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Control of Customs and, Excise not Conceded
the New Irish Parliament
A. despatch from. London says;
The eardinal principle of the pre-
sent Home Rule Bill, Premier As-
quith stated on Thursday, is the
supreme authority a the Imperiel
parliament, while at the eame time
real autonomy is conferred on Ire-
land in regard to Irish concerns.
The hill provides for the estab-
lishment of an Irish Parliament,
consistiug a a Senate and. a Honse
of CO1111110133 with power to make
laws for Peace, order PLad good gov-
ernment in Ireland,
The bill provides that the mat-
ters to be excluded from the control
of the Irish Parliament are thc
Crown, the army and the navy, Ina,
perial affairs, the Irish land par -
hese, and the old ago pension, and
national insurance acts, the Irish
constabulary, the post-offiee savings
banks and public leans, in additiOn
to those exeluded by the Heine
Rule bill a 1303, which left the
..'euetoins and ONCIO under the con-
trol or the Imperial Government,
The Irish Conetabulary is to be
automatically transferred to the
Irisli Government after six. years,
atid power is giVell by the bill to the
Irish Parliament to demand the
transfer of the old age pensions and
Insuraeep Aet to its eoritrol on give
tug a year's notice to the Imperial
The Dish Parliament is debarred
from altering the Homo Rule bill
or the power to appeal to the Privy
Provision is made for the protee-
tion of religione equality in Ire-
land, end stipulating that the Irish
Parliament cannot make, laws,
directly or indirectly, to eetablieh
or to endow any religion, or to
Mbit the free, exermee thereof, or
to give a..)?referonee or privilege to
any religton or to make any reli-
gious ceremony a condition of vali-
dity a any marriage. .
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
is to have the power to Veto or sus-
pend a.ny hill on the instruction of
the Imperial Executive,
Any question regarding the inter-
pretation of the Home Rule bill is
to be settled by appeal to the Judi-
cial Committee of the Privy Coun-
The Irish Senate is to consist a
foety members, and the House of
Repre,sentatives of 164, of wbieh Ul-
ster is to have 59 and the, Universi-
ties two,
The Senate is to be composed of
nominated menabera, In the first
instance, the Imperial Executive ie
to contro1 the nominations with a
view to assuring the representation
of the minority. The nominations
are to be for a fixed term, and as
the members retire by rotation the
vacancies will be filled by the Irish
-Executive, IN ease of disagree-
ment the two Houses are to sit in
joint Ecesion.
• The Lord Lieutenant is to be
head of the Executive. There will
be no religious bar, and he will hold
office for a fixed term.
The authorityof the Exemitive is
t.o beee-extensive with that of the
Irish Parliament. The 164 repre-
sentatives are to be eleeteel by the
existing eonstitueneies, but no eon-
stitneney is to have less than 27,000
The eolleetion of all taxes is to
remain, in the Imperial SerViee, and
they will he Paid into the Imperial
Betel:critter, which is to pay ever to
the Irish Executive ale amount
ecniivalent to the expenditure on
Iriheervices at the time of the
passing of the Act. An additional
sum of $2,500,000 is to be paid to
Ireland the fist year, and this will
diminish by $250,000 yearly until it
is redueed to$1,000?000- -
The postal eervices are to be
handed over to Ireland.
The Irish Parliament is to have
Power to reduce or diecontinne the
Imperial taxes, excepting the in-
come tax and the stamp and oetate
<hitters. It will also have power to
alter the excise duties, hut exeept
in the eaee a beer and spirits it is
debarred from adding to the cus-
toms duties anything which will
give a greater inerea,se than 10 per
The Irish representation at West-
mineter is to be 42members, one
for every- 100,000 of the poptdation.
Canadn, tho Empire and the World
in General Before Your
The grants to the veterans of '66
-will be distributed as applied for.
The Canadian Northern Railway
inade a successful test of its first
gas -electric car on Friday.
One hundred dollars a square foot
was paid for a block of land on St.
James street, Montreal.
The Govermnent bas renewed the
Atlantic mail contract with the Al-
lan Line for another year.
Tho headquarters of the Porto
Rico Railway -Company have been
-changed from Montreal to Torontoe„
The Government is to spend an-
other million and a quaeler on new
rolling ,stock for the Intercolonial.
New Zealand decided to sent
twenty cadets to compete at the
Natienal Exhibition at Toronto.
Sir Robert Perk, ex -1`,L P ,
claims that his company could build
the Georgian Bay Canal in five
The Duke of Connaught is said to
be interested in a scheme for the
reorganization of the Canadian
• Percy Sawtelle was thrown over
his horse's head at the Calgary
Horse Show and received shacking
• injuries.
Two big track -laying machines
began work on the Regina and Cal-
gary sections of the Grand. Trunk
Four freight carS went through a
bridge at Cody's Station, N.B. A
ear •contaimeg about 40 passengers
on the rear of tne train renamed
011 the tra,ek.
The • .eouely • of •Midcllese,x
made a propOsition to the London
City Connellfor the erection of
•joiet municipal buildingsto aost
half a million dollars.
A c.P.R.-PassUnger train ran in-
to a rock, slide near Kamloops on.
Th nr F da y. . Engineer Walker and
Fireman Hnskinso were killed,
; no one e.se •niurea.
'I va, troubled with • Kidney Dioeaseti
•for •Several a,`ear<1 xly back was weak I
had terrible , hen daehes, and Was se rest-
less tht Icoula not sleep .at night. At
• last 'I.
at once. 5�a box and after„ettaking t.hern'
felt betteltafter three'r'; Vexes I was
ats for, ,free, .s. ample pf Oin ,Pill
Then:'getfttli.e regelar size. boxes
vour dcaier's,:ere- ereco- froth' us -50c. a
bex`, 6' for ,$2.50, eeif ClqP
, fail to curee atichja 1 '•
heal teal ; Co og Pa
One in Three:
It iSeliffteult to make reopla be-
lieve that tea and coffee are a poi-
son to at least one person out of
every three, but people are slowly
finding it out„ although thousands
of them suffer terribly before they
discover the fact.
A New York hotel man says:
"Bach time after drinking coffee I
became restless nervous and ex -
et -ed, so that I was unable to sit
five minutes in one „place, was also
inclined to vomit and suffered from
loss or sleep, which got worse and
"A lady said that perhaps coffee
was the cause of my trouble, and
suggeSted that I try Posture, (Tea
is just as harmful as coffee because
it contains caffeine, the same drug
found in coffee). I laughed at the
thought that coffee, hurt me, but
she insisted so hard that I finally
had some Postum made. I have
been using if in place of coffee ever
since, for I noticed that all my for-
mer nervousness and irritation dis-
appeared. I began to sleep perfect-
ly, and the Posture tasted as good
or better than the old coffee, so
what, was the use of sticking to a
beverage that was injuring me?
"One day on an excursion up the
country I remarked to a young
lady friend on her greatly improved
appearance. She explained that
some tinae before she had quit using
coffee and taken Postum. • She had
gained a number of pounds and ,hei-
fornaer palpitation of the heart,
humming in the ears, trembling
the hands and legs and other dis-
agreeable feelings had disappeared.
She yecomendd me to quit cof-
fee and take Postum and ,was very
macli surprised to d that had
already made the change.
• 'She said her brother had also
received great benefits from lean-
ing off coffee and 'taking on Pos-
ture.. - 'There's a reason.
Ever road the above letter? A new ono
appears from time to time. They are
genuine, tree, and full of human Interest,
ureyisieue ,Si ain't:yds of
' Vegetable Oils.
ek despatch from, Ottawa sanse
Under the provisions of the Adul-
teration Act an, ordereinecouneil has
been passed fixing he standiirds for
"edible vegetable oils!' These in-
clude olive oil and co ton seed oil,
he stan aAds of quality of, .wlie
are set forth in the order It isy
provided that either of these masi
be sold as salad oil, hut, when cot-
tonseed oil is offered as salad oil
the fact that it is, cotton seed Oil
nritst. be: ,declared- on the:label. The
4,aine rejleiremente
re -
gad 'eettOnseed oil
pcp e . ; if naust be.statedon
bhbel'that the contents of the
ag,Oe„-are ,rnixtti,,er •
A Real Estate
Mortgage Bond
Secured on Central City
Real Estate valued at over
The totel mortgage
indebtedness against this
PrOPerty is only 40% of the
l'he Bonds are issued in
denominations of $500 and
$1,000 each and will pay
the investor 6%%.
Write for full particulars.
• Murray MatherdeCo.
Torgote Genera, 7,1,514, Building
Bet Avoid the New Ones aim! Those Not
Well eianageti—Hydro-Electric Has Put
PAWN UtUty sheres Sadly Out of
Faver-NAVISAtien ShareDepend Large.-
nr an 0000 Fortune o A Thing InveSterS
do Not Count an -What to do When
Seeking Advice.
The articles contributed by "Investor"
are for the sole purpose of guiding
nective investors., and, it tlouiliie, of eavt
log there from losing nioneY, throlvei
Placing it in "wild -ear enterprises, The
impartial and reliable i;haracter et the
Information may be relied upon. Tho
writer of the•e articles and ihe publisher
of this paper have no tittereRta to servP
In connection with this matterpther than
those of the reader -
NV "Investor")
Atter bank stocks the Canadian Inver, -
tor bas a long list to Choose from, So far,
in the country's Idstory. she well InaJOI,
aged trust companies' and loan cor.ipan-
ies* shares have been en'tirelY setistav-
tory—far more 90 than bank sitarea-and
!...ery profitable; though sometimes of ra.
titer narrow,market. But the dfinger of
making the mistake and buying shares in
some ot the ill -managed or new companies
I n great enough ,;-o Make it scarcely ISISO
tO give these a prominent place.
Public utility compalliele 61=01 Were at
000 time Kittle favorites with the Gana.
diau investor; but tho competiLion of the
hydro -Electric Commission of Ontario
has put these stocks out of favor. And.
Indeed, an inventor was unfortunate who
held shares in the smaller companies, such
as the London Klee:rie, in which compe.
titian by tho government has wiped out
about 90 per cent. of the shares'
Before the Ifydro-Eicetne entered Lon-
don the stock of the London Electric
Company sold as high as 134, in 1859. and
97 in 1664, Since then it has sold Around
15, and it is doubtful if one could get
much more for it. I know one widow
unfortunate enough to have 25 shares,
which cost lier .about $3,000.00, now worth
but little more than $550. No doubt the
mar& of progress jastilles this; but wc
can feel sorry for the victims -a -nil not
invent in public service shares ourselves.
Railway shares -and of these we really
have but C. P. It. and its subsidiary,
Minneapolis, St. Paul Sr, Sault Ste. Marie -
owing to their being dealt in ,ehielly out-
side Canada are too speculative -not from
point of view of security. but because of
their fluctuating market. C. P. it., for ex-
ample, has moved down and up over 26
points each way since the fall, and
"Soo" about the same, to that an investor
-except one of the most hardened sort -
would be quite uneasy. Of course, the
yield is low -just 4 per cent. on C. P. It.-
wbile the prospect of almreciation in the
long run, say tea years, is high. These
are features that should appeal only to
the wealthy investor who alone eon af-
ford to sacrifice something in the way
of safety and income for the sake of
speculative possibilities.
Lake navigation companies are proper-
ly divided „into two classes, the passenger
and package freight boats. and the
"bulk" freighters. During the past few
years the bulk freighters, thcce ':hat earry
such cargoes' as grain, coal and ore. whirl;
is dumped into tbe 'hold loose and trans-
ported in the cheapest possible way. have
done a very unremimerative business.
There has been plenty' of freight, but
'competition has been SO keen that in some
instances they have scarcely made ex-
penses. The passenger boats, on the con-
trary have been making. new rec-ords for
earnings each year. Shares, in the com-
panies controlling -these vessels are not
particularly attractive to .the careful in-
vestor, es o much, depends on good for-
tune. Tho loss of it boat, though covered
by insurance, means heavy loss of earn-
ing power initil it is replaced. and see
unless one is in very close touch with the
business these shares' are on the whole
not it desirable investment. At times,
however, investments in navigation stocks
have been highly profitable, as witness
the move in Niagara Navigation, This
companye. however, is a brilliant excep-
tion to the average. ' ' •
. ,
. There te one clas.s of share investment
to which. ,in most of the instances above
given these criticisms do not apply. We,
toolt ma some timo ago the question of
preference shares, and the' preference
Shares in practieally all of the classes of
companies mentioned --where such shares
exisi-rorm very desirable) investxnents,
when chosen with the same care With
which ore would choose a bond.
We will next dealwith industrial
Stooks. While industrials „are,...no more, if
s ranch, \vor.13y of consideration iTh an
naose of the ,elasses ,considered -1n this
article, there have, been so many eases
Where, unwary inve:3tors have purchased
theta mcwely, and so many industrial
companies have isaued preferred shares of
Quite decided trorj, that they will be given
c' arbircia to 113 :on , , ..,, •
' li *ril he rztit,b,c.,,,cd. f,oyea. the -.fere:going
that the writet: does not consider com-
mon share,, a uraner investment for thew.
'Who- cannot • afford to take chances. Otte
might goe farther, and say that no OE Q.
Who ' IS ,110-i. in el 9 11, touch , with ma rhet
ancl,general 'conditions' should ever make :
st..001c hives tan en t except no the'.xxiost ex- I
sieri disinlcresteil adviee: Arid, t: wheseek.,
lug advice give the expert, the fullest, in- 1
formation- as to- wdiat your object is in I
seelitue• it loo often s broker s
11 a certain 'stock is a 'good buy," when
for a,„ sp e mil t or it is. :11c1 for a lie -man -
:investor it is decidedly not. If You
Ohrn't„truF,t your ‘financiel adviser. vvith
• orination about "yourself certainly 'don't
rust, 1,ins with your money., Oct one you I
an' Irnib. • '
coinage of -Ave:arid
te4 dllar gold
Iver ' • eeneoe ' e9ln, any
The Movement Against, Vice -Visit Of the
• Duke Of Cennanght-Carnbling
on Horse Racing, Etc., Etc.
(We have arranged for a weelay letter
about Toronto affairs, Whiell, We believe,
will be of great interest to manY of on?
readers. These letters will be from the
pifl ef one of Canada's foremost journa,
lists, a man who has covered some of the
world'a greatest happenings and now 00.
coniesa eading position on one of the
The convening here of what is termed
a world's Purity Conference calls at,
troulion to it etri*.ing, development of the
last, two or tWe years. There are now
Organized bodies for the suppressionof
"the White Slave traffic, for the educatien
M the young in questions of sex, for the
suppression of the Social Evil, and vari-
Qua allied matters. AnYoue who has
handled copy in a newspaper office will
recall that up to two or thres years ago
o f
to these matters_in the neWe
et the day was eaCeettingly rare. Now
t hey are of daily occurrence. The change
indicates that a new movement of _great
PrePortiens against an old. 'oral ot rire
hos been inauglirated. '
One of the .,speakers at the recent con-
vention comPlanied that Ite had *been clb-
ceived as to 'Toronto the 04204,” Ite
aaid ',hat on the Strength Of it written
64ternent emanating from the IforalitY
Department be had eited Toronto ell over
Amerlea as an illustration of o eitY which,
did not tolerate the Panto) e‘ii, .1v.ny he
foetid that statement was 113/trIte,
.neuter American speaker took round
out of the press. The tone of the news.
Papers. Ile aaid, was ,at its lowest. ebb, To
rtlennstobcole'srvgY4x4mgallni,°cwiliYo c'°sarilt.lect%ie4n t blvy/InAev're°;
might be the ease in the -tri4t,Qel stgtos,
the criticism did sot aPPli in Toronto,
Ono reason why the copvention. Vali not
bigger and why it dia net OrCate eieeer
stir is to bo found in the fact that while
the vast znajorityof Toroutonians sym-
pathize warmly Nvith the ends ainaed at,
very few of thein care to discuss tbe
questions in public, and, some even quer,-
tion the desirability of brass band me -
thous in it eanwajp4 of this character.
Soiliety"ihr fialritiCingIeclabeCt3rUNit''t:.
tions toe the eeeeee visit of the Teem of
Conoought to Toronte. which is echedieed
to tele) place during the Woodbine race
meeting in the last 'week of May. His
Royal Hignness is all 411.0,13541,50Q pa:.ron
of horse raeiegand, hit attendance at
he function this' year is expected to melte
lie event the most brilliant in ',hit history
or the .10eliey Club, The enterumunents
welch will accompany his visit are likely
to be of a less public nattaro than on hio
first sojourn in Toronto los.; autumn, They
Iflv;Inj tsalultLilthalritkilers41, !our 11lnneheoT441Sei0nlawnrd''
While soviety will rejoice at the pre
enee of his Royal highness there will, in
other quarters, be criticism. of his lending
hiu support to horse raving, wi.ix the pro.
nounced gambling element that is asao.
elated with it. And it is just Possible
that betere the visit is concluded, this
criticism tnay find open expresriou itt
formal language Deux mere than on
Apart from Ins. Excellency's rvinonsi-
bility in the matter. it is interesting to
note what a hold horse racing now has
established on 1,11is Provineo, With the
• chartering of two new racing associations
,this year. Ontario alone It likely to have
tbe,,n tee days of racing, as fol.
Woodbine, Toronto ..- 14 days
Dufferin Park, Toronto .... 14 days
Ittunilton 14 days
Windsor .... 14 daYS
For Erie,, . .. ,... 14 days
Ottawa .... 14 days
Torou;:o 14 days "
London 14 days
The last two named, being newly organ•
has], may not Inc In shape to hold meets
this year, but the other fixtures are cer-
tainties, each track holding two -weeks of
seven days each, onein Om first half of
the season, the other in the second. *No
two tracks., with the exception of Da -
Scrim a half miler, which is a .sort of a
Poor gelation to the others, will be open
at OM same time, so that the horses and
the whole paraphernalia, will, at.the con-
clusion of one meet siinply move on to
the next. In sporting circles the circuit
is known -as the "Merry GO Round."
There are probably few cities in North
,Aanoriett 'where gambling , on horse rac-
ing has a stronger hold. than in Toronto.
This gambling' is by no means confined
to the few weeks each season when there
is racing in Toronto, though no doubt it
is fostered by these meets. There are
several thousand men in Toronto who
"follow the races" every day, the whole
year round. Not only do they keep in
close -touch with the events on Canadian
tracks, but -they follow the results all over
the Atnerica,n continent. By strange con.-
trast with Canada there are only two or
three ,states in the Commonwealth which
permit gambling on racing, Kentucky and
Maryland being the chief of these. Even
California, which used to furnish the
winter circuit, has banished the pastime,
so'that now the enthusiaat has to lay his
winter bets on racing hi far away Mexico.
It is not -merely an academic interest
lie tkesthese far away event:3. He
bets his good money on them, and hun-
dreds of wagers are laid in Toronto every
day, oven all through the winter months.
DeSiiite the vigilance of the law th.e fa-
cilities are at hand for the betting. There
is even a direct telegraph wire connected
with all the tracks !or furnishing speedy
results, which even beats that of the most
enterprising newspapers. From Toronto
these results are flashed to various points
throughout the Province, so that two or
three minutes aftei: is horse race is run
in say Juarez, 141eXICO, Ontario knows all
about 55.•
Toronto's much heralded new General
Hospital, which is beinr- ereeted at, a cost
of 53,500,000, is now taking shape. One
of the buildings, the Pathological building,
is corapleted, auti is now 611 Ilse by classes
at the University. Several others are
completed, as far as the exterior work
• concerned, and all the others are on
tam way. The group of buildings which
°croupy rlic blocks on the south side of
College street a,re already looking quite
illtPreSsive. The site is 725 feet by :320
.fect in size.
' Now iliat over half of the tbrer, and a
halt' million' c1011ars has bean spent 'sone.
interest,ing di,s9overies have been made.
Although the original estimate of cost
WaS $1,400,000 it is row found that the
amount 1104, iaraulisble ivill net be suf.
Pa.:lent, and the proble'n mances worry.'
Another Odd fact is that the institittion,
aOl have very little increased a cool -a -To.
dation for (Inc nublic over the old hes.
pital, ,and it, iss ''hought that the old build-
ing onGerrard street cast' will have to
be retaine.d ns an ,east ernl • hosui bti. The
new institution m-11 halm 449 beds for nub -
he patients and 98 private beds. Medial
men are disposed to criticize 011 The
ground t,hat the new hospital, will not he
. ri modern 38 it ,ought to berrecy say
that theclaithat it will be ',Ale flxiest
in Amerim.. ca is a pretty st.i•ep claim tY
/take ,for it.
• I[enrecked 1rusbi
going out, !,,sle.
sir.' • Iferipeeked
you leneAseeife
0 e
Former President of Wrecked Farmers
Bank Captured at Obloago
A despatell from Chicagosays:
Dr, W. Beattie Nesbitt, wanted in
Toronto on a. charge of partleipat-
ing in it eonspiracy to wreck the
Farmers Bank of that city, was at'-
re-nted in a South Side restaurant
on Thursdaynight, The prisoner
was loi
eated n a South. Side hotel
three days ago by detectives from
Assistant. Chief Seluittler's office,
and wee shadowtvl day and night.
Thursday Detective Wallace ar-
rived from Toronto, and the same
night the suspect was orrested.
Detective Joseph Cahill and Mat-
thew Barda took the prisoner to
Sehuttler's office, where, he was
confronted by Wallace. who de-
clared the man was Nesbitt. The
latter protested that the ease- was
one a mistaken ideutity. He de -
Pied that he, came from Toronto.
After a brief examination, the
su5pect was taken to detective
headquarters, with orders that be
should be kept from .5eeipg. any
soti except police. cdlieere, A ew
minutes later, however, he was
placed in an automobile and rushed
away from the City Hall to wine
outlying poliee station, where it is
said he was locked ep.
Nesbitt is said to have been living
in Chicago for some time tiuder the
name of Coleman.
Thousands Have Been Hilted by
Eruption in Hondurae.
A deepatch from Mobile, Mae
barea, says; Thousands of persons
have been killed and whole Indian
villuges swept away by the erup-
Of Chiriqui Peak, near Boeee
Del Toro, in Honduras, aeeeeding
to the story of Captain Olsvik, of
c United Fruit steamer Fort Mor -
gain which arrived hero on Wed-
41 Price Bros. and Company 13oncis pay 6 per cent on the investment. They
offer the strong securityof first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and
timber 14nds—which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the
Company at present approximate twice the bond. interest. The new pulp mill in
course of construction will double this earning power. Purchased at their present
price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent, The best posted investors in
Canada and England have purchased these bonds. Owing to the security and
increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bondeWill unquestione
ably increase in value.
If you have money to invest writens for complete information.
Manager LONDON (ENG.)
Offering of $50,000 of Stock of
The Alliance Investment Co. Ltd.
.of Caigary, Alta.
Drvidecl into 5.600 Shares of $10.00 each, par
/It $12.50 per share.
From the' Company's Atmital Report, 31st Deceinber„ 1911:
Capital Paid-up
At credit Profit and Less Account
taking Real F,state, Holdings at
At credit Profit and Loss Account
taking Real Estate Holdings at
Market Value (Independent con •
servative valnation after allow-
ing for cost of Marketing) - : - $6.4,313.36
f0-enna nte=eceentnet,
Enquiries nt to the Company's standinn. and the integrity and
„ .
ability of its Directors (of whom the Presitrent, Managing Director
and Secretary -Treasurer devote their time exclusively to the Com-
pany's business) may be, made of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Mont-
•Eill particulars regarding the Company's business and a copy
of the, Fifth Annual Report re.a.y be obtained from the Fiscal Agent
of -the, Company,
tille Bs 0.1Teitl BANK OF Lili9- OTTAWA MONTEAL P.Q.
9 BINg
,11R6CIZ'S GLINT 'ROSE ',VEERING 'ITEET-The "most valtm:ble r60041 lloot orz
the marl:el; ,combioes ttto r2elt foaalildies• or the SugarIleri •”001,4 the tang
Itociltna, larke size 45144 Ixeavy croppilm quallifes of , 1,4
1.2 1 10.:5,5e., postpaid.
'Elk., best ol` :511 earrols. o8c.., 1.2 114. 51.24, g 00. 100,10,,,„(0.
, , , J-Iir-
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