Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-25, Page 14, YEAR. EXETER, O•NTARJQ, _ rr+ TEIURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1912. Renew Your Sub scription TWI NTY-1~ IFTH, SAND S" d CREECH, Local .Items A new aneta.Vie ce:Ung is being placed =a1 the ilallwav of rho, Central Hotel, Mr. F. A. Barker, of the Orztareoi y eter- iiGlary, College, is assisting Dr, Sweet with leis practice. 'Tine .nxasons have started work on the Noises to be erected by DTessrs. Seel.' and Marchand on the site of the old Mansion House, ?x 1'r R. Bowen, of the Itlolsons Dank stag has been Messed to the at, Thomas branch, and Lloyd Rivers has been engaged as jw »ar, The OddestIowa will attend divine Wort. ship ;n Main) Street laethaisk, Ch WI) OA, Sunda} rriorrt:+n= , APO- 2.8th, the 1 Mater, X,ev, Powell taking, the service. It has been announced that Rev, Mr. Livingstone, who has beelf, :ltl Stratford 1:osl}ttal for some time, cannot recover and that, hes death 3s only the matter of es fees days dilatant. There is still no 1lehoel ,being held ill the lower looms of tho se11eo1, and still Many oll.1,1dren are ill of measles, sone of them be,➢t:S quite serloualy ill, Tile disease ;s gradually being stamped out. however. ',Ir. Mart. Salter lett :Monday 4110111'41g for London where he has accepted a situat on. Mrs. Satter and children will follow as soon as Mr, Salter ran Secure a suitable 'tease. We a .are sorry to lose uels geed efiti.Sens as .'lir, and firs, ;Salter, but wwish, them success :rx .their DM hone. . BUGS, WALL LIN- QL:EIU\tS-\Ve have put to a, `beautiful ]Tete of Rugs and L noted) a, and carry a Iargle x)umber of samples of Wall Papers, wdxith we cite obtain for you al:' shortest 'not.. e, Wet don't believe that you, can Not aa tto r all round place : to tit out the home than light at this store. JAS. 13EV,ERL13X , the lead- ing funeral aa'ector and £wDllture ratan, 01111os:.te CPrnnie'v n1 ilk tel. HORSEMEN ATTENTION. BQr semen will do well to consider the ,Advocate when fin need of horse bills and cards. We lla,ve an excellent line of of cuts to choose Brom, and we. Insert a notice two weeks din the Advocate. Bring your orders early to arty:d crowding. The muskrat season runs out April 1 :3001 , Dr. House has purchased the dwelling owned by Mr. Albert Pym, situated at the rear of Mr. D.• Russell's blacksmith shop, possession to be taken May lst. Dr. E. R. .Foil ek of North, Van- couver, B. C. Oa We this week vis- '.ting .his parents, '>, r. and Mrs, R: Follicle, Dr. L, L. Foil:cl+ of St. Marys was also dere for a day, Mr. John Leathers), who recently anav- ett Proal here to Ilxaersoil, was the v:stint of 'a painful accident the other day. While engaged at the packing house he had the misfortune of having sa:s eon broken and as a conseetlence now ern -fined tet h.3a honor in that tt a xheet:axg held. in the Town Mall fele days age it was decided to get a name for the park at the darn -most a name for new park by the Dant -most likely Tecumseh;, !t, being no'w.one hun- dred years since tlx;s celebrated Indian Chef died. 11. was .0.1s0 proposed, to' pur- chase some trees and to ask the, e.t- zelle to buy some Pf them and have a Plant:lig We, Tk'o eh ldres>. are to be espee,a.11y 'iixterested'as theY will do the Planting. BAND CONCERT -Tee people'of Esc- ter scter was be pleased to know that the Concert In the band ui ' � Gan is a a p .� Opera House on Friday ;v:ht rest, on A, p"•41 2,'Otb, with a view to ebtaining the balance et the fundsaxeeded to Purchase urx°i(ernxs., Tltero eould be 14) more `worth object than this, Let ever y body attend. The program co.: consists of sofas, readings, quartettes; band select:ahs. etc. The popular° pricsa preva°,l. See bills: DIED IN RUSSIA -Mr, acrd, Mrs, W, II, Collins, who recently left here for thea' new borne to. Brocksldle, received word of the death of the latter's brother, Horace Wilberforce Musson, el - deet' son or Itev. E. Horace Musset), Which occurred at Kew, Russia, on Apr. 18th. Mr. M•ussen had been W for some nxonths and his nxother and brother of Toronto had gone to see him, arriving at his .home some weeks before hie ti3eat."i '',MEMORIAL -At precisely halt past eleven, Montreal time, Thursday horning there win be an absolute cessation of work '.n departMent of, the G. T. R, and G. T. P. and their afiliated ithes for a space at „ive ,minutes, as a memorial to the late President Hays. This strik- ing anxd,:Sax-reaching .memorial will em- brace three coubtnies, Canada, Great Britain and the United States, many lines of railway on this 'continent, and also steamboat services on the great, ?altos and the Paeif?c; coast, CARLING'S PHONE 18 -Spring Shoppers Now that the time is so near for housecleaning you will be in need of several necessities such as .Wall Papers, Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains. Wall Papers Wall Papers We have something new and up-to-date in this line in all shades and designs. Lace Curtains are of the latest designs and- are well worth your while to come and see them.. all woolin. verneat de- signs. ��� in union and „ signs. , Brussels in Brown `U �'in union and Brussels and Green grounds with floral designs. = L inol '11111$ and Oilcloths are now in for ins eo p me and see them, tion, come . . We are giving a special discount ` of 15 per cent. fo ,: one week on all the article mentioned above. Highest prices paid for all., kiids of Pr use, DEATH OF MR. OKE. Another of o' d e t Pio- neer our oldest res'7ci nets and one of he p_ neer settlers of McGillivray Township, ?n the person of Mr. Hugh Me, has paid nature's debt, passing away on Monday at the advanced, age of 81. years 7 mpntiia and 4 days. Mt. Oise had been do feeble health for natty menthe but teem was no noteeble difference n his condition. until about six weeks ago, when he' took a turn Lar the worse and bas gene been gradually ,on the deetne, old age being .she cause of death. Born x Devonshire, England, de- j ceased cane to Canadat, with. his parents whet, yery young. first settling in. Hope County, 'A short gale later the fam=ily moved to McGillivray, where de- ceased eordsf.buted touch :ax clearing farms and. assisting to tran;stortning the then unbrelson forest into the :beau- ti•fui farms grow"ownedl' and occupied bd' the younger generati tn, From the Town ship of McGillivray deceased moved to the TewBshG1x of Hay, and from there soma time later to xtb Township aftHul- lett. About 25 years ago he retired from the ram and Mold up data. res depce in Exeter, where be continued to re- aids OP to the tiinxe of hixt death, prey - 'no himself tks be a worthy: citizen, He, was tw:.oe a1aarrled, his first wife be - :tor Sarah Turner, who predeceased h;rn about 57 Years, and to whom were born two children -Richard Q e ofDedora. o e. Max, and Mrs, Dow of town., Sone seven years after the death eat dais first 'w'ife ho married Mar' inn W:lsoe. or. Hampden, the union Wog blessed wit1 ")tete ebtldren--six at wham bas:dea the 'sorrowing widow survive -- Owe sons and four daughters -W ill4arn at Tuckersntltb. and Andrew. of Seafarth ,fix's. Jast:p°x. +Tta'+n+ir.tras of Exo#or, \ r s. Ja'nns Marten at Tuekersmith, Mrs.' t\T9tl taaxs IdigE'ins of Usherette, and 'Shea Lyda at home. The deceased was 04 man of :many geed. qual t'Kes, nunber- a1g hrsfrdx ds as ran , and endear- 1n& himself,,to all who formed hia ac- qua;ntance. The funeral took piaci to the Exeter' Cemetery yesterday 't\\Ted nesday,) Tlxe bereaved family -.have the sympathy of their toady friends. ADJOURNED VESTRY MEETING. -- The ndjaurhed Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church was held it. the School all all b anday;evening, the nee- tor, Rev. D. W. Collins, presiding. The report of the :auditors was presented by Mr. N. D. Hurdon, embracing the fin- ancial Sta'nttLng of the church, the Sur.- day school and the Lades' Guild, all of. whtch went to show the finances of the church to ,be to 'a, healthy condition and ,most r1`ria•'ir'lfytng to the vestry. he- fag »rim the. best cin the( history est'' the church. The receipts of the church, exclusive of everytising but the ordinary contribu Coss, showed rececpts amounting to. $1691.96, and thee well be'coxisiderably augmented by outstanxdung subscr!p- Cons, before the report of the auditors s printed. The expenditure amounted to $1437.13, tlnx a ieav!ng a balance of $254.81. The report of the Sunday School revealed receipts aanounting to +n •e $178.04, tux ties cud. _ fl 59 and the 0P leaving a balance in the treasury of 486.55. -.The report of ,the Ladies' Guild showed receipts of .$204.221 and expen- diture $188.11, with a balance hi the treasurer's hands sof $176.10. It may be stated that thus amount will be plac- ed to the hands of the wardens to ,be expended for repbnrs- ora the church and to :approve the 1ttghtiug system of the church. Hearty votes of thanks :were tendered the Rector, Wardens, Choir Sun day school workers, Lades' Guild and Bell ititagers. At the conclusion of the bus:nese of the vetstry the meetcng was resolved into a congregateonal meeting when Messrs. N. D. Hurdo'n and Theo. I3awk'ins were elected Lay delegates to the Synod, with Messrs. Thos. Case and C, H. Sanders as subsL Lutes in case the former cannot attend. The business of the evencpvg beirng over the ladies, serv- ed a dainty luncheon and a most pleas- ant Bente was spent socially. WHALE}N. Misses Edna and HiSda Gunning are spending ;,a. month On Exeter. -Miser Myrtle reheat of Prospect spent the past week here, the, guest of Mess 'Vera Ogden. -Mr.: and Mrs Sohn ivtoriey and Mrs. Sutherby spent Friday erasing in the honrie .of Mr, Chas{ Duffield, the oc caa'.on being the anniversary of their twenty ;Sears of ntarated, lite. -The trus- tees of thils -church have decided to purchase a anew organ. -The W. M: S. held the`, anaivai meeting•on Thursday last. The officers elected are as follows, '.res ;dent, Mrs. loa11 Hodgson; First Vice., lyirs.e Albert Gunning.; Second Vice Mrs. Sut1bn by ; Rec.-Sex'., Miss Bessie Morley ; Car: Sec„ ,Mrs. J. 'V. Nelson; Organist, Lison;Orwan:,st, Mass Isla Bern ; Miss_ Hein was elected' to attend the Branch Meet - int :n` Sarn}'a next month. -Mr. Samuel Gunreng ;has rented his farm to Mr. Geo. Squires for thaee years. ver. Gun- ning will reside on the farm and we. are pleased to know that he will : re - meets wfl!tYt us. -Several of ' our young twee wen'e away on Sunday. Looks very suspicious boys. --Mr. Nathaniel Ogden, who has been an ' London hospital, re- turned name last•wecic. .ir CLANDSBOYE. Mr. Ernal B_cu and one of his fello students, Mr. Greene, 'sena have been attendiee. the Western Uni.'versityi are spend It., "a,' few days with the forhner's Parents here. Mr. Harry Shoff of "'Tor - ,onto,` who has been spending a' few days wed) Mr. Eslle Hodgson, left for his Y1ome: ,this morning where; he will take, charge, of- ills . school age:to-Mrs., A.'Jones spent a few days in Londons don <recently.-Mrs..a1. Love, of ',Zellers. who has been • spenel ng the pas?'; few Mouths wIth her mother, Mrs. C. ;Tier-+ barn, lest for Bly t`i this morning, where, she will vL's t. relatives: Mr. Roy 4t- kineon spent Suhtd;a.y Truth friends oil the second concess fan ''3 B ddulph ; The tele r iph baarde ng441.. at this Place a couple'; etre the men were repa'rinianr L' e if 71,T, � �.lo7x, t ^'"�xVW.yt' • r?rr`y�;±ff�cHi7 1' n .a.•,�t' µ lE d�•rnt" + GttiF:.;. joyabte afternoon at the hone of Mrs. A. .res r ' .Tones a x Saturday. Mrs. Jas, i.tk°n- son spent a rev. days w:ta ir;ends in London. HOTEL LICENSES SOUTH IIURON,-Ten years afro there were 38 hotel and shop licenses fe South Huron, but after May 1st there wet be but 13, ,License Commissioners John Middleton, Joseph Canning and' W i Asn .Delbrldgea and Inspector Tor- rance met i,x IIa.nsaM on Saturday task acid, dec'_aed to +Tran 1:Genses to the fel- 2owieg houses,:.. Exeter-Comeseretai House, Central and. etrQPPl:£alt, 1-Icilsall-Cerrartereial and Meg George Zsu d>l:--Deaa:vxloax and, Commercial. Hayf eld-Alb:Mt and Commercial. Stephen: Tp. --•Ce atralea, William riot- fatt; Crediton, .August Rift ; Grand I,',rnd., Ezra Brenner; Dashwood, woo 'Zimmer, Mrs. Nikkadsan, et Blake, 'xvaa 'g`veaa three months to sell 'out. NORTH 1UIDDLESkX--The heard pi d:c tie carauax-asioners for the north rid - <37t iIf 3 'theses niwt th ate eoutleil vhart, her, Luean. on Saturday, Present -Wm. Corbett, ,1, Milliken, J. Hedges and Proprietor Hodg iris, Tavern licenses was granted to Cata- erste Marshall, of the Queen's Hotel,. Lucaix' John the e tr m R ollaxe, ut t x C n at IQtel, Lucat., and Thos.. Hennessy, of he Pretoria House, Clandeboye, Jahn Iclr' tlkt of tate Western Hotel, Leese gas granted att extensao,a et three axxantlas 'n !,:der" to close out his bust- neva, Tlrc-'d'rense et any hgteliteeper or bar- tender, ^,vh.o Surat:alien liquor to a per- son wixo .:s :ta .a state of itataxication tv P3 be cancelled by rile board, and the inspector wag instructed to 'ties that tlx:s f'csob it:onx is strictly entorced, tat t.x,CQurty or Perth Um Pert tavern 1:c'C'lses I:n,vc been reduced #pr forty are tram 145 to 40; and: .shop licelxscs trams 23 to 4. CANADA'S FINANCE Dueieg the 12 menthe ending February 920 Carlada..'s total iniports amounted do value to $537,282,268, art :nermaso over titer corresponding period of 1.011 of 481,820,039. Exports of Cana- dian produce amounted to $285,007„842 as !increase of $9,455,768. On tho basis of .;total; t Sports and expprtsi fin eluding yfo olgxc produce and coin and bullion), the aggregate trade far the Piet".od' was`. 847,372,138. as compared with. $735,940,560 foo the carrespon `- 1no 12 axnecths or last year, an Crease of $93,432,178. Tire duty collected upon imports far consumption totalled 486,049,645, an increase of 444,119,543. Exports of Canadian produce to the United. Kingdom for the 12 months tot- alled .`:145,268,680 a betterment of of $12,892,11.0. imports froxnt the Un - Cited Iiiingdonn totalled $115,404,027, an increase of $5,450,047. Ianports from the U4tfted States 'during the same period totalled $348,478„262, an increase over the corresponding 7.2 months of 1911. oL $60,534,447. On the other band, exports of Canadian pro- ducts to the United, States show' a de- crease of $5,952,207, namely, from $105,747,370 last year to $99,793,163 during the. 12 months ending :February last. The duty collected on imports into Canada for the period amoute .d to $86,049,865, Six ncrease of $14,119,- 543., CAINTRALIA The Anniversary of the Epworth Lea- gue on Sunday and Monday was a deed ed success, despite the very unfavorable weather. The 'buns and syrup were provcfded :n plenty, and an excellent pro gram was given after. Durding the even-. ''.ng program Mr. Andrew Hicks, the choir leader, was presented with an ad- dress and a purse of money. The pro- ceeds of the eveir,ntg amounted to about $411.00. The pastor, Rev.Blatchford, oc cup:,ed the pulpit at the Sunday ,horning service, and Rev. Steadman, of Elimville :n the eventing. Miss Pearl Wuerbly of Zurich spent a Icor days the guest, of. Mies Gladys' Es- sery and as'strsted at the concert of the League. \. Miss Alla Wilson returned from Lon- don o41. Saturday, acconupanc•ed by Miss Minnie wood, who will visit relatives Scr a, short : tit yc. • lits:. Warren :Mr3tchell of British Col- ulnb`.ta is visiting at the home of Mr. acid Mrs, R. Kitchen., Mr. A. McGuire of McGillivray has rented the .hoose of Mr. Jas. Godsave, and expecte to becomea resident of the village. Miss Estella Neil; is confined to the h•ouse wait all. attack of measles. Mr. Jas. Hapdford and daughter of. ExeLer spent Sunday last with, friends the thvellaige. ': ' , A few of the farm_ sirs are starting, seed eng thIs week, but sa far the land iso lot work_Ing very satisfactory. Mrs. Jas. ,Wratten is attending the funeral of bier sester-erolaw at Dress den this, -:week. , Last 'week W. Jas. Nerrs bought three heavy draught horses from Mr. Samuel Hicks. Two of them were two- year old .arid one five years old. The pro phd was :$.750. TEN'D'ER FOR SEWER .EXE14ER, Tendsrs wail .be recc ved'up to '1+'riday: noon, tilay 0 next,; for, the oonstruct' ,1 o0 about ;3,000, feet of: sewers ; also for about 8,000 feet of 12 -Once. )incl 18. filch vErtrified sewer pipe and specials blans aridspec Pdcaaiolls and Moos of nd. ;rtty be seen at. thko off:te of 11}th 'r of the u uiereii nod`. The . ,lo vt st �L any any tenderthat neeessarly ac- epted, t) r 1V 3. ARNCO14 03 BiA GARLING, 'Cons L' illi Eng'M us Townlerk. or ? Orki fJl}t, �e” �t4t 7k�ef,egi ht r ti V/1NCHELSEA Mr. Newton Gunner of tisi's place was nxa.rr:.ed on Asst 16th to ','Tisa M; Irene, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lae. keg- of the 18th concessvn of Blarashard Tae Rev. C. K;adre of Granton performed Ow ceremony rert,the presence of a purrs b;r of relati=ves and fr„ends, congrat- Mations. ARRIAQI S 3unnOl-Lankin-Ixt Blanchard on April. 16ths Maxis Myrtle 'Moe. dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Lament to Mr, Newton Gunn°.ag of Weachelsea, by the Rev. O. C. Ka11ne. ..=vy-Ha tress Ot the parsonage-. EiLla v ll',e on Apra 24t13, by Rev, T, A• Steadnlaa, Mr, CIarenco Charlton Ley of L sbrxrue Towmdxr:p. to Charlotte Jane Harness, daughter at the LJe Isaac Tlartxcas, daf :R1anssttard. DEATHS Oke..--ln Exeter, on. Apr1,1 ° w, l 'u Oke,, ,aged 81 Yeas@, 7 months an 4 days.. Cook -•-111 Tuckersxn:th, on April 1.Gth, Emma Cook, aged 52 yt;),ra Swe.tzel'-At Weod1uun, on April 12th HelfrY Adana Swedtser, asred 79 years, and 1 ' lertilx. IN MEO1011I AM TQM-^Itt lov'tltT remembrance of 7a, u n. s a 4 w a, Tor who _ homel Tom t x.4 , da .. , m r !4T x1 . 24,l 1 pi "Tway bard to part with one so dear; i174 teude;- :9xtx1le, loving taco; We rutss ixIm lust the so-ine to -clay, Aa at the hour hepassed away, Olga year bas gone but still we art'=ss' It«ai I Yler e lxall hCa memory Lade, P , ;4 ti,oughts wall -always linger Around the grave where father's laid, -A daughter -.OTE 1� ITO C OR EDITORS I'aa the matter of the Estate er Bar - reek Payne, late of the Township of Stephen, 3n the; Coutty of Huron, sptn- ste'r, deceased. Not+'>ce Is hereby Sven pursuant to the 5.atute :n that behalf, ,that all persona having claims against the estate.of the said Harriet Payne, deceased, who died ell: or about the 23rd day at January, 1912, are required, on or before the 18ttx day of May, 1912, to send b'.f' post prepaid, or to del:ear to KeOnetle Good- man, at the Town of I'arkhtll, in the County at Middlesex, Solicitor for the Executors of the laat W:3! and Te6ta- nr.h! of the said deceased, full partic- ulars of thele elaints and statement of their accounts, nod of the nature and value of the accurltlas, If any, held by them, duly ver',tied, And take note that atter the said 18th, day of May 107.2, the said ex- ecutors will proceed with the dit.tribu- C nx of the assets of tho saiddeceas- ed amongst the persons entitled there- to, +having rogard only to the claims of which 'notice shall thein have been re- ceived, d and )x - t they be t 0. willnot liable , Y l for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to ,any person or persons of whose claim they shall not then have had notice. - JOHN SHFIRRITT,_ SAMUEL WEBB, Executors. by KENNETH GOODMAN { Their Solicitor. Dated at ParlthCsl1 this 23rd day of April A. 17., 1912. ONTARXO PROVINCIAL LOAN OF $2,000,000 AND $210;000 TITE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROV- INCE OF ONTARIO. under the author- ity of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario; 1911, to viten subscriptions frown the public for a loan of $2,Oe0,000 on bonds of the Province` of Ontario, OT "Ontario Government S'tock.” The bonds will be dated 1st May 1912', and payable on the 1st of Nov- ember, 1941, in denomilations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of 4,.per cent, per annum, Payable ,half yearly, on e lstof May and .1st of November in each, year, at the office of .the Provincial Treasurer; Toronto ,or at the offices of the I3ank of Montreal, en Montreal, Canada, and in, New York, N. Y.., at , the holder's op- tion. Bonds will be 'made payable to bearer; but on request will be regis- tered in thee 'ofLSce of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain perdons ol:' corpoJ'atOl 5, 'Id on request of. holders w:11 be exchanged for 'Ontario- Govern- a,iei,t Stock" at any time. Also balance of Algonquin Park Lpan S210,000 'e f . � 0 Ob0 �n the sant terms and o . 1, , o t t, w?th the samie'dates, under the author- 'ty of Chapter 9e 1,George V. The tissue price during the Month of May, 1912, -vine be 102 for each '100 and after t'he,31st day of May, 1912, the Issue price :rill •be ;102 andt interest accrued from the 1st :of May, 1912., ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED eUNDER THE AUTEr- ORITY OF TI -IE SAID ACT ARE FREE 'FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, iCl-I rcca s,, SUCCESSION .DUTY AND "IOPPOSITIONS W HATSO- EVER. i Purchasers ,of Stock or ]=Tends w'il1 be raga: -red to send Certified cheque with the application, payable to the order sof the "ProvJi:clad` 'Treasurer of.,'Ontario.'' This Ioarn .s' raised ' unane the credit O. the. C-onsol'kiatcd Revenue Fund. of Omarea, and ;. chiargeabie ,thereupon. A. S. MATHESON, Prose l c Treasurer. Treasury Depa" ,delft, Parleameot I wild- ngs,:•Coon o; 4prl ,79th, 191.2. Newapapars Yiltsert:tip rhes' advcrtise-1, ant without authorety iron thelT epatt I�x1eht 'wjU kp t hq pad liar xt i The Men's. Store WE NOW HAVI.3.,SS NEAT AN 'TIDY, 1 MEN'S FURNISHING STORE' .;1S THERE IS IN WESTERN ONTARIO, AND WE INVITE YOU TO 'INSPECT OUR P1143,11SES ANX) HAVE, A, LOOK, THROUGH. OUR STOEJK . EVERYTHING IN TFik7 STOCK: Iia NEW AND UP-TO-DATE IN EVER RESPECT. WE INTEND TO CARRIC . NOTHING BUT THE BEST GOODS.FOR THE PRICE, AND You WILL BEt CONVINCED OF THIS ON AN EXAM INATION, WE WISH TO DRAW" SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR KEN- MORE SOFT AND HARD HATS. THF.'s FULL LIST OF FURNISI•I'INGS CON: SISTS OF Ready-to-wear Suits ct CC dt Overcoats dt " Fancy Vests .. Odd Pants Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Cuffs, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Handker- chiefs; Hats and Caps. tt It An Immense ange YOU SHOULD SEE THE IMMENSE RANGE WE ARE SNOWING OF READY-TO-WEAR AND MEASURED SUITINGS, OVEIRCOATINGS AND TROUSERINGS. ISN'T iIT A SATIS- FACTION TO 'KNOW THAT EVERY- THING "THAT'S RIGHT" S'OR THIS SEASON WILL BE FOUND IN THE LINES WE ARE NOW STOWING. WE ARE JUST 13 INTERESTED IN SELL.,- -ENG ' YOU THE CORRECT P11ING: IN STYLES AS YOU ARE IN: GETTING IT -13Y Us. • THE WIRD "T IAN" YOU WILL, FIND --,STANDS FOR, THE COR-, RECT THING IN CLOTHES. I;1JA1?Y ro WEAR, ; SUIT ,Biers` 51,111T' AT $9.00, UP TO 415 1 fEASURED SUIT PRICES START .7 '$T.8.00 rep TO ,$,28 M��'iI;'.�`:�Itkil�''C�'ttz9%�``���2'11�ri;�uu�, t:�ktiiCz•:�?t�yrr`�fiiYi