HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 4. teri .cute Sanders & Creeds, Preps.. ° `f..TUSDA `,, APR . 20, 12 T 1e Carpatthiian arafved is; II York 0 2 F ectad eveaniti with 739 of the ewe e,: era of t. . l fated vessel The Tkt- alnc, 'witch ws,s wrecked ort Sunday el:t, Apra 34th, The total atenber f' passengers and erVw tine boat was 2$40 and thee° who lost the'r !eves numbered. 1601, The lief of noted, Catsad'aans and otuers who sank veldt the shill vee in our 'issue or last week :vas about correct, Many' graphic •.accounts :.ave appeared in the de;,1y papers oP tine heroism of ,the men, and women, of the conditems at life aboard t as boats at the time of a.cc:deet, the 'osier said quiet manner ce all but e ^pew rere'gie passenger, the teeny sad part.x4,gs of husbands a»1d wives` and deeetters and fathers, and throughout the bravery, heroism. and chivalry ofi for market. All this vr?.11 paean some labor and wane espe sass, But leak al the returns ern an average year under +a'veralee condllions, The profits trani genes give acre oteetards well looked atter: often equal the returns from, a Pifty acre Yarm.. Yet the orchard .e neglect- ed, and zt ;t produces el ougglt fair fatally use the owner taw satieried, Crediton 1, FOR SALE -At Zw:,eker'e, Crediton, No. 1, Red Clover, Alseete,Aske Alfalfa, Tim- othy, 'i -othy, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass: -epeeially selected for se• rEng purposes Also arguantaty of clean Alske and T:n ethy Seed sl ed at very reasonable pr res, Partes requiring should buy Berl} as the tette:, grades -will he scarce .led 111.6 -her, as season advances, -CHAS. ZiarICKI,R, C%tEilITO'N, Last Sunday morning the pulpit ire the Evanget' eat Church was oceup.ed by G, K. ,€ eeev t, and 'n the evening there was no serrce. We are pleased to learn that Rev.. Burn, who has sers ed ae pastor ot the church the past Men i t the 1 n ,yeare I . .. `' of e . 1 S ntn r"CBt'. 'zz, o » a s_arrda o & CCC a- et aa`n, s s ul, .11 r n Dur- a r, y out s bold ye e-, bearing out the nsab- ese, see short sial here,. the work Itas lest toed:ttons of the race or noble :nen progressed weladerfuliy and there is ens? -women,. L`Ze must have been dear a ua:ty as .never before. to many o: these area who occupied, The awful ocean d` -easter last week 4eteMeernt posse ofe in the affair* of .has been the talk of the town. It „at:Otte, but sane, and all quietly- Mead appears t4 t'. ve bean ; "Tetanic" blue, ane-o;sally stood aside or :helped ifl itis ,d,.r sed l to `ear, indeed teat SO many work of sen w the omen and ell ldree 'prominent anti set the world haat their T et the .see:dee.t was deed to eernte 'life threle h the, ne;teet of itis Corn- • body's celeleSenerfa them le little doubt pxtry to supply' sufficient life-aeellig rod .11 31vestfgaticen, le being shade with apparatus, a view of rindieie, out time cause, Ur Frank Srieil has seep ed WO* at daeetedly Cie speed was too ,Treat fix , meCiary's Factm,y :n London, aniceberg region: the search lights etei A rneeOnN of the $owI°rsr was held outlooIts could ;not have Deer, doing their',in H.. Eber's office oa efondeY evenilhg duty*, and the leek of life s, r'ns apparelTile £ollow'!i =s the result of the us ibmss been ehown to be aeff cient'electioxn of offerere,--Ilion, t rea. Rev, D. -The tere'fie pace at whit* everT thing Forster; Pi,rese 1, ne supposed to Move le Cala eget i$ g'atl:- Vice -Prose Smarr Drown Sec'y Trees; seine a.1- tt„n,.rt, 4la harvest In the ]lues Dr. Orrract..k;owl:In°, 'weiat back last year -{if men, The prophetic. words of Cuas. and very' little was doeebut new reso- ?i. H,.yS should be the a:gnal to call lut.ons have been rade and a number of eel lr, "Tire stearlash=p 1't?es are v:etag new members }nave been secured so w<;i., one another to attesin the auprette mere :a' good, prospocte of Crediton. re- acy .rn ,ueur'ous ships s and le making records. The Vette will cone eoan wheal t't:a 'Will' be checked lay some appalte.% 4: sas;er:' ga.'aals 014r Peet reputation as charm- p:cm bowlers. A on'ganezettont reeetinb for 'Local Op- tion n this Township was held 1t1 the Method:tit Church last Mondey, It s expected that a vote will be taken lagaith Neves Yeer's, 'o -r. o Fa&4 iew ;ears ke tea T:nr pr ylt'.Ilg plant .o- The Crediton: Star was moved to Zurich on Saturday t«dG .,n,er's orchard and aana:rey w;:;re Mr. Zeller will publish the pail- tz:akers cr, e farm. Ii er, 'ter, Wickwire will continue with iywevee, ee het farmers to real; e>,tl flit paper and expecte to keep a press ,Teey' k.ave ?CC', acou&tonged so long tet „re ,foo ]eyes] job wta:^Ie hard as i,rasely a Frazer Brown leaves this week £or {sit- , , Tt,rlan wbero he will join rhe base -bail ne,g'7' ta?l slu:silty ,t.,at they tail to rice •;;int of teat town.oas pitcher. We wish even though prices t..r "Teddy every success and know he :;h. A far.eter would coat- wilt make good. lie rcap,d A harvest of Sam. Brown, wite and tamely and etre I+ink motored to Zurich: on Sunday bualnele trong five acrd of 'lvcn^u;, where they were the guests of Mr. and zatnd said :t a. 'bushel that lr'wg,s sire.,John Prector_ nealtieg a very good thing of crapping T. B. Dawson ‘baa purchased a Hearse and ;attends to start buaine3r3 a$ Bee deritiker. eft HO far as gra;:n grow:nl5 gars. But 1 Daniel Sweitzer left tor Algonquin gra De lite a very difi:eutt a„s, elle: Pod '.n rr:t are tieoae time acres, And ao he would too, let us bole ,;auto thIa matter a Vette. To Set that crop of whetit Ice bad to pre- pare 'tete laud, sow the seed, harvent, aril #i rash t, the expense of evlech most 'fie deducted front leis gross returns Irene the wheat. Onthe other Itand take a five aero orchard, of well selected iruat. Witen the trees come -tato bean- ir.g, they are there to do business every Tear w'-tl,oait ally replentelnin6. The far- mer does ino: have to put .nnew seed o?e':y sprt'pi . If he cares for 11;s or- clasrd properly he will have to :prude spray and keep Iles orchard cultivated and sin good shape. <Thcn he w7:11 ,].ave to pick the apples end prepare them acr'pt::on. Park 'a Sew days .ago where he has :weep;cd a. position as Fire Rameer., Ors. "Wen- Erb has returned to her home in Brantford after a short visit .hare w*:rth friends. Tw-o Ontario Government loans are to ba placed upon the market by the Gov- ernment this aprtrnT, one for $2,000,000 for the general purposes of the province and the other of w21O,000 for the pup= chase of timber i:nvita in Algonquin Park, Bothloans be f1oeted iat On- tarN and will be open to pepul.ar sub - Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. Ceres Burgenneieter re- turned home Monday after a week's v:s- It with relatives at Walkertola'and ]'.tan - over.. Miss Luc, de Kraft. lett `Sonda for Exeter alter a xhnosmth.'s vacation with firer parents xterea ah1 l'i'ps. Long. and daughter of Landon spent Sunday wft,ly their daugh- ter, Mess Long, milliner at Tiernan & Ed:hof fer's. lira, Peter Mcisaac returned home an Saturday from London, Where else had been for at few*days, w.::h+ her son Wil- frid, who underwent an operation far appendicitis at St,.Jo!seple Hospital lest Tuesday. He es dein'.; sn eely, Messrs. Solomon and IJerbert 1+I?lier ,of 1 London are visiting their mother for a rev( days. ` 'iNir. Alfred Z`enerier arreved }horde! front Buffalo on Saturday, where' be has been or the past two years. He intends to take a tr;.p'out we8t. alias Bertha, Guenther of Exeter and Miss Katie Guenther of Parkhill apt'tat Sunday under the parental Not - Mr. Joseph 'E:dt and daughters spent Mo and,,a:S -az` Ca d„tn o . g _Tr . Jactrb Zeiler and iarnnray, acconla parted by fir. and lira, Jacob Brenner and taanI y left Tuesday for ther_r new borne at Stratford. Their household ef- fects were take to Stratford with. Mr. Guenther's auto bus. We w_eli theist every tntlecoss en their new home. Mr. I;+ltota klames, of Crediton was the guest of Miss Thea Hartla:b Sunday, Mr. Ed. W'"elten has Bono to Guelph Eco accept a sltuateon aa blacksmith. - and Fairs. Jacob Zeller have moved to Stratford.-\Ve^'are pleased to see Mr, John 'Etat around aim after^ :being laid up whit rheutnatrami-.Mrs and ?fes. J Rhode have moved to Hensel). to re- eide.- eliss Dunlop etas accepted a peg'tttots at# teacher In Brantford and „tl:es Bucimaran3ll of I enaal1 has taken ne.e. place here.-•"M?llired McIsaae under- went an operation for appendeeltis 1J1 London last week. -Mr, Johan Stephen. has sold his 1)0 acres on the 14th of Hay to Henry Link and Alex Weld for 43000,-elies Ethel Kellerman is to be congratulated in. passing her Normal Exam'oat:ons.--The Das itwood J untor baseball club has beim etlgaged welt T. Klump; wire -Pres„ Nad;ger, Mlan- thp fellow/no, ollleera as Yoliowe•-- Pr- 8. aging Conn,, Geo, Shore, H.- Zumtner; Sec-Treas., Geo Ed:gbo£fer., W. C. ,1I711er, EL1:ISVILLE A quiet ]but pretty weddlnir tool, place at the Methodist parsonage, yesterday, Wednesday, when Rev. Stead,nla.n united et arra:,e r', Ir, Clarence Charlton, Levy of Ueborne and Mlss Charlotte Jane Hnxn^ss, deer;7l:ler 01 the late Isaac Har- ness of Blaunshard. The youpg couple will snake their home in the Township of Ueborite and will have the brat wish - es of the)r 111,`:111' friends for a happy wedded Ere- A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL To All Women=l will send tree. with Still lastruetions, nny home treatment which positively cures Leucorrhoea, Til- ceration, Displacements, 'Frilling erf the, womb, • Palnfull or irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Tumors or growths P.160 Hot Flushes, Nervouaneaa, Mel- ancholy, Pains in the Head, Back or Bowels. end Bladder' troubles, whore caused by wea"krteas peculiar to our sex You can continue treatment at home at, a cost of only'pbout 12 contS a week My book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad- viser," also sone free on reynest., Write to -day. ,Address, NIre. M.Summera Box. H. 840 Windsor, Ont. $100 Reward $100. ,She readers of this paperw111 be pleased to learn that there ie at; least one dreaded disease the science has been able to cure in Anita 'Miss, and that is Catarrh. Flail's Catarrh Gure is the only positive, cure now known to the medic.] fraternity. '.Cuterr,h being a :constitutional disease requires a conetitte tions! treatment. Mali's Catarrh Cumin taken ln, ternaliy, acting. directly upon the blood and mucosa surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and sgwine the patient strength by built/lug up the cenetitutiorn and assist- ing nature in doing its work. The 'proprietors bave so much faith•in its curative powers that they offer One Uundred Dollars for any case that it fees to care. Send for list of testimeniels.. Wdrese F. J. CBIuNEY & CO„ Toledo, O. Sold, by aft lhuggiste, 75 cents, Take Ball's „> silly Pills for constipation.. True enough, few of us escape the tongue of gossip at one ttinis or an. other, To Farmers A CHOICE. LINE OF I-IORSES. FOR FORMERS TO BREED FROM BARON IR'FSY, No. 9996, 13334, °.s a pure-bred 'Imported Clydesdale Stals lion, of excellent breeding and choice pedigree, stands 17 bands 11°.2,11 and Is yell proportioned et every way. Ile wifl stand for servece at bee,"own stable, Lot 17, COncession '14, Stephen. Township during the season. ISAAC TETREAU & W. DEVINI+.., Prop,; Wel. DviNE, ;Manager, CAMBUSI-IINNIE SQUIRE, No. 161•:14, Vol. 34, to a pure-bred '„ttpertec 'Olyelea, dale Stallion, west foaled in loos, and shows a. lima of ancestors( .that :a core- s dered unbeaten by any horse, He is built on. atrceig and choice linea, and should prove a sure foal -getter. I -re will stand for snares at his own stable, Riesiva. Lot 1,2. Con. 13, Stephen. Zi L WITZEL & $ON, hQY.a :Preps.; G,arfegeld Penkbeiner, iefanager, SOUTHPORT, No, :347, ;s a celebrat- ed anported Shire Stallion, well-known. e.s a sure and good stock -getter r b>autlfui ahhaPeel horse, or the best of p:'d'd'ree and style, 'He will t e l for mares at hila own stable, Crediton, op-. polite the baseball 'around:. JAMES COCKSi ILL, I'ropr:Qter and'Manager, VICTOR, No. 41277, es apure-bred, ':nnorted Pereheron Stallion, a beautiful' grey, with clrcece pedigree and stock gettitt5 record, elonday leaves booze at Zurich, to :':lark Wild's, Stephen; t Crediton ; Tuesday to Winn. Coates', tea Commere'al Hotel, Exeter; Wednesday, to Dan. Haugh's, thenee horns; Fr,:day `. to Blake Hotel, to ]1t,s koWn stable, W. H. BENDER, Proprietor° and :alanager, Zurich. . Auction Sate OF, DAIRY COWS Tie undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived e-e ved ":Astrictions to sell by public; auction, at KO dOKA, on MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912, At 1'o'clockp.nn. the follow:dee property viz. A carload or d<ary cows, now m<lkere or springers. These cows are an exceptionally flee tot of dairy* cows, all `yieunb and °n good eondh an, and,should command tibe attention of the best farmers a,nd datrymen.Parttlea evarning choice cows should attend tiles sale. TERMS OF MALE TERMS -6 months credit given on runt:shine' approved joint notes. A dis- count or 6 ;per cent per annual off for cash. John Turnbull, Campbell & Dow, Auctioneer Proprietor r,. THE' CANADIAN BAND OFCOMVIERGE SIR- EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LLD., D.G.L., PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAtRD, GENERAI, MANAGER, CAPITAL, 10,000000 RAST, - $8,00o,o0O MONEY ORDERS The MoneyOrders:' of The Canadian Bank of Commerce ecce arc: a safe, convenient and economical method of remitting small sums, of money. They are payable without charge at every israuch of a chartered bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the United States, The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank In the e e vent of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refiund the amount of the lost Order. „ A232 EXETER BRANCH -G. L. WAUGFI, el.anasWer, Branch also at Crediton. The IVl lsons Bank incorporated 1855 Record of Progress for rive Years -1805-1911 Capital D,« R ersitsne :33,°0°° O0 i r0 4,6Q0:f ? - 23 $ 7730 '° ..T_ '- ,6 7t 35,042,311. Loans and Investments _ 27,457,090 @e y 3vIIIb4l801 Total Assets` _ $33,090192 481237 234 HAS iiw3'Branclteain .:►pada, and ..gents and (Jorree ondenta n a 1 p lino Principal Cities inthe World, tiisfit166(AI, ititagiria uusiNasa `ii;AsisAwrop. tAV1NCS BANK / at al Branches..Interest allowed at highest current rate. EXETER : Agents at Bloater for the Dominion Government. I3taltsON & C.asll,no, Solicitors. N. D. BUBDON Manager, ;4 TIOHESEEKERS' AND SETTLERS' EXCURSION TO ESTERN CANADA VIA CHILI AGO pr:l 2nd, 1Otii_ and 30th and second Tuesday thereafter untJ 17t1t mclus ve. Special Train will leave Toronto at 10.30 pen. on above dates for, Edmoo-: ton and Paints in Manitoba. and Sask- atchewan, via. Chicago and St. Paul, carry:rte through coaches and Pullman 'I'ouriat sleepers, NO CHANGE OF CARS Full Particulars from:any Grand Trunk Agent, or C R. 3fcCtxtCheon, Alberta Government Agent, Palmer House Brock Toronto Ont. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Philadel- phia, Detroit, Clhiear:a,is via, Grand Trunk, the only DOUBLE. TRACK. ROUTE STEAMSHIP ALL TICIOTSLINES ON SALE VIA Full information from J. J. KNIGHT, Agent, Exeter. FAE131 FOR SAGE That choice fartrt of 109 aerate on, Igo Lend and 3rd coneess2oaa of tTeborne, being one and a half ra lea from Exoyev On the prennises is a largo brick hotleta with. elate roof, tralne barna anti atabling. Will lee sold, 1mPa-rfttely er together to suit purcharrer. 15 acres lei fall wheat, 4,0 acres fall plowing: 40t10, balance in grant . Apple to Taos. FISHER, Exeter; every Sepf. CENTRAL iial/a&f STRATFORD. ONT. Our claaaoe are melee larger tl,tan ever 'before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for t+ SESW' more students.. You may .enter et any time. We have a stale of aline expttP- 'enced instructora and our couraos ars the 'best. Otrr ,graduates succeed. 2ln.;s week et11geer recent graduates infeeff1412 us that they Save pos:tj'one paying" $11.5 $70 and..$1 5 per month!, Wo hav t three departments,' -Commercial. Sheet - land and 'Telegraphy. Write for oliir free catalogue new D A. hfcLACHLAN, Principal. During the past year Edmonton has come to the front rank of the more important _ Commercial Centres of Canada. _ Available trade statistics indicate that the volume of trade is expanding at a faster rate of increase; 'than that of any other city in the Dominion. THE BANK. CLEARINGS ARE THE 'LARGEST PERCENTAGES OF IN- CREASE SHOWN BY ANY CLEARING CENTRE IN CANADA., .AND TO -DAY .EDMONTON STANDS SEVENTH IN THE LIST OF CANADIAN COMMERC- IAL CENTRES. THE EASTERN WHOLESALE AND ,MANUFACTURING. CONCERNS' ARE tYILDING WAREHOUSES AND DISTRIBUTING PLANTS IN EDMONTON IN ANTICIPATION OF THE GREAT VOLUME OF TRADE TO BE CEN- "'h?RED THERE. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO COMPUTE TEE EXTENT OF `THE TERRITORY FOR WHICH EDMONTON el'ILL BE THE DISTRIBUT- ING POINT'. T )e. CITY IS, SITUATED AT AN ALTITUDE OF •2,200„FEET AND - THE: GROUND DIPS TO THE NORTH. THUS, ALTHOUGH ONE -rET'S' INTO' MORE NORTHERLY LATITUDES, AS ONE GOES NORTH, THE CLIMATE 'DOES NOT GET COLDER i`OR THE .F.IJR,TJIER ONE GOES THE LOWER THE ELEVATION GETS AND THE LONGER THE SUNSHINE- OF ',THE "L` MIDSUMMER DAYS. . . For further ade AT FORT VERMILLION, WHICH IS MORE THAN 400 MILES NORTH OF EDMONTON MAGNIFICENT CROPS OF WHEAT AND OTHER GRAINS HAVE .BEEN RAISED 'FOR 'MANYYEARS. FORT VERMILLION 1S IN THE PEACE RIVER DISTRICT AND THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AS TO SOIL AND CLIMATE ARE MORE FAVORABLE IN THE PEACE RIV- ER SETTLEMENTS THAN IN THE OLDER SETTLEMENTS TO THE EAST AND SOUTH . IN ADDITION TO THE PEACE RIVER (DISTRICT ABOUT 50,000 SQUARE MILES OF FERTILE COUNTRY NOW PARTLY SETTLED AND CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING .A DENSE FARMING POPULATION LOOK TO EDMONTON AS .THEIR COMMERCIAL CENTRE. FROM THE FOREGOING IT ;WILL HAVE BEEN GATHERED THAT CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OP A GREAT WHOLESALE CENTRE. THERE ARE FACILITIES • ,FOR . TRANSPORTA TION AND A BIG CONSUMING, AREA CAPABLE OP INDEFINITE EXPAI`>- SIGN, WPHI'CH IS PROTECTED PROM COMPETITION BY GEOQRAPHICAEa CONDITIONS. THE ESTIMATE OF, AVAILABLE COAL CONTENTS OF, THE' TON DISTRICT IS SIXTY THOUSAND MILLIONS ''OF TONS . THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE INVESTOR IN,. CITY REAL ESTA Tel .,WERE NEVER MORE FAVORABLE THAN AT THE PRESENT. TIME. T E-; FUTURE: OF. THE CITY IS ASSURED ANDT HE RE. T S NO POSSIBLE CON D -TION IN 'EXISTENCE` TO -DAY TIEAP CAN' RETARD OR STOP, THE' CITY'S 'GROWTH, AND CONSEQUENTLYTHE RISE: IN LAND VALUE• S. . EDMON- FARM LANDS PURCHASED. TO -DAY WILL +PROVE A., SAFE AND PRO- FITABLE INVESTYIENT nformation regarding City Property, Farm Lands and Homesteads enquire at our office in EXETER the premises latelyvacated by the Bang of Commerce. awde istributors of Edmonton Board of Trade and Alberta Government Maps and Literature