HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 5-77 IP .PROFESSIONAL CARDS DENTAL. Dr. G. ' 1~ , R QTJLSTON, L.D.S.. ID.D.°Js P NTIST' Member of the Il,C.3].S, of Ontario swirl Honor Graduate of Toronto University.. OttSep-Over Dickson & Carling's law office. ' Closed Wednesday afternoons. `at1S1Z. A. R. E IN Tri i L i?.S R IZ.D.Sx, Honor Graduate. of Toronto TJndveraity. DENTIST Teeth extracted without pain, or any bad effects. Office over Gladman Stanbury's Office, Maria Street, Exeter. LEGAL DiCiCS011 & CARLING, BA32BISTERS1 SOl.c,'ters Notaries, Conveyancers, Com nasioners, Solicitors for the Moisons Bank, etc, A%ney to Loan at lowest rates or interest Otf:cea—Jia!n-St„ Exeter I. Tet. Ca¢l'_sk , B.A. L. H. Dickson MONEY TO LOAN,. kve have a large amount of private tetrds to loan, ion. farnt arid, village prop- erCies at low ratesof interest. GLADMAN & STAN anal. arristers, Soliicitore, Exeter, J. SENIOR Agent Confederatisrn WO 1.ssuraatee Company. also Fdre Insurance in lead- ins" Canadian and British Companies, 3L,'i h -St., Ezeter. LICENSEE AUCTIONEER WM. ANDI.Fa,*t. N. Ltrenee4 Auctioneer:. Or Enron County. Term's reasonable, Danes can he made at the Advo;:atsp. Exeter. or Henry Eitber's Office. Crttt. ita+ls °Many plus:ateutt Collet oat;on during the suntta close • aronta, Osit, does not. NOW :a an collonit tints to commence a. course Wrto for catalogue. Horses for Sale r have a numiber of first-class horses for gale. Call at the stashes and see ttarn. We are aleo purahaetrs; horses that are sound and 1x1 good condition front 4 to 12 years et age. Parties having horses for sale will do well to call or writer tato undersigned. Pliant! 41. M. *L DOL . Master, Notice to Contractors :t contract to construct an open ditch about, 15 rods long, onnsLot 27, Con. 4, Township of Usborne, being a. flow out- let for the Anderson Dra'n ;—also to repair part of the old ditch—will bo lit by Auet'on an Saturday, May llth, at 5 o'clock :in the -afternoon, at the local '.qty of the work. Specifications will be furn:ahed at the time of lotting. A. HUNFCIN, Reeve. 1". MORLEY, C lerk. T. B. CUatLIAiIEI Life! Fire, Acoldlent anal Plats Glass Insurance, Consisting. racosunts, and con- ducting auction sisals •-• llitseter, Ont. FERTILIZER WHY NOT USE I .ERTILI2EIi IN., STEAD OF 'BARN'YARD UANUIlE ? It is easier to/ apply to the land sod gives better satisfaction to eery way.. It 1e used farall grain ,repo aIld also a good catch of clover on Poor meadows Give yoLtr land a good top dresaiing of Fertilizer before planting; hour potatoes and 'it will double your drop. It to good for bans and: for all k>/4s of root crops It has ,been tested, and fou -'td to be bet- ter than other fertilizers,, Give it a trial. Over three hundred tons sold al- ready. The National "Fertilizer, 'which. isPlat- ed on the market by the National Land, Fruit and 1'ack',,.ng tComPany, is the only organic fertilizer made, and shows, the following analysis compa.reri. ?vlkl 6 barn- yard ananuret-' Nitrogen 6.59, equal to 4.0. ar^„rttonta. 1;hosp4orie acid $.75. equal to 12. selnable Ph3d3PlIntell, Potash 3.50, FRANIn", W. EVAN , Clinton, sole ,rght for the County df Huron. Moir AGENT FOR AXETER ire w fire It you are, jt need of fencing material cat ta d n aPt tee Owen Sound Wire. Our , Our Sate Lock.Fence , without a doubt tk ie beat fence ot,a.dct Sit Canada to -flay, A1a14 Coiled Spring, .Uarhed, Wire,brace wire and staplers. Peeps riot. 11t. CE.D411, POSTS of the bent quality pr:cost from :25c. to '$1, Also agentfor the Toronto bfetalc Rooting Co>•npauy.--Galrart4?ed memo,* ts;d.°.ltg, Have also been appointed Local Agent for the Confederation. Life AasuranceCo It you -aro need'A3s any of tete above g:ve me a call. S. Andrew CENTRALIA Dr. de Van's Female Pills A sellable French regulator: sever falls. These pUla era exceedingly powerful 1a regulating the generative portion of the (male system. Refuse .4) cItlalp Lmttatloxs. Dr. de Vaat.'ls Seip soli at La box, er three for SIO, Mauled to Stay address. Stu sosAall. Dritg co., et, Catharines, Ont. that rho ... LIGHTNING eau destroy Think what that means—Your buildings absolutely safe from the electric blast that causes so much destruction—weather-proof in every way. Use the coupon tat the bottom of this ad. and learn the latest facts about the roofing, that defies the storm king in his every mood. The I d e a1 Beverages: ALE LAGER T•, I;tade :By John Labatt laid according to the new specifica- tion make the•only roofing which is actually complete as a protection. against all the elements. Write now for YOUR copy of the new edition of "TRUTH about ROOFING." It contains important facts—facts you should carefully consider, whether you intend to erect new buildings or repair old ones. Electric Restorer for 'Men Phosnhonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores; vim and :vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will mike you a new man. Price 43 a box; or two for SS. , Mailed to any address, Tho Scoben,Drugg Co., St. Catharines. Ont. • We are now well establish- ed in business .and we believe. n the`best of authority (nam:•' ely that of a daily increasing busiuessj thatwe are meeting a lona felt want, and giving he best of satisfaction.,, i ena:eraber our motto, zesh- Groceries all tne tinge.''' kinds of produce taken: iexchange. JAS U LD • Send me, FREE and POSTPAID.a copy of the new edition of "TRUTH abut ROOFING,"' and tell me how to protect my buildings against Lightning. Nan's ...... Ada.'ss_............................ Province.......... .................. Publication,' Exeter. -Advocate Beautiful is the Job when Minerva Paint is used. Smooth and events thelli&erve surface -hes of bubbles, creeks andatperfeationve The color is positive =abating, Minerva Paint enters everycrw-. ice and grain of the wood.emur- ing rexer!and paroecsy,tactipn easiest:. weath It's the hisbcrtint4Pnets— tlie, costing selection of the finest and purest paint ingredi- ents. the scientificrrrtndin c and mixing that makes Minerva mixt asperse,. Ileea, to apply spreads evetely andmidries., quickly. Hides all PURE PREPARED 1'aentin becomes s p1e4s140. % s / oo ! r • ro art eel 4 oLft•ed ...Iiastye. Palet withstsada the Lad weer fee ase, and tetsina iter unbxokea our. Sold hs prominent riosiots a!C eu petets Iacludintt T. Dawkins & Son EXETER £illL JOHNSON & CO. (Casale) Limiter TORONTO • "lyase cur tog+dnt withMinzeva f' 4441 wps)Dpi.Aoi Is irhe Best. Another pioneer passed tet the great ature'r q beyond in the person of Henry Adam Sweitzer, Be had 'been, in poor health for .some months and ten days ago wan talc en worse. On Friday morning he died arid. Sunday, afternoon, Apr., 14th, fun- eral services, 'were conducted at tete house 'by the Rev, W. ft; Vance, inter meat taking plate in. Kirkton cemetery. Tihree sons and f;vd daughters are left to mourn Us lose. He was ill his. eight- ieth year and was born is Brock Town shdp and cams to the Base Line of Bian-' chard s'zty years ago.: dieGILLIVRAy 1 happy event took pace on Twa- y, the 1,6th, Inst at 1 p.m., art the honve of Mr. Jahn Daley, of ;ticGillivray, when his third daughter, Arvetla Evelyn, was united in marriage to 3Li.W WesleyIAb J. Hord, of East W:11?tataa, in the Pre- sence of numerous relatives gathered. front Sirattrroy, Adelaide, bicGttUvray, East. ZY:13iarts, Greenway, Harpies' and other places. Rev. W. Godwin, Pastor of the Mrethod',.at Church, Parkhill, per- formed the cerexno,n5". Thedatloe of grooansman was alloted. tts 1ft., John A. Fraser, of ,Z-anneck and those or bridesmaid to Miss Doifia,'I3. Iiayter, of Harpley. The bride looked charming In a white embroidered muslin gown. At rho close of the ceremony the company to the number of about fatty regaled themselves at the sumptuous repast provided by the generous hostess. HAY. The following' is .the result of the pro motion examination fear S. S. No, 2, Bay V. Class, W. Northcott 70; E; Jones 65, IV, Class,, E. Campbell 66, Ralph Hawkins 66, J. Murray 59 E. W`'liard 51, :Fulda Williams 40. III class G. Case 73, A. Dearing 63, V Jones 59, E. Geddes ZS, W. W:Dard 17, Herman Willard 42. Geo. Maw;son, Teacher; Dan Surerua deed very unexpectedly on. .April 11th, i'n Hay Township, at the age of 48 sears, 1 ;nonth and 16 days. Hu was born on the old homestead, Bron son Line, February 24th, 1864, and was rnarr:aeyei to Gertrude Weber in 1893, which union was blessed with four chit- dren—Alvin at Victoria College, Toren• 20 ; Gordon, Flossie and Alnleda at home. Last Thursday -while at work ;n the bush w:.,th his son. Gordon, sawing down a tree, the was struck by the falling tree and received such internal injuries that he succumbed the same day. He was a good neitghbor, a Loving husband and a most affectionate father. He •1eaves "to "mourn, a sorr,O'wtng wife, 4 clvldcen,'an adopted daughter, four brothiers and two sisters. Interment took place on Sunday' to the Evangeli- cal Cemetery,_. Bronson LinierMr. John ickbei,l,„one of Hay's residents, pass- ed 'away recently in Cavalier, N. Date He was born .7n Hamburg, Germany, May 22nd, 1820, and was therefore 91 years, ' 10 months and 6 days old. He came to Preston, Canada, in 1947 and !n 1852 he moved to Hay Township. In 1855 he was married to Louisa Hansell The deceased moved to Caval'er':n 1880, where he hued until his death. Besideg h',s aged wife he leaves, to mourn ii]s de- parture seven children, 25 grand chil- dren and five great -"rand children. Death to Dandruff Germs NO MORE I) Life. to All 'Hair... to Stratford a few week,a ago do visit hJea defter, •Miens. Geo 'I-1rd, and Was NDRUFF, FALLING HAIR, SCALP ITCH; BALD HEADS' OR -tjakeryn sill w1'fJle there'• and died. en Fri-, DULL , FADED HAIR. day evetsi .She was -a 'member of the BIDDITLP.I ^' Much and staters regret was, felt here on learning of the death of Mrs, John Devereux, of the Huron Road, -Meldi lop, which" sad event occurred early Tues- day' snorndai; About a week previously, while fn the the enjoyment of her usual. good health she was suddenly overtakes by a severe ebe,11, which' developed in- to pneumonia. _firs. Devereux was a native of the Township of Bidduiph. Her rnaiden name was Mary Mangle. She was the eldest daughter or the late Patrick Naugle and was married, to M Devereux about 22 years ago. Ste leaves no Camay, be; s survived by ;her husband and two sittersi. and six broth.. ere.. ZURICH. : Peter Beaver of Sebewaing. AS cit.. via. :ted his Mother who le Ill for: a few days last week; Ir, and 31rs, Jahn Geiger and family left last week for their new horns to P.i. eon, :altcb.—Bev, Fi , T): rlartlm of Elkton. Mir ch., a former_ paator of the E'vani;elical church dere, died on April klt1n at Elkton: And Sur. erus of New Hamburg, Cyrus Surerus and Oliver 7.ealn or New; Dundee, Samuel Surerus of Petersburg! Abe Sgrerus of Berlin and Jacob Surerus and Wife of JT:tchelt were here,attendng; tho funeral of the late Danfel Surerue,—Ol€Wer Sur. erus has moved to Owen Geiger's farm a an'le -west of town.—Mr. S, ICipfer has moved into T. Johaspn's dwelling re- eently vaeated by tiff.: O. Surerus,—J. F, Rickba ll, 3, Preeter and F, W. Hess have eac-lt placed orders roe' Ford nutonnob°tea E. Zeller las purchased the interests or his partner F. J. Wickwire in. the Zurich Herald, Dashwood Pioneer and Crediton Star and ,the plant will be toe. sated at Zurich. ",iOGil CARMEL, The rnlarr age of Mr. John Maloney tif. St. Marys, to Mas Nora Carroll,; of the 8ttn coliceas'oat of Stephen, waa''. solem :Zed fin fella R. Cs Church tacre on Tuesday, Ap41 1.6th. The bride was attired ,'.Il brown silk' and wore a. beau- t tut cream tat. Shewas attended by her cousin. Mies Nellie Dalehay, while the groom was supported by his broth- er, Joseph 3ia3oney, also ot St, 'Marys. ,lifter the wedding breakfast the happy couple lett en repel everting train tor De- troit to 3Pelld a short lioneyrnoon.—Miss Mary Ryatn was called home front Chic a,o last week owing to the very low cond t on of her brother, hir. and ?wars, Henry Millar of Ztarfehtcalled on friends here 'Sunday. -Mr., 7:s11othy' Cougl lSn stat r.- 1:d$ very seri'oualy ill at St. Joseph's ;Hospital, London. -Jnr. and Mrs. Patrick Maloney of St. ,farys at- tended the'=...-edding ot their son, John hare last week Miss Jean ,Regan of Detroit is visiting her home here at present. RENSAL.L Lorne Scott 'was in Toronto last week. -J. MGMart,h of Toronto was a guest at 1t. Bonthron's Mrs. 7 Dlatchford has returned from a visit of some weeks in Toronto.—Tho I,O.O.F. Hall has been considerably improved. —Geo, McEwen, returned last week from the west where he spent two weeks looking after Property ,:ntterests.—G . C. Petty was ''n London last, week, .attending the funeral of Mr. Ramsay, one of the earl- iest settlers '.In I3casall. A& a carpenter deceased assisted in erecting several'of the first houses.—A letter box has been placed at the station, through the in- fiusuce of Mr. J. J. Merner.—Many farm- ers :n this section aro going extensively into potato giro -win -1g this season—Robt. Cameron has purchased the residence he. has occupied for several months from Miss Annie Wren. -Mrs. N. Shirsay and daughter. Mas Agnes returned last week after spending two months in Toronto. —Sirs. J. Allister, who for nearly a year has resided wcth her son, Dr. McAlIist- er of Georgetown, Is, here visiting rela- tives.—The band has re -organized and elected tete follow;fn'g officers Milne Ran rile, leader ; J. W. Ortwein, Hon.—Pres.; Dr. Sellcry, Pres.; T: Palmer, jr., Vice.; H. P. Madden, Sec.-Treas. BRUCEFIELD.—The Qddfellows held an entertainment on Thursday even6r g when 20 new candidates were admitted' into the lodge. A supper was held at the close, at Mr. Walker's hotel, when a contingent from 'Hensall were 'present and also the grand master, Mr. Poste - stone, of Blythe BAYFIELD—Ward was received here on Saturday Wast of the death, which -oc- curred in ' Saginaw, Mich., of Charles Stacker. Deceased was an old resi- dent of Bayfield' and'tetf here for Sag „naw about twenty two years ago. One sister, Mrs. Medhael Dupee, resides. here] ,—Mr, A.. E.' Erwin met vrthi a severe. loss ones -day, last week when he was obi. „zed to ,shoot •one) of the black team which was ,used 'on the .hearse, owing to his havdn.'g his leg broken 'MITCHELL—Mrs. S. Somerville went, ihru' _s a ,free country. It's, your your privilege to use any hair tor you desulre. But:why Continue ''to usea: hair tonic that doesn't do what it should do --lull tine germs arid .ba.nrish all dandruff and e14:^ troubles?: Ir you h.a.ve datidruff, :1 your ha:r'is geethig thdn and falling out, If yoru ,scalp irtahes and yotir hair isn't bright and lustrous bear :n ,yd'nd this fact ; that = mer_ea, ,is guaranteed by W. S. Cole:; to PARISIAN SAGE, 'cow sold ail ,over' give the Y;sattk- of satisfaction ;fiL ;used bar any of the above' hair. or scalp troubles,. or money back. PARISIAN SAGEI ,Do the most de- lightful and refreshc.ng hair dressing for hien, wornenl and children,andto par-, i:'_cularly ca . dernand b1s refined women who dewire to Smcrea,ser their 'beauty by accu:ring -anabundance .of laseloating full 01 life and lustre. A large bottle of " •PARISIAN, SAGE edsta but 50 cents. at Wit S,. COLEYS and; drugg sts eyerywhere. The girl with. the Auburn Mair in an( every car tonal and bottle. • Methodist` ch.ota;, and .the chair that she ,had occup hep vvtia draped in mourning an Sunday. .°Diseased viae 46 years of a,ge. 13esles her .huasband, she leaves four brohe,rs and four .sisters. TUCKERSMITI-F—At the residence et her nephew, Mr. Frank I3utsan, - at Stapleton, - on :Tuesday, Mist, Emma Caok passed . away;,at the age of 62 years. Deceased born -its England She had only been :11 -a, few days from pi:..usnoia^ a.' KIPFEN,KSpatr„ck brothers have bought the hundred acre farm, known as, this Paul' Dog farm,,' south of ''ie v'llage; w;hech ,now gives then': - 200 acres of fine property. Buried deep in our -American or'est we find bloodroots queen's root. Btu” drake and stone root, golden seal, Oregon grape root and cberryb rk. Of these Dr. R. V. Pierce made n pure gtyceric extract which has b:en favorably known fee over forty years. He called it " Golden, Medical Discovery." This " Discovery "' purifies the blood and tones up .the stor aceh and the entire systemin Nature own way, les ileal the tissue balder and tonne you require when recovering from a bard cold, grip: or pneumonia. No matter how strong thee, Constitution the stomach is apt to be " out of, kilter" at times; in eorisequenC4 the blood is disordered, for the stomach is the laboratory for the coastant msnar•. facture of blood Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverystrengthensthe stomach,— Puts it in shape to make pure, rich: blood -helps the liver and kidneys to expel the poisons from the body... The weak, nerv- ous, run-down, debilitated, condition which so many people experience at this time of the year is usually the effect of, poisons in the blood; it is ,often indicated by pimples or boils appearing our the skin, the fano becomes thio:—you feel, t, blue." 'More than a week ago I was suffering with an awful cold in my head, threat, breast, and body." writes MR. JAMES G. 1 t g of 710 L. street, S. E„ Washington. I9, C. "Some called it bra, Gripe, soma pneumonia. I was advi