Exeter Advocate, 1912-4-18, Page 1Rene Your Sub sci ptio . TWENTY -3F FTI-/ YEAR, EXETER. ONTARIO. T IIRSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912. DIES d: CEEEC Local Items Ur Chas. Lerdenfelt is moving this week to hie residence on Willianx'Strect recently purchased from.Miss Feleher. Messrs, S. IG• andk, 3, We Bawden,ltave rented the prenvaes recently vacated ity the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and have openedout a Real Estate off.'ee1 dealeng en Western City and Farm Lands, Teraber Isernits and Coal ,Lands, They are also dcstrbutors'of Edznon ton'Board of Trade..and Alberta Gpvere- }Ient literature. >lessee. !Bawd r heye a18Q opened uP an off ee in London and axe connected with; York & McNamara, .one of the stronest real estate and fiesticial :firms ,of FJcim nton, O'Nr'JrZ to. there be:,ng a number et Camel's of measles, among _the Children, Of town the Meci al I-Iealth officer, and. Selreel Beard deelined ill advisable tea: elotile the lower rcdonns of the senorl for tb rs week and, the !,caber'rooms for Monday and Tuesday, in. order to have 'them disinfected, and't, sive the cltol-' ass an opportunity to obtain Medical. certificates as to t'hei'r health and that of their fantleos. The disease is of a very mild form, and appaa'elntly `Parents and physicians haYe not been as pee- tigelex abOut reps; trng the cases and placarding the houses as is usually the case, anti as the, lei -;'Ii, 0,, domes' advis- able. SOME OF OUR CLAIMS. -We don't bc- t'eve that you can fend a, better all Place to f:,.t out the home THAN RIGHT. xtT THIS STO111E. We .don't bele/Ale that you can f„+ d a.Place that t 1l. deal mo-() 2a 1yv with you than we Will, We don't believe taia.t dollar for dollar you can do quite as well any- where else. 'Bose are our clams- to prove them is our aim, Will yow sive us an opportunity?,. - JAS. BEVER- LEY, the leading funeral director and furniture man, opposite Commercial' Hotel, HOItsAM11N ATTEWL'JON, Horsemen well do well to consider the Advocate when fin need of horse bills and caxde. We have ,an excellent .line of of cuts to ahotose'from and wet insert a. notice two weeks an the Advocate. Brine; your orders early to. avioid crowding. The Plus Ultra Class of Main Street Sunday School held a business meet- ing Friday eight and enjoyed a social atterevard Don't forget the old-t°me enterteentnent On April 19tihe wider the ausp res the W. C. T., j7- ';t1$ 'will be the enter- tainment of 'the season. Madame'Rhoda, of Detroit as a reader will be worth a1 the price of admissieeei M. J McDougall, Travelling Freight Agent of the Grand Trunk, was _n town Tuesday in connection with the Putting 'n of the proposed new switch frim the Grand Trunk yards to Messrs, Harvey Bros.' Mlle It is altogetherlikely that satisfactory arre,legertlents will now b, made and the switch built In the hwa! future BROKE ANKLE Mr. Samuel ."arsons of London Rjaa.d South. while working around th^ barn en Thursday last had the misfortune to fall and breaks his ankle. He w 11 be laid gap for sometime which fs additionally unfortunate at this busy season, LEAVING TQWN: Mr, and Mrs. Geo. ro'tr and family returned Wednesday to then old borne do Traverse City, Mien, After residing in Usborne and Exeter; -for the past six yews. Mr. Moir watt: a former area:dent of Usborne, and aS- ter spending some yezra in hitehtgau f°eturned to the old, eownallip. IIe 'e,, owever.. a strong adrn',rer of Thiele Sam's domain and has now returned to that country, Besides "The Jail," the celebrated trottaag stallion. the re-. cently purchased from kir, Wm,. Kuntz,. 1r. So,r has"King's , a taken with lynx Son," three-year-old Cll dcadaia lion, bred b1 Sr, McAllister s of Tray Townahlp. Th&a stallion Is trona that wonderfully successful are "King Thomas." His dant was imPorted by sir. R. J, McMillan of Seafortt^.n. Mr. efeeie is to be congratulated on securing these two ,f:,no horses. King's, Son Can- not miss being a first -Class sire as he s bred ,n the purple on both atd eo and Ii'Ai$ Thomas" stock has always sold for goad prices, \V'o hope Mr. Moir gas the meat of success, as his enter prase .-f1 deserving of It. Farmers, Attention IIavitl>a beeli appointed, Canadian. Gov. ernrn©nt Employment Agent at Exeter for tb a district, am in a"position to secure and place in situations taunt - grant talar help and domestic servants. Farmers and others wisning to tie. cure :help of. ,this kind: should call at the ADVOCATE OFFICE or common:- cats 'with the undersigned. U. H. SANDERS, !Exeter, mminaul CARLING'S PHONE 18 SpringShoppers , _Now that the time is so near for housecleaning you will be in need of several necessities such as Wall Papers, Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs and Lace Curtains. Wall Papers Wall Papers We have something new and up-to-date in this line in all shades and designs. Lace Curtlg are of the latest designsns and - are well worth your while to come and -see them. Carpets in genion and all wool in very neat d signs. Rugs in union and Brussels in Brown, Fawn and Green grounds with floral designs Diol ums Oilcloths a now in for ins ec- i e and,: ei p. bion, come and see them, We are giving aspecial discount of 1.5 per cent 1 e itioned above. 11 the r: tic e m u week. on aarticle f® ° one .,.. igheat rices' mica or all kinds of 'Produce„' All those taking part en the "Olde Tyme Concert", -APr41 19th, wi.11 meet for rehearsal Thursday, 'April 18th, in. the Opera House, Mr. Wee, Fansoie of St. Thomas .s, the guest oe relatives here this week, Rev. Dr. Oaten of B1'ussells occup:ee the 7am,es Street pulpit on Sunday next. Don't forget Follicles °Peeling of Ice Crease Parlor on Saturday. See ad. to another coil/hen. Mr. Ed. Anderecn :pas taken a. Pea::- lien as butcher with 3fr. A, ST. Ford taaking the place oe Mr, Ma& Salter,+ who ;s about to ne eve to London, Mr. Anderson commenced his duties on Moe - day rnotn'ng,. A number of those ;interested' rn base- ball rnet ;Monday evening where the following officers 'mere elected,-- 1Ta;1, )'sea., Reeve Heantnn; Hon. Vice Pesci dents, S, G. Eavrdelt and ;I w, Iiew- dein ; Vice, W. W. Trane n Sec-tiV s, M. Hoskins; Manager, E. I•I.:4.xt; liana. Coin„ Fres,. `See., 'efanager, 13:-ssett alid Bradt, Mascot Harry Parsons.. Flouee eleatrina io again in. evidence. TV.tiiie the good house wile is thus taust iy enraged on itho insider the man of tli !gouge rna,y by seen some place in tllq back yard taking ,tis meals off' the end at a. barrel and at the same time encleavorigg to suppress a chain of enit,hets wrought ht ug by his experiences w:tit the stove pipes, The good man of the house w-11 hardly be h:mseli again for the next four weeks, INvESTRNG 1N THE $00. --Nita SatFlt Aaall' Star. of Sault SSO-, .Mario, Ont,. 2 r` h contains w ot` .. 7, t, t o al OW -wing - Mr, P A h f IQ tr S , Jamas '!Vallee of Ezete„ Hurona 0Suntj', has Purchased. throtleb ,land t McNabb, a emigre of. degirablc, pro- perties. ineludatt 08 acres adjauriirnt} the town of Steelton, which he intends to subdwr:de and place on the market #It tl:e near future, He has also: bought All lots on Fari'aationt street, Steelton, 4 lora ;n tho Canton sub division, a house on Mohler street, four lots on ,Tohn street, and other properties. all he has t:nvested to the neighborhood of $20,000 during the pant ten days. CORONER'S VERDICT ON DEATH. OF HARRY N. 130013 AT THOROL1). Thorold, April 14t11, -The adjourned in- quest was .held yesterday on. Harry N, Moon who was killed en the G. T..11. on April 2, under Coroner Herod. T» e jury brought ;,n the following verdict,.--"Thtt. Harry N. hoop cairna to h a death en April, 2nd while actin's ae bralteaman on etre G. T. R. by striking' his head on the overhead brlh4SQ approaching lock 24 new Welland Canal, and that we consid- er the bridge too low for the safety of the braltesmen, and also consider that the "tell -tales" before approaching the .bridge are ,not sufficient warning for the; safety of the brakeamea. On visiting the 'scene of the accident on, the morn- ing following we found the "tell -tales" in improper condition twisted and one in aaing, and are of opinlon that some action should be taken to melte the bridge in question less dangerous. ' FOR SALE -Seed Potatoes andcho'ce Barred Plymouth stock Eggs. --Apply tie S. 3. FIOGARTH, .,Stephen Tp,., Exeter P, 0. LOAD OF CALVES. -I will ,have a load of Calves at the Central Hotel,t Exeter, at 12 o'clock, on Wednesday April 24th, for sale. --Geo. Chapman. CLERGYMAN SHOOTS HLMSELF. Wyoming, April 15. -Rev. Joha1 Gunne aged 53, brother of Rev. Charms- R. Gunne, rector of Cbh',st Church, Lon- don, and hfiraself rector of the Anglican Church here, ended hits% life' at his iibxne this morning. The late Mr. Gunne, who was deeply (beloved; not only by the members of hes own congregation, but. also by t he people of Wyone/ng and the district in general, had been in ill health for a long time. For nnlanths he" found :t cmlip•ossible to sleep, but while las i co dation was'sufficient to cause au e s uneasiness, 'tit was, riot thought that his mind. iniad (become affected.' Early this, ni<ornitteg his wife heard the report of'a gun :' 3mgun ert the house and at once set about investigating. After a time she found the body of .her husband, .gin 'hes night robe, yin the bath room. On ' the floor, bes:rde, 'l to was `a double-barrelled shot gun, one barrel of which had been dis- charged. The ,unfortunate man had placed the muzzle ueder" his chin and lied, 'f,'..red,- part of ' iv_,e head and farce being carried away. CSANDEBcYE Mr. Harry "Iytieff, who 's visiting re- latives;:. here, :spent . Tuesday : en Lon- don. --Master Sabine: oe London was the guest of .Lloyd Jones fora few days recently. -Meas e'rances Jeil who has been sperldi ng the. past few weekswlt;h friends :eft Por Lendaan on Monday,, from thence she, return to her home `lin Chicago D1.-ilo•. Roy, Sisnpson recce', ed a, cone'Ignan•ettt of -fence posts' frim W:scot eine and, he readily disposed of them ,as -they ,were, of excellent- maten:al to supply the der and :Mr. Serijison -has decided to order morc w,il:ch he expects. ai' be equally as ' good. -Tee ;Neonnen's Institute held their regular aneeting at the home of Miss A. NThol one afternoon recontly. T.he proieratnme was, lengthy consas'tin, of :recitation's and sal os. Th'e meeting was 1a',:grand -succeseyas mane members were, .present, at ..the ctoee at tine' meeting, ,, tog was 'served by Mise Ne 1 It was arranged to have tie next inset n , at' the . kao ne, jro#e Ivfreisle ryy+ Neaa.-A large nuinb rir3mt lora! a eple of tine v,'_liage jot t nded 'thdr , C ballvla1Lt?oresv lle On Fri , A3 e 011 en'c ande F }a t ra r texiddnee zlukh' .A_Pyyihn rti!, was lade env. wasori; e eved Baine i. erre he. p.1 n IL The Council met in` the Town • 4„ eat Ocean E7Cl.1i COUNCIL Magnificent Liner Titanic t Hall on Liner Henic 1 ilonda} eveaz-'*, April 15th. Members ■Tf all, -present!. :l'-nutes or ?.larch 22 and in s With Over '3fi,' Eth• : zcerinSs approved iessre. Starch: nd and SrelI xatedo;z: coupe=l re getting a„ cheaper water 1300 Lives rate ,than the by-law cal^sed for for building purposes, Oe motion of Lev - t and Ford -Tr at Messrs Heamen arid' Scott and leviers be a come-et/es rtes to ar-. ranac the of water into the pre_*tt'.ses o: Messrs-. Marchand /end Saki!, A depufeetion hoar. the W o'Leis .isle, aeco--pa'r,_ -1 i y 'Messrs. Hur- d ur-d host.:. ;nee the ,.stege! eek'? Le,p`ng rites" to lay' out e P ark o., t'•--, land adia e; og the vrater prop't Y, also t::et the ceuac•' act 'tr! [-^-seri CoWCfticr Scott. LiFat chL- hail zit. rt o ;e;,, to hive t'.€'n as they were; ak a big expense this Year be; NV`, eta%ce Witting teat the c,runci; al.ould act «illi thuaa. tacott-Rivera. That. Mr, Ford act on the can n. J:tt'e Y. conneete:e4 myth. the Ladies' Its Elute ass.str.,ng, them In laying out the rark.: Darr_+ed. Jones 'wsZterl PR the ceunefl a;aaaon tel have the basal en ills el 3 Maznrr 3t,;Kaune property moved ante the lard at'tltsl hark of, their store, As tin:" Pr .r3 the fire litanit it was moved by Lovett and Ford that the une',I witt9, tyre chief melt, Mr. Jones 1 Pint. Tuesda.y.-Carrsexl. (Such was lige and the reriuost not granted),: ives--Levert.--That the petition ask. its extension of the water works .. on Sleep street, %tuOP of gum, and cornet° of North and And.t'rw, be granted. --Carred. , v tt the u be, e s 7,'lt; h aceta ;Zss .. . al ;1.`rl a4"C.14,^^^.4.Cta, L Id 1 t SE, Carling, de, 254l0 ; W. rt,ttautt da 37.50; J Ford, do. 31.25; 13,91 Tel- ephone el-epho pe Co, Fent 6.25 0 Mantle, eq -al. 0,52; Hamilton Machine Co., 3.45; El- ectric L:1gh tCo,, 118.56; W. ,T4I1Ls. ata 1.00; Queen City Oil Co,, 17,P1.;: Ta' Webster Labor 7.80; w Hatter JI Davis 4,50; 13 Ifftrnearsr 75ar.. ; T. Sanders 8,22; I) Russell, las.. 4.01411. Horn 00c.; Ell Snell 5.8:1; T. '13rovir, jr. 1.T5; Tats.^Sweet. 60c.; F Purdle 2,00; Jas. Stewart 1.25; T. l3roek, sr., 14,12 S Sanders: 20.47; F. Mallott. 0,12; G Atkinson 1,75; H Sanders 98c.; Tlesnry 1' este 3.15; T Houlden 11.00; Jt. San- ders 2,63; A. Glouc,ser 88c.; 11. San- ders 2.85; F Wella 55c.; W. 011Iesi T, Gloucher 2.00; Wes, Vale 3.92 W Westcott 1.20; W ,Anderson 2.08; Southcott, for band, $50.00; W. J. ;welt, meals for tranws 2.25; :airs. 'Mellott 50e, --Total 457,18,, Lovett-.11::veru-T1aat the comm",saloncr otic Mr. Fitton with, a. view to having he Town clock put in running order and hoe charge for sante, and to report at the next meeting of the council. Lovett -- adjournm'.nt to Friday, 19th Inst. T. 13, Caricas, Clerk', Ti?E KNOWN SURVIVORS, 80S LATE$T ESTIMATE OF DEAD, 1300. The g_eatest marine clieaster in the ;vary of the world • eecurred, on Suedax- • - of: th2 banks of New ouncdlarzd lige Tetata.e of "t 'e,Wnite Star Line t grid most tuxur.ous' ship •thu 'xtrill, $true, an -;ceterg about 10.30 pipit, and sari, about four :hours afterwards, There -'were 2,200 people o:n board,. smoke teem ninny prom,nlent men. gild over hal LSn beard are certain to t,ave go'e cloven with the vessel.' Wireless telc'greVe e despatches were s nt out by t": oporater on board and iteard `by sk ,erai other veSsete, wIi ell urr-ed to a nswer the call for help, glad auc:,:eded :n Arelttaag up many of the survivors who had left the vessel ;1 Fir 'Wats, Before the anreval of, the Qliter veettel8 o11 the .scene of the als aster,. however, The Titanic had gone down w.;h all who were Ieft on bard; Tike gest vesselto arrive in aid of the shirr 'wreckedwas the. Carpathia, and according to the latest reports that: ,s the only vessel that succeeded :n Pick- up rtny su;vvera, The 'Virginian and is -an art; ved too, late to boot any now w kr.Q that Sf1 t1 t rv.xboard the Car ntha a . which w31 all vo In New York- to -dal.. The latest eathuate of the dead ;e, 1252 to 1305. Not, until the arrival cit the Carpath'it will, the lists of raved and drown -HI be complete, C:11+1.3DAS LOST Clut M, Hays, General $anger, g. 3. etVtG X EoFxeutM}.ornc Rtoroaeshaal., vinnipe :lnipeusnnr,of 5u1yiesrs fT olrlyEswtntia Thompson Beattie, Winnipeg. Dr. .Alfred. Pa'¢a,, Hamilton;. Mark Fortune,. Nv.innwpeg. M. MarlOand Molson, 1txentretel. 11. 3. Allison, Montreal,. 1F,, J. All3aonl Montreal. Nles. Allison and son, Montreal; Q. Baxter, Montreal. Thotc ,,1,.,aDav'dsoa, son-in-lawcrf Payne,, secretary to Chas. Mi Sion:treal,, I Iays. M. W. IT.' Parr; Mon -erred. George Wright *Halifax,. Ernest A. Sjostedt, Sault Ste. Mare, %tzar'e. Jamie 3fcCrio, Sarnia, C, CANADIANS SAVED, C'4%1'0 -areal. riles. hag. M. S aya,a ,Mrs. Thornton Davidson ellpntreal- Mrs, John C. I1egcbeene, Toronto Mayor Arthur Peuehen, Toronto. 3frs. Mark Fortune, Winnipeg Alice Fortune. \Vunnipeg, Ethel Foirtune, W toa1pe'g, Mabel Foetuno,, ,GYfh11'Pes. Infant daughter of; II. 3.1 Allison, of Montreal, and nurse. During Tuesday night several des- patches were receeved saying that Mr. .mays had 'been ,saved* 11ut;in every in- stance they were later contradicted. OTHERS WFI0,WERE LOST Other well-known men who were lost are W. T. Seed, the British journalist; John Jacob Aato'r,,mi1likonaire banker of New Yark; Benjamin Guggenheim, mill conatre miner of New York; Geo. D. Widener, traction king of Philadelphia; Cola Roebl:ng, snnllionaixe:engineer bf New York. CLOSE OF THE LEGISLATURE' The Ontario Legislature closed their sessions on ;Saturday last, atter having completed a good deal of lousiness, Be- sides two important statements of pol- icy, that oe'wiping out the treatia 6' system and -tYe making of English sh the language of the schools iof'the Province, the sess'lon'a. Iegaelation, in. short, is as follows,r- Govermmeaat authorized to raise ` five nr'alton dollars . for development of Northern Ontara°. Provision for dividing Ontario into ten health districts, notification of all eant- mun',cable diseases, municipal care of indigent sick:. Connpulsory. Vaccination. lerehibition of . storing liquor in local option districts, cashing or accepting pay cheques by hotetkeeper; or employe made an offence. Government` autlior'Ized to fraise oone. neuron dollars for county 'roads, Higle- ways Act enlarged to admit of federal grants be:arta applied' to county systems, eti-operatio;- t'y - ":s and towns. Hydro -electric commission given -wid- er powers of expropr:±' : ni, control of rates and muln.cipal suepiuses. Commis signs provided for municipal system. Telury:cipaiilties given right to erepra- priat.ons, provided for municipal 'ays- proV:s ons to ..c,heck tioperations' 'loan aharire," Reattst.ons upon,rrespnnsible sura.ince caz"Oa za0es,',(epearaeimg frons- sidC VI -14 prolvince. Provenc::ii Museum : and .pro rincial lege ;o£ arteste:el allied. oT ut- x:al- BIDDULPH. ,. On 'Tu sd,ay A.pr::I-,9th, the ,clee,:' .c 'burred at Let 38, [Son 3, Beldulph, of Jane _ole, ,rosier 4t.. daugintei• a ''and D72 s •Thos, R. Coursey,: a„ed2Y ,years fond 7 days, The funeral took place, on Thiersd'zy of tereoosn, _service be- lt h weld at ITol3 Trinity Church chst an, sand,,, :2nr'±j me it at St Janney cemetery, ClandeboYeeeTye, parents h^ee the sYi r bY +'de entri b xco nn nuna ty } 130Y DASHED TO DEATH. :Mitchell, April 12.-(-A terrible acci- dent happened ort tho farm of Mr. Jaa, Hodge, on the Huron Bland. Mr. 0. Hodge was running e grindstone with a gasoline °tlh engine and while , he was grinding an ase leis 'little son, James I2ndsay, was Playing around. The child fell against the rapidly revoleins en- gine. In an 'instal t the little fellow's clothes were caught by the ftp -wheel which was running at about 000 re- volutions per minute and in an, instant the clothes were stripped from • his body and hes head came zsi contact with the end of a heayv plank on which the engine was rest mg., The little fellow sustained a tdeep cut on the right skirl of his head. The wound required nine Stitches to bring it together and jn this atate .tae little fellow' lingered two days when he deed; never having regain- ed consciousness. HELD FOR BIGAMY. Goder,ch April 10. -Duncan McLeod, a o-es=dent of Goderrchf for the last four years, was arrested there to -day on the Charge et iamb. I1t lis alleged that in August Iast a marriage ceremony was performed cinP rt Huron between e accused and a woman b; Cng the name n went,it ScI They i of Cara 'ne Ts 1 !wa Y alleged, to Pert Huron frhm Goder`_ch for the purpose of, h'a'ving the knot tied: The records show that McLeod was prey ,lously married to Marry .A.ikeniiea.d, - in Detroit tin, December, 19)38, As the re- sult he is now being prosecuted by Crown Attorney Seager, McLeod was ,released on ball of $500. BIRTHS Darling -In McGillivray,: on April G, to D'tr, and Mrs. Aaiaos Darling' .a. daugh,-: ter. MARRIAGES Maloney, -Carroll --At Mt. Carmel, on Apr;rl 16, Jaime Haloney of St. Marys to Miss No Carroll. Stone -Thorn ton -At- the ,MYlethedast par- sonage, Corbett. on April 10, by .Rev. I). D. Thonnson, Mr. Laren Stole 'of Stephen, to INEss Della' Thornton of North Ort11.5 , lS ill Prin [, -__Tn Eg'neondyilie, April 8, Slav d II:11 of ; Seerlingv tie, Mich., to Miss Maria Pringle of Ribbert: Cantelone--gleam--Asa Clinton, o,: April 1t' :Miss " Lottie' Shia," second daugh- ter of "'1'. and tii'r:s; 'Robert ,e..Hearre, Princess street, 'tot 2.itr, Lorne 'ante - Ion of Gee r4h Township. DEATHS Coursey-laa 13;,dded-Pe on Ala 9;; Jane' Viola, dateehtei' of Mr. and Thor R. hCousey, aged ' 21 years. Cooper-Ie<Cl'zntoe, roe April 7, Cnrrtis- hogs s+elrei; of the late 'Thomas: Doper, aged 71 years. Boyd tan Seazor 1, on Apr.I 5th', Rio 'bort D Boyd aged 35 years, 70 g alt Furnishings. dy fb ' your inspection- orehas been nicely ' ren- ovated = lad our stock of Meer Furnishings is nowopened up. and ready for your inspection Every article is new and up-' to date in every res acts: And our aim is to keep every- thingg -r thin tconditiont ust in that always a e v always in style always right up -to date, Old stuff" will find no place on our shelves. The list of Furnish ings consists of - Ready -to -wear Suits tt it CC St Ct i Overcoats Fancy Vests ti Odd Pants Overalls, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Cum, Underwear, Socks, Gloves, Handker- chiefs; Hats and Caps. Clothes that Kee shape Taman made -to -measure clothes are shape retaining. Every yard of cloth. the can_' vas, the haircloth, the wigan the lining that goes in thein. - side, is all thoroughly shrunk. by speeeial process before lee- ing made up. That is why Taman garments retain th ei style points until worn out - and they cost no: more than , ordinary garments. We are now Sh0'R%i,13 zku a::l ,ef the Spring Lines. ¢ ,•.,: , , eta or tti lei