HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 3„r. T4eGre,:kt 'LirCer e"nt Down, i er13„- a Plavipg - onatell, from.„'TqW YoT.ksjy Curtar,d Uu Oarpathini a ship of „gloom rinct`' sieer,:., came into X'--ercN'altk,'”, ell A`inci.sc4y nighv'iofh first Dews direct from the great .1;1"1:ihiteWhiCh a e sank off the Grand Banks of iNTeiv- fatindland early- on Morday, mor - the" 15th The great liner went down with her band playing, taking with her ..- to death all but 745 of her human cargo of 2,340 souls. S117,61? RESCUEV DIE));'' -this awful .death Sons weee added. One died,ix. the life -beets whieh ;were upff frpm the liner's Sie sillisequen.E"- on i4'.".bi'iisette ship ..ve.riptilia, The list ;AA promirteut tqv tkisSinq 511allilk4in3 riWtl, and the total death list, to port Thursday night 'he Carptithia, is '.1„001., • rtr ,i,vors in the .,.lifelm,atg the Ciarkliesg4at .*dr6 di's- tense frem„ the s,tr,iell.91 fiaW her' g'6 neelte rn b01141.1 Wileta the Wifer VW' <-1a4itte 444/Lhifki,049d .10aralliVe ea thaewild 41 er'briltce ,111K1 Litith there,was men:meal striVggle` tip filo. boats, That t.T(.. linee„st$0,4'arice berg, as orted ivIr:ek°5*, Wa$ 11,1111eti b' all SENsT1oxAL IWtQR. Sensabonal rumors told by tt-,TkatAllasePaor;i'..who woui give. the 'halves, sitid that Caplan A.Smitit 1041111W ItimSelf 'on '-'1iri4te dUW 114 ttitOf"o I st,p4g1q ,foy 11; 11111043 Of1arld PO he 4=r1tvconfusion he Ihhtlilig.'of the j ittinpedzitito.thojeceart and was I Pick.C1.,-,1q) 4...3',.,.0110.• of',:Ple, 1.)Pats• I .never ,exneeted to s,e,c,...Jan4 again. ;I:,w4i-i-edoni;Oard.thhoRt until the -liglits went out, ' It seyined ic/' me that s the, discipline ` Oil board, iv a wonderl'ill " ' ',* , ii. ,., -_-,., • .,.r . t - - - '- . HEROIC ' CONPIICT. A young Etiglish woman,,whe re- quested tit her name he opiated, -told a thrillingistory of. her experi- ence in one a the collapsible beats which h4 been wauDed'.0.:,eight, t.if trelie ,ie from the:Titanic, Tke J.Kiat, w'..s in crwamAnd,, ot, the Afp. Officer, H. Lowe,,, whom she Stated , saved the lives of many Peop/e„• - Before the lifeboat was launched; he passed along the: poLt deck, of, '1,*3`, steamer, commanditirlhe people mi)t to jump in the kRatS-and othei'- wise rcstraining thent fi'em swamp:, lig i craft, WhehAlia'collapsible WiaP 1.-11f4g4t:941c.V.1;0`r4 . 1 IrtiiIghp 4 '111.4.st and a SMall sail, He colleicted.731uf ether boats together, " in some eases the boats weret,f5hovt.or 4:,,tWctilatoarews, 49d, ilm direttted an exclmnge by which pclecillately mannedgee threw lines connecting, Om boats to. OW two ,P,iy,,IWO, ahd 4i., II 4 thus moved togetlier, Lster int be*went ;haek to the Vreek with the crew oi -one, of- the hpats and sueceeded in :14"felithgr, up s4.ine of those who bad 'jut/toed oteilboard and were swim - mi n Athont, . On Ili., ..NY.q,..Y back ill. to earpathia he nassed one a the ,ce 1e a aA A Ds: ze mu ts witieh was on the 1 't 1 oyfyf' -04 sinking walitilai Pas.s.(1 ).- - 4 i.' - • 9,rs.*Viri ,d, Tv t, it.tin n sealitt reseuefl Some dia. 'It thia,., t dan survivors fm ngine-rooh tlie great mass he abate amidships the Tit i' side WttS laid open os if by n» Figantie eau- opeqq. She wioki, lis0,4 to star, board it $31Zrwek.,0N.ee fen to req$o, nvo „ . * Shortly .befere she sank she broke 4ino abaft ,the.g-engineTrooth,z and ditappeared thetteatht 'the Wil.„- Aer}tilli, 6741060n 'of air tatiSed two l'exv les iOnS heard -11'144*. the„.s0.1.3ilyckres4aqrift.,,,A. moment mor -e ,tgritg, 'had gone, di49.01; wJth>the latea-htulareci' gnoup44 oirthe lathri'd&ilr.1 To the t1 vThTh] fd the last,ndtheit.A't:01.1.1;,t, ind rhans • ' aRnyme STORY. X, Z. Taylor, of Philadelphia, one of. the survivors, jumped into the sea just three minutes before the boat sank. He tbkl a graphic story as be tame from the Oarpathia. "I waseatinr, °when the boa struck the ieetberg,' he. said. 'There was an a,wful shock that wade the boat tretnble from, stem to Atezu, I did not realize for some • time what had happened. No one seemed t -o know t.he extent of the accident. Ntle were told that an iceberg had been struck by -the ship. 1 felt,,the .bettis rise, and it • seen4Z-ro line that ..ite waS..rairling over the ice. I ran out On deck „And,theryI cdpicl ece r 24:'44'.“.11..eiigle a "V eritAleea, of 'and the boat was rocking over it. I should say that parts of the iceberg were eighty foet high, but it had been broken into seetions,.probably by our ghip. t 5, Fill your i<ega , dish 4ratli, with the • „seed ye,e ita‘i;erififY; rt, ,rw I r re2ach,nandiii esaa how I claick1i7DIck„. ,Feed, him for month on BroeTei Bird Seed enthe' c:ake efiBrOdelli . , , BRd Tr eht that comesin eveliy" box-- sand -notice the improvement in his' t11"plumac'e, health and sone» • our eiftense..,.Mali t4 "the coupon , below, filled in, and we will send you, 'absolutely free, two fl -ie cakes of Brock's Bird Treat. 45 IED. Inn. Into eai s a ortgage oil cored »n Central eitY° VtilineVat over $1,496t(.410.‘r,'' ' .,ke t al,. mortgage indehtedites,s- against this propmrty, is ,ouly-43% of tlie t The Bonds are issued in denominationsof .$5.00' and d '11011 pay *-111 114Stbr ° • lig.tCf0 Pit., len (us. 411,01tetrVathei' 00; Torontoe IG"enerain ri,msts Dula -Ong Tdre-nt.6 I did not- want to see,. her go down, I was rowing in thela boat ,a.1.1.; t - time, ill11.11, we ere pieke4 " Mri» i»snay said there was'no ex; , p1oion'on board. • He' 'estlinated the' 4,yb,f1 °43:f ftibe731,i stray,t :act,:t.17.4'1Y--.01WI411(4.,• he' 3w. 1) 4. 1$111c," hew Toushe,.qould baye.4oated, - .Qa1.4t,„ .110.1trbn ,O1-1fhe Ca • said Iliat 'when' 'they `found the Tit tank's boats' they were in the ice- ne ' tlid»..,:tiitc'T. jot-, fhcbts "Vie'14st 4/'leSsage was, room. nearly full .of water.' trt .lisensising :the, Strength 'of tho :0a.rPat1iia'S wirelesse- Captain ROs- tron said the Ca.rpathia was onl'Y' elSci; f ,hljs 0,,d.the-thT, t a tile "Providerttip explasinied,. Rep- reseatatiye gughes-, no longer able o ,control ,,ernotion. " "Providential," repeated » the - aptaln,' "the' whOlb »thiiig 944,t 6Pe.0,ior bi 4P.pip'a,hera to: iessing h. had is Altos more hewou1d hav-e he'd, ,and ive never .'''would haive Senator Newlands kd abou lifebbati 4 great length; "Take,• the » Titania,'' he: said, whose tonnage -is three of the Carpathia;: haw Many addl- iion lifqbeatS'eeuld "sbe agq;nial date without „iiiieonvenenc€V7; don't know the :ship," said Captain Rostron, - "but if' ' s*,e cquidiZt 'ear y iner,e', than' She. ,-,ettld Questioti'ed as te, the Titani4.'s itude Caotgin Rostron said•-• 4.'She -was ,in whatwe call ibe Southerly, routo to aVoid yen think -that, ilie!),‘Onte s. 1»,-,,» E;»»1 one 2" " '' ti • Vt ' .. A iiS a 5 a, mitaIiT e ' 7 T ext•epzipti. -- '' Would •you regard the eourse , taken -bv the Titanic in this erjal, tri V ai a pnropri'l te, e and wise ..., , . „ - 1 .• at -this time of ye' e Sellator 'dte eoV, • '\\nat 'would be a see; re`a,son- able speed ter 'a ship or that. SiZe.: a.X14 'thatcourse , t 1 Z., A 1111111111/1111111 1,1 I I I 1 II 111/11 ,. , ... bellevos him-, to -he-genius .unifer ..a4. -tuttilekv sittr"th ni at ;which dubs lath as a 1,44:13.y oierrated V edtivritY- But Ne'abitt .knew 110 5," 1-.91mep, in' the ,pnblie eye. 'Ile re, naged,to nait,e frzencis6alannag4the .hews' the men, a I. „could.whet; naarinaity by a aw Sp lex-like silence, and Co„talat ,raisla into prtat ini h S.bmie prOzaountement le,.*;" at the morrente when it would get him- -allei most,,at,tention. l, blonde pizionle whOtt'anne in: contact n. nit tuna des erain -14na as. du 4greinablei . and ptronsive,:' MP 4',4.0 glipeirred as soMetblig. tat a, hatt:Oottc.C:i1„ must 1,C, 3441, tIMAAR14.4Y at illn:laelan both inthe. poffig 4,04.irelbe../treaehtiadm let: oil i ia althalliegrAilay,,reilte. *la ions of 0 e4anae4,04.elat of al sontle °Perla- '...tiiii,' .I.4-..9.1.Ski,ATILUtr PnoniVII') 1•1 Aa T 4 I 2:?' 1 11111 i mil 01 rogited, and this Sebbly ae iOrdingly Drorogue Fix the Lientehant ie nor, and be .F.C%-rtiW is at an end. ' -TILE BILINCAT,Aia PB0.)4I4E.)i. I :the e.prouninecement. $14-. bilirgest soheel. geotiem ro as satisfaetion ip;proNlet.i loy lb sun-. orters, while JaiS iniPonnalW, eA.r. tha,t. ‘1111k, his ttrefe,fsiotia egeta RA -right- it is nly Mad shwerily in eartging out »414"orePtitOus Usti run rs'_;:liedy :Om 44t4ti2 ;hit Fr the ca,ndi.- consennen, grow. tit.0110',r,p'reaittd by the ttoty,rn. Coliatifei-ut..1)r. #Urpri:,,e:a)hi. slanek re' 11<ition. wit it the - ofrizial neninis a Piairtigation torilik13:,7-b '4.: '-saatt; '44 autil i'l.,-, 0 i-' "-f.• * I, ;- ; 1 ...'• • figuri-,,i.slit4-itv to be ii,111f07.ined, hIll'/WllIg' 'Oh One' furnfOlimt'uli» exi!e- iti 1", sthe ini4int-e in the Frenehp'7)inirh,,*lon of 4 function .01 52,3 t..,t..',' 14, '1:01:1",i ' Wi'al 'ill »thO' ' Ont:iriO It 1Vill ' he fatly iiealised what a Tann n....3,- -- le ,-,14,1,teu,ot" (-,eieguctr...at„. ts,meintutts eslitea,,iou al erebleta tto ual.1.(10 n .^411i.4 W.h41,,, uleaitg that,Ite wore P-resin,2,,e l;as en it.-Fi., luonli,,,, i a (O 'd bat, ,,l-Ild Iiis iitogri: Vi'illittittit,niii- .T.14, t!Fii,'401P;:i l'initielpallY Pa. ttie ngstenn, torah, aild i that'" due 'wan niteifticaf b- a conatici ...tint hi New Ontario, th Essex tary-. tisiinrt, 'and ' that, 'enemies wene , rind Eetit, where' the "Freticila 'eali-My daleo .11re:in but tireover4 witg leas exeiting ?halt i bae4. to the karlietiMhe f -t ea, tnPlatIllla- Jan; afternoon tea.: , n iitlen 435 ann haerectliing 60yatestty„: oos- - Most Of »the lueuibera of the Ler-Is/attire , sibly,., bettnutin liliCro,t. heinS -draw' off the Nene 'far - aWay, busy With the" Syrrangi.t. wroth's popun. latioIlan .n Pieugar. Y't ..sevaieg 411(1 the, other '41'firi--,-ate affniii6 Cizziorindia Presnott :and carientin eetuatiea there lef.a: EteitAlY eXedUS of .al,PgIe SnicOns nand :fa eteatly inerenne,...in French, while 1,„ 11,. ie isZioissitag eied. el, E CAP -141N. AN,D OFFICEP8 OFiTHE.STEANISHIP TITAIY1 ema Fresett ,settiers lareeir pre. emanate in many Vownshipa. it is esti-, ed that az.. vonmared with-454Mo the re,pstis hgeres =a win Show 1Preuelet'anottietta in Ontario, Ws coutrast *ram cola - g the Anglo flemet viral population Ottiarte at ir,be -same dotes ET1UT B •t. Trayden tOld n-rh9W PAP- fttin Smith' ilmt 1.6 death, rer gaW. Catain Smith,while twas id the water, He was standing 4)d 1111r deck all al.fno, "Outio; he,w,t4 swePt flow4 lin,C.inanage'd to getbis feet. .Then, -„as- the boat sank, he again :was knocked:down by a waver and this time disappear- ed'Irtiin view?" ELEV EI.S7 LERLps T., A des'paeeh tram' !Min -areal says: It is,noweerta,in that eleven Ifone.i realers Hist» their live:a On theTitaa, 'Owing"to their probiluenco the financial, industrial and social life of Mentreal, the 'it...hole reity is "plunged* info. rathirhing. Fdllowing is the Illiest- rbiS ved lilt of ;those lest land those- savot .--- . ..t.' ,'• t'THE LOST(.. 1. Mr, Chas: 1.11.; Hays.. Mr, ,,II, „Ma:1144n2i, Molson. Mr; an'd Mrs. H. X. C. Allison; and daughter, Lorraine. Mr. Thornton Davidson. Mr. Quigley Baxter, Mr. Vivian Payne, Mrt',11, J. Levy. MiSs Anne PerrOlt.-'''., ,Mrs. Hays' mai 1-. ' '."THE SITRVIVORC' ' ' -s: C. AI, Ra3. Mrs. ThointonavidSo,n. Tsbfames Baxty. ' Mks,!'Frederick G. Doug1as., Hudson Trevor Allison. Eleven months' old son of Mr. II. J: Allilort- , ' -6- - -,, ' g, GEO. E. GRAHAM );,OST. 14 , &Sp adi A private wire from New York on Thursday night from Mr. 'Harry McGee, of the T. Eaton Company, stated that Mr. George' E. Graham, buyer for the T. Eaton Company, thin' Car irtliiiTiner oe P vas' to be ntun bey ekl » n,Illongst those. 3:40 by late Th &raliain'S'lni•other drowned. The. word was received it 4 dwho tive'S Toi'bIatoi'thaTh...st, of . . wa.,S ...mentioned, ,as - among those saved. ham , sumiv.orsiras; ,reeeimil., by wareles oose My. Gra NICHOLSON .54 BROCK 9-1I'Francis St., Toronto. For this,cOupon Please, and me, free' of charge ovi,oblle-ation on 'my,' parI (via full size cakes of Brock' Bird Trest;land Oblige: ' 1)0 ,etS.IDDRES.5 Pr IN•quIrty ' ' Yo'i".1c; LzTire.iitifiei al Government inquiry into the wreck of Lthe:titliniCl'o'egali:"-thiS. Xfternoo 't'W itch' Sen nt. tar Wlkrurr AidtipStnitko-ofi..Michi - g S Onairana:n ojegnrited States. -committeenneonaticiinlo' , the injuiry. ,;The. witmess. eall was. Js Bruce TfsinAy„"..,:PieSidept ..6.fthe In, ternationd M'e?ea'n'tir Marine.' He was severely int.erroghted by the ,membe,ris„„af tnitte,e. 'Though Obviously he answered every question -succinctly. He said 4. her"always adeoMp.ani.ed hhs3, 61-nni:i:fs'.,,qiii'qriY-Aik n voyages. » He was in ,bed when the ;noir sQ0, 'the, 'How long did you remain on »the in'ered ship 116avas asked: tIcl tea to She San Flensburg, ° )rii...ii., ' , ' Tie atmer °eel - dent cdflidd with an ceberg in the Baltic Sea'off Iliga. ,Iler entire how 'was shattered,ibut her captain .I managed to run her into shoal twitter-. before- she began to sink, and -her passengers and crew were safeb.: taken off, , .14 TITANUSGIVING' PSA1.3 aud Grateful Chant aboard day was breaking. On all sides of us were icebergs, some t*eritYrWere 150 to 410 feetiihigh and theywere mimertnitzsmaltitebergs o`i k'f'greiiders.' Wi'eckage was cstvn »bout us," 14,said..", 4r:committee is sttJkifig to prove tha f.lhe Titanie's Iits'laelonged t iitither vessel. -liked qpricern- -Capt. Rostkon slid they were towed away last night; where Ise did not know. , 1Y was IhNlast messa,g ,you got 'Om 4 -the » Ttai ketl'a°. Senator', . 4 itcaing an Burning on Face ad Throat Sores is gure o e rea e o Appear in Public. No Rest flight or . Day. tutic'ura Ointrnent'Olfred. 1 , ..,,,,...., .,,,, itny 1,, t, c i't ,t,f . t p + I. ? "oht nienthseago myr face and thros,t, all ,. ,„broke out and niarned , in la ll, :r:allllIng ,Sorq.: 'a did'n'oe fibiliet'abobe° it' cit `first; *Wit in ' nonei week'slti me pthe-Itlisense$hnd;spread, so rapidly over rey.face and throat and the tsbufininEiiiiiiiiikIsoregr15'echrire '6'd Paint al ::thatia I began to seek relief in different medicines, but none scented to give me any relief. The sores disfigured my fa se to such an extent that I dreaded to appear in public. »tin."/ suffetediterribly-Snthconld get no,ineet z night or„,,. At, hist a friend advised no Ate try ille'eutieurs:Iteritedieil‘ 'I tad aboUt,' , given -nip bonen: but thenghtn1 _.T.puld.hare one more try, and 'sli. I used a little' Outicuras Ointment, and it helped me frorrirthci:startf I continued using it and in six weeks' time Was completely cured, and can say I would „ adide anynnensinTering from ,oda ,disease 'to use enticitrailOiritinenin'as it Is "thll hest healing balm is pe:rifirld„.1';:, (Signed), Roscoe flood, Seven Persons, Alta.,l'eb. 15,1911. e Ismay said he only lo T o v r CUTICORA, :SOAP AND OINTMENT' , 'iMy little girl when only a few weeks old' ,broke out en the top of her head and j.fbee .. ,mo Ia r»1ng ddterenl remedies found :relief only from using ” Gott. tiTa 'fltd*Oretafl0r &t or Et r nfn»tkOuUcu Sp 414.9iPlr2CLIt , ,(81g.nd Mfg,. W. S: .ciw61,--vadkai College,.N. Cr. May 26 1911 , Por more than ii*ptieration Gutictira Sint ,c,ed Oinfainent, Ilin&O""natforded the most Sag' ,Oesshit nizentinlint for;skin and scalp tre ' ' Of cuttletiriv,Shap ,Miict box Of Cuticura.;G tnent are ofte ieu1 Although, serit:3 druggists and dealers throughout the, World , a liberal sqinnle of 'eaell Willi 82-p» book on,', the skin; Will bo pent free,;;"ert,ap ,170,t,te,e ‘ A;Av, "I did not know the Ship," the Captain said, and therefore can- notitell. I had seell tao 'idoPlaefOre thTitatqe Signa11eatts,4ndil knew frb.„ hex% message th,at the're was ictobier. But the Ct)irpailifa .went fullispeett aheacl. I Sad etcffi .lra ocers .11 witch and sor others volun etr,ecl to watch aheadAhroughout the trip -P Captain Rostron was asked about the lifeboat with but one officer -onp seaman, in it., -,This,,,'w- '.thb''boat, froth 4hicli-ileprgientative James A. Hughes' daughter, Mrs. sthiotoyas.jeklistP49. :AtedieaLP, two women, were rowingin this boat. In another lifebsat,,..be women at the oars, butsVovi.4iia, he could not tell. .One boat was described as overcrowded, having on beard" the 'passengerS » fr'brn a' wreCkecl lifeboat. t NEW:»ri»»»»»imER . fe•g ItyltAT ,IS IN.TkRES,TIN,G,,THE ra,E,OP{LE AT TI4El The Titanic Catastrophe -Dr. Nesbitt '. 3nlAgain-tegislatlfreTPialtrogiied-Eli- ,- s-,,Aillgea1,Schepi1tOsest1oe.,1 „,, , , :-... .:1•01:, siacc--„-tha dans:of 4 the,...seip.h....kTrie all war has the 'CitSr 'spent sAelf' Seifilifie days ,tistilienicvadltr tolliiiiiing" tile" finrndening` Of , the Titanic. This, in spite of the fact that, the pet.sonal .toucli was almost entirely lnnkin.g. 1),c,a.j.,Ise ,),vith (ine .05 two excep• tions ',Vol 6rt 2.9 ,coldke n »» \ 4 -re,', u)11 ..n d an- . ger.d-ii,gontyeaknq ee,iiy.iiiiieqg ,tt vras nut tile an noun cem en t Of the alniost» in: conceivabid catastrophe, the days or 811.fi, pense, ' and at last the, har,rowing ,,c el ails 'SOV'eredrrintr'il'o-ritiq'stiO'cl''''fli'd "-Ylltole 'irotriiiiin. -Lion, In the clubs men tallied and acted as though .tlicre was' a funcrel in the p rem ises. , Every where that .. people met little, SO1S r...., ...WAS :..- iiiScussed03:s Irlyeir- tile. ' 4111:11.1R. se. ;,:t. paiN,: ,tokli,se"-tBepti.,i/„'i;111`n. ci,ei (:'',,,lIoNs t 13.\.,: intiii:ii.n.i• :I.:Hi:I.:Ai, • ,r43:history ltiniltultisinf On' There Iiii,),. ,rn. ,0S1/;tther.s;, ,,Da r;d9B-i,eaadtte;,eel,:i se ..,,Of.„. SOIne sixteen sponto.neit-k and gayety, And such eyi- ab e' nvents than.the wreac.' Of 'the Til,:iihic, dences of feeling are not to be wontlere.d 5p ie .,' Jimerligh,e:„n. ,":1111:, toise"n..c : ' ' hile Alibi , unit' clo 4. al 1,plic:)),;ift. ,daelifitrit;Itliosvcelst npr tulebtleicili ry. n''sihi. „91,i'reliff ihdt ,h, e , Tne' d.octor6 'hen . 1:1.1Ways been-, soinew.hat: in' 11.. W,hfiiih, ' A teacher in n 'Terre »Hatrte ub- »lic» sehocir Wins in the chorus: • "Tedehing is t 'business which re - 'quires a great deal of brain and nerve force. LlnIess thi »free is reneweci :Us fast‘ as expended » the teacher is exhausyd: bolero the elose of the year., Many resor't to stimulating tonics for relief. t "For 3 years I struggled against almost complete exhaustion, get- ting what relief I could from doc- tors' tonics. The in the spring of 1303 1 had an attack of la grippe and malaria, which left me too weak to continue my work, Medicine failed to give me any relief, a change of climate failed. I thought I should never be able to go» back in school again. " which have had to talze pot 'Wok dur'ng the Segel:M., It was witin:difficulty that, it quorum timid be mustered. Put final ly, with t1i6v0abinet ministers, the =cabers for TorOlito, a feb w: others whe reside.ore and ad." odd one who was 'detained for some special l'reason, the ltyal require- ments 'Were flillilled. The ;tack of .interest, on the part of» the member's was Tin striking eontrast ,-lo the busy (hays of kc'coneludinn..4 weelc,W ac- tual w rk when the Legislature, as,,,ils the I ate enough food, (the ordin- way o , all. nartme. foreeh- through A ary inealS—winte bread, vegetables, 1,,,, , all, Parliaments Wilder graiern- talents 4 bhat!h's husttler's 111 Six day',) At the he' etc.) but was huno-ry after meaIs ginning' of a Sessinn scant fifteen minute sittings were net Uncommon. At the end the Rouse mot at tfa o'„elock in the, morn. it/ 4anfirilrfon t ilnetillendt ' 'atr16.1VtO'InthIlitai irifli 't1:, Qtillisg-i shortened or eliminated by mere Physical Weariness. ,-, , . „ 44,„ r-_-.„,te 4..,J,,..i ,: 1,..1. 1„, TitE CEREMONY. e.P_ray9rs„, over4 en1er th /.4.eutenatit- Gavennor,t sittentied hy • hi aitteS'i Lieutenant, Governor symbolises his 'Ma- jesty the "King, and the moment is duly impressive. Ilis Honor mounts the -Speniteins dais. „,ThenClerk of the IlionEe, Mr. A. II. S'ydere, a veteran of many years' service, rends a, list of the bills 'that have been missed during the ses- sion. Ifisnitonor . nods assent. 1, t "In His flfii:legfefi name," announces" th 'thisallonow,:frirstri al-tsit to theri6 A similar ceremony in „regard_ to the iiipPiy liifl»s» ter " vetes cr Motley' fdr the carrying, on of government takes but a moment. Next his Honor reads the Speech from tike Allirone; brief nevienn iof the agore, imnertant legislation with thanks to the ncem ligik`g: ire/. theirat.t;e'ndauee,i '`,A nit fI: is :aIwv,s, a..inytitery„as p w1q Tryites,. tine Sp'eech fronie the Throtte. Ell'e Pro: vi eclat .b:frkanreta.ry, Hanna , credited .bY some with preparing it, but a aLietitentint' f GOvernor; • :lige. tir :;nrolitin "I happened at this time to road an article, giving the experience .of aliethei teacher' who had been helped,by Grape -Nuts food. I de- eided to try Grape-Nuts'and ream, a,s exxernnent. It was a de- lightful ,experience,,. and continues a fte if a .7y ear aid* a hal gef -con- stant use. "First, I noticed that I was not, hungry after meals. "In a few days that tired feeling left me and I felt fresh and bright, instead; of dull, and 'sleepy. , three montlisom ere than my ,tren.gth,retu-yried, and had gained 15 poun-aS in "I finished the year's 'woi'lc 9ut arty.kind ot tonies—was not ab- sent' li!oin duty evoi-hiOf "Sin in Vile" best' (46 heal tb With who oly 1,1 oncler in, at the rnprolipment. might Write' pe'rhanii, c,011- 111'0 S LI1 Win,C1S6,' Ont. inu, a ern ,E,n,„ -Try W110 thnSillralfieV been thrangh ;IN bY 'Ca 44' " stating iPremier)-as to Ito: con-, ; tents. "Le i'inaily,hjletspeoch» conclitcidd, ;his dfalinr ' » 5vdr'read tho %above/ letter? A inew; one ,g1Fures ,My:, whn appears :tram time ten Name, They, aro tr t'liirirlingishOininnAssembly» bet", pro- genuine, Ntie,,and ot human interest, his Ire ill Mid plea Sit ce • • Itj.solute -Safe- nve-tm-,n m 6 vc: 0 The First MortEmge Bonds of Price Bros. &Company 6 per gent. on the invest - by first inerig,'W.e on one,of the finest .papr mijls and over four' of'the-teSt 0,111121arid lihilfc7i:1ari&in'Ainerica--insttreM With Lloyds, of London'England, against fire—offeria. most attractive investment. The present W..1,"earningsiofIlie Company are sufficient to pay the bond interest twice 1,A clanrjfu pulpwood is yearly increasing the.yalue of the Piteperties. Trose bobc1g. Mire been purchased by the best informed Enatit'ir. t)Q.1.11 CQ.ns.r. and England. »4t their.present Vow yield 6 per • estt interest. Considertn,'J, seCtirliy, earnings, assets, arid the likelihood of reciatioat in, value, Price, Bros. ,tki mpany bonds constitute au.exceptiOnal estaten ' tien, of these betta' T'i-F CQFPORATION, LiMf TED I., 'BUILDING ".4,YONGE AND QUEEN 'STREETS ": TORONTO ' ONTREA -C) LIESGC-i-1 AL 1 l'AX -PTT AVVR 4 "et 44 A