HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1912-4-4, Page 8EXETER AIIITUGATE, ''Tlilt:Eft.SBAY) APRIL 41 illia
Wheat 93 93
Barley - - 65 85
Qts,......,..,, 44 40
Peas., 100 • 1i
Potato*. bag; .1 40 1 65
flay, 17,e? 14 00 15 OQ
V1Onr.p,m family 2 70
Moat% 1 rade per CW 160 165
Rutter, _ 30 31
Live bog-, leer cwt. - 7 50
13nertsa--a tan..
Bma f..irt
'Sugar 13.:et meal
27 00
raster Sunday.
Goo d Friday to-mormw.
And /text Standby we expect to se
the n,ew bats.
Good,l'oads Meal) money in the fr,trra-
era" poeltete.(
Good men are scarce, Bad men melte
thezno!telves so,
•Plenty, et people will give you the
d.evil but 'y.ou need ot
.Mre. T. G, Creechwho underwent. an
013Slar-,enlast week, ts recovering' nice- Nionday.
Mrs. G1athiaj was In London'
and expects sootr to. be out agaln,
ReadImg aloud is lost s,rt, We
have come te that conclusion frol-Whav,
ing heard several people .try ,to read an
extract trent a, newspaPer.
O Gee' of liensall s seeng
a, loan of $5000 from the valage
Blyth to start a flax in:11., A by.law
wU be sulatnitted to the PeoPle.
In the te-up of th MUei faintly
last week the nanie of Mrs. Ramsay of
Exeter was onr:tted by the dropping of
aIMe of. type. She was third n. the
andy. Pardon was M Ingersol
sAna. Dow 'at. London !E; nie
for a few days. .
Mr- Hodgert's fatally moved to
Toronto or Friday.:
M'ss Carrie Knight is visiting her
brother In St, Thomas.
r, I. R. Cartfog- was n 1..ondon, over
Sunday with friends.,
Was Ida 'Marchand of Stratford Nor -
anal f.s. home for the holidays.
farnly and is aged 81 yearn. " and Mrs. P...d.-.1%per returned lant
appoIntmont of County Constable.
Pleased that the Ottawa Coven/me t
26 00 Mr- D'eal4lt hag .t.cer"rett the Veterans of the RenIalt Ita.Id' of 3,886 ws,elc from a short wedtUng tri.
- Mr. Robert Leathorn of London, is
hold effects to Irzersoll on Mondai''' h
on w st2,eet, Exoc,r, Alsq, :1?-41-11_,„,„eziess.of Cleveland cisaijleations duly verified and ' 0.,,,ton e.,n a hardware store n Parkhill'
tor pal caw ear st'eet League for a concert; mak:m: their applications for the grant,
• Mr, T. Haudford abLPPed his house- las granted .each man $100. They spending a fcw _days this week town -
HOUSE' FOR SALE OR RENT.-- should lose no t.tne avtng thetr Gordon Marshall has accepted a F3it-
ac4 ,tence ,tretater„r, WIlliarn Tapp has resumed Thes„ ,Jolms ltas moVed into Miss Mrs. geLean of 11-11sail Y:istted
tw.Q hen housesx ono, h_s du;les at the Central I-lotel stables, Paaaatores houge on "W146'11/ Stre'e4 Mr
1311eY for. Pevert
days last
bent of sh-41" ;"weetighedt Sraail }Kien- it .0waYe joke on a womAn w4g.1 Xtr. Frank COrttlen has Moved Into week*
AlsO set st,elt SCaleta,. AnY Persen de- 42'4 hU4b44C1 f' 4gtter leelttitg than she ley Streeth('vaanett:clirbn,cUTTEJeillnhtiaeo„llin<C::edd' :rirr 'ottaiteined.4t thTehfuttrosearaaYI
'web t9' ca'n 4t al* '3eter''' 134a.th' Store ertc111 bUtcherg 1)1W -41g theit‘ beet by 3'1r. CerrtIsh. beIng the late John Messrs. F. Wood .and Sarnl Rowe left
and Wee the l'rexOer„,,, Th.la Is one of, the carcasses from Swift, Toronto, owing- .
heat and easiest sep,rators ss they say, to ti.m.h!g.h, przejot , catti0 „AIDA' a res-J4ence. Tuesday morning' for Edmonton on a
tt.g, 44.44 a tali; taa lw.,tibcrnocc ciinton, Mr, Soho V."estlake horse laroke4ltS lli07Pectldve. fteur. ther.14,0011
it .0',W with you,
batter while tted in the Central st le Mr. an
137.0VICHFQAD., sar.Q.SeS, ;.1.theeis Of Thoe. Health Zr. YaTd end arch- honeYmQ011-
NfARRItAga-e LicsNm.,,,4aet you,r mar, 41144. °e14x:„:(0.'' att. C°1_°47ad, ° weoan,;:hlaantitoaal7s4tan3d4:31tiTI ISntl.-Qeagt'„I Sf,!.11311,7„ at'g,v1e7 rEoill4:evt'ewrallw trnt'uvrIt6tettaillro ihreel;
rtage IteenAe at the. Advocate mace. rceovsr,
e'!ring new an
'eParalGT• w'211front the tarna to hiD;'Own. house,. vacated et a; lelat;ve•
Word tas been reeo:Ved here of the4y or and Inade a dash turned Thursday W. eVer404" tTern UQ
Tas t 0 Ina. 04..1,401. 0oe, swatior,o m„te harness and. Mater home in Norwich EridaY.
aceo M.r. and 'frIrs, Seldon attended
priced at $3.90 to 12.00,_„: In Canada dur;ng the year tile th°,...116raint4StIrtelt csaevCe-rmIrma' elle°1174art)..r: rItIlir:1441rel:g4e-rtils4:11°r°113:.T'S"tttlea:1;&Mise
1:fe h /
Odd Skirte. BO alifforent "' en a :eery rOsY one this NyMter were eonoderably elarrpged but the
tityiles to Choose frOnl., Thla 43Pow storma horse. west uni.njured,
Travellemss..5 sample $et al.d.,alluest impassible arils
Stewart's} Bev, P.
TPIP1r1,9SW CO. €1,(1ded 20,049 sttl. payissity filled with Water, The base- er here ^on Thurselan
itarnsa. "of 'Ottawa, was a
'..9,11ret eOrreSPOridenta ;et 1..rew tert4a2 Pg..11tat 13S-l1W 17t1,,ta). s badly woodo that it .hay!.ng eeme It'll Iron TQl..;Anto. were e
guest of his meth hh
t,rs, t -o total pertner Of instruments /Ira of the T4e-tt Mexaertal *ebt1T°h °11
Us know wt.eet they need more std .11'4 'Geo, Stanley of Lupan preached was thIPO8s4ble tO wan 4UrIlaCea
wau r - * attended, a church meet!ng,
Wry. Th-ta is the time (of tin* y,,A.r var, ',Instructtvego to
sera. Ilona Jamea and as a conseq,uence'the eerv:ces were Fred. Hogarti. and faralltr
When people have thrio thread and will ' Street Church on Su/1day, Rev. Yelland held iri the school hall, Workmen are the West this weekr. toi do the seeding'
4.1pm-ere:ate all the news trOra ' YoOr•aecup:es. the pulpit in that church next now engaged en th6O aeNver,
-----"' •C Pi "$ander t ,
Q Q the Advocate
LinOleuree get th b W has and a Partial cm the,..r.' western land. During their ab-
secti-on, $34340.)„,
rereC ot thp dammed waters has been
Bence Mr. Frank Snell. look after
e est* eh Anne:nte(t V'ens,dlan Goyernment
4eit•NaIrrts. You will iike the ErtintAyalmt Agent At z.ver Ter 04's
new pntterna.-St4aWartig. rattsiet,Se notice r etereet to farnr.
here in another Column,
Marrlage Lteenseti it sued at the .A4V4'. A pleasant was spent oy
Cate Ofees„ EXelea, whe, attended tba banquet at the
Fon ,s,,,ux._Ber.e4rira N• o. c0w wtti•rwa elaseee itt Main Street church
eaa,lbofutkOT4 Qua l'slrep4pfr, 113.°,0its:INt8s "re6supnolsTed"
wr. zuot..r. • to 4.41,403aa. pi4rovg:tZlithreentIZtetritc;au outer et
BORtiES FOR31.6Whell Arl,vocato, and Mrs. Davl.s as
Vagninfr ot heroes tor sale, a F.CtlaY celebrated the 50th antliversa.ry
r(44:0 :at teal, APPlY tea 'W. Higg:ns, 1,1S4- Of at4ct. 84rVtttlfttg' cl. e3:telld eon -
'barn% EZet,Sr P„ grattllat:Ons to the aged couple; and wash
them many Ino,re years, of wedded Rte.
Men's Topper Spring Coat, In At a teMPerance meeting Olitaten It
▪ very neat Diagonal! Cloth. WVtm deu:ded to try, for laeal OPi.ion next
Get one for Easter $1 5.00.°--y ,Tanear$ Ill the terwlie Of 1W.nghans.Sea,6
Stewart's. 'forth, and Clthtan 1 Villages of Bay-
Celd, BrUseels, Elyth Exeter and Wert -
PASTURE LAND VOR SALE- The iialli tewualtIlle et Aorris. McK111011,
Turnborry, Hay and Stepiren.
under's!gred Is oftorIng for sale the
otOiCe PteCe of Pasture, land In Stephen, One of tour cStizons Is ,!n Exeter this
being parte of Lots, 10, and 201 Con. Week to answer s' charge of supplying a
10, eentan.7, 70 acres, There is a. good WOlnan, who is on the prohibitory Ilet,
well of water and WlndLtalll on the pro- real?. liquor. He had known the lady
Pty, NV..11 lit sold reasonable and en for trilany years, and having ace -Wentz -
easy terms, Apply tO THOS B MART71,1 ally met her I•n Exeter" she askedf him to
Exeter itet her • a bottle of ale, which lie did,
not having ,the slightest knowledge, that
site 'was on the Indian list." If be
Ladies Tailored Suits1i
„,,,, „,.„
Black and Blue Serge titack in — prove tills ltt acquittal znust loll-
, ow ”-MItchell Ad,yocate
Neat Grey Tweeds. Special " '
The case. was tried before 1\fasistrato
values at $15.50 to $1 6.50—,
St ewart Ps. Kay and Sanders on Tuesday, and a
line of $40 inposed.
PIANO FOR SALE -A first-class
piano for sale at a bargain -Berlin Man. tame concert ;to bo tho Opera
uracture, Apply at this office, under the atispines of the W
WAIT FOR IT. -Don't forget the old -
PONY For. SALE -An !iron grey Po/1Y
for sale -5 years old, guaranteed not
to be afraud of traction engines or au- stated by Mrs. Betide, a, remarkably
tomobacs. Geo, ,Sanders, Exeter. ,clever reader of ,Detrolt. This entertain-
ment promises to be of .exceptional
It and 'will ex
The Mansri= House is now be"...ng,torn.
C. T. U., on Friday evening, April .19.
The cornmatele in charge Is tho same
as that of The Temple of Fame" as -
11,fre.. Silas Handford under the goe-
tor's care.
Mr. Wm. Snell shipped a carload of
the finest butchers' cattle that has kit
this station 'in a long time to St. Thors-
as on Saturday.
The anniversary services of the Main
Street Ebworth League were very bright
and *`citerestitrz on Sunday. Rev. Bark -1
er of SeaforLh spoke both morning and
eversng on League work, He also sang
pleas'ng- solos.
Mr. Burbalk, the great California ex-
per:rneatalist, has a new scheme. We
have no folds in it however, since we
heard -that he was planting onions and
potatoes together, Of course yau want
to know why? Well, it is 'said that be
gioped` that the tear-produe',ng quality
o f• the, •°retch). would so affect ths-yes-
thP, potatoes that they would weep so
cop:ously t hat irrigation would not, be
necessary ,e,T1 to that dry climate.
Personally conducted Grand Trunk,
spea'al train 'will leave Toronto 10.30
Tuesday April, 2nd for. Carnroge,
E dmonton and points in Manitoba, Sask-
atchewan and Alberta, stopping at all
PoMts on Grand 'rrunk Pacific West of
Pullman Tourist sleepers will be, carr
ied fully equipped viith bedding and Por-
ter in charge. Berths may be secured
in these cars at a low' rate.,
This is a.n exceptional opportunity for
those wishing to take adva.ntages of
the remarkably low one way settkers
rates or round trip iiionleseekers
tursions, through the American ett,te?
NO change of care.,
• Secure rckets, berth reservations etc.
from any Grand Trunk Agent. Toronto
C:ty Office northwest corner King and
Young e ,street8, (Phone Main 4209) or
write A. E. Duff, District Passenklew
Agent, "Toronto Oast,
• Delavare, Laoloawanilal
and Western Coal
Corapany s
•cel anything 91 the kind
that has heretofore been gitven in Ex-
eter -even the Temple of Fame, -which
proved such a -success.
TRINITY MMIORLkL.-Special servic-
es will be held in the Psi -vitt. Memorial
Church every night this week up to
Good Friday, when there will be ser-
vice morning and evening, 10.30 a.,m.
and 8 p. . in. On Easter Sunday Com-
o/Anon BeretO will 'be held, At 8 a. in.
and 1.1. m.; Children's service a1 0;
Evening' service with special music at
7.p. Members of the congregat5in
are requested to bead in their Lenten
Mission 'envelopes at the morning or ev-
ening service on Easter Day.
Word has been recerved. here by friends
of the deceased of the death of Mr. John
Owens of Chicagcr, at the age of 68
years: Mr. Owens was born In 'London
Township, and at an early age joined
the London Volunteer Cavalry In which
body he ,was an; ult.:car for some Years.
Deceased was a fanner resident of EX.
seer .and married Miss M. J. I-loltnan,,
youngeet daughter of the late Lewis
I -loll -Tian of Stephen Township, who sur -
vies :him; and to whom the sympathy,
of " the 're'ernmunity go2 out in her
ANNUAL MEETING -The annual meet-
. . „
ing.of The Exeter Lawn Ttowling Assoc,
Sation. was held ,the "Town- Hall en
Friday e.yeningv last When -the follow.•;
ing officers were.elected,-Pres., D.
Carkefytice-P,res , R. dart -14g;
R. N. 0:1'*eeehl Treas., 'N. D. Hurdon;
Chafilain;- Rev. E. W. ; Auditors,
J. SteWart., W. H. "Levett ;Grounds
iviessrs...Clarke, Beaman and. Col-
1VIatch, Cont:, IVIessrs. Stewa.rt,
Creech.,,Carlitng, Tamar -rand StanburY;,
Tournarneht Com., Messrs. Dickson,
man, Clarke, Bawden, Creech ; En -
Com., Meagre. ,Stewart Hur-
don and -Taylor. The auditor's • report
wa.s read and adopted. The mernbersh:p
hia.de the tiagtei,a 8 last year, $5,
. . .
„.. • Beaetionary ,-Storm Period; 'central On
.he, „,12th, 14U-1a:end a,. , _a at thc
centre -al: .,tha Mercury period, Under. the
' '- '.r. ' train of the Venus period,
, w'th. Moon on the celestial equator, on
, •
' ... - - . . ,
11y4....roruel,er will almost ,surely fall to
khr:catenin,g• coma-J....one, .-1e. em '
rise 'very hgh, ,and
• of ;wind, rain, hail and thwtdsr will
0);)est' hard coal' 14tn. and.1,5tp The
eas w •tre,'„ • cairiatr„;
Seetione, a,:fror
e vir,ea
S:dheY Fatrhalrn oMinitedess., Man.,
a former xedent of Bxeterdied recent.,
ly at Portland, Oregon, wbole on Its way Bus, Dray and
home from Caltforraa. The deceased had
b,lon no,or Itealth for seveW.I years,
and lwad been se:lour:V:41g Calltornta eaming
ht the hope to Tf•ATKOVO hI
eg Ott
but growtos worse he staxted 9D It.
horiTtward, trip and was Overtaken hY
deat,,h tntore ant4v4ng there, Mr. Fa;x,,,
batrIt left leter about 23 years ago
and NrIll be well PantAmberod, here by
the older ,reeidente,t 'Wag a Marks-
man of cOnsIderabfe note and was the
provindal chatnpdan wlug shot '01
(7,r several years. HO was al-
so a fancier of horses' and own trarile
fast oneo ;Iis time, He was one time
councialor and later Mayor of 3fInnolose
Re was engaged pn the ftwntture bute.-
netts when he d:ed.' Ile was an Odd -
fellow and a metnber of tho church of
Barley and Peas.
We have a large gnantity of
seed Barley and Northern grown
Peas for sale for seed; also lots
of feed.
Exeter — Ontario
Your orders in our line will he
attended to quickly and satisfac-
torily. We are here to please tbe
public needing anything in our
line, and we ask a trial from,you.
Orders left by phone or other-
ICE, PHONE 25, will receive
prontpt attention.
T.G. Creech.
Home Study
Thousands of arnbMtous young
people are being instructed In
tie ir Home ,Study Dept. You may
firnish at College if you desire
Pay whenever you wlsh. Thirty
Years' ExperZence. Largest
els Canada, Enter any day
Posleiens guaranteed. If you
wish. to save hoard and learn
'while you. earn, write for parti-
. • Cinton Business College .
President • Piiticiai
Important Facts
For Careful Shoppers
800 eakes,of Baby'8 Own Soap at 20c. a dozen, 300 doz clothes pine
at 50 pins for 56. Now on sale.
30 dozen pieces of China to be given free with our Drug Pre-
parations this month.
300 dozen clothes pins on sale next Saturday at 50 for 5c,
(Ccironatien Souvenir below cost to clear)
20 dozen Small China Plates (Saturday) 75c. st.doz, •
• 20 dozen Cups and Saucers (Saturday) $1:00 a doz.
10 dozen Tea Plates (Saturday)$1.25 a doz.
1 dozen Salad Bowls (Saturday) 40c. a doz.
New stock, St, Patricks, Comic ond Birthday cards in this week,
13 views of Exeter too, Full stock of Edison and Victor Phono-
graphs etc. now in. One price to all.
Step in and '-look around
The Exeter Ergaiii, Store
arload o:
'We have received the first carload of the Canada Carri-
age Company's Famous
Brockville Buggies
which are specially designed and specially built, in various
'styles. It is an education on buggies to examine these
goods, which are now on exhibition in our wareroorns. There
are over 200,000 :hesebuggies in use, which is the str°E1-
"The c ier11,.!4m7ipetts s°. metiling toyoi
Alen Carriagc P
ewellery Trade
You will be surprised and delighted to see the great variety
and excellence of our stock of
Watches, frowellry,
Glassware, Silverware,
anti Chinaware.
it le iropoesible to do better anywhere Ulan we eau do for
you, We ask you only to visit OM' store and seefor yoursePrea.
A. Marchand, Exeter
Jewimer & Optician
Furniture Dealers
Our tines of Furniture
are beyond a doubt the finest ever shown in Exeter. .All
we ask is that you call and examine the stock, which is most
complete --parlor suites, bedroom suites, couches. rockers; in
fact, everything in our line,
The Iteaaine Home Furnishers and. Funeral Directors,
Are You eady
With Your
Easter Bonnet
Our -Milliners are very busy, but are ready to take
your order for your Easter Hat. They are showing
some very dainty styles in the Newest Paris and New.
'York Effects. See our Hats before your buy.
New Coats & Suits
St11 a nice lot of ,Spring Suits -
and Coats to choose from. Nifty
styles and good colors. •
Swell Waists
- We nave a lot 'of new cream, silk
and Net waists. Just right for
spring wearing; also some good
Summer Dresses
• Ladies Neckwear
Our Ready -Made Dresses for the
...2Ladles, Misses, and Children are
just 'They are real 'beauties
and coras in all colors. Prices
very cheap.
i Collaatrsc, 0aJlpaab,,ao,tssn
,oiSelde very sin
a boet
and co
designs and patterns. Just what
.L'yo,4 want. All prices to choose
Dress G.00ds For Spring
. •
Bordered Voiles .nall colors.
Striped Voiles in alt colors.
' Tans, Blues, Greens, Browns-
- Greys, Blacks, in great variety _ ,
, ... • ”
Bordered and. Fancy Foulards; •
Ootten. Voiles, Marquisettes, jag-
ward Siks, Ginghams, .Linens, &.
Chanthrays'. •
Men's New Spring -wear • House Furnishings
Headquarters ,here for . .. For House., Cleaning -
New New. Rugs and:Carpets'
New atsd daPP, New Matting `..ge Jap Mats,New Lounge - N5w .
Laee' &•,.T.aPe8trY..:
' New Li.noletans'; &"0i10,eths., •
• •