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Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-18, Page 4
c b130scaterhe London. tkdvertser `_.tv its "Stay in9 Ontario":.. cantPatlgn madereferenee to. Sanders Creech, Pro. Huron County last week. There is no. p batter county on .the top of the green 'L.'W JR8D&Y, .A.,F.RRv. 18, '12 earth than the County of Huron, and ot211.. the exodus to; the west frontthis t WHAT 1 DRAINAGE IS WORTH IN A DRY SEASON - Free Assistance in Drainage, again of- fered by the O. A. C. During thio exceptionally dry season o, 1911 land that was underdrained pre- ' d used on the average about 410.50 more t per acre .than land that 'was' not"drams 1 Grey* ect'on of Ontaio has been exceedingly large for ntany Yeats. 'Izt fact, front I-Suron and Bruce people werego:ng t ;4 the west, long before the C.F. railway was built. The following comparison of population in the Townships of Huron •1-nd:cates the decrease during -the last:. ten years, - Township 1911 2,850 3,557' ed, accor4Boy to data collected bythe 1lforv rcs c 8;463 4,140 PePartment ofPhysicsat C . Ontario _,2 0 2i606 Furnbar*Y 8 7 1 9 2,141 Crediton FOR SF1.LE-3 ksr's, Cred:toz, No. 1, Red Clover, .Als"kg, Alfa ra, Tim- othy, KentuckYsBluS im-othy,Kentucky,.Mlue and Orchard Grass spec:aIIY selected 'for seeding'gurpQses Also a: quant'ity of -clean Aist_ke and T:2nethy Seed ny'.oed at very reasonable prices. Parties Frequiring should buy early ae' tine 'better grades wilt be scarce and IChghI ER, easCItseaDDI"1'sonONattvancee.-, CHAS, Rev. Burn of it he Evangelical Church is attending the Conference in Carnet 1901 den. Next Sunday morning the, pulpit 4gr_cultural. College.. Reports were receslved front a lame number or fainters, of whorl twenty-r,ye gave definite figures on yields, 3 of the number said they saw no difference, but all the others reported increases: kley. en counties :vase represented in the reports, Trent Parham 'ax the East to E9seX Mrx 41 -se West, The visite es ss., creases, '41e1u44straw. ;Way figured at October 111 Palces, andllarots1512 prices, The roarer shewed.,,arr a,voraas ,or $15.97 per, acre and the ;' >atter^, 517,- 04e, 04, acrd both:, together art average of 16.. • 511, 'The three who z'ePorted'u ;asteria were counted in obta x n.6 the aver ages. In wet seaset ,s the reeuits ane -even more marked, 'hut even at $7.6.50 per acre. drains snore than pay for therri selves .az levo years, The 0, A. C. is again renewing its often ,of easlotanco to fare;ers in _lays trig Out tthe;,r drainage systems. '.The Department oP F,hys°ks has a special staff of Drainage Adv»sers for this IL'eense Act 'axes -7. East Wewanos i flay afGK;31op Stanley Stephen Tuckersnt:th. Usborne As r -cid; Colborne Cosier:eh. Hallett bleat WVawanoall, 1,929 3,014. 2,239 1,830 3,453, 2,221 1,944 2,630 1,602 19�, -. 2.409 1,343 37,190 1,960 3,627 2,685 2,1.5.2: 4,172 2,463 '2;367 3,497 1,800 2,528 3;808 2,218 44,877 Decrease 7,687 The above list shows thra need of an educational. corrnpai;n as to the advan» tae to gained by reatxa,:ntn,,s In the old. counts. As one ;farmer said when we mentioned this matter to- him last week Ittins decrease keeps on much longs the go'ernnrent win soon be letting ie land : out to Homesteaders."• Important amendments to the Liquor work. T,x re ties no charge for the •aer vices or these men, the onlyoutlay to he farmer being the travelling expenses, 'whicta are low, As the railway , fare Es only one centra, Mae for . tills work. and as several surveys are always made on one trip ti;e expenses are d'<v ded ,Erma the several 4 art:ea, whet aro concerned. .Anyone w:shins to have dxu=ate survey made should drop ,.'Cord to thp rt cent of I'hyacs, T..7. A., Q, Guelph, whereupon regular a.p- pl;cat:on terns will iszt. sent; and later Fon -ane or the Department's - Dra°:eal e iViv se sr w l intake the survey. • T.a:ta °:s tyre seaaan of fire year tivinen rvelylaed' lel geld cheer up. The growing ^hand when nature begins io aas,.xt r cit }2t rzaxr Torun and to N vc of iter bounties for the benefit of rnan dnd. If winter lingers long in the all of sputa, as tt is dolor. this 'sea- son.. do not beeJr e pess:msttc "and reel that nature in some has clipped a cos and las turned' away from Son.. 'Cheer sup, seed t'rne 'will Tonle 'tura' • and the snow and frosts w 11 d_s cis 'pear. This season vri11 prove no rz certiou to the rule. It, is better to, ° have winter conditions now than„a, ' month hence, alter a considerable ,rPor- tion or the seed is in the ground,=.If' .risen real epr'tnu conditions do= enihe,, they come to ,stay, the farmer wit fa e better than having; an early spring;' with sold, 'bleak weather following. A single female fly lays 'from 129• to '150 eggs, which hatch out in frons 8 tq "10 hours. These aro mature and ready to lay themselves :•n 20 days. For ev- ery female fly killed now there wilI. "be several milton flies the fewer to be %filled :n AYyg'ust, 'so it would,'appear to be a good thing fol began the swatting season with the appearance of•thefirst ' Ily. I'rohilb.ts estabitali.ntent of storage for. l"gators :n local .aption nran1etpa.11tiea. Given .Govcrntnont power to prohibit sale of liquors tin any Prescribed area when such s"_s deemed advc,sable, Prevxies for isngriaonment for asxy- one round drieds:ta,; in local 'option dis- tr,et who refuse's Les tell where liquor was secured, Pro.r,;sbata .licensee or employe rrom! convert'.ng gine .cheaus into money oar t-ekin, same n part payment for liqup Prov':des for raising of maximum rineI for infraction of Liquor laws to $500. Gives Siotelmen rltrht to eject any per -d son he may auspeet of 'berg on Its Pfr ntr-ses for `Cnnprope: purposes, 8ro1'bits labellin.; or -bottles or ftaaks escePt 'by manufacturer. Every growing ambitious town is corn - posed of three elements. Those who. work pa:trlotically, vigorously- and In, te11'yently for its wzdv,aneosnent ; those: who are :,;,t a stated apathy, or indifter' ease, and .those who. take a curious de - 'gilt in discouraging the effort of others oy r'rlicule, and by a persistent denial that any progress can or has been ac- complished, and by boasts of every other town betides their own. The last class are called croakers. but they aro really something worse, for their opposltbon. does not arise :simply from despond- ency but from that unenviable spirit that w:a1-neither act itself or tuner others to act. A. lady has asked me to tell our readerswhat she learned a few years ago about cooking bacon. She cuts it in medium titin slices and puts it on in a cold pan and slowly lets it •dry until it becomes transparent, then makes it a golden "broiwm. ' over a. hotter lure. The rat from bacon should be sere v -d w:it'h -it as it Is both tasty Ss.nd wholesome, • , w.11 be oeeuped by Mir. Gott., Brows: T_,ere will be no service in, the evening, Messrs. Hodsins & Treventbfek have received a seepn]ent ` of 'buggies for the Sprtny trade, They handle only those manufactured by thee best factories.. Miss Adeline Katz of New Hamburg s visiting her stater, Mrs. Chas Zwick er, The Shzeaded Wheat banquet g:.ven .n the Methodist Church last night was, a; decided success. A splendid program was rendered after the banquet,'lnelud- ?ns several e#re e aelecttolla given by Miss Jean tiiralkar, of k.ondon, All thoroughly enjoyed the nselyes. 1, E:iber, M. P P., returned Satur- day. atter attending the closing session of she Lea:,siature, sfr. t1attlIew We is at "Praselit very. 11 and poor !topes are entertacned his recovery. Mr. Aimless Hodats attended the Horaeahoer•s' Conventiifort at Toronto last week and vsafted with friends in lIamiltion over Sunday. Frank Snell made a. business. trip to London Tuesday. ;!wars. Samuel and Chris, Yoelk r were called home from Perot Thuraday last on account of tate illness of their, mother., She has, however, considerably lnAProved and they,have returned to De- School re -opened son,bxonday:, after the Easter holidays. The names of quite a number of youngsters have been added to the school nall at the re -opening. 4i'. August Hill is ;having several rooms in xhts hotel, renovated and paper, ed, ;Winding the dinning,' room Aut3ust al- ways keeps t s hotel in the very hest of shape, CREDITON SCHOOL rtEPORT. Continuation. Roost's. Part III., Over 75 M Qestre.eher, A F; nk'batner : over fro,. L Brown. Parr II.,— Over 70, S Fink be:ner, E Burn; lover 00, H Hoist ;cm 40, V r1'oitzrrsann. Part L -Over 70, L Oeatrei leer, G Lewis, L Finkbeitter; over 00, A Scholdlce, 1.t Brown; below 40.::1. Shiite.—H. W. Graham, Principals Jr. II., honors 75 and Pass 60 per cent. 'Honors, A Sjweitzer, I3 Burn. Pass G Wolfe, P Lawson, W Sims, P.1101, W Appleton. Pt II., honors, E 11a4st, E Ocatroch,er. Pass, I Fdnkboiner, ?Eilber. Pt. L, A. Honors, 11. Ga.ser, E Brown, S Weiner, "4r Beaver, W Sims, pass, A 13enedraet, P Motz. Pt. I. B. lion- ore, 0 Guenther, It Horst. Pass, M. Holtznvann, 13 Hoist, T Taylor., Pt. 1. C honors, Ii MI; pass, II Beaver, N. Fa;et.-Lulu M. Snider, teacher, Sr. III. HAonora -C Firtiat, 1.1 Guenther pass, 0 Winer, M Lawson. Jr, UII„ honors, L Sambrook, B, 'Lrovrn, .4i -Rene •dict, R Finkrbclaner, 11 Wolfe. Pass -E. Brown, L Lawson, Sr. II. honors, L Lawson, N Geiser, L Brown. Pass, E. Guenther. -Sadie F. Watson, teacher. Dashwood There will' be sold by public auction herr on .Saturday, Apra. 20th house and lot and household effects of Nach- olaa Howder. Salo at 1.30. Ed. Bossen- berry, auctioneer. . , $100 Reward 8100. the readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there inatleast one dreaded disease tha science has been able to cure in ;gilts stagca, and that is Catarrh. ,Hall's Catarrh Cure is the; only ppooaaithva cursirow known to the medical• fraternity. Catarrh being a•emastitutional disease requires ,a maths. tional treatment.- HaU'u: •Catarrh Curers taken in. ternally, acting directly upon theblood and raucous, surfaces of the system.: thereby destroying the foundation of the disease; and giving the patient strength - by building up the constitution and assist- ing naturein doing its work, The proprioters have OD much faith in 43 curative powers that they °Ret One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to pure. Send for list of testlrnonials. Address F, J. CHENEY & Co., Totedo, 0, Sold by all Druggists, 4a cents, Take 's'Pine Ilan Familv,for constipation, Every fellow ,that can handle a t:Rsh- in;, pole is to be found algin; the river bank these days. but,, the luck is not of the best BRUCEFIELD-Chao, H. Reid of this place was or Monday acquitted at God- er:ctr. 'by Jude Doyle on a; charge of doing "grievous bodily haresm" to Johra Ale?cander of elcerssz ltiz„,Towllsh p. 1n a fracas at Bracer:Isld cattle yards seize z,onr s ag, Alexanderwas atr e withh a stick _n the hhands or Reid and sustained a fractured arm., Ile laid the charge. The defence was that Reid struck- the blow n defenco'oS t?s ;prole rt S ..FO TTt t E Ii �i �e death oi, •carr ed %rt Toronto on tsfond,ay., of one of Seatort is oldest residents, 'fat the, perion or Mrs. 'John Killoran, Deeeased, 'plus had spent the 'weeder at the horno of her,. datIgnter ran ltho etttyr' had been in poor health for saute Erne. --The death occurr- ed on Tuesday or Mary Nagle. wife of John Devereaux, .ot the ,Huron road at the age or 53, years, MR'UCEFIELD--At "Evergreen Farm' the home of dr. and, Mrs. Waleam Mur- doch, Stanley Tewnehip, a very pleas - :ma event., took place on, Thursday at high Moon. when their second daughter Miss Grace. G., was Married to Mr.. John 5. ¥eNesll, or St. Thomas. The ceremony was performed by Rev, 'N4 She's", of ESsnondv,lle. Ontari©,Liquor License Act License District of . South Hrarou Notice is hereby given that the Board of Cheerio Commis -loners for the 1,1conse triatriet of South Huron will meet at KING G3ORtE HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL ----0N--• SATURDA , APRIL 20th, 1911 AT 10 A. m., for the purpose of considering appl'cation s for Liquor Licenses for the Licen.e Year 181:4$, All persona iotereete4'wllh govern themselves se. cordingly JOIIN TORRANCE, License Inspector. Dated at Clinton on March'-8th,141'L Notice is hereby given that the persons whose names appear In the followinlr schedule are applying for Liquor Licensee for the Iseen se Year 101 2.13 and that the same are not now Litanies under the Act or aro applying for licenses for premises not now under 1iconao ''dame of Kind of tzescriptionot Name of Applicant License Premises Municipality B Cunningham Tavern I{hlva hotel Khira Tp of 8tephon Jos. Ziler Tavern Ont. House Mt: Carmol Tp of Stephen For the currant year there were fourteen tavern and no shop licenses 'issued. The total number of applications for Fcenses for the ensuing year is sixteen tavern and no shop licenses. Any petition against granting License to any applicant or premises must be lodged with the undersigned at least four days before the mooting of the License Board JOHN TORRANCE, License Inspector for South Huron Dated at Clinton this °qth day of March, line I I E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, Q.V.O.'r L.t„D,rmat..., PRESIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER CAPITAL - $10,000,000 REST. $8,000,000 FARMERS” BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerceextends to Farriers every facility for the transaction of their banking business including the discount and, collection of sales notes. ` Blank sales notesare supplied free of charge on application, BY MAIL i BANKING Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank, A231 EXETER BRANCH -G,. L. WALUGH, M.snorer.: Branch also at Crediton. The Morons Bank Incorporated, *8 Record of Progress for Five Tears -1996-4 Capital ,. $3,000,000 ,Per0 Reserve.r ., 000t4,600,000000 � Deposits $23,677,730 35,042 1.1 Loans and Xnvestments 27,457 090 - 38,854,801, Total Assets $33,090,102 -48,237,284 Has 83Brancbes iza' ,azlrssii and Agents and VonteepoudeutAin allthe Principal Cities in the World. A ORNIRAL RANSIN° 3V51NRM$TRANSACTIM. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at al Branobea, Interest allowed at highesteureent rate. EXETERvas A ante �t Eateti:r f tba o � or i3 m nion f3avf�rnment. ►Ialtso %ARLIx9, Solicitors. N. D. HURDOZT Manager, =SEEKERS' AND SETTLERS' :eXCURSION TO WESTERN" CANADA VIA CH Cil AGO April 2nd, 16th and 30th and every second Tuesday thereafter until Sept. 17th inclusive. Special Train will leave Toronto at 10.30 pan. on above dates for Edmon- ton and points ;n Manitoba and: Sask- atchewan, via. Chicago and St. Paul, carrying through coaches and Pullman frontlet sleepers. NO CHANGE OF mils Full particulars frorany Grand Trunk Agent, or 0.'11. breCuteheon, Alberta Goverrunent Agent, Palmer Hausa Block Toronto Ont. THE MOST POPULAR ROUTE TO Montreal, Buffalo, New York, Ph :laded ;shin, Detroit, Chicago, Is via Grand Trunk, the only DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON SALE VIA DLI+ LINES Full Information from ' J. J. KNIGHT. Agent, Exeter. FAB) FDA ,GALE That choice tarn of 103 acres on tree 2nd and 3rd concosalros or t?abon'4, 1>'eing one and attali rxlies trent BzetIe On the prefrrsscsi 3e a lar5o B.-iek house with aia.to roar, and &ante barns arta stabling. Will be ,maid separately or together to suit purchaser. 15 acres in', tail wheat, 40 acres fall plowing done, balance in grass. Apply to THOS, FISHES'. Exeter. EWA STRATlORD. ONT. Our 'classes are now larger 'titan ever before but we have enlarged our quarters and we have room for 4 Ldp►. moro students. "You may enter at any time. We have a. staff of ,nine exper 'enced Instructors and our courses ak6 the best. Our .graduates succeed. Thies week place reeesnt grar3uates trifOr'$3!X1 us that they rave 90s:tiaper paying' $45 $70 '+tnd 41,25 per month;, N,,e liavet three departtn'f[i tai' --Commercial, Short- hand and TelOgraphy. 'Write for ei1c free catalo'g'ue now. D A. ,TcLACHLAN, Principal. During the past year Edmonton has come- to the front rank of the more important 'Com.mercial Centres of Canada. Available trade statistics indicate that the volume of trade is expanding at a faster rate of increase than that of any; other city in the Dominion. THE BANKCLMEARIN•GS ARE TI -IE LARGEST PERCENTAGES OF „, IN- CREASE SH6VyNi BYANY CLEARING CENTRE IN CANADA, AND TO -DAY .sszDMONTON STANDS' SEVENTH dN TIIE ,LIST OF CANADIAN COMMERE 3AL 'CENTRES. THE EASTERN '4yHOLESALE'AND MANUFACTURING CONCERNS ARE BUILDING WAREHOUSES. AND DISTRIBUTING PLANTS IN EDMONTON :1N ANTICIPATION OF TT3E ,GREATS VOLUME OF T1ttDE TO BE CEN- 'TREvD THERE. IT. IS IMPOSSIBLE ,TO COMPUTE THE EXTENT OF 'ZHE TERRITORY -FOR WHICH^•'EDbfONTON WILL BE THE DISTRII3UT ING POINT.: TI -IE CITY IS SITUATED AT AN ALTITUDE OF'2,200, FEET .AND THE GROUND DIPS'' TO TILE 'NORTH. THUS, ALTHOUGH ONE 'GETS INTO MORE ,NORTISERLY LATITUDES, As -ONE GOES NORTH, THE CLIMATE DOES NOT GET COLDER FOR THE FURTHER ONE GOES THE �nm. E TFiE. SiTNSFIIN E OF, LOVvL.. THE ELEVATION'.GETS AND THE LONGER • 1IdEl MIDSUMMER. DAYS. AT FORT VERMILLION. WHICH IS MORE THAN 400 MILES NORTH OF EDMONTON MAGNIFICENT CROPS OF WHEAT AND ' OTHER GRAINS HAVE BEEN RAISED FOR MANY YEARS. TORT VERMILLION 1S IN THE PEACE. RIVER DISTRICT AND THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AS TO SOIL AND CLIMATE ARE MORE FAVORABLE IN THE PEACE RIV- ER SETTLEMENTS THAN IN THE OLDER SETTLEMENTS TO THE EAST' AND SOUTH,: IN ADDITION TO THE PEACE -RIVER' DISTRICT- ABOUT 30,000 SQUARE MILES OF FERTILE COUNTRY ; NOW PARTLY SETTLED AND CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING A DENSE FARMING POPULATION LOOK TO, EDMONTON AS THEIR COMMERCIAL CENTRE. FROM THE FOREGOING IT.•W=LL HAVE BEEN GATFIERED THAT CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE FOR TIIE DEVELOPMENT OF A GREAT WHOLESALE CENTRE. THERE ARE `'FACILITIES FOIr. ' TRANSPORTA;1 -.TION AND A BIG CONSUMING" AREA CAPABLE OF INDEFINITE' EXPAN- SION,- WBIOH IS PROTECTED FRQM-CObMPETITION BY GEOGRAPITICA I, CONDITIONS. THE ESTIMATE OF; AVAILABLE COAL CONTENTS OF, THE TON-IbISTRICT IS SIXTY THOUSAND MILLIONS OF TONS EDMON- THE .OPPORTUNITIES •FOR•"THE INVESTOR IN CITY REAL.ESTA'f'f'E • WERE NEVER MORE FAVORAELE TPIAN AT THE PRESENT . TIME. THE FUTURE OF THE CITY IS ASSURED AND THERE IS NO POSSIBLE CON- DITION ;IN •EXISTENCE TO -DAY TIIAT .CAN RETARD ,OR STOP THE: :CITY'S GROWTH, AND CONSEQUENTLY THE RISE *IN LAND VALUES. FARM LANDS PURCHASED FITABLE INVESTHMENT. 0 AY WILL PROVE A; SATE ANp PRO.. Farm Lands and Homesteads enquire a vacated by the 13an f C omxne ee our office in i' irk �Lh 1 sr, t%