HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-18, Page 217 _7 Piond mysteries on, foot!" criedl his 0 4QhArming sister, whoL looked deliglit- A M ADUUND UVEK"'It fully well, and brown as a berry 1M1V'T10MS with the keen sea, breelzes of the ry one shows the dealer a larger,profI4 but promotes appe ite, bardy �\Torth. CLU E:, QUARTERS t* Z�re � "-Mot N -exactly; but T made Some f assists digestion juiries through a friend of mine none possess the, flavour o Hussein-al-Mulk 0% THE KOUSE, IN THB and, builds up sound ill tlw Legation,, and his two Paris friei is are quite healti), RVE BARMTH importa-Tit functioziaries ill the pa - 'other lace, You remember that the of Scoundrels escapea to For 26 years vve have pair MM Smyraa V, CHAPTER, XXIL-(Cont'd) have not yet -expended the, first re-_omrnencled Bovril 4�Yes," cried everybody, thousand, althotigh T had to pay for these reasons and "Well, Xehemet "But, where did the, knife, come Ali's �,Kelatives iromIx" pwsned Brett. "It. was dearly for a gu4)d many things." they have novv been heard the truth, about them by 4DI& Again there was silence. to the toa cirtafter., tot, in their possession when they "Why did, you come here,?" ask- -stabli-shed, by,_!�t`riot Some means. Within a reasonable or give the saine satisfaction, time they were chopped into small eutQr��, nor when they left," ',No-, of conTse liot. Hesseit-1 ed the. barr�ster. physiologloal tests pieces, Ivith other details that i Pis Mixed and Grepen, Sealed 16di POW$ Oqly�� leed broUglit it himself, to be used in '�Becjuse I would, be, safo for made by W. M- Thomp. not be n3rwated." case of necessity. He also brought soine months with % few hospitable "Dogs, or pigs?',' inquired Brett: son, So.. of the pliers which cut the Ze gentlemen whom 1,know up in th "Do,s And immediately the' cockatoo MQUO Ye won't be So ready, next wl Trinity College, Dublin. give me eight months for blinds, and the inaterial used for hills there." Hc nodded towards "I wish you wouldn't Say, stretched his wings and screamed- time, to coliceallll� the broken strauds sub- theni. horrid things," pvotested,,E4ith "Is "Vive M, ahomet! Viw le Sultan! prize-fightill'." eeque-iitly. Hussein wa.5 rQallv an "And thenV and a sentence of penAl servitude, there any news of Afo-r�sieqr rubois, A bas les Gnecs! a has! a bas V' "That bo -afederate, an,(!. I was "T4,c Mar and the fat man Gros Jeaul"� THE E:NTD y of mine," remArl, excellent co 11 gtierite, and I ivere for life," Smith oxtravagantly�, "is the genii, furious -when I heard that lie was goin�, to th 11 a "Ma foi!" cried the Frenchman, "You. will rec�eive, in the e Arge ti e, to dwell ille artiole! He's all wool, you can, demj� You kaow how the dialoOlUds I ifural felicit, L44Y Fairholme," and teach our looking intently into the� barris- drawinz-ropm, bet!" 'IS )houldil't, wonder Com- w�ere abstracted from the bousew" THE UNDER DOWS CRA-ZYCE. ehil4ren to bless the name of Ma- ter's inscrutable face.. "Why su0b, niented Joucs. "I notice that lie "Yes," said Brett "The�y were homet and Obdul Hamid," tendeniess?" 44 e, up into a, pareel and flung, :e is, Made�mo sell& "Xargtterit Brett, would not gi ve him �ime P through the -window into the Park, P Reupairc?" for prolonged rbflectioii, The knife and pflers accoulinnied "Yes, poor g rl! I hear she is i 411 ha 'not yet finislikd," ll�c Vo tb�,,Iii, I supIx)se?" ill and in prison, to1>0ther with Said drily, "I inlagille that Mlle. V "The, third Turk-tho gentleinall 4,e r exe-fAlent fattier, Really, Mr.� Reaucaire cannot, produce a, war - who pulle-,J you down 0i to the- elp likin Brett I cannot b - you, I 1 0 , ria -t, (,ertififate. She will be Sup- bed so unoere3iioaioixsily� Mr, Tal- ", t but I'oug)lt to4Q0 an-,"Jous to cil � plied with one, jo permit tier to I bot -was Ziting ther 0 for the, your throat." travel wi'th vou as vour wife." 01 the 01 lizcL-et, But he, Irld to hide. in In that case you wZulcll cer- The pair were Startled, They a,rL all the ti 1 it, kintil, the gates. - be It- -e i tainly aliV4. Ai -,oil mar- '10 axc h Somewhat rel, 4 t o close cul- woret'opened 'in the. raorning, It Al- 1" rt ed ade 1 elle Be;�uc.aire brace. ju wbicil an's i the� sat. Tile M� ticklUh, 1111sille--% right 44 darted a quick Tho, Fre.nE,4mmos handsome. face Ibished, with all - .ot know at 'what through. T did a loolc at h; inquij�jt r. o ger, T1w woman becaluo a, sha4o hours the polio e might discover "NVbat bas that to 4o, witli yoll palerand looked from the barrister the extent of -the crinw,, The dia- he snarled. to her ]over. Words did not reach nle until Soy- Dubois,' future had already been "Good,-' growled QroS Jean, en Velo-ck, And then 1 'hut some determiue4. The rascal was illore Quite right!" Alaculty in p , T -ks ersuading the mi a �. de s-erved tp be. fortunate thal he "Wo can manage our owa at- 01 t* give them up to me. "YOU Fee, owing to the luelts- clip'noc that hi's fairs," began Dubois savagely; but, 10 1 had lay ovill little plan, too, crime bad a polftical sigutAcaucio, Bro.tt again took tip the paxable, which th�ze 'eNcelleut gentleMeA he would escape, puilisbuicut. By "You owe, tbis lady a 4eep debt nevor iusp."ted, as t1ley, alr va4y U* Iniown form of' European 1* ' ,.of gratitude for tier unsweinang aer bftfl lv'l,id n -44N ;("5 ()00 ?,or- Tntr holn �­M ll� IA 111'All bf �^ fyini np wny -irnfirm +ii �"ii RhA ha.. HoNy a rrize-Aghter Got Even vvith shrinks from, washing!" a Judge, Some men ar(� born great, Some It is not -often that a- convicted tibrink- and othpr�% never flud out man has a �ehanco to "got back" at liow Small t Qy eallj tho judge, who sentenci<l him with- out exposing himself, to the risk of furthe;� pupishineDt. Such an op- portunity,d.,ii lateJv snille upon one of the inen employ;d as a rubber at Well, Wiell., the new Turkish baths installed at, ,the Royal Automobile Club in L04 - ,,don' RneaI14. Ir"Is is a Home DYE A learned jn4ge, who ivv� & memm thaf ANYONS, ber of the club,, was among tile first con use to try ther Splendid, accolumodttions ,of the, bath. On thiz, whole, lie en- joyed his experience,, bitt the vio- lence of the rubbing he received. rather surprised him. The ju4gp, prone on the wet 51ab, was beaten and thupined;=4 pinch� R.d and prodded by ilie rubber be� To �d 1XII cason, Hestood it as loog n r J doed he a ............... as.bo could, Then 1w groaned, and op But the real heada Of the party charge and at the same time gag- to lead an evil life; let her now, as- HON. Al)An� BE, 0 DIFFERERTHINDS Said of Goods 0 'were ill god in his defence. sist, you in a better eareer. You. "Is it [thump, ban,-,) q1tite Aoees� --��Mifh the SAME Dge, 01 and that gamg, you, know--a-lid by 'When, the Ottoman FM ire is have :your clianco, Will y4ou take 'd Brett,, azid iwt an4her %vvr4 sary Ewback, baFb, slap] to m; ze roprcaventi , ilg the, danger to tbeir next torn asunder by" tmll war it 'A sa,, d, M, e used of explanation would lia giv-3 antil bl&* and blueferAsIllelloverl" - -------- callse, Whiell would result-, from other thrones will rock to their La Belle Chasseuse Sat' mute 31111 dinner was euded, "_"Tever you'l;1ind", $aid' the rub - au` attempt on the part of the Turks f Half ulloonsciously, 4oinucast, This personal 4evelop- foua4ation, In the, 4ra.NN -,-voom her ladyship ber, hauling off 'and giving tile inces they though lie bail o, glimmeiring per-, niout came as a complete surprise r in in London t* reach Fr,, wa's delig-bted to, find a spl;nLdid jO,'(190 4 to rific left-114nilOr " the at last persui,40. By nine ception of the truth, Henri Du,- tolior. Pride vrould not pernilt her cockatoo, ulagnificent in *We and ribs. "I know my business." 0*010& that morning I got them bois was saved by the magnitude to plMl, her,own cause. Dubois wbito as $now, save for the brilli- (Thud). NE 0YErcRALL 1fl11D5or=,-s of the intercStS safelv off to the docks, Ayhero they glanced at her covertly. ant red crest NAich lie ejov�atcd Who are, i-ou asked the. judgei. bolalcel a, vQszel bound for Smyr- Brett L -Dew exactly how to deal The "barrister dceulc�.tbe moment when tho�y all crowded roun,2 Ills Yourface (bangl looks Evrash), fa- CLEAN and SIMPL9 to Use. ua. Their passages were already with, him. But a fantastic project ripe for his final smashing argw- oago., booked iix Arlueniom names. Gros had arisen in -his mind, atid lie mont, He came samewhataicarer to "Oh,you. remember hiaiw. rRFM Color Olfduosl N'TOIKY Booklo, I Jean, who had no oonlicatioit Nvith determined to graft it upon tbe the bed. and said with exaspemt- "The happycouple in the Argen- growled the rubber. "Well,'theD, .. �Ikttolk, tine sent him, to me to be presented the affair personally, stayed at a 4rastie expedition adopted by the lug cooLnoss— to y*u on. your roturn," explained little hoUel irt &ho in order to ro- authorities. Ho abruptly broke, off "There is a, secret TOOM in, the the barriater, "He is nanied. 11,e port all clear 4uriiag the next few the conversation and told the Clabarot Noir, the contents -q IF 'Of Prophete,' anti lie talks beautiful - V days, 110 bappenea by chmuce to Frenellinan that he would call which Ila" not yet been too cl?soly ly—indeed his languagois luost eul- be o IP traval -with you and the other man. again during the afterilpon. examined by the police, U. is in phatic, but it ia all French."' It was a clever scheme, I Ussure Trite, to his promise, Talbot and their charge. At my reque#, "�Nlhat a d;,Ing!" cried 'Eclith. you, from beginning to ead. By he visited the injured man Some baoked iip� by the British Foreiga "Ido Nvish 'le would say soulething�, the wax, inay I trouble, y�oii for an- hours later. This time their were Mee, they have thus far deforrect Ch other ei-arettel" cr Prophete, parlex avea moi!" Sligo accompanied by a stout in-dividua�l a, detailed scrutiny. Perhaps it tile "'Tbesa ire not equal to Hus- and. a closely veiled la4y—Gros external influence is rofiloved they seiii-iul-Mulk's," said Brett, pro- Jean and his dmughter. may press their investigation to a p �ducing his case. The meeting, between Henri and point when it will be impossible to be has aii exquisite taste Marguerite -was pafhvtic. It was permit your contemplated voyage in tobaoco, But I nearly fooled at the same time exeeedingl to t3le ATgentine, I have nothin" HEALSTHELUNGS ...... .... y g ASTM COUGHS PRICE. 25 CLNTS 10� him with the dummy diamonds. I French, and somewlixt trying to further to say," 01 have done " it it bad not the nerves of the Enc-lishi�en. Dubois loolted at him in moody —test it—see foryourself —that "St. LawrOnce 10 been for you. Do you. know, Mr,. At last the couple calmed their silence. The Argentiue—with �24 Try at Granulated" is as choice asugarasmoncyca-abuy. op Brett, I havo alw�ys underrated transpoAs, and Breit piomptly re- 000 7 Ye& But a wife I 'J"M St 0 � m Oet a Too pound ba- r even a 2o pound bag -and compare 0 ot Firiglishmen's braims. You are called them to a sense of their Sur- Suddenly all eyes were attracted Cheaper by far than 4r "St. Lawrence" wkh any other high-grade really stupid az a nation" -hero roundings by reminding them that to Gros Jean, who emitted & gasp- wood shingles. granulated sugar. Talbot almost bluslied-"but you there was a serious business to be inggroan. His fatcheeks were liv- lko. Note the pure whitecolor of ',St. Lawrence'l-its Different from and better , 10 are an -exception. You ouht to be discussed. id and 'huge drops of perspiration uuiforni graiti-its diamond -like sparkle -its match - 1P a Frenchman." 'Ctl am commissioned tD inform sto'od on bis brow. F-eeli-n- fhat the than any other metal roofing. S' 0 Proof buildings against fire, lessaweetneBs. These are thesigns of quality. Brett was Silent for a few, mo- you," he said, addressing Dubois, others -were regarding him intent- wet, wind and LIGHTNING 141. A J n- C r C ments. He had fully discuUed "that, if you .proceed direct to the ly, he made a desperate effort to --Guarantee Bond insuresit I n 0 ersey B analj s s s e proo o pU ty I A �� 1,99 991100 to 100% of pure cane sugar with. no EXTRAZ Dubois' connexion with the Brit- Argentine, never attempt to revisit recover his composure. Paint nor repairs not necded. 6% A ish autboritics.. France, and keep - your mouth "It is nothi'n- g 1"' he gurgled. Ask for full facts. Write us. impurities whatever". Insist on having "ST. I M 1V LAVVIZBNCI� GRANULATLD" at your grocer's. RAW 0. "llow much of the five thousand closed as to your attempt to pur­� English gentlemans proposal with At. S. & z : 10 unds given'you by the Turks re- loin the Sultan's jewels, you will 'regard to my daughter interested I S- CO- _4 po J�E-L ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINING CO.o LIMETM. mains in your possession!" he de- 'be' set at. liberty here and. no ef- me that is all." P, Ill Oat. T&3K 66, op manded. fort will be made by the French or Dubois'and the innkeeper gazed LES 0 The Freachman hesitated b --fore English police to arrest you. The intently into 'each other's eyes for 01 replvhnz- 10. infringement of any of these condi- a few trying second.s. Then the 10 "There is no Use lving to you. Iltiolls,will lead to your extradition Frenchman drew Marguerite clos- en to him, with his uninjured ax P and said- '�Lob us get married, ma,p'tite. 7 It is issential." I And married they were forthwith, a, -priest and an official from the Mayor's I 6ffice being in waiting at his first -bag of cement the, hotel. Whilst they were sign- ing the �egistei.­Gros Jean motipoll- h-6 has taken a long step In th,6 march of Progreso, which leads to Prosperity. ed Brett, to one, side. �e 2 . I I After he uses that bag�if brily for a bitching- -allow me to thankyou, Isieu, block or a porch step-heba�s learned some prof1table 2. for the kindness. you have shown," lessons. he inurinured. Touching jhat He knows that It doesn't tak6 an ��xpert to =6 hi-ciden room in the" Cabaret, now. concrete successfully. Refined to absolute t�,i He knows that lie has added a,permanent Improve - Do � the police. really know, of it? inent to his property, something that will last as Iori-- You were ilotJoking?" as the farm itself. purity�sealed tight and protecte 0 . - "Not in the least." 1:7-- He knows that h6 haz added,' convenience, and' from any possible contamination— "Then, M'sieu,' I acc�otopany therefore profit, fo his.home. k� Ila knows that It didn't cost him mor6, In money or them to the, ATge,11tine," and he time, than It he had used an inferior material and jerked his thumb towards Dubois made a­t(�rnporary improvement-. and his wi�e. "Paris is no placo He knows that be wants to read th I e book, for M6." What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete fSQon after the' ceremony Alme. Extra Gralnula-ted Sugar Dubois asked to be all6wea to vj_�it to find out how he can apply these Iesson& to other, places on his farm. E-dith. When the. t,,,vo. -won�en 'met, �hl this new ��Pon­ild` Pacl_-age is tht� cleans�t This,adve'rtisernent i's to tell hirn,'tyat Ills cbp�'of� ly on :11or knees a�d sobbed out 'a- t#is-profusely illustrated book.is r9aqy to.,b 'a ;is soon a,, bis npjne, and, a purest sugar you can buy. Each Pacl<age for i he,k6hd3 in dr e7,,- recInest Miss- Tal� maIcez no difference -,Whether lie has ye , us ,s 1,4t contains bot�-,-should have been yery� first bag of ;c�ernent or -not.', If he'liasn' sugar angry t, the book 5�fifll,p6unds Will tell'bim' Ow to 'Use It t th best, adv witl 10 R as not h 0 P llicreTrimx slsty' -ho W 'And, in any case it's 'k your A ASSOLUTELYFRCE They talked iintil- 174ir n ��c' Grocer 'Refining Co. hok ' wn�� 1'�,A,hundmd'and 'Oxty p;nget of plaln descrip. lmj�atient., He had not �6en 'Edith 14 t1on, tallIng h6vi other farrner�'have u3ed'con- Limited. fo r two wh crete, w1th photographs to flsuatr�zte tvery para., for it. c4a hours., --text. r��,aph.ln the j7 10 Just send your name and.- adc.ress, on a FID&Tal, 10 0 Six lon thjs late r, lien Jhe'rEarl In a le ter,, or use,the coupon,. and tfie bo t 0 al"I'd C,,ount,ess �fl I lrholni be sent by mturn mall, -11�,LUL U - e4 11­_�11 tour Addrees, ue �u �Ljl�u Bl ,Bell thr� ett was invite -d -to, ��q' CEMENT �M, Ltd din 3`35:Nationpi Bar. - B al, d� t-,= 011 M10,NTREAL, �i 'sV b ter the, Wb -1 lack SfirSt PUSM,01, animate ony _4 #