you weaker still, This s " ill' -es, 01 Q- elWA AY w'r1t341, '' tlell 111.) -imp ops ,c eeekTe- is all thcct„a:!pU.?gii.4,-..ve d,,e.;,, WI) 01 Qr box -wood, rod reeeptly India, into rheumatism 1 rea:lized that my you no3ea v) , gi.i,...e•.y..ou Letath ,i,d rubber has „cow() 'into im'3E1., kidneys were the cause of the trou. strength in the spring is a tonic There are two ways of engraving 4e and I ,started to take Dodd's medicine that enrich the blood t , i 3 a- well plait ; kidney "trouble qui:eirlY ate painful Alid often fatal dis- ases. To ensure good health, eurq 114 fstz symptomst; lyt*Dodd's ' HE WAS TRICKED. $Y:kf)".14 ,-, a BritiSh'Tennit:',-... Qerrnari sPies'in"' England are n'Ot 3 • . -all in search. of Military secrets: Franz,' Winzert on a' )rmait. textile printer"? Irs h4I-to_ Pai•Yi _ $1,500 trying to spy out trace. s"eierets; ficipa: the -workmen Of, Sharp , , who laVe a liii,huSiness: in that line, Yorkebitze, :England. • ..Teis.waspane. ef tlte,proseeutions undertaken by: -virtue of the Pie 'ivention of -Corruption. .Act,.. Win.„ I en came over from •Germany sPe-- i , . ,, , malty to extract"ctite,details-013..the- :secret proe'ess- ied." by '''.tlie. Sharp itonlRany and 'he went ialiouti his' . ? sia„ying bi- a oiyktenialie "i",yar,, , " Calling on°a5 engraver eT,ap.16S'A at the Sharp works; h."6 asked him ito get a bottle' Of the"priiiting miX- tyre used anc as much infOrMatlen, AS rpessible as to; the',noi liter t "gpgraver was loyal to his collPern 4Cenng $250 ter zate 'tt,-or.:. pit, the. land told his bess, ,who -arranged thatilie and others sheitkl have far-% Ilk- interviews . with` -the isnv and lead- him en to eominit himself to a mare definite exteu' ! 3,, t So the tricky Teuton was Made to pay sun( ry ..Q,ial'A 04 Ii ^Tioraii-cer, ' 1 (1 11 "1' .I) ' . i and rins.,..11y drew iiP "ta' aereeineht 13Q,Glig4get another, of the Sharp Men mracqrs on a seal relief and - kidney P Stx ho,zies TatIQ j-11.0 Who knew 'the proeeSs for bis Ger- t that interviow- ended„ Winzen Nyas arrested, but the Sharp CompanY was:content to 'make him pay the tines and costs as a Warning,'and d'XI net press for prison s'entoncd man fiactor fo 'r Wit and soothe the jangled nerves. And i•nZ 41aures,ciou are. shown in color, the one alwaysr'eliabl,L, /Pe, w ,ile la the ether they are repro. blood bilii'der eated in white on colored ground - Pills. These Pills not 011Y, :4411i” Th'e, ink lised for stamping is vaned spring weakness, but guard Sou nika. The cheapest kind of seals' 4g`ft3/114`t t119i_ MPte ,4ent5 are made -of boxwood and' sold 'at 5 illAt sticlOas anaemia, nerv- eent, apiece. most seat are oval „.9311S Illeirn.fna; ill shape, but ,lome are round and ustu, and other cliscaes one to na(k others square. They raTely 0ceed blood. In proof of this Mrs. Emma oDe.hali inch in diatneter„ fq was greatly troubl' With,,,--- A Uftpfln, Elin 1 a p TI I Tom ny, 5ii Duck, Carleton Plaee ',Out., says: .1., , ,,ii, , spells, dizziness" and„oi:trornonerv- 4 •lif Lia gab a 4.0.01,4o4 -,1„1,P ousnessr -;,,4'41-4.11dit4 find anything BABY S 'OWli TABLETS to hul,p me until acting on the ad- licze,ot an an t I began tbo us,e,lof Mrs. 11".m. Sullivan, ',.\lain Itivir, Dr. William' Pink 131113. - After N, li.t lays: "Up to the One my ' using fire boxes 1 found rny health 'baby waS three months, old it cried fully restored! and cheerfully rel. ahnest continually day and night, commend the pills to others." 1 0'40 inun.Y things, but got If yen are ailing,this. ming you thing to help it until a neighbor cannot afford, in yoni,o1;niiinter., advised BabAs Own Tablets, T got est, to overlook so valuable a, nedi, a, box of these and there was a change a oSt att r, the first dose in the 0 t of heal li, and is'now a int and in 3, SitOd tip 0 the child was big,: It, gobd-natured baby. ,I am, now never* withouttho Tablets in the;hons'e, and reeoliunend tifeth 'to otWer mo&ere" The. Tablets "•hre ' sold3Illy medicine dealers or by Mail at .25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, cidnev "I`h_dy ne ,t3r faiU.• eine as Dr.trieditin dealAdha is' r Ink'. 'ills, c Sold by all 4rs or by mail, at 50 centsa-tiox .6r "a.x. boxes for ,.$2„50:3i bora. The Di7.3, '1Villiame 'Medicine C,,"‹. roeitvilte cint, , .7..„.3,4'.- .4.4.--, , , " '3 , SIkA.N411A,I.P6LiCE 14iit cE. ' Three Hundred English Officers to Protect Foreigners. It iritiy no th genorally'kneyn • that COMPLIMENTARY. pal Council has a, force sotnc 300 EnglislittlIolica` for thd piieteC. ''''''ViAllc's-"Ikud did 11;)‘s3S°. I:1°°kicd intellectual'?" tion of •the foreign settlements at that- phGladys-"Ohi no, indeed!. 1-4s! ice, - says the " ChriStinti qe,tentm igtvlitar. „Thew, are, inad suye y911 he said rtothistg disparag- dit:hm-c; s-o-niendo-61. t-00 licemen aiKlayhout, 1 000 Chinamen. ,,,,„•,tit,F„ rm. For the past/six yo.r1,6* detaclutrenth "L It' *re TER BES of politeinelh,liayezhciOn. sent tA LCY uft to t f‘t !Shanghai from Lagllial, and, in- In ordef to .fin%l out to what ex derd, a s.inall detachment is at pre- sent on its way out, obtaining the necessary, num- ber the Shanghai lgunicipal cin- cil has to competeAvittiLthe politan pollee of Lbiian, 'whg are always on the lookout for suitable .r4cruits to maintain their high and 0 wit ttil if Thb „;Shan hhi'ao'nAtaible; howeVer, has his" pas8.. sage paid for him, and starts with a salary .-st.f23$1,0„a. wteek),••so a geed '1,4)10l,Y.Thats.illitlierto, been obtained. NOtia'fiew perliaPS -are atracted by tie ,c411.t iifta strandd,i'especialli, an eastern, country -a call to which Englishmen have ever been ready to lend a willing par. ^ • There'oe ' •-'- Ceigp -*\ ' 1:ILLittt-flYtike f33i. WI- '1"; has- a flav,Qur. "Toasties, are madeof seleeted white Indian corn: .:firif-Cabk-ed.-- then 'rolled - into w'afeilik.'e',Prbit's,:and;'V, toasted to ,an, „appetizing, „ T golden brown. , for fiincirbi-, supper '-fh6iisand'S uPon thou- sands of homes where peop e are particular. or Li n gers' ' T M 0azahdiart,P94*024L,.,,, Pure ,w,indotorw‘ciiit itt4.113. teq the different food products ar used by its millions of readers, tli'' "Woman ' s World" (eireal alio over 2,000,000 copies monthly) re. i: eently inaugurated. a Most ifitei est - in g ,coupon eanvass., li ./ On.,"What tea do youuse?" an e of the questions propounded was the 'replies received demonstra ( , that" --Lipton's Tea is the most polite lar of all package teas, showing its sale to be double .that of thE. • nearest competitor ,and consider7 , ably over one 'hundred "per cont4 More .than 'thesineitt two "mentipned -brand, taken .together:, . -Sureli! Honest Tea is the Best Policy, „t 'I' 43. "SERVICE YEAR" FOR woulit yorbotTiielintol Wed Wit,lt nut Housework Knowledge, 3'41 5 That;it4shouldhe Al:legal. for a ipiar evidend&-ef'having'dene on - to -marry unleSS she, ,ean -,Yeae's heffSehold".• recentLsessit-.1 of the German F9riniere4 0,9figrdi. -Discussing the ' preje.et- recent). broa,ched3for compelling GerMa women to do, some' form Of milita service,-„. ; ;3; , Gliaau,ck-Kutelri urged that the 'honie and niotheri- libediwere`ivertirtinst Imo gt important . sphere,ancl that3the yearl ,of shonld. bp ,spent jare-parinii theini ' ' girls,"," she said • ` `slit tile? be prep,u,red by a ,yeaof s eryieeto fulfil their dutics as wives ,pst as OM' young men are prepared" for the duties of national defence which the courritry,,may call on them to per- ' fUrirt.-3' girt 4,1-fould ha.ve, a legal right to marry unless she can shoW ,e,Y.idence of -haying prepared herself by a year' s training!, for household „ .Frau Gn au ck =Rue hu al sO advo- cate pl-a,cing household finances On a legal ibasis Whereby -4 wife &bolsi:Li '1 have the right to demand a fi.xed annual budget commensurate with LEEVITT," Of tlio J. • "Fories4r7e,Service, who has 'ieSignerl' to ibcicogie Chief Eorester of the Canadian Censer. Cominisiloti'' and ohiet iron in,sp4tor for"Ithe c.antidian',04i1;*iity emintsSion.t 3.t • 3 - „ 3 --:1 HER WAY OUT. . f.jittlTiazei-.-L';'We'VelinVited toe many _children to our tea ' party. -There': isai'tjerie-Aigh'folf them 'get, - Little Dot-,--'7.bit'.s too r'bac-! t doss - to,,.calt. it a recep- tien,„'" 2 '3 ,j,i 11.ut, 1QP.,1,1,,Ylty that dee53'4. riibao , cpun NOT, SIDETAAPI.C.: HER 'Hostess (to one of' the f'.'snihll inecs)-7"Now**; dear, Will you aye some bread and buieer to ;finiph up with1" . Small'Guest--o, thank S'ort. ivilr hape,Asoire 'cake. tot be going 3 °'-` • 3 '3:41 A needle Manufacturing machine is capable oi producing 1,500,000 needles a week-. ' ' Over fifty tons of _railway tickets are issued in a year by pile English railway conapany.'," o es Cure qUICKLY_STOP, COUGHS. puncs COLDS. NEAL% THr. TkROAT LUNGbf 25 CENTS a:r6 the"' meit RRSIAT 1d1,‘,1 BLOOD ; •Ky CATARREIAI. EZITE„ " . ANWALL NOSE ,DISTEMPER ',THROAT rirsg.n..srs cares -445.0c 'and 'act; as a prgiveritiath,e for other.5. Liquid given Ott . the rentrne, F41`d.ifOr, tuttiOd mat -es anti;,313113tithero. Dest kidney remeely; CI) oeut'i- •1‘. hottit,i1?4,0Q ti;te'aozert,.. dititergists ,naq harne.s houses: DratidOISTS., 'SFOEII MPACA.4 CO., chetzuOst qezheo, U. s„ A. TIIE WORM -TURNS: ;IMMO' Fkri 'SALE3 'Ocean Vovager-"Don't the P- Z45-- ' clirva,n„,nq.aw4011., -.tno-Fty 7C0iberee Street, sengers make you tired. with.' the quest ion $ aisk C'aptain'-"Yes,' very, What else is it you wantrto know '?'•? A Pill That is;Piizer.13 There have been Many pills pot Upon the market and presg-cd upon public attention, but none has endured so long or.iitetnvith so much favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, Wide. spread use of them bas attested their.gmat value, and they need- no further advertisement than tlns, POISON. „ 3Ifaving Ormly established them- SelVVS in public esteem, they new After Three Operations Zani-Buk rank. -without a peer in the -lis -t of Was Tried and Proved Successful standard vegetable pr'eparations Jf People would' only 11.CC Vint- Brk for aroniesprqs, bloodvison, ett,l'heforelpermitting opha- tion, scores of limbs would be, saved. • .1 3, 3 Rolat:PatterSeii of Noilth ham, Welland Co., Ont, writes: "MY datirditer ATIPie;ha41 blood4 poison in her finger. The doctor operatedr twice., on tbe Anger, but did not Obtain' the desired result, and a third operation was consid. red necessary. " "Three doctors1 were present atfi is operatiorvitutri ate). had - be performed the wound, (lid t heal. Try as we would we'cOiild not get anything to elose the ikrotind. "We at last tried Zant-Buk, and was really wonderful to watch how ON balm lidded the ltkound. Each day there, was a marked poveMent,I,Xirst the welt:Id/in the palm cti the hand closed, and ihen the ,finger which' had been bad so long began f6 heat' 'The 'diseased ileah ieetried 'inse ont "dr the wound nnil then &opi off, andl new healthy ;flesh harmed from hbloiy, pushing -off -the diseased tissue.,Inl short time thezwoundiwas coinplete- ly healed.1„ Had we Applieti Zam- Bak •Lati first \ye anighttimve svcd the finger. For chronic, sores, blood -poison, „ ulcets,„a!hsedsscs, calla sores, piles, eruptions, inflamed patches, ec- zema, ents, burns, bruises, and. all. skin injuries and diseases Zara:Buk is without equal. 50c. box all drug- gists and storesgor post free fromminard's Liniment for sale everywysere, TIM SPRING CLEANI:NCI, , t‘Tre thinkslies a werld-beater.'' , "1 know, but his 'wife ,baS)Inally eonvinced,,him that nothins but 7. carpet -boater." 1 consider MINAILD'S' LINIMENT tile ,SEST Liniment in33;ime. - .331 got MY foot "badly dammed latelY. bathed it yell with MIFARD's 1.4INIMgNT3 and it W0,0 as well as evpr Aiwa day. , Tours- 'Very ZtIcItULLEN3 : " r r' • , 1.33 t .r kFIE o Your wife is up-to-date,' "Up7„to,date. , Why man, she:s three, weeks' *saldry .p -head of due no W . ""k• , 7. 3 Vihen Your Eyes Need Qare T'41‘inrirterieltetnie y, No Smarting-;:rvekti Irinit-Aets tgnicitly. Try It for iiiratery Even antltratimatvtk„Itiseittls„ tratc4 _Book in each, Pachage, ztprine peutpotifuied br our Oeult40-not u.,‘Patent, Aiod- Cielnii"--- but 140431, oueltimsful Pbystapos'Pruo... flee Tor.rnany years, Noir cledientisd.10 Ito Pub- lliOund sold by Druggists 113.250 11U11"4410 por JOyo Stilye In ,,A.septie Tubas, .lou nnd 5031, iiturine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Gzeat„I3ritain in one year spends nearly $150 000 000 on tobacco ZamBuk Tbronto, for price:, 'ave y:au, tri,ech Zam-Buk Snap? Beneath the surface 4 the earth 25c. tablet. .1. DUSTLESS.' .... 'Lad Y iVisitoiThat. new .girl, Of Ile yours seems very nice and ,quiet. _ Mistress -Yes, she's very qui t. She doesn't distirb the dusf,w ett she's cleanine- the room 1 the temperature increases about - one degree . for every sixty feet "Perfectly iTrustworthy" is the character of.,Aiakle's Anti -C,inSumn- ti.ve Syrup.: ,.1t, can be used with the utmost confidence that it will de what _is claimed for itl It -is sure cheerful crea.ture I ever met !" cried Pill§ That- HaVe Benefited' Thou: an-ats ',effects; as the Ilse of 43 wil her- mist,ress, sands. ---,Known fax and near al a ide'arlY'denl°11strate and'ean"'be ret ;3 13\ hy shouldn't , I be cheerful, sure rehiedy bar -the treattnent of in.' lied uPel?...`611,5 arrive- a 'eold:' eilt of the ,, 7 , mum v,, said kagaic-, `,7, ,ha,,,ven't digestion ad all deliaa?grinentg of .syitpra,m(y9!, e,ffedjy.e,iy thanz, any a relation in the \\ Wild., 3 3 the stomabh, 'liver a'fid 'kidnels. ,et,liter rdedicine. Tr g it and. be, con- i i . brought, relief ,to thousa'nds when to be. Parmelee's Ven-etable Pills h ve- vineed etlAtt *3_wh-ge is CI ainleCt Minaret's Liniment cures 'Eturns, Eta. . _ DEADLY other.specifics have. failed.,Innum.3 ' • crable teStimenials" can be-prodtic-- --The longest -of British treeS "I simply can.'t stand the toot of ,tio-,establish,lhe- truth- of , is the ciMen. of which an automobile horn. sortion. Once tried they will, be has attained -Elie age of 2;880 years; found superior to all otber pills in the sccan,c1 longest is oak, with "How's that?" "A'relloiw eloPeti 121Y wife ill 'die ItreatMent Of , the' ailifients ` or record Of 1,600; ye,ars. ' an autobil,,,iand ,eyei,y, time 1 i ,:„.1..-..,.:, , wilien' Liley e,Prescillied. . - ' ' ----- , •, 1 . , • . , , - , i .hinegarhaerhboranckt,•7,t ,I,:,t,,,,:,h,....iialt Jhe'rs„bri.ng- • 1 .. Cheapest .of i All ..Oils.-,-,Oonsiittei 3 ,,, • , . ,• 3 ,_ i, : There „are .ariearly 23000 locOlio= in g" the '-'etirative.i.qualities of Dr. - -. i- ' ,,,:. I .. . ,.. . • , o:astips.lion , root of InanY-forIns of sickness and of an eridleSs amount of humall,ra:serY. Dr. Morse,'s indian Root Pills, laves ' enabl.oyed'i 011 the various rail,1' • Eelect'ric ',Oil It 'is %the ways tbe United l'i...angdom,..„. ", '„cheap,eAri!Of a:rail-61-1Si 'offer; cp;s Lini.m. oandliut;:r " ' 'ed to. the'nblic.i; It iSIO' be fOrt&ici nar A C1N cEr. Nnicke.3----L.; 'Can i,youiget boots' buttbncel•. without ti bendirfg your laidesili" ' • , s. 13ecked---"Certainly • I make my hasiesan d cl !it. " Do not give; your ,family footl in ad e Nivitila 31 3110- baking powder. Use Ma Baking Pewciei.. Costs in • ev ery3,1e11.-- tigi 'store:in „Canada., froth" coast .13o coasti..andall.:eountry marc chants. keep itfori,sale. • :So -,,,-:being easily procurable-- and extremely 'inoderatein Shiaiild be WItllOtlt a- b ottle) Of at 13 AlliiiT,Ut " ‘4;1-1,e' the iiibst 'Careful man- I eve cieYes - I,asketrhun if he "3Ocuilc no more' 'than:. ',Qt,ttin'Xry kinds, teu,4101,1ar, bill, -the' atilae) , _ , , - and.. i8'3.guaraiiteed hot to colualii 3t30,y -and' ,-W171.11di ido you 'iiis-apppse it. la ;3. ..3; 33 ; ; ,; ; • . Y printed on each packttgel: See; if '••5'I' 31 save. prov..3.3341 a r -beers --ll drae- S-1SYT., e ' Safe and, certaan cure, • overfifty yeay.so€ tileY arc oil the brand- o „ 111n; J1 up, si And ,3'ir face1,- F.3\ig „ LW constipatiori an,cr ]6tires,,sitc,\ • ' , , , - ber of ., Q11 alctirs th n gl-lo lit the ',.‘' ',344;i,.;':.;',"" 14. 3-;443 34, ltincired troubles. -world is about 12-v.000., decii '13111' few w''' -an -• • • • ••• • •••••• • • ••• .7, • ••• : " ••••,••:' -••••:••• • ••• •,•,• • Try them a,' t• ?: ' ;;8813 0 !.,"1. f h7^ • 4 .333f, ltiill '133Litz IT ITN DRED; • ,i,ItitES'i IN CALEbON. -it 3,Contity oItTenla ' a n rii-wQ IIIINDI;r303„3-IIT,ES, I.NrCi.1.144,1i).N. la .1,•-p,RF,D5Ac•I1E0.901-t- BVIT4VIZZO; A,.7,13 ,Oitibc1X4,; ,ia,ar oaavil,te, A 4IBIZAT4 FAInt ov Two-Trimniftn ..113 and Ninety ...-3,treq in Tawnsbitt.;,af lilltan; ten rniuntes' walk front Do4,tnfSee or Wharf : EineZ.,itenti-3,1tou,se anti ,Oood Bank Barn anti ettitiniQuie, Traieetilettil included• in "theipriee. Buildinits elOnsi co.t nearly as Twit ii7ti prig° tked. If is 4 :map, . . , . . - 3 A Pixli: '211/1t'11"-1te1tE FRVIT .FAIIM-- .411- 'Good Dutl4ing8it >well planted; at Dondatt.; = - - ' • -i.''' 1EN „Amyl rRurr 1,rAltu -,,, ST. ,i. „„fatharMes. _, • .• ,..3.3. WENTY-FIVE At'lt,1 pit'Utp iii4.3„80 - St, Catharines. '1- 3LBEETA, SA SkATZ' ltEW AN' , PRIT. 4 3 Ish Colturibitt and lapiteibas lands, in nmall or lane blorks, ''.' ' II, W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto - 3 1 ; . ..AGRES *:3- 1. ilIDES" 1'0 „LONDON •3 -Market; KV; ejay loam; mall or- enarilt lariric botaimit3 barn. - Drive $210. Western Real Estate, London. • a MALE NOR WANTED. 3 3,z lr EARN TO TIE A' TEL3EGRA1?ITER OR ii„_.4 Station Agent.'.413ig demand for men. rroo ;Book „ifts,onfinins, work " and iiiin4ges. • Dominion School Telegraphy. TorontO - u - titisuEl4n11aus. ;.,is , . . 3 TAY and PAR! ASOAVES. Wilsorf's ..k. Srale Works. 9 lisaMornie, Toron'Itt. '1; ANGER, TtiMOItS„, LIMPS,. etc. Im- X.i at exterrialti'euretl. wIthout Pain by'z our- home tr3eatment. .ilirrittPus totorestoo3late.,LDr. Dol1rattn4Aledieal Pa.. ,4.tiruited, Collirtgwood, Ont. „, , TON ScALEIi.Ot.TAII.ANTHED. Nyttotia's Seale ?.54-,pr1tp. Q, Ltinlartacle. 3:lorraito. 3DV EINg 10 .' ; CLEANIN Fartlia very bout, send your work to tint , "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for iiiiikut iu your -4,7n, or solid dir,out., 11319ritreal.....,Tor9nto,,, !Ottawa.. 3Quebr o.3 WRITE FOR '- ' PROOF 'PURIfICO' ' . • ' cu Ft es %, 1-1 , , . ,, A DER. -NO TUIVIOR ^Caithtirtig ithiht: Purified dO'lle at,iebtiri, Ilinr,, .11.J.'.nra.."2:19.15-t.Z61.31:d.7z; Pr'=otct Samples JAMES 137,4.1 z as viras on Application & CO 40 Limited , - „, ToRCINTO : °nu -.:: PriCserve.—bea'ut3fy and Boosislets LAUCMUIR Batlin,r; Street Maxpole Soap` ' • . CL4EAMS - . AND ...DyEs `ris' ;ColoG si,5fediiechles.i'sir'ii!ohng - ' ' i'. ' or`seds: Dyes cdtiOrt,1 iTf . silk, WOol or mixtuM!s. .t Use': it -yourself at ..• • home. No trOirble,--32 • = no muss24 color's-- c ......, 3 • , will...give any shade: . - • ;ColeirsiOc,black 15c; ;3' •. ..tt, at your dealer's • or ' 2; . • postpaia'Neith booklet' , '' ' ` * . "How to Dye" from: 1;'; 106 ; .- F. L. BENEDICT& CO. Montreal • Husband -"You day, my ,loye. ill ?", ' ,3." ' Wife-"No,',J9)3n year'shat I'm, Sweet', and Graves' W.orm:Exterminator - cep table...ito 'children,.. its v,,ork'surely.and • . . . , : . ' ' ANMATEUR.' .``What. ain .ainiateur-sgaliclene,r,-the • is T.' ' '., :" !,--i ' "What's' the ' 'Ile te t u al ty he can Just as: look badly- to-. ; Xs it that. you , are ' , 3 -,"%,.. ; it's this la:st 3 ,wea,ring. " : palatable,. lkilotlier =.333s ac- -and it iclut,,s promptly. , , ' .• ' matto,1%2''• 2, , 12 try s .1,,lii e ti/C 37)1.. Lhat well bor.f.thy3'."'' •-- . • .3'..= '3',.'_,.,-3e.t.,,,,,,------ik-swi'i..." e - ,„4„:„,,,,.---.F.R,V1~0 r i ,ELIMA350- 3- 4 LGSkliti'-, . - • i.'-''''.., '. 3 .. -- ,.• 7,15439 ' . '*•ril.,,,>. - i , ' ih$ C 11 1 ii.....;::(13 ' E -.. r: ;,.. ... , . . 43I 4 4 1 I 1 35